[Continued from Here]
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  the tigress was used to licking her own wounds now, but it was nice to see that she could still bleed, wasn’t it? snorting at her own internal sarcasm, a pale brow quirks at him, head tilting to one side. ❝ i’ve got worse, these are nothing.  ❞ bravado in the face of her pain? of course, she never enjoyed looking or feeling an ounce of weakness. but she had healed the cuts the best she could with her own healing kido, the rest she’d leave up to the fourth, ❝ careful, gin, i might think you’re worried about me.❞  / @byebyebeautifulsnake
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He watched her carefully through hidden eyes, ones that rarely any would see, and it was something of a mask to shield whatever true intentions lay beneath. That, along with his nearly-permanent fox-like smile was another concealment, and he was lightly smiling now. There was so much to do, but he could afford a little while with her, even if the terms were on more sour ends. “Aw, you insult me! I’m not that weak, you know. I’m sure those do truly burn ya... Like a little sting?” Gin was of course feigning everything being said here, because clearly it must only be obvious to himself that he did indeed care... to some very slight degree, about her well-being. Though, no one but she could possibly guess it, if she tried hard enough. He hoped his mask was well placed, and firmly so. But ever-pressing still, it was viewed as something of a weakness, and especially to the dark eyes of the one he was serving under; And he’d not let him ever know of what his heart truly desires. | @clawedqceen​ |
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❛   open  your  mouth  ---  c'mon,  say  'ahhhh'  ❜
@clawedqceen, liked
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yunhuntress · 6 years
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The power was intense but Fang withstood it. Digging her heels in, she stood against the pressure and it continued to slam down against her frame in close proximity to her lover in her new form. Training was meant to keep them strong and in tune with one another. Fang had proven she could take the brutal edges of bankais when they were unleashed. The L'Cie mechanics aided her to that effect but it still came with a challenge all it's own.
The brutal blows had landed hard on her body and no matter of pure strength could protect her from the onslaught she had pushed her lover to deal to her. Fang saw it before it struck but could not react in time without pushing out Ragnarok to the surface. Her part in the challenge was not to utilize that option. She wanted to be stronger in her own normal form to withstand the bankai's pressure and the pure rare killing power it contained.
Rangiku's blow sent her hurdling backwards through wall after all. Each impact sent her body further into itself to protect vitals while bones rattled from the force. When she came to a stop, her body embedded itself in the final wall and it was there the huntress stayed motionless for a few minutes. When the tigress appeared in a flash, Fang did not reply right away. She could sense her lover crouched beside her but was more focused on taming the raging beast from exploding through her muscles and bones from intense pain.
The true exercise was honing her control over instinct while pushing Matsumoto not to hold back to strengthen her own bankai and powers. Despite the mind numbing screaming in her body to give in to greater power to survive, Fang overcame it with a grunt before blood came from her mouth. It pooled to the ground while she yanked herself from the crater around her body. A pained set of sounds left her but her body listened to her stubborn will. The warrior woman rose despite the harsh bruising and redness from the impact of her lover's blow. Bones were busted around the rib cage, and likely in other locations but the woman still stood. Internal damage was also evident but Fang continued to will herself to her feet despite wanting to crumble.
"I will be. I want you to exercise that raw power of yours until you have the right grasp on it like you do with your sword normally. I also have to stop relying so heavily on Ragnarok."
It was obvious her voice was strained but Fang continued to keep pushing forward. Always she was willing to give all of herself even if it came close to killing her in order to help others surpass their weaknesses. However, it wasn't long before Fang felt her legs weaken only to give out. Her body couldn't stand it any further.
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daddiesondash · 6 years
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Harvey and Ran’s first Christmas together. He probably brought more than one gift because he wasn’t confident in what he wanted to buy her. 
Her accidentally finding said gifts in his closet cause he’s terrible at hiding things. :3
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waveringiridescence · 6 years
“So, does that mean I’m the bottom of the bottle?” He asked in a teasing tone from behind her, face leaned towards her left hear.
