#citizenship by investment africa
darnellafrica · 2 years
This is a good news, especially for affluent members of the African Diaspora!
In Egypt, investors can obtain a passport by investing a minimum of $250,000 with the option to invest $500,000 or more.
The program officially commenced on Mar. 14, 2020, and in April 2021, the Egyptian government established a dedicated department to review and process investors’ applications.
Kenya is also at an advanced stage of introducing citizenship by investment. In 2021, the country’s Investment Authority (KenInvest) disclosed that the move had faced little opposition.
Uganda, too, is keen on attracting foreign investment and is in the process of planning a citizenship-by-investment program to enhance FDI and provide opportunities for economic growth in the country[.]
Egypt 🇪🇬 & Uganda 🇺🇬 are ruled by authoritarians so anyone seeking citizenship in those respective countries should understand what they are getting into before applying.
Kenya 🇰🇪 on the other hand is a democratic republic & as a bonus they do recognize dual citizenship. Details about dual citizenship in Kenya 🇰🇪 are lacking, but the fact that the government is considering offering this is fantastic.
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mariacallous · 2 years
Qatar spared nothing in its preparation for the 2022 World Cup. Multiple stadiums and sprawling fan facilities were built from scratch—as was the national team, which includes players from Iraq, Sudan, Algeria, and Portugal, among others. Before building the World Cup facilities, Qatar invested in the massive Aspire Academy, a state-of-the-art soccer school and sports district staffed with top instructors from around the world who scout thousands of promising young players starting at age 12 from dozens of countries every year. These foreigners play and train for years knowing that, if they get selected to play for Qatar’s national team, they stand to gain both glory on the field and a rare, coveted Qatari passport.
But Qatar has not simply spent money to import and train a soccer team: It has also redefined the very idea of citizenship. Like most states in the Persian Gulf, Qatar is a majority-foreigner country. There are only about 300,000 actual Qatari passport holders out of a population of nearly 3 million. Pathways to citizenship are notoriously exclusive, and only 50 new citizenships can be granted per year to those personally approved by the emir of Qatar himself. Yet 10 of the 26 players on Qatar’s national soccer team are naturalized citizens.
To comply with FIFA regulations, the entire team consists of Qatari citizens. But these naturalized soccer players are not quite immigrant-origin  national heroes, in the vein of Zinedine Zidane or Zlatan Ibrahimovic.
These immigrant players all carry “mission passports”—documents that confer citizenship for the purposes of sports competition but anthropologist John McManus reports in his book Inside Qatar: Hidden Stories from One of the Richest Nations on Earth that these passports give the holders none of the benefits Qatari citizens hold: no housing assistance, no interest-free loans, no cash assistance for newlyweds, no sinecure government jobs beyond the soccer stadium. Nor are they permanent. A recent report by the Middle East Research and Information Project states that this type of citizenship comes with a built-in expiration date, making these immigrant players’ citizenships temporary as well as second class.
The fact that Qatar has redefined the very nature of citizenship—without fanfare, controversy, and with the sole goal of appeasing FIFA nationality regulations—takes this story of temporary citizen soccer players beyond the realm of Gulf labor exploitation. The creation of an entirely new type of citizen, without the same rights as those who are fully naturalized, places Qatar at the vanguard of a slow-burning but alarming regional trend. The Middle East and North Africa are becoming a kind of citizenship frontier: a region where certainty, permanence, and protection of citizenship is being uniquely and dangerously corroded. And Western countries are enabling this dynamic.
There is very little information about Qatar’s mission passports. The topic is sensitive due to the exclusivity of Qatari citizenship and the scrutiny Qatar has faced from some international sports bodies for its heavy use of recently naturalized players. The Qatari Ministry of Foreign Affairs only mentions mission passports in a press release saying that they can be renewed online. Qatar understands it is under the microscope—FIFA has scrutinized Qatari naturalization policy closely after a minor scandal about the Qatari handball team.
Nobody has been able to determine the exact duration of the passports’ validity, either. Neither the Qatari government nor any of its athletes have been willing to openly discuss the specific duration of this status. Two researchers writing in the International Journal of Sport Policy and Politics determined that temporary citizens are allowed to retain their original nationalities (Qatar normally forbids dual citizenship), but they are never allowed to physically possess both their passports at the same time. Some temporary citizens only see the proof of their Qatari nationality when their coaches show their passports to immigration officials.
McManus reports from conversations with Qatari immigrant players that the mission passports are occasionally upgraded to full Qatari citizenship as a reward for good sports performance. However, some immigrant players who won the Asian Cup for Qatar complained that even a year after their championship, their promised passports were nowhere to be seen. This raises questions about what will happen to the players’ citizenship statuses now that the Qatari team has been knocked out of the World Cup.
It is tempting to see the Qatari mission passports as an outgrowth of the kafala system, the infamously exploitative labor-sponsorship system that has defined much of Gulf society and has been the subject of much of the criticism of Qatar’s 2022 World Cup.
But if one only focuses on this system, one can miss the forest for the trees. The creation of a new, opaquely defined but unambiguously lesser form of citizenship is not a symptom of exploitative labor conditions. It’s a symptom of a regional erosion of citizenship. The difference matters.
The 20th century has given the region its fair share of complicated, conditional citizenship statuses. The Ottoman royal family went into exile stateless, eventually being granted French passports that allowed travel but did not confer citizenship. Kuwait, Qatar, and Bahrain all emerged as states containing substantial populations of bedoon—stateless residents who were not recognized as citizens and were, in some cases, denied even birth certificates.
Most significant of all are the post-1948 populations of Palestinians in Jordan, Syria, and Lebanon, millions of people who were eventually issued identity documents by several governments, such as subvariants of Syrian passports (Syrian travel documents for Palestinian refugees), which looked like and served as passports but faced adamant political insistence from all sides—save Jordan, which eventually largely naturalized Palestinians—that this documentation was not, in fact, citizenship.
Yet as complicated as these citizenship issues were, they were not regionally unique in the 20th century. Tibetans in exile have been granted pseudo-passports—but not citizenship—by India. Residents of American Samoa are “U.S. nationals” not possessing the full rights of citizenship. The disintegration of Yugoslavia left thousands of Roma people stateless. Issues of statelessness and ambiguous citizenship are universal in any part of the world which experiences crisis and conflict.
What is unique to the Middle East region, and what Qatar’s temporary citizenship category is part of, is a more recent, subtle, and pernicious development. Since the 2010s, the Middle East is emerging as a kind of experimental zone where the erosion of citizenship rights can be trialed. While Qatari soccer players are temporary citizens naturalized with an expiration date—even if the details of when their passports expire is not public—Western countries are increasingly comfortable denaturalizing and revoking the citizenship of their own immigrant citizens of Middle Eastern origin when those citizens are accused of terrorist activity in the region.
The very real threats of transnational terrorism and domestic radicalization have emerged simultaneously with a far-right political moment in the United States and Western Europe when some right-populist movements are claiming that Middle Eastern and North African immigrants are somehow not really American, Dutch, or British. Western security intervention in the region has proceeded alongside increasing western entanglement with Gulf nations’ sovereign wealth funds and investment in new fields beyond old relationships based on oil and defense, like urban development and education.
Along with these contemporaneous processes come new loopholes and exemptions when it comes to state sovereignty. The West looks the other way as Gulf states chip away at citizenship norms for expediency, and local governments don’t protest too much when Western governments strand their denaturalized ex-citizens in the region. Especially after the emergence of the Islamic State, with its large contingent of Western, immigrant-origin fighters, the revocation of citizenship became an appealing alternative to long and complicated criminal prosecutions.
When I first worked as a consular officer in India, the conferment of U.S. citizenship was viewed as an almost sacred act. Procedure and regulation emphasized that each case needed to be almost triple-checked, because the decision was essentially permanent. The renunciation of that citizenship was only possible after a deliberately difficult and expensive process explicitly initiated by a U.S. citizen. As in most countries, there are some enumerated crimes—such as a criminal conviction of treason—which can result in loss of citizenship but these are subject to a very high evidentiary standard and occur as the result of a trial. That isn’t quite how it works for everyone everywhere anymore. European citizens who have traveled to the region to fight for the Islamic State have found themselves subject to a revocation process which is, sudden, one-sided, and arbitrary.
In 2018, I was at a working-level meeting of Western diplomats in Ankara, Turkey, called to discuss the difficulty of repatriating U.S. and European citizens stranded in Syria. When I complained about what a headache this process was, a French diplomat honestly asked me why we didn’t just strip them of their U.S. citizenship. My jaw dropped.
Citizenship has been the definitional core relationship between a government and its people ever since the Enlightenment. The French official who recommended denaturalizing inconvenient Americans in Syria must have studied the “Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen” in high school, and he represented a government that holds this fundamental definition of citizenship as constitutional law.
