#sorry for the sad bits this time
havocs-wc-stuff · 11 months
SorrelClan - Moon 9
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It is now Leaf-Bare!
SorrelClan woke to a new day and snow gently falling down around them. The kits huddled against their parents for warmth, while the clan's warriors prepared for a hard moon of hunting ahead of them.
Yellowkit was wary of the falling snow, and though the other kits began playing together outside she buried her muzzle further into Leapheart's fluffy coat. He couldn't help but laugh at his daughter, but he curled his tail around her all the same.
Meanwhile Stagkit, Rainkit, and Echokit held a race around camp to see who was the fastest. Rainkit was in the lead but accidentally tripped over a tree root and Echokit got ahead right at the end.
Duskpelt's sprain finally healed, and she was eager to return to patrolling as soon as possible. Dazzlemurk cautioned against it but he knew the deputy wasn't listening anyway.
He instead went over the clan's herbs in storage and made sure to note which ones he was running low on. He silently prayed to StarClan that next moon he would get an apprentice, so he wouldn't have to manage all of this alone.
A kittypet approached the camp entrance one afternoon, and Marigoldfreckle was about to try and scare her off when he noticed the kit held in her mouth. She tearfully told Marigoldfreckle that she could no longer care for the kit and ran away soon after. Slightly stunned by the event, he decided he and Quiverspots would adopt it themselves.
Almondkit (tom; lonesome; careful listener) has joined the clan!
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Softcrash didn't want to admit it, but Olivepaw had been slowing down for a while now. He refused all food and would only lay in his nest staring at the wall. It was more cruel this way, he thought. His mind went back to their time as kits in the nursery, dreaming of the day when they'd be warriors together. Together...
StarClan must be playing a horrible joke on the both of them. Softcrash dug his claws in the dirt as tears began to fall. Dazzlemurk came to sit next to him at some point, but no words were said. The healer simply sat close and silently comforted him as he cried.
A day had barely passed before Olivepaw took his place in StarClan. Everyone in SorrelClan mourned during the vigil, Softcrash the most out of all.
Ok wow. A lot happened this moon. Leaf-bare brings tragedy it seems.
I knew it was probably going to happen eventually, but Olivepaw's death really hurt :( He hung in there for a long time though, holy hell. He was hurt for like 7 moons and was still kicking up until now.
Other than that, yet another kit added to the list lmao. I wonder how many we're gonna get before next spring...
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verflares · 2 months
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who's afraid of the big bad wolf?
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bulbabutt · 2 months
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rise leo does know whats going on with his brothers, dont you worry
previous part | all comics in this crossover (chrono) | tip jar (kofi)
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moonkhao · 2 months
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#we are#we are the series#we are series#tanfang#aou thanaboon#aouboom#boom tharatorn#my edits#weareedit#AOUBOOM MAIN LEADS WHEN???#i do appreciate them and the way they’ve been portraying tanfang#i know tan was a bit over the top 99% of the time#but every scene and touch felt so genuine#and i’m not gonna credit that to new#bc he wasn’t able to direct ppw in a way that didn’t make their kisses look a bit awkward#i know scenes have to look aesthetically pleasing in some way#and that’s why we keep having to deal the ‘no one would kiss with this much space for jesus between each other’ complaints#but like look at aouboom here#this is mostly them and their acting choices in my humble opinion#and don’t get me started on the pecks#ppw BARELY touched the other one’s lips when they had to do a peck kiss#like cmon the difference between ppw and aouboom pecks is insane#i’m sorry for picking on ppw but i’m a bit sad that some of their romantic scenes were a bit lackluster#especially that very last kiss which tbh i rather wouldn’t have seen bc it felt a bit awkward to me#but that may be just me#i need new to get a bit more frisky with kiss scenes when it comes to his directing#bc i feel like friskier kiss scenes only happen when the actors mostly do their thing after finding out what the director wants#(maybe i’m completely wrong about new but tkdkfdkddkdk)#and don’t get me wrong idgaf if there are kisses or not but if there’s a kiss scene you should commit instead of holding yourself back idk#and ppw definitely need a better director to help them achieve that bc jojo was definitely better at directing them
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coolsvilleprincess · 7 months
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Wanted to draw a bunch of different pairings so here we go!! I wanted to draw them on how I imagine their dates with each other would go.
Fred and Shaggy started out on a walk but halfway through Fred saw a place they caught a bad guy once and started reminiscing on their good times spent together and who is Shaggy to complain, they definitely went to get food after it though.
Daphne and Fred went to a screening at the Coolsville local cinema where they were showing one of the first ever 3D movies. When the movie is over Fred spends the rest of their date talking about how impressive the improvements to 3D films have been since they were first invented. Daphne doesn't mind that much since she still gets to cuddle and they also probably went to get food after it where Daphne assigns their friends roles in the movie they just watched.
