grimmshood · 4 months
B1 Claudepark
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im frequently thinking bout them even though i have no ideas. im just like haha i miss claudepark.... thank you. i breathing
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birdykane · 10 months
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Primroses 💐
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souvenirpopcorn · 2 years
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choropilled · 11 months
putting hello stranger on cychoro playlist was very difficult bc that song is meant for . a different pairing to me. But it's very cychoro core so i had to
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Blind Date
Claudette Morel x Jake park; Platonic! Jake park x Haddie Kaur, platonic! Claudette Morel x Ji Woon Hak, kinda platonic Haddie Kaur x Ji Woon Hak
Secret Cupid for @grimmshood
Warnings: slight mentions of Claudettes autism; fluff, friends to lovers, Ooc entity, blind date trope
I hope you enjoy! ^_^
Word count: 1255
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The spine chilling winter was finally melted away to a cool spring dew, the woods became a lot more bearable for both killers and survivors alike, causing both groups to ease up on the multiple layers of thick clothing.
The entity decided to bring in seasonal clothing for its puppets to wear for spring. Jake was wearing a rather cozy outfit; a heart pattern pajama set with luscious locks of waves. Claudette couldn't help but to shyly admire her long time friend/ crush as she was wearing a blush colored outfit, her top had a slightly lighter pink colored heart pattern on it as her blush jeans made her feel both warm and cozy.
It didn't take long for any of the survivors to notice how Jake and Claudette had feelings towards each other. Both new survivors and the survivors who've been around could see that they were rather fond of each other. Some feel sympathetic towards the duo for finding love in a hopeless situation while others desire for a peace that both of them have with each other.
From the way they were always together, the way they sneaked glances at each other when the other wasn't looking, or even how Jake always sacrificed himself whenever he was in a game with Claudette, or how Claudette was always healing Jake with the most gentleness and care.
That was also known within the killers. Some of the killers thought that the both of them were perfect for each other while others were frustrated with how they didn't notice how enamored they were with each other. Ji Woon was in the middle- he thought that they were perfect as a couple and annoyed by the lack of awareness both Jake and Claudette had.
The odd friendship he had with Claudette was rather a curveball for the entity's expectations. Ji woon always had a secret soft spot for Claudette, from seeing her interactions with her teammates during trials. The jaded kpop star sees the look of adoration that both Claudette and Jake have for each other. It frustrates him to see how oblivious they were towards each other.
Ji knew he had to do something about it for his own sanity and the sanity of other killers and survivors. He knew that talking to the other two original survivors Dwight and Meg would be a waste of time for Ji woon. After close observation with multiple trials and how both Jake and Claudette interact with other survivors, he's found the perfect person to help him.
Jake was rather good friends with the paranormal investigator, Haddie- her name was. She would be able to help him get Jake and Claudette together. It took Ji woon a hefty promise to Haddie to allow her the hatch for the foreseeable future for the paranormal investigator to help him set the date up.
Both of them decided that the clearing in between where the killers lingered and where the survivor camp would make a perfect location for a romantic picnic for Jake and Claudette. It took both Ji woon and Haddie a lot of collaboration from killers and survivors alike to set the quaint picnic date.
A blanket from the garden of Joy was used as some of the plates and utensils came from Ormond and Haddonfield. The entity was feeling rather fair, pitching in with some food that reminded both Jake and Claudette of their lives before they were abruptly taken.
Haddie wrote notes to the both of them to meet her at the location of the picnic under the excuse of wanting them for different reasons. Ji woon was hidden with Haddie behind a couple trees as they watched Jake and Claudette walk towards the clearing, surprised to see that in place of Haddie, there's a simple picnic set up.
Claudette feels the butterflies flutter in her stomach as she reads the small note on top of the toolbox- turned picnic basket that Jake was reading. She doesn't notice the faint pink flush on the tips of his ears.
"I'm guessing that Haddie didn't really need our help from the looks of the picnic basket."
They could hear Jake tell Claudette before helping her down to sit over the blanket. A grin spread on Ji woon's face as he watches how Jake obviously sat beside the smaller woman, wrapping his robe over her shoulders.
"Everything looks good. I guess we should enjoy the lunch made for us?"
Claudette shudders from the bashfulness of being so close to Jake as she takes out the meals for them to eat. Haddie smiles at how cute and bashful her good friend and the girl he loved as she looks at the kpop star, seeing him watching the both of them.
