mrsrcbinscn · 2 years
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I posted 399 times in 2022
126 posts created (32%)
273 posts reblogged (68%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 390 of my posts in 2022
Only 2% of my posts had no tags
#insp - 127 posts
#fc - 59 posts
#franny content - 37 posts
#r: love of my life - 31 posts
#insp: youtube - 16 posts
#songbook [songs i wish i could say franny wrote] - 14 posts
#ratigan - 13 posts
#hatter - 11 posts
#laszlo - 9 posts
#country music - 9 posts
Longest Tag: 138 characters
#the fact that franny was an aspiring singer-songwriter with a folksy southern drawl --- but a wealthy husband so she wore designer clothes
My Top Posts in 2022:
Separation Anxiety || Art Pop
Franny thought long and hard about whether or not to bring Sovanna to Nashville for CMA Fest this year. She didn’t want to leave her for the whole week and had at first planned on taking her, but it was Cornelius who pointed out that an international flight with a child so young might be difficult. They had his parents here to look after her, after all.
And most importantly, they had a Laszlo.
He all but demanded to be Sovanna’s primary buddy for the week.
For the third time since it was decided Franny would leave the baby at home, Franny was going through Sovanna’s schedule.
“Laszlo? Lasz, are you listening? Hey, stop playing with the baby and take notes, this is important.”
6 notes - Posted June 9, 2022
Try Hard || Fratter, September 2003
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Task #21: Back to the Future Thread: Write either a flashback or a flashforward thread with another mun! 
Franny couldn’t help but sit at her table at Hatter’s, chin resting in her hand, quite defeated. She’d driven all over the major cities in Southwest England these past couple weekends tracking down anywhere people played live music to give people her business card and so far nobody had reached out to her. She was starting to regret choosing going to grad school.
Cornelius said he’d support her no matter what: if she chose grad school, if she wanted to stay in Nashville and keep trying to make it in music there, if she wanted to move them to New York City, Atlanta, LA, or Austin to break into the music industry there, if she wanted to further pursue acting...Cornelius insisted he could make his business obligations work from anywhere. He said all that mattered to him was what she wanted to do with her career.
Losing the ability to pursue a career in musical theater meant she had to aim for pop or country music fame...but what if she couldn’t achieve it?
That’s why she chose to go to grad school while building up her songwriting catalog and gigging in larger cities around Swynlake to keep her performing chops polished. With a Masters degree at least she’d look accomplished if her music career absolutely flopped.
And that’s what it was shaping out to be.
Look, she knew Southern England wasn’t Nashville. It ain’t even Knoxville or Johnson City as far as music scenes went. But plenty of bars -- sorry, pubs -- had live music, plenty of people wanted to hire musicians for events. And Franny was good! Wasn’t she? She couldn’t have performed in honky tonks on Broadway if she wasn’t good!
She finished her coffee then frowned, deciding she wasn’t quite finished.
“Hey, could I um, get another of the same? And...” Franny reached into her purse and cleared her throat. “If it’s not too much trouble, David-- can I leave a stack of these here?”
She showed him the business cards in her hand.
See the full post
8 notes - Posted November 2, 2022
funny you should ask || franny + clara
Franny was decidedly not trying to think about Toby Determined and his very rude article and leaking of a heap of her WIP songs. Especially around Clara. It was one thing to bitch to Cornelius, Laszlo, or Pedram. It was another to appear less than legendary in front of someone who clearly looked up to her and idolized her. Hell, Clara had called Franny her Dylan!
And in any case, her feelings for Clara had grown to be similar to her feelings for Wilbur and Sovanna. She would never bitch about her problems to her children.
She’d invited Clara over for lunch simply because she missed her-- and also because she had a proposal.
As Franny finished up cooking their lunch, Clara was entertaining Sovanna at the breakfast nook, seemingly entertained herself. (Or at least pretending she wasn’t annoyed by the baby very well.)
“This is your last term in school, isn’t it? Are you excited or terrified? I wouldn’t blame you if you said terrified. Literally the only certainty I had in the first half of 2002 was my relationship. A job? Grad school? Never met her.” 
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8 notes - Posted March 23, 2022
you didn’t see anything || Art Pop
The best way to not think too much about her hand injury, and how it had improved but still wasn’t fully normal, was to keep herself busy. Well. The best way was to be intoxicated, but as she was a mother and had a large family she couldn’t get away with that.
Next best thing? Practically glue herself to little Sovanna despite the rest of the family not so gently suggesting she take a break. She would argue that, recently, she had! She went to Barn Con, no Sovanna in sight, therefore it counted.
