#clair's drv3 fankid
clarissak18 · 9 months
Souta birthday special 2023
On this breezy night 2 days after Christmas. What could a guy like Ouma Souta doing here?
"Found you." A purple haired girl poke him from behind.
"Took you long enough....Harukawa-chan~"
"Get to the point. Why are you asking me to meet you this late at night? Not to mention it's midnight... you're lucky Onii-san and Okaa-san is training right now.." Said the purple haired girl or its no other than Harukawa Keiko.
"Well, I just wanna know how're you doin' after that 'night' y'know? It's pretty traumatic after all, though, my Lil sis would know that better than me." Said Souta while he stares at the river infront of him.
"Really? That's it? I'm doing fine. But if that's really just that then I must leave."
Just as Keiko was about to turn her heels to leave the place, Souta reach her arm.
"Oh-ho, of course it's not just that, young lady~ I need to show you something and I need you to give me your honest answer." Souta said as He reaches his back pocket to grab his phone.
"Make this quick."
"Oh, I will~ here.."
It's photos of headless corpses. Keiko stare at it with a wide eyes for a while before asking.
"This...what is this?!"
"What did you see~?"
"Bingo! Oh, please do keep your voice down...people are sleeping y'know~"
Keiko stays silent before nodding and took a big breath.
"Some of Mihoko's patients were showing her these pictures and they said that it's their families or friends. They have this terrified looks on their faces. I wanna ask you something if that's okay."
Souta gives Keiko a serious look before she finally nods.
"Alright. What is it that you want to ask me?"
"Who do you think the one who did all of this?" Souta grabs some snow with his hands.
"I...honestly have no idea..." Keiko trembles a bit as she bit her thumb.
"If I have to guess...I'll guess....your sister. Harukawa Mizuki."
Keiko's face turned in to a shock and frustration look.
"Are you serious!? There's no way she'd do that! Yes, she might be sick, but she'd never do that! She's still 10 years old!"
"I've told you it's just a guess."
"Well, I might be wrong, though. It's just my instinct after all. I have no proof at all."
Keiko stays silent as she hears Souta's explanation.
"Well, I guess that's all. I gave you a fright didn't i?"
Souta shot her a smirk as Keiko looks away.
"No, you're just hallucinating! Anyway, I'll go home. This is pretty useless..."
"Haha, sorry, sorry... I'll treat you some udon tomorrow, alright? Wait, no, technically it's today."
Keiko smiles a bit before hiding it with her hands.
"Thanks, I guess. Bye."
"Bye, bye~"
Just as Souta was about to turn his heel to go home, Keiko reaches the back of his jacket and pull the hem a bit.
"It's your birthday, right? It's only natural for me to give tou a present as a friend...and...take that as a thank you for helping me that time...here.."
Keiko put a small white box in Souta's jacket pocket before ran off. Leaving Souta completely confused.
Little did she know.. she's the first person who say that to him today.
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clarissak18 · 1 year
What's your fankid's age from the oldest to youngest?
I changed some of their age
Haruto: 18 y.o (26 April)
Shion: 17 y.o (2 June)
Souta: 17 y.o (27 December)
Rin: 16 y.o (2 September)
Homura: 14 y.o (23 June)
Keiko: 14 y.o (24 August)
Mihoko: 13 y.o (27 July)
Raiki: (died at the age of 12) (27 July)
Mizuki: 10 y.o (15 October)
Yukio: 10 y.o (8 June)
Akemi: 10 y.o (11 November)
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clarissak18 · 1 year
Homura’s birthday special
Homura’s POV
I woke up in some kind of park. With a beautiful flowers, some birds singing, and people clapping their hands. They all greet me ‘Happy Birthday!’ I was smiling brightly at them as I hug my parents. The birds gave me a flower crown as they sing me Happy Birthday.
People giving me some unique gifts! Ah, I’m so happy! Everyone’s here to celebrate my birthday. I’m really glad! Then, I saw the kids making something in the middle of the park. Yukio was smiling, Mizuki and Akemi was also smiling. They made a flower bed! Yukio drag me to the bed and told me to lay there as I did. And then I close my eyes….
As I woke up, I realized that I’m in my bedroom. ‘was I dreaming?’ I thought. I begin to get up from bed and head to the kitchen. As I did, some birthday trumpet. It was my family! Okaa-san, Otou-san, Nee-chan and Yukio! They all sing me happy birthday! Mom brought me the birthday cake. I make a wish before I blow off the candles.
Then, someone knocking at my door. It was Keiko, Mihoko Mizuki, Akemi and nee-chan’s friends. They greet me happy birthday and gave me some unique gifts. Mizuki made me a flower crown and told me to wear it as I do. And then, we all sing, dance and much more. As I grew tired, I decided to take a nap in my room.
As I woke up, I realized, I’m not in my bedroom, I’m not in the flower bed. I’m in…some kind of hospital bed. Oh yeah…. Otou-san brought me here because I had a really high fever. I get sweaty and I also had a several nosebleed. My body is full with rashes. So, I refuse anyone to come and see me in this state. Especially my family.