Everything was going well as they saw the both of them moving closer together. The soft caws of the crows echoed the woods as Claudette looked up to Jake. Her gaze lies at his lips. Jake knew that the botanist never really liked direct eye contact, he wanted her to be comfortable around him.
Her face was peaceful as Jake swallowed the bite of food he ate, gaining the sudden courage to tell the beautiful woman he loves his feelings for her.
"You know, I always loved you Clade.."
Claudette had the look of shock when she heard Jake's sudden confession. Everything started clicking for the botanist, making everything make sense to her. This confession explained a lot of his actions throughout their time in the realm.
From all the hits he's taken for her, the sabotaged hooks that saved her life multiple times, all the way to the random trinkets he's given her that he thought she might've liked. He even showed her how to quiet herself when she's injured during trials.
It made her aware that she was in love with the lone survivalist. Remembering all the times she healed him after a chase, all the lessons she taught him about the botany around the camp. Claudette Morel was in love with Jake Park.
The silence from Claudette caused Jake to feel a wave of anxiety, thinking that he's probably screwed up by telling Claudette how he felt about her. He gave her a few moments to gather her thoughts, trying to not assume anything before she gave him an answer.
"I love you too."
It took a lot for Claudette to utter those four words. Jake smiled in response to her confession. He felt elated that she returned his feelings. Claudette moves over top of Jake, hugging him. Jake hugs back- his hands gently touched her upper back, welcoming her arms around his shoulders.
It took all of the familiar kpop star's restraint to keep his cover and not tell Jake 'it's about damn time.' in their mother tongue and to congratulate Claudette. Haddie quietly smiled, happy that two of her good friends were finally together for what seemed like an uncomfortably long time.
'Mission success," was unknowingly the thoughts that Ji woon and Haddie collectively thought before attempting to sneak away from the trees to leave the now newly happy couple alone.
What both the infamous kpop singer and the recently arrived paranormal investigator weren't aware of was how the lone survivalist already knew that they were watching him and Claudette but decided to let them have their fun with setting the two of them up as a couple. Smiling to himself, Jake gently held Claudette in his arms as she ate the rest of her meal.
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gfslasher · 1 year
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this ones just stupid
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bunny claudette
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2021 claudepark
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also old claudepark
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2022 claudepark
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viovio · 2 years
♧ tee hee
How I met you: through endless filtering of ao3s dbd tag (Special nightmare dimension) and i reallay liked your jake fics ^__^ saw ur tumblr and decided to follow
Why I follow you: same as above. la claudepark
Your blog is: full of boygriups i don't listen to but thatys ok 👍🏼 meow meows-inlaws
A random fact I know about you: you got the cutest kitties ever and one of thems orange i forgot their names imso sorry but they're the best i love them
General opinion: VERY GOOD DBD OPINIONS ID LOVE TO PLAY W U SOMETIME!! (been a while since i last played tho)
A random thought I have: albert krueger hak ji-woon she/her gay man and he/himsbian kill and rule the world. yun-jin and taylor there to witness the horrors and smash them with mallets
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zxid · 3 years
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some dbd art :).
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wurld-wideweb · 3 years
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whatever *opens my third eye*
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fruggo · 3 years
Got any Jake park headcanons?
boy oh boy anon, do i
sorry every time i do this it kinda turns into a drabble, i hope it’s still acceptable ahvsmsjsj
i are sorry :’D
here this is for u anon pls accept my cake🎂🎂(you get 2 bc ur special)
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he is the classic “stoic man who is actually very sweet and caring” trope because yeah
gosh he is so. mmmmmm
he is very quiet and reserved; requires a lot of time to himself. he lived in the woods for cryin out loud, man. he’s used to being very alone. people are exhausting.
claudette is one of his oldest and closest friends in the entity’s realm :) he is loyal as shit and will not leave you if you’ve gained his trust. claudette is also the one person who he doesn’t get tired around—often, she actually energizes him. they have similar demeanors and understand each other’s need for space. mutual respect.
i like to imagine that when jake really cares, and you know he really cares, is when he actively takes interest in his friends’ interests. like he will ask for claudette to teach him what she knows about botany, nature, and the likes (ofc he knows his fair share bc he was his family’s local forest man, but she teaches him about her specific area of interest). sometimes they can be seen making flower crowns together, because she enjoys simple activities like that. they remind her of better times. therefore, jake is intrigued, and he tries to weave her the best flower crowns he can (like i said—he tries) to hopefully bring her a smile.
it just makes him happy to see what makes his loved ones happy, and whatever interests them interests him. once he opens up, he wants to know everything about someone and care for every part of them.
tl;dr at first glance jake seems cold and uninterested, but once his shell is cracked it’s clear that he is genuinely a very warm, protective, and thoughtful friend.