Citizenship is legally and philosophically held to be as essential a marker of identity as parentage or a person’s name. It is not something that should be walked away from easily. And now it was being suggested by a peer over lunch that it would be more convenient to erase that bond out of expediency. He was right to point out that stripping those people of their citizenship would have solved all of my problems. If their actions could be held to make them somehow less American, they would cease to be my responsibility.
Western institutions in the Middle East have led the way in demonstrating that the definition of citizenship can be changed to solve an embarrassing problem, be that one of your citizens swearing allegiance to the Islamic State or the fact that half your national soccer team is foreign. The only similarity between these examples is the place in which they happen: a part of the world where it is felt that these things can be gotten away with. Qatar is not playing games with the meaning of citizenship in a vacuum. To mix sports analogies, Qatar is taking a pass and running it forward.
The erasure of citizenship rights in these cases can be tolerated by international legal regimes because they are considered exceptional. It’s just for some athletes. It’s just for terrorists.
But it doesn’t stay that way: The model, once implemented, is attractive for other uses. No one knows what those might be. Right now, a handful of soccer players for the Qatari national team have been given a temporary, degraded form of citizenship, and this is something FIFA is fine with. But now that Qatar has been eliminated from the World Cup, it’s unclear what will happen to its players. Like them, no one can be sure of what the future holds in regard to Qatar’s limited citizenship.
No one knows if Qatar’s citizenship policy will find other uses: say, if criticism of the kafala system will be mitigated by extending this limited citizenship to some foreign workers. What’s clear is that other forms of temporary or conditional citizenship are all being implemented under similar obscurity. I can imagine a future in which other countries, even Western ones, see the use in the Qatari model and opt to extend limited and contingent citizenship to populations they accept only begrudgingly.
What the world is witnessing in Qatar is an example of conditional citizenship, a term coined by the American author Laila Lalami to describe people who, through a web of big and small prejudices and bureaucratic procedures, have “rights the state finds expendable.” Her work is a critique of the implicit prejudices that can devalue the meaning of citizenship. The treatment of citizenship in the contemporary Middle East is not in any way implicit. In a region that has made it clear that some matter more than others, this kind of conditional citizenship has emerged in an explicit, if embryonic, form. Everyone should be watching closely.
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202247256caic2223 · 2 years
The Twitter fairytale of 2022 - Elon Musk’s upcoming to a true community sweet heart. 
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Once Upon a Time…
… there was a little boy named Elon Reeve, growing up with his mother Maye, and father Errol in Pretoria, South Africa. With his little brother Kimbal and his younger sister Tosca, they built the Musk family: a wealthy, publicly-known, and soon shuttered home. When Elon was only 9-years-young, his parents got divorced and the little boy decided to live with his father. Soon after the divorce, Elon became interested in video games, computers, and programming, as his own little escape from reality which will lead him to great success in life. At age of 12, he even sold his first game to the magazine PC and Office Technology earning himself his first $500 bucks. But this is only the beginning… 
Elon Reeve was not only smart and clever in the context of computers and science, but he was also a sneaky and sophisticated child when it came to finding his way to the United States of America. He dreamed of living in the US rather than staying in South Africa. One could say he never felt like a South African but more so an American, indicating early higher wishes and dreams to create his persona around him. 
So, young Elon decided to move to Canada after finishing his education in Pretoria and even visiting University for a couple of months. His move to Canada as a South African was possible due to his mother being Canadian-born enabling Elon an entry ticket to apply for a Canadian passport. Even though Musk preferred to live with his father Errol during high school, he sure preferred his mother’s citizenship. #sneakyboy Together with his mother Faye and his siblings, Elon Reeve moved to Canada… leaving behind their father. 
One thing we can acknowledge: Elon Reeve Musk always had his own will, plan, and look out for success. Once he arrived in Canada, he started working on farms before attending universities in Canada and the US. During his studies at the UoP, Elon held large parties to pay tuition fees, worked on business plans, and sold these. He surely is brilliant when making plans to earn money and climb up the ladder…
In combination with his brother Kimbal, a well-known “party animal” but also a “social entrepreneur”, they created Zip2, a company supported by numerous Silicon Valley investors. While leading the company to its success, Musk showered at a local YMCA and slept in his office. 
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In Zip2, a company providing and licensing online city guide software to newspapers, the Musk brothers invested around $28,000 in funding and working night shifts coding the website. In February 1999, Zip2 was sold to Compaq for $307 million in cash and stock, leaving Musk with earnings of $22 million. After co-founding and selling Zip2, Musk launched a financial service called X.com, better known as Paypal now. Like, wow. I love PayPal! 
Not everything is full of glitter and sparkles when speaking of fairytales: in 2000, Musk, former CEO of Paypal, was fired due to disagreements between the co-founders. While on a trip to Australia, Elon was fired by the board of PayPal, making Peter “Thiel the new CEO”. But fairytales, most of the time, end in a happy end: In 2002,  PayPal was sold to eBay for $1.5 billion turning Musk into a now-wealthy, bald-ish bachelor and investor. Even though he got fired in 2000, Musk as the biggest shareholder netted around $180 million with this deal. I guess I should start arguments with co-founders, get fired while on vacay, and still earn a huge wad-o-dough in the end…  
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Besides his booming career ladder, Musk experienced many ups and downs in his private life: In 2000, before he got kicked out by Paypal, Musk tied the knot with his college sweetheart Justine Wilson. Together they moved to LA where Musk was able to be closer to the space industry to create business relationships. In May 2002, his first son named Nevada was born but soon after died due to SIDS, sudden infant death syndrome. This tragedy happened after Musk founded SpaceX, an “American aerospace company […] that helped usher in the era of commercial spaceflight [being] the first private company to successfully launch and return a spacecraft from Earth orbit and the first to launch a crewed spacecraft and dock it with the ISS”. To push SpaceX, Musk used $100 million of the money he netted from the PayPal deal in addition to his money he invested before. With this investment, Musk was finally able to shift his focus toward aerospace. The 31-year-old dreamed of traveling and colonizing Mars, expressing his idea of Mars being “the only place in the solar system where life can become multi-planetarian”.
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With SpaceX, Musk entered the world of space and vehicle engineering, investing around $70 million in total in Tesla, an electric company focusing on clean energy. Tesla was first developed by Martin Eberhard and Marc Tarpenning until Elon Musk invested and, therefore, involved himself in further expansion and development. In 2004, Musk took a leading part in developing the first car, the Roadster. After debuting the Roaster, Musk became the majority shareholder and joined the board as one active chairman. Eventually, he became CEO in 2008,  after disagreements and changes took over the Tesla board resulting in a complete change of staff. After Musk upgraded to CEO, he “fired 25% of the company’s staff”. Hmmm, this sounds familiar when I think of Musk’s leadership style in present time. But we will come to that soon enough… 
While investing and owning several companies, Musk and Justine expanded their family after the tragic loss of their firstborn Nevada. In 2004, their twins were born through IVF, in vitro fertilization. Only two years later, in 2006, their triplet sons were born through IVF as well. When thinking of the loss of Nevada and the need for IVF insemination, you can only imagine how Musk and his wife Justine must have struggled on a  mental health basis. It is even more surprising then that Musk kept up with his career, making smart investments and expanding his wealth. When Musk became CEO of Tesla, Inc. in 2008, he and Justine Wilson split up and got divorced. 
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Skipping through Musk’s business and private life timeline, Musk almost experienced bankruptcy with Tesla and SpaceX but got saved by funding, investors, loans, and by debuting the first Tesla Model S in 2009. In addition, he married Talulah Riley in 2010 and in 2013. Yep, you heard right. They married twice. But nope, not because they did a second fun wedding in Vegas… Elon and Talulah were married the first time between 2010 and 2012, the second time between 2013 an 2016. Therefore, a total of two weddings and two divorces upgrading Riley to “the Two-Time Ex-Wife of Elon Musk”. 
In the meantime, Musk invested more, founded more, and dated more: he invented the so-called Hyperloop, which theoretically transports passengers from LA to SanFran in half an hour, started The Boring Company, a network of tunnels under and around cities for fast commerce, and cofounded Opan AI, a nonprofit company researching artificial intelligence and founded Neuralink. In addition, he dated actress Amber Heard, went through a painful breakup describing his feeling later as “I was really in love, and it hurt bad.” But only two years later, Musk met the Canadian musician Claire Boucher, publicly known as Grimes, through Twitter. Yep, you heard right: TWITTER! They both welcomed their first child in 2020 but split up in September 2021. Eventually, they welcomed another child via surrogate in December 2021 implying a love comeback. But after revealing the news of a second baby in 2022, Grimes tweeted that they broke up again. But before that debacle, Musk also welcomed twins with Shivon Zilis in November 2021, with whom he was working at Neuralink. They conceived through IVF as well, indicating a planned wish for children together. In total, Musk is a father of ten children with three different women so far. In an interview in October 2022, he states that he is “pretty sure there are no other babies [are] looming”. 