When Laszlo sat himself on the living room floor with her and Sovanna, Franny almost told him to not even think about telling her to take a nap, she was fine, but opted not to put words in his mouth. To his credit, he probably just wanted to play with the baby too.
“We’re still not walking.” Franny said. “She’ll pull herself up with the couch but won’t let go of it. did Petunia ever mention how old you were when you started walking? I was nine months old, my mom says. Should I be worried?”
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13 notes - Posted January 20, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Cheap Seats || Crime Show Theme Song
(the bop I used for the title)
It was that time of year-slash-every-couple-years again. Franny was on a songwriting kick specifically for songs she needed a male singer to test out with her. Sometimes she’d rope Laszlo into it (he could at least carry a tune), sometimes her son, but neither of them had the voice she needed today.
If you ignore his disappointingly English accent, of the men she knew who could carry a tune in this town, Pedram had the versatility she needed today. With Toby Determined’s leak of a heap of her un-polished demos, Franny was determined to have a few songs to present to both Daniel for Dara & Danny, and to Seoul Hanoi’d with some of the harmonies already worked out.
“Thanks for coming to be my guinea pig yet again,” Franny said, as Sovanna waddled behind them as they walked into the room where all of her instruments and awards lived. “I owe you one.”
Now, if only Pedram would let Franny teach him how to play banjo...
“I’m so pissed off, I had a good-ass back catalog of demos ready to be fleshed out for my projects, but now most off them are out in the open. So I’ve been writing like crazy to have enough content to mix with what Toby leaked. Should I kill him?”
Franny was only barely joking.
As if to give her opinion, Sovanna, still standing up all by herself on her wobbly little legs, went “Ah! Mama!”
Franny snapped her fingers into finger guns pointing at Sovanna. “She thinks so. You think Mama should go do a murder, don’t you?” “Ah!” Sovanna clapped her tiny hands and giggled, tumbling into her mother’s lap immediately as Franny settled into sitting on the floor. 
“Aw, baby. I love you so much, kiss, kiss, kiss,” Franny kissed her all over her little face. “Can you be good and play with your stuffies while Mama does some work with Mr. Pedram?”
Sovanna giggled and slid out of Franny’s lap to crawl over to the little play spot Franny had set up for her. She was very good at recognizing when her mama had made her a play patch and going to play in it. 
“She really is such an easy baby. We got lucky with her.”
18 notes - Posted March 24, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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sommer-girl · 2 years
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I posted 476 times in 2022
116 posts created (24%)
360 posts reblogged (76%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 476 of my posts in 2022
#eilonwy - 52 posts
#inspo - 41 posts
#ashleigh - 40 posts
#danny - 36 posts
#ask meme - 35 posts
#olaf - 27 posts
#evangeline - 26 posts
#clara - 20 posts
#devyn - 19 posts
#sindri - 18 posts
Longest Tag: 102 characters
#look someone has to be the world's biggest ella marie stan and i guess that responsibility falls to me
My Top Posts in 2022:
Shaky Ground | Evanna
So Anna had gotten Evy the job after all! She was really excited about this, but a little nervous. If it went well, then Anna had just recruited a really helpful new member of the team! But if it didn’t... then Anna felt like it reflected on her... After all, she didn’t want anyone to think she was just getting her friends in the door.
So far, though, things were going pretty smoothly. Elsa had trained Evy the other day when Anna was in class, and seemed pretty adamant that Evy was ready to go. Anna wasn’t going to question it.
“Hey! We finally have a shift together!” Anna said, tying her apron behind her back and going to wash her hands. “How did training go?”
22 notes - Posted September 27, 2022
Let’s Connect! | Andes
Subject: Anna Sommers - Potential Informational Interview?
Dear Mayor Acheron,
My name is Anna Sommers and I am a second-year Magick History student at Pride University with an interest in politics, civil rights, and social justice. Recently, I worked as the Legal Affairs Intern at Interpride International, working closely with your partner, Belle Acheron, who shared your contact information with me. You can learn more about my background in my resumé, which I have attached.
As the former campaign manager of the Archimedes Owl Campaign, I am extremely interested in local politics and I would love the opportunity to learn more about your background and how you came to your current role, as well as to share a bit more about myself and my work. Would you potentially be interested in discussing this over coffee sometime in the near future?
Thank you so much for your time and for all of your hard work as the town’s new mayor. I hope you have a wonderful day!
Anna C. Sommers Magick History Student Pride University Class of 2023
23 notes - Posted February 17, 2022
Archival Survival | Annica
So... Anna was going for it. She was going to write a dissertation!
