#clara x kayla supremacy
janellion · 4 years
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hi kayla!!!! i just saw you’re taking a break from tumblr so i just wanted to drop by and say i hope you’re doing well!!! i hope you’re getting lots of rest in between work n school 💖💖💖💖 see you soon!!!
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CLARA WHY ARE YOU THE SWEETEST AHHH this is so thoughtful and kind and i appreciate it so so much 🥺 i’m not officially back yet (did i ever officially leave? not rly bc i love yall) but i wanted to answer an ask or 2 bc i’ll probably be back tomorrow!!
thank you so so much for thinking of me and for sending this in 🥺💗✨😭 you rly brought a smile to my face!!
how are you?? i hope you’re doing well w everything too!! pls drink lots of water and rest if you can!! MWAH MWAH 💗✨
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janellion · 4 years
my day has been good!! i called with a close friend after a super long time so it was super soothing to hear her voice 😖 ahh MAKE SURE TO SLEEP EARLY TODAY!!! it seems like you work really long hours?? ah i must've done something great to be able to have one of your hearts 💖. OO YES I WOULD LOVE TO SEE!! i'm feeling a self care night coming on sometime if i ever get to leave the house soon hehe. its definitely more humour focused but still great! ah ty!! 💖💖💖
CLARA BB!! awwh i’m so so happy for you!! that sounds so nice and it’s always good to talk to friends! 🥰
IM PROBABLY NOT GONNA SLEEP EARLY BC I FINISHED A COFFEE AT 5P AHLSNSKS but thank you!!! and ahh i don’t work that long!! just 8.5h!!
omg clara bb you were just yourself!!! just being you makes you more than deserving of all the love in the world 😌💗✨
also OK LEMME POP IN UR MESSAGES!!! and YES BBY!!! SELF CARE!!! you deserve it!!! 🥰💗✨
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janellion · 4 years
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janellion · 4 years
BLUE!!! or gray or white hehe
CLARA HI LOVELY HOW R U?? HOW WAS YR DAY??? i think i need to check your reply to my ask J GOT CONFUSED 😭🥺
blue: bokuto
bokuto hc:
he sings VERY LOUDLY in the car. also when he has headphones in he will start singing without thinking about it. his voice is,,, OK but he makes up for it w enthusiasm
grey: sugawara
OK WE WOULD BE SO CHAOTIC TOGETHER!!! but also so responsible???? i would have so much fun w suga omg THANK U!!
suga hc:
he has a 100000x better skincare routine than most of us and i would like him to teach me his ways
also he used to be insecure about his beauty mark but he’s rly come to embrace it as he’s gotten older
white: daichi
AHHH DAICHI ok he was like my initial first “oh he cute” when i started the show but he’s fully in my bestie list now BUT if it meant i got to be w my girl @stcrryskies i would definitelt date him (either way tho i am FLATTERED THANK U!!!
daichi hc:
secretly wants to cut loose and go wild even tho he’s the “responsible friend.” has on multiple occasions tried to convince suga and asahi to go skydiving “just to say we did it”
tell me who u ship me w!!
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janellion · 4 years
we are, aren't we!!!! AHH ME TOO!! tbh i'm pretty shy and not to be *~mushy*~ but i feel real comfy talking to you 🥺🥺 and my day was good!! i didn't get much done but oh well i guess there's always tomorrow hehe. hbu, how was your day!!!
CLARA!!! yes!!! also omg its totally okay to be shy!! and i’m always mushy and sappy 🥺 but it means so much to me that you feel comfy talking to me!! that makes me so happy!! 💗✨😭 i feel the same way!!
also ahh i’m glad you had a good day!! there’s definitely always tomorrow and i believe in you!! my day was also good!! pretty productive even tho i slept in SUPER LATE skshs
i’m doing my nails now hehe which is a nice way to end the day! i’m gonna try and sleep early ish bc i have work tomorrow 😭
what’re you up to tonight??
