#ck 5x10
emily-in-crisis · 4 months
the cobra kai students in the background when silver was getting his ass kicked by daniel in 5x10
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taughtdefense · 12 days
me not telling mads about an ethrobby edit i'm making??? incredibly rare. do i want to? of course i do. but am i going to? no. but is it really hard to not open discord & start yapping? hell yeah it is
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destinyisall-tlk · 11 months
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evilelena · 5 months
I'm so weird, I fill out three-year-old Cobra Kai surveys on tumblr.
Karate Kid/Cobra Kai survey
It’s the year 2021 and you’re obsessed with The Karate Kid. How are you feeling?
Well, it's now the year 2024 and...fine? I was never really "obsessed" with the Miyagi universe until October 2022 when I started going through all the episodes for my so-called "fan fixion". it's not really fanfic; intentionally bad recaps with fictionalized elements are just something my sister and I used to do ages ago for the lulz. We actually did them for Beverly Hills, 90210 and The Shield. The Cobra Kai ones are done by me; but my sister remains my one consistent reader. She's also the one who challenged me to incorporate the phrases "practice dumby" (yes, spelled that way), "Why is this happening to me?!", and "Ouch, ouch, oh, ouch!" (a line from one of my old childhood stories) into all of my recaps -- or whatever you want to call them. (In case anybody ever looks at those and thinks wtf?.) Despite not being "obsessed" until a year and a half ago, I still really liked CK and re-watched many episodes even before October 2022!
Did you grow up with TKK or are you new to the series?
Kind of both? I was born...uh, long enough ago that I was alive when TKK was released, although I don't remember its release because I was a very young child. I did see parts of all three first movies here and there over the years growing up -- and I watched that masterpiece The Next Karate Kid in the late 90's or early 00's while going on a Walton Goggins movie binge -- but I never appreciated them until my ex-on-good-terms recommended Cobra Kai. (I'm pretty new to the "fandom" but have been watching CK since May 2018.)
We gotta do the basics. Favorite character:
Johnny, for sure. Second favorite is Terry Silver.
Favorite ship:
Johnny and Daniel when they're bickering and squabbling like an old married couple.
Underrated character:
Stiven. Too bad he left, or he and Hawk could've become pals. I like how Stiven bravely tried to start a fight with Tory during the LaRusso house brawl, and she punched him away like she was batting away a pesky fly.
Underrated ship (don’t say therapy, lol):
Johnny and Ali? I (gasp) prefer them to Johnny and Carmen.
Wax On, Wax Off or Sweep the Leg?
Sweep the leg!
Which of Daniel’s dumb little outfits is your favorite?
Any where he incorporates the color blue. Bonus points if it includes his special blue-and-white karate headband.
Character from the films you most want to return, who’s not Terry Silver:
Charlie -- that minion of Ned, or whatever the main bully's name was in TNKK. (Charlie, played by Walton Goggins, was Ned's Rickenberger.)
Scene that lives in your head rent-free:
Oh, there are so many. Way too many to name in a three-year-old survey.
Will Anthony LaRusso ever be relevant?
Technically, he was one of the most relevant characters in 5x10. Without him, Kenny Payne might still be Terry Silver's prize pupil. (And Silver might not have been arrested. Stupid Anthony!)
You live in The Valley and are forced to join the karate gang war. Which dojo do you join?
Eagle Fang, but I'm not leaping from one building to another. (Sensei Lawrence is more than welcome to call me pathetic, though.)
What’s your training montage song?
"Gonna Fly Now"?
It’s the crossover event of the century! Which TV show are you combining with Cobra Kai for an hour-long Saturday night special?
Beverly Hills, 9010. Mel Silver can be Terry's cousin.
Nobody, because this is three years old.
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thecarrieonokay · 4 years
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Ok, so I’ve been reading all your amazing thoughts on Macgyver 5x10 and I couldn’t agree more with everything that’s been said. I know I’m new here and none of you know me but I just have to add:
Yeah, the MacRiley was... WOW and David Dastmalchian was a demon (and I mean that in the best possible way...) Loved every moment. But ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING about Boze shone in this episode.
He came upon Mac in mad science mode and instead of being judgemental, was supportive of his friend and his choices. He also went out of his way to be Riley’s brother- he can see what she’s going through (despite her protests) and reached out to warn her, to prepare her and let her know he was there for her.
His dynamic with Russ really broke through too. The bromance was lovely to see (darling) and their banter back and forth was witty and charming, right up until that tragic moment of oomf. That hurt. Honestly, Justin Hires was excellent, balancing the anger, the pain and the hurt beautifully.
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AND he literally saved all their asses in the end. Russ was so impressed that he was actually humble for a moment.
Also, small side bar: the designer in me is DYING to see more of Riley’s apartment. Anyone else??
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twdmusicboxmystery · 5 years
As frustrating as it is that tptb will never outright acknowledge bethyl, I think it's safe to say that the characters understand what Beth meant to D@ryl. At least, to an extent. They'll never fully get it because d@ryl is never allowed to talk about her (thanks, writers -_-) but I always felt like R!ck knew when they met up again in season 4. When d@ryl explained how they got out together, and 'she's just gone', the look on R!ck's face says it all. He knew D@ryl felt something deeper for her.
Yeah for sure. I can get behind that. There is also the line in 5x10 where Rick tells Daryl he knows he lost something back there. So even if they don’t know the nuances, I think you’re right that they understand what she meant to him. They all saw the change in his behavior between 5a and 5b. 
I’ve always thought that, if any of them see Beth before he does, well, their first go-to would probably be Maggie. But if she’s not there, as she hasn’t been lately, the next thing they’re all going to know is that they need to tell Daryl. And chances are it won’t play out like that at all. Just some of my head canons swirling around  😉 Xoxo! 💖
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almea · 6 years
The people who complain about the bees being seemingly being too rushed wouldnt be saying that about bl*ck s*n if Sun and Blake kissed during vol 5 finale and thats just 👀👀
These are literally the people who, after 5x10, said they were expecting Blake and Sun to be dating already the next time we saw them. They were so desperate to get their ship confirmed before Blake and Yang could reunite that they were willing to JUST HAVE THEM GET TOGETHER OFF SCREEN.
