#classic cube tv falling on my leg while I was reaching under the tv stand for a beyblade? meh
ieropski · 2 years
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zacharydempsey · 7 years
A Babysitting Love Affair | Zach Dempsey x Reader
Genre: Romance, Fluff POV: Reader's/First Person
A/N: This was requested by anon! I hope you guys will like this as much as my first one. I kind of ramble on but please bear with me lol. Request: could i request a zach dempsey x reader where the reader is babysitting zach's sister, and zach haven't met the babysitter yet and one day he goes home early and falls in love with her?
“I’ll be there tomorrow morning Mrs. Dempsey.”
“Alright love, thank you so much!”
I smile as I close the door after Zach’s mom who asked me to babysit Zach’s little sister, May. She mentioned that she will have to go to Chicago for the weekend to take care of something and I was assigned to be May’s companion overnight since her brother is an extremely busy guy. The Dempseys are a close family friend, too bad I’m not really that close with Zach or May. It’s probably because we go to different high schools and it doesn’t really help that I can be anti-social at times. I know nothing about them, and they know nothing about me in return so it’s all good.
The next morning
“I’ll be leaving now or else I’ll miss my flight! Thank you so much again Y/N for babysitting. I’ll see you girls tomorrow morning alright? Feel at home love, my number’s on the fridge if you need me and I left money for any emergency. Zach won’t be here until dinner tonight. He has basketball practice.” Mrs. Dempsey says as she bids goodbye to Zach’s little sister and I.
“Got it Mrs. Dempsey! We’ll see you tomorrow.” I finally say with a smile.
“Bye mom! I’ll be good, I promise!” May puts her right thumb out to her mom and waves goodbye.
“So, what do you want to do today, May?” I ask her as we’re left alone inside the house.
“Hmm, I don’t really have anything in mind. Oh wait I know! Let’s style each other’s hair.” She suggests with a gleam in her eyes; she looked so excited.
“Sure kiddo.” I reply with a smile and we proceed to the living room to watch TV. May got all of her hair accessories from her room for us to use. She decided that it’d be fun to start with my hair first and put them in pigtails and so she did. She chose these pink puffy hair bands to tie my hair. May had long, black and shiny hair which reminded me of Katniss Everdeen so naturally, I chose to put her hair in a fish tail braid.
“Wow Y/N, you’re really good at this!” she beams after her make over.
“Why thank you, Miss Everdeen.” I reply with a bow and she giggles in response.
A couple of hours later and it was almost lunch time. May wanted to order pizza and so we did. She didn’t like vegetables so we opted for a classic cheese pizza instead. A few minutes later and the doorbell rang, I ran to the door to open it, with the money in my left hand.
“Thank you so--” I begin to greet the pizza man but a ginormous, muscular guy hovered above me instead.
“Who are you?” he asks with his eyebrows furrowed in confusion.
“What are you doing in my house?” he continues to ask once again and I was left dumbfounded. He was extremely tall, his head almost reached the doorframe. Strands of his sweaty hair stuck onto his forehead and beads of sweat trickled down the side of his face. He was absolutely, drop-dead gorgeous. How can a guy still look attractive in this state? I gulped. Did he just say that this was his house? Then this must be no other than Zach, Zachary Dempsey.
“I’m babysitting your sister for the weekend.” I tell him and he looks at me from my head down to my toes which were covered by yellow fuzzy socks. He looks back at my face then smiles.
“Oh, you’re Y/N, mom told me about you. It’s nice to meet you.” He says as he makes his way inside the house to the living room.
"Yup, it's nice to finally meet you too." I reply timidly as I followed behind him.
"Where's my annoying little sister?!" Zach jokes approaches his sister. May jumps in shock and lets out a hearty laugh. She then proceeds to run away from Zach resulting to him chasing her around the living room. Once he caught his little sister by the sofa near the TV set, he gives her a huge bear hug which makes May squeal a little bit as she complains that Zach smelled bad and is all sweaty.