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So far the fairytale appears full of hard work, both in business and private life with a twist of love, numerous kids, and galactic dreams. But the best is yet to come: the acquisition of the bluebird. 
Elon Musk has always been a fan and user of Twitter, a social media and social networking service where users publish and respond in 280-character-long messages called “tweets”, by the launch of Twitter in 2006 only 140 characters were allowed. Twitter is either accessible via mobile phone or web browser and was created by Jock Dorsey, Noah Glass, Biz Stone, and Evan Williams in March 2006 and launched in July of the same year, while Musk was freshly involved in Tesla and still married to Justine Wilson. Twitter is a place for people to joke around, to express themselves, as a news outlet for organizations, sports, politics, tech, or finance. Through funds, promotions, and public talk show visits, Twitter became more and more popular and a “mainstream phenomenon”, as an example: on their 6th birthday Twitter stated that “there are more than 140 million active users […] and […] 340 million tweets a day”. By 2019, the number of active users increased to a total number of more than 330 million monthly active users.
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But with growing popularity, its controversies also increased: fake profiles, manipulating and spreading misinformation, or hacking. Especially political topics and events become more popular and the focus of Twitter users moving the platform from a humorous place to a minefield. Apropos minefield, in October 2022 SpaceX and Tesla CEO Elon Musk bought Twitter after a whirlwind of confrontations and debates for around $44 billion. He initially expressed interest in buying Twitter in early 2022, when he felt like Twitter was limiting free speech and undermining democracy when former US president Donald Trump was banned due to his violation of “the glorification of violence policy” in early 2021. 
By Musk’s take-over, he fired Twitter Chief Executive,Chief Financial Officer, and Legal Affairs and Policy Chief right away. Even before his successfull purchase, Musk expressed his plan of completely reversing Twitter: a new verification system, where verified users need to pay $8 for their verification, justifying that decision due to missing profit and fake profiles. In addition, Musk fires half of the 7,500 Twitter employees via e-mail. He explains these notices with a decreasing number of advertising partners and the long-term financial difficulties that Twitter was facing even before he took over the company. While advertisement is the main source of income, with the takeover of Musk, many companies and advertisement partners fear the increase of hate speech and the spread of misinformation with new CEO Elon Musk. By unbanning former US president Trump and spreading conspiracy theories, Musk fueled these fears by partners even further. Additionally, users and spectators question Musk’s decision of firing half of his team while promising to keep up high standards in presentation and moderation. 
While the CEO tries to portray himself as an absolute fan of freedom of speech, he lays off approximately 20 employees for expressing negative and critical opinions about Musk via a private slack channel. In November 2022, Musks asked his Twitter employees to either commit to tough working conditions or to leave while earning a three months severance pay. Once the deadline was reached, most of the staff members decided to leave and discontinue working for Elon Musk. So apparently Musk behaves in the complete opposite of what he is trying to accomplish with Twitter: spreading misinformation and uncensored content by allowing his so-called unlimited “free speech” which was GrEatLy impacted before he took over Twitter. But interestingly enough: more users from resign using Twitter now after Musk’s leadership than before. The Guardian predicts Twitter “to lose 32m users in two years after Elon Musk takeover”  implying a growing dispute and disinterest by the users toward Elon Musk and his lack of punishment, control of hate speech and false content, and technical problems. But when we ask Musk about the current number of Twitter users he tweeted this: 
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Fairytale-like: a mixture of blended reality and unknown future predictions while everyone involved is entertained. The known altruistic Elon Reeve Musk put his fate into the Twitter user’s hand. In December 2022, he published a Twitter poll regarding his fate as the CEO of Twitter. He asked the users to vote either in favor or against him being the CEO. In addition, he made sure that he would accept that result either way and show respect toward the Twitter users. Being said, over 17.5 million users interacted with the questionnaire by the end while 57% voted for him to resign and 43% to stay. Right after he tweeted his answer:
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As we know him: relaxed and insightful. Oh no, I think I mixed something up… It was not as simple as that: After an institute called HarrisX posted investigations regarding the poll results, Musk jumped on the train and questioned the results. He linked the problem of bots and fake profiles Twitter is facing to the results. Without these bots, the result would have been in favor of Musk, according to himself. Since it has become pretty quiet around Musk and the actual resignation from working as the CEO. No one, yet, has been confirmed as his follower. Let alone the question of whether Musk is going to follow the user’s will or remain without the wish of the majority. 
But what we know for sure: Musk and his leadership style is one of a kind. It was not the first time that he laid off hundreds of employees right after he got the power to do so: SpaceX and Twitter staff both had to get to know his style firsthand. No surprise that he does not appear to be a community and employee favorite. He is and, when looking through his career ladder, has always been a hard worker who does everything to accomplish his dreams. But this work enthusiasm is also expected by his employees: either they follow his long-hour work plan or they can leave. Some describe his leadership style and personality as him showing “a robotic lack of empathy and odd interpersonal mannerism”. When looking at his private life, the women, and the numerous of kids, we are not surprised that Musk must have issues when it comes to interpersonal relationships. I do not want to judge, but the questionnaire result, the huge backlash, and his private life only supportsthe whole controversy around his persona: he is for sure an interesting, successful individuum one could write a real fairytale about. He for sure offers enough tweets, meme material, and inspirational quotes for that…
But for now, we need to follow his tale to find out what will happen to Twitter and whether or not we might be able to travel to Mars soon. 
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riftrustuae · 12 days
RIF Trust’s Guide to the Safest Countries in the World for New Residency or Second Citizenship
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Mimoun A. Assraoui is our CEO. Moroccan by birth, French-educated, and based in the UAE, he’s perfectly placed to comment on the safest countries in the world to get Residency and Citizenship by Investment.
Assraoui is also an economic citizen of St Lucia. He insists “that our desire to find a safe space for ourselves is something innate. We’re looking to replicate the comfort and warmth we found in our mother’s womb.”
“Investors are drawn towards the world’s safe spots, especially if they are looking to relocate with their families. Here, in reverse order, using the Institute for Economics and Peace’s Safety Perceptions Index (SPI), is our overview of the safest countries in the world to secure a new residency or second citizenship.”
5.) United States
Anything under 0.2 on the SPI is considered a safe country. The US clocks in at 0.187. Of the 121 countries surveyed, the United States ranks 43rd – finishing comfortably above the likes of Brazil (115th), India (90th) and Nigeria (104th).The US EB-5 Investor Visa is a 3-step process towards becoming an American citizen. First, you receive a provisional Green Card after 27 months of residency. 3-6 months later, you receive a conditional Green Card which guarantees lawful permanent residency and US citizenship after 5 years.
4.) Malta
The European continent’s Malta’s score is 0.166. This puts it in 35th position in the safest countries in the world rankings. Malta sits above the likes of Algeria (0.214) in 61st, Kenya (0.358) in 101st, and Lebanon (0.203) in joint 55th places.
Maltese Exceptional Investor Naturalization (MEIN) is a direct route to citizenship in the country. A €600,000 minimum investment will see you become a national of Malta after an application processing time of 16-18 months. This Citizenship by Investment means you’ll be able to qualify for a Maltese passport, securing you visa-free access to 175 countries.
3.) Canada
The United States’ North America neighbour Canada is in 33rd position in the table. This is thanks to a 0.163 score. Canada is higher in the rankings of the safest countries in the world than Iran (0.248) in 75th, Mexico (0.299) in 90th, and  Tunisia (0.222) in 66th places.
With a C$275,000 investment, you can join the Canadian Start-Up Visa Program. As a Permanent Resident, you must live in Canada for a minimum 730 days (2 years) over the course of 5 years. By residing in Canada for at least 3 out of those 5 years (1,095 days), you become eligible for Canadian citizenship.
2.) United Kingdom
In 24th position comes the UK. It has a 0.148 score. This puts the United Kingdom above the likes of Colombia (0.292) in 88th, Ghana (0.369) in 105th, and South Africa (0.373) in 107th places.
The Innovator Founder Visa provides a path to acquiring a UK passport, enabling you to enter 177 countries without a visa. You can qualify for British citizenship following 5 years of Permanent Residency in the UK. All this starts from a minimum £200,000 investment.
United Arab Emirates
The SPI rates the UAE as second in the safest countries in the world rankings.  This is due to a 0.073 score. Roughly 50% of people living in the United Arab Emirates reveal they do not feel any risk at all of residing there.
