#clearly Silver is most capable of tackling the environmental causes and consequences of climate change
true-blue-sonic · 11 months
The first couple of times Silver went to the past it was coming from a fiery hellscape future, so he would've been somehow adapted to air with lots of smoke and several toxic gases. And since allergies tend to develop when you're never exposed to something, imagine the pollen allergies. Clear air but it's full of plant matter pfffffff
I like to think Silver joined the world of the past for real in late summer, when the pollen are less bad... so imagine his surprise when literally three-fourths of a year later, suddenly the very air around him is being all evil and attacking his airways for no reason. Scandalous! Outrageous!! Sonic meanwhile takes one look at his teary red eyes and running nose and comes back five minutes later with a hearty dose of antihistamines XD
Poor Silver would be even more miserable because he loves seeing the gorgeous flowers and new greenery after winter, so it's especially heinous that those are trying their hardest to keep him away through sheer bad luck. It's a good thing allergy medicine seems to be effective, so he can still enjoy everything in all its glory! But he quickly learns to always keep a package of tissues on his person, just in case he ends up in a bout of endless nose-blowing. And he might be just a little bit relieved when summer rolls around and the pollen become less bad!
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