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jbuffyangel · 7 years
Not much new in this article, but it’s still a great read.  This was my favorite comment from Stephen:
“You know, the most transformative moment in my eyes, for Oliver, was beforeeverything happened. He had the opportunity to kill Chase and he simply says, “That’s who I was. That’s not who I am anymore.” And if the underlying issue really was blaming himself for his father’s death and he has forgiven himself, he has absolved himself of that, and that’s led to a lot of brighter days for me this year.”
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Y’all know where I stand on that subject. I’m at total mind meld with Stephen which is just nifty. 
I also love what Stephen has been describing the crossover as a 4 hour movie. If that’s an accurate description (which I have no reason to doubt The Captain) then I think this crossover is going to be pretty damn fantastic. Primarily because it doesn’t matter what show certain events take place on, but rather it’s the conclusion of the journey these characters are taking in the crossover that counts. 
The dymanic with Slade and Bl&ck S&ren seems interesting. I’m excited to return to that Season 1 dynamic with Slade. I feel like we as the audience will be viewing that relationship very much through Oliver’s eyes. Happy Slade is now a potential ally, but not quite able to forgive everything he’s done. There will always been a level of distrust there. 
As for Oliver’s hope regarding Bl&ck S&ren that’s really no different than what we saw in him during 5x10. It speaks more to Oliver’s hopefulness than anything else, which is huge character growth for him. However, Oliver & Co. mean NOTHING to Bl&ck S&ren. Hahaha. LOVE IT. This is gonna be fun.
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callistawolf · 7 years
Reasons why Bl*ck S*ren/KC Returning is Not a Terrible Thing
The news this week was a bit of a blow to a lot of us who aren’t big fans of L*urel L*nce and K*tie C*ssidy. I can’t say I was thrilled to hear it and I don’t know anyone who was (other than LL/KC fans, that is). But that’s not to say that there aren’t some silver linings to this news and I wanted to see if I could weed them out in hopes of lifting some spirits. 
Personally, I think KC returning as an evil version of L*urel is the next best thing to her being gone altogether. Here’s why I think so: 
First, the obvious. KC has always done a better job at playing a villain/bitch. It’s where her strength lies and as far back as season 2 (remember that awful scene in Verdant in 2x12 where she was drunk and hating on Thea and Felicity?) I’ve wanted the show to explore that side of L*urel’s character more. And now we get it! 
The initials “BS” are a gift in and of itself. 
Fans are being given a bit of a “free pass” to hate on the character. Villains, generally, are excluded from the love fest for characters. Sure, the LL/KC fans can try to give us crap for hating on Bl*ck S*ren (and I expect they will) but when the day is done, fans of a show are generally expected to hate on the villains at least a little. (This does not include KC though... still taboo to hate on her... so focus ire on the character instead)
You know who else gets a “free pass” to hate on Bl*ck S*ren? Team Arrow. This isn’t something we’ve really gotten to experience before, outside of 5x10 (and gosh, wasn’t that episode fantastic?). More quips like Curtis telling her to shut her mouth. More punches. Which leads me to... 
Will BS be a bit of a nemesis for Felicity? Someone actually on the show for Felicity to have a constant beef with? Yes, please. This isn’t about a love triangle, this is about something more primal and I’m here for it, if it happens. 
While we can expect the EPs and cast and writers to speak KC’s praises behind the scenes (which they already do anyhow so nothing really changed there), I think it’s safe to say that they have the same “free pass” to shade the character so that could be fun too. 
The L*urel that the show has been singing the praises of all season long is still dead. And won’t be returning. 
There will not be a love triangle. The history that our Oliver shared with L*urel in this universe is not the same as the history that BS had with her Oliver. So it’s not shared and those feelings will not be transferring. Mostly because Oliver doesn’t love her and he’s in love with Felicity and I expect season 6 will have a committed Olicity relationship. 
I know some of us are concerned about redemption and I don’t want to rule it out (especially down the road) but I don’t think it’d mean she’ll get a spot on Team Arrow. MG hinted on Twitter that we don’t need to worry about Dinah going anywhere because of this news so the BC mantle is still very much filled. Plus, I firmly believe redemption would have a lot more to do with OLIVER than it would with BS herself, given the way Arrow tends to handle these sorts of storylines. 
She won’t be in every episode. This is crumbs for KC and her fans. Our fave is still the leading lady and that’s not going to change. 
The worst part of this news is the emboldening of her more toxic fans but let’s be honest, they’ve always been rather terrible, even with KC off the show. And it’s not the show’s fault that those fans are terrible. It’s not even KC’s fault (though she could post something calling on her fans to have some decorum... doesn’t have to but it’d be a nice touch). The only people who are at fault for those toxic fans are the toxic fans themselves. So ignore them, don’t give them a platform and keep loving what you love about the show. I have a feeling that season 6 will bring us plenty to enjoy. 
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hellsbellschime · 6 years
Well after your anon mentioned spoilers I decided to do a little search and came across a CK blog who claims to hace spoilers but idk if that’s whom the anon refers to bc this person apparently teasing things without revealing much for a while now. I think they’re hinting at Klaus’ death, call KC scenes “bad but non-threatening”(they warned someone to particularly skip Carina’s episode), they say Klaus will do sth midseason that shows Cami’s effect on him, will talk to her grave in 5x10 etc...
Well alrighty then.
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taughtdefense · 9 months
just did a head-count of the cobra kai students in 5x10 who help canonically bc i was bored, via pausing on the big group prior to the dojo fight.
there's 23 ck students (24 with mitch's betrayal, not including our ocs, @mads) fighting 10 miyagi-fang students (including tory & athony). stingray even says that "that's not the b team, either". how many goddamn kids did ck recruit ??? how many MORE kids are going to be fighting with the addition of the ocs mads & i have who are also in ck or miyagi-fang?
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heavcnsgrief-blog · 8 years
meta about events of ar/row season four and just general ranting about th/ea que/en (what else is new??) under the cut. buckle up bc it’s a doozy.
why has literally NO ONE stopped to check on her since the no less than F I V E traumas she had to endure over the course of the last ???? year a half ????
let’s recap, shall we?
