#clan 1: sorrelclan
havocs-wc-stuff · 8 months
SorrelClan - Origins
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Say hello to the nine founders of SorrelClan!
Leader - Clearstar (85 moons), a grey, black, and white tom with grey-green eyes and a long scar down the center of his face.
Deputy - Duskpelt (69 moons), a brown tabby she-cat with green eyes.
Medicine Cat/Healer - Dazzlemurk (148 moons), a grey tabby tom with amber eyes.
-- Warriors --
Sunnydaisy (115 moons), a white and grey she-cat with golden eyes.
Marigoldfreckle (91 moons), a grey ticked tom with green eyes.
Quiverspots (32 moons), a cream and black spotted tom with blue eyes.
-- Apprentices --
Leappaw (11 moons), a bengal patterned tom with dark orange eyes. Apprenticed to Quiverspots.
Softpaw (8 moons), a black and white colored tom with green-yellow eyes. Apprenticed to Clearstar.
-- Kits --
Olivekit (4 moons), a white and grey spotted tom with sage green eyes.
Nothing's happened yet as it's still Moon Zero, but I'm excited to see what this group gets up to next : D
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seedclan · 1 year
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Year 1 - Moon 2 - Newleaf
The full moon shone in the sky, the stars themselves clear as can be as they shimmered against their dark canvas. Another gathering was upon them, and Fallendapple found herself a bit anxious as her and the rest of SeedClan arrived. The half-moon meeting had been rather curt, her and Fireleopard speaking little to each other the entire tom. The ginger tom had been pretty quiet, luckily sparing her from a mocking remark. However, would he be so kind amongst the company of his clanmates?
“Fallendapple, over here,” a tom’s voice called.
The dark brown tabby caught the speckled brown she-cat’s attention. As she padded over, she’d cast a quick look at the ginger tom beside him.
“Lakeburn,” Fallendapple greeted, dipping her head to the brown tom. “Fireleopard. Moonbumble.” Both cats dipped their heads as well, though Fallendapple was quick to notice they were one short amongst their little group here.
“Moonbumble, where is Maplefern tonight?”
The black and white she-cat had a rather glassy expression, not even acknowledging the SeedClan Healer. Lakeburn gave her a small nudge, causing the she-cat to straighten up as her ears pricked to attention.
“Oh umm-umm-umm... She won’t be joining us this evening.” Moonbumble’s voice was quick, if not a bit curt. It was evident enough to the group that pressing further just begged for the soft spoken she-cat to get anxious. Fallendapple would instead dip her head respectfully, taking the she-cat’s words as they were.
Lakeburn offered a smile to the group, waving his tail as if to escape the subject. Alas Fallendapple could see though that his smile never quite reached his eyes. “I see everyone looks quite healthy. We should be grateful the flow of prey has been kind to us.”
It’s Newleaf, Lakeburn. Of course prey is plentiful!
Fallendapple thought said remark, but would never say that. In fact most of her remarks went unsaid because Fireleopard was always willing to say such things. It came as a shock to the brown she-cat when there was not a peep out of the ginger tom. Instead he sighed tiredly, leaning forward as he found it difficult to sit up straight.
“Indeed. I think we best enjoy it while it lasts,” he mumbled in a raspy tone.
Moonbumble remained quiet, only lifting her eyes up as Chivestar’s gray tail was raised to the moonlight.
Cats were settling into their chosen spots, and the leaders had all taken their place at the front. As the murmurings became hushed and quiet, the gathering would officially begin.
This time, it was Chivestar’s turn to go first. The SorrelClan leader padded forward, placing a fresh sprig of green leaves at his paws. “SorrelClan has little to speak about I’m afraid. A pretty boring past moon,” he chuckled, eyeing the cats as if they may just chuckle, but alas no one dared even purr. Chivestar cleared his throat. “Well, this evening I brought Basil. With it I bring good wishes to the others, and good wishes for my clan these next few moons. Bumblepaw has completed his Hunting Trial. He caught a sizable black bird that fed us all well. We especially needed it after the heavy rain.”
Fallendapple noticed Lakeburn’s pelt prickle as Chivestar spoke. His fluffy brown tail twitched slightly, and yet his facial expression itself remained calm, if not happy looking. The she-cat glanced back up at the leaders, blue eyes traveling to the large tom that was Ryestar. The CoyoteClan leader had a rather sorrowful expression, stepping forward as he placed down an ominous pale blue flower that every cat knew. The silence of the gathered cats was chilling, and those of CoyoteClan lowered their heads with somber gazes.
“I have brought the Forget-Me-Not. With great sorrow I must announce that our deputy, Barleytail, has passed on to join our ancestors.”
Fallendapple whipped her head around to look at Lakeburn, who had lowered his head, but his expression was just neutral. It was hard to tell what the medicine cat was thinking, and even his tail had been tucked closely to his side, as if he knew he may have given himself away just mere moments before.
“Our camp’s trenches struggled with the heavy rain. We faced a terrible flood and Barleytail... she bravely saved her apprentice, Rainpaw.” Ryestar attempted to speak clearly, though his elderly voice choked as he tried to take a steady breath. “Rainpaw had been injured during his border trial after a monster caused grave injury to his leg. Barleytail made sure he made it out safe. She always put her clan first, and was the image of a true CoyoteClan warrior. We will never forget her.”
Sympathetic expression crossed many of the gathered cats. Chivestar had flattened his ears, realizing his comment about the rain hit a sore spot for CoyoteClan. Kestrelstar would dip her head in respect, while Whisperstar paused before dipping her head as well. Ryestar’s eyes held little anger, merely sadness as he nodded back to his fellow leaders.
“Plummoon has been made CoyoteClan’s new deputy. StarClan spoke to Lakeburn that very evening, where the was just almost full. Against the starry sky, our ancestors spoke to Lakeburn, giving us guidance when we needed it. I believe Plummoon will be an excellent deputy for CoyoteClan.”
Fallendapple was surprised. The tom was rather... ordinary, all things considered. He was known for being careful, passive, and not being much of a presence all things considered. He often faded into the background, and never would anyone have expected him to be the right fit for a position as important as deputy.
