#cleaning out my drafts why did i never post this wtf
thefabelmans2022 · 2 years
when the butter is frozen
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lizzieblabbers · 11 months
octobery bery long ????
so remember the vacation entry i promised to post?? well... in my defense, tho, life came in the way and i had to prioritize urgent big girl stuff so i really had no time to sit down in front of my laptop and recall all my province memories
but it's sitting sa drafts na, will not set a date anymore, it'll just... be up
so anyway
october was so long wtf hHASDHADHA
so, october, to put it simply, is challenging yet rewarding. (big words from a big girl lyke me 8D *winks*
as i've mentioned in my previous post, i hadn't really had much time to kool down from the province high because i needed to be the adult that i am as soon as i arrived. it did not help that the professors had already started discussions and of course with those are activities with deadlines that were sooner than i had expected.
now, i really meant it when i said that october was sooooooo looong. or was it because i had too much on my plate that i barely had the time to rest and let time pass by? either way, it was the longest month i had this year because a lot was going on.
first week of october, i had to go somewhere, ALONE, without any idea of what am i gonna do there.
OKAY I HAVE TO STOP HERE its ten pm and i am fucking sleepy (yeah it be like that sometimes) im gonna continue this tomorrow
hi today's the day after tomorrow and wtf am i doing with my life
i have decided not to pursue the vacation post because i felt like i have already said enough about it in my previous entries (albeit trying to tone it down for, well, the said separate entry) and i think it would just be redundant??? idk, im messed up like that
so much has happened this past month that i can't really keep track of everything. october taught me a lot of lessons which i guess i can generally apply to all aspects of my life.
for one, it taught me that life isn't and will never be black and white. there are tons of gray areas existing that we should maybe look at and examine its relevance and how it affects each of us. not saying we should always justify everything, but you know... it wouldn't hurt to have another approach to life
anyhoo why am i getting all wisdom-y word-y here, im not that smart
my october mainly revolved on school and adulting responsibilities, alongside some realizations. as for school, it took me a while to adjust to the new academic year because there has been a lot of necessary changes for a less-stressful semester but all in all i'm fine now and already on the process of hooking myself back up to how i was before the vacay.
as for adulting responsibilities, well... october 2023 is when i first received a salary for doing something!!! yay :D immediately put it in a savings account and stopped myself from buying unnecessary stuff because i really want to practice this until i already have a job (FUCK THIS ADULT THING IS GETTING REALER ANY MINUTE) and as much as possible, save save save because i know im gonna need a lot if i want to sleep peacefully at night
guess that's the highlight of my month? won't dwell too much on the negative shits because (1) i can't really remember them aotm, and (2) i don't want to remember them anymore
in case of a relapse, however, i would definitely head straight here and let out everything i think about
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tallys-train-blog · 3 years
Can you please make some dating headcanons for the Star Tugs, please? (You can do the Z-Stacks later if you want to)
*screaming* IM BACK
I've been working on this for like 2 months, it sat in my drafts box for about a month and a half with just TenCents' and then Big mac was added like a month ago LMAO
Why not make it an even longer post?👀
Star Tugs, Z-Stacks character relationship headcanons
Sorry about the massive post ya'll hope you enjoy
Star Tugs
Very loving throughout the whe relationship but can be very hardheaded/stubborn.
Will bring you flowers when ever he can or leaves notes on your door/office.
Loves to cuddle and watch movies at night.
Favorite dates are sitting at the end of the doc and talking with you.
Beginning of relationship
Thought that you would never like him or want to date him so be kind of acted cruel when feelings arose.
And then something happened
You were pushed off one of the tugs once and without thinking TenCents dove into the frigid water after you and pulled you out.
He held you in his arms until medical personnel could show up and he broke down when you left in an ambulance.
He showed up to the hospital the next day with flowers and when he saw the tubes and wires he cried
Throughout your stay he cringed a little as tubes and such were taken out.
He stayed by your side and held your hand until you woke up and kissed you the minute he could.
He told you how much he loved you and how he felt so bad for being such an ass and he ended up spending the night curled up in your hospital bed with you.
Oj and Hercules still have the photos
Big Mac
Veey sweet man
Loves to tease you though so be prepared.
