reagan-the-saunders · 18 days
WIP Whenever:
Tagged by the lovely @tiredela thank you so much! <33
Tagging: @afamoore @cicerosfavouritelistener @abstractredd & anyone else who wants to join in, you BETTER ✨🫵💕 (affectionate).
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I'll start with a lil blushy Lyrandra. (The rest of it is technically NSFW lol)
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A seascape sort of painting-esqe drawing which I'm still working on but am currently stuck on :D
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Vyeshna and Teldryn bullshit <3
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Aaaaand finally some Nerivyne stuff I haven't made any new progress on whatsoever :)
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sylleblosscm · 5 months
XVI Headcanons 3 : The Third One.
The Fleuret line has borne the Eikon of Seraph in its first daughters going back countless generations. While not strictly royalty, the nature of this Eikon afforded the family their own following. As I’ve touched on before, the Fleurets of old were nomadic by circumstance; after all, Seraph’s blessing may only be rendered in person. They’d sleep in towns, and in encampments between, relying on the goodness of strangers and, steadily more over time, the growing community of people who would leave their worldly possessions behind and travel alongside them.
It is these people who made up the first generation of Tenebraeans. Upon deciding to hide Seraph away, the Dominant of the time found an abandoned cliffscape. Well secluded, they built off the remains of ruins that appeared to be old as time itself. Nigh endless tunnels drilled into the cliffside, with pulley elevators to get from level to level. Bridges constructed over dozens of years. Plateaus with small fields, enough to farm their own agriculture. Waterfalls and streams, sun and shade, and of course plenty of room for Seraph to spread her wings in safety. 
The image that once brought comfort far and wide vanished from memory as loyalists worked to remove every trace of their revered Eikon. No longer did mothers of sick children and children of wounded soldiers look out the window, praying for a maiden with pale skin and fair hair, a flowing gown of white stained at the hem with dirt. Still, within the hidden halls of Tenebrae, it is a beloved image which persists.
It leaves a foul taste in Luna’s mouth to carry it forth. Even still, she wears those traditional long dresses, though no longer for travel; often the pure white fabric is indeed stained at the hem, but from leisurely strolls in her garden, not from wandering from place to place, bringing her healing touch to the needy. To covet a symbol that, in her view, no longer stands for anything is anguish. For all light Seraph once shone onto the world, her family has failed to sustain it. 
Considering this, it’s not impossible that more Eikons might exist, lost to time. Hidden, stolen, or simply refusing to choose their Dominant until…
Oh, and speaking of other Eikons.
I’m branching off of @infideliis' idea about Ravus becoming the Eikon of Alexander the Protector, because of-fucking-course I need to talk about how much Luna loves her brother. 
Since their bloodline was chosen by Seraph, not a single boy has been born to it. To call Ravus a surprise would be to understate beyond the telling of it. But of course, of course Sylva loved him. So what if she could not one day pass on her Eikon to him? He was perfect in every way.
Then, of course, Sylva finally gave birth to a daughter. Lunafreya was coveted from a young age; smothered, even. While Tenebrae looked to her, she looked to Ravus. She never sensed a hint of disdain from him. He never seemed to blame her for her circumstances. On the day Sylva died, the entire community held its breath for a new Dominant to awaken.
And awaken the new Dominant did. Only, it wasn’t the one they all expected. 
Alexander the Protector is, by the more devout members of the community, seen as a bad omen. A sign that this happy, untouched corner of the World will be disrupted and Seraph will need the protection. Try as they might, their remaining loyalists scoured Valisthea for any mention of this Eikon, only to return empty-handed. He is believed to be something new.
Even still, this awakening barely raised his baby sister’s brow. To Luna, Ravus was always a protector. Her sword, her shield and her very legs when she couldn’t stand. If there is indeed an Eikon of Protection, he would find no better Dominant in all Valisthea.