“Odd choice...”
“It’s as StarClan wills.”
Fallendapple’s pelt grew hot, realizing she had spoken aloud. She slowly turned to meet Lakeburn’s calm expression. Despite no anger being evident on his face, his eyes were deep blue pools of hollowness. It was almost scarier than Lakeburn actually being aggressive towards her.
“It’s an odd choice, Lakeburn,” Fireleopard spoke up.
Both medicine cats turned to look at the smaller ginger tom, who sighed. “But everything is odd now, isn’t it? Please remember Fallendapple is young, and have some understanding.”
“... Yes, Fireleopard.” Lakeburn would dip his head in acknowledgement to the older medicine cat. respect glimmering in his gaze as his dark blue gaze looked away from Fallendapple’s.
“And Fallendapple, do remember we aren’t exactly working with much. You have a lot to learn, and you should mind your tongue.” Rather than being a stern scolding, Fireleopard’s voice was low. Fallendapple couldn’t deny he was right. After all, it was either Plummoon or Aphidsun, and the young ginger she-cat was a very new warrior. Many might say StarClan wasn’t even needed to make this choice.
Ryestar would finally step back, giving Whisperstar her turn. The small white she-cat would place down a purple flower with long, curled petals, raising her head high. “For this gathering I have brought an Iris. The iris means many things - things that CherryClan needs right now. Faith, wisdom, valor...” The older she-cat sighs as she continues. “Apricotfeather has announced she is expecting kits. We look forward to new additions to our clan.”
Murmurs of congratulations traveled through the gathered cats. Fallendapple tilted her head to get a better look at the gray tabby she-cat, her belly beginning to get plump. Sitting at her side was a silver tabby tom, who grinned sheepishly as other cats came up to him to wish congratulations.
They must be mates then.
“Umm-umm-umm-umm...” Moonbumble stuttered.
Fireleopard’s ears curled back slightly at the sound. Lakeburn would whisk his tail over the she-cat’s back, rubbing it gently to assure her. Fallendapple had come to know Moonbumble well enough, her fellow medicine cat Maplefern having done well to educate her on the white and black she-cat’s tics. Eventually though, Moonbumble stopped, dipping her head as she acknowledged the blessing that were new kits, especially in these times.
Whisperstar would continue. “We are patrolling our borders carefully. Do not think we have forgotten about Bushclaw’s murder. Whoever it was will see justice.” The white she-cat stepped back with a pointed gaze, before turning to Kestrelstar with a content expression.
Finally, the dark gray tabby took her place, dipping her head to Whisperstar before setting her rather bushy purple plant down. “This evening I’ve brought Thyme, a plant representing courage and strength. This moon I have focused on keeping my clan unified. Just as we take care of ourselves, I believe we also need to take care of each other.” Kestrelstar eyed Whisperstar, who glared back at her with a narrowed gaze.
“For instance,” Kestrelstar spoke. “Whisperstar, not too long ago, my patrol encountered what we believe is a loner lurking on your territory. He smelled distinctly of CherryClan, as if he was part of your clan, and yet I’m fairly certain he is not one of your cats.”
Whisperstar’s eyes widened, blinking incredulously. “Impossible! There’s no way some loner could go undetected.”
“I promise you, it’s true,” Kestrelstar spoke firmly. “He was a pale ginger tom, with dark her markings. He had an odd name. Churro.”
Whisperstar would scoff. “Well... we’ll keep our eyes out then. If this is your attempt at looking out for one another, then so be it, Kestrelstar. If this does prove to be true, then you will have my gratitude.”
Fallendapple had heard a bit about the strange loner Kestrelstar’s patrol had encountered. Howlpaw had babbled about it to her while Goldeniris insisted they too should check their own borders more. Outsiders weren’t uncommon, but cats were wary of them after The Great Division. Who willingly wanted to throw themselves into the broken up fragments that were their once single territory. Fallendapple loved her clan, but she couldn’t imagine outsiders finding clanlife appealing in its current state.
Kestrelstar would continue. “Softpaw has completed his Hunting Trial, bringing him one step closer on his path to becoming a warrior. We also have a new apprentice - Howlpaw. It is my honor to be training him myself.”
“Howlpaw! Howlpaw! Howlpaw!” the gathering cheered.
The fluffy gray apprentice straightened up with a sheepish smile.
“Ryestar, I truly am sorry for your loss. Know that if you need extra herbs, Fallendapple can provide some to your clan.” Kestrelstar flicked her tail towards the speckled brown she-cat, eyes turning to her.
Fallendapple would tense for a moment before nodding. “Of course, Kestrelstar.” In truth, she had mixed feelings herself on her current herb supply, nevermind handing it over to another clan. Fallendapple glanced away, catching a familiar gaze across the clearing. Quillbeak nodded to her, understanding in his wary gaze, before the two cats turned to look back to the gathered leaders.
Ryestar would simply dip his head graciously to Kestrelstar. With nothing left to share though, the gathering was commenced. Havenbramble padded over to Apricotfeather, congratulating her personally on the little bundles that would be coming. Fallendapple would watch as Lakeburn went to congratulate her as well, and she’d debate following him herself.
“Do you know how many you’ll be having yet?” Havenbramble asked cheerfully.
“Um, I believe Moonbumble thinks it’ll be a larger litter,” Apricotfeather replied, lowering head with a hit of embarrassment.
Moonbumble had padded over with Lakeburn, nodding as she offered a soft smile to Havenbramble. “She’s already showing and there’s still much time before she’ll actually have her kits. It’ll be umm-umm-umm great life for CherryClan, as Whisperstar said.”
“I’m sure you’re very proud, Tadpolefern,” Lakeburn spoke up, nodding to the silver tom sitting beside Apricotfeather during the gathering.
“Hm?” Tadpolefern blinked, perking up with a slight tilt of his head. “Well yeah, Apricotfeather is going to do great! I’ll make sure to bring her everything she needs, and those kits are going to be strong warriors! Oh, or maybe one will even become a medicine cat. We could use one, right Moonbumble?”
“Umm-umm-umm-!” Moonbumble’s ears fell as she shook her head. “I mean umm-umm-umm yes quite!” She smiled with a soft giggle, scrunching her shoulders up as she rolled her head.