Will give you kisses on the cheek as a way to show love or as a goodbye if he's in a rush.
Kind of protective, specifically when it comes to the Z stacks.
Beginning of relationship
You never expected him to have feelings for you. Not because he does what TenCents does, but because he shows his love in ways that you really have to look for.
You work with him? He'll help you and work with you whenever he can.
You live with the fleet? Will try and help you with meals or cleaning or just keep you company.
He vents to you a lot and thats another way you can tell you've learned his trust.
When he asks you out it's more or less a "would you like to see a movie together?" Or something along the lines of that.
Your first "date" was very sweet and he did did his best to spoil you and make you feel comfortable.
The first time he said i love you, you bith looked at eachother stunned and then smiled
10/10 amazing man.
Otis Jones (O.J)
Very sweet and traditional lover.
Will compliment everything, your eyes, your smile, your laugh, you hands, anything he can compliment he will atleast twice.
Is traditional in the sense that you aren't officially dating until he takes you out a few times
Holds your hands and give you kisses on your knuckles whenever
He also does this little thing that if your hands are scuffed or dried he'll put lotion on them for you.
Beginning of relationship
Very upfront with his feelings as he knows that keeping them hidden can only hurt your relationship with eachother.
Very politely asks you while making dinner or cleaning the dishes with you.
Doesn't want to tell anyone until your officially together and comfortable with it.
As i said before he wants to take you out and test the waters a few times to see how you feel about dating.
Brings you daisies and always holds your hand when showing you something.
Top Hat
Shows his love through buying gifts and surprisingly, dancing!
Is like Otis in the sense that he wants to take you out a few times before being official.
Little side note, your first kiss was on the stern of his boat as the sun went down to the song You Send Me by Sam Cooke during a party.
Beginning of Relationship
Grampus and Billy were the first to find out and Tophat was slightly pissed.
His love language is very much physical touch and buying gifts so things like slow dancing, soft touches, and new jewelry.
Kind of rubs that whole thing in Hercules' face
Doesn't want kids but very much loves yours if you have them or your nieces and nephews.
If you have siblings he will definitely have a drink with them and have long conversations with them so long as they are smart and can be sarcastic.
You have a promise ring with it, it's a thing for if he ever has to go out to sea you know he's with you.
Plans on marrying you as you are the only person he's been very attached to.
Very much a himbo but he loves you so much.
Fell very hard very very quick and Big Mac kimd of teased him for it but definitely cheered him on.
Very very in love with you and was the first to say I love you.
Beginning of relationship
Isn't good at dancing or with his words so he told you he loved you by writing it out in a letter.
Walks down the docks while you take about your day and how you're feeling are his favorite "dates".
Loves to hear you laugh so very much, it never fails to make him smile.
Will give you kisses randomly and that's how the rest of the fleet found out.
He had a job with SunShine and as a way to say good bye he ran up to you, grabbed you, and kissed you and ran.
50/10 very loving and genuine man.
Hercules (my most developed character LMAO)
O h t h i s m a n i s a f l i r t .
Lives to make you flush.
Gave you a necklace with a photo of him and TenCents in it (TC is basically his son).
Gave you little hints that he was smitten with you right off the bat.
Wasn't afraid to ask you to dinner but you weren't official as he wanted to test the water bc past relationships went to hell.
Everyone knew he had actual feelings for you, he was sweeter on you and seemed to trust you more, and smile at you more than the others and is always more goofy around you.
Beginning of relationship
Took you to a bar to go dancing and the song Sh-Boom - Life Could Be A Dream came on and when he dipped you at the end of the song he kissed you and held you close as the next song came on, foreheads pressed together.
Definitely sleeps with you in his arms every night and his two cats sleep with you. (TenCents and Sunshine have konked out with guys a few times.
Dates where you lay out a blanket in a field and read or look at the stars are very common (he does this thing when if you're on your stomach reading he'll lay his head on your thighs or ass)
Again, lives to make you blush and he'll do basically anything to make you turn as red as TenCents' Scarf.
Loves to dance and sing.
Dusk is sometimes spent dancing on his boat.