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Homestuck, page 4,802
[A6I2] ==>
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What's that, English? You look nervous. Could it be you weren't expecting me to know your only vulnerability? You have underestimated my omniscience almost as badly as I overestimate it as a matter of daily routine. Your reign of terror comes to an end here, on this balcony overlooking an enchanted cliffscape host to innumerable gorgeous stallions. How ironic, that your very demise would be in the proximity of some horses. What? You didn't follow that? Just think it over. Think it over…
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Three planet sized giantesses, one a blob, another all muscle, and last one all curves, are arguing over whose the tiny's matesprite
//Wow this one got away from me. Mindlessly self indulgent, poorly written, basically not even trying to write the characters properly though I guess the Demoness is more of an OC than anything. But boy was it fun all the same. "3 paragraphs" i said. hilarious. Highly advised you don't click read more, it's terrible extreme kink content and didn't really do justice even for that niche. Meant to kind of be aping bad harem cliche garbage but ironic shitposting is still shitposting.
There was a reason Sollux rarely experimented with his Doom abilities on any but the most minute scales, usually content to coast on the peculiar passive "benefits" it bestowed. They were obtuse, over-complicated, and almost never useful for solving any kind of direct problem. And yet a persistent question nagged at his bifurcated mind until he gave in and unsurprisingly fucked himself. They're called doomed timelines! Surely manipulating them should be easily within his wheelhouse. Push a variable here or there and who's going to care? The alpha timeline or whatever the pompous thing called itself sure didn't.
Now here he floated surrounded on all sides (including above and below) by not just miles but thousands of miles of flesh. It was hard to even describe the beings around him as women, the difficulty of seeing the forest through the trees was maddening. Acquaintances of his set on paths from his hatchet-job alterations to an already doomed reality that led them each to become curvaceous in the way that was usually resolved for planets and celestial bodies, which they each had. And all of them were somehow focused on him. Or rather their conversation was, he was somewhere in neutral ground hundreds of miles between their godlike forms yet completely unable to see anything but them. One third of reality was the Demoness' dizzying landscape of gray lipids, mountainous folds and rolls. It creating an uneven looking surface even from as far out as Sollux was. In opposition, another third was almost completely smooth. A tanned landscape almost entirely unblemished but for the state-sized dark spots he came to understand were the freckles scattered across Jade Harley's pillowy, planetary, barkbeast boobs. Sollux shuddered involuntarily considering the sheer depth of that all consuming chasm that split the otherwise uniform masses of mammary. The final contender was a sharp contrast to either of the other two, a cliffscape of sharper edges and utter firmness created by the chiseled striations of muscles that could probably tow the entire system they were inhabiting. Every now and then a massive strip of white cloth broke the rigid landscape, leading up to Polypa's face.
The Demoness, or Damara (he really wasn't sure which) seemed to be the first to start loudly speaking over the others. "You're all too weak! He wants someone who can take what she wants! Every foot of it. If you're not grabbing him more than he's touching you you're not matesprit material." Each proclamation sent a fresh ripple down her corpulence, cascading down the fat in near perpetual motion.
"You're just saying that because he got trapped in your lard ass for a day!" It was true, Sollux remembered crawling for endless hours hand over hand as gray-red fat pressed around him in suffocating darkness.
"Mmm, and what a day it was... My matesprit groping me like an animal... What's the point of having a speck-size fucktoy if you're not going to pound him into a singularity? Besides, we've already shared a first kiss, that makes it official!"
Kiss was a strong word. Or perhaps far too weak of one. Sollux had just so happened to be on a planet the self-proclaimed death goddess had arrived to consume. Eventually her suction had yanked him airborne as well until he collided and sunk into a cloying abyss of red lipstick. When she'd finally detected him after gorging he learned just how dexterous someone who can't reach past their own tits can be with their tongue, and the suction didn't cease for another day after.
"As if one quick peck and you taking advantage of my matesprit's better nature mean anything!" This time it was Polypa speaking up, reaching out one vast python of an arm to poke accusingly at the Demoness and promptly having her hand swallowed to the wrist in chub before even causing an impact. "He wants a strong, proper matesprit. Not some two-bit harlot or..." Jade is dismissed out of hand. Consternation might've been on her face but Sollux would've had to fly for hours to get past the curve of her celestial tits and see it. "I doubt you've even had a proper date like we have, too busy sating all your gluttonous desires."
