#clip funny moments to save and remember later. because we entertain each other. it was never really about the viewers. and i think
lucksea · 7 months
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if the dmc or whatever wasnt a thing i would stream on twitch every day and just do this. while drawing this example i realized this would be almost exactly like those essay tiktoks where they have subway surfer playing at the bottom of the screen. unmedicated adhd experience
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genesisrose74 · 3 years
Requested by @blanknamed (aka my bestie fr): hihi i saw the matchup and remembered my irl friend sent me these pictures when describing my aesthetic at one point and was wondering if i can have a matchup with someone from dsmp and dr. stone 🥺congrats on 1k too! so proud of you ❤️ you deserve this milestone!
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Arielle get over here and let me give you a virtual kiss on the forehead because you’re just the sweetest person to ever grace this earth 😚forgive me for the long wait but i had to put so much into this one because it’s for you!! thank you for always being such a ray of sunshine and for becoming one of my first ever mutuals so long ago — and as a show of my gratitude, i’ll get right into your first pairing, which is going to be with…
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I had a literal conflict over this because I think you could be compatible with more than half of the characters in dr. stone (looking at gen specifically), but UGH you and Senku would be so damn iconic together. As much as he’s not intent on becoming romantically involved with anyone, it just so happened that you both had a chance meeting together at the school library — in the modern times pre-petrification, of course. You were looking for a book on the development of radiation powered technology for a history class, and by coincidence Senku was reading the blurb of that very text when you stopped by. When you asked if he’d read it, your classmate simply shook his head and said he just knew a lot about the subject, and soon enough a conversation blossomed from that point.
Y’all talked for two hours. While standing in the same spot. TWO HOURS. And it didn’t even stop there because he realized the time and asked if you wanted to talk more over a bowl of this really good ramen he knew about close by. Senku barely even realized the implications of his offer until much later, since…
He was way too involved in your conversation to notice
He’s never had any interest like that in someone before, let alone has he ever tried asking a person out in general
Everything about you was so interesting to him that he cannot process anything else going on around him and he doesn’t know why
You just feel so different in comparison to his dynamic with anyone else that it throws him off. He’s curious as to why he straightens up when you walk in a room, why everytime you smile at his stupid dry jokes it makes him more confident, why your intrigued questions about his work give him an extra burst of adrenaline. After he comes home late, having fallen asleep in the library while you studied for a test beside him, Byakuya eventually spells it out for Senku in massive bold letters.
No, seriously, he writes it on a whiteboard with a chunky black marker.
“That’s ridiculously far-fetched,” he asserts quickly, trying to push his old man out of the room. “Since when have I ever been interested in anyone in that way?”
“Senku, you waited for her to finish her work. Without complaint.”
And he’s like: oh shit—
But knowing Senku, he still makes some futile attempts to disprove the concept that he could ever be attracted to someone in a romantic sense. Ya know, all that, “science is my only devotion” shit. It lasted for about two weeks, which was the exact amount of time that he tried avoiding you in hopes of seeing if he could in fact continue his routine without your presence next to him.
The bitch still cannot swallow his pride though, so you have to be the one to make the first move — which is about as simple as perfecting Flight of the Bumblebee on a violin. Every time you try bringing it up, it’s like Senku gets a sixth sense about it and is pulled away from you as soon as possible. At some point you just had to corner him in the school lab, hands smacking against the surface of his work table and mouth blurting it out.
“I think we should go on a date.”
He’s kinda impressed at the sheer willpower you displayed in finally getting the question into the air. And as much as he would hate to admit it, some happy nerves shot through his body when it happened. On the outside, though, he simply failed to fight a grin.
“Wanna get food with me tonight?”
And you did :D and it only went good from there. Dates at cafes with comfy chairs and pretty lighting, test runs of new experiments in the middle of the night that Senku calls you to see together, just enjoying the presence of one another in a secluded corner of the libraries you frequent. Even after the disaster that was petrification you’re both side by side, being sarcastic little shits to each other as soon as Senku frees you from the stone; doing new tests to save the world, going on picnics by the river, and constantly being of service to one another.
