kismetfakemon · 2 years
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Name: Metasquall Name Etymology: Portmanteau of Metastability and Squall Classification: Self-Made Pokemon Type: Data/Gale Evolution Methid: Does not evolve from or into any known Pokemon. Flavour Text: Created from the remains of the Mewtwo experiment.  Using the data and artificial intelligence programmes leftover after Mewtwo escaped Metasquall created a body for itself and fled the laboratory.  TO avoid capture from Team Rocket, it fled to Mezzo Isle of the Civisce region where it roams in peace. When encountered my humans, it jams their Pokedexes to have its name come up as Missingno with a Bird/Flying type.  If it feels it's in imminent nature, it can jam all technology on hand preventing Pokeballs from being used and phones being able to call for help. Glitchbreaker Data Physical 130 BP / 65 Acc / 5 PP An all out rushing attack. This move is guaranteed to hit Glitched targets.
(This Pokemon would roam Mezzo Isle and would be a random encounter. It used to be just Data type (before I called called Cyber) but I added the Gale typing as homage back to it’s supposed Bird typing.)
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250 milliárd Forint ilyen-olyan határon túli gittegyleteknek.
Forrás: https://www.facebook.com/Civiscity/posts/639760254127385
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study-hood · 7 years
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Hi! Sorry that I wasn't posting but I was too lazy to do this. Thank you soo much for many follovers. My new polisch, chemistry and civisc notes. Working hard make the best results.
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kismetfakemon · 2 years
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Name: Monarphas Name Etymology: Portmanteau of Monarch and Elephas Maximus (The species name for the Asian Elephant) Classification:  Autocracy Pokemon Type: Wonder/Aura/Amity Evolution Method: Does not evolve from or into any known Pokemon Flavour Text: Monarphas, in Zoetidon’s, Vulcaniram’s, and Fulminicorn’s absence, was said to rule the Civisce region. With Taothereal as it’s charge, it reigned over the humans and Pokemon of the region. A betrayal by humans, where they carried out a coup d'état on the Pokemon, left it in a stasis and with a grudge against the human race. 
(The plot of the post game would involve you trying to catch Chyparies and then fighting and catching the enraged Monarphas. Chyparies knows Monarphas’ location. After the events of the main game plot, Monarphas, engraged at Team Quietus’ actions, takes that as proof that the human race needs to be wiped out, ironically enough. So you need to stop it.)
Rancor Stampede Wonder Physical 90 BP / 100 Acc / 5 PP The user makes copies of itself and all of them stampede the opponents. This move does more damage if the user took a hit prior during the turn.
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kismetfakemon · 2 years
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Name: Chyparies Name Etymology: Portmanteau of a misspelling of Caprine and Aries (the astrological sign of the ram) Classification: Bridge Pokemon Type: Light/Amity Evolution Method: Does not evolve from or into any known Pokemon Ability: Divine Testament (Moves of the type corresponding to the held Plate or Z-Stone do not effect Chyparies) Flavour Text: The Pokemon isn't shy and often commiserates with humans and Pokemon alike.  This Pokemon was charged with delivering the gift of language to humans. Gifted to Zoetidon by Arceus, its talents of both human and Pokemon languages is second to none. As humans dispersed from Civisce to other regions, Chyparies travelled to them and quickly learnt  the new languages. As a result it is a master of many tongues and can communicate flawlessly with various species and in many different human languages and dialects.  Ancient Tongue Amity Special 110 BP / 90 Acc / 10 PP The Pokemon uses the power of ancient languages to attack the opponent. This may confuse the opponent.
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kismetfakemon · 2 years
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Name: Doryke Name Etymology: Portmanteau of Doric (One of the orders of Greek Architecture) and Tyke Classification: Statue Pokemon Type: Rock Evolution Method: Evolves into Ionidrake at Level 35 Flavour Text: It is often found guarding caves and underground dens. For what reason is unknown. Trainers do not try to enter the places it guards in fear of getting burnt from its flames.
Name: Ionidrake Name Etymology: Portmanteau of Ionic (One of the orders of Greek Architecture) and Drake Classification: Statue Pokemon Type: Rock Evolution Method: Evolves from Doryke at Level 35.Evolves into Alabastian at Level 60. Flavour Text: When temples are erected this Pokemon is mysteriously seen guarding it the next day. Trainers try to catch it and release it elsewhere, however, no matter what, it finds it’s way back. 
