#citrus fossil
deranged-fucker · 5 months
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citrus fossil, also going by citrus or fossil_citrus, is a producer that uses mainly chiptune and retro sound effects for their music. The melodies themselves are very relaxed and nostalgic, all brought together by the soft vocals they use, such as Kaai Yuki and Sekka Yufu.
You might know them from...
なんてね (nante ne), which as of writing, has brought around 400k views.
Other songs I recommend:
ふらっしゅばっく!(Flashback!) - Sekka Yufu
w❇︎ll - Kaai Yuki
星座みたいに繋がれて (Seiza Mitai ni Tsunagarete) - Kuzuda Yone
Go show them some love!
youtube | niconico | twitter
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zuli08 · 2 months
HAHSJSHA idk i just wanted to animate ;p
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Just ignore the screams, and don't think twice.
I finally did it I finally finished
Extra under cut.
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proxy0moxy · 2 months
ugh obsession ^_^
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makaylacar1 · 2 months
these are slides/moodboards based on the main characters of objectified. you can use these as wallpapers, i don't mind! they are best viewed in presentation mode.
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talking-objects · 4 months
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sketches of some fellas :-)
i have no clue when ill finish this, i rushed these sketches in the matter of an hour and seeing how its the entire main cast coloring, line art and shading will take awhile.
happy pride month btw :D
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blorpingtonn · 9 months
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I honestly should've put Fossil in smass and Gum in smash but I don't feel like changing it
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solarpunkwitchcraft · 5 months
"When the British Empire occupied Palestine and set about implementing the Balfour declaration, the fossil fuel of the day was not coal. It was oil. Promising deposits had been located in the countries bordering the Persian Gulf, and the central industrial project of the Mandate came to be the pipeline that brought crude oil all the way from Iraq, across the northern West Bank and the Galilee, to the refinery of Haifa. The Mandate as such cannot be understood outside the deepening control over the region in the pursuit of oil; and the Mandate used oil to reallocate land from Palestinians to Jews. In his forthcoming Heat: A History, a wonderfully rich history of high temperatures and fossil fuels in the Middle East, On Barak shows, among many other things, how the Yishuv wrested citrus production from Palestinians by linking up with the most modern circuits of technology: irrigating their orchards with fossil-fuelled pumps, loading their fruits on lorries, sending them over roads to ports, offloading them onto steamers to the European market – a symbiosis with the fossil empire by which the natives could be squeezed out of their iconic citriculture. The Mandate authorities systematically privileged the building of roads between colonies. Oil-based infrastructure tilted Palestine in the direction of the settlements on the coastal plains and further towards their patrons on the other side of the ocean."
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ritualcaster · 5 months
I wanted to run though all the stuff we don't know about objectified.
All of it.
Apocalypse guide:
Starsheet - onset advance, what are all three variants
What is ID: gestalt
Who is ID: symbiote - who's been talking to wagyu through the hive cores - what did they mean by "rocks" and "machines"
Concept art
Who is "Wristwatch" and why is he gone
Turtleshells Journal
Whereabout's for all the characters mentioned in present time
Who the 4 "?" Characters are
Morrigan, just the whole character really.
What are the lawless kings up to / how will they be used in the story
Whats happening in the other countries, and are they working to help the rings (or, why did they abandon them)
Who controls the dread tides
Character refs (I can't belive this needs a section)
The blacked out text in Ghost Peppers ref
Gums scar[s] (basically just "cherry")
From here onward, It's plot speculation, and the sections are labeled after characters rather than the website elements.
Parents / the full story of the flashback in "Venatics"
Why is he like some kind of fucked up vampire
What is his relation to Morrigan
He's just some guy.
No questions here.
What happened to the rest of her pack
Her relation to Warhammer (if any?)
Related to "PILOBOLUS" from the story in "Stranded", but how
What happened to Cattail (Fully considering that he probably died of course)
Wheres Mushrooms mother (Mentioned and shown in turtleshells journal) And Is she the relation to "Pilobus"
Why is the entire district empty?
Not much about his past can be used for plot
No questions
Brandy + Minty
Maple syrup (at fort blanket, mainly what happened to her if relevant to plot)
"The old stories from Ankh" - the first had plot relevance with mushroom, if there are more i expect similar things.