The "date" was a little hard to remember. Sollux recalled Polypa had wanted to meet somewhere under what he thought were innocuous pretenses so he'd grabbed a snack and went to a wide field for it. He didn't know whether she had just arrived or had been watching for some time, but the horizon was abruptly filled with slab upon slab of muscle closing in and bursting through the atmosphere. She apparently took this meeting to have been agreement to a date, a romantic overture by him having a chocolate bar and having ripped some flowers out of the ground while desperately clinging to it when the gravity of Polypa's hyperdense musculature beat out the planet's own. Sollux found himself pinned in the canyon-like faults of her countless abs, pinned utterly when the utterly solid slabs compacted and slowly drenched as she worked herself into a sweat born of nerves for their 'date'.
And then... he was here. Specifically he'd been fleeing these obsessive bitches into space until he could figure out a better plan. But the problem with flinging yourself at warp speed through the void was if you weren't truly teleporting, or in possession of starcharts and supercomputers to map them, you were essentially blind. Leading Sollux to collide face-first into a brown wall in space and promptly rebound a hundred miles, leaving him perfectly in range to comprehend a vast, lightly tanned peak of nipple bobbing from the impact and hear Jade's surprised moan. There had only been enough time for both of them to confirm their identities (though he'd been concerned at being labelled "The" Sollux) before the other two had caught up and ended this clumsy in medias res.
"Pfft, you're both sad! I expected as much from what you told me on the message boards but still!" Jade punctuated with some points of her own, but the slow motion of her planetits bouncing in zero-G was a strangely different look than the Demoness' endless rolls jiggling against each other or Polypa's countless defined muscle groups.
"You got bloated from one measly blowjob? And you, scared of second base let alone third! Neither of you are qualified, that's why I came!"
In a flash of green Sollux was warped up to face level with the dogtier goddess. Finally he could confirmed that her ass matched the giga sized tits, and while her body must have been continental on its own it was still lost in a sea of her own assets. Brilliant green eyes focused on him with smouldering intensity, and he could tell now some of the slow drift of her assets came from her panting breaths. A small line of drool looked like it tried to escape but was licked away. "I'm almost glad I'm in heat. You're the one, Sollux, the one who can get me through this." Desperately needy words were spilling out of her.
"Those other girls can't handle you, but I need you. I feel like I need to fuck until the green sun burns out! You know you want these." She put effort to really start bouncing herself, cascading tidal waves of flesh traveling across her curves with each heave. "Why settle for just one planet when you should be coating all four of mine? We're already wasting time! You could've already fucked my tits and gotten buried in my ass so you can rail your slut-pupp-!"
"Fucking hell Harley!"
"Yeah, that's MY second helping!"
Harley's hand reaching to doubtlessly cram him into some tortuously soft crevice to begin her manic milking was stopped by the other two advancing on her angrily. Sollux took the opportunity to get the fuck out of there. Or at least to a safe watching distance.
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goldendunite · 5 months
…Time to take a hike.
Aoki forces himself to all but fade from existence, reappearing near the castle.
*As he tries to continue, he walks right into an invisible barrier. The knock back almost has him fall down the cliffscapes, but he manages to steady himself.*
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pesterloglog · 6 months
Vriska Serket, Meenah Peixes
Act 6, page 7688-7690
(VRISKA): You know, I've got to say.
(VRISKA): I've really turned around on horses.
(VRISKA): Horses.
(VRISKA): I used to h8 them.
(VRISKA): Remem8er?
(VRISKA): I developed this weird superstition a8out them, a8out how they're cursed or something, and when they're around, they can only lead to 8ad things happening.
(VRISKA): Don't you remem8er how I was going on and on a8out that a while ago, at the amusement park?
MEENAH: guess so
(VRISKA): 8ut we've 8een hanging around them a while now, and everything's 8een fine.
(VRISKA): More than fine, actually!
(VRISKA): So yeah, horses are ok in my 8ook.
(VRISKA): What do you think, Meenah?
