wonder13 · 2 months
Night has come
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(This would probably be OC and requests)
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wonder13 · 2 months
X-Men Masterlist
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wonder13 · 2 months
1999 pt. 5
Kurt Wagner x fem reader, some Angst, sad topics
Reader has Empath abilities where she can feel others’ emotions, her mind can’t be read by either, and if she touches someone she can make them feel what she feels.
Sorry for delay! Whole story got deleted so had to rewrite everything from scratch! Im so very sorry for the delay! I have more stories on the way as well! 
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Kurt felt like he was floating, the weight of the world lifting from his shoulders as he saw those two beautiful boys run through the door. God couldn’t have crafted anything more beautiful in his Mind, They looked like him in his human form but with (Y/N) Beautiful smile that he didn’t realize he had longed for so much and her eyes, oh her eyes they made his knees weak and heart jump like he was falling in love all over again. Logan looked to Kurt and tried to nudge him a bit to wake him from his trance, However that was pointless with Kurt clearly amazed at the sight of his sons. 
However that trance broke the second the twins decided to make their surprise Exit. Kurt jumping to his feet just in shock at seeing this as a wide smile went over his lips. (Y/N) however was far less pleased as she cursed and stood up, Speed walking towards the back of the house, Kurt didn’t even realize he was following her till Charles grabbed his hand carefully. Snapping him from his daze enough to not fall over to Professor before scrambling after his Beloved who was marching like a solider to the back of the house. 
(Y/N) had a frown on her face as she glanced around the hallway, Like she was looking for clues to were they had gone. 
“They Look like me…” Kurt finally choked out, Finally able to put his brain together enough to string the words together. (Y/N) paused her search and looked at him with a sad glare, Like she wanted to smack him or cry- “Of course they do, They are your kids… And that includes their mutation” she hissed out in a low whisper. Kurt took another shaky breath as he awkwardly chuckled softly, a fluttering of emotions hitting him at once which in truth left him unable to reply. 
(Y/N) turned away from him, continuing her military march down the hall before reaching the attic access door. Kurt followed her gaze, looking to her as she took a near by broom and used it to push the attic door open jumping and grabbing the rope handle to pull it open with the ladder. Sighing as she placed her hands on her hips in frustration. Kurt couldn’t help but let his eyes wonder over her, She was so different yet- also the same? Her face had matured to an elegant grace as well, sophisticated and he couldn’t lie.. sexy? Then when he traveled lower.. She had defiantly matured in terms of her hips and bust- CLAP. He jumped at the sound as he snapped from his impure thoughts, (Y/N) having clapped her hands to announce her presence to the boys- thankfully having not noticed his wondering eyes- or ignoring it.
“Boys get your little asses down here now! I mean it”
(Y/N) yelled up at the quiet attic space. Her hands on her hips as she stared up into the dark space.
“On the count of 3 if you arent down here I will come get you-… 1…”
“(Y/N) Maybe I-” Kurt started but stopped with another glare.
“2….. Alright 3!” She said as she started up the Ladder, ready to coax her boys out of the attic space. Kurt shot a hand out and grabbed her wrist, (Y/N) snapping and slapping his hand from her.
“Dont touch me-!” (Y/N) hissed as she slapped his hand away from her, Anger shining in those beautiful eyes, the same look the day they had departed. Kurt rubbed the back of his hand and stared at her, guilt eating away at him, his soul practically screaming in hurt for his actions.
“(Y/N) I’m so so sor-” He didnt even finish as the shifting sound of movement above them gave way. Staring down at him was the twins, staring hard at him as they tried to figure out who he was- and most likely why their mother reacted in such a way.
“Who the hell is this dweeb?-” Leon grumbled out, a sigh leaving their mother as she rubbed her temple. “Dont- call him that.. Listen please come down- Both of you and we are going to talk… Your not in trouble” (Y/N) said softly, Milo finally revealing his own face fully at hearing he hadn’t angered his mother. It took little coaxing to get the twins to come down from their hiding spots and then return to the Livingroom.
There was a few moments of awkward silence before Jean Grey cleared her throat and sat forward. Wishing to pick up here Charles left off it seemed.
“Well, I never got to introduce ourselves formally- While we are former school mates of your mother, we are teachers at the same school. A school for a special type of children… Mutants” Jean started, Milo’s gaze starting to harden as he gave focus on (Y/N) distrust starting to brew in him.
“At Xavier’s School for gifted Youngsters we help Mutants like yourself express yourself freely with your Mutations and develo-”
“Wait-” Jean blinked in surprise by such a cross voice cutting her off, That came from Milo. Everyone looking at him surprised as he looked to his mother. A mixture of anger, distrust and overall confusion in his eyes.
“So.. You are a mutant who went to a super Mutant school, Didn’t tell us and while another option for us to not live hiding our powers forever you didn’t choose it?” Milo questioned, anger rising in him. (Y/N) gently tried to grab his hand to calm him but he yanked his hand away. “Milo- Its a lot more complicated then that, I told you id explain-”
“What is there to explain! You lied to us!” He yelled, Leon awkwardly chuckling as he tried to nudge his brother.
“Come on dude, lets just hear it out! When do you get so worked up?-” Leon tried to joke but Milo glared at him.
“You’re not upset!? We’ve had to move around, Hide our mutations! A-And we could have been in a safe place this whole time?”
“Well Yeah! But im not losing my shit over it! Besides this place is chill anyway! Like we can stay here and be chill or Like being cool exchange students at a super mutant whatever! Right? You guys have like a pool or something right? Like a sports Bus? Like the rich kids” Leon asked Jean, Who looked flustered by what was unraveling.
“W-Well yes and no- We have a pool but no Sports-Bus. We have a Jet-” She tried to say casually, Jean felt like she was in over her head- For some reason it was… difficult to read Leon or Milo’s mind- Like trying to focus on a tiny dot of a speedy bullet..
“A DAMN JET!” He yelled as he jumped up and down like the ADHD Kid he was.
“Leon Language! Milo calm down-” (Y/N) tried to interject as Milo started to refuse and even raise his voice. Leon now asking a million questions at once the Jet was revealed.
Kurt sat there awkwardly, watching Logan look ready to snap, Jean looking overwhelmed by Leon questions, Charles trying his best to help (Y/N) calm down Milo who looked angry and ready to run away if it wasn’t for (Y/N) holding his hand tightly. Looking close to tears herself- He couldn’t just stand by… Not again. Standing up he quickly grabbed his wrist, conjuring up every bit of confidence he had as he turned off the camouflage and closed his eyes tightly. 
He slowly opened his yellow eyes as he felt his tail twitch nervously. The twins were staring at his slack jawed and looking completely shocked- like he had shot them while (Y/N) stared at him with what can only be described as heartbreak like the day they last saw each other. Kurt stood there, shifting on his feet slightly as he looked at the trio. 
This may have been a bad idea- A real bad idea…
Tag List- 
@alexloveskii @hahaspoilerhaha. @coliflowerplants @nixonvandelheim @trinswhimsys @soft-witchy @alastorhazbin
@slytherinmushu @i-am-iron-man-3000 @justarandomwriterwriting @allgonemad
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wonder13 · 2 months
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Tokyo revengers
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wonder13 · 2 months
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Tokyo rev
Night has come
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