After her first meeting with her advisor, though, Anna had realized that she was definitely going to need to use the town archives in order to write this thing. And while she had enjoyed researching there with Nemo over the summer, she did remember hearing the archivist on duty mentioning something about efforts to digitize the archives. Now that would certainly make her research a lot easier.
She got in touch with the archivist again, who suggested getting in touch with the Board, and as a former Town Hall intern, Anna had no fear about approaching the Board! She showed up to office hours ready to get down to business.
“Hi! Uh, Pacifica!” 
Wait. Wasn’t she friends with Candace?
23 notes - Posted September 12, 2022
If This World Starts Getting You Down | Eilonna
It was strange how quickly Anna was back in the swing of things, even after the craziness of winter break. Suddenly, she didn’t have time to dwell on magical spirits or ancient curses because she had finals coming up, and considering she was still playing catch-up from changing her program, she had no time to waste. She couldn’t afford to fail. 
Eilonwy seemed to feel the same, which was why they were both in the common room, heads bent low over their laptops, slipping from “mildly exhausted” to “totally dead” as the hours ticked by. When Anna saw the clock starting to near 1 AM, her heart stopped for a moment-- and then she remembered. She wouldn’t wake up Ashleigh on her way back, because she wasn’t home tonight.
Ashleigh wasn’t home tonight! Not something to celebrate, obviously, but it did mean Anna could have people over. And it looked like Eilonwy could use a break, too. “Hey--” Anna said, looking up from her laptop. “Are you also, like, dying right now?”
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[this sweater with some leggings]
29 notes - Posted January 7, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Most Ardently | Claranna
There was just one loose end Anna hadn’t had a chance to tie up at Pride U before leaving for break: her Secret Santa. She still had the book wreath hanging proudly above her bed (even though privately she wondered what Ashleigh thought of it). And she had brought the poetry magnets to work, sticking them all over the refrigerators and freezers in the back. 
Still, Anna hadn’t properly had the chance to thank her “Santa.” And based on the gifts, Anna thought that she seemed like a really cool person.
She went ahead and knocked on Clara’s door one night, hoping she was around. “Hey!” Anna said when the door opened. “Clara! You were my Secret Santa, right?”
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32 notes - Posted January 3, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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waitingona-mirabel · 3 years
Moonlight Sonata | Claribel
Mirabel changed into a big sleep shirt, wrapped up her hair, and slipped under the covers. It had been a long day chasing after the Moores’ three children, and tomorrow Mirabel had an early morning going into Isaac Morey’s primary school class. She definitely needed her sleep. As she drifted off, a familiar melody popped into her head, something she thought about sometimes when she was trying to go to sleep. She turned over the notes in her head, bright, brash accordion notes making up a crucial element of a Vallenato song. It seemed to drift into her dream...
Mirabel was seven years old, watching, wide-eyed, as her music teacher, Señora Perez, took the accordion out of its case. It was so beautiful. And big. True, it was easily portable for an adult, but Mirabel’s arms were still small, and she couldn’t possibly imagine handling the instrument with ease the way Señora Perez did. Like it was listening to her, and not the other way around.
Still, Mirabel’s curiosity had taken over. And her eagerness to prove herself, too. Only two years after the door of casita had remained firmly shut, refusing to give her a gift, Mirabel was still determined to find her own way of being remarkable in the family. “Can I hold it?” she asked, reaching out two hands. 
18 notes · View notes
We will rock you || Dodger + Clarber
Berlioz followed through-- big shocker there, but havin’ Clara on his ass pushed him to do it all. He spoke the “radio project” and its auditions into existence on his radio slot, then sent out an email to the radio listserv. Probably won’t get anything, Berlioz had thought to himself, but hadn’t really cared cuz at least then he could blame the rest of the world for the Groove Room never happening...
But that wasn’t what happened.
What happened was Berlioz opening his email the next morning to like, twenty emails askin’ about booking an audition slot.
And so Berlioz had to organize the rest. Clara helped of course. She booked the room and figured out the actual schedule part, and Berlioz worked with Pep and Cliff to drag in some equipment cuz, uh, having people bring their own shit would take too long (though if they were just a singer-songwriter type, no harm there). Then he and Clara plopped on down and the musicians came in, one after the other. 
They were all pretty good honestly. This was a problem he hadn’t considered-- having too many choices. How was he supposed to choose his, uh, headliner? Y’know? For the opening of the Room? 
But then the door opened and Berlioz sat up straight. 
“Shit, Dodger! I didn’t see your email!” he exclaimed and hopped up to go greet him. Cuz it was fuckin’ Dodger Jones-- Pixie’s staple headliner! How’d this stupid little project get all the way to him? 