Ah yeah, it’s my birthday. The day that I hate the most. I only have 1 more year to live, but I don’t wanna die yet. I still want to live. I want to live longer. I want to see everyone’s smile.
I know, the world is such a cruel place, I know that. But, I still have hope. I want to…smile with everyone. Oh, heaven above, please.
I took my phone with my weak hand as I saw the chats. There’s no birthday wish for me. Only a worried messages from my family and friends, Some haters comments, and my teacher angry at me because once again, I failed my test. Otou-san said that he’ll come and visit me to check. I refuse but he insisted.
The nurse helped me to apply some foundation on my face. Luckily, I wear a clothing that covers my body. So Otou-san would not notice.
I want my birthday to be fun, and full of smiles. Not alone in some hospital room.
Birthday is the worst! It only brings me closer to death.
People sees their birthday as a happiness, I saw my birthday as a curse. If only I can live longer…
Please just see me as Saihara Homura, the ultimate Flutist. Don’t see me weakly laying on my bed like this..
Ah, Otou-san is here.
//Happy Birthday for the ultimate flutist! Yeah, I know, angst ;)
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clarissak18 · 1 year
You can find it on AO3 too!
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clarissak18 · 2 years
for each fankid you had which one is the most hardest backstory to write?
I would say Homura
Why? Because as a Saimatsu child she's literally close with all of my fankids. And especially her relationship with Raiki. Actually, she's probably has the most normal backstory (i mean not too uh...y'know) among all of them...i think?
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clarissak18 · 2 years
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"𝓔𝓿𝓮𝓷 𝓲𝓯 𝔂𝓸𝓾'𝓻𝓮 𝓷𝓸𝓽 𝓱𝓮𝓻𝓮, 𝓮𝓿𝓮𝓷 𝓲𝓯 𝔀𝓮 𝓰𝓮𝓽 𝓼𝓮𝓹𝓪𝓻𝓪𝓽𝓮𝓭, 𝔀𝓮'𝓵𝓵 𝓪𝓵𝔀𝓪𝔂𝓼 𝓱𝓪𝓿𝓮 𝓮𝓪𝓬𝓱 𝓸𝓽𝓱𝓮𝓻. 𝓑𝓮𝓬𝓪𝓾𝓼𝓮 𝔀𝓮'𝓻𝓮 𝓽𝔀𝓲𝓷𝓼 𝓻𝓲𝓰𝓱𝓽 .𝓝𝓸𝔀 𝓵𝓮𝓽'𝓼 𝓬𝓮𝓵𝓮𝓫𝓻𝓪𝓽𝓮 𝓸𝓾𝓻 𝓫𝓲𝓻𝓽𝓱𝓭𝓪𝔂 𝓽𝓸𝓰𝓮𝓽𝓱𝓮𝓻 "
Happy (really late) birthday to the Ouma Twins.
I know there's a lot mistakes in there but i don't have time to fix it. I'm so busy this week (derita anak osis :v) but this all i can come up with, sorry.... i can only do simple drawing for now, but i will be back soon don't worry :D
¡¡background is not mine¡¡
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clarissak18 · 2 years
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Aikaa Saihara's full body attire.
This took faster than i though, i changed her design so it didn't look to much like Kaede. Her personality almost like her dad, timid, intelligent, and doesn't like gossip but she also similar to her mom, likes music, optimistic, leadership skills.
I post this on instagram later tho, i'm tired.
Anyway hope y'all like it!!!
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clarissak18 · 2 years
A Daughter's Message
//Rin wrote a letter to Rantaro
Dear Papa
Papa, how are you? And where have you been?
You know a friend of mine asked me if I could join her band called Release Morning as a vocalist.
At first, I don’t want to join because I’m not sure if I’m good at singing yet but she keeps insisting that I’m good.
Papa, what is your job exactly? Mama said that your job is to help Shuichi Ojisan by travelling somewhere. It’s that true? When you’re home I have so much to ask you! Like why Mama always bring me to the hospital when I'm not sick?
Papa… I’m already 16 now, I’m the youngest member of the Release Morning. My Alias is Amai. I’m the Ultimate Linguist. I also learn how to do Aikido with Mama.
Papa… remember the last time we met? Yeah, it was on my 7th birthday. What are you doing exactly? Why can’t you stay here with us? Why you never at least let us know what are you doing?
You never call us, or text us. You probably forgot about your daughter’s name that you give. Is your work is really that important and it makes you forgot about your family?
But… whatever you do, please stay safe. I know someday you’ll be back with us again. And when that happen I won’t let you go again.
I missed you Papa.
~Amami Rin
A/N: I'm bored. And this just randomly passed my mind😂
//Rin calls her parents with 'Papa ' and 'Mama' shows how close she is her parents although she's not really close with her father.
//Rantaro haven't visited his family for 9 years and he never calls them nor keep touch with his family since he's busy with his job helping Shuichi.