Name: Alabastian Name Etymology: Portmanteau of Alabaster and Corinthian (One of the orders of Greek Architecture) Classification: Dragon Statue Pokemon Type: Rock/Dragon Evolution Method: Evolves from Ionidrake at Level 60 Flavour Text: Ancient peoples would leave offerings for this Pokemon as thanks for protecting the temples to the gods they built. It has a particular affinity for anything golden.
Forgotten Power Rock Physical 100 BP / 85 Acc / 10 PP The user summons the power of the ancients and cloaks its body with it. It rams into the target with great force, and potentially lowers the target’s defence.
Name: Alabastian (Critical Burst) Name Etymology: Portmanteau of Alabaster and Corinthian (One of the orders of Greek Architecture) Classification: Dragon Statue Pokemon Type: Rock/Dragon/Wonder Evolution Method: Critically Bursts from a Alabastian holding the Alabastiance Flavour Text: It’s power is great and fear-inducing. So much energy is flowing through it that it comes out in cracks all over this Pokemon’s body. It guards temples for thousands of years, unmoving, except to attack desecrators.
Gaia Force Rock Special 190 BP / 70 Acc / 5 PP Alabastians Critical Burst Move. This move turns Alabastian’s Forgotten Power  into Gaia Force, and attack in which Alabastian gathers energy from within itself and the very earth is stands on in order to deal a devastating blow. This attack’s power is calculated using the Attack stat.
(I’d like to think this Pokemon is guarding the temple to Monarphas and you’d have to defeat or catch it in order to progress. This one’s another pretty drastic change just like Chevallyn. I like it!)
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kismetfakemon · 2 years
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Name: Dragonite (Critical Burst) Name Etymology: Derived from dragon and knight Type: Dragon/Wonder/Fairy Classification: Dragon Pokemon Ability: Levitate Evolution Method: Evolves from a Dragonite holding the Dragonance Flavour Text: It is said that Critical Burst Dragonite is the true forme of Dragonite lost long ago. It’s power is unmatched, yet so is its benvolence.  It always gives mercy to opponents, even those who have driven it to seek this power to begin with.
Astounding Summit Wonder Physical 190 BP / 70 Acc / 5 PP Dragonites’s Burst Move. This move turns Dragonite’s Glorious Haste into Astounding Summit, a move where Dragonite grabs the opponent bringing it high into the air and dropping whilst still holding the target. At the last minute Dragonite throws the opponent to the ground and flies off with the combined momentum from the fall dealing massive damage.  Glorious Haste Wonder Physical 100 BP / 85 Acc / 10 PP A move where the user rams into the opponent at a speed higher than 1500 mph. This move always goes first.
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kismetfakemon · 2 years
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Name: Goodra (Critical Burst) Name Etymology: Portmanteau of Goo and Dragon Type: Dragon/Rubber/Poison Classification: Dragon Pokemon Ability: Poison Touch Evolution Method: Critically Bursts from a Goodra holding the Goodranance Flavour Text: The slime covering it's body has become acidic upon Critically Bursting, changing Goodra's skin colour and temperament.  However, Goodra can control these acid levels. Predators, who try to attack Goodra will come into slime so acidic it melts their teeth and claws.
Astringent Garrotte Rubber Physical 190 BP / 70 Acc / 5 PP Goodra’s Burst Move. This move turns Goodra’s Intense Constriction into Astringent Garrotte, a move where Goodra strangles the opponent with it’s rubbery tendrils. Coated in acid, these tendrils start to dissolves the skin they touch. This move leaves the opponent poisoned.
Intense Constriction Rubber Physical 100 BP / 85 Acc / 10 PP The Pokemon grabs the opponent with a rubbery appendage and squeeze the life out of it. The opponent may flinch.
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kismetfakemon · 2 years
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Name: Novallite Name Etymology: Portmanteau of Nova and Satellite Classification: Rocket Pokemon Type: Steel/Star Evolution Method: Evolves into Astrollite at Level 25 Ability: Draconic Spirit (Gives STAB to Dragon type moves.) Flavour Text: It is a very fast Pokemon, but cannot turn unless it comes to a complete stop. This Pokemon was first discovered by astronauts. Novallite was trying to outspeed their rockets. It succeeded!
Name: Astrollite Name Etymology: Portmanteau of Astronaut and Satellite Classification: Rocket Pokemon Type: Steel/Star Evolution Method: Evolves from Novallite at Level 25. Evolves into Stratellite at Level 50. Ability: Draconic Spirit (Gives STAB to Dragon type moves.) Flavour Text: This Pokemon was first found on the moon frolicking with others of its kind and other Star Type Pokemon. Just like Novallite, it likes to race. Another game it plays is seeing who can launch themselves the highest. This usually results in Stratellite having to save them from floating away when they go too high.