1.) the events of 4x09 (read: that whole incident with dam/ien dar/hk abducting her, feli/city, and jo/hn ) 2.) the events of 4x12-4x13 ( read: where she was, y’know, DYING  ) 3.) the events of 4x18-4x19 ( read: hahahahahahah NO ) 4.) the events of 4x20-4x22 ( read: F U CK ) 5.) the events of 5x08 ( read: where she was not only abducted by aliens, but also got to be trapped in some kind of dream where she got to see all of her dead loved ones :)))))) )
so -- things 1-4 happen over the course of...let’s say four/five months?? (rough estimate, anyhow, bc the hiatus between 4x09 and 4x10 kinda throws me off time wise, but eh.) four/five months, and IN those four/five months, not only does she have two brushes with death, but she also has to lose her best friend/surrogate older sister, and then three episodes later, has to watch her boyfriend (lack of chemistry aside) die at the hands of her STALKER. 
and then, because she clearly doesn’t suffer enough already, woohoo more brainwashing!!
so -- two people she loves are dead, she herself went ostensibly too far in threatening dam/ien dar/hk’s daughter (as she admits), and aside from oli/ver, feli/city, and jo/hn, there is NOTHING left for her in star city. lau/rel, r/oy, moi/ra, tom/my, al/ex, wal/ter? all gone. she went too far in 4x23, and she knows that, so what else is there for her to do when that happens AND there’s nothing left for her in the city that she grew up in? as we saw in 2x23, she leaves -- but this time? this time, she’s ALONE. no one to offer her shelter far away in cor/to malt/ese, just herself and a desire to reclaim some kind of normalcy in her life. 
and personally, had oli/ver not asked her to be his chief of staff, i don’t think she would have come back at all. why should she, when all she’d have left to her is a small apartment (not lau/rel’s, there’s too many memories, and it doesn’t feel RIGHT to keep on living there, not without her) and a job that she’s in fact extremely reluctant to take on? we’ve all seen her lack of a social life in the past few episodes -- in fact, the ONLY times we’ve really seen her are in the mayor’s office, and helping quen/tin get into rehab. there’s no social life, because she refuses to let herself get close to anyone outside of her already tiny circle, because try as she may, her life will NEVER be normal. 
“ when’d you become so wise, huh? “ “ been through a lot the last four years. ”
this is how the conversation between her and quen/tin goes in 5x07, and it’s not just the last four years, but the last year alone. 
and then there’s the very next episode -- it’s all a dream, but she gets to reunite with both laurel and moira, something she at first doesn’t want to leave because maybe, just maybe, she can have the normalcy and happiness she’s been so desperate to attain. but she can’t -- and she accepts that, gets to go home after the ordeal, and what does she do, as seen in 5x09? throws herself into organizing the holiday party, and from there it’s work, work, and more work. 
bitter as i am about how she was completely shut out from the events of 5x10-11, and the chance to maybe get closure with laurel (even if it wasn’t their laurel), maybe it was for the better. she’s already in a pretty fragile state emotionally -- living alone, nothing keeping her in star city except an older brother who she really isn’t as close with as she used to be, and tbh, i think if she’d met bla/ck sir/en, it likely would have been the absolute last straw that pushed her to really leave the city for good. but no, instead she gets to be away for three weeks, deal with the news that lau/rel isn’t back on her own time, to again grieve offscreen.
so no, she’s not okay, she’s too busy making sure everything else around her runs smoothly and that everyone else is in good shape to do their jobs, but unlike them, she (as far as i’ve seen, anyways) doesn’t have that luxury, because no one’s really stopped to have an in-depth conversation with her about everything that’s happened??
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jbuffyangel · 8 years
The Shift Begins: Arrow 5x10 Review (Who Are You?)
Wow. I mean... WOW. "Who Are You" was an amazing episode. 
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Probably my favorite of the season. I liked it even more than 5x08 and I LOVED 5x08. It had unbelievably tight pacing, great action, strong (and necessary) character development, wall to wall Olicity and fabulous subtle LL shade. It integrated the new characters almost seamlessly too. 
Y'all... I even liked Wild Dog.
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But best of all? The shift has started for Oliver and Felicity.
Let's dig in...
Olicity (and Bl*ck S*ren)
Storytelling is never an easy journey, especially in television. It is a long, arduous, sometimes infuriating, and at times boring, process.  It can also be exhilarating and heart wrenching. Our emotions fluctuate as does our investment. Watching a television show as it airs, with a 23 episode season, is full of ups and down. There will be good episodes. There will be bad episodes. It's a roller coaster ride. 
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But every once and awhile there's that fantastic episode. The one that shines above all the rest. The loopty loop. The diamond in the rough so to speak. The episode that makes all the patience worth it.
"Who Are You" is that kind of episode. There's a significant amount of pay off from the set up of the beginning of Season 5, but also for those of us who've been religiously watching for five years. The shift in Oliver and Felicity's dynamic started tonight and it's launching them in an entirely new trajectory. And it's exactly where we need to go.
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"Laurel's" return isn't really all that much about Laurel. I mean... it IS, but I've always said that as long as they bring KC back for specific ways, this guest contract can be extremely effective. As irritated as I was at how quickly Arrow brought KC back after we JUST said goodbye to Laurel, this was an effective use. It highlighted the emotional shift between Oliver and Felicity, by examining their vastly different perspectives on what Laurel's return means. It's not even about Laurel. This is about world view.
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For Oliver, it's a miracle. Listen, as cover stories go, Bl*ck S*ren's was a spectacularly bad one. Sure the "time travel" excuse works, especially when you throw in Sara and the Wave Rider, but once you dig into the details a bit it makes ABSOLUTELY NO SENSE.  
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Details Felicity rapidly picked up on and Oliver was blind to.
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For Felicity, it was too good to be true, so she was suspicious. It was too good to be true for Oliver, but rather than be his pessimistic, distrustful self, he just embraced it full on. It wasn't just that Oliver believed Laurel was a miracle. He needed her to be one. 
Whereas for Felicity, we can finally see the events of the last four years finally taking a toll on her. She's sees the darker underbelly of this supposed "miracle" because history has taught her that when something is too good to be true on Arrow... it normally is.
Felicity: After the past four years it's hard for me to accept good news.
But the fact that Oliver is essentially throwing caution to the wind, ignoring all signs, and embracing the freaking rainbows, is such a freaking massive character shift, it's almost mind boggling.  This is the Oliver Queen version of Rainbow Brite.