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janellion · 4 years
kayra,,, clarla,,,, kayra,,, lara,, rala,,, gotta admit we don’t have the cutest name combinations 😔. when she says she’s gonna try to look decent but she’s LOOKIN SPICY 🥵🥵🥵 WHO TURNED ON THE HEAT!!! also i know you said you were moving your sleepover but you give me tiny energy so my guess is 5’1 🥺 you also give me big sis energy. sleep well!!! make sure to drink lots of water to avoid a nasty hangover 😚💖
WE DONT!!’ i’m sad 🥺 it’s bc our names are kinda similar? esp w the ending,,, i’ll keep thinking of it tho!! we could do one w our urls? janellipup? pupellion? clayla?
wait lara is kinda cute 🥺
AHH WAIT that’s such a compliment bc i’m actually shorter than that 😭 also LABAIA TINY ENERGY i’m gonna take it as a compliment n just say thank you 😌
also omg big sister energy??? 🥺😭 thats so cute omg!! well i am an older sister so there’s that + i’m kinda old on this app,,, but i think that’s spot on!!
i only had a couple drinks but i’ll def drink some water now!! ty for looking out for me 🥺💗
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janellion · 4 years
i'm on my desktop now but it doesn't feel as nice because i don't have emojis!! i have to google them and it feels absolutely weird!!! oh idk if you've ever thought about this but... you and bo taking a road trip and filming the entire thing on your phone for a self-made home movie??? (ofc you also film a wild self-made music video as well) I NEED TO SEE THAT HAPPEN!!!!
ok I FEEL THAT i have a sticky note saved w some emojis on my laptop bc i feel weird not using emojis ksjsis
but YES OK so i have some bokay road trip hcs here but HOME MADE MOVIE that would be so cute and fun and you know it would be filled a the wackiest stuff?? like bo coming back fr the gas station w a giant bag of popcorn and the biggest energy drink possible at 4a? him wanting to buy the bunnies in the gas station even tho we are in the middle of nowhere?? getting out and skinny dipping on the coast in the middle of the night? (he loves skinny dipping idc it’s just fact i know he does)
in summary i am soft for this idea and i love it omg thank you clara bb for this 💗✨💗✨
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janellion · 4 years
hi i hope you slept well, have a good day at work!!! b-but how can i have your heart when you have your knight 🥺👉🏻👈🏻 it’s okay i feel that HAHA when i know i’m free the next day i always stay up way too late for my own good. AH THATS SMART and a major plus in the costs department !! i used those thin stick ons once which were really cute but they always look kinda wonky 😳😳 i watched four christmases which was actually not bad?? in fact i enjoyed it!! ty i managed to finish my writing 🥺
CLARA HI!!! how is your day going?? my day at work has been super busy!! i’m writing this now on one of my breaks — but i’ll probably have to end it short )):
so yes actually i have this condition where i have about ♾ hearts so i can give love endlessly without worrying about running out 🥰 so WORRY NOT CLARA U DO HAVE MY HEART!!
AH YEAH!! i do feel like i save a lot doing them myself!! i’ll send u a pic in messages w them bc they end up looking pretty decent!! the stick on ones i’ve found aren’t as good )): but the brand i use is pretty good!! it’s called KISS? you can get them at like walgreens or whatever pharmacy store you use probably!!
and ooh i haven’t seen that movie!! but i do have a soft spot for christmas stuff, i love christmas 🥺
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janellion · 4 years
HI HI HI!! THAT'S OKAY I THINK I LOST OUR PREVIOUS CONVERSATION SOMEWHERE,,, DARN TUMBLR MOBILE SO HARD TO NAVIGATE >:(((( i can imagine bo listening to a song w his earphones and lipsyncing the words to you with full enthusiasm and you looking v confused <3 BUT YOUR ENERGIES TOGETHER WOULD BE UNMATCHED!!! i picked suga and daichi mainly bc like i said before you give me big sis vibes, with either of them you'd be a dynamic duo!!! I HOPE YOU HAD THE BEEEEEEST DAY <333333
CLARA!! omg it is!!! plus notifs are BROKEN and i swear stuff disappears idk 🥺
YES OMG HIM SERENADING LIKE IN A MUSIC VIDEO?? like lip syncing to you and making funny faces and dancing and pointing to you?? AHH I LOVE HIM AND IM SO FLATTERED U THINK OUR ENERGY WOULD WORK
also omg big sister vibes is still such a big compliment thank you 🥺😭 i have a soft spot for daichi and suga for sure!!! dynamic duos is so cute omg 🥺
sending you lots of love n positive vibes!! 💗✨
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janellion · 4 years
💖💖💖 take my heart kayla, you own it now 🥺🥺🥺!! grrr you gotta sleep earlier!!! but were up cause you were talking to your knight 👀👀👀👀 ahh i want to do my nails but they're pretty weak so they get ruined pretty easily. i'm sure yours look great hehe. yes yes YES SLEEP EARLY IF YOU'RE WORKING!!! i just finished watching a movie with my family and now i'm going to try to get some writing before going to bed :'))
KAJA CLARA!! i’ll take your heart if you take mine 🥺💗😡
also I MEAN YEAH i definitely stayed up for that, youre right jsjsjs but i stay up late on saturday and sunday nights generally bc i don’t work the next day 😌 it’s selective poor sleep schedule hours
ahh so actually, i use glue on nails!! so my actual nails are short and then i use long glue on ones and trim them and shape them to how i like them! i used to get acrylics but stopped bc of miss rona,,, and now this is a lot cheaper!
