#clint concerned like JESS WOULDNT DO CONJUGAL VISITS?
izzysarchivedblogs · 9 months
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@danversiism -> carol, isn't he a funny little guy -> continued from (here)
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IT'S A GENIUS IDEA ⸻ She's got to respect the genius of this idea. Yet Carol seems to be hung up on the fact he's figured out lawyer competition that'll beat out Jennifer Walters. Now he might need to have Lucky with him all time, because hopefully Jen won't kick his ass in front of his dog (and lawyer).
❝ Scout's honor, earned my merit badge from the All-American Boy Scout himself ⸺ Jen won't know. ❞
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Lucky is a heartbreaker, a real dog's dog (whatever that means), and he thinks he's got the intelligence to plea his case. ❝ If Dog Cops can have a successful eleven seasons and three tv movies, why can't Lucky be a real lawyer? ❞ You know Dog Cops, the fictional tv show that's made up at least twelve percent of Clint's personality. ❝ Awright, Luck, give Carol what you got. ❞
The dog raises his head, stares between the two of them with his one ear than goes to put his head in Carol's lap to beg for food. THAT'S SOMETHING, RIGHT? Clint's got an expectant look on his face (c'mon lucky, you aren't helping his case here)
⸺ if you go to prison, you won't be able to see Jess ⸻
WAIT, WAIT ⸻ ❝ You don't think Jess will visit me if I went to prison. . . ? ❞ Maybe he needs to reconsider this whole thing, or maybe it's just that Carol don't think he'd get sent to a prison that'll allow conjugal visits. ⸻ Which would, WAIT A MINUTE, he's not going to prison, right? ❝ Not even once? ❞ ⸻ Ignoring the question about why he was going to court (it's not big deal, and he should have said courthouse not court itself ⸺ semantics, y'know).
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