Fallendapple wasn’t one to mingle with the other clans too much. It still felt... odd. Then again she had never known a world where they didn’t live world’s apart. Her instinct was to find Quillbeak, walking alongside him as they returned back to the safety of SeedClan’s camp. As the medicine cat turned to try and find her clanmate, a raspy voice would stop her.
“Do you have a moment, Fallendapple?”
Fallendapple tensed. Seeing Fireleopard, the she-cat lashed her tail slightly with narrowed eyes. “What is it?”
“I wanted to apologize for my behavior last gathering.”
Huh? Fireleopard apologizing? Was she dreaming? This ragged tom never apologized. This kind of tune shocked Fallendapple, the she-cat having to pause as if Fireleopard might pull one over on her. But... he didn’t. Instead the ginger tom apologetically dipped his head.
“I’m a grown tom. I shouldn’t have been acting like a sniveling kit. The Healer Code states we shouldn’t fight under the stars, and for that I’m sorry - to you and your clan.”
“I...” Fallendapple blinked, her fur beginning to lie flat. “...Thank you, Fireleopard. That... That’s kind of you, really.” A genuine smile passed on to Fallendapple’s face, the she-cat whisking her fluffy tail around to cover her paws. “You were right earlier as well though... about me having much to learn.”
A light chuckle escaped the SorrelClan tom, before he coughed. Clearing his throat, Fireleopard sighed and nodded. “As you were, Fallendapple. Do take care of yourself this next moon.”
“And you as well,” Fallendapple called after. She’d watch as Fireleopard sauntered towards a brown and white she-cat, who touched noses with him before following alongside him with the other SorrelClan cats.
“There you are.”
“Eep!” Fallendapple whipped around, tired of these cats spooking her. Maybe she was the problem - too easy to scare.
Quillbeak eyed her, tilting his head. “You should know my paw steps by now, especially with our training.” His tail tip twitched. “What did that old pile of burrs have to say to you?” he asked, lip slightly curled as he watched the other clan cats leave.
Fallendapple would frown, glancing down at her paws. “Nothing really. He actually um... and you might find this kinda funny but uh... he apologized to me. For what happened at the last gathering.” She looked up hopefully at Quillbeak, chuckling to herself as if she also found it a bit funny.
“Oh please,” Quillbeak scoffed, waving his tail dismissively. “They probably heard Kestrelstar volunteer us herbs and now want to stay in our good graces. You shouldn’t be so naive, Fallendapple. You know we can’t spare herbs for CoyoteClan, much less SorrelClan.”
She thought of their brief moment of eye contact, agreement on their current supply. What Quillbeak said was true but... was that really why Fireleopard apologized? Was she naive to think he actually meant it...
As cats made their way back to their clans, Fallendapple would cast a final gaze up at the stars. She was still so young, and still had much to learn. Whether Fireleopard meant it or not, that she could agree with...
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havocs-wc-stuff · 8 months
SorrelClan - Moon 9
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It is now Leaf-Bare!
SorrelClan woke to a new day and snow gently falling down around them. The kits huddled against their parents for warmth, while the clan's warriors prepared for a hard moon of hunting ahead of them.
Yellowkit was wary of the falling snow, and though the other kits began playing together outside she buried her muzzle further into Leapheart's fluffy coat. He couldn't help but laugh at his daughter, but he curled his tail around her all the same.
Meanwhile Stagkit, Rainkit, and Echokit held a race around camp to see who was the fastest. Rainkit was in the lead but accidentally tripped over a tree root and Echokit got ahead right at the end.
Duskpelt's sprain finally healed, and she was eager to return to patrolling as soon as possible. Dazzlemurk cautioned against it but he knew the deputy wasn't listening anyway.
He instead went over the clan's herbs in storage and made sure to note which ones he was running low on. He silently prayed to StarClan that next moon he would get an apprentice, so he wouldn't have to manage all of this alone.
A kittypet approached the camp entrance one afternoon, and Marigoldfreckle was about to try and scare her off when he noticed the kit held in her mouth. She tearfully told Marigoldfreckle that she could no longer care for the kit and ran away soon after. Slightly stunned by the event, he decided he and Quiverspots would adopt it themselves.
Almondkit (tom; lonesome; careful listener) has joined the clan!
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Softcrash didn't want to admit it, but Olivepaw had been slowing down for a while now. He refused all food and would only lay in his nest staring at the wall. It was more cruel this way, he thought. His mind went back to their time as kits in the nursery, dreaming of the day when they'd be warriors together. Together...
StarClan must be playing a horrible joke on the both of them. Softcrash dug his claws in the dirt as tears began to fall. Dazzlemurk came to sit next to him at some point, but no words were said. The healer simply sat close and silently comforted him as he cried.
A day had barely passed before Olivepaw took his place in StarClan. Everyone in SorrelClan mourned during the vigil, Softcrash the most out of all.
Ok wow. A lot happened this moon. Leaf-bare brings tragedy it seems.
I knew it was probably going to happen eventually, but Olivepaw's death really hurt :( He hung in there for a long time though, holy hell. He was hurt for like 7 moons and was still kicking up until now.
Other than that, yet another kit added to the list lmao. I wonder how many we're gonna get before next spring...
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havocs-wc-stuff · 8 months
SorrelClan - Moon 8
One morning Clearstar awoke, no longer sick and finally beginning to feel like himself again. He walked out of the medicine den with a spring in his step, greeting Duskpelt with a happy purr. The two walked together towards the center of camp and quickly began assigning patrols.
Meanwhile Dazzlemurk was going over the herbs the clan had in store and realized the plantain had gone bad. Cursing to himself, he made a note to ask Duskpelt to assign a few warriors to help him gather more.
Stagkit called Yellowkit over to play with him in the nursery, but she wasn't interested. She preferred listening to Dazzlemurk's lectures on herbs in the medicine den.
A few days later, Clearstar came back to camp late in the evening. He was evasive and didn't tell anyone where he'd been, but Duskpelt followed him to his den upon his request. He explained that he'd been out walking when he heard faint cries from a cluster of bushes. He found two (seemingly newborn) kits without their mother. He looked around but after finding no cat in sight quickly grabbed the pair and brought them back with him.