but AHH YES I WILL I PROMISE!! i was gonna do one more assignment tonight but i think i’m gonna sleep instead 🥺
ooh what movie did you watch?? and ahh i believe in you!!! sending lots of creative thoughts your way 🥰
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janellion · 4 years
fuchsia 🥺
CLARA!!! how was your day?? i hope you had a good start to the week!! 🥰
fuchsia: i wish i could become your best friend through the internet
CLARA BB LETS DO IT WE ALREADY HAVE THE PST GANG!!!! we are on our way there!!! i love that we have been chatting every day and i hope that continues!! 🥰🥺💗✨
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send me a color!!
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janellion · 4 years
i kind of like pupellion but also lara is super cute!! AHHHHH 🥺🥺🥺🥺. aoijaoitjh AH I'M SORRY IF THAT CAME ACROSS AS RUDE,, BUT I MEANT TINY ENERGY IN A CUTE WAY 😭😭😭😭 grrr bonk bonk bonk!! you're not old, you just have very warm and welcoming vibes i love it!!! i feel so excited typing my responses to you hehe. hope you had a good day today, happy sunday!!! 💖💖💖
and awwh yeah i like lara too!!! it’s official: clara x kayla => lara 🥰
KAHSIA IT DIDNT COME ACROSS AS RUDE I THOUGHT IT WAS CUTE DONT WORRY AT ALL BB AHAH but thank u i’m flattered u think i have cute energy 🥺😭
AWWWH i’m glad you feel like my vibes are warm and welcoming!!! i definitely want them to come across that way, so that makes me so happy 🥺
also AHH WAIT THAT MAKES MY HEART SO HAPPY!!! it makes me so happy n excited to see an ask from you and to reply back to you!!!
i hope you had a good day too bb 🥰 did you do anything fun?? happy sunday to you too lovely!! 💗✨
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janellion · 4 years
my day was good!!! i had a morning lecture and then just ended up chilling for the rest of the day hehe. hinata x kageyama who!!! bokuto x akaashi who!!!!! i only know kayla x clara 💖💖💖💖. ahh sounds like you had a super eventful day, i hope you got a good nights rest :') i hope you have another nice day at work and enjoy your dinner (and your drinks hehe) !! ahh a sleepover sounds like lots of fun!!!
CLARA!! WHAT IS UP!!! i’m so glad you had a good day!! ooh yes relaxing is so good!! i’m sorry you had to do stuff in the morning but i’m proud of you for getting it done!! 🥰
YES YOURE RIGHT!! ok but wait what’s our ship name,,,, kayclara? clarakay? either way,
clara x kayla >>>>>>
also ahh thank you!!! i’m finally home from work so i’m gonna make myself look decent and then go get food!!! i’m so excited
ahhh i hope it will be!! i just love interacting w folks so i hope ppl come hang out!! but sleepovers are always fun 🥰
sending u lots of love n positive vibes!! i hope you are good food and drank water today!! MWAH MWAH 💗✨
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janellion · 4 years
omg a sticky YOU ARE A GENUS. KAYLA BIG BRAIN!!!! i can also imagine him propping up the phone onto something so you guys can take a photo or something and you guys are just standing there all like "did it work?" when you realize it's been recording the entire time and so bo runs over to change it but accidentally knocks it over and he's SCREAMING bc he's afraid the phone is damaged. BO SKINNY DIPPING?? A WHOLE CONCEPT!!! i'm glad i could serve you :')
CLARA!!! yeah it helps a ton but tbh i’m very rarely on desktop bc it confuses me ksjaja
also OMG WAIT YES THATS SO CUTE AHHH he totally would freak out and also just make the most ridiculous faces and poses?? ugh i love him
ALSO YEAH SKINNY DIPPING BO KKSJAI hes gotten better and packs extra clothes now but he used to get sick all the time from being cold after and just having like,, a t shirt
HOW ARE YOU TODAY BB?? i hope you’re having a good afternoon!!! sending u lots of love n positive vibes 🥰💗✨
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