#cirrina and Koi-koi match made in heaven and hell
yesyourstalker Β· 9 months
I don't know what part this is. I wrote this at 6 am
Slight NSFW mostly implied
Ikkan: Neta... Hey you ok?
Neta: yeah.... .. I'm fine I'm just waiting for him to leave completely..... He's such an asshole!!
Ikkan: hey come here.... Don't let him get to you okay? He doesn't know anything about you, your life and you never tried...
Neta: yeah.......he never got to see how amazing I am
Ikkan:oh you're so humble.... He doesn't know what he's missing come here [kiss] also you look good baby.... Look a lot happier... [Kiss]...Hehe...more relaxed...[kiss]
Neta: hehehe.....[kiss]
Ikkan: softer.......and warmer............
Neta: We're alone
Ikkan: yeah we are...heheheh
Neta: no cameras
Ikkan:....... .... You want to slow dance like we used to. Remember during our first date?
Neta: oh........ Ok
Ikkan: what what did you think I was implying?
Neta: nothing nothing it's stupid come here. Let's dance just the two of us away from the commotion.
Koi: so you must be my granddaughter... I've heard so much about you. You have straight A's, your captain on your turf war team, you play second chair
Cirrina: actually I play first chair now
Koi: wonderful!... Look at all that confidence and pride amazing... Oh look at me being so rude. Hi my name is koi koi you can call me Grandma Koi, grandma, admiral koi is also an option. I'm a former CEO now head of the advertisement for tech company venton industries.
Cirrina: weren't you the company that started out with game cards and now he's home consoles and arcades? You guys made jump squid right?
Koi: That's the one. I also dipped my foot in farm life raising krill herding sea cows some experience in going produce
Cirrina: I have a houseplant that I bought from the grocery store. I had to change its pot twice and it's taller than me now...oh I'm also skipping the grade and heading straight to high school next year.. My guidance counselor says if I'm good I can maybe even start college classes early. I'll get ahead of everyone else.
Koi: ohhh impressive... So proud to have you as a granddaughter. I see so much of myself in you. I can just tell you're going to be as powerful and successful as me.
Cirrina: I hope I do.......Grandma admiral koi.
Merv: they ran out of wine but I did snatch up the shrimp puffs They're not that bad..... Hello, who's this?
Koi: *ugh* ..... Hone... this is our granddaughter... Remember Neta told us about
Merv: ohhhhhhh nice to meet you.. you must be cirrina.... You're just as pretty as the picture he gave us. Nice to meet you sweetheart.
Cirrina: awww thank you........ Ikkan told me about you. He used to be a farmer. He told me you had acres of strawberries and would first place for best decal 3 years in a row. That's very impressive. You must know a lot about agriculture
Merv: that's correct! Wow you're really something!
Koi: I know! Ah! I just want to pick her in a bag and take her back to haddaido!
Cirrina:hehehe You're too kind..
Koi: well we have to go We're trying to find our kids. I know your uncle is somewhere.. do expect some presents to be in the mail for you sweetie. You just stole our little hearts.
Cirrina: ok bye....hehee
Mizole: You're a snake. You know that?
Cirrina: You've had spinach between your teeth the last 2 hour shut up.
Mahi: you think that is going to be mad when we bring this?
Warabi: what's so bad about it? It's just wine?
Mahi: when he expected us to bring drinks He expected it to be in bottles Something you just place on the table make it look nice
Warabi: Oh come on the parties like going to be over in like 4 more hours. We need something like this, that's why I bought five.....for the party
Mahi: We're definitely not going to use all of this. He just wanted one in the apartment
Candi: If he says anything I'm not involved.
Mahi: Baja! Help us bring this in
Baja: ok uhhh what is this exactly
Warabi: its for the party trust me
Baja: ok....
Neta: so yeah apparently I've been a captain for the military for 7 years and they didn't tell me- what the hell is this? what happened to the bottles of wine you were supposed to get??
Warabi: didn't have any I just so we just bought the barrel of wine. Five of them. I feel like that's enough right?
Neta: get a little too much where we even going to put this
Mahi: we can just put in the back and have waiters fill up cups
Candi: or you can just have all the guests fill up their own cups
Ikkan: That's not a bad idea...
Neta:....*sigh* ....... Yeah okay that's fine..... I'm gone for 2 minutes and y'all turn this into a keg party
Baja: You've actually gone for 45 minutes
Neta: ............ Just set up the barrels....
Ikkan: hehehehe...... Tonight is still early. Come on, let the guests have a little fun.. it'll be funny seeing some of these producers get drunk off their ass.
Koi: I hope one of them isn't you honey
Ikkan: mom! Uh hah.....wooow so good to see you!...... Neta didn't tell me.... He was inviting my parents. Mmmmm
Koi: well I think it would be nice to spend the holidays with my two boys this year...... I actually came here to see my granddaughter and also talk to my son-in-law. We had a conversation about installing a small arcade original in his original store to keep the traction going once his other store opens.
Neta: Yes we do need to talk more about that I also wanted to talk to Noji about buying vending machines as well, let's walk and talk. You look beautiful by the way Koi. Merv is a lucky man
Koi: you damn right it is... You know how long it took me to convince him to come here. I swear he thinks he bursts into flames interacting with people.
Warabi: what were you two doing for 45 minutes?
Ikkan: fuck off
Warabi: hehehehehehe going to tell your mom on you
Ikkan: Warabi!
Mahi and @fish-at-fish-fish-resort or caught stealing one of the wine barrels
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