The UAE Golden Visa is the only non-European golden visa programme established outside Europe. UAE residency’s physical residence requirement is a minimum visit every 6 months. While you can’t apply for a UAE Passport, the number-1 travel document in our Passport Index, you can enjoy visa-free access to 18 countries as a resident.
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How to Establish a Base in One of the Safest Countries in the World Through Residency and Citizenship by Investment
Residency and Citizenship by Investment is a fantastic option to switch your base to a less volatile country. To find out which of these safest countries in the world will suit you and your family’s needs, we suggest you consult a highly-regarded expert such as RIF Trust. So, contact us now and we’ll show you how to invest in a residency or citizenship.
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molakolako-blog · 2 months
What specific projects J Makoetla Article Marketing-Business Networking Company is working on?
J Makoetla Article Marketing-Business Networking Company in Arlington, Virginia, focuses on promoting international development in Southern Africa, particularly Lesotho and South Africa. Here are some of their initiatives:
Video Marketing: They create in-article video ads for businesses, posting them on various websites. An upfront payment of 50% is required for project initiation, and the recommended project duration is 12 months1.
Market Positioning: J Makoetla aims to position Lesotho as a competitive investment destination globally. They collaborate with local businesses, helping them distribute and sell their products or services internationally. Their efforts inspire active global citizenship and foster economic growth2.
Chamber Advertising: The company promises to advertise on both the Arlington Chamber and United States Chamber of Commerce websites, further promoting businesses from Lesotho3.
For more details, you can visit their website here. www.jmakoetla.com/
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eucitizen · 3 months
Navigating UAE Citizenship: Your Guide to eucitizen.ae
Are you considering becoming a citizen of the United Arab Emirates (UAE)? Whether you're drawn to the thriving economy, the rich cultural tapestry, or the world-class infrastructure, obtaining UAE citizenship can be a transformative step. To navigate this process smoothly, eucitizen.ae is your go-to resource.
Exploring eucitizen.ae
eucitizen.ae is an invaluable online platform designed to demystify the path to UAE citizenship for European nationals. Managed by the UAE government, this user-friendly website offers comprehensive information on eligibility criteria, application procedures, and the myriad benefits of becoming a UAE citizen.
Understanding UAE Citizenship
The UAE boasts a strategic location at the crossroads of Europe, Asia, and Africa, making it a global hub for business and leisure. For European citizens seeking to enhance their professional opportunities or enjoy a high standard of living, acquiring UAE citizenship can be a game-changer.
Key Features of eucitizen.ae
Eligibility Criteria: Discover if you qualify for UAE citizenship based on residency, investment, or special talent.
Application Process: Step-by-step guidance on how to apply, including required documents and timelines.
Benefits of UAE Citizenship: Explore the advantages, such as visa-free travel to numerous countries, access to top-tier healthcare and education, and a tax-efficient environment.
Why Choose eucitizen.ae?
Unlike navigating bureaucratic processes independently, eucitizen.ae offers clarity and transparency. The website ensures that you are well-informed at every stage, from initial inquiry to the final citizenship oath.
Whether you're an entrepreneur looking to expand your business horizons or a family seeking a secure and prosperous future, eucitizen.ae simplifies the journey to UAE citizenship. Visit eucitizen.ae today to begin your transformational journey towards becoming a citizen of one of the world's most dynamic and welcoming nations.
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gary232 · 4 months
Globalization Trends: 2050 Manifesto
Freedom of media, the press, and social media platforms, worldwide. There should be no restrictions on this, for the free flow of information should be transparent to the global public.
Free markets, without interruption of wars, conflict nationalism, religious fanaticism, extremism, older institutions, fascism, or monopolized powers that stifle human progression towards a more globally integrated world.
Social Security and universal basic income to end homelessness, jump-starting a person's life, and end poverty.
Asia, Africa, and the Mideast as are the new economic frontiers for labor pools and development through foreign investments, opening up these markets for worldwide consumers without the handiness of sanctions, wars, corruption, and conflict.
Nanotechnology should be deregulated to the free world market to help in helping solve medical problems and advancing the causes it can perform in the advancement for the good of humanity.
A resourceful planet, combined with renewable energies as part of the free market, recycling and deregulating the economic sectors to produce the maximum of their potential.
Internet in competition with the world culture (old vs the new), religions and tradition, nationalism, extremisms, and fanaticism. People do not want to change and live in the past, stifling worldwide economic progress in free trade. Sort of the like again, The Tree of Life vs the Tree of Knowledge, keeping people dumb for control or keeping people informed in order to change to make the world better.
Biotechnology is deregulated to save lives in the healthcare realm, cure diseases, and extend life. Used in agriculture to feed an evergrowing world population and end famines.
Information free flow, free-thinking, free spirit, free the mind without government, despot, religious prohibitionist regulating it, or controlled by the elite.
Integrating artificial intelligence with humankind, and civilizations, and setting the freedom to enhance life and extend it. Mainly used through robotics and smart machines, Humans will be able to replace human needs without looking for it from human intelligence. Both will compete for one another, sex, relationships, and human interactions.
A free globalized free market economy regulated by supply and demand of the world consumer across free trade and open borders and zero tariffs.
Increasing the population growth rates through government incentives of births, free support for births, and encouraging more legal immigration for the low birthrate countries to continue to develop with the rest of the world.
De-centralization, open immigration, free markets, and open borders to help the world economies and the world commerce flow to move quickly in fulfilling the supply and demands of the worldwide consumers, quickly giving the consumer reasonable prices, low inflation, and making the world more competitive in business.
Lifelong learning, free college to enhance job skills, on-the-job training, internal company, and corporate educationals systems, and those companies/corporations provide funding towards a public world educational system,
Democracy means any political beliefs the majority of the world in which is deciding the way the world should be, not monopolized by one political party, but by diversity, and choice without prejudice or persecution.
Freeing up the social media sites and expanding ones that want to grow through blockchains, algorithms, and the public sector. Without Big Tech companies controlling vast quantity sharing of the world's information to the rest of the world population.
North-South movement in world economies will be the trend with migration, deregulated immigration, dual citizenships, and relaxed border control open borders to be able to access labor pools, producing products to fulfill the supply and demand that will be needed in areas of the world.
Freedom is art, expression in the arts, content in social media, and media itself and should be free to produce content to that which sells, for the majority sets the new moral trends in an ever-changing world to meet modern times.
The future of Asia and the Pacific Rim will change in the next 30 years in a sense of population declines. Eventually, having to accept into their countries immigration, migrants and the humanitarian part of accepting refugees from war-torn nations and country conditions endangering their lives because of the failure of other country governments. For if not, we are wasting human capital, future consumers, and the human potential within our worldwide populations. We must also promote human population growth over trying to decline it.
New Age thought, universal philosophies, combining religions and philosophies to fill the voids that one religion or religion cannot fill, to fit individuals' needs for spiritual enhancement.
There will be religious and corporate fascism, nationalism, extremism, fanaticism, isolationism, protectionism, suppressive prohibitionist, unnecessary wars, conflicts, proxy wars, and power geopolitical struggles in which none will take complete control but just for power grabs. Short live fads in world history. Globalism will always prevail.
Information communication and transportation infrastructure must vastly be improved to meet the needs of fast-moving worldwide sales transactions in worldwide commerce. Meeting logistical movement of products, and services, keeping pace with worldwide consumer supply and demand.
Worldwide energy global sources and production should be free marketed, not regulated, not subsidized by any government, but regulated to supply and demand according to the worldwide consumer-driven marketplace.
Fracking technology is improving our extraction of oil and expanding offshore drilling to keep control of oil in check worldwide. The Oceans expand long distances, and many resources abound, this should be explored within environmental limits.
Diplomacy is cheaper than war and war is a racket. War destroys progress to which civilization has created or advanced to. Having wars for being addicted to oil and gas, because of some religious ideological fanatical belief, worldwide geopolitical power grabs in not working together with other nations through the United Nations. Feeding the Military Complex for weapons sale is a waste of resources to what has already been advanced in worldwide civilization progress and stifles the cause.
Recycling should be privatized for the consumer to get back in what they have bought instead of the government dictating it to their profit, that is communism.
Economics and using resources to the maximum potential over ideologies should be advanced, for past thought, the old ways should be rescinded.
The worldwide stock exchanges should run free to enhance capitalism and democracy
The world economy, not just the EU, should be integrated into decision-makingpopulation collectively through the United Nations.
Immigration for the future of social security, meeting the needs of the populations declined nations must be realized as a need for the future if any nation and the world is supposed to progress forward in meeting their and its needs
BRIC-Brazil, Russia, India, and China powerhouses will compete against the WTO, IMF, and the World Bank in influencing regions around the world.