Loves to dance to hound dog with you
Relatively mature lover.
Very gentle and sweet on you and loves to make you laugh and smile.
Could be covered in grease or dust after work and would still bring you flowers or a sea shell he found if he got the chance.
"Oh boy, here comes lover boy Sunshine!" -tophat
Big mac definitely soothed him into telling you about his feelings.
Beginning of relationship
Very nervous to tell you and stuttered a little when talking to you.
Grabbed your hand by accident one day and thats when you turned to him and told him you had feelings for him.
Poor man almost passed put and fell into the water out of pire relief.
Nights spent watching movies or sitting on the beach talking about dumb things together are his favorite ways to spend time with you.
Oh god you never thought he had feelings for you.
He was a complete asshole and seemed to live pissing you off.
So when he asked you out you were stunned and almost turned him down, but decided you would give it a shot.
Very difficult man, but he was a lot softer on you after a little while.
Beginning of relationship
This relationship definitely started by you snapping at him over something hime dod and him leaning down to your face and saying something like "well aren't you a cutie"
You just about smacked him and then it settled in that he was basically flirting with you.
First date consisted of a walk down the streets of San Francisco (yes this au is in SF CA bite me.)
He took you into a shop and pointed out a cat stuffie that you said looked like one you had when you were little and he bought it for you with a red bow on it a few days later.
His love language is definitely gifts.
Zebedee (my love)
Absolutely lover man
Basically the Hercules of the Z-stacks just a little harder to read.
Has a son. His name is Zip. You are a parent now.
Zebedee was brought up in a weird house hold so he works very hard to make sure you are comfortable and he doesnt make the relationship miserable.
Beginning of relationship
Was quite open about the whole thing and surprisingly practically cussed out Zorran when he started with his shit.
Very much a sweetheart and would do anything with you if he could.
Dickwad. Doesn't know how to show his love for you, but it's there.
Shows his love by being protective and always being aroune basically.
Very rarely actually smiles but when he does cherish the fucking moment.
Beginning of relationship
"Sir wtf everyone thinks you hate them" kind of vibe.
Thought he just wanted to get to know you but now you're a week into the relationship and holy fuck i want to get married.
Wants to hold your hand most of the time and just hear your voice.
Little bit of an asshole but tries his best
Buys you little things like journals if you like to write or seeds if you have a garden.
Wears ties and always has you pick them out and if you aren't around he wears the one with your favorite flowers or colors on it.
Beginning of relationship
Teases you and acts like a big man when you first get together but then he realizes how much he loves you and becomes a big softy.
Loves to cuddle randomly and Zorran is a little piss baby about it
Loves everything about you, especially your eyes and he always makes it known.
Kind of a ditz but you have to love him for it.
He was a stuttering mess when he told you he had caught feelings and held out a single sunflower for you to take.
Loves to lay his hedon your lap as you play with his hair and talk or watch a movie.
Likes to write stories, a lot of them involve you, and he reads them to you! He's a very good writer and so many of his characters are really well developed and beautifully designed.
He has a little brother named Zacary (Xacary?) and his brother often helps Zip set dates and such up
Beginning of relationship
I have a little headcanon that Zip might have partial autism but he has ADHD and he was abused as a kid so the relationship is a little rough for him at first.
Adjusting to the whole thing of hey they love me, i love them, i can trust them.
But as he warms up he helps more, and dances with you more, and begins to really thrive in the relationship.
Is definitely in love with you even if he forgets to tell you some days.
He's trying his hardest, give him a little time
Zorran definitely had feelings for you qnd was pissy when you fell for Zip and Zip fell for you
Gonna add Boomer, Lillie, Billy, Grampus, and Cappy on later in a reblog.
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sunaswife · 4 years
Marry Me. Ikemen Vampire
Yandere Isaac Newton X Fem! Reader
this is before he turns into a vampire and yes I play otome games lmao
Summary: Isaac just wants to marry the love of his life Okay? 🤧
Fun fact: before changing my @ to sunaswife I used to be isaacslittleapple
Warnings: Choking, Manipulation, professor and uni student relationships, sexism...uh thats it I think 🤔
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“How much do you love me?” His voice was low and firm, “You know how much. I love you.... so much that I think of you when I wake up, when I sleep. And when I read a book....I wonder if you’ll like it...” you silently admitted to your professor, he loved the way your cheeks tinted and how you wore that soft smile.