MEENAH: aboat what
(VRISKA): Horses!!!!!!!!
MEENAH: ummmm
MEENAH: they ok
MEENAH: kinda dumb and smelly
MEENAH: be makin like
MEENAH: fucked up sounds out their big ass snouts an floppy lips
(VRISKA): Yeah.
(VRISKA): Reminds me of the weird sounds that used to come from my neigh8or's hive at weird hours of the night.
MEENAH: the fuck
(VRISKA): Don't even ask, 8ecause I don't know.
(VRISKA): So enough a8out stupid animals, whose presence have no rational explan8tion anyway.
(VRISKA): What do you want to do today?
MEENAH: today?
(VRISKA): Yeah!
MEENAH: there is no today
(VRISKA): You know what I mean!
(VRISKA): Within the am8iguous timeframe that would loosely correl8 with a single rot8tion of a planet.
(VRISKA): Any ideas?
(VRISKA): Come on!
(VRISKA): We can't just spend all our "days" hanging out in this idyllic, 8izarrely paletted cliffscape with all these stinking idiot quadrupeds.
(VRISKA): We should go exploring some more 8u88les!
MEENAH: we explored an awful lot already
MEENAH: aint they sorta all the same by now
(VRISKA): I mean, roughly speaking, yeah. They're all ar8itrary memory collages I guess.
(VRISKA): 8ut there's always something new to see every time.
(VRISKA): Whose ridiculous memory will we visit next????????
(VRISKA): Like, some nutty version of Kanaya who 8ecame a god tier in some totally ludicrous version of our session?
(VRISKA): Or may8e a version of John who never even played the game at all? May8e he went outside to look for the game, and his fatherly lusus 8acked over him with his car?
(VRISKA): Or what a8out your friends? They're always fun!
(VRISKA): Like Nepeta's ancestor... the deaf one? She's a riot! Plus she has a fascin8tingly dark history which her memories always seem to hint at.
(VRISKA): Or Eridan's douchier clone. I KNOW you have a gr8 time whenever you get the chance to own him.
(VRISKA): So what do you say?
MEENAH: i dunno
(VRISKA): 8ut you seem kinda 8ored! If you're 8ored, doesn't it make sense to get out and try to have fun?
MEENAH: not reely
(VRISKA): 8ut...
(VRISKA): Why?
MEENAH: cause it doesnt sound that fun
MEENAH: just sounds like the same shit as always
MEENAH: like
MEENAH: exactly like dreams
(VRISKA): Dreams?
MEENAH: they ARE dream bubbles after all
(VRISKA): Yeah.
(VRISKA): 8ut... I don't...
MEENAH: dreams are also like a crazy fantasy ride full of fake shit that makes no sense
MEENAH: its a great time in theory
MEENAH: and i guess when youre younger its fun
MEENAH: maybe you even look forward to sleepin
MEENAH: to see what the great mr sandclam has in store for you next
MEENAH: but after sweeps and sweeps of dreamin
MEENAH: you get used to it
MEENAH: its just the same bogus crap yer stupid brain is just shuffling up and serving you again and again
MEENAH: so you stop paying attention and just ride out your sleep
MEENAH: then get back to business in the real world like a legit person with cool plans
(VRISKA): Huh.
(VRISKA): I don't think I've had the same experience, honestly.
(VRISKA): Sounds like kind of a 8ummer, to look at dreaming that way.
(VRISKA): I always liked dreaming! I mean, unless they were awful dreams, which was... fairly often.
(VRISKA): 8ut I'd never say I really got 8ored of them.
MEENAH: yeah well
MEENAH: you are uh
MEENAH: a bit younger than me
(VRISKA): I am?
(VRISKA): Yeah, I guess so. I never thought a8out it!
MEENAH: then again
MEENAH: we fuschia ladies
MEENAH: we sorta have to get used to being around people younger than us over our full lives
MEENAH: like
MEENAH: much younger 38\
MEENAH: or at least id have to if i was actually alive
(VRISKA): I guess you're right a8out that too.