"Your hair looks nice today." Zach comments as he looks at his little sister.
"Y/N did it for me. I'm Katniss Everdeen!" she yells and Zach proceeds to pinch her cheeks as she struggles to wriggle away from her brother's arms.
"How cute." I mumble to myself as I look at them playing around. This must be how it felt to have a sibling; I'd never know since I'm an only child. The doorbell rang which broke me out of my daydream.
"I'll get it!" I volunteer as I jog to the door, luckily it was the pizza man already. We all had lunch together and watched TV right after, with Zach cleaning up since he said that he was going to take a shower right after anyway. Meanwhile, his little sister had her legs spread out on the sofa I was sitting on. Her head was on top of the pillow on my lap while we watched cartoons on TV. I managed to get up quite early today so I wasn't really feeling that energetic, if anything, I was sleepy. The next thing I know, my right hand couldn't carry the weight of my head anymore as I leaned on it; my eyes had started closing involuntarily.
I wake up after a couple of hours with a pillow under my head and a blanket over my body. Odd, I think. These weren't here earlier. I rub the sleep out of my eyes and I see Zach and his little sister playing chess on the coffee table as they were sat on the floor. The soft sound the sofa made when I moved made May turn around and look at me.
"Hey Y/N, you're up! Come play chess with us!" she greets me enthusiastically.
"I thought you were supposed to look after my sister, we ended up looking after you while you slept." Zach teases with a chuckle.
"I'm so sorry!" I reply as I bury my face in the palms of my hands, embarrassed.
"What time is it? Is it almost dinner time? I'll make it up to the both of you, I'll cook dinner for the 3 of us!" I suggest as I shot up from the sofa and started to fold the blanket and fix the pillows on it.
"It's just us 2 for dinner though! Zach's meeting up with his friends." May says then fakes a small pout.
"You're cooking, Y/N? I'm gonna call Justin and tell them I won't be coming so I can save some money. I see them every single day anyway." Zach says as he stands up from the floor and leaves the living room with his phone. May and I look at each other and shrug. I then made my way to the kitchen to check what was there to actually cook. I decided on something easy but also filling and delicious. I took into consideration that Zach's little sister doesn't eat vegetables so I went for pasta, spaghetti with meatballs to be exact. I was done after an hour and May helped me set up the table for the 3 of us.
"That smells amazing!" May beams as she claps her hands as I place the spaghetti on the table.
"It looks amazing." Zach adds as he proceeds to sit down.
"Well, not to brag, but I am known at home for my cooking skills." I say and they both laugh at me. We began to eat and all I heard from the two siblings were compliments. Soon enough, everything was gone. May licked the plates clean, quite literally. Zach was bringing the dishes into the kitchen to wash up when his phone buzzed. I knew it wasn't any of my business but I couldn't help it, my prying self got the better of me and I glanced at the message on his phone.
Justin: Yo man. How's the cute babysitter? Can't believe you bailed on us for her. She better be as hot as you say she is Dempsey.
My eyes widen in shock. Wait a minute. Zach thinks I'm cute? Zach Dempsey thinks I'm hot? Is it opposite day today? I think to myself. He didn't go out with his friends not because he wanted to save money but because he wanted to actually eat dinner and stay here? With me?
"Y/N!" May shakes me off of my trance as she calls my name louder for the third time.
"Is everything okay? Can you please help me with my math homework?" she asks.
"I'm good! Yeah sure, let's go!" I reply and we walk up to her bedroom.
"When you square a number, it means you have to multiply the number by itself and when you cube a number, it means you have to multiply the number by itself three times." I explain to May, just then Zach who has just finished washing the dishes passed by her bedroom.
"What are you 2 doing?" He asks with a smirk as he leans on the doorframe with his arms crossed in front of his chest.
"My math homework. Thank God Y/N's here to help me because I know you wouldn't be able to. She's a math genius." May teases her brother and Zach scoffs at her.