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swynlake-spill · 3 years
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professor-lungri · 3 years
Shere, as acting assistant director for this year's play, had been able to manage a good chunk of the play for the adult's when it was needed of him. He'd wanted to be useful and since he couldn't necessarily be in the play itself, he figured being backstage would be the next best thing. Assistant Director wasn't necessarily what he'd had in mind, but he didn't turn the position away. Besides, he knew Pedram well enough, as a colleague, that it didn't bother him to work with the man, no matter how fastidious he was.
He was just taking a break between his duties, leaning against a lower theater wall, when someone caught his eye. A familiar someone, and one whom he had not seen for some time yet. Moving away from the wall, Shere came alongside Clara and offered her a smile.
"Would you like some help with those," he asked, gesturing to the music sheet stands the girl was attempting to juggle. "Figure four hands are better than two."
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gabriella-marino · 3 years
Music & Dance || Clariella
She knew getting back into school midway through the semester, and towards the end of said semester at that, was probably a bad idea. But they offered room and board with the tuition, and since it would have been mandatory for her to live on campus anyway she figured it wasn’t worth trying to find a place of her own if she was just going to move. 
So, into the semester she had gone, and there was so much stuff she needed to get done in such a small amount of time. Starting with all the credits that had not transferred over. 
Which meant she needed a creative arts credit and, just her luck, all the dance ones were filled. The only one left had been a Music Appreciation course and, well, it was better than not having one at all and wasting a class on it the credit next semester. 
It had been going fine, but then the teacher assigned a partner project. Gabriella, not knowing anyone, quickly wrote out Want to be partners? on her notebook page, tapped the shoulder of the girl who sat in front of her, and held it up with a pleading smile. 
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15 notes · View notes
dr-drckken · 4 years
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Favorite Relationships: Berlioz Bonfamille-Lyons and Clara Baudry @ber-bonfamille-lyons @claraeuterpebaudry
But when the night is falling You cannot find the light  You feel your dreams are dying, hold tight
You've got the music in you Don't let go, you've got the music in you One dance left, this world is gonna pull through Don't give up, you've got a reason to live Can't forget, we only get what we give
You Get What You Give, New Radicals
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truitt-story · 4 years
& All That Jazz | Tiara
Tiana knew that booking musical acts was probably tenth on the list of things she should be worrying about right now when it came to the restaurant. But she couldn’t picture Tiana’s place without picturing the music. And while she had casually stalked a few singer-songwriters in the area whom she planned on contacting, there was a part of her that wanted... well, something a little different from just white guys playing Wonderwall. Jazz, or classical music, maybe. Nothing overly fancy, but Tiana had a few ideas.
She knew there were a lot of talented woodwind and brass musicians in the orchestra, so Tiana made a point to stay late once she had finished her work with the costume department so that she could catch one of them on their way out. 
As the orchestra packed up their instruments, Tiana recognized one of them as a soloist. She could picture this kind of music as the backdrop for her place. The older crowd would appreciate it, and it reminded Tiana of cooking at home as a kid. Tiana had never been shy, so she went right up to the musician.
“Hi, you’re one of the soloists, is that right?” Tiana asked, though she was pretty sure she was correct. “Tiana Truitt. Do you have a minute to chat?”
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14 notes · View notes
mrsrcbinscn · 3 years
funny you should ask || franny + clara
Franny was decidedly not trying to think about Toby Determined and his very rude article and leaking of a heap of her WIP songs. Especially around Clara. It was one thing to bitch to Cornelius, Laszlo, or Pedram. It was another to appear less than legendary in front of someone who clearly looked up to her and idolized her. Hell, Clara had called Franny her Dylan!
And in any case, her feelings for Clara had grown to be similar to her feelings for Wilbur and Sovanna. She would never bitch about her problems to her children.
She’d invited Clara over for lunch simply because she missed her-- and also because she had a proposal.
As Franny finished up cooking their lunch, Clara was entertaining Sovanna at the breakfast nook, seemingly entertained herself. (Or at least pretending she wasn’t annoyed by the baby very well.)
“This is your last term in school, isn’t it? Are you excited or terrified? I wouldn’t blame you if you said terrified. Literally the only certainty I had in the first half of 2002 was my relationship. A job? Grad school? Never met her.” 
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8 notes · View notes
sommer-girl · 3 years
Most Ardently | Claranna
There was just one loose end Anna hadn’t had a chance to tie up at Pride U before leaving for break: her Secret Santa. She still had the book wreath hanging proudly above her bed (even though privately she wondered what Ashleigh thought of it). And she had brought the poetry magnets to work, sticking them all over the refrigerators and freezers in the back. 