(VRISKA): That's pretty fucked up to think a8out, actually. That if you were alive, you'd have to deal with existing nearly forever.
(VRISKA): Almost as fucked up as the fact that you have to exist nearly forever while dead, too!
(VRISKA): Hey.
(VRISKA): Are you ok?
(VRISKA): You seem really down.
MEENAH: no im cool
(VRISKA): Are you sure?
MEENAH: maybe not
MEENAH: dont matter
(VRISKA): What's wrong?
MEENAH: nofin
(VRISKA): Argh!
(VRISKA): You know you can talk to me, right?
MEENAH: yeah
(VRISKA): So tell me!
MEENAH: i dunno whats wrong
MEENAH: id tell you if i knew
(VRISKA): Are you depressed?
MEENAH: shrug
(VRISKA): It sounds to me like you may 8e depressed a8out something.
(VRISKA): Or just... in general?
MEENAH: i dont knooooow
MEENAH: damn fishska
(VRISKA): Hey, it's ok to 8e depressed.
(VRISKA): I think just 8ecause you're dead, that doesn't necessarily let you off the hook from having psychological pro8lems.
(VRISKA): I'm pretty sure I proved that to myself on more than one occasion already. :::;)
MEENAH: yeaaah
(VRISKA): So talk to me! May8e I can help!
MEENAH: yergh
(VRISKA): What's the 8ig deal?
MEENAH: i dooont
(VRISKA): Sigh. Meenah...
MEENAH: wut??
MEENAH: im not good at
MEENAH: like
MEENAH: talkin
MEENAH: about me
(VRISKA): That's all you ever talk a8out!
MEENAH: no i mean
MEENAH: in a non aggrandizing way
VRISKA: *Cough.*
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nocklebeast · 2 years
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4 May 2022.  West Cliff Drive.  Santa Cruz, CA. #westcliff #sunset #cliff #cliffscape #plants #golden #rock #nativeplants #scphoto #landscape #seascape #earthscape #horizon #santacruzcounty #santacruz #leicaq2 #leica (at West Cliff Drive) https://www.instagram.com/p/CdhgeEcuiGS/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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ozoraco-blog · 7 years
A perfect #cliffscape #sunset to end my trip filming on #marthasvineyard : Music by: @iamryanlittle 📻 : @marthasvineyard @marthasvineyardlife @droneartwork @dronebois @neverleavemv @moderndaynomads @hobolaptop @chilmarkmv @marthas_vineyard_magazine @wanderingteam @dronenature @dronenerds : #fromwhereidrone #gayheadlighthouse #aquinnah #aquinnahcliffs #ozoraontheroad #archdaily #architecture #phantom3professional #inspire2 #aerialcinematography #videography #aerialvideo #drone #drones #luxuryrealestate #travel #adventure #dronecrates #droneheroes #dronegear #artofvisuals #wanderingteam #unsplash #dronenature #mvphotographers #mvphotography #mvphoto (at Aquinnah Lighthouse)
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Kynance Cove, Cornwall, England, UK
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biostatprof · 2 years
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Rockscape, cliffscape, sandscape, waterscape, skyscape
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matthittluvr · 2 years
The flat jagged monolithic cliffscape of my arse
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yumekei-collective · 2 years
whats your source?? :O
and feel free to ramble about the plants or magic or anything!!
Omg I typed so much and then it got deleted on accident im so sad
Ok time to retype that uh
So basically it's 2 connected planets, Kirimine is basically Earth but a lot more peaceful and less fucked up
The other planet Suruna, is where I am from! Most of this post will be about Suruna
So, the planet itself is very tiny, but it's super cool!! It's got these really cool rings around it like Saturn but the rings are made of a glowing crystal, it's so cool to see at night
There are 2 parts to the planet, the undergrowth and the cliffscape
The undergrowth is where most creatures live. Its called the undergrowth because it is underneath these giant trees that block out the sky. Due to this, everything there is either bioluminescent or can see in the dark. Even the water glows
Us elves who live there have both, parts of us glow, and we can see in the dark (though, many of us have lost that ability since humans brought light to the undergrowth)
Us elves live from the bottom layer above the glowing river Amanku to about halfway up the trees. The higher you are the safer you are.