Freeing the underground growth economies, like ending the drug war, prohibitions against personal and civil liberties, cutting into the profits of Law Inc, cartels, gangsters, pimping, DEA, and human trafficking profits. Excluded from this should be child prostitution and the harder drugs to be determined by the community and geographical area involved, most being determined by commerce
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laforetfrenchclass · 7 months
How Learning French Can Benefit Your Career?
In today's globalized world, linguistic skills are invaluable assets that can significantly boost career prospects. Learning French online offers individuals a unique opportunity to enhance their professional profile and unlock a multitude of career benefits.
Career Benefits of Learning French Online:
Enhanced Employability:
Proficiency in French increases employability across various industries, including international business, tourism, hospitality, and diplomacy.
Many multinational corporations prefer candidates with bilingual skills, making French language proficiency a valuable asset in the job market.
Global Opportunities:
Learning French opens doors to diverse global opportunities, allowing individuals to work and network with French-speaking communities worldwide.
French is an official language of international organizations like the United Nations, UNESCO, and the International Red Cross, providing avenues for international career paths.
Access to French-Speaking Markets:
French is spoken by millions of people around the world, particularly in Europe, Africa, Canada, and parts of Asia and the Caribbean.
Proficiency in French facilitates communication and business interactions in French-speaking markets, expanding career horizons.
Preparation for French Test for Canada:
Learning French online prepares individuals for the French Test for Canada, a language proficiency test required for Canadian immigration and citizenship.
Achieving proficiency in French enhances eligibility for immigration programs, job opportunities, and educational pursuits in Canada.
Conclusion: Investing in learning French online is a strategic career move that offers numerous professional advantages. Whether seeking employment opportunities abroad, expanding business networks, or preparing for immigration to French-speaking countries like Canada, proficiency in French opens doors to a world of possibilities.
By enrolling in online French courses and preparing for the French Test for Canada, individuals can enhance their career prospects and position themselves for success in today's competitive job market. With dedication and commitment, mastering the French language can lead to fulfilling career advancements and global opportunities.
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immigratetospain · 7 months
Frontier Investments Spain Paves the Way for Citizenship by Investment
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Frontier Investments Spain stands as a beacon of opportunity for individuals seeking to transcend borders and embrace new beginnings. Specializing in citizenship by investment programmes, Frontier Investments Spain offers a seamless pathway to immigrate to Spain, facilitating the dreams of those yearning to call this enchanting country home. With a commitment to excellence and a portfolio of tailored solutions, Frontier Investments Spain empowers individuals to embark on a transformative journey towards Spanish residency and citizenship.
Embarking on a Journey: Immigrating to Spain with Frontier Investments
For individuals contemplating a move to Spain, navigating the complexities of immigration laws and residency requirements can seem daunting. However, with Frontier Investments Spain as your trusted partner, the process becomes streamlined and accessible. Whether you're considering immigrating to Spain from South Africa or any other corner of the globe, Frontier Investments Spain offers comprehensive support every step of the way.
Citizenship by Investment: A Gateway to New Opportunities
Citizenship by investment programmes have emerged as a popular avenue for individuals seeking to secure residency and citizenship in a foreign country. With Spain's robust economy, rich cultural heritage, and high quality of life, it's no surprise that many aspire to make it their new home. Frontier Investments Spain facilitates this transition by providing expert guidance on immigration by investment, ensuring a smooth and hassle-free experience for investors and their families.
Tailored Solutions for Every Aspirant
Recognising that each individual's journey is unique, Frontier Investments Spain offers a range of tailored solutions to suit diverse needs and preferences. Whether you're seeking to invest in real estate, start a business, or make a capital contribution, Frontier Investments Spain leverages its extensive network and expertise to create bespoke strategies that align with your goals. From initial consultation to residency acquisition and beyond, Frontier Investments Spain remains committed to delivering unparalleled service and support.
Immigrating to Spain from South Africa: A Testament to Diversity
As the world becomes increasingly interconnected, the desire to explore new horizons knows no bounds. For individuals from South Africa, immigrating to Spain offers the promise of a brighter future and a wealth of opportunities. Frontier Investments Spain understands the unique challenges and aspirations of South African expatriates and provides tailored solutions to facilitate their transition to Spanish residency and citizenship.
A Trusted Partner in Your Journey
With a track record of excellence and a commitment to client satisfaction, Frontier Investments Spain has earned a reputation as a trusted partner in the realm of citizenship by investment. Whether you're a seasoned investor or embarking on your first venture abroad, Frontier Investments Spain offers the expertise and resources necessary to navigate the intricacies of immigration laws and residency programmes.
Opening Doors to a New Chapter with Frontier Investments Spain
Frontier Investments Spain stands at the forefront of facilitating citizenship by investment, offering a gateway to new opportunities and a brighter future. With a dedication to excellence, personalised service, and unwavering support, Frontier Investments Spain empowers individuals to realise their dreams of immigrating to Spain and embracing all that this vibrant country has to offer.
Dear visitors if you want to more information about Immigrate to Spain and our all services please visit our website. We have a website. We welcome you. CLICK HERE
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aptcitizenship · 9 months
Guide to Portugal's Golden visa for South African applicants
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The reasons for high demand from South Africans
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For many South Africans, emigration promises new horizons free from the country's economic and security concerns. Portugal's golden visa presents a unique opportunity, granting residency and a path to EU citizenship through property or business investment. This complete guide examines how South Africans can navigate the requirements and make the most of Portugal's allure.
Overview of Portugal's golden visa program
Introduced in 2012, Portugal's golden visa allows non-EU investors to gain temporary residency through real estate purchases, capital transfers, job creation, and more. After 5 years of meeting requirements, you can obtain permanent EU residency. For South Africans, the program accelerates the immigration process with minimal residency requirements. Simply visit Portugal once every two years to renew your visa. The low physical presence obligation makes it easier to obtain residency while still working in South Africa. The golden visa also grants you and your family complete freedom of movement within the Schengen Area. As of 2023, over 10,000 investors have used the program to relocate to Portugal.
Golden visa investment options for South Africans
To qualify for the golden visa as a South African citizen, you must invest through one of the approved options: - Real estate investment: Purchase property valued at €500,000 or above. This is the most popular route, allowing you to live in or rent out the real estate. ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ - Capital transfer: Invest €1 million or more in a Portuguese bank deposit account. Lower risk, but doesn't facilitate settlement in Portugal. ⭐⭐ - Business investment: Invest €350,000+ in a Portuguese business and create 10+ local jobs. Rewarding for entrepreneurs. ⭐⭐⭐⭐ - Fund Investment: Invest €350,000+ in an approved Portuguese fund. Suitable for investors seeking diversified assets. ⭐⭐⭐ - Research activity: Conduct high impact research through investment of €350,000+ over 5 years. Niche option for researchers. ⭐ - Arts investment: Invest €250,000+ in arts/culture supporting national heritage. Unique choice for arts patrons. ⭐⭐ Each option has pros and cons, but real estate investment offers the clearest path for most South African families. The high property value requirement is within reach for many.
Application process Step-by-Step for South Africans
While the investment threshold is substantial, Portugal aims to make the application process straightforward for South Africans. Here are the step-by-step requirements: 1. Choose your investment option Consider your financial capabilities and intentions for relocating. Real estate or a capital transfer tend to be the most feasible for South Africans. 2. Find a property or prepare your investment If investing in real estate, research locations and connect with realtors familiar with the golden visa program. For other investments, transfer funds and complete paperwork. 3. Prepare your documents Gather documents including your passport, background check, application forms, investment evidence, and more. Most will require apostille certification and translation. 4. Submit your golden visa application Hire a visa consultant to review your application and submit it on your behalf to Portugal's Immigration Services. 5. Attend your in-person interview Once approved, you'll be summoned for an interview in Portugal to verify documents and confirm your investment. 6. Receive your golden visa If approved after your interview, your biometric residence permit will be issued, completing the application journey.
Cost breakdown for South African Investors
The total costs for a South African family will vary depending on factors like: - Number of dependents included - Type of investment selected - Use of a visa consultant vs. self-application That said, the main expenses include: CostEstimateInvestment amount€350,000 - €1,000,000Due diligence fees~€5,000-€10,000Document translation~€2,000Application fees~€5,280Health insurance~€1,000 per person annuallyConsulting service fees (optional)~€5,000-€15,000 - With real estate investment for a family of four, total costs often amount to €800,000-€1,100,000. Significant, but well worth the long-term benefits.
Why Portugal appeals to South Africans
Beyond the straightforward golden visa program, Portugal offers an unmatched quality of life for South African expats: - Family reunification - The golden visa allows dependents to join you and attend school or work in Portugal, reuniting families divided by emigration. - Favorable climate - Portugal's year-round sunny, temperate weather appeals to South Africans accustomed to outdoor lifestyles. - Security - Portugal has extremely low crime rates, providing peace of mind for South Africans weary of unrest. - Affordability - The cost of living, healthcare, and education are all lower compared to South Africa. Taxes are also favorable. - Open society - Portugal has grown increasingly cosmopolitan and multicultural, easily welcoming South African newcomers. For South African parents seeking brighter futures for their children, Portugal ticks all the boxes.