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It's also a massive character shift for Felicity to be the one who is not hopeful. To be the one who is suspicious and distrustful.
So, it's strange when it's Felicity who wants to throw the party celebrating Laurel's return. Have you ever seen a less enthusiastic party? Nobody wants to celebrate Laurel's return. 
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Of course, Felicity isn't celebrating Laurel's return. She's getting her Nancy Drew on with an elaborate ruse in the form of a “Welcome home Laurel” party. 
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She's using the party to analyze "Laurel" more and then, literally analyze her, by using her glass for a DNA analysis. Did you notice that "Laurel" almost reached for the glass of champagne instead of the glass of water? Somebody forgot to do their homework! Tsk tsk.
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To Bl*ck S*ren’s credit, she figures out Felicity’s on to her almost as as quickly as Felicity figures it out.
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You pretended to be Laurel for a hot minute Bl*ck S*ren. Slow your roll. Although, maybe a minute was long enough.
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Of course, Oliver shows up just as Bl*ck S*ren is attacking Felicity and Rory. 
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Oliver needs to know she's safe; to know that she's not hurt.  He uses his special “hey.”
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Like he’s done so many times before...
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Felicity reassures Oliver, but 
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 He can't even take his eyes off of her. Felicity is his only concern.
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Words are never enough for Oliver in these situations. He needs to touch Felicity. He needs to feel her. The physical connection is the only way Oliver can reassure himself. Oliver has done this again
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and again
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and again
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and again
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and again
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and again
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This is no different. As much as some things change... some things never do. 
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They grip each other's forearms, as Oliver holds Felicity steady, but he doesn't help her stand up. In point of fact, there's absolutely no reason for the two of them to be holding onto each other so tightly and for so long other than ALL THE FEELINGS. And, once again, Olicity is surrounded in green light. The ever present, unbreakable connection. For Oliver to feel, in her bones, that she is safe. It's his tether. The same tether Oliver needs. The same tether he will always need. 
These two wreck me.
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After a nasty run in with Prometheus, Bl*ck S*ren reaches out to Oliver and the team arranges a meet by that god awful statue. 
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Don't worry, it's on its last legs.
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This when we see the shift in Oliver and Felicity clash. 
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Honestly, his crabby voice is even hotter when he’s crabby with Felicity.
Oliver is trusting Bl*ck S*ren. He believes she can offer intel and he tells the team NOT to move on her. Felicity argues with him, but Oliver holds firm. Felicity pretends to agree, but then she switches "the boys" (there's no limit to how much I love that Felicity called them that) to a separate channel. In one of the best lines of the episode, Felicity tells the boys to "light her up." 
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Commence the fist pumping.
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My parents have had similar arguments, with my mother issuing orders that differ from my father's to me and my two sisters. So, Oliver and Felicity are Mom and Dad of Team Arrow, and "the boys" are trial run triplets. Come fight me.
But you know what my sisters and I did? We listened to our mom. And that's exactly what Curts, Rene and Rory are going to do.  Where Mama goes so goes your nation.
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Of course, the team jumps the literal gun and spooks Bl*ck S*ren, prompting her to unleash her sonic scream and, in the process, DESTROYS LAUREL'S STATUE. This calls for the Numfar Dance of Joy.
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Goodbye statue. We knew thee for a short time and yet we shall not miss thee.
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Loyal little children that they are, Curtis, Rory and Rene try to cover for Felicity, but she comes clean with Oliver. She gave them the order to go. What I love about this is Felicity's isn't sorry about what she did. She firmly believes she was right.
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This is the start of that split in tactics we've been hearing about. Felicity liked that the team listened to HER. They followed HER orders. They used HER tactics. When Oliver wouldn't listen and do things Felicity's way, she ploughed right through him. This is very S1-S3 Oliver Queen esque behavior. It strongly points to Felicity setting up her own team to go after Prometheus once she grows tired of Oliver's opposition to her tactics and his approach.
And this is all about approach. Felicity doesn't trust Bl*ck S*ren and, while Oliver recognizes there's good reason not to trust her, he can't let go of the hope that there's a piece of goodness in Bl*ck S*ren. That there's a piece of Laurel in her.
Felicity believes Oliver has blinders on. Is Felicity right? Yes. But oh... isn't it wonderful to see him so doggedly optimistic? So blindly and stupidly hopeful. That's what heroes do. That's who heroes are. And that's the question Arrow is really asking. 
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It's the question Oliver asked Bl*ck S*ren, but it's really the question he is asking himself. It's the question Diggle and Felicity are asking themselves as well. We decide, every day, who we are, with every choice we make. Our souls, are simply a reflection of the circumstances we are presented, the choices we make and the consequences of those choices. Which then lead to more circumstances and more choices. And so on and so on and so on and before you know it, you've built a lifetime of choices. And in their wake is the legacy you leave.
Oliver believes if you change the circumstances, you are giving someone the chance to choose again. He wants to give Bl*ck S*ren love, trust, compassion and hope because maybe she hasn't been given those things before. Maybe that's the shift that will make all the difference for Bl*ck S*ren to choose again, and be someone else. It's certainly something Oliver has felt in his own life. It's the gift Diggle and Felicity gave him and Oliver is trying to pay it forward. It's the question that haunts him, especially in light of Prometheus and Billy, because it is Oliver's choices that led to the creation of Prometheus. He believes it led to Billy's death. If Oliver could just change the circumstances... would he do it all differently? He's offering Bl*ck S*ren the redemption he so desperately craves. Not just for Laurel's death, but for every mistake he's ever made.     
Oliver, Felicity and Diggle have all chosen to be heroes, but now it's about choosing what kind of hero they are going to be. Every season, Oliver misses a piece to his evolution to the Green Arrow. This time, this season, he's finally starting to see the whole picture.
And for Felicity as well. This is not just about Billy. He was just the last straw in a house made of straw. She has suffered so much. She has endured so much pain and loss. Felicity has always taken the higher road. She's always been the believer, but she's really asking herself, "Where has all that belief gotten me?" Felicity is tired of losing. She is tired of hurting. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. So, Felicity is adapting. She's going to fight fire with fire this time and maybe it'll yield a different result. Maybe this will make the pain go away.