You never expected to fall in love with a physics professor. But he admitted to having a bit of a crush on you because you were the only girl in the class and you happened to be the smartest. So you were now his precious assistant and pupil.
But you were also his secret lover.
In public he was so awkward and annoyed of people, but in private he was dominant and possessive. Also very manipulative but not in a charming way. You just couldn’t explain it.
He closed his book and neared your desk, you didn’t move and before you knew it he pinned you against the desk. You could feel his breath on your neck and you slightly shivered, only he could make you feel this way. “How much do you love me? I’d like to know, I think it’s only fair since I admitted my love to you.” Your face flushed as he took in your scent.
Your family worked in an apple orchard, he loved your smell. It was intoxicating.
“I love you so much that I want to lock you away in my basement and never let you see the light of day again because I worry you’ll find someone better and leave poor me behind..” he said in your ear and you gripped his shirt. Knowing Isaac for so long, and the more possessive he got with each passing day, you had a feeling he wasn’t lying.
“I would never leave you Isaac, I’ll stay through the good and the bad times, I will always be here for you. I gave you my word.” You replied and slowly moved your hands up behind his neck, he moved a bit back and he looked you in the eyes. “Why are you so good to me? I’ve done nothing but hurt you.”
He wasn’t lying.
But you knew that if you tried to leave he’d find you.
“But you love me right? I know you don’t mean it. But there are times where you’re so so good to me and I couldn’t be happier. Like that time you surprised me at the farm with my favorite flowers, or Valentine’s Day when you made me your favorite sandwich. I love those little moments with you. You’re not perfect, you don’t mean to hurt me.” You frowned. “Please don’t think like that because if you’re sad then I’m sad.” You told him and held his face in your hands.
“Do you truly accept my love? Do you accept all of me? The good and the ugly?” He asked almost desperatly and you nodded, even though you already answered him before he needed that reassurance and that satisfaction of knowing that you’re wrapped around his finger.
“Then marry me.” He said simply and rested his forehead on yours. Your eyes widened, you weren’t expecting this from him at all. Did he ask your father for permission? You couldn’t say yes unless you got your fathers blessing.
Your lack of excitement and answer worried him, do you not love him enough? Were you lying to him?
He doesn’t like liars.
“Did you ask my father?” You finally answered and he frowned, it wasn’t a yes that came out of your lips. “I’m asking for your hand not his.” He replied and you chuckled. “I know but you know how traditional my family is. I was just wondering.” You shrugged. “So do you accept or not?” He asked, he didn’t chuckle or find this funny in the slightest.
“I don’t think I’m ready for marriage yet, maybe in another year or so..” you admitted. “If we promise to wait a year for a wedding then I’ll be more than happy to accept Newton as my new last name.” You said softly and he chuckled.
His hands rested in your waist and he pulled you closer. “Love that’s too long for me. I’m resigning my title as professor to focus more on my independent researches. I’m leaving across the country and I can’t do that if you’re not with me.” He said, “But Isaac, my family is here, I’m still a University student, I’m not a physics genius like you and I wouldn’t be able to help you with your studies. What would I do?” You asked.
You didn’t want to leave your family and you wanted to finish university so you could create a public school in the next town for children who can’t afford to go to school.
“Sweetheart, your role is to play the perfect little housewife. Calm and obedient.” He answered simply, “but that’s not what I want, I want to graduate so I can open a small school for the—“
“-the children who can’t afford school.” He finished monotone with a roll of his eyes. You stayed silent as you looked at him annoyed and he smirked, “Well now I’m not asking. You made me wait long enough and I can’t wait any longer.” He said. You stood there shocked not fully understanding what he was saying.
“Do you know how long I’ve been waiting in order to touch you and take you?” He asked. “Isaac you know I don’t feel comfortable unless we’re married but I’m just not ready yet. I don’t want to settle down just—“ you gasped when he suddenly pushed you harder against the desk and his hand wrapped around your throat.