There's little depth in their past, namely just their time in marshlight.
Her past with Push
Health problems with being a defect object (hinted at in "babs'" ref sheet, confirmed in qna)
Why she checked Painkillers eyes
The water thing she has (its quite possible its just because shes part gator, but i feel something deeper than that)
From marshlight, but we have literally no idea about their past other than that.
Theres no material for questions.
Past in Demon's diner (namely with the lawless king she half-mentioned in "control")
Ghost pepper being and actual ghost (???)
How did he retain control? And why?
Who's trying to talk to him? And why?
What's with all the crow foreshadowing? (Probably Morrigan again)
Whats the full story with her 'version' of starsheet [Snowsheet? Onset advance?]
The story of her exes (all 7 of them)
The scar from "Cherry" (already mentioned this one but i'm curious)
Basically her entire past, (with multiple lawless kings?)
Overarching plot / Parasites
How will three-spines evolve and affect characters?
Who created the parasites, and why?
Where, is everyone? (Cattail, pushpin, turtleshell, everyone in middle ring, the lawless kings, characters from gums past.)
How is starsheet going to affect nearly half the characters, especially the onset advance variants.
If i remember right, in the qna, chester mentioned he had "special quirks" planned for every character. - [Everything that will be in the 'Everything else' category in the apocalypse guide.]
The the next late stage event
Ok, i mentioned a few things twice, but i think thats all my questions right now.
All i can hope is that i'm asking the right ones.
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uncle-mojave · 10 months
Man I love local history.
My small region was home to early fish and sea life 450 million years ago. Silver got trapped in the coral and fossilized. Then it was just like the bayou 150 million years ago hosting a ton of dinosaurs and crocodiles. It saw roaming mastadons, giant sloths and saber cats. Humans were here 14,000 years ago. Then you had the Spanish in this area mining for gold and silver. The Mexicans after indepence. The Mormons. The ex Confederates. Boom mining towns and busts. Biggest source of fruit in the southwest until Phoenix got citrus trees. Fallout zone from the Nevada Test Site and Uranium boom mines that screwed me up. All sorts of craziness in this tiny northeastern corner of the Mojave.
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oscconfessions · 7 months
Objectified sucks! I mean - he has artstyle and some interesting details. BUT THATS ALL I GUESS. BECAUSE - 1) Its suppose to be a apocalypse comic, where is objects against parasites. But we get a freaking "gayass love drama" in all characters arcs, a killers/murders characters. Seriously fans of some characters (Citrus, Dynamite, Razor) - they defend them by justifying this. And also disgusting to see when this fans say all the time - "well, they are cuties, hot, wuggie-huggie pookies uuu, look at my girl/boy, how you cant like them uwu" - SCREW YOU 2) As i said - its love-drama (but actually comedy, that not funny) - HELLO! THERE IS DAMN APOCALYPSE, I NEED LORE ABOUT HOW THIS THINGS KILL OBJECTS! Only Painkiller and Fossil has something of that and probably new chapter with Comet. But not enough! 3) Turtleshell book - its not bad, its really well done fanfic but here is question - WHY DO I NEED THIS? Its not about Objectified, its another story! And for what? Only to know that Razor dad is giant ass Warhammer? woah! (clapping fast). 4) Citrus and Wagyu - the worst characters ever. First just a disgusting lier and also abuser, who killed probably hundred innocents! He is damn murder, how FAQ he has FANbase?! but at the same time boring as hell FATASS. Wagyu - the most idiotic and useless. Only his super ass power to being infested and being ded 2000. BUT EVEN THIS NOT WELL DONE WRITE! HE STILL BORING... 5) Objectified fanbase abuse a CiderAmese - cause thought that if Objectified has a object-monster (aka animals), thats mean this is a original of all object-monsters When CiderAmese steal this. NO - CiderAmese draw object-monster before, even before the creator of Obj join in OSC.... speaking about Obj creator - 6) As i saw and read, he actually not so good person and did a lotsa bad things. Thats why he delete all his social medias and hide. But i think he learn a lesson, and when QA that he and his team planned one day publish (as i think, not sure about this sorry) - there is will be (I HOPE) explains, or just official apologies.