Shaggy and Daphne went to a football game where Shaggy gets to eat very many football game foods such as Hotdogs and whatever else they eat at football games. Daphne isn't even rooting for a team cause at first she wasn't sure about going but it hits halftime and she's caught up in the atmosphere and uses the celebration of any of the teams scoring as an excuse to kiss Shaggy.
Velma and Daphne are working on very important mystery solving and journalism career things on their laptops so they don't have time to go on a date date HOWEVER that will not stop them from flirting through messages as they work. Daphne sends Velma things like videos and songs that remind her of her and Velma can't flirt back so she just sends hearts like a disaster lesbian, good for her tbh.
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malenjoyer · 4 months
Good morning 🙏🏼
I want to thank everyone their support with reblogging my stuff over the years and reblogging some of the context of the situation.
Tumblr and Instagram is filled with the most supportive people I’ve ever had the chance of meeting. The last time something like this happened, I didn’t have much support, not even from people I thought were close to me. It took me a year or two to be okay with being perceived again in fandoms. So I’m very grateful for everything.
I just wanted to post that I appreciate all of the asks and I’ve been reading all of them. I actually get anxious I’m spamming everyone too much so I probably won’t reply to everything. Please don’t feel pressured to support me financially, there’s is a free option on patreon to follow. I’ll post future project plans and occasional updates because I still love comics and I still love DC/Marvel. I do enjoy having people following along for my art/reading journey so I would always be okay with people just following for free. My brain is telling me this post is too long now so I will go 🙏🏼😭
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taigarrryen · 7 months
Abandoned Voices, slowly falling asleep in the dark
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It's been a year and a half since he passed and a year since I made this drawing. The sketch was made the day we found out, but I couldn't bring myself to finish it until several months later
I still miss him. I have a feeling I always will
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lycheedr3ams · 1 year
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angst no comfort drabble that no one asked for
1.2k words
EmotionallyUnavailable!könig x sad!reader
TW: smut, feelings of loneliness, desperation, low self-esteem, fem!reader just wanting to feel loved, some mentions of predator/prey, slight mentions of canon-typical violence
i'm in my feels rn and this idea came to mind actually scratch that, i don't have emotions
part 1 of Relapse
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being the new and pretty member of the task force wasn't as easy as everyone thought it was.
your friends would just swoon over the thought of you being surrounded constantly by tall and muscular soldiers whom they were convinced just fell to their knees at your feet.
it couldn't have been farther from the truth.
yes, you were an incredibly skilled member of the team. you were undoubtedly an essential asset, and everyone respected you. but being surrounded by men so often, even though you were definitely a woman with soft curves and plush breasts, you were usually seen as "one of the guys." it didn't matter how pretty you looked when the mission was over, with your perfume on for once, clean hair, and your favorite outfit. yes, you were pretty, but that didn't seem to really get you anywhere.
if anything, you'd been told that you were intimidating. most men had never met such a strong and determined woman such as yourself, a woman who could kill just about anyone she wanted. men wanted someone easy to manipulate, someone soft and pliable who wouldn't question them. you were the opposite of that.
sure, men on base would certainly stare at you when you wore comfy skirts when you weren't on duty, or when you'd put on makeup when you and the task force went to the bar, but that was it: just stares. no secret love letters tucked under your door, no bouquets of flowers mysteriously appearing in your locker, no advances or conversations that made you feel like a woman again. most of the time, you would pretend not to hear as the men around you constantly engaged in locker-room talk about other women on base. it was easier that way, to pretend like you didn't hear it rather than argue with these pigs until you were seeing red.
that was, until könig joined the team. he always looked at you differently than the other men on base would. he would stare at you, but it didn't always feel like that stare that men give when they're undressing you with their eyes. no, his stare was more one of quiet admiration mixed with desire. but like the others, könig never approached you, opting instead to admire you from afar. but you were growing desperate for a man's touch, having had enough of everyone saying "it'll come when you least expect it." so, you decided to try and approach könig every once in a while, trying to strike up an amiable conversation or two. on the surface, it looked like you two were just engaging in social niceties in order to work better on the task force. that was, until one night, that casual conversation led to you lying naked on his bed, with him staring at you like a hungry animal as his breathing grew heavy.
you didn't want to sleep with someone on your team, until könig. you always wanted to keep your relationships with your coworkers professional, but könig was, as cliche as it sounds, irresistible. especially with the way you felt so desired and wanted when his rough hands pawed at your soft breasts, and the way he'd just tremble in excitement when he saw your wet pussy spread and willing for him. it was the way he'd gently touch your waist when he passed you in the hallway, his nonverbal signal saying everything his mouth couldn't. you'd follow him to his room as inconspicuously as possible, your heart pounding with anticipation, knowing that within 5 seconds of stepping into his room, you would feel desired again.