Name: Stratellite Name Etymology: Portmanteau of Stratosphere and Satellite Classification: Rocket Pokemon Type: Steel/Star Evolution Method: Evolves fromAstrollite at Level 50. Ability: Draconic Spirit (Gives STAB to Dragon type moves.) Flavour Text: It’s quite territorial and has been known to destroy rockets and satellites that invade it’s territory. It is theorised these Pokemon are plentiful across numerous galaxies.
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kismetfakemon · 2 years
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Name: Castform Name Etymology: Portmanteau of Forcast and Transform Classification: Weather Pokemon Type: Varies Evolution Method: This Pokemon does not evolve from or into any known Pokemon Ability: Forecast Flavour Text: This Pokemon has the ability to alter it's cells and transform in response to weather changes. It is invaluable to meteorologists. Weather is Fog -->Foggy Forme Weather is Harvest Moon (New)-->Gloomy Forme Weather is Acid Rain (New) --> Grimy Forme Weather is Sandstorm --> Sandy Forme Weather is Thunderstorm --> Sparky Forme Weather is Meteor Shower (New) --> Starry Forme Castform now also learns: -Gust, Acid, Rock Throw, Thundershock, Pursuit, and Shooting Star at Level 10 -Foggy Mist, Acid Rain, Sandstorm, Thunder Shower, Meteor Dance, and Moon Dance at Level 25 -Hurricane, Gunk Shot, Earthquake, Thunder, Meteor Beam (now a Star type move), and Corrupt Assault at Level 35
Shooting Star Star Physical 40 BP / 100 Acc / 30 PP The user lunges at the target at a speed that makes it almost invisible. This move always goes first.
Meteor Dance Star Status -- BP / -- Acc / 10 PP The user changes the weather to a meteor shower. This weather raises the defence of Star type Pokemon and causes damage to non-Star types each turn.
Moon Dance Dark Status – BP / – Acc / 5 PP The user dances to summon the Harvest Moon.
Corrupt Assault Dark Physical 130 BP / 70 Acc / 5 PP The opponent is assailed endlessly with corrupt and malicious energy.
(Would you believe I thought I already uploaded this fakemon? Well I didn’t want to not include it, so now it’s a Mezzo Isle Fake!)
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kismetfakemon · 2 years
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Name: Flexibound Name Origin: Portmanteau of Flexible and Bound Classification: Bounce Pokemon Type: Rubber Evolution Method: Evolves into Rubbound at Level 25 Flavour Text: It’s very shy and wary of humans. But it loves nothing more than bouncing along on it’s hindquarters. If you spend time jumping up and down with Flexibound you’ll get it to trust you more.
Name: Rubbound Name Origin: Portmanteau of Rubber and Bound Classification: Bounce Pokemon Type: Rubber Evolution Method: Evolves from Flexibound at Level 25 Flavour Text: It’s hard to get this happy-go-lucky pokemon to battle as it loves making friends, even with enemy Pokemon. It invites everyone around it to bounce up and down, even creating a Rubber Terrain to make it easier.
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kismetfakemon · 2 years
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Name: Diglett (Vhendian) Name Etymology: Portmanteau of Dig and -Let Suffix (Denoting something small) Classification: Cosmic Mole Pokemon Type: Star Evolution Method: Evolves into Vhendian Dugtrio at Level 26 Flavour Text: It's a prankster at heart, preferring to shock and trip up people by disappearing into it's little wormhole and appearing somewhere else, even by a person's feet.
Name: Dugtrio (Vhendian) Name Etymology: Portmanteau of Dug and Trio Classification: Cosmic Mole Pokemon Type: Star Evolution Method: Evolves from Vhendian Diglett at Level 26 Flavour Text: It's prankster nature has mellowed out a bit, but has not completely been tempered. Its personal pocket dimension can store just about anything. Trainers like to use it as extra storage in case they run out of space in their Bag.
(Yes I finally came up with a name for this "region". Just like Civisce, it's not a true region, I just need a name for classification's sake. Don't ask me what it means, because the name came to me as I was falling asleep one day. (As my best ideas tend to do vuv.)
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kismetfakemon · 2 years
I have some fakemon I've drawn up in my drafts! I'll start queuing them up soon. Spoiler alert: they're mostly Dragons cuz that's my fave canon type! Be on the look out!