This comic has a potential, but i can see only love-salty drama. Stupid characters and absolutely zero about Parasite and object conflict. Oh and Spool is British... the most scariest thing ever!!!
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shreddheir · 3 months
KT lore passione explanation.
Giorno’s Passione doesn’t need to have constant profits. They’re self sustaining from the inside (this will be elaborated on later). But they still need to do something in order to maintain their control of Italy and keep them feared and respected. This Passione is all about social power. It’s as much of a booming industry as the narcotics trade was. Information dealing, blackmail, extortion, manipulating political parties—they do all that, and do it well. Of course, they still participate in the businesses of smuggling, illegal betting, and making people disappear, to name a few. It’s a good idea to cater to all sorts of clientele.
The members:
The Passione members we see in KT lore are the new equivalent of “Unita Especial”. They are Giorno’s closest inner circle.
Giorno Giovanna———The Boss
Stand: Gold Experience (Requiem).
You all know who he is. He’s the man, the myth, the legend. His role is self explanatory. He’s one of the most influential men in the country, and one of, if not the most powerful stand user in existence. It’s thanks to him that Terunosuke was able to return to human form. Giorno sees all of Italy as his domain to protect. Though most of what he does is morally dubious at best, he wants this country to flourish and move towards a good future. A future he plans from behind the scenes.
Despite public backlash, Italy uses almost no fossil fuels anymore. Similarly, fracking and ecologically damaging business practices are banned, with hefty prison times. Regardless of the politician in office, these laws are not challenged or repealed. I wonder why?
Pannacotta Fugo——head of logistics.
Stand: Purple Haze (distortion)
He keeps the gears of Passione HQ turning. Though he doesn’t do all the logistic work (that’s what subordinates are for), he has the final say on most of it, and he handles anything stand-related or otherwise classified. Though he’s been a part of some spectacular operations back in the day, he currently prefers to stay out of the limelight. It’s safer for everyone. His involvement in planning smuggling operations has lead him to develop an interest in cartography. For a while, he was at peace. Then he lost another friend. When we see him, he’s barely slept for weeks.
Guido Mista——reluctant bodyguard.
Stand: Sex Pistols
Even though Giorno ABSOLUTELY does not need a bodyguard, he takes one with him anyway, as it’s the expected way for someone of his status to act. Up until recently, this was Sheila E. However, she was killed while attempting to independently eliminate a threat to Passione, so Mista was promoted. He’s not too happy about it, but he’s had plenty of chances to leave that he’s never taken. In the years following 2001, he has also developed a complex about the number 3, believing that groups of three are inherently lucky but are also always doomed to be ruined with a 4th.
Panzanella—-The Medium
Stand: Heaven Knows
Wound: Phasmophobia
The head informant of Passione. Her ability in gathering the secrets of others is unmatched, due to the network of spirits she has at her beck and call. All Stand users can see SOME ghosts, but she sees all of them. She knows that the dead are always watching the living. Unexpectedly, her office is full of potted plants, many of which are named. It seems like a surprisingly lighthearted hobby for such a morbid and stoic woman to have. The three largest plants are a rhododendron bush she calls “Carne” and two citrus bonsais she calls “Squalo” and “Tiziano.” Her 3 favorite things in life are her wife Champagne, her hearse, and the cleanser spirits that follow her around and listen to her commands. Giorno is a close fourth. The factoid about the cleansers and the plants are 100% related.
Champagne—-Head of assassinations.
Stand: Jigsaw Feeling
A woman who joined passione while running from her old life and quickly moved up the ranks. She had a hand-picked team of assassins that were some of her closest friends, and moschino picked them off one by one. When we see her in the story, her desire for revenge is all-consuming, but she does a good job hiding it under her irreverent attitude. She is fascinated by the human body to no end, and uses her missions to indulge her morbid curiosity. If her target has interesting eyes and she’s got the time, she’ll swap theirs out for hers. When she’s off the clock, she enjoys sewing and being better than her wife Panzanella in Every Video Game.