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Felicity works out some major rage, by beating the crap out of punching bag. Oliver comes in and ever so softly, in that gentle voice reserved only for her, tells her to extend her wrist. Y'all he just gave her a training tip.  And that sweet little smile he gives, scrunching up his nose, when Felicity says “Ow” because he can’t handle her adorableness? Fabulous.   IS THIS REAL LIFE?
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Felicity can't even stand to hear Oliver use "Laurel's" name. Bl*ck S*ren isn't Laurel. She's a bad guy and she's thrown in with the Big Bad. Felicity isn't interested second chances. She doesn't want to hear about how Oliver is trying to save Bl*ck S*ren . She's using Oliver just like Prometheus did. Felicity wants Oliver to stop Bl*ck S*ren before anyone else gets hurt... before he gets hurt. 
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But Oliver pushes back just as hard. If there's anything the past five years has taught Oliver, there is so much in this world he doesn't understand. Instead of closing himself off to that, Oliver is trying to expand his world view. He's trying to be more accepting, more understanding, more compassionate. He needs to reach Bl*ck S*ren because once upon a time, not so long ago, someone came along and reached for Oliver. 
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Someone changed Oliver's circumstances. 
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Someone gave Oliver a second chance at life.
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(And Diggle too). But what's so heartbreaking about this scene, is that Oliver is still Oliver. He can be obtuse, oblivious to the what's right in front of him. As he waxes poetic about changing Bl*ck S*ren's circumstances, he fails to recognize that Felicity's circumstances have changed to. And those circumstances are changing Felicity.
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Felicity: You think you can save her?
Bl*ck S*ren is just a symptom of a much larger problem that is brewing between Oliver and Felicity. This shift in dynamic has a purpose. 
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This line is an important callback to the same line Helena said to LL in Season 2 when she was facing her island. Eventually, every character on Arrow goes to the Island. Every character lets the darkness in, because we all have a dark side. That’s just being human. Felicity is the last to go to her island because of who she is. She’s the strongest among them and because of that strength was able to hold onto her light. But everyone has a breaking point and Felicity has found hers. The darkness is setting up shop. There will come a time when it will be Felicity who needs to be saved. Only, she won't want to be. Felicity won't want Oliver to reach her, or anyone else who loves her. Yet, Oliver remains doggedly determined about Bl*ck S*ren. Imagine the determination he will have for Felicity. Oliver will reach her. There won't be a choice. Not when it comes to Felicity.
But the darkness never comes out. It always stays. It will always be something Felicity has to face, understand, and overcome. Just like every character on Arrow, but most especially Oliver. The key is that she has the person who brings out the best in her. The person who harnesses her light - OLIVER. This brings another level of connection to their relationship. It’s equal emotional support... and that is one area Felicity has always done the heavy lifting. This shift is necessary. 
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Whooo! Both are bringing their zinger A game.
But first, we have to allow Felicity to go down this darker path. We have to allow Felicity to get lost, so she can be found. This season is all about Oliver and Felicity walking in each other's shoes. Oliver is being the light, the source of hope and belief. And Felicity... is taking matters into her own hands. She's going to protect those she loves, especially when they cannot protect themselves. Felicity lost Billy to Prometheus' deception. That deception caused Oliver incalculable guilt and pain. Felicity can't save Billy, but she will save Oliver. She will protect him, especially when Oliver cannot protect himself. Felicity will protect Oliver even though she knows he will disagree with her methods.
It's a very Oliver Queen like move. Why is it so important we walk in our partner's shoes? Why is it so important we understand their perspective on a deeper level. Because it's the catalyst to change. It ignites our compassion, our understanding... and our forgiveness.
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Felicity faces off with Bl*ck S*ren, and I have to say, it's an exceptional scene. Emily Bett Rickards is bringing this unflinching, uncompromising, darkened steel to Felicity Smoak. It's fantastic and Emily is chewing up this meaty storyline. They are only going to give her more and it's only going to get better. I feel it in my gut.
Honestly, this scene with Bl*ck S*ren is straight out of fanfiction.
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Although, that "taller" remark fell a little flat. Is LL taller than Felicity? Does Oliver have a height preference I was unaware of? I was so confused. 
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Maybe some fanfiction authors should send the Arrow writers some better zingers. They did pull their ace though, a line I am sure they have been waiting a loooong time to say.
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I cackled. Arrow having the balls to make fun of their exceptionally horrible romantic backstory with L*uriver will never get old with me.
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Felicity knows what's really going on with Oliver. He feels guilty over Laurel's death and Bl*ck S*ren is a shot at redemption for him. Felicity Smoak knows Oliver Queen in his bones. Yes, I know what I did there.
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Bl*ck S*ren escapes and Oliver is basically WTF because they followed Cisco's specs and no one ever escapes from The Flash! Felicity levels with Oliver. Bl*ck S*ren didn't escape. She let her go.
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Oliver uses his angry voice. It's super hot. The exchange goes something like this:
Felicity: Don't worry. I put nano tech in Bl*ck S*ren's water. We'll be able to track her.
Oliver: (in his hot angry voice) That's a horrible idea. WORST IDEA EVER.
Felicity: Hey buddy, you taught me how. You did the same thing with Anarky!
Oliver: Oh.  (whispers) Damn it.
Awkward pause...
Oliver: (in his deep angry voice that keeps getting hotter) Can we have the room please?
It would be at this time I shouted at my television, "For hot, angry sex! SAY FOR HOT ANGRY SEX!"
He didn't say it. Damn it! The boys have to leave and Wild Dog is bummed. He wants to watch Mom and Dad fight. 
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HA! Sucker!!! We get to stay. Muhahaha.
But hot angry Oliver doesn't yell. He immediately softens. 
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Felicity does not soften, however. In fact, the gloves are off.
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It is the first time Oliver is really realizing how far Felicity is willing to go to get to Prometheus. 
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Felicity risked her life and not only is it worrying to Oliver... it's scaring the crap out of him. 
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SHOTS FIRED! I didn't take this as Felicity blaming Oliver for Billy's death. It's clear that she doesn't. It is, however, a condemnation on Oliver's attempt at the moral high ground. He's killing again. Morally justified? Perhaps. Goodness knows Felicity has advocated for Oliver killing the Big Bads before and she certainly has no problem putting Prometheus in the ground now. However, Felicity doesn't believe Oliver has the right to argue the moral high ground. He's taken the darker path too. He's doing whatever is necessary and so is she.