Duskpelt helped him settle into the nursery with the kits, returning to her own nest after. Silently she wondered to herself who was leaving so many kits in their territory anyway...
Rainkit and Echokit have joined the clan!
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Softcrash and Olivepaw swap prey while eating in the medicine den together.
Quiverspots and Marigoldfreckle spent the afternoon lying in a sunny patch of grass together and chatting, engrossed in each other's company.
Marigoldfreckle walked ahead of the group while out on patrol, intending to show off for Quiverspots. He didn't bring home much though and trudged back with his tail between his legs, thoroughly embarrassed. Quiverspots reassured him that he was still very brave and handsome as they curled up to rest together.
Dazzlemurk saw how late it was, and quickly gathered warriors to go out gathering herbs with him. Clearstar, Leapheart and Softcrash were the only cats left so gathering they went. The mission was to find more plantain as well as blackberries, since leaf-fall brought the tart snack out in full force. Sadly the bushes with the most ripe berries were also covered in thorns. No cat wants a paw-full of spikes, so the patrol had to settle with the poor selection on the less prickly ones. They came home with what they needed, but Dazzlemurk made note of which bushes to avoid in the future.
Whew, even more kittens running around...
I do wonder why many cats opt to just abandon their kits in the woods like that though, such a strange coincidence that it happened twice like this already (0u0)
Anyway, this was an interesting moon! I'm still worried about Olivepaw, since his back's been broken for 6 moons now and he still hasn't recovered. He's almost as old as Softcrash and still stuck as an apprentice due to the injury :(
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havocs-wc-stuff · 8 months
SorrelClan - Moon 7
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Dazzlemurk made a trip to visit medicine cats from neighboring clans, intending to ask them for help treating Sunnydaisy and Clearstar's cases of greencough. The other clans gave what advice and herbs they could and he began the journey home.
Dazzlemurk got back to camp just in time to hear cats calling out in panicked voices. 'Someone must be hurt' he thought and mentally prepared to treat another injured or sick cat. Leapheart noticed him come through the camp entrance and hurriedly called him over. He took him to the medicine den, and what he saw made his blood run cold.
Sunnydaisy had died while he was gone. It almost didn't seem real, the cat he had just spoken to this morning lying there motionless. He was sure Leapheart had said something to him but in his state he couldn't hear it. He just stood there and stared forward...
He, like the rest of the clan, was in shock for some time after it had happened. The next day Dazzlemurk miserably went to prepare the burial grounds as Sunnydaisy's vigil carried on behind him. As Clearstar was still sick himself, Duskpelt had to lead in his stead. SorrelClan greatly mourned the loss of their clanmate, sharing stories about her and talking long into the night.
It seems StarClan was looking down on them with favor however, for one day while Leapheart was patrolling the border he came across a curious stranger. A loner named Chari who wished to join their clan. He exhausted the warrior with his questions, and yet seemed to know a great deal about clan life already. After quite a lengthy process (mostly for Leapheart) Chari joined SorrelClan while keeping his old name.
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Dazzlemurk, still shaken by the events from a few days prior, spent all day in the medicine den organizing and fussing over small details. He didn't stop once to talk to any cats other than Clearstar and even forgot to eat. In the evening Softcrash slowly edged inside the small space, carrying a mouse in his mouth. He offered it to Dazzlemurk, telling him he should eat. You can't help other cats get better if you aren't well yourself, after all.
This act seemed to snap the healer out of his foggy state and he apologized for worrying Softcrash.
Quiverspots decided to gift Chari a few feathers as a welcoming gift, and the tom happily uses them to decorate his nest.
One afternoon Stagkit and Yellowkit got caught playing too close to the border and were harshly scolded by Duskpelt.
Marigoldfreckle and Quiverspots saw a FuzzClan patrol renewing their scent marks up ahead during their patrol. Marigoldfreckle dissuades any tension by bringing up recent news that their neighbor clan shared at the last Gathering. The other cats are pleasantly surprised and the groups chat amicably for a short while before separating.
Duskpelt and Softcrash tagged along to help Dazzlemurk gather more herbs. All was going well until Duskpelt unfortunately fell and sprained her paw while gathering leaves from a tree branch. She was helped back to camp, but turned away once she was settled into her nest (she was rather embarrassed).
When I said I wanted more plot I didn't mean this! Nooo Sunnydaisy :(( first clan founder gone...
Aside from that unlucky event this moon went surprisingly well! Got a new clan member and some interesting relationship developments!
Side note: I'll admit I am a little tempted by the idea of making actual clan saves for SorrelClan's neighbors. Problem is I don't know if I'd be able to keep up with it! It sounds like a LOT of work and craziness.. save it for another time perhaps.
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havocs-wc-stuff · 8 months
SorrelClan - Moon 6
It is now leaf-fall!
Both Clearstar and Sunnydaisy have contracted greencough.
Leapheart tried to sneak back into camp that same evening, but Duskpelt was watching and asked him where he'd been. He sheepishly moved aside to reveal two (very young) kits mewling behind him. Duskpelt gasped in surprise, and quickly grabbed one of them to help him move the kits to the nursery. She tried to ask him where they came from afterwards but Leapheart refused to give a straight answer.
Regardless, SorrelClan welcomes Stagkit (tom; lonesome) and Yellowkit (she-cat; troublesome)!
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Dazzlemurk spent a few hours with Softcrash, talking as they went about their duties. Softcrash told him his anxieties about becoming a warrior, and doubting his own ability. Dazzlemurk tried his best to assuage the warrior's fears and they ended up having a long and productive conversation about the subject. They even found plantain for the herb stores, too.
Hi, me again :P Sorry for there being no drawing today, pain flare up made it difficult to do stuff .