He’s choking you.
“Do you take me to be your lawfully wedded husband for the rest of your days?” He asked, your arms gripped his wrist. “Isaac stop, think rationally—ah!” You yelled as he squeezed harder. “I-I do, I do.” You said as your tears started streaming down. “Now repeat what I said to me.” He said as he slightly looses his grip. “I-Isaac, so you t-take m...me to be your lawfully wedded......w-wife?” You asked.
He smirked and let go, you coughed and took a deep breathe. When you finally look up at him he was still smirking. “I do.” He said and reached into his pocket. He took out two golden rings. One was a simple band and the other had a small diamond. He put the ring on your finger and he handed you his band, you shakily put it on his and he smiled so brightly.
It was unbelievably cute but you wished it was under different circumstances.
“Come on, help me clean the office. We leave in the morning.” He said and you stood there in shock.
Morning? Are you even going to have the chance to say goodbye to your family?
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Oof debating if I should post part 2
This has been in my drafts since May!!! Wtf lmao thank you @aoi-turtle for pushing me to be more confident in my writing 🥺💖
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mymusicalitylove · 4 years
In my feels. Trying to be productive and direct them in a positive way.
The other night I feel like I broke because the latest disappointment (that I created for myself), came to the surface. I took a hot shower, cried and told myself to let it all go. Hardest I have cried in a long time because I replayed a lot of scenarios about this endless loop I seem to be stuck in: I give up on this notion called ‘love’, discard it and begin to focus elsewhere.. then along comes another unsuspecting fool that says all the right things to get me twitterpated and caught up in the fantasies my brain creates. I get sucked in and think, ok, maybe this will go somewhere.. just to BAM! Slam my face into a wall of unending disappointment. Wash, rinse, repeat. It feels as though this scene has been on replay about eleventeen times over these last few years, and all I can say is: How. Fucking. Stupid (Who is the REAL fool? Ya, that’s me).
I went to bed after my therapeutic shower and slept ok, but kept waking up. I finally decided to get up and be productive, and had Ed Sheeran’s “Dive” stuck in my head. Hadn’t heard it in a while so I’m not sure where it came from, but it stayed with me the entire morning. 
My entries on this thing almost always relate to music and how the lyrics relate to my life. I’ve saved some drafts with songs I’ve wanted to write about later. When I realized I wasn’t going back to sleep, I decided to write; I checked my drafts and whoa.. “Dive” was already on there.. I don’t even remember saving it. 
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(Despite there being a few too many typos for my taste in this post above, I feel it, Rising Woman!)
September 2019 is the most notable time I can remember starting the self-destructive cycle. My boss left at work and I decided I needed to do something to change my life up. I put all my energy into planning my amazing sabbatical in Italy. Everything was set up; all the wheels were in motion for me to see Europe, do me selfishly, and not worry about shit! In my mind I put together plans of sightseeing, concerts, volunteering, gymming, wandering, and getting lost in the country I fell in love with a year prior.
In October on a night out with friends, I met an EMT at a bar. He worked his bullshit game, and did it well because he was intriguing. He made me feel good over a two hour convo that honestly felt like a first date, and convinced me to give him the digits (which I don’t freely give to strangers). Too bad the man never called. Womp, womp.
After a taste of those vibes I craved that “feeling” again. I tried a dating app again for a couple months. In a comical turn of events, said dating app matched me with this same EMT! This presented me with the opportunity to call his ass out, and incidentally feel validated as to why it actually was better he never called. Talked to a few other guys on the app, but really can only report on a couple stupid funny anecdotes of just how sad it is that guys don’t know how to talk to women anymore. At least this time I wasn’t taking it seriously and only did it for shits and giggles. Decided okay, just keep focusing on plans for Italy, stacking that paper, and looking forward to the new year (*point and laugh at the idiot who had no idea what 2020 had in store!*). 
In January a boy (with a girlfriend) who I’d had innocent flirtation vibes with for a while tells me he’s now single. I had already placed him in the “not gonna happen” folder, and his confession obviously began a different wave of chemistry and banter for months. We had a conversation about the reality of where I am/what I’m ready for, and where he’s at/what he’s not ready for. Oh, and in the midst of all this, Covid hits and I have to make the heartbreaking decision to cancel Italy and deal with the feels of defeat that followed. And let’s also add all the sadness of being stuck with only me, myself and my thoughts in quarantine.