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kingdomcollapsing · 6 years
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ardenssolis · 6 years
kiss meme; no longer accepting || @clawedqceen
7. to shut them up
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     RANGIKU COULD BE SO chatty, which was not so much of a problem as it was that when she was like this, she was much more prone to teasing relentlessly. Her eyes would light up, and mischief would always be present one way or another in her gaze in a way that always had Ozymandias frowning with suspicion. The irony of it all was that normally it was HE who did the teasing; chuckling as the other party grew bright red or flustered. It was not meant to be like this! How was it this woman knew just what buttons to press to make him feel awkward? Regardless of this, he did like Rangiku. She was an individual he had never encountered before; wild, confident — in a way, her very being oozed a kind of feline grace that matched his own. As a result, she was both exciting and aggravating at the same time, so much like his own mirror, yet not quite.
     It was said that people who held great similarities could often get along well, which was true; however, it also meant bumping heads due to the acute understanding that came from being near someone whose personality was close to your own. Clicking his tongue, he scowled as Rangiku teased him going on about how ‘cute’ he was and pinching his cheek with a cheeky grin on her features that showed that she was garnering for a reaction (the usual behaviors of a cat, he had mused). ❝Rangiku,❞ he growled, bristling as he brushed her hand aside, ❝you are truly trying my patience today. Do you not have a limit to your poking and prodding?❞ The Shinigami opened her mouth to speak, although no words managed to escape her as Ozymandias’ lips pressed firmly against hers.  The kiss lingered, just enough to where he felt he had effectively made her speechless before leaning away with a smug smirk.
     ❝So you are capable of silence, then.❞
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narkissismos · 6 years
clawedqceen replied to your post: Are girls allowed in squad 11?
ran would join but her makeup is too expensive to get messed up tbh
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    you’re just in it for the booze 
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ryusxnka · 6 years
❛ You gotta be more careful. ❜
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      N ightmares; They agitate and awaken him in cold perspirations- in uncontrollable trembles -what did it mean? -why were they repeatedly hunting him each night as though it was predetermined? The towering ice dragon he faces  was stifling,  it was elegantly beautiful as it was frighteningly intimidating, and painstakingly heavy ‘ pon his frail chest, to the extent with which he heaved frantically for air when reality abruptly resurfaces ‘pon his conscience. -This night, however, was dissimilar than the norm.  He was met with a woman -The eccentric one he unwittingly encountered, a circumstance most unfavorable, in the market earlier in the day. She seemed concerned over an incident unimaginable-hunched there, attentively so, at his forefront. Eventually, does he heeds her eye’s general direction once speaking hoarsely to her regarding her unasked presence inside his residence. It was not on him, they appended, but on his elder, the cherished yet sickly, grandmother who he loved so dearly, so profoundly, who naturally,  or so he believed, rested alongside him. He blinks, gradually pivoting his head rightward to glance at her frame. She was shivering, in the semblance alike one being in the midst of dense winter plains, despite being garbed by sufficient beddings. He did not remotely understand why until his visitant, strangely caring in tonality, clarified his ambiguous thoughts. Notifying him that he was the instigator, the sole foundation, of his parental’s figure’s potential demise. That he was the reason for her illness amongst many things. All because of the Spiritual energy he’s never wanted or sought to possess had finally begun to ignite physically from the depths of his exceptional soul. Depression, it sinks in their teeth. Penetrating his skin and imbuing poisonous negations. A truth he’ll have to swallow and accept; he was killing her.
       She furthermore advises him to be more careful – to learn control over it – and he does so - Procuring dominance and burgeoning onto a reliable beacon of the court guard squads.
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cruorgasm · 6 years
@clawedqceen liked for some sugar
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☽. “Pussycaaaaaat~” The Umbran drawls, turning to lay on her side on her perch at the edge of some building. Just above the shinigami, whom looked to be making quite the effort to ignore the witch’s calls.
"Looking so serious will give you premature wrinkles... why don’t you come up here and play with mummy instead?” And she raises her lengthy leg for emphasis.
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seranen-blog · 6 years
breath frosts infront of her and the ginger brings her hands to her mouth, blowing warm air into her palms. ❝ isn't it so pretty tonight? it's already starting to snow. ❞ holding her hand out, a warm grin slides across freckled features as several snowflakes hit her palm. gaze slides over to her companion, ❝ we should probably get out of the cold now, how about some coffee? ❞ ( hane maybe ? )
   it had been far too long since he had last stopped to admire such fleeting matters as the change in weather. so long, even the memory of ever looking at it evaded him — maybe his age was catching up to him. “ seems like it. ” response is short, golden eyes looking up and finding ivory dots falling and melting on the spot when touching skin. “ ‘s bound to get even colder from here on out. ” cook concludes, hands moving up and down against shoulders to provide some heat.