SorrelClan's first non clan-born cats have arrived! tbh they're so close in color I almost couldn't tell them apart.. very confusing
I couldn't find a good way to put in in here but Marigoldfreckle and Quiverspots did become mates lol, shout out to gay people 👍
I think it's still a bit rough but I'm sorta getting into the flow of writing these little blurbs! I'm also really invested in these cats lives now lmao
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havocs-wc-stuff · 8 months
SorrelClan - Moon 5
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Clearstar called a gathering in the center of camp at the start of the new moon. The cause of celebration? Softpaw's graduation from apprenticeship! The young tom looked at the ground for most of Clearstar's speech, pointedly avoiding his mentor's eyes. He was incredibly nervous but also knew he must be ready to be a warrior by now, otherwise the ceremony wouldn't be happening.
Clearstar nudged Softpaw, and he looked up with a small jump. He stood up properly next to him and looked at the clan cats gathered around them. He pushed past his anxiety and smiled at Leapheart as he was renamed to Softcrash.
The same afternoon Softcrash was on his way back to the warriors den when he suddenly felt an intense dizziness and could no longer walk straight. He decided it was better to find Dazzlemurk than struggle through the pain.
In contrast to Softcrash the rest of the clan seemed to be in near perfect health. Quiverspots and Sunnydaisy's tails have both healed, and Dazzlemurk no longer had any fleas. This turned out to be good for him though, as the healer could devote more attention to treating his heat exhaustion.
Marigoldfreckle seemed to be oblivious to Quiverspots' gaze lingering on him, despite several different cats trying to point it out. Quiverspots complained about it to Sunnydaisy later, and the pair shared a small chuckle over the other warrior's tunnel vision.
Leapheart and Softcrash visited Olivepaw in the medicine den nearly every day, to talk about goings-on in the clan and to share prey with him. The apprentice appreciated the distraction, as spending all his time lying in a nest got rather lonely over the several moons he had been there.
Finally, some luck! Dazzlemurk thanked StarClan when, while out on patrol, he and Sunnydaisy found some mallow to bring back for the herb stores. He trotted back home with a spring in his step and had a bright, cheerful mood for the rest of the day.
Clearstar suggested the idea of a short training session to Duskpelt, and she agreed. However she was called away at the last minute by another cat and couldn't go. He understood but drooped down sadly, walking off to find something else to do.
One afternoon Leapheart, Marigoldfreckle, and Quiverspots left on a patrol together. An hour in, Quiverspots started smelling the scent of another clan within the border. The patrol slowed their pace, listening for signs of any enemy cats ahead.
It wasn't long before they heard a twig snap, and they dashed towards the source of the noise. What they were greeted with was not a hostile warrior however. Instead they found an apprentice from their neighbor Fuzzclan. The young cat looked terrified, and hurriedly explained that she was lost and didn't mean to cross the border.
Quiverspots understood but still lectured the young cat on border lines and how they needed to be respected. The patrol and the apprentice parted ways after a while and the trio of warriors headed back home.
Again, not much happening this moon either. I don't want to meddle too much but the pace is pretty slow at this rate so I might. But just a little. ( mainly with relationships hehehe >:3 )
And yea I might be introducing ships a bit too early on but plot needs to happen somehow.. Marigoldfreckle/Quiverspots likely in the future (Marispots? Quiverfreckle? idk).
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havocs-wc-stuff · 8 months
SorrelClan - Moon 4
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Clearstar, Quiverspots, and Sunnydaisy have recovered from some of their injuries. Olivepaw is not doing nearly as well, and still can't walk around camp without help.
Dazzlemurk suddenly realized one afternoon that the itching he was feeling wasn't merely irritation...he had gotten fleas.
Duskpelt watched Marigoldfreckle swap prey with another cat and thought to herself that she wished her coat could shine like his.
On his way back from a walk, Dazzlemurk overhears Duskpelt gossiping about him and Sunnydaisy with Clearstar. Red with embarrassment, he turned away from the two with a loud huff and stomped back to the medicine den. 'If they want to gossip, let them,' he thought as he angrily checked over the herb stores.
Dazzlemurk and Leapheart traveled out to a spot in SorrelClan territory to look for burdock that the healer remembered seeing. When they arrived it was nowhere to be found and they had to return with nothing. Dazzlemurk was greatly annoyed but Leapheart assured him they would try to search for more on the next patrol.
Marigoldfreckle and Duskpelt were hunting when they came across a strange pile of leaves in the woods. Marigoldfreckle approached the structure and found metal bars underneath and the scent of prey wafting from within. It suddenly clicked, he had heard about this! It was a twoleg made trap for cats! He told Duskpelt and the pair avoided the contraption in favor of safer hunting grounds.
Clearstar and Softpaw's evening patrol was fairly uneventful, to the apprentice's dismay. He did see a small lizard, but was unable to catch it in time and sulked the whole way back to camp.
Ok so honestly, not much happened at all this moon so I kind of had to put some extra fluff in myself story-wise.... (T_T)
I hope it's ok, I don't want things to get boring :[
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havocs-wc-stuff · 8 months
SorrelClan - Moon 2
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Marigoldfreckle woke with a stomachache at the beginning of the new moon, and decided he'd much rather stay in bed than try to move around. Meanwhile, the other cats gather in front of Clearstar for Olivekit's ceremony.
Olivekit, now Olivepaw, bounded over to Leapheart and almost bowled him over in his excitement to touch noses. The older cats purred with happiness (and laughter) while Leapheart gently scolded Olivepaw for rushing things.
While out patrolling together, Quiverspots and Sunnydaisy failed to notice that the tree above them was swaying a bit too hard in the breeze. A second later and the tree collapsed, not killing the pair but unfortunately injuring their tails as they tried to run away.
Olivepaw also met a similar fate while out in SorrelClan's territory, except when Leapheart and Marigoldfreckle pulled him out from under the branches, they could clearly see broken bones. Leapheart panicked and shouted a bit too loud at Marigoldfreckle to help him carry Olivepaw back to camp. He helped of course, but the older cat did sulk for a little while once they got back.
After seeing that Clearstar and Softpaw were busy talking, Dazzlemurk decided to take Duskpelt with him to assist in tending to SorrelClan's burial grounds. Rosemary is abundant in the quiet clearing, and both cats gathered plenty while they worked in silence.
Clearstar wanted to take Softpaw out to see a porcupine (and teach a lesson about proper safety around other wild creatures) but when they arrived to the location it was last seen it was nowhere to be found. Clearstar was very disappointed at first, but Softpaw was quick to crack a joke and lift his mentor's spirits.