Top cities for South Africans in Portugal
South African expats flock to Portugal's major cities which balance cosmopolitan offerings with charm: Lisbon - The vibrant coastal capital entices families and young professionals alike with its balmy climate, coastal walks, and lively nightlife. Education and jobs abound. Porto - This historic port city in the north is ideal for outdoorsy South Africans who want urban amenities alongside access to surfing, sailing, and the countryside. Cost of living is lower than Lisbon. Cascais - Just west of Lisbon, this former fishing village turned resort town has stunning ocean vistas and luxury estates. Perfect for South Africans seeking an exclusive coastal lifestyle. Lagos - For laidback South Africans, Lagos in the Algarve has beautiful beaches, family-friendly enclaves, and a sizeable expat community.
Obtaining citizenship as a South African golden visa holder
The greatest benefit of the golden visa for South Africans is the accelerated route to acquiring full Portuguese, and thereby EU, citizenship. After living in Portugal for 5 years, you can apply for permanent residency. Once you've spent 6 years as a legal resident, you can naturalize as a Portuguese citizen. This gives you the right to live and work anywhere in the EU. Your children born in Portugal also gain citizenship. For South African families, Portuguese passports unlock tremendous educational and professional prospects for the next generation.
AptCitizenship guidance can optimize the process
Given the investments and documents involved, specialized legal support can streamline the golden visa application for South Africans. Experts assist with every step, including: - Investment and property advice from local market specialists - Document preparation and translation oversight - Application submission and appointment booking - Relocation and integration help in Portugal For those who can afford it, consulting services are well worth the investment. They minimize headaches and delays for South Africans undertaking the golden visa journey. Read the full article
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maltacitizenship · 10 months
Unlocking New Horizons: Exploring Malta Residency by RifTrust
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Malta, a jewel in the Mediterranean, has long been admired for its rich history, stunning landscapes, and vibrant culture. Beyond its touristic allure, Malta has also become a sought-after destination for individuals seeking a second residency, and RifTrust is at the forefront of facilitating this journey. In this article, we delve into the intriguing realm of Malta Residency by RifTrust, exploring the benefits, process, and why it has become a compelling option for those seeking a strategic relocation.
Malta Residency: A Gateway to Europe:Malta's strategic location and membership in the European Union make it an attractive destination for those seeking a European residency. Malta Residency by RifTrust offers a pathway for individuals and families to establish a base in this picturesque archipelago while enjoying the benefits of EU residency. This opens doors to enhanced mobility within the Schengen Area, providing unparalleled access to 26 European countries.
Benefits of Malta Residency:
Strategic Location: Malta's central location in the Mediterranean makes it a hub for business, travel, and cultural exchange. Residency in Malta places individuals at the crossroads of Europe, Africa, and the Middle East.
Access to Schengen Area: Malta Residency grants individuals the right to travel freely within the Schengen Zone, allowing for easy exploration and business opportunities across Europe.
Tax Advantages: Malta boasts a favorable tax environment, with a unique tax system that offers residents the possibility of optimizing their tax liabilities. This includes a flat tax rate of 15% for non-domiciled residents.
Quality of Life: Malta is renowned for its high quality of life, with a Mediterranean climate, a rich cultural heritage, and a strong sense of community. Residents can enjoy a relaxed lifestyle against the backdrop of historic architecture and crystal-clear waters.
Business Opportunities: For entrepreneurs and investors, Malta provides a welcoming environment with a robust economy, diverse sectors, and incentives for foreign investment.
The RifTrust Advantage:
RifTrust, a leading provider of residency and citizenship solutions, specializes in guiding individuals through the Malta Residency process. Their expertise and personalized approach have made them a trusted partner for those navigating the intricate landscape of international relocations.
Process Overview:
Initial Consultation: RifTrust begins by understanding the client's needs and goals, providing a tailored assessment of eligibility for Malta Residency.
Documentation and Application: The RifTrust team assists in gathering the necessary documentation and guides clients through the application process, ensuring a smooth and efficient submission.
Government Approval: Once the application is submitted, RifTrust liaises with Maltese authorities to secure government approval, a crucial step in obtaining residency.
Residence Card Issuance: Upon approval, successful applicants receive a residence card, marking the official commencement of their Maltese residency.
Conclusion: Malta Residency by RifTrust opens the door to a world of possibilities, blending the charm of a Mediterranean lifestyle with the advantages of EU residency. Whether seeking new business opportunities, a change of scenery, or a strategic base in Europe, Malta Residency by RifTrust provides a seamless pathway to a brighter future. With expertise, professionalism, and a commitment to client success, RifTrust stands as a beacon for those embarking on this transformative journey.
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ourtriptoportugal · 1 year
Lagos Day 2 - Ponta da Piedade
Tuesday 9/26
Our hotel room come with a comprehensive buffet breakfast, which they do a great job at. Plus there is seating outside and I love eating outdoors. I am surprised they don’t promote it more. I expected less and they exceeded our expectations.
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The weather is perfect today just as it was yesterday— sunny and about 75 degrees. Today we are going to 1) the Pingo Doce supermarket to buy lunch we can take with us, 2) the Slave Market Museum (Mercado de Escravos) and 3) hike out to Ponta da Piedade.
First stop is the supermarket. I always enjoy going to the grocery store when out of the country so I can see how similar and different it is from grocery stores in the US. We are excited to find they have packaged salads and pick up two we can take with us. We don’t enjoy eating in restaurants for lunch as it is too much food given we are also going to eat dinner out.
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Next stop is the Slave Market Museum, which is located in the building where they auctioned off slaves. We wanted to go to the museum yesterday, but it was closed.
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Portugal was one of the first European countries to participate in the slave trade and Lagos was one of the first ports involved. It’s participation caused changes in the town's design, with the renovation of port facilities, the construction of new buildings and the increase in fortifications.
In 1443 the first major auction of African slaves took place in Lagos, with 235 individuals being sold. Starting in 1444 Lagos received annual shipments of African slaves who had been captured in raids or acquired by trading on the west coast ofAfrica. 
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Many slaves did not survive the trip from Africa and the living conditions in Portugal, dying before the process of Christianisation.
After the museum we headed to Ponta da Piedade. Our walk began on cobblestone sidewalks and end up on about 1 1/2 miles on a wooden boardwalk along the edges of the cliffs. 
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As I walked along the wooden boardwalk, two things caught my attention. First was the way they constructed the stairs on the wooden boardwalk The riser/tread is screwed on the stringer. I don’t know if that is normal or not, but I don’t recall ever seeing that before. I have typically seen the riser/tread and the stringer are one solid piece of wood. The second is the use of stainless steel Torx screws on the boardwalk. I never even knew Torx screws existed until about a year ago. Shows how up-to-date I am on construction techniques.
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Here are some pictures from our hike:
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There is a lot of new construction going on in Lagos at the coast. Although it is hard to see, the picture below shows 6 construction cranes in a very small section of Lagos. Foreign investment in residential real estate is a problem in Portugal and locals are being priced out of the market. Part of that was due to Portugal’s liberal residency requirement which provided a path to citizenship and an EU passport. But the government is changing those regulations to add further restriction to foreign investments.
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After our hike we relaxed at the pool before dinner and enjoyed the perfect weather.
For dinner we went O Alberto Restaurante, a very small neighborhood restaurant, where the owner is the only chef and cooks all the meals himself. It was an open kitchen where we could watch him cook a variety of dishes for the 20 to 25 guests who were eating at the same time as us. The guy looked like he was in his 70s but could sure hustle and multi-task as he cooked for all of us.
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riftrustuae · 1 month
RIF Trust’s Guide to the Safest Countries in the World for New Residency or Second Citizenship
Mimoun A. Assraoui, our CEO, is ideally positioned to discuss the safest countries in the world for securing new Residency or Citizenship by Investment. Born in Morocco, educated in France, and based in the UAE, Assraoui is also an economic citizen of St Lucia. He emphasizes that “our desire to find a safe space is innate, a pursuit to replicate the comfort and warmth we first experienced in our mother’s womb.”
Assraoui notes that “investors are particularly drawn to the world’s safest regions, especially when considering relocation with their families.” Using the Institute for Economics and Peace’s Safety Perceptions Index (SPI), here’s our overview of the safest countries in the world to secure new residency or second citizenship, presented in reverse order:
5.) United States
With an SPI score of 0.187, the United States ranks 43rd among the 121 countries surveyed. It ranks significantly higher than countries like Brazil (115th), India (90th), and Nigeria (104th). The US EB-5 Investor Visa is a three-step process toward obtaining American citizenship. After 27 months of residency, you receive a provisional Green Card. A conditional Green Card follows 3-6 months later, leading to lawful permanent residency and eventual US citizenship after five years.