"It's not my fault I'm more of a bio kind of guy. I don't like numbers, I like scientific terms." he retorts with his head held high and we laugh at him.
"Alright bio guy, you can leave the room now. We need to finish all of these." I gesture to the pile of homework his sister had. Zach gives me a small smile and tells us to do well before he leaves. After finishing all of May's math homework, I went back down to the living room to fix my temporary bed for the night.
"What are you doing?" Zach asks as he pauses his video game and looks at me as I pull out the sofa bed.
"Getting ready to sleep?" I answer.
"Here? Oh no no no, you're not sleeping on the sofa. You can take my room, I'll sleep here." He says as he takes the blanket away from my hands.
"It's fine, this'll do, I swear." I tell him and take back the blanket from him.
"I won't let you sleep here, just go take the bed in my room. Besides, if someone breaks in they'd have to go through me first before they can even harm you. I mean you and my little sister. And don't worry, the sheets are clean, I changed them yesterday." he replies and takes the blanket once again.
"It's not like I'm going to win against you." I say with a nervous chuckle.
"Thanks Zach." I add.
"It's alright, let me just get my phone for a minute and you can have the room to yourself." He replies and I nod at him as a response. I look around the living room as I waited for him to come back but for some reason he was taking longer than he should to take a phone. I quietly make my way up the stairs to his bedroom when I see his door ajar. I peeked through the gap and there he was, changing his pillow cases frantically while breathing heavily. I shook my head and smiled at the sight of him.
Just then his phone which was on his nightstand started ringing. I saw him swipe right to unlock it and answer the call. He somehow also managed to put the call on loud speaker, probably because he was still changing his sheets.
"What is it Justin?"
"We miss you! We can't believe you left us hanging for a girl."
"Must be some girl huh!"
"Shut up Bryce."
"Why are you panting Dempsey?"
"I'm changing my sheets!"
"Dude what did you do to her?! You've only met the girl for 12 hours and you already got some?!"
"Shut your damn mouth Walker or I will snap your arm in 2. I'm letting her sleep in my room while I sleep downstairs. She was supposed to sleep on the sofa bed and the gentleman in me just wouldn't let her."
"How nice of our little Zachary! It's either you're so in love or this girl is smoking hot!"
"I'm hanging up. You're all extremely drunk."
"Bye Big Z!"
He hangs up with a sigh and shakes his head then continues to fix his bed. I was too busy rolling my eyes at his cocky friends and laughing at his innocent replies to them when his bedroom door swung open. We both jumped at the sight of each other.
"What are you doing?" we ask each other in unison.
"I was uh, I was..." I stutter.
"How long have you been standing there?" he asks.
"Like 2 seconds ago I just got up here." I lie.
"How 'bout you? What took you so long?" I ask him.
"I couldn't find my phone." he answers calmly.
"Right." I reply.
"Right." he says and suddenly the ground was rather interesting now.
"Uhm, I'll go down now, I'll see you in the morning Y/N. If you need anything don't hesitate to call my name alright?" he finally says.
"Yup, thanks Zach." I reply as I walk inside the room. He proceeds to shut the door behind him and I make myself familiar with everything in his room before going to bed.
The golden rays of the sun shone through Zach's windows and the smell of pancakes surrounded the whole house. I checked on May and she was still sound asleep so I made my way down quietly on my own. I hear 2 people talking as I came closer downstairs so I stop in my tracks to listen.
"Shouldn't you wake her up by now?" a male voice asks.
"She's asleep in my room, it's still a bit early." the other guy answers, I already knew it was Zach.
"Do you think she'll like this?" Zach continues.
"Dude, you tried your best to impress her. I think she'll appreciate it." the other male answers.
"I hope so, I want to make a good impression. Mom's coming home before lunch so she's going back home soon. I hope she agrees to go out with me after seeing all of this later." Zach replies.
"My bestfriend's a softie after all!" the guy teased.