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epicdivorce · 2 years
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grimmshood · 4 months
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Anybody thirsty?
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birdykane · 4 days
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Intimate t4t Claudepark for the patreons hehe
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souvenirpopcorn · 3 years
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love square! (redraw of this)
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garden-of-infinity · 2 years
Request: Would love a jake x Claudette romantic headcannon. It could be about anything, I just want more content for them cause I feel like they’re underrated. Some suggestions could be hurt/comfort, confession, fluff
They bonded over their shared love of nature. Jake finds her love for botany endearing and he's learned a lot about plants since meeting her. 
Jake has this sense of calm to him that helps Claudette stay grounded. It's easy for her to relax around him and his level headedness helps keep her collected during stressful trials. 
Claudette's one of the few people Jake won't tire of. When he needs his space from the others, she's the only one he'll allow to accompany him in the woods. She understands his need for a quiet escape. 
They have a clearing in the woods where they retreat to when they need to get away from camp. It's a quiet place with its own pond and bundles of wildflowers. Jake likes to sit there and let her pick the flowers to stick in his hair. 
Jake's a crow and will pick up anything that catches his eye. Rocks, trinkets, you name it. If he finds something he thinks Claudette would like, he'll pick up and give it to her. She has a whole collection of rocks and items he's stolen from trials that he gave her. He even snatched her a journal for her to keep pressed flowers in. 
If they were to escape the realm, their ideal life would be owning a small cottage somewhere out in the forest and living off of the land.
I hope you enjoy these! Thank you for requesting. 🖤
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On the ninth day of fluffmas, queendee gave to you... childhood memories with ClaudPark
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Jake Park x Claudette Morel
[I kinda wanna write a random ClaudPark fluff. I hope you enjoy.]
Warnings: slight angst but overall comfort/ fluff.
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The campfire in front of them started to die down before Jake added more wood to the pile before using a fire starter to revive the campfire. The other survivors were long gone to try to rest the best they could given their helish conditions.
Just him and Claudette were the ones awake, a comfortable silence filled the air as Jake quietly walks back to the log, sitting next to the botanist. Jake looks at Claudette, seeing how her mind was off somewhere other than the moment.
"What's on your mind, Claude?"
Jake softly asks, causing the young woman to slightly jump in response to being brought back to this moment. A side of Jake feels bad for interrupting Claudette's moment, knowing how any little bit of peace and hope you can feel should be highly valued in a realm like the entity's.
"Just remembering the holidays I had growing up.. I always enjoyed reading with my dad on the night before. It was always his old textbooks since I was old enough to understand science.."
Her voice wandered off as she finishes her thought. Jake gently draped his arm over her shoulder as an attempt to comfort her the best of his ability. A quiet sigh left Claudette's lips as she accepts the closeness.
"I remember having to take a yearly holiday pajama photo with my family... All of us together for one picture.. no arguments, just a nice picture for a happy family."
Jake speaks, not used to talking about his life before the entity took him away. Claudette knows more about his family than anyone else. The both of them had each other to fall back on. Time does that for people when all you have for years is memories of a time where you were a different person than what the fog had caused.
"My mother would've adores you, Claudette. She always wanted me to be with someone who understands me."
Jake finished speaking as he had the flashbacks to the memories of him and his family during the holidays. A wave of regret haunted Jake's mind, a private wish that he could've said that he love his parents and apologize to his father about how things ended between them.
It took a few minutes of silence before Claudette responded to Jake. Her smaller form curled closer to Jake's form as she looks up to his illuminated face.
"My parents would always want be to be out there and have friends. In a way, I think my parents would be happy that we're as close as we are.. they would always want me to hang out with the other kids growing up.. while they played in the snow or doing group holiday activities, I was learning about the world around me."
The two of them continued with speaking of their fondest holiday stories and memories, making the cold world around them feel warm even if it's just temporary.
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