könig would never kiss you though. that accursed sniper hood always stayed on, and he would never budge about that. the only time you felt his lips or his tongue was when he ate out your pussy like a starved man. sometimes, he would lick your neck or your breasts when he was feeling especially needy, but those times were rare. you never pushed him on it, but you knew the desperate look in your eyes betrayed you. but he never budged.
those nights spent under his sweaty, grunting body as he brought you to heaven and back was like a drug that you always needed more of. his hands on your skin made you feel wanted, his hard cock in your warm pussy made you feel desired, and the way he'd gently clean you with a warm, wet towel afterwards made you feel loved. but don't be mistaken: könig did not love you.
there were a fair share of nights when könig would pass you in the hallway without so much as a glance, nights he preferred to spend by himself. you'd watch him walk past you with wide eyes when you didn't feel his touch, and you wondered if maybe he had gotten tired of you. maybe you forgot to shave that day, you wondered, or maybe you didn't put on enough perfume, or maybe your outfit wasn't cute enough or maybe, worst of all, that könig was finding solace in the arms of another woman that night. you never knew what the reason was, but you always knew that on those nights, you would shed a few tears as you lay alone in your bed and just wanted, needed to feel valued.
könig never treated you any differently during work hours, which you supposed you should be grateful for. he didn't give you preferential treatment, and he also was not mean to you. he had a surprising ability to treat you like nothing ever happened between you two on most nights. he knew that he was your drug, but he never took advantage of that. könig was so professional that it made your head spin. how could he look and treat you the same way the next day after being fully sheathed inside you the night before, trembling and praising your pussy in his native tongue? you could've kissed the ground he walked on if he so asked, but he simply acted like you were nothing more than a coworker when you weren't in his bed.
something that always bothered you was that könig always wore a condom. you never got to feel the smooth, warm skin of his hard cock, except for when it was in your mouth. you knew he could see the disappointment in your eyes whenever he wrapped his cock in that accursed plastic, but he pretended not to. despite being inside you in the most intimate way possible, könig always made sure that there was a boundary between you: a boundary of pliable plastic and the fabric of his hood.
you were addicted to the way his hands and cock made you feel desired, wanted, and valued. he took you animalistically most nights and treated you as politely as ever during the day. you finally felt a woman on the nights he took you in his bed. you finally felt like someone saw you as more than a soldier, as just a human woman needing connection. maybe könig did see you like that, or maybe he didn't. you two never talked much in the bedroom. you were too scared to break whatever unspoken agreement there was between you.
despite your unspoken devotion to him, könig never budged with his boundaries or behavior. so you grew accustomed to feeling the drug of his affection only on the nights he decided to graze your waist in the hallway as he passed, and you always pretended like you were truly wanted during those precious moments.
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sysig · 4 months
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An eye for a life, unquestionably worth it (Patreon)
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wanderer-clarisse · 10 months
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"Mano po."
Pagmamano (Tagalog) - "honouring-gesture;" a sign of respect towards elders
A continuation of sorts, of this other drawing I made of the Feänorians, which was roughly inspired by Filipino culture. I originally planned on completing this for @nolofinweanweek, specifically the first prompt about how Fingolfin and Feänor's families got along, but life got in the way and I didn't finish it in time. More background/my long rambles under the cut:
Pagmamano - touching the back of an elder's hand on one's forehead - is not restricted to family, but it's usually done in the context of elder family members. I have many memories of attending family reunions and being told to follow the other kids to "mano po" a grandfather, aunt, or uncle. While Elves don't have elderly relatives, per se, I thought this image was too fun not to draw. Also, I love envisioning Feänor as that cool uncle who gives the most amazing gifts but like, the kids are intimidated by him, so they have to be told (and supervised) by their parents to line up and greet him properly. Fingolfin's just standing there making sure his kids all greet their uncle. (Maedhros, presumably having already finished his greetings, is sidetracking Fingon.)
All this to say, I think that these guys didn't have the perfect relationship. But. You can't convince me Finwë didn't get the whole family together from time to time on some sort of family reunion camping trip. And Feänor just has to begrudgingly tolerate it because he can't say no to his dad. While the kids, obviously, have a great time.
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ywpd-translations · 5 months
Ride 772: A jersey never seen before!!
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Pag 1
1: Those two are accelerating like they're right before the sprint line!!
3: Just now it was the second stage “shironeri”
4: Are you surprised, San-na? Obviously, once we get before the finish line, I'll pull out the sixth stage
5: “Golden yellow”!!
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Pag 2 / 3
Who will win the title of fastest!?
The black horse Kiji Kyuui!!