And yes, maybe, there was a little dig in there. If Oliver was holding to his "don't kill" code then he would have never tried to kill Prometheus... and Billy would be alive. Change the circumstances... change the choice... change the result. She's uses his Bl*ck S*ren argument against him, and twists the knife a little as she does it. This is an angry, frustrated, grieving Felicity. This is Felicity in pain.
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Oliver promises justice for Billy, but Felicity jumps in with yet another zinger. Felicity NEVER refers to LL as Oliver’s ex, so she is really angry. And maybe Bl*ck S*ren’s digs got to her a little.
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Honest to God, I thought he was going to kiss her. The way she's inches away from Oliver, challenging him. Remember, Oliver has a thing for strong women! 
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Yes, they are fighting but it's been so long since she stood this close to him. It's almost like Felicity is daring him to. Oliver glances down at her lips and hesitates. Then, he takes a deep breath, almost like he's holding it, willing himself not to just lean in and... 
Is it warm in here? Wowza.
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This one of the reasons I didn't mind the more subtle touch with Oliver and Felicity's scenes in 5A. Sometimes, when you pull back on characters it's almost like recharging a battery. Then, when you let them loose again the chemistry is electric. It's shooting sparks on steroids. 
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That was this scene. This is the push/pull dynamic we've been waiting for between Oliver and Felicity. Neither of them is backing down and it is so hot.  As they say, opposites attract, but what's so interesting is that they've role reversed. The believer versus the cynic. The hopeful versus the disillusioned.  The light versus the dark. Yet, the role reversal still maintains their opposite corners. This is a fight Oliver and Felicity have had before... many times. Only this time they are walking in the other's shoes.
Felicity and Oliver both take a step back, retreating to their separate corners, if not to just  break the physical temptation, but allow themselves a moment to regroup. 
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Oliver watches the video between Felicity and Bl*ck S*ren and acknowledges what we all know... Felicity Smoak knows him best.
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He comes towards her again, only this isn't a confrontation. Oliver has softened. He extends an olive branch. Oliver acknowledges that Bl*ck S*ren isn't their Laurel. Their Laurel is gone and they are never going to get her back. (This is yet another big blazing sign to the LL fandom that she is gone forever). But that's why Bl*ck S*ren is so important to Oliver. He's acknowledging that Felicity is right. He failed Laurel. This is a shot at redemption for Oliver. Without Bl*ck S*ren there's no chance of that. Or is there? We'll get to that later, but right now, Oliver feels like he's failed so many he's lost without the chance to fix it. Felicity is arguing it's an illusion, but Oliver argues back it's an illusion he needs right now.
And then he just says, "Okay?" 
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It's soft, gentle and pleading. This isn't Oliver demanding. This is Oliver asking. This is Oliver asking Felicity to please do this... for him. 
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That goes both ways. If it's Oliver asking... Felicity will do it.
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This is an exceptionally beautiful, heart wrenching scene, because at the core of this is Oliver and Felicity's relationship. Oliver failed Felicity on a massive level. All he wanted to do was fix it, but he couldn't. She shut the door on them forever. Oliver feels he's lost any chance of redemption with Felicity as well. Oliver needs to reach for Bl*ck S*ren because he can't with Laurel, Moira, Robert, Tommy, Shado, Billy (even Prometheus in a way)... and most especially Felicity.
OR CAN HE? The whole point of this Dark Felicity story line is to offer Oliver that chance at redemption. It will open the door both Oliver and Felicity feel is long closed. Oliver will reach for Felicity the same way he's reaching for Bl*ck S*ren, only this time it will not be an illusion of what he lost, but the real thing. When Oliver reaches for Felicity she will eventually reach back.
Oliver puts Felicity in the field because Curtis needs help with the tech that'll stop Bl*ck S*ren's scream. Felicity is helping Curtis. The world makes sense again. Also, Felicity in the field so ...
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Oliver and Prometheus face off. 
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Prometheus informs Oliver he can either stop him or save Felicity. It's 100% ridiculous that Prometheus thinks there's a choice. Dude, you need to watch Arrow.
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Take it away Damon Salvatore.
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Bl*ck S*ren goes after Felicity.
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Can't you hear all those horrid anti Felicity fans cheering? This line is the writers thumbing their nose at that incessant request however. 
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See, this is why I love Arrow. Never have I seen a show so unabashedly play favorites. Bl*ck S*ren is the bad guy. Arrow won't let the bad guy win. Hell will freeze over before Arrow lets Bl*ck S*ren, or any version of LL, kill Felicity. Hell will freeze over before Arrow ever chooses LL over Felicity. There's no choice to make with them either.
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Oliver chooses Felicity because DUH. Once again, they are enveloped in green light. The tether, the connection, the impossible dream, the minute and far away, is always there. 
Oliver gives Bl*ck S*ren the hard sell.  Yet, even when presented with love and compassion, Bl*ck S*ren still chooses evil.
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Thus, cementing her as a real and true bad guy. The force of her sonic scream blows Oliver and Felicity backwards. 
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Oliver grabs Felicity and she holds on for dear life. 
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Once they hit the ground, Oliver shields Felicity with his ENTIRE BODY. 
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He even covers her ears with his arms, giving absolutely no thought to his own life. He couldn't protect her from the bullets. 
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He couldn't protect her from Havenrock 
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or Billy's death. 
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But he will protect her from this.
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THIS is the kind of Olicity stunt we know and love. Welcome back old friend.
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Curtis saves the day with his tech (more on that in a bit) and no truer statement was ever made...
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And because Arrow is unabashedly Team Felicity, they give us this glorious gif:
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There will be no end to the reblogging of this gif. This gif gives us life. 
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And if you think Arrow doesn't know the underlining meaning behind this scene, trust me, they know. That's why they put it there. It's the proverbial "shove it" to all the anti Felicity fans. Also, I may only refer to Bl*ck S*ren as pumpkin from now on.
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And of course, because she is a total cupcake with extra frosting, Felicity excitedly tells Oliver she listened to his training tip and kept her wrist straight.
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But Arrow is not done. No sir! Oliver can't hide the pride and heart eyes. Doesn't even bother trying.