The House of the Rising Sun——-The Supplier. Stand: House of the Rising Sun.
This is why Passione doesn’t need to worry about lost money from drug trafficking. This is why no one has ever survived infiltrating their HQ. This IS their HQ. Rising sun is a sentient, stand using building with total control over its impossibly big interior. It can just. Create matter. From NOWHERE. Arms, food, clothes, money,….. it summons all these into existence without a catch. It communicates through signs and has awareness of everything inside of its “body”; even people’s thoughts.
It’s benevolent to allies of passione, but it views humans that aren’t Giorno as below it, much like you might view a cute animal as below you. Like, you want to protect them and see them thrive, but they aren’t at the same level that you are. After all, it is a requiem stand. Only giorno knows how it came to be.
thanks for reading!
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amberr-r · 8 months
hi hrlelo here is me rambling on about my ii/objectified au
everything in the story is basically the same except for microphone and taco, who still have a slight dislike of eachother as they team up to recover soap (fuzzball) and pickle (sharps, in this au taco and pickle arent together, yet when pickle died taco still had a feeling to recover him??)
anyways so basically
test tube - spool
fan - citrus
lightbulb - dynamite
paintbrush - mushroom
balloon - brandy
nickel - minty
bot - sugarcube
razor - microphone
gum - taco
fossil - oj
painkiller - paper
dragonscale - (ghost) bow (her group is baseball, knife, yinyang [seperated])
comet - either candle or tissues, maybe suitcase??
wagyu - apple (shes both rotting and has the infection)
fuzzball is soap,, gin is probably trophy? ? ghost (dragonscale’s wife) is marshmallow
might have to revamp the whole storyline of objectified a bit for this to work but whatever!!!!!
also lightbulb might be a cheetah and not a jaguar, still deciding
oj’s partner in marshlight (i forgot their name or who they were supposed to be) is salt
some doodles (somewhat concept)
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i lovw creaturified mic🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼godbless
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makaylacar1 · 2 months
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Heyy! You may call me any one of these: - Shark - PP - Sour - 𝓯𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂/j she/he/they! I don't mind which ^^ TAGS!! #PP's dumbshit - shitposts / random dumb stuff #PP's STUPID FREETIME DRAWINGS - drawings NOT requested #PP's art reqs - drawings REQUESTED I'm a minor, under 15, so please, no heavy NSFW jokes directed towards me!! I'm a bit funky, especially ship + headcanon + au wise. BY THE WAY! These are my opinions, and as far as I know, no ships are canon in Inanimate Insanity. (except for maybe SilverCandle) You're allowed to ship whatever you want! This is just my preference and for everybody else's comfort, I will list ships I like! Will I give an explanation? A brief and stupid one. I won't be blocking anybody because of their ships and what they don't ship, but I just thought I should say this. Things I like (bold = hyperfixation): - Inanimate Insanity - Objectified - osc / object shows - BFDI (all seasons ig) - Nichijou - Shikanokonokonoko - Puella Magi Madoka Magica - Semi-dark humour - oc x canon - My Ocs?? - Vocaloid music - Spotify - Satire/Crack/Rare Ships - Inanimate Insanity, if you didn't know - uh uh plushies - drawing STUPID FUCKING SHIT - idk true crime?? - Smosh ~ DNI: - Pro$h1pp3rs - All the usually dni stuff ~ INTERACT SLPSSLLS: - Inanimate Insanity Fans! - Objectified fans!! - idk what to add!! <3 - bi Taco supporters :3 ~ Characters I fw!! (favourite children) ((Will constantly change)) Inanimate Insanity: Taco Blueberry Silver Spoon Trophy Test Tube Suitcase Baseball Nickel Candle Soap Pickle Clover MePhone3gs Objectified: Wagyu Mushroom Comet Dynamite Painkiller Razor Brandy Citrus Fossil BFDI / BFB / TPOT: Snowball Golfball Fanny Four / 4 Blocky Flower idk I don't watch this one as much :( FFALW: USB Cloudy Fsh Bowl Spear Mint Nail Polish Xavier Ace ~
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uhh uh idk who made this but credits to them!! 🫶
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