One evening, after a particularly long day, Marigoldfreckle invited Quiverspots and Softpaw to sit with him and enjoy the sunset. The trio basked in the remaining rays of light and chatted amicably.
Ok that's Moon 2!
Now what is with this clan and most of their apprentices getting seriously injured on their first patrol?? Hell of an initiation ritual.... I hope Olivepaw recovers, and quickly.
Trying to add a little more fluff in between events to build character relationships as well! I hope someone out there enjoys it : P
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havocs-wc-stuff · 7 months
SorrelClan - Moons 20 + 21
21 moons already! wow..
Despite having several kits already, Marigoldfreckle still felt himself tremble with anxiety in his nest at the prospect of raising 2 more. Quiverspots was quick to reassure him though, and the two spent hours thinking of what to name SorrelClan's newest members.
Birchkit (male; know-it-all; careful listener) and Crowkit (male; insecure; quick witted) have been born!
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One day Softcrash stayed out longer than he was supposed to, loitering around the CherryClan border late into the evening like he was waiting for someone. The "someone" never did show up, and he eventually had to turn away and return to camp.
Rainpaw and Echopaw finally reconciled after nearly a moon of barely speaking to one another. Rainpaw apologized profusely about how rude he'd been during their big fight, only to be shocked when Echopaw did the same! They both stared in silence for a moment before laughing and running off to playfully spar in a nearby clearing.
Quiverspots and Almondpaw tried to save an abandoned kittypet near a thunderpath, but they were too late.
On their way back from a successful hunting patrol, Chari stopped Stagdash and Stoatpaw and hushed them, listening for a sound he had just heard close by. The group investigated further and found it was a loner hiding themselves in a cluster of bushes. Their leg was severely mangled, and they were wincing in pain. Chari's eyes met theirs and he knew he couldn't just leave them there. He got Stagdash to help him carry the injured cat back to camp.
Finchclaw (male; faithful; unusually strong fighter) has joined the clan!
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Moon 21
It is now leaf-bare!
Yellowpaw finally became a full medicine cat, and she was renamed Yellowtail!
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The celebrations are not yet over however, for SorrelClan also welcomed two new warriors: Echostep and Rainfrost!
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As well as one new apprentice: Darkpaw (apprenticed to Duskpelt)!
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Chari and Leapheart happily discussed recent clan news, while Marigoldfreckle and Quiverspots took some time to bask in the sun and relax.
Finchclaw had a tough time adjusting to clan life at first, but the cheery enthusiasm of nearly everyone around him made it a lot easier. While he was still stuck in the medicine den, apprentices and kits constantly stopped by to pelt him with endless questions about what it was like to be a loner.
Rainfrost got a torn pelt from a scuffle with a fox that surprised him on patrol, and had to be helped back to camp by Stagdash.
Yellowtail and Dazzlemurk chatted about various topics while gathering daisy for the herb stores.
New babies and a few new warriors! :D
Happy about this one and I'm excited to write more
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havocs-wc-stuff · 7 months
SorrelClan - Moon 19
I am taking advantage of my adhd hyperfix buff rn, bear with me y'all lmao
Marigoldfreckle was unsure how many kits he would have, and decided to move into the nursery in preparation.
Meanwhile rumors reach SorrelClan that the loner Alma has died recently.
Stagpaw's warrior ceremony came and went without much fanfare, but he'd honestly prefer it that way. He cringed to himself imagining all the extra unwanted attention and is silently thankful.
Now named Stagdash, the new warrior quickly found Duskpelt to ask about when he could be assigned his own patrol.
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Rainpaw got into a heated argument with his sister Echopaw, and both cats left with their feelings hurt.
Later Echopaw gifted Stoatpaw some feathers and hid her face bashfully when she thanked her.
Duskpelt and Leapheart, sensing some tension, tried to distract their apprentices with an evening patrol. It seemed they were both still bitter from their fight though, and an argument broke out between the siblings. Duskpelt quickly tired of the incessant bickering and snapped at both of them to remember that they had a job to do and to stop whining like kittens. The patrol seemed to go a lot smoother after that, and they managed to get back home in a timely manner.
Just as they had begun their task of renewing the clan's scent markers, Chari and Stoatpaw crossed paths with a CherryClan patrol.
Stoatpaw tried to squeak out a polite greeting to the other apprentice in the patrol, a brown tabby tom that looked to be about her age, but it came out extremely stilted and formal. Chari quickly covered for her by bringing up the events of the last Gathering and chatting with the CherryClan warriors.
It seems as though relations with CherryClan have improved.
Dazzlemurk and Yellowpaw spent some time one afternoon searching for lungwort, while the elder medicine cat explained its uses in treating yellowcough. After what felt like hours of searching Yellowpaw eventually found some! She held it up to her mentor proudly, purring with delight as they both carried mouthfuls back to camp.
As said at the top of the post I'm trying to ride this wave of hyperfixation and give you all some silly cat content! I hope this moon was as ineresting for you as it was for me :)
Also for just a teeny bit of angst, I checked on the StarClan cats today and Olivepaw had this:
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:' ) Olivepaw my silly boy I am so sorry
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havocs-wc-stuff · 7 months
SorrelClan - Moons 17 and 18
Clearstar fought a big dog near the border, and although he managed to fend it off he was badly injured in the process. Thus he swiftly returned to his spot in the medicine den this moon.
Echopaw was seen racing along the border with her rival from CherryClan.
Duskpelt watched Rainpaw and Stagpaw spar, remarking on how they reminded her of her own days as an apprentice.
Duskpelt took a few warriors and their apprentices with her on a morning hunting patrol. Chari was unusually confident that day and strode through the forest ahead of the group. This time around his confidence paid off, and the rest of the patrol was forced to listen to his bragging the rest of the way back to camp. He did bring back tons of fresh kill though, so Duskpelt congratulated him on his skill anyway.
Moon 18
Chari is now finally free of fleas!
SorrelClan also welcomed two new apprentices this moon!
Lakepaw was apprenticed to Softcrash and Stoatpaw was apprenticed to Chari.
