#clearly arkin knows asa’s identity now
slasherholic · 2 years
That one supposed scene from the third movie of Asa in a police uniform with a machete in his hand is never not on my mind.
I think about it entirely too much.
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LOOK AT HIM. He’s CATCHING HER ARM. Look how much blood there already is on the ground. Holy fuck I wanna see this scene play out so bad 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
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nooneandeveryone · 3 years
Dark Fanfic idea:
Arkin getting pay back for when HE was kidnapped by fucking asa when he kidnaps asa and making asa SPEAK
Why?cause dom arkin and sub asa owns my heart
Oh hell yeah we're doing this
but...... god DAMN it took forever. It got longer than planned and you're just gonna have to deal with it.
I really don't know what it turned into. But I hope it hurts.
warnings: knife play, teasing, mild c&bt, mild torture, name-calling
He now had a name to put to the face and the man himself. His refusal to speak was infuriating when Arkin was captive and it’s no less infuriating now. It became apparent quickly that the man, Asa, enjoyed what Arkin did to him. He’d already hurt him; a near blow for blow every injury that Asa did the night they met. Hooks in his back and hands. A slice across the forehead and stomach. He even knocked out the same tooth. All of which did make him scream, which was beautiful, but still not a single word.
He was staying silent to get more. He wanted to be hurt.
So, Arkin changed his tactics.
“No, you gotta ask for it,” Arkin told him in a growl.
He’d chained Asa down to an old metal bed frame. Aside from removing his jacket and shoes, Arkin had left him in the same clothes he caught him in. He was still bleeding from what Arkin already did to him. He put up a furious struggle when told to ask. He even seemed more angry about that than being captive.
Arkin noticed a small flash of red near the man’s right wrist. That couldn’t be what he thought it was. He ripped back his sleeve just to be certain. Shallow cuts along the length of his forearm, almost identical to the ones on Arkin’s arm. Just to confirm, Arkin pulled back his own sleeve. They weren’t identical but they were both maps. The marks corresponded with the turns Arkin took to get them there.
“How long did you know?” Arkin demanded. He grabbed him by the hair to force him to look at him.
Arkin saw a faint smile form on his lips. This asshole knew the whole time. He felt outraged but strangely touched. If he knew, he could’ve wrecked the map and made it impossible for Arkin to find him. But he didn’t…
“This is what you wanted, wasn’t it? You wanted me to find you?” Arkin accused him. He glanced at his still bleeding wounds. “You want this.”
Again Asa gave him no verbal response but his shoulders relaxed slightly.
Arkin had to step away for a moment. This whole thing was turning out more complicated than he thought it would be. It isn’t revenge if you’re doing exactly what they want. He paced the small room a few times, working out what he wanted to do. An idea hit him, he grabbed a hunting knife and returned to the prone man.
“All you gotta do is speak,” Arkin said as he straddled the other man’s legs, just below his hips. He drug the flat of the knife down the center of his chest. He let the blade rest on the narrow bit of flesh between shirt and pants.
There was a change in Asa’s breathing and his shoulders had tightened. His expression hadn’t changed but his eyes were locked on Arkin. Now he was getting somewhere. Arkin turned the knife and cut open Asa’s shirt right to his neck. He held the sharp edge against his chin, just hard enough to draw blood. For his part, Asa actually held himself perfectly still.
Just to confirm his suspicions, Arkin slid his other hand down to grope the front of the man’s pants. It was what expected to find, but he hadn’t expected he’d feel such a rush from it. Asa was hard.
“You like this, don’t you? You little bitch,” Arkin hissed and gave a firm squeeze through the fabric.
This got both movement and a sound that was almost a word out of him. The movement was a subtle shift in his hips. The sound was a single syllable, like the start of a moan.
“You needy slut,” Arkin continued. He drew the knife away from the man’s neck and brought it to rest against his chest, right above his heart. “You want me to shove my dick inside you.” He ground the palm of his hand into Asa’s erection, for emphasis. “Use you like the little bitch you are.” He felt a full body shiver go through him in response. A sudden and intense rush of pleasure hit Arkin a second later.
Arkin took his hand away from his crotch. He repositioned himself so he could grind himself against Asa’s hip. He was careful not to provide any direct stimulation to Asa. He had long since gotten hard himself, he was long past even questioning why. He just uttered a soft groan.
Remarkably, Asa tried to rock his hips to help Arkin grind against him. While he still wasn’t speaking, he was making more noise than before. Little gasps and choked sounds.
Arkin let the blade of the knife sink in a fraction of an inch over the man’s heart. This got a twitch and a faint hiss.
“Ask for it,” Arkin reminded him and stopped grinding against him. An angry glare was his reply.
“What? Little pussy too afraid to ask?” he put on a more mocking tone, he leaned in close as if to whisper in his ear.
Asa immediately tried to bite him. Arkin ducked out of the way and grabbed him by the hair. He pulled his head back sharply to make him bare his throat. Blood still trailed down from the small cut on his chin. “I’ll make you talk,” Arkin said, then nipped at his ear. He moved lower and bit at his neck. This brought out a frustrated huffing sound. There was a start of a word but he died in his throat. Arkin could also vividly feel he was making him tremble.
It was going well but still no closer to making him speak. Arkin was even enjoying himself. Yes, this man was still a dangerous killer but right now he felt in complete control over him.
He gave his neck one last hard bite then sat up. He held the flat of the knife up to Asa’s lips. Seeing his tongue come out and trace the edge of the blade was almost too much for Arkin to take. How the fuck did he become attracted to a serial killer?!
He pulled the knife away and used it to hastily cut open the front of the man’s pants. It actually seemed to startle Asa which he took as a good sign. Despite the rough treatment, Arkin very gently wrapped his fingers around the other man’s dick.
The beginnings of a word caught in the man’s throat.
Arkin laid the flat of the blade against the tip of his cock. This brought a shudder and a groan. Still no words. So, he lightly traced his fingers up and down his dick.
“All you gotta do is say what you want,” he reminded him.
Asa’s entire body had tensed up. He was clearly trying to ignore everything Arkin was doing. He made a point of keeping his attention on the chains restraining his arms. He pulled and tested the chains more than he had when Arkin first chained him down.
“Hey. Hey!” Arkin reached down and squeezed his balls. “Pay attention.” It got the most wonderful sounding whine. “Don’t pretend you don’t like this,” he said and gave another squeeze of emphasis. It did finally make him look back at Arkin. He looked almost desperate.
Arkin kept his balls cupped in one hand and moved the flat of the knife against his dick. Asa’s breathing sped up, his mouth moved as if he was trying to form a word but no sound came out. Arkin slid the blade with a little more force.
“... p-please…” Asa finally said in a low groan.
Arkin paused a moment then gave his balls a little squeeze.
“Ah… Arkin.”
Fuck. A sudden rush of pleasure hit him at hearing his name. It shouldn’t blind-side him that badly, but it did. He drew in a deep breath. Calmly he set the knife aside, then whatever was holding him back disappeared.
Arkin surged forward, grabbing Asa by the throat. “Does the little pussy want to be fucked?” he growled out viciously.
A little choked sound left him, followed by a faint “...yes.”
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