Also peep the url change! Since I'm done with Civisce any fakes I make here on out are gonna be unnumbered, and unordered. These are just ideas that come my way, nothing special like a complete new region lol
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kismetfakemon · 2 years
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Name: Nefareon Name Etymology: Portmanteau of Nefarious and Eon Classification: Shadow Pokemon Type: Shadow Evolution Method: Evolves from an Eevee who's heart has been closed Ability: Pressure Flavour Text: This Eevee evolution is banned in every region and having one is grounds for immediate arrest and confiscation of all Pokemon. After the events in Orre, any remaining Shadow Pokemon have been stolen and scattered throughout several regions. Nefareon is one of the most common, given how easy it is to alter Eevee's unstable DNA. It is absolutely merciless in battle, having no regard for anyone else, including it's Trainer. It will attack anyone that it feels is getting in it's way, humans and allies included.
Eon Burst Shadow Physical 100 BP / 100 Acc / 10 PP A dangerous full-body ramming attack. This also damages the user a little. (Nefareon is obviously not present in Civisce Region as Shadow Pokemon don't exist there. I still thought it'd be interesting to have an Eevee evolve with it's heart closed. 
Also I am still taking that break! These have just been lying around for a while. I wanted to upload them since I initially revealed all my eeveelutions but it didn’t make much sense to do so, thus here we are now.)
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kismetfakemon · 2 years
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Name: Crypteon Name Etymology: Derived from cryptid and eon Type: ??? Classification: Enigma Pokemon Ability: Beast Boost Evolution Method: Evolves from Eevee Levelled up in Ultra Space Flavour Text: Crypteon is the result of a scientific experiment to determine the true extent of Eevee's unstable genetic code. It's a more primal and wild Eevee evolution and it's recommended that Trainers do not try to obtain it.
Eon Burst ??? Special 100 BP / 100 Acc / 10 PP An extreme energy blast attack. This also damages the user a little. (This Eeveelution is not part of the Civisce Region dex as Ultra Space is not accessible in Civisce. I still thought it'd be a neat concept for an Eevee to evolve in Ultra Space. This isn't an original idea--I got it from someone else years ago--but the Eeveelution is totally different)
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kismetfakemon · 2 years
Total Stats!
I thought it’d be fun to do a tally of certain aspects of my region!
Total number of Fakemon: 370 (This includes branch evolutions but does not include Critical Burst Formes. Fakemon with Multiple Formes are Classified as 1)
Total number of Critical Burst Formes: 29 (34 if you count the different formes of Lycanroc)
Total number of regional formes: 56 (This includes the fake regional babies)
Total number of Baby Pokemon: 13
Total number of Fakemon with Multiple Formes: 15
Total number of Multiple Formes: 98
Number of Pokemon with Branch Evolutions: 11
Number of Branch Evolutions: 55
Total number of Fakemon with Gender Differences: 5
Total number of Legendary and Mythical Pokemon: 8
I think this is accurate! When you have 370 Pokemon counting gets hard. But yeah I put a LOT of work into Civisce and I hope you guys liked what I have to offer!
I will still definitely make more fakemon! I just need a break cuz, oh my god, I never expected this project to become as huge as it did. It started out with 150 Fakemon, then I wanted to reboot my region and add a few more--I thought of the Luck type and wanted to include it. Then that few turned into 200+ more and 12 more types. And now we’re here!
Oh whilst we’re at it, let’s tally up how many Fakemon for each type!
Amity: 36
Aura: 17
Bug: 24
Dark: 20
Data: 10
Dragon: 47
Electric: 27
Fairy: 12
Fantasy: 22
Fighting: 12
Fire: 24
Flying: 16
Frenzy: 15
Gale: 15
Ghost: 28
Grass: 19
Ground: 18
Ice: 20
Light: 12
Luck: 34
Normal: 21
Poison: 14
Psychic: 21
Rock: 18
Rubber: 22
Sound: 9
Star: 24
Steel: 25
Time: 10
Water: 44
Wonder: 10
I’m honestly surprised at these numbers! I could’ve sworn I made more than 9 Sound types and I did NOT expect the highest number of fakes to be Dragon types, oops. Dragon is my favourite canon type so I guess that swayed my decisions subconsciously. Luck is my fave noncanon type followed by Wonder. But I wanted Wonder types to be incredibly rare which is there’s so few. These numbers don’t include CB Formes.
Idk if I’ll make a new region or just make random fakes. We’ll see!
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