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To the surprise of probably no one, Marigoldfreckle announced that he was expecting kits again (lol). He decided to keep performing his duties for now.
Duskpelt and Almondpaw heckled another clan at the Gathering together. Later on Darkkit joined them to sunbathe and chat.
Stagpaw wished they could get their pelt to shine like Echopaw's.
Leapheart and Chari brought their respective apprentices with them on patrol to see a porcupine, as well as teach the young cats about such creatures (and get in some extra training). Rainpaw nearly bursted into laughter upon the sight of it, not believing the porcupine could ever be that dangerous. He started an argument with Chari about it, and any semblance of learning is lost in the fight.
After a small bit of squabbling, Yellowpaw got Stagpaw and Almondpaw to follow her into the woods to help collect more cobwebs for Dazzlemurk. Almondpaw reasoned that it was probably a lot easier to gather things than hurt them, and Stagpaw reluctantly agreed.
One long (and tedious) adventure in cobweb gathering later, both warrior apprentices gained a new appreciation for Yellowpaw's skills.
Double posting again today! I thought that moon 17 was a bit dry and short, so I went ahead and wrote down another one :)
Also. Marigoldfreckle my bestie... please stop having kits I am looking at your family tree in fear
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havocs-wc-stuff · 7 months
SorrelClan - Moon 16
First official post back after hiatus. Enjoy!
Clearstar was finally allowed to leave the medicine den this moon, as his claw wound had finally healed! He didn't escape totally unscathed though, as it left a new scar along his side. Clearstar complained about this to Dazzlemurk, who responded by bluntly reminding him he should be happy it healed at all.
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Chari was just starting to recover from his cracked paw pads when he suddenly felt an itch in his pelt. Oh no. He had gotten fleas!
While he moped in the medicine den Yellowpaw returned with new moss for his nest, which brightened his spirits a bit.
Duskpelt was seen by Chari arguing with Dazzlemurk late into the evening. As he watched it seemed to only get worse, both cats shouting so loud that birds fluttered in the trees above. Eventually Dazzlemurk fled the scene with a huff, leaving Duskpelt alone in the dark clearing to stew in her thoughts.
The next day Chari approached the deputy, joking around in a flimsy attempt to cheer her up. To his surprise Duskpelt burst out in laughter, giggling uncontrollably. The two went on to have a nice conversation as they went about their morning duties.
Stagpaw was proudly marching ahead of the patrol when Leapheart pulled him back. Stagpaw turned to ask why, and Leapheart explained that he nearly walked into a twoleg meeting place, which could be very dangerous. Chari and Leapheart told their apprentices horror stories of cats who drew too close to twoleg spots being swept up and carried away, never to be seen again.
Quiverspots and Marigoldfreckle were out on a patrol together when they came across a small mewling kitten, trapped under a fallen tree branch. The pair rushed the kit, now named Darkkit, back to camp where it was nursed back to health and promised a place in the clan.
Darkkit (Female; know-it-all; avid play-fighter) has joined the clan!
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Duskpelt and Softcrash brought Almondpaw and Echopaw along with them on patrol, hoping to get in some training alongside what would normally be a boring routine. As the group passed under a large tree, Duskpelt looked up just in time to be slapped in the face by a bundle of twigs and leaves. Echopaw called for the others to look, and they spotted the culprit (a small squirrel) leaping into another tree as it fled.
Softcrash was up and scaling a tree before anyone could blink, and soon squirrels began falling down on the patrol. Softcrash returned with a smirk and a mouthful of oak leaves to bring back with them.
Dazzlemurk took Clearstar and Yellowpaw to help gather juniper needles, as he needed some to restock his stores. However they are unsuccessful and he frustratedly calls off the patrol after a few hours.
Alright, Moon 16! Nothing too extreme, but pretty interesting. Excited to see what happens next!
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havocs-wc-stuff · 7 months
SorrelClan - Moons 14 and 15
Double feature! I had this in drafts before my unplanned hiatus so here you go :) enjoy while I figure out what I'm doing
It seems StarClan has looked down on us with favor this greenleaf, Dazzlemurk remarked to himself. Almost every ailing cat has recovered, including Softcrash's torn pelt. Everyone was in good spirits, laughing and running about happily as they went about their day.
Perfect timing too, as SorrelClan was about to welcome three new apprentices!
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Rainpaw (tom; ambitious; splashes in puddles) was apprenticed to Leapheart!
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Echopaw (molly; cold; never sits still; interested in clan history) was apprenticed to Duskpelt!
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Almondpaw (tom; lonesome; careful listener; splashes in puddles) was apprenticed to Quiverspots!
Clearstar and the warriors were happy to have new apprentices to train, and the clan chanted their new names proudly as they celebrated.
After weeks of avoiding each other, Chari finally brought up last moon's incident with Leapheart. He was nervous, mainly concerned with the prospect of his secret being exposed to the rest of the clan, but also with how Leapheart's view of him could have been skewed.
The ginger tom was quick to dissuade these fears, though. He swore that he wouldn't tell anyone else about what happened and made sure Chari knew he could tell him if something was wrong. Chari left their conversation feeling much happier, as if a weight had been lifted off of his shoulders.
Moon 15
Marigoldfreckle woke up with a sudden vigor, still a bit sore but finally feeling better after all the pain of birthing a litter. Softcrash was also now in good health as his mangled tail had finished healng! Both cats greeted each other with happy purrs that morning, and almost nothing was able to shake their joyous mood.
Chari accepted Duskpelt's request for help strengthening the camp walls, but got his paw pads scratched up in the process.
Quiverspots and Marigoldfreckle got caught taking yet another midnight stroll together (seriously guys, we get it you're in love... sheesh).
Softcrash was caught touching noses with a warrior from CherryClan late at night.
Echopaw successfully caught a small vole while out practicing hunting with Duskpelt. She turned to her mentor, purring with pride. The deputy praised her for her skills, and later bragged about the apprentice to the other warriors at camp.
Almondpaw was also given great luck while on patrol with his fathers. He made sure both Marigoldfreckle and Quiverspots were watching as he expertly snatched fish out of the nearby river. He marched home that day with a mouthful of fish for the clan, tail held high.
