#classic 2am delusion
clownhunterbebop · 7 months
Opened my alarm clock app and it did a little confetti animation. It is 2:20am. That is all
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frangipanidownunder · 5 years
AU where Mulder and Scully are spies?
My five head canon response:
He sees the tiny camera eye protruding from the edge of her handbag before he sees the covered freckles on her classical face and the fear in her big blue eyes.
“Who did you tick off to get this detail, Scully?”
“Actually, I’m looking forward to working with you.” At least she sounds convincing, even if she looks so green she might be radioactive.
He watches her during their first case, taking her little notes, trying so hard to hide her clandestine photographing and secretive phone calls. The way she covets the thing up Billy Miles’ nose, pockets the mysterious dirt. The walls of motels are thin. He closes his eyes and listens to her movements. She’s light on her feet, precise with her movements – the way she closes the doors and drawers, the three-minute showers, apart from that longer one when he listened to her small moans only half-hidden by the rush of water. Then there’s the timing of the calls, always 10pm. On the dot. Checking in.
Paranoia and distrust are his real partners. Dana Scully is just a front.
He’s surprised during the second case that she rescues him. She’s got a fierce look in her eye, a determination that he’d seen develop in Bellefleur but that has grown exponentially. He almost wants to trust her but his brain is mush and he needs to keep his distance. In the dead of night, he surmises she only got him back because she needs the information he discovers. To work against him. To keep him from exposing them. But Deep Throat told him what he needed to hear. Dana Scully can carry on writing her reports and he’ll keep showing her that the puppet masters she’s dancing for are the true enemy.
When she tells him during the latest case about the strange bacteria that could be extraterrestrial he can’t help but feel it’s all a set-up. But then she tells him she’s sorry for never believing him, for taking science as absolute and there’s such an honesty in her face that he’s reeling. She saves him again. Then they’re forced apart. And he feels gratitude, not relief.
When she finds him in Arecibo he feels the shift like something seismic. It makes no sense that she’s spying on him any more. She’s put herself on the line too many times for it to be just a job for her. He wants to ask her, but he’s afraid. Afraid to find out who she really is and why he feels like he does. When she’s taken, he’s out of his mind with fear and doubt. When she’s returned he resolves never to lose her again.
They track on for a good long time, professional, but every so often one or other them opens up. He knows she still submits reports. But she hasn’t taken photos for a while. He wonders if she extracted herself or if she’s been ordered to take a step back.
When the videotapes cause a deep psychosis, he’s desperate. Desperate because she’s drowning in her own delusions. Desperate because she’s so close to a catastrophic breakdown that might put both of them at risk. When she accuses him of being one of the men who abducted her, his insides wrench. It’s Mrs Scully who finds a way in to her tormented mind. And he’ll be forever grateful for her gentleness, her love.
She’s going to die and he doesn’t know if it’s because of him or because of her bosses. It’s easier for him to believe he’s to blame for her cancer. It burns deeper, setting off a more exquisite sting of guilt than if she were to succumb to the unknown powers that control her. She thinks it’s Skinner. Maybe that’s who she’s been reporting to all along. Maybe she feels justified in flaming him now, a final fuck you before…
But she doesn’t die. He finds the miracle cure. But it comes at a price. He’s sold his soul to the devil. Again.
After Antarctica, he puts distance between them. He’s forced to with the return of Fowley. Scully closes off. He’s relieved for the most part, but he misses her. Misses the Scully she’d become, the Scully he imagined in those quiet 2am moments there might be a future with. When they play house, he suspects she’s reporting again. Her behaviour in Milagro leaves him angry but he nearly loses her once more and that shoot of something, something lighter and more hopeful than he’s ever known, grows again. She plays baseball with him and he knows she knows how to hit. But he enjoys her feigned ignorance. Lets the shoot sprout until it warms his chest.
When he starts hearing voices, her voice, it sends him mad. She’s so heartbreakingly earnest in her fight to free him from this hell, but like the blame and guilt he’s always craved, half of him wants to stay trapped in the burning fire.
When she finds him, she pleads with him to help her and in between her words he hears her thoughts. Charlie. Charlie. Why is she thinking about her brother? Her tear splashes on his skin. It cleanses his thoughts and for a weighted moment he sees with absolute clarity. He understands why she’s been doing it, who she’s been protecting, where her loyalties have always been. To her family. To her younger brother. He’s been her blindspot like Samantha has been his. He’s not sure if Charlie is still alive, but he stands with her help and he’s determined to find out.
He can’t let her leave so he follows her down the hallway and asks her to come back in. She’s frightened. Being vulnerable hurts her. He understands. It takes a long time but it all comes out. How Charlie was caught hacking computers when he was a teen and was lured into the shady world of government espionage. He came to her one day, frightened out of his mind, and she agreed to help him. She joined the FBI. She wrote reports. She tried to stop but they threatened Charlie every time. He understands, he says. He gets it.
And then he tells her. Tells her the truth, about his connections. It feels so good to let it all out. The tension leaves his body and he feels soft-limbed and loose. The more they talk, the more they see the patterns unfold, the similarities and it’s a blinding light of epiphany when they realise they’ve both been working for the same agency all these years. Her contact is Henry. His is Paige. They were the children of Illegals during the cold war. First generation Americans selling government secrets to the highest bidders.
Working out how to extract themselves goes well until they return to Bellefleur. As he is pulled into the light he knows it was a mistake to come back.