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      “ sounds like a plan, a g-good one. ” words getting shaky, he’s not one to handle winter well. nonetheless, idea brings smile to lips, “ I know a good shop nearby — cheap and delicious. ” now, that’s something right up his alley!
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nineliveskingg · 6 years
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      She’s been here every night this week. Normally, Grimmjow wouldn’t hesitate to be arrogant enough to assume it’s for him, but she gives him pause. What is her game? He makes and keeps eye contact while working the pole, because she’s been staring right at him the entire time. 
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✏ mouth ( teeth, how's his taste buds, does he like his meat rare ), & hands ( are his nails kept clean, does he like using his hands )
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I only touched on this subtly but thane’s teeth are sharp, closer to a lion’s than a man’s. they’re still similar to what you’d find in a person’s mouth but closer to the carnivore side. made for ripping and tearing. they aren’t too long to where they’d give him problems but he had a hard time talking through them when he was little but that was a long time ago.
thane’s taste buds are more on the mellow side. he can’t taste things well unless they’re more flavorsome which is why they’re fond of fast food. the salt gives it a sense of taste more than mellower dishes. it’s why he’s never gonna be the one to complain about his food since he can’t taste it that great. he’s fond of spicy foods for that same reason but they’ve never been picky. he’d bounce between rarer meats and well done. well done when he’s eating with company which would’ve been more often than not.
his hands are groomed and clean, rough with calluses. they keep their nails clipped, rounded off and clean underneath them more than you’d think. he doesn’t mind using his hands much. he uses them to grade, to write and for just about everything. they’ve always been pretty deft with their fingers.
meme, accepting, @clawedqceen
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yunhuntress · 6 years
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"We certainly do after all the centuries tied to one another, even if a thousand of them were in stasis."
Fang could recall when she had first seen him and how the anguish in her soul had ached. The dragon king had forced her to face those guilts head on and to prove she was still a survivor in the heat of battle. They both refused to back down when it came to protecting their loved ones and both were excellent leaders when having to take on the role.
Once in a safe clearing away from any buildings, Fang allowed herself to move her free hand forward toward a spot ahead of her. A crystal in her hand shifted and turned from the claw shape it normally rested in, into that of a mirror like surface as concentration was focused. It revealed Fang's current reflection along with Rangiku's for a period of time before it thrummed to life with a green aura around it. Tiny flashes of light sparked from it as it peeled back the glassy layer to reveal a vibrant land of wild untamed wilds and of beasts never seen by the tigress' eyes before.
An expanse of open plains of gigantic tortoise like creatures with tusks like elephants, along with other large beasts that went on wild hunts after weaker prey. In time the scenes changed and the locations drifted to more cliff like terrain before melding into subterranean levels revealing old technology sprinkled about. A thriving spring land with a beast like a whale guarding it came into view next before it faded to show a partly destroyed tower with ancient ruins and inscriptions all around it.
A final image came into view however showing from a bright and busy village and city it had once been, to a desolate and creature infested ruins. A crystal coated set of ruins and decayed streets. Beyond it, just in an area covered in blue shards of crystal, a field of weaponry rested. Weapons of all sorts stood as grave markers for their wielders. Some even held tiny things until stones and glyphs were left to indicate where non warriors rested. Words that Rangiku would not understand rested on those stones and it was there Fang drew back and allowed herself to falter.
The crystal spun around in circles for a few moments until it shape shifted back into the tiny fang like item everyone was familiar seeing when it came to the warrior woman. She held to it tightly for a few moments while trying to keep composed.
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waveringiridescence · 6 years
( PSA ) greaves is lucky to have a friend like rangiku.
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kingdomcollapsing · 6 years
“Then perish.”
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     “Th-that’s cold, Matsumoto-san.” From such a beautiful goddess of a woman, too. Ahh, but perhaps that was to be expected of the lieutenant of the tenth, or perhaps it was the less-than-subtle way in which the captain of the fifth had just attempted to offload a bit more than a small amount of paperwork onto the woman’s division under the claim that hey, our divisions are friends, right? 
     “Poor Momo’s on leave for th’rest of th’day and there’s no way I’m gonna be able to pick up the slack without ‘er. Yer not gonna leave me t’drown, are ya?” 
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