4.) Malta
On the European continent, Malta scores 0.166 on the SPI, placing it 35th among the safest countries globally. Malta surpasses countries like Algeria (61st), Kenya (101st), and Lebanon (55th). The Maltese Exceptional Investor Naturalization (MEIN) offers a direct route to Malta Citizenship through a minimum investment of €600,000. This Citizenship by Investment program allows you to obtain a Maltese passport after 16-18 months, granting visa-free access to 175 countries. For those interested in Malta Citizenship and Residency by Investment, this is a prime opportunity.
3.) Canada
Canada, the United States’ neighbor to the north, holds the 33rd position with a 0.163 score. It ranks higher in safety than countries such as Iran (75th), Mexico (90th), and Tunisia (66th). Through the Canadian Start-Up Visa Program, a C$275,000 investment grants you Permanent Residency. To qualify for Canadian citizenship, you must reside in Canada for at least 730 days (two years) over five years, and for at least 1,095 days (three years) out of those five.
2.) United Kingdom
The United Kingdom ranks 24th on the SPI with a score of 0.148. This places it above countries like Colombia (88th), Ghana (105th), and South Africa (107th). The Innovator Founder Visa provides a pathway to acquiring a UK passport, granting visa-free entry to 177 countries. Following five years of Permanent Residency in the UK, you can apply for British citizenship, all starting from a minimum £200,000 investment.
1.) United Arab Emirates
The SPI ranks the UAE as the second safest country in the world, with a score of 0.073. Around 50% of residents in the UAE report feeling no risk while living there. The UAE Golden Visa is the only non-European golden visa program outside of Europe. Although you can’t apply for a UAE passport, which ranks as the number one travel document in our Passport Index, UAE residency provides visa-free access to 18 countries with a minimal physical residence requirement of just one visit every six months.
How to Establish a Base in One of the Safest Countries in the World Through Residency and Citizenship by Investment
Residency and Citizenship by Investment offer an excellent option for relocating to a safer and more stable country. If you’re considering Malta Citizenship and Residency by Investment or exploring other safe options, we recommend consulting with an expert like RIF Trust. Contact us now, and we’ll guide you on how to invest in a secure residency or second citizenship.
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molakolako-blog · 1 year
Organization's description
J Makoetla Article Marketing- Business Networking Company in Arlington VA promotes international development of Southern Africa (Lesotho and South Africa) by advertising and showcasing products of entrepreneurs, artists and businesses.
Services include advertising operations for the entrepreneurs and businesses, posting descriptive articles, ads and videos to increase traffic to their web sites or any products or services.
Businesses provide useful content to me in turn I advertise the business content link(website) and contact person.
In-articled video ads are posted on various websites.
Young Entrepreneurs in Southern Africa must not be left behind. Social Business Development Funding For Entrepreneurs is what we need to build #usaidopportunities or else there is no future for our children children's children. See what people are saying about ‪#‎usaidopportunities‬ Let's Build It Together! It Does Not Cost More Than $35000.00 For Entrepreneur To Start A Business.
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J MAkoetla Article Marketing-Business Networking Company is supporting them #usaidopportunities Services include advertising operations for the entrepreneurs and business owners, posting descriptive articles, ads and videos to increase traffic to their web sites or any products or services. It is also a platform for individuals to grow their relationships for their jobs or businesses.
Networking helps build meaningful relationships that are beneficial to all involved parties to exchange information and services.
J Makoetla Article Marketing-Business Networking company in Arlington helps to market Lesotho businesses, products and services to international platform in Arlington Virginia, USA, likewise positioning Lesotho as a competitive investment destination, inspiring and instilling active global citizenship globally. I have a ton of free resources for entrepreneurs on classic business sites I manage. They're getting value from my profile and my work as advertising specialist. They need funding to start their own businesses. It does not cost more than $35000 to start a business. Big banks won't help them because they do not have bank accounts or business plans but they have talents.
We promise to advertise on both chambers' websites of Arlington Chamber and United States Chamber of Commerce.
JMAKOETLAARTICLEMARKETING.NET J Makoetla Article Marketing- Business Networking Company in Arlington.
This is How I Advertise A Business On Pinterest! A business provides me with a profile( business details and/or commodities to be advertised, albums with products and/or services), to help customers understand the products or services they offer.
https://pin.it/1Me34FT via @pinterest
J Makoetla Article Marketing-Business Networking Company in Arlington
Sole Proprietor: JAMES T. MAKOETLA
Trade Name: J Makoetla Article Marketing -Business Networking Company in Arlington
Location Address:
ARLINGTON, VA 22203-2851
Classification: 57.B, Specialized
Call: 703-243-9321 [email protected]
Website http://jmakoetlaarticlemarketing.net/
Organization's description
J Makoetla Article Marketing- Business Networking Company in Arlington VA promotes international development of Southern Africa (Lesotho and South Africa) by advertising and showcasing products of entrepreneurs, artists and businesses.
Services include advertising operations for the entrepreneurs and businesses, posting descriptive articles, ads and videos to increase traffic to their web sites or any products or services.
Businesses provide useful content to me in turn I advertise the business content link(website) and contact person.
In-articled video ads are posted on various websites.
Young Entrepreneurs in Southern Africa must not be left behind. Social Business Development Funding For Entrepreneurs is what we need to build #usaidopportunities or else there is no future for our children children's children. See what people are saying about ‪#‎usaidopportunities‬ Let's Build It Together! It Does Not Cost More Than $35000.00 For Entrepreneur To Start A Business.
How to start a business with no money is what http://j-makoetla-article-marketing.business.site found to be a big challenge facing entrepreneurs everywhere. Starting up a business does not have to cost a lot or be expensive, #WorkWithUSAID especially when they are creating handmade products or offering creative services. In the third world (least developed countries) or the so-called developing countries like Lesotho young men and women have joined Facebook Groups and have made special efforts to start the following businesses on Facebook without money. https://www.facebook.com/groups/325406667616250 https://www.facebook.com/groups/1007592336026894 https://www.facebook.com/groups/1603821956538858 https://www.facebook.com/groups/421063218263198 https://www.facebook.com/groups/619846371438575 https://www.facebook.com/groups/921079234644700 https://www.facebook.com/groups/209919136075366 https://www.facebook.com/groups/635835496518353 https://www.facebook.com/groups/1679812678954635 https://www.facebook.com/groups/1155514334466776 https://www.facebook.com/groups/509701292452150 https://www.facebook.com/groups/514596088565734
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b-bbeecompliance · 1 year
Revisiting the Basics of B-BBEE
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As the leader of a South African company, it’s essential to grasp the significance of obtaining Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment (B-BBEE) certification. B-BBEE represents a government initiative aimed at fostering a fairer and more inclusive economy, offering improved opportunities to historically marginalized individuals within South Africa.
Embracing B-BBEE isn’t just about your company; it’s about contributing to the betterment of the entire nation. Let’s delve deeper into why the B-BBEE Act exists, who must comply with it, and what the various elements of the B-BBEE Scorecard entail.
What is the purpose of the B-BBEE Act?
Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment (B-BBEE) is a comprehensive policy framework designed to redress historical economic inequalities stemming from the era of apartheid in South Africa. At its core, B-BBEE seeks to level the economic playing field.
The cornerstone of B-BBEE in South Africa is the Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment Act, No 53 of 2003 (referred to as the “B-BBEE Act”), and its accompanying regulations known as the Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment Regulations (referred to as the “B-BBEE Regulations”). These regulations provide guidance on the practical implementation of B-BBEE.
The B-BBEE Act’s primary objectives include driving economic transformation and ensuring meaningful participation of black individuals in South Africa’s economy. This is achieved by increasing black ownership and management in businesses, fostering engagement of communities and employees in economic activities, and promoting skills development. The term “black people” in the B-BBEE Act encompasses various groups, such as Africans, Coloureds, and Indians, who meet specific criteria, including South African citizenship.
What is a B-BBEE certificate?
A BEE Certificate, also known as a Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment Certificate, is a document issued in South Africa to assess and verify a business’s level of compliance with the country’s Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment (B-BBEE) Act. This Act was enacted to address historical economic imbalances and promote economic transformation by advancing the economic participation of Black South Africans, including African, Coloured, and Indian individuals, as well as women, youth, and people with disabilities.