And then from the c!dsmp, I thought it was only fitting to match you up with…
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^^ artwork by SAD-ist on YouTube
Listen, listen: I was considering a more standard/expected approach to this matchup, like maybe c!Wilbur or c!Niki because they’ve both got some major academia vibes. Especially Niki, because damn she’d probably take you to her flower shop and make handmade bouquets for you each day. However, I just think that it would be so perfectly fitting to have you and c!Sapnap together aesthetically. He’s very emotionally driven, always doing something stupid, and he probably hasn’t read a book since L’manburg claimed to be a sovereign nation. Regardless of that fact, he could sit and watch you read a book for hours, even if you didn’t ask him to. Standard case of grounded scholar + impulsive idiot = natural soulmates.
Within the region of the SMP, I imagine you like confining yourself to the libraries filled with ancient texts on the vast history of your home — although taking a visit to Eret’s self-made museum is always a pleasure as well. Niki gets along with you easily enough that you hang out together all the time, and it’s on one such occasion in the early days of L’manburg that Sapnap encounters you for the first time.
Dream had sent him out for scouting duty (which to Sapnap translates into, ‘be annoying to everyone within the walls’), and he’d taken to the edge of the country’s small borders, lounging up high above the trees so that he could see everything below with ease. To his surprise he found you, scribbling away within a ragged old notebook underneath a tree canopy, and wearing the prettiest smile he’d ever seen exist on a person before. You were waiting for your friend to arrive, it seemed, taking the ideas in your head and putting them to paper whilst you sat patiently. He was enraptured with you right away, and as a result he took to teasingly pestering you every chance he could.
Sapnap showed up at least once a week — and when he could, more than that — to slowly learn more about you. He tried staying under the radar of Wilbur when he did, just to make sure none of his endeavors were interfered with or got back to Dream in any capacity. Initially, his presence appeared a pain in your side, but your apprehension ultimately fell at the hands of his ridiculous humor and genuine inquiries as to your likes and dislikes. You knew who he was from the get-go, but it was hard not to find delight in his visits when he made such vigorous attempts to know you.
Although you’re sure he’d already learned it somehow, you told him your name one fateful afternoon, and he’s thought about that moment every day since, marking it as the first day he truly made progress in winning you over.
“You should come up here one day so we can talk normally,” he called out on a particularly overcast fall morning. “Maybe then I can see your face up close.”
You laughed, gazing up at him from the hillside on which you reclined. “You’re ridiculous. That’s not how this relationship works.”
“Mm, relationship? Sounds like you wanna gimme a kiss more than saying anything, hu—ow!”
A pine cone had clipped him in the shoulder harmlessly, chucked with expert aim by your own hand. Despite his surprise, Sapnap couldn’t help smiling.
“If you’re working that hard to twist the narrative and get me up there, how about you just come down instead?”
Without missing a beat the next day, he scaled to the top of the nation’s wall, made his way inside (with very little consideration for his safety), and took your face in his hands.
“You want me to?”
You already knew the implications. “Yeah.”
And he kissed you, then and there. Nice job, Ari!
Navigating a full blown relationship in the conditions y’all were in was not ideal. Sapnap tried everything he could to make sure you were safe, despite his distaste for your mother country and its leaders. After that cleared, though, it was a whole lot easier to be together and figure things out. Sapnap didn’t mind you staying within the walls as much as he initially thought because it reminded him of the first time you met, and so long as he could spend time with you he loved every second. Literally ask this man to do anything with you and he’s in, no matter what it is.
The sheer spontaneous energy Sapnap has inevitably feeds into your own, so while you’re much more contained than the pyromaniac, you have some very notable moments of crazy that are simply unforgettable. It’s honestly super funny to see that infectious life invade your senses, because otherwise you’re a super logical person and love entertaining yourself with the more simplistic things.
You work a lot with Wilbur on record keeping and cartography, but something that you and Sapnap apparently have in common is archery. That pine cone throw was no fluke, and he found that out when you came to visit, a shimmering bow fastened to a stock-full quiver on your back. It’s become a pastime to both ride out into the forest with your horses and practice archery (oftentimes mounted) as a way to let out frustration. If the weather conditions are too abysmal to go and do something outdoors, though, Sapnap likes to fall asleep watching you do methodical work, most commonly with his head in your lap as a fireplace crackles nearby. He’s a huge sucker for that cozy atmosphere, even though he tries to be all tough and badass at other times.
This became a huge ramble because I just think this pairing for you works so well, but I’m praying you get the picture. Sapnap is a flirty, slightly whiny, very protective, and free spirited person whenever you’re around, and he’d do whatever he could to see that pretty smile like the first day you told him your name. He thinks the world of you, and in his eyes your intelligence goes unparalleled.