Still, Anna hadn’t properly had the chance to thank her “Santa.” And based on the gifts, Anna thought that she seemed like a really cool person.
She went ahead and knocked on Clara’s door one night, hoping she was around. “Hey!” Anna said when the door opened. “Clara! You were my Secret Santa, right?”
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thehuntress-rose · 4 years
@prince--thomas @knightley--phillip @captain--john @charmedhenry @claraeuterpebaudry @lou-bonfightme
Rose got... 
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a ping pong/air hockey/pool table for the BRIO!
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a ‘dulled’ sword for Henry!
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and a guitar for Clara!
San got...
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a vintage (as in stolen from one of the many dusty, unused rooms in the castle) painting for Lou! 
And Susan got...
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vintage copies of the classics for literally anyone who will accept a gift from her!
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calliope-hesiod · 5 years
Music and Lyrics || Aoidos
Callie was maybe doing a bad job of being a Muse.
Every day she was reminded of this. Every day she enjoyed being a college student. She enjoyed seminars and lectures. She enjoyed pouring over books in the library. She enjoyed debating people in class. She enjoyed grabbing a sandwich from the cafeteria and sitting under a tree and eating it as she read poetry. She enjoyed her little dorm room which she shared with an art student.
But everything she loved was not who she was supposed to be.
She was still in touch with the Temple, of course. Technically – she was supposed to come back at the end of the semester. Once she’d graduated. They’d talk from there, Poly had told her, about what the future looked like for the Muses.
Callie didn’t want to be stuck in Greece. She wanted – she wanted to study more. She wanted to be with Kiara, who was in Kenya now, but who Facetimed her every day. She wanted to be…a normal 22 year old.
Callie was doing her best not to think about Muse destiny right now. She was handing out flyers for an upcoming English department reading, one they did for the MFA students mostly, but also undergrads if they dared. She liked handing out flyers. She met a lot of people this way. Whenever the department or one of her clubs had an opportunity to hand out flyers, she signed up.
“Free event! With coffee and baked goods!” she called out, waving a flyer.
And then she felt it.
She  nearly whipped around. That surge of magic. She knew what it was. A Muse. Another Muse. Not one she knew, but one who probably didn’t even know her powers.
She searched across the courtyard, trying to find the source of it all, and then just decided to walk and walk until the whisper in her head told her to stop. She found herself in front of a girl a bit younger than her. Callie smiled and held out a flyer.
“Hi, my name is Calliope. Can I talk to you for a second? Not about this, but… you can take a flyer if you want to.”
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Play That Funky Music || Clarber
Berlioz was determined to get the Groove Room goin’ this semester-- he was so close he could almost hear it, he swore, hearing the twang of guitars and pounding of drums in his dreams like he was being visited by those funky groove room spirits personally. It helped that he’d basically confirmed that that’s what they wanted. It was basically a divine mission, or whatever. Fill that basement with music and magic, set the restless free.
And maybe he was restless himself. And maybe he needed something else to think about besides the rest of his miserable life.
And so his charms were basically, more or less, set. All he really needed to do was the most important thing of all: find a band.
He couldn’t do that alone.
And so he met with Clara in the radio station, staying after her own show. When she came out into the lounge, he pulled a water bottle from the mini fridge and passed it to her and got started talking about booking a band. It had to be a good one, especially if he was gonna make the Groove Room a thing past opening night. 
“I dunno if we wanna audition or just scout someone we know we can depend on, y’know?” Berlioz said. “Though I know...I want a proper band, I think, for the first one. Don’t you think? Like, I know some DJs or singer-songwriter types but there’s somethin’ about a full band.” 
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swynlake-spill · 4 years
Big shoutout to my staff for making this weekend a huge success!
AHHHH TIANA!! of course you’d say that you sweet beautiful person! Can’t wait to see how Tiana’s Place soars now that it’s finally off the ground. Just know that here at the Spill, we give you a RAVE 5 star review. 
Hi Staffers, your boss is proud of you! 
@i-want-candy @delmarisa  @vanecessary-conditions  @pinkpearlpark  @claraeuterpebaudry
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oh-phineas · 3 years
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aesthetic: clara + music
You don't have to sing it right Who could call you wrong? You put your emptiness to melody Your awful heart to song You don't have to sing it nice, but honey sing it strong At best, you find a little remedy, at worst the world will sing along [x]
Wanted to do an aesthetic series for some of your characters and their interests/hobbies! I think the muses are so cool and I love the things we’ve done, from Clara helping Tiana with her restaurant opening to Bruce teaming up with her for caroling! Definitely want to do more with her in the future :)
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