Because the very bottom is where everything else lives. On our planet, the cuter something is, the more dangerous it is.
The 2 most common creatures are the Kitsuro and Anorako. Kitsuro are just like foxes, a bit smaller though, but they act like cats. They clean themselves with their tongues but the problem is, that saliva is poisonous to us elves and humans. And they can and will chase down anything that turns its back to one.
Anorako are basically fluffy dragon snakes. They have the body and wings of a dragon (but fluffy) and the venomous bite of a snake. Though, there is a miniature version of them called Kadi that aren't venomous anymore and many elves keep them as pets
Up under the leaves on the trees there are these lil creatures we call Onamochi, they're basically little puffballs with faces, and each one, after it turns 2, will turn a piece of the trees into wind chimes that it attaches to itsself and carries around. They're super cute, about the size of a human head, and they tend to float down to us elves and follow us around.
Moving up to the cliffscape though. In one of the trees we've built a giant staircase (that is also accessible to disabled people) that leads up to the cliffscape. This area is a lot more peaceful, there's always a lovely breeze, and the rivers and ponds up there are amazing, the water tends to fall into the trees and down to the glowing rivers. There arent really any plants besides small trees with blue leaves, grass (also blue) and vines that connect the islands of the cliffscape together
Originally no one lived there, but after humans got to our planet, some elves moved up there
I'll talk more about magic and other stuff in an rb
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sylleblosscm · 5 months
@phoenix-flamed x
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Woe to the one who claims the battle that is not theirs to claim, for they shall find no spoils worth keeping.
 Someone said that to Lunafreya once. But she was very young, and busy watching a fish swim in the pond, so she hadn’t been paying much attention. She knows nothing of spoils and battles; and thus, when her retinue had been ambushed upon their pilgrimage, the child understood nothing of the danger she found herself in. Sent to hide in a ditch, she couldn’t know it was the sounds of death she was blocking out with her covered ears. 
 Not until she emerged and found her people slain, anything deemed of value absconded with. The girl wanders, her white shoes and tattered blonde hair stained with blood, until she spies a campsite. Understand, within her community, ownership is hardly a priority. For such isolated people, what they have, they must have to share. So it isn’t with any ill intent that she sneaks into the biggest tent in search of sustenance. 
 Oh, and she finds it. Food and cheese and some sort of red liquid that smells rather unappetising to her. But she also finds a man - bandaged and sleeping. Sneaking to his bedside, the young child - and young dominant at that - lays her hands upon his wounds. 
 They aren’t serious. She just knows it somehow. And thus, she does not need Seraph to bring him comfort. A subtle glow spreads from her touch, and torn skin mends itself. It does not occur to her she is breaking the rules until they’re already broken - no healing away from the cliffscape, no healing strangers at all. She peers at the stranger’s face, noting the way his eyelids flutter. With a gasp she crawls beneath the feast, hiding behind the tablecloth, little realising the fabric does not come down far enough to cover her shoes. And there, with her knees up to her chest, she waits.
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Homestuck, page 6,497
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pyreo · 3 years
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GW1 (2005) // GW2 (2015 / 2014 / 2012)
The SIlverwastes (and parts of Verdant Brink, Dry Top, and Brisban Wildlands)
Bit of a reversal from the usual story of flooding and higher water levels, because in the jungle, several areas dried out. Brisban Wildlands, Dry Top and the Silverwastes are arid cliffscapes quite unlike the lush basins they were before. It’s a shame about Mamnoon Lagoon in particular, which has been replaced by a rock face, because that palette was to die for.
Verdant Brink might have actually been the area of most similarity, but by the time we reached it the entire ground had opened up and vines ate everything. I like to think the numerous vine bridges, big vine coils and other branch-like appendages between the landforms in Silverwood were growths of Mordremoth slowly grasping out while dormant.
“Do you realize? We're part of something big here. Monumental.” “Yeah, I just wish I could get a good night's sleep. The wind here is so loud.”
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fossilhunter · 4 years
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