Hey all! It's been a good month or so and I feel really bad for leaving with essentially no warning, even though I don't have that many followers lol. I'm getting back into it, so expect a slow return to posting about my silly cats :3
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havocs-wc-stuff · 8 months
SorrelClan - Moon 13
It is now Newleaf!
Clearstar fought a hawk while out on patrol. He won, but got scratched up pretty badly in the process. As if to further hammer in his bad luck, he also woke up with a running nose the next day. Quiverspots joined him not too long after. A thorn got stuck in his paw while reinforcing the camp's walls and he had to hobble to the medicine den.
Dazzlemurk and Yellowpaw are happy to treat them though, especially since the senior cat's stomachache has finally abated.
Leapheart snuck out of camp one night, intending to go on a short walk through the territory. He strode gently through the grass while trying his hardest to be quiet. Don't want to wake someone this late at night and risk getting scolded.
He stopped after a few moments, ears swiveling back and forth. Was that someone talking nearby? He crouched low and moved quietly as to not disturb whoever was there. As he crept closer, he began to actually understand what the mystery cats were discussing.
"....not here, it's not safe...."
"....what should we do?...."
What on earth were they talking about? Leapheart strained to hear just a bit more. However just as he was about to give up, he accidentally stepped on a twig underneath his front paw. It snapped quite loudly in the still night air, and there was a flurry of movement in front of him. He could only just make out a flash of white fur before the mystery cat disappeared into the woods.
It was then he decided he should probably leave now, as to not appear more suspicious than he already was. He ran back to camp as fast and quietly as his paws could carry him, and arrived back just in time to see Chari join him at the camp entrance. The other tom's face flushed red, and though neither cat said anything Leapheart got the sense that he had seen something he shouldn't have...
During an evening patrol, Duskpelt, Chari and Stagpaw came across a group of WhirlClan warriors on the other side of the border. The two clans weren't exactly allies, nor were they enemies, and yet a sharp feeling of tension lay in the air. Neither side spoke, instead giving curt nods as they passed by one another. Stagpaw looked behind him as they left, and caught a glimpse of a large and strong-looking tom glaring at their backs. He turned back around with a yelp, speeding up his pace to catch up with his mentor.
The patrol's sense of uneasiness never left, even as they returned to camp. Duskpelt pulled Clearstar aside later to inform him of the event. It seems relations with WhirlClan have worsened.
Dazzlemurk noticed one morning that the moss in the warrior's den was getting old, and gathered Yellowpaw and a couple of warriors to help him gather more.
The healer lead the group to a suitable moss patch, and began gathering as much as he could carry. The whole group had a good time laughing and talking as they worked, and Yellowpaw made sure to memorize the spot for next time.
They returned with heaps of moss, and Dazzlemurk purred happily for a job well done.
Newleaf! Now I can stop being scared of the kits freezing during a storm haha
Anyways, I tried doing more freehand writing with this one :D I'm pretty happy with how it turned out. Who is Chari's mystery feline friend, I wonder? oooooh, intrigue.... hehe >:3
As always: thank you for reading!
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havocs-wc-stuff · 8 months
SorrelClan - Moon 12
This one was kinda weird because I got a little too into writing it haha. Hope y'all enjoy it anyways.
After a long and strenuous hour it's finally over, and Marigoldfreckle is weak with exhaustion. Quiverspots never left his side once, and joins his mate in doting on their two newborn kits.
Lakekit (tom; troublesome) and Stoatkit (molly; insecure) have been born!
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Almondkit joined his adoptive fathers later in the afternoon, and quickly had to be reminded that his brother and sister were very young and couldn't play with him just yet.
Leapheart spent a long time grooming Stagkit and Yellowkit in the morning, much to their chagrin. But how could he not? It was the day of their apprentice ceremony after all!
As the clan gathered in the center of camp, Clearstar motioned for the pair to join him in the middle of the crowd. Stagkit puffed his small chest out in pride, and marched up to the older cat with his sister in tow. Yellowkit tuned out much of the speech, shyly turning away at the leader's praise of their growth as cats.
Stagkit was renamed Stagpaw, and apprenticed to Chari. He looked excited as he touched noses with the warrior, but Yellowkit could hear his heart thumping from how close she was. There wasn't time to linger on that thought though, as it was now her turn.
Yellowkit had known for moons now that her heart didn't lie with the warriors of SorrelClan. She coudln't spar as well as her brother (or the other kits), and didn't have the stomach for hunting or battling. Clearstar's words echoed this, but with a hint of pride in his tone instead of her own shame.
He called Dazzlemurk forward, and the healer obliged. Oh Stars, it's really happening, she thought, shaking in place. She hesitantly shuffled closer, waiting for him to say something. "Relax, Yellowpaw. I don't bite." Dazzlemurk whispered to her, purring. She gasped, almost not believing the words.
Stagpaw and Yellowpaw are now apprentices!
Duskpelt suggested a short training session to Chari and Stagpaw. Chari nodded, thinking it better to ease the young cat into it than shove him in headfirst. Stagpaw grumbled to himself, claws flexing, but agreed. He wanted to go hunting already, not waste time with training!
Chari saw the look on his face though and sympathy flashed in his eyes. "It'll only be a little while, okay Stagpaw? I can show you a few hunting techniques after." His eyes lit up at that. "Promise?, Stagpaw replied. "Oh, thank you Chari!"
The apprentice trotted after his mentor, a new spring in his step.
In the meantime Dazzlemurk took Yellowpaw out into the forest to give her firsthand experience gathering herbs. He carefully instructed her, making sure to note the differences between safe and toxic plants. Yellowpaw's eyes widened with excitement but she payed close attention to every word.
After Dazzlemurk seemed satisfied with the day's lesson the two head back to camp to see if anyone needed help.
Short one this time, but good developments! Honestly I'm a tad bit surprised by the newborns as Lakekit doesn't look anything like his fathers. Stoatkit looks a lot like Marigold though so I guess it's even.
And the apprentices! Stagpaw and Yellowpaw are now able to move about the world in a brand new way :] I'm excited to see how they grow !
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