One last convo in April with “previously not gonna happen” sealed the deal of this endless string of flirtation not going anywhere and back in that folder he went. I then decided to give my number to this other guy who had shown interest a while back (but I hadn’t paid him any mind cuz I was stuck on folder guy). New dude didn’t really engage, so I disregarded him again, and worked on rearranging my place, organizing, decorating, spring cleaning and purging. Fast forward to now, it’s June and new dude comes back to work, asks to hang out, we have a great first “date” lasting three hours, and now here I am less than two weeks later wondering what happened. New dude: MIA / Me: WTF?
I truly do not understand why this cycle continues. Each time I feel like I get closer to something real, just to be lead into feeling like a fucking moron. I can’t stand it anymore, and it honestly makes me want to go back to being guarded and jaded, but I know that’s not the right way to find anyone. So I open up and allow some level of vulnerability, even though I’m scared af cuz of how hard I fell five years ago with the man I thought I was going to marry.
This is gonna hurt, but I blame myself first
'Cause I ignored the truth
Drunk off that love, my head up
There's no forgetting you
You've awoken me, but you're choking me
I was so obsessed
It was a matter of time
But you are the fire, I'm gasoline
Gave you all of me, and now honestly, I got nothing left
'Cause I loved you dangerously
More than the air that I breathe
Knew we would crash at the speed that we were going
Didn't care if the explosion ruined me
Baby, I loved you dangerously
I learned a lot from that short but impactful relationship. It was the love of my life and I went into it with complete abandon. I loved him dangerously. Things felt “right” and escalated quickly, which lead to our demise because we did not explore all the things before going full force into a relationship. We mutually thought this was “it” and talked about the future we would have. It completely broke me to end things, and upon rebuilding the pieces of me, I promised myself I would never rush into things like that again. 
I know that I do it to myself, but I guess I don’t know how else to do it. If I’m closed off and guarded, I’m not welcoming anything in; if I’m open and vulnerable, I start to dream in fantasyland with expectations just to be let down and end up inevitably disappointed. I clearly don’t know how to find the balance that works and it has become maddening beyond words. 
I need to find that balance, and it would be a lot easier to find in non-Covid times where I could have something else to focus my precious energy on, rather than wanting to find “my person”.
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Maybe I came on too strong
Maybe I waited too long
Maybe I played my cards wrong
Oh, just a little bit wrong
Baby I apologize for it
I could fall or I could fly here in your aeroplane
And I could live, I could die
Hanging on the words you say
And I've been known to give my all
And jumping in harder than ten thousand rocks on the lake
So don't call me baby unless you mean it
Don't tell me you need me if you don't believe it
So let me know the truth
Before I dive right into you
And I've been known to give my all
And lie awake, everyday don't know how much I can take
I could fall, or I could fly here in your aeroplane
And I could live, I could die
Hanging on the words you say
And I've been known to give my all
Sitting back, looking at every mess that I made
This new dude made me really feel this. I tend to fall, and fall hard because I am so ready to give my heart to someone. But I need to put on the brakes and slow my damn roll. 
I can’t keep getting my hopes up. That is ultimately my problem. I tell myself to not have expectations and I do well to begin with, then have an amazing connection and am fed (what is obviously) bullshit and fall for it like a moron. I have grown thicker skin this time around, so at least there’s that.. but hopefully this has been my last lesson. 
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I have found a new diversion for my focus and just put in my first offer for a new home! This will be my new passion project and will take up my thoughts and energies for a while, so as freaked tfo as I am, I am equally excited for this new venture. If it’s meant to be, it will be, and if it’s not, my new little home is out there somewhere not ready for me yet. 
06/19/2020 - 11:51 PM
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facelessxchurch · 3 years
Part 4 of my semi-live blogging of the Grimoire. Book 7 - book 9
Featuring pointing out mistakes in the KotW summary and, surprisingly enough, a bit of praise hidden beneath all the bitterness. Mevolent’s magic-sucker is apparently called ‘Nullifier Rifle’ now. Plus the White Cleaver abandoning Nef got retconned into making even less sense and I’m PISSED AF.