Sohoku's Team SS who's aiming to be Japan's number one!!
Or Hakone Academy's Doubashi!!
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Pag 4
2: Woah.... what incredible speed! Those two competing for the lead
You're right
3: It's Hakogaku VS Sohoku, you know, those two have the exact same cards – it's exciting
Of course Sohoku's Kaburagi is fired up for his revenge
Incredible, it's the same as last year
4: Oi, they're still coming!!
They're chasing!!
5: They're chasing!?
What incredible energy!!
The one running in the front is from Sohoku, but there's someone else behind....
That jersey....
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Pag 5
1: It's a jersey I've never seen before!! Who's that!!
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Pag 6
1: It's not Hakogaku, and it's not Kyufushi either
I've never seen them before, is it their first time participating this year!?
2: On his shoulder
3: it says “Gunma”
4: Yon
5: Yon
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Pag 7
1: Yon
3: He's coming up right behind me!!
4: But I won't let this guy go!!
I thought my part was over, but there's still work left to do!!
5: It's a simple thing
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Pag 8
1: I just have to stop his legs from 30seconds to one minute!!
2: If I do that, then those two will have passed the sprint line!!
As long as the race is completely over!!
3: I'll make Issa have his revenge!!
4: This is the guy who that day
5: When we were practicing on Minegayama
6: Fell from the sky
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Pag 9
1: On a mountain bike
2: The MTB two-times in a row champion!! Gunma Ryosei's Kiji Kyuui!!
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Pag 10
1: And of course he's riding a road bike today!!
2: Road bikes are nice, you know
They're light, they react quickly, there's less loss of mechanical transmission
3: The thing that's most different from mountain bikes is that the road surface isn't uneven but flat
4: Alright, he's clinging to me!!
From now on it's a race! I'll gain time!! I'll stop him!!
5: And, you know, whenever you want
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Pag 12
1: You can accelerate at your own timing!! Yon!!
2: He got me!!
What was that just now!! He definitely turned his body like he was going right!!
3: I reacted thinking he was going to attack from the right
4: A “feint”!!
5: And from a slanted stance like that he moved straight forward?
6: The left side was narrow, there was nothing but the ditch cover
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Pag 13
1: And this guy jumped forward no matter the situation!!
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Pag 14
1: Immediately after clinging to me from the back!!
2: When road bikes cyclists, after a solo run, approach someone from behind
3: they always take shelter from the wind behind them
4: To rest their legs!! At least for 10-30 seconds
5: That guy did it for less than 3 seconds!!
6: Dammit, so there's guys who can have their legs recover in just 3 seconds!?
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Pag 15
2: This time I'll cling to him!!
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Pag 16
1: Three seconds are enough, aren't they?
3: Mountain bike is a sport where you have to continuously produce high output of energy on your own
4: In comparison, in road race, where you can rest behind someone and use them to get ahead, you only need to put out power for a split seconds
5: Really
6: Road racing is full of excitement and learning! It's really....
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Pag 17
1: Fun!! Yon!!
2: He accelerated in the curve!!
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Pag 18
2: He's controlling the bike's frame tilting it just at the right angle to not let the pedals....
3: hitting the road!!
4: The “tires”!!
I heard that in MTB the control of the tires is essential!!
Is he applying that to road racing!? Dammit!!
5: But!!
6: I wasn't in the SS team for nothing!!
7: I can do something like that too
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Pag 19
2: Ruwa-
3: The pedal hit the road!!
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Pag 20
3: Ugh!!
Number 5 lost his balance!
He's losing speed
Ugh!! I'll make Issa have his revenge.....
4: I heard a loud noise, are you okay?
6: Huh
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Pag 21
1: Stay safe
2: ��. he worried about me.... and then left.... taking his time... so that's... Kiji Kyuui!!
4: Hahaha, San-na!!
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Pag 22
1: This is the third stage!!
“Pale yellow”!!
2: You're fast..... aren't you strong?
Really, Orange
3: Honestly, when I first heard two of you were coming up, I was disappointed
“This year too, huh”, I thought
4: But turns out it's an equal one-on-one race!!
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Pag 23
1: This is the best, Orange!!
You're the most serious guy!!
Let's do it!! A full throttle battle!!
2: I'll take you on!! But I told you earlier!! You don't know my “golden yellow”, you'll lose!!
3: There are 2km left until the finish line!!
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rings-of-power-realm · 4 months
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waketoearth · 8 months
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niinnyu · 1 year
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Sad boy time every Monday!
Based on this picture of him from the shounen jump 55th anniversary spread poster thingy mingy.
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sunriseindigo · 7 months
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i miss her
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iri-vail · 2 years
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jiang cheng’s big sparkling shoujo eyes appreciation post~
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