"Shut up Justin, you might wake her!" Zach says.
"Y/N?" someone calls while tapping my shoulder.
"Jesus!" I yell in shock.
"May, don't creep up on me like that!" I continue and she giggles.
"I'm sorry, you looked so focused on whatever you were doing down here." May replies.
"Oh you guys are up!" Zach suddenly appears. May and I laugh nervously.
"Let's have breakfast. By the way Justin came around. We're leaving when mom arrives." he continues.
May and I both nod as a response and proceed to the table which was already set. There was a stack of humongous double chocolate chip pancakes on the table along with a bowl of sliced fruit and a variety of syrups. As I sat down the table, a guy with dark brown hair and hazel eyes approached me.
"Hey! I'm Justin, Justin Foley, Zach's bestfriend." he greets me.
"Zach has told me all about you and he only had the nicest things to say. You really are very pretty." he continues and Zach elbows him by the waist which causes him to grunt in pain.
"Sit down will you?" Zach stares at him and he did as Zach said. We had a pretty quiet and awkward breakfast. No one really talked but Justin and Zach kept exchanging glances at each other. It's like they managed to talk with just their eyes. After breakfast, I volunteered to clean up since Zach cooked in the first place. I then proceeded to go to Zach's room to get changed since I'll be leaving soon anyway. We all hung out together in the living room and played video games, little did the guys know, I'm rather skilled at games like these. Zach has now lost against me for the third time and Justin is in fits of laughter because of it.
"Dude! She's pretty, she's a great cook and she beats you on video games! Never let go of this girl!" Justin teases and Zach throws the controller at him. Just then the lock on the door clicks and it swings open. Mrs. Dempsey has arrived.
"Hi everyone! Did you all have a nice time while I was away?" she greets us in the living room.
"We all had a very nice time Mrs. Dempsey. Some of us enjoyed more than others." Justin answers and looks at Zach.
"Well, Y/N thank you for babysitting May, I'll be sure to call you over again, she seems to like you, a lot." Zach's mom says and May walks over beside me and holds my hand.
"Trust me Mrs. D, it's not just May who likes Y/N, a lot." Justin blabs once again then laughs. I shyly put my head down to hide my blushing face.
"We'll drop you off to your house, Y/N." Zach quickly suggests.
"Oh, no you don't have to." I say timidly.
"He knows he doesn't have to Y/N but he just wants to." Justin teases and Zach elbows his on his waist again.
"Alright then, you guys keep Y/N safe okay? I'll see you all later. Thanks again for babysitting, love." Mrs. Dempsey finally says as she rubs my arm up and down. I smile at her as a response. We all leave the house in Zach's Audi and they drop me off at home. I was just about to open our gate when Zach runs up to me.
"Uhm hey Y/N." He says, trying to catch his breath. You'd think a star athlete like him would be so chill after running a few steps. I smile at him and he continued to speak.
"There's a really great milkshake in Rosie's Diner. Maybe we should, can we like, go try it together some time?" He continues and my eyes widen slightly in shock. Did he just ask me out?
"Then maybe we can play more video games after? I don't know, uhm, it's up to you. I mean, I'm sorry, I'm babbling like an idiot." He adds as he scratches the back of his head.
"Video games huh? So you can cry after I beat your ass at Halo again?" I joke and he laughs nervously.
"Yes, I'd love to." I add with a small smile.
"Really?" he asks.
"Yes, really, silly." I laugh at him.
"It's a date then! I'll see you on Friday after school?" he beams, excitement written all over his dorky face.
"I'll see you Zach." I reply and he smiles as he walks back over to his car and drives off. Who would've thought that someone as attractive as Zach Dempsey could be such a soft-hearted dork? I thought to myself as I smile and make my way into the house.
A/N: TA DA! Hahahahaha. My first ever request, done! As usual, requests, comments and suggestions are always welcome. Thank you so much for all the kind words on my first write-up I really am hoping you'll like this one too!
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