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ojoboy · 4 years
han seungwoo babyfever au
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genre: han seungwoo x reader, fluff, domestic bliss
word count: 4k
plot: Your cousin asks you to babysit his children (14 y.o. Dongpyo & 13 months old baby sister Dohye) to celebrate the anniversary with his wife. Your boyfriend volunteeringly helps you out. Oh oh looks like you two are about to catch baby fever.
a/n: I finally decided to watch Broduce during quarantine although I already knew the outcome because I was too moved by some videos of Yunseong and Jinhyuk :( Anyways when Seungwoo said that if he had a son he’d like him to be like Dongpyo, I was like: say no more! (I hope you don’t mind that I made Dongpyo younger for this)
from: capt. seungwoo <3 [3:17pm]
wanna do something later? i miss u :(
to: capt. seungwoo <3 [3:19pm]
it’s been only two days... but i miss u too :(
and i don’t know if i have time today. i’m babysitting Jaesung’s children tonight because they are celebrating their anniversary and might come back late  
from: capt. seungwoo <3 [3:19pm]
i could come by and help you out?
i’m meeting seungsik now but i definitely can come right afterwards!
to: capt. seungwoo <3 [3:20pm]
yeeess, i’d love that!
5:07pm. The streets are filled with cars rushing home and it almost looks like they are following the sun, eager to come home and finally rest. You just finished stowing away things in your small apartment that could be possibly dangerous around babies, now lazily scrolling through your Instagram feed and liking every other post. Then the doorbell finally rang and you rushed to the door to buzz them in. Almost a minute later there was a family of four standing in your living room.  
“Sorry for being late,” your cousin said as he carefully put his bag down, “traffic, you know.” “It’s fine,” you replied and crouched down and shook little Dohye’s hands, beaming at the baby in the stroller. “Well, someone’s in a good mood today, aren’t you little sunshine?” Whether she did understand you or not, the little girl simply responded with a cheerful giggle that could melt anyone’s heart.  
“She’s been energetic all day long. I hope she won’t give you a hard time,” her mother told you while undoing the buckles and taking the small child in her arms. Dongpyo was already sitting down on the couch next to the big black bag, seemingly busy on his phone.
“Everything you need for Dohye is in the bag. Diapers, baby food and even some toys to keep her entertained.” Your attention diverted back to your cousin who was going through the bag to check all items. “All right, thank you.”  
After checking the final things with you, Hyejin took your hands in hers and squeezed them tightly. “Thank you so much for doing this!” “Yes, thank you. You are the best!” Your cousin engulfed you in a hug and then walked over to his children. “Behave well and help Y/N out, okay?” he playfully ruffled Dongpyo’s hair and bent down to kiss the little girl on his lap, followed by his wife showering the two with affection. A little annoyed like most teenagers in puberty the young boy told his parents off.
Halfway through the door Hyejin turned around to say, “Call us if there are any problems!”
“Don’t worry, Seungwoo is also coming. I’m sure we’ll manage,” you reassured them while ushering them out, “Just enjoy your anniversary!” "Oh, say hello from us then, yeah?” Jaesung waved one last time before the door closed.
“Finally!” the fourteen years-old exclaimed, making you chuckle. Seeing how his sister started squirming in his lap and hitting his face, you offered to take her while Dongpyo dutifully laid out her blanket on your floor and set up a few toys. “So, your boyfriend is also coming?”
“Yup, I think you’ve only met him once. Remember when we picked you up from dance practice because your mom was in labor? He drove us to the hospital.”
“Oh yeah, but isn’t he too cool for you?”
“Hey, wouldn’t be the other way around?” You played along. “Dohye agrees with me.”
“Nah, he really looked cool driving with one hand and calming you down while you were nervous as a cat.”  
Just when you were about to retort the doorbell rang again as if your boyfriend knew you were talking about him. “Dongpyo can you get that, please?” Without further ado the boy got up from the comfy spot and buzzes Seungwoo in. A few moments later he enters, dressed in black ripped jeans and a white tee which was mainly covered by the purple The Rolling Stones hoodie (you got it for him as a birthday present and he claimed it was his favorite piece of clothing ever since).
“Hey guys, I brought some cake!” Seungwoo proudly lifts the white bag with his usual endearing smile. He fist-bumped Dongpyo and walked over to press a chaste kiss on your cheek before he set the cake down on the kitchen counter.