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Christophe Nocturnal’s branch of the Faceless Church finally got a name “the Divine Order of the Faceless Ones”. Good. That means I don’t have to call him the Westboro Baptist version of the Faceless Church.
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Another bit that feels suspiciously like Landy talking about himself.
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For reference that particular fight is skipped in the books and if I were to roll my eyes any harder they would pop right out of my skull. No one cares about the damn yeti fight.
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‘obedient little puppy’ ngl I actually enjoyed this bit of commentary. Mainly bc I love it when my fav’s, Nef in particular, get man-handled :3c tho I admit I’d rather cut Skul and Val out and have someone like Mev do the man-handling <3
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Val removed the pain regulator before Eliza and Baron showed up.
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[book 7 KotW, chapter 47, page 357]
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The Resistance wasn’t attacking Dublin-Within-The-Wall. Mevolent was attacking a town called Ratoath bc he wanted his sceptre back. WTF???
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[book 7 KotW, chapter 53, page 406]
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Nice reference to a previous draft. Originally Daquesse was throwing people/corpses at Mev that splattered to bits against his chest, but apparently that was to bloody for a kids series filled to the bring with torture and gore so it got censored to being fence posts.
The Age of the Maggot Part 3
I absolutely adore the art, but I hate the outfit. And here is the in-vers explanation why there is a comic segment in what’s meant to be an in-vers document:
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Also, I wanna share this panel with y’all.
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This is what someone getting consumed by his own gist looks like. Doesn’t this just scream ‘aimed at an target audience of 8-12 year old’ to you? :)
No I’m not complaining that the comic wasn’t kid friendly, I’m complaining about the rest of the Grimoire being so awfully juvenile >.<
Book 8 Last Stand of Dead Men
Ah, I remember why I hate this book so much. It’s a wild goose chase and everything that could go wrong did go wrong. I read that book hoping Mev and Nef would show up again, but nope, no such glimpse of light.
Reading this book was misery and dread the whole way through and reading the summary was misery and boredom the whole way through.
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Something for the Monster Hunter fans among ya.
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I would have liked to see a few words more about how China killed Mist and why she needed Darquesse to save her. (She used a sigil to burn herself and everything she touched.) Then again, I’m biased bc Mev helped China with that sigil and it was a character defining moment for China, Skul and Mev alike.
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So it being summoned from multiple mirrors is what made Val’s reflection malfunction?? That’s dumb, it makes way more sense that it malfunctioned bc it got fucKING SHOT IN THE HEAD.
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This sounds like it would get corrupted and lead to tyranny instantly tbh. Ya know, there is a reason Western countries split the power into three branches (Legislature, Executive, Judiciary) that are meant to control each other and this doesn’t sound like the Arbiter Corps has to answer to anyone?
Would have moved the pic of phase 2 Skul and Val between TDotL and Resurrection and not between LoDM and TDotL tbh.
Abrogate Raze Part 2
That fucker took on a lot of different identities and then pulled a Jonestown/Peoples Temple essentially. No points for creativity here.
Book 9 The Dying of The Light
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First, why would there be a law prohibiting outlawing religions accepting memberships of criminals. A bunch of people turn to religion in prison. Second, ya seriously gonna tell me not at least half of the Faceless Church members already had a criminal record anyways? Doesn’t mean the other half is clean, that’s just the half that’s smart and well-connected enough to hide their crimes. Like, the Faceless Church is made up of a bunch of zealous psychopaths essentially, this doesn’t seem to make sense.
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Mevolent’s magic-sucker is apparently called ‘Nullifier Rifle’ now.
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BY THAT LOGIC THE WHITE/BLACK CLEAVER SHOULD HAVE NEVER ABANDONNED NEF IN BOOK 1! The rules just keep being twisted to how they are most convenient to the plot/protagonists, don’t they??
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I knew Cadaverous Gant had been retconned into having gained his powers from Abyssinia but I wasn’t aware the reason for their attack had been retconned as well.
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