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OLIVER IS US Y'ALL! I mean, we always knew he was Team Felicity, on account of him choosing Felicity over Laurel every chance he got, but I thoroughly enjoy a little anti Bl*ck S*ren shade coming from him after we've heard him wax poetic about her for the last 40 minutes.
And then... Felicity and Oliver find a peaceful truce. They haven't resolved their issues at all. In fact, they are just ramping up. However, Felicity concedes that what she did was reckless and put the guards' life at risk. Oliver acknowledges that her plan worked. They almost got Prometheus. 
See, this is why when Arrow finally pulls the trigger on an Olicity that stays together it will work wonderfully. There is enough "drama" between these two characters just based on their personalities and approaches to life. The push/pull dynamic is where the heat comes from. You can have Olicity fight and face drama without constantly keeping them apart. What's beautiful about them is even when they disagree, they have each other's backs. They are a team. And they will always find their way back to one another.
Felicity is sorry about Laurel.  
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Oliver is sorry about Billy.
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The love in her voice fills the bunker. We can actually see Oliver’s heart stop.
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Just stop fighting it y’all.
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Oliver tells Felicity that "Laurel" isn't back in Central City. He's moved her to ARGUS lock up. He's keeping her close, because he still hasn't given up hope that he can reach her.
Between The Wars by Allman Brown
 Between the wars we dance
Between the wars we left
Don't wake me yet
We're still what's left
Hasn't happened, hasn't happened yet
 Between the wars we stay
Fading echoes spin away
Lost in memories, in memories
We're still what's left
Hasn't happened, hasn't happened yet
It's important that Felicity asked specifically about "Laurel." Note, she doesn't use the name Bl*ck S*ren. It's a tiny little acknowledgment that Oliver's hope is worth something. 
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In fact, it's worth everything.
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And this is the line. The line that tells us exactly where Arrow is headed with Olicity. This is the line that we will hold on to when times get darker between them... and they will. We are just beginning this dark arc for Felicity. But this line already signals the door is already opening in Felicity. It will be Oliver's optimism, his light, that will help lead Felicity out of the dark and back to him. And when she does, Oliver will be ready for her. He will be the man she's always deserved.
And thus... the shift begins.
We're back in Russia! Remember Russia? Honestly, I totally forgot what was happening in Russia, so it was good Flashback Ollie did a little recap for me.
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Basically, Oliver is getting the crap beat out of him by Pakhan, who's upset that he failed at blowing up Kovar's casino. Instead, Oliver put his own interests (killing Kovar) above the Bratva. Oliver thinks Pakhan is a two faced, lying, SOB, because Kovar is a government agent and the deal he made with Pakhan also betrays the Bratva.
Pahkan argues that Oliver fails to see the bigger picture.  For all Oliver knows, Pakhan could be double crossing Kovar that in serves the Bratva.
Arrow has struggled with tying in the flashbacks fluidly with present day, but they did a little better in this outing. Pahkan does a nice little psychoanalysis on Oliver, post ass kicking. The photo of Laurel falls out of Oliver's pocket, and Pahkan mistakes Laurel for Whatshername. It's important to note that Oliver didn't bother telling Pahkan Whatshername's real name because I'm pretty sure, like me, Oliver has forgotten what it is. When Oliver explains that she's not the woman he's here to avenge, Pahkan is a little, "Dude. How many do you have a thing with" and thus becomes my flashback spirit animal.
Oliver explains he couldn't return to Laurel because he's become a monster she wouldn't recognize. Well... that and you were the douchebag that cheated on Laurel with her sister and then her sister died, but that's just details.
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Pakhan has an interesting take on things. He believes Oliver is blaming himself for the darkness inside of him, when really, it is just a product of his time on Lian Yu. It's the circumstances that created the darkness... not Oliver. Pakhan believes that ultimately, Lian Yu, made Oliver who he is today. Otherwise he'd still be a total asshat.
This feels accurate. It's the Bratva way of looking at the road not traveled, similar to what Oliver did in 5x08. Pakhan is pushing Oliver to view his darkness as a positive, to turn it into nectar, by committing himself fully to the Bratva. It's a slightly messed up version of unconditional love and acceptance. It's an illusion of family, but one Oliver needs. Just like he needs the illusion that Bl*ck S*ren is Laurel.
Here's the problem with Pahkan's take. Yes, in many ways Oliver's darkness is a byproduct of his circumstances. However, that eliminates any responsibility on Oliver's part. He still had choices to make. Just like Bl*ck S*ren made choices. Just like Felicity made choices. Oliver shouldn't be hating himself as much as he does for his darkness, but he doesn't get off scot free either - which is what Pahkan is selling him right now.
There is a happy medium here and Oliver will find it in present day. He'll let go of the guilt, but understand that he is still responsible for the choices he makes regardless of circumstance. Which is why, in the end, he will toe the moral line no matter what happens.
Tina Boland: The New Black Canary
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Arrow removes the god awful statue of Laurel and Felicity wonders if they are doing the right thing. Perhaps they should rebuild it.
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It is absolutely the right thing to remove that eye sore and you should absolutely not rebuild it.
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Oliver has a much more poetic response than my, "Sweet Mother of Moses NO!" He's starting to realize legacy isn't about statues. A legacy is a living and breathing thing. He hasn't done enough to honor his promise to Laurel. He's determined to find a woman worthy of the BC title. That's how Oliver finds redemption in her loss. That's how she never truly dies. Laurel's legacy lives on in the people who loved her and those who continue to her fight.
Are they making Laurel more important in her death than she ever was on the show? Yes, absolutely. This is not going to change my friends. This is why they killed her. Her death served more purpose than her life. The good news is we're moving on from the LL piece of the BC chapter. Even better, Olicity is going to find the new BC. Arrow is ready to shift the story to somewhere new.
As we predicted, and as it was spoiled, the new character Tina was introduced at the end of the episode. She has the sonic scream just like Bl*ck S*ren did. So, obviously she's a meta human. It's possible Arrow has another origin planned. Her sonic scream sounded different than either LL's or Bl*ck S*ren’s. But Tina could be connected to Central City and the particle explosion. I'm wondering if Wild Dog is from Central City.  Granted, I can’t tell if Wild Dog knows Tina in the promo, but if he does then maybe he’s hiding from her for a reason.