“You should marry him,” Dongpyo’s ogling eyes followed your boyfriend first, then his body. Eager to have some cake, his hands were already reaching out for the white bag when you stopped him. “Dongpyo stop. Let's save the cake for dessert, alright?”
With a pout, the boy looks up at the older guy in hope of him being able to convince you otherwise but the latter apologetically shook his head, “Sorry pal, you heard the boss.” He then proceeded to carefully stored the cake in your refrigerator as Dongpyo dramatically put his head between his hands.  
About half an hour into the babysitting you were sitting down on your floor, watching Dohye grabbing colorful wooden bricks and stacking them on top of each other. Sometimes she would even chuck them in your direction as if to tell you that you should do the same.
Meanwhile the two boys sat comfortably on the couch as Dongpyo showed some of his dance covers on his phone but also a few viral video clips he saw on social media, both unable to hold back their laughter. By now they have become close mentally - as well as physically. They were leaning onto each other, leaving no space between them, and Seungwoo had one of his arms draped over the boy’s narrow shoulders. It was a position you were very familiar with.
“Hey Y/N, have you seen this video of a ferret dancing? It’s soooo cute,” Dongpyo leaned down from the couch to show you his phone screen whereas Seungwoo held onto his shirt so he wouldn’t fall down. Mimicking the ferret’s movements with Dohye’s rattle in your hand, you answered, “Yes, I replayed it so, so many times and even sent it to Seungwoo.”
Enticed by the rattle, the little baby dropped the blue brick and started crawling towards you. With open arms you welcome the girl as she climbed in your lap, willingly handing the rattle over. Immediately Dohye aggressively shook the toy and filled the room not only with rhythmic rattling but also joyous laughter.  
Feeling your lower back starting to hurt from sitting on the ground, you scooted over to lean against the couch with Dohye safely pulled against your front. “Wow, this is funny haha!”  
When you craned your neck to see what Dongypo was laughing about, you realized that Seungwoo’s eyes had been set on you. It seemed like he was in a daze, the way he smiled so fondly at the sight of you holding and playing with the baby.  
The image of you and him having a baby of your own crossed his mind ever since he walked through the door today and saw you two together and truth to be told he liked it - a lot.
His hand then slowly reached out for your head and gently stroked your hair, careful not to get any strands tangled with his rings. Enjoying the calming feeling, you returned his sweet gesture with a genuine smile that made his heart flutter like the first time he met you.
This intimate moment didn’t last long, though, as Dohye suddenly began to cry. “Oh no, what’s wrong, Dohye?” You picked her tiny body up and smelled her diaper. “Well, it doesn’t seem like you need your diaper changed.”
“I bet she’s hungry, Y/N” Dongpyo said as he put his phone down. “Can you get the baby food from bag, please?” You slowly got up from your place and rocked the girl back and forth in hope of calming her down. “Shh, don’t cry. Your big brother is getting your food right.”
“I got it! It says that it needs to be heated up in the microwave for a minute to a minute and a half,” the boy read the instructions and walked over to your kitchen. However, he struggled to open the glass so Seungwoo offered to help him, “Here, let me.”
He then opened the little glass on his first try and proceeded to put it in your microwave as he already knew his way around your kitchen. “Oh, I think this might be a little too hot?” Seungwoo worried after taking the glass out and rolling it between his hands.  
“Let’s stir the heat out and wait a little then... Dongpyo, is there perhaps a baby bib in the bag too?”
All of you made your way back into the living room, you sitting down on the couch with a still crying baby and joined by Seungwoo while Dongpyo looked for the baby bib. Tying it around her neck turned out to be a bit harder than expected since she started to squirm around.
After finally succeeding, you decided to switch with Seungwoo so you could feed the little girl. You carefully blew on the small spoon as Dohye watched you with big eyes and drool coating her mouth already. Ten minutes later the glass is empty and a big content smile grazed the girl’s lips.
“Wow, you eat really well, huh?” You wiped her mouth with the bib and booped her little nose. “You come after your dad, I guess.”
“Are you sure you don’t need me to help you cook?”  
“I’ll manage. Just watch the kids, honey” You couldn’t help but giggle at your own cheesy words and squeezed his muscular arm before sending him back into the living room. As soon as you calmed Dohye down, the next kid started to complain about being hungry. This whole situation made you feel like it was your little family.  
Before you could indulge further into your imagination, you diverted your attention to the ingredients in front of you to cook pasta. While the noodles were boiling, you were busy cutting onions and carrots for the sauce when suddenly a pair of