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auradonuniversity · 7 years
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Meet The Cataclysmic. They’re the child of Prince Hans, a sophomore at Auradon University and hails from The Isle of the Lost. Some say they look like Nick Robinson and they’re TAKEN.
Name: Luca Christensen
Age: 20 years old
Pronouns: he/him 
Sexuality: biromantic, bisexual
Occupation: Busboy at Tiana’s Place
Sports and Clubs: Archery
Major: Literature and Comparative Cultures 
Being born to a villain, wasn’t always what it was cracked up to be. There was something about tasting the bitter failure of a parent on the tongue at birth that left something in a child. Being born as the fourth and final child, well that was even more special. You could say that Luca Christensen was born for greatness from the very start. Too bad that greatness had little to do with his ambitions and everything to do with his willingness to destroy something for his own amusement. Even as a young one he would rather break something than let someone else have it. Pick a fight with siblings than let them corner him into submission. His own parents weren’t safe from the ire that clung to him the moment he came out of the womb.
As the years changed, things didn’t get any better. The only difference was his rage was taken out on the Isle around him rather than the house he lived in. It was easy to let the anger hang out at the surface. His volatile reactions helped keep people away from the inner workings of his mind. After all, he knew who his father was, what he was good at. The particular talents that seemed to run in the blood to a sibling or two. In a family like that, it was better to be the sibling that lacked ‘vision’ or ‘purpose’. While Luca didn’t have a whole lot to hide, he wasn’t going to be a pawn in anyone’s game. So, when he started trouble and caused mayhem among the villains his family did their best not to pay attention.
His attitude didn’t breed the best of friends, or invitations to glittering cities and yet, there it was. He was invited to the land of royals. Luca would have been lying if he said he wasn’t surprised. Most of his life he gave Auradon little thought, he didn’t dwell on stuff that wasn’t going to happen. But that invitation screamed chances he never viewed as possible. A chance to see something other than the dilapidated buildings that surrounded him. For a kid with no ambition, he was thinking of a world that was outside of the only place he had ever known.
When the letter had come for him, his family was as surprised as he was. But he figured if you took one Christensen you had to take them all. Didn’t want to play villain kid favorites when they didn’t know a thing about them. Right? Even when he was sure his father thought it to be an opportunity, no one tried to see if Luca wanted in on any scheme they were concocting. They knew better. The youngest Christensen wasn’t going to fall in line and take any orders. His plans for Auradon landed in the ‘no plans at all’ area. The best way to find oneself in the future was to not expect it to come. It was his personal motto. Or it would be if he had a motto.
Character Traits
positive: Adaptable. Resourceful. Perceptive. negative: Destructive. Cynical. Impulsive.
There is a point of contention [one of many] between him and his villain father. Luca doesn’t care about grandeur. No those delusions can all be his father’s or anyone else with the last name. Maybe he thought of it as a kid but that time was long since over. About the time he realized that he didn’t need to live up to anyone’s expectations but his own. So instead he decided to go with a different sort of notoriety. The sort that people whispered about. Even on the Isle.
Luca never really thought about Auradon much. Probably deliberately so he could drown out the sounds of his father’s disappointment in the royals and how he could have ‘been so much better.’  He was happy to just cause trouble among the people he had. Being offered the opportunity sort of side swept him. He can’t help but find himself a little excited. Not to be a good boy I assure you.
Honestly Luca feels little remorse for all of the terrible things he has done. Perhaps unlike his siblings, he didn’t want to rule the world. He doesn’t want to claim a thrown or honestly even make anyone ‘pay’ for the life he had growing up. His ambition has nothing to do with getting to a place in life that would be nice and cushy.  No really he just wants to see a portion of the world burn, was that so terrible? Maybe not just a portion. Maybe all of it. Maybe none of it. Some days he can’t decide.
Luca is a bit of an insomniac. The way he justifies is that is the classic ‘I’ll sleep when I am dead.” Sometimes it feels like there are days he doesn’t sleep. If and when he does it is only for a few hours - power naps - before he is up again. Surprisingly at the times of his longest stretches of no sleep, he doesn’t get more irritable. No, instead he gets quiet, contemplative. The sort of state that has his hand itching to write instead of destroy. Well, sometimes it is graffiti so really - two birds, one stone.
The Magnate: Out of all the Christensen children, the relationship between The Magnate and The Cataclysmic is the most strained. Generally yelling matches ensue, or punches are thrown. That doesn’t meant The Magnate hasn’t tried to connect with their sibling in the past, but The Cataclysmic hasn’t shown any interest in doing the same. In fact, The Cataclysmic often storms off to be alone whenever The Magnate's attention is turned in their direction.
The Bellwether: Neither The Bellwether or The Cataclysmic have every really felt at home in their families. The Bellwether might have had stronger relationships with their siblings then The Cataclysmic did, but at the end of the day both of their family lives just felt off. When the developed a friendship on the Isle, they realized that you have the ability to choose your family, in your friends, and that’s what they did. 
The Allegiant: The Cataclysmic and The Allegiant are neighbors. Assigned to the same dorm, the same floor, the two even share a wall. Which can get a little obnoxious at times. The Allegiant tries their hardest to see the best in everyone, but they can’t help but want to pull their hair out when The Cataclysmic plays their music at 2am on a Tuesday. Did no one ever hear of quiet hour? The Allegiant has yet to say anything, hoping things will change once the school year starts, but The Cataclysmic is showing no sign of stopping their ways.
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