I'm wondering because the amazing @callistawolf was quick to point out to me the scene where Wild Dog remarks about everyone's blasé reaction to Laurel's return. Oliver tells him the Lance sisters have a habit of coming back to life and Wild Dog is floored this has happened before.
This is a thinly veiled reference to the Canaries coming back to life. I believe there's a Wild Dog connection with Tina. Perhaps they were in a relationship or she’s a family member. It's possible Wild Dog believes Tina died in the explosion. It could explain his angry reaction to the metas in the crossover (Thanks Sara!) In any event, I believe Oliver's "warning," for lack of a better word, to Wild Dog, about Lance women coming back to life, is that tradition will continue with the new BC. Wild Dog's BC. 
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I thought it was a great introduction to Tina. Her desire to protect women is a call back to Sara's crusade, the one who started it all... The Original Canary. So this isn't just about Laurel. It's about honoring the history of the Canaries on Arrow. 
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I enjoyed Juliana Harkavy's delivery  and her physicality. It was just a brief glimpse, but I liked what I saw so far. The promo looked awesome. Wouldn't it be wonderful to love Arrow's BC? Fingers crossed!
John Diggle
Diggle wasn't in the episode a ton. "Who Are You" was mostly set up for his bigger storyline coming up. Diggle isn't running this time, but he's not giving up like last time either. He's ready to fight the charges. Again, this is about the kind of man, the kind of hero, John Diggle wants to be. And he doesn't want to be the kind of man who lets his demons get the better of him. John Diggle is a man who stands up and fights and he's finding that piece of himself again.
Adrian Chase
Oliver was able to bring in Adrian Chase and I have to say the gelling of this new character was seamless. Arrow did an excellent job of explaining away that pesky detail about Adrian not being a military attorney. The scene in which he instructs Diggle to punch him to delay his transfer and transfer him to civilian court was GENIUS.
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There was a moment, between Adrian and Oliver that's worth noting as well. Adrian told Oliver it was important to keep what happened with Billy and Prometheus a secret. He essentially said secrets are the only way to justice. This could be a veiled reference to Adrian Chases' comic book history. SPOILERS.
Adrian Chase is Vigilante in the comics. However, in the comics his identity is revealed and Adrian commits suicide. It's an incredibly dark resolution to this character. Since this season is all about legacy, and Oliver deciding who he is and what kind of hero he wants to be, I think this line is very important. It points the direction where Adrian is going. The amazing @callistawolf, has long believed Oliver will reveal himself as The Green Arrow, Tony Stark style.  If Adrian Chase, The Vigilante, believes secrets are the only way to justice, and is ultimately destroyed by that belief, then he represents a lesson Oliver has to learn. The point is to push Oliver towards a new way of doing things. Oliver can no longer find justice through secrets either. I'm going to meta on this more later because there's a lot there. Stay tuned. 
Curtis Holt and Wild Dog
Y'all... I liked Wild Dog this episode. I was agreeing with Wild Dog. I assure you it was a disquieting feeling.
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But then he called Felicity "blondie," infuriated me 
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and all was right with the world again.
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I appreciate Arrow’s references to Rene being an acquired taste. That’s the writers acknowledging many of us can’t stand him. The reason Wild Dog was easier to take this episode is because he stopped being a dick for the majority of the episode. 
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In fact, it was Curtis calling Rene on his general asshatness that triggered the shift in character. So, lets keep that up Arrow. Less dick-douche and more compassionate friend. That’s a taste more to my liking.
Curtis lost his husband and is generally tired of getting his assed kicked. He's tired of failing at being a vigilante. He feels he's lost everything with nothing to show for it.
Arrow used the newbies extremely effectively this episode. Now that they've set the characters up, and we've gotten to know them, they can shift focus back to the main characters and the newbies can become solid B storylines. This is an excellent example of that.
Curtis is the new LL when it comes to fighting.  Arrow isn't doing that great of a job at showing his progression. We sort of jumped to kicking ass in about an episode, complete with parkour moves, but at least they've settled on this "Mr. Terrific gets beat up" theme with every fight. It's an acknowledgment that he has the longest way to go training wise.
Curtis worked amazingly well last season on Arrow because they played to the character's strengths: his humor and chemistry with Emily Bett Rickards, and his technical abilities. My biggest frustration with the evolution into Mr. Terrific is that Arrow seemed to abandoned his technical abilities. Instead of being the Cisco of Arrow, like I hoped, he was taking over areas of Felicity's expertise. Forcing her to act out of character to make it work sometimes.
That was all fixed in "Who Are You" and played heavily into Curtis' arc. Wild Dog wisely told him that instead of focusing on what he can't do (fighting), focus on what he can do (genius inventor).
So, it's Curtis who comes up with the tech to stop Bl*ck S*ren and he ultimately saves the day. Let's stay on this road with him Arrow. Make a clear division of duties between Curtis and Felicity. Let Curtis be Arrow's Cisco and slowly move him along on the Mr. Terrific training. I don't think they'll stop Curtis from becoming Mr. Terrific, but I'll be happy if this slows the train down and refocuses his character like they did in this episode.
Stray Thoughts
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Where you lookin’ Oliver? Felicity’s eyes are higher up.
I almost didn't notice Thea wasn't in the episode. That is how bad it's gotten with her lack of storyline. Let's fix that Arrow.
Flashback Ollie actually referring to LL's photograph is something new and different.
Don't try to understand The Flash Wild Dog.
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Best Curtis line of the night. Close secod was "Heard what? Just kidding. Pretty sure people in Florida heard that.”
Bl*ck S*ren's black lipstick is so distracting. I dislike it very much.
Oliver should have explained his friendship with Diggle to Adrian this way, "John Diggle is my Yoda. We have the bromance to end all bromances. Save my lobster."
Anti crime unit is still a thing? Billy was part of the anti crime unit? Ugh. I'm trying to remember Billy's 10 minutes on screen, but it's hard.
John Diggle... why is your voice so handsome? Also your face? I ask the important questions.
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"I'm use to it." Has anything more accurately summed up Olicity? I think not.
Wig is still worse than Oliver's bloody face.
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Felicity has a hard time swearing. Because she's a cupcake
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Talia Al Ghul has arrived! She's pretty. She looks like Nyssa. I am jazzed. My Batman roots demand it
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