Here we are with the extraction!
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Yes, we should have done it yesterday but we had some technical problems, now everything is fine.
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(Most of mod Sheep’s fault) 
We hope you had a wonderful weekend, and you enjoyed your time with your friends.
Today is Monday, and everyone hates Mondays, but you’ll love this one because it’s time now to announce the winners of our fantastical raffle! Yeah!
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Before we start, be patient.
We have to say, since not everyone knows it, that you won’t find Undertale in the list of Fandom because we don’t write about it no more (READ WHY HERE).
We also remember you to read our Rules if you want to know the Fandoms we write, (and the new fandom we do), and all that jazz!!
(If someone asks for Undertale we swear we cut your throat) 
Are you ready?
>> THIRD PRIZE’S WINNER: @yonnichan-art
You won a super mega scenario, congratulations!
It’s actually a normal imagine ask but with so many characters! Since our normal limit is 5, but for this winner we’ll write 8 Characters! Great, isn’t it?
>> SECOND PRIZE’S WINNER: @clarasketchblog
(sorry, we weren’t able of tagging you :( ) 
You won a Matchup Box, they are three special matchups for you:
✧  Romantic Matchup ✧  Friendship Matchup ✧  Nemesis Matchup
You have to send us a description about yourself so we can decide which characters are better for you. You have to choose a fandom from our list!
>> FIRST PRIZE’S WINNER: @roxyonia
You won a Song-Fiction!
It’s a special drabble composed by 800/900 words about a Character x Reader.
Pairing you’ll decide. Since it’s a song fiction, you must decide also the song that will inspire this fanfiction or even a song that can be related to your pairing.
You have to give us a character and a song you like, a song that reminds you that character or something like that. We create a story based on that song.
The winner will receive a message announcing that they had win the raffle, so don’t worry if you don’t even remember the raffle XD we will annoy you about that.  
And that’s it for today folks!
Don’t be sad if you didn’t win. 
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There will be more raffles to celebrate!
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Don’t forget to try~
- mod Sheep & RU
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