Feel free to leave a review 《Clair's out》
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clarissak18 · 2 years
Mother's Anxiety
//Maki afraid that she might damaging her 2nd child's (Keiko) reputation, and Kaito tries to calm her down.
Maki stares at the sky on her bedroom balcony, while thinking about something. “Harumaki? What’re you doing here?”. Her husband approach her, makes her back to reality. “ Kaito…” Kaito stands beside her.
“Nothing, just a little stargazing…. I think?” She said.
“something’s wrong?” Said Kaito, as he put his hand on Maki’s shoulder making her lean to his biceps.
A little silence between them as they look at the stars that adorning the night sky.
“about Keiko’s reputation and stuff…. Do you think it’s because of me?” After a moment she finally speak, with a little frown on her face.
“‘the daughter of a slaughter ho kills at night under black cover' you…know who they meant right?” Maki stands up, as she puts her hands on the balcony railing. “although they don’t really know who exactly the person was but they somehow knew about ‘Scarlet Despair' and the Holy Salvation Society and much worse they knew it related to Keiko. Which is because of me..”
“but you’re out right? You no longer have anything related to your assassination, how they knew about your alias?”
Maki exhale in exhaustion. “that’s exactly what I’m curious about, I’ll ask Shuichi about this, right now I want to find a way to make Keiko not to get drag about this, especially since I haven’t told her anything.”
“but what if I only make it worse? Also Keiko is a straight thinker also she has slight aphasia. it’ll be impossible for her to.. but… ARGH” Maki holds her head anxious while panting. Kaito rubs her back rhythmically to calm her down while holds her protectively.
“ I such failure as a mother… not just because I rarely even spend time with any of my children, I also really useless during time like this.”
When it’s about her family especially her children Maki can be a little anxious. She haven’t told any of her child about her childhood as an assassin which makes her a bit scared if they found out before she and Kaito tell them anything, especially her middle child.
But Kaito always had a way to make her calm down when times like this.
Kaito put his hands around her waist from behind and brings her closer to him. If he can be honest, he wanted at least a time just the two of them like this, and now he got it.
“h-huh?” Maki startled at the sudden contact making her blush a little.
“ you’re not a failure, you’re never be…you’re amazing you’re able to think this through. You’re much better a parent than I am, I mean I only able to see my family in 6 months.” Kaito said with his usual stupid but cute grin.
“besides this is Keiko we’re talking about, she got your mindset, I’m sure she’ll think this out somehow before we even knew it. She always has her way to get out, and we help her from afar. And if i knew one thing about Keiko, she doesn’t like if we too caught up with her problem but she will ask us for help if she thinks she can’t handle it herself”
“but how can you be so sure?” Maki turned to face her husband.
“because…” Kaito pull her closer and kisses her forehead, and meet her forehead with his.
“she’s our daughter. And as a parent we should at least have faith in her right?” he smiles again. Maki finally calmed down, although still blushing as she tries to hide it with her bangs. Is he really the Kaito i knew? After a minute she finally realized..
“h-huh” Maki suddenly became flustered as she pushed Kaito. “ the hell are you doing?!”
“ what? I can’t even hug my own wife?” Kaito asked in confusion, although seeing his wife still able be flustered around him despite already married making him chuckled. ‘cute’
“ t-that's not the point! What if the kids saws us?”
“why would they saw us? We’re on our bedroom balcony and the kids are sleeping. ‘sides you really could use a hug y’know”
“ i-idiot” Maki hugs Kaito and hides her face in his chest. “ love you..”
“love you too”
We’ll talk to her tomorrow okay? Right now , let’s get some sleep.
A/N: have this short fic, story related, while I'm in hospital. I will write since i can't draw right now, so this is the only thing i could come up with. (Rip eng) i was planning to make this as a comic but... you know lah.
I hope my writing skills haven't gone, it's been a month since i write. Anyway feel free to leave review. 《Clair's out》
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clarissak18 · 2 years
is Keiko close to her mom or her dad?
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Have this :>
she's close to Maki but she never realized it. Maki is a bit too protective to her because of her.....life. (Keiko's back story is actually inspired by some Indonesia visual novel horror game but minus the finger-cutting part)
I'm very sorry for the late answer, this question is actually asked when I'm in hospital. Feel free to shoot me :>
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clarissak18 · 2 years
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I want to try draw in different style but it ended up like this. But honestly it's not bad tho.
Mihoko's actual attire doesn't look like this, it just that i haven't decided what kind of outfit i should gave her so.. yea.
Background is not mine, it's from ibis paint.
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clarissak18 · 2 years
is Souta and Mihoko inherited their father's love for panta?
Souta: "it's fine i guess? not really a fan of panta, in fact it's getting weird. If you ask me, Limeade is the BEST!! "
Mihoko: "Panta? nah, i don't wanna be like a weird 'person' who only drink panta all the time, and never be taller than his son. I prefer juice or vintage soda I guess? Oh, the one who actually loves panta is Raiki"
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clarissak18 · 2 years
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there's still bonus down there
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I'm just bored ok Hahah
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