The BEE Certificate is an important part of South Africa’s economic policy and is often required in various business transactions, including government tenders and contracts. It measures a company’s commitment to promoting diversity, equity, and inclusivity in its operations and ownership structure. The BEE Certificate is typically issued by accredited verification agencies. The level of compliance is expressed on the certificate using a scorecard or rating, usually on a scale of levels from Level 1 to Level 8. Level 1 indicates the highest level of compliance and commitment to B-BBEE principles, while Level 8 indicates the lowest.
Having a higher BEE rating is often advantageous in South Africa’s business landscape as it can lead to increased business opportunities, better access to government contracts, and enhanced business relationships. However, achieving and maintaining a high BEE rating can require significant effort and investment in the areas mentioned above, and the specific requirements may change over time as government policies evolve.
Who should obtain a B-BBEE certificate?
In general, South African companies, regardless of their size or industry, should consider obtaining a B-BBEE certificate if they fall under any of the following categories:
Companies Doing Business with the South African Government: If your company wants to participate in government procurement, it will likely need a B-BBEE certificate. Many government tenders and contracts require a certain B-BBEE score as a prerequisite for bidding.
Companies Seeking to Attract Investors: Some investors, particularly those focused on socially responsible investments or those looking to align with B-BBEE objectives, may require a B-BBEE certificate from the companies they invest in.
Companies Engaging in Commercial Transactions: If your company engages in commercial transactions with other businesses in South Africa, having a good B-BBEE score can be advantageous. Many companies prefer to do business with suppliers and partners who have strong B-BBEE credentials.
Companies Committed to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR): Businesses that want to demonstrate their commitment to social responsibility and economic transformation in South Africa may obtain a B-BBEE certificate voluntarily.
What are the elements of the B-BBEE Scorecard?
The B-BBEE Scorecard serves as the assessment framework for companies operating under the Generic Codes of Good Practice charter. It encompasses five distinct elements, each assigned a specific weight. Points are awarded based on meeting requirements within each element, culminating in an overall B-BBEE score on a scale from 0 to 100.
Ownership (25 points): This evaluates the extent of black South Africans’ ownership and control within the company, considering the percentage of black ownership and the influence wielded by black shareholders.
Management Control (15 points): This assesses the inclusion of black South Africans in senior managerial roles, with points awarded based on the presence of black executives, non-executive directors, and the authority held by black managers.
Skills Development (20 points): This element measures the company’s investment in enhancing the skills of its black workforce, with points awarded based on financial commitment to training and developmental initiatives for black employees.
Enterprise and Supplier Development (40 points): This category evaluates how much the company supports black-owned enterprises and suppliers, with points granted for financial support and utilization of black-owned suppliers.
Socio-economic Development (5 points): This element assesses the company’s contributions to endeavors like education, healthcare, and community advancement, with points allocated based on financial resources allocated to these initiatives.
The bottom line
It’s important to remember that the information provided here is a concise overview of B-BBEE. It’s a complex and evolving area tailored to the dynamic South African landscape. If you have further questions about B-BBEE compliance, please don’t hesitate to reach out to our BEE123 team. We’re here to assist you in crafting an effective B-BBEE strategy tailored to your company’s unique needs.
Dear visitors if you want to more information about B-BBEE Compliance and our all services please visit our website. We have a website. We welcome you. CLICK HERE
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gary232 · 5 months
Globalization Trends: 2050 Manifesto
Freedom of media, the press, and social media platforms worldwide. There should be no restrictions on this, for the free flow of information should be transparent to the global public.
Free markets, without interruption of wars, conflicts, nationalism, religious fanaticism, extremism, older institutions, fascism, or monopolized powers, stifle human progression towards a more globally integrated world.
Social security and universal basic income are needed to end homelessness, jump-start people's lives, and end poverty.
Asia, Africa, and the Middle East are the new economic frontiers for labor pools and development through foreign investments, opening up these markets for worldwide consumers without the hassle of sanctions, wars, corruption, and conflict.
Nanotechnology should be deregulated into the free world market to help solve medical problems and advance the causes it can perform for the good of humanity.
A resourceful planet, combined with renewable energies as part of the free market, recycling and deregulating the economic sectors to produce the maximum of their potential.
The Internet is competing with world culture (old vs. new), religions and traditions, nationalism, extremisms, and fanaticism. People do not want change and live in the past, stifling worldwide economic progress in free trade. It's sort of like again, The Tree of Life vs. the Tree of Knowledge, keeping people dumb for control or keeping people informed in order to change to make the world better.
Biotechnology has been deregulated to save lives in healthcare, cure diseases, and extend life. It is also used in agriculture to feed an ever-growing world population and end famines.
Information should flow freely, be free-thinking, and have a free spirit. The mind should be free without government regulation, despotism, religious prohibitions, or control by the elite.
Integrating artificial intelligence with humankind and civilizations and setting the freedom to enhance life and extend it. Mainly used through robotics and smart machines, Humans can replace human needs without looking for them from human intelligence. Both will compete for one another, sex, relationships, and human interactions.
A free globalized free market economy regulated by the supply and demand of the world consumer across free trade, open borders, and zero tariffs.
Increasing population growth rates through government incentives for births, free support for births, and encouraging more legal immigration will allow low birthrate countries to continue to develop with the rest of the world.
Decentralization, open immigration, free markets, and open borders help the world economies and commerce flow quickly in fulfilling the supply and demand of worldwide consumers, quickly giving the consumer reasonable prices and low inflation and making the world more competitive in business.
Lifelong learning, free college to enhance job skills, on-the-job training, internal company and corporate, educational systems, and those companies/corporations provide funding towards a public world educational system,
Democracy means any political belief the majority of the world is deciding the way the world should be, not monopolized by one political party, but by diversity and choice without prejudice or persecution.
Freeing up the social media sites and expanding ones that want to grow through blockchains, algorithms, and the public sector. Without big tech companies controlling vast quantities of sharing of the world's information with the rest of the world population,
North-South movement in world economies will be the trend with migration, deregulated immigration, dual citizenships, and relaxed border control open borders to access labor pools, producing products to fulfill the supply and demand needed in areas of the world.
Freedom is art, expression in the arts, content in social media, and media itself, and should be free to produce content that sells, for the majority sets the new moral trends in an ever-changing world to meet modern times.
The future of Asia and the Pacific Rim will change in the next 30 years in the sense that the population will decline. Eventually, having to accept their country's immigrants and migrants, and the humanitarian part of accepting refugees from war-torn nations and country conditions endangering their lives because of the failure of other countries' governments. If not, we are wasting human capital, future consumers, the human potential within our worldwide populations. We must also promote human population growth rather than try to decline it.
New Age thought, universal philosophies, combining religions and philosophies to fill the voids that one religion or religions cannot fill, to fit individuals needs for spiritual enhancement.
There will be religious and corporate fascism, nationalism, extremism, fanaticism, isolationism, protectionism, suppressive prohibitionist, unnecessary wars, conflicts, proxy wars, power geopolitical struggles in which none will take complete control but just for power grabs. Short live fads in world history. Globalism will always prevail.
Information communication and transportation infrastructure must vastly be improved to meet the needs of a fast-moving worldwide sales transactions in worldwide commerce. Meeting logistical movement of products, services, keeping pace with worldwide consumer supply and demand.
Worldwide energy global sources and production should be free marketed, not regulated, not subsidized by any government, but regulated to supply and demand according to the worldwide consumer-driven marketplace.
Fracking technology is improving our extraction of oil and expanding offshore drilling to keep control of oil in check worldwide. The Oceans expand long distances, many resources abound, this should be explored within environmental limits.
Diplomacy is cheaper than war and war is a racket. War destroys progress in which civilization has created or advanced to. Having wars for being addicted to oil and gas, because of some religious ideological fanatical belief, worldwide geopolitical power grabs in not working together with other nations through the United Nations. Feeding the Military Complex for weapons sale is a waste of resources compared to what has already been advanced in the progress of the world's civilization and stifles the cause.
Recycling should be privatized so that the consumer can get back what they have bought instead of the government dictating it to its profit; that is communism.
Economics and using resources to the maximum potential over ideologies should be advanced, for past thought, the old ways should be rescinded.
The worldwide stock exchanges should run free to enhance capitalism and democracy.
The world economy, not just the EU, should be integrated into decision making collectively through the United Nations.
Immigration for the future of social security, meeting the needs of the populations declined nations must be realized as a need for the future if any nation and the world is supposed to progress in meeting their needs.
BRIC-Brazil, Russia, India, and China powerhouses will compete against the WTO, IMF, and the World Bank in influencing regions worldwide.
Freeing the underground growth economies, like ending the drug war, prohibitions against personal and civil liberties, and cutting into the profits of Law Inc's cartels, gangsters, pimping, DEA, and human trafficking profits. Excluded from this should be child prostitution and the harder drugs to be determined by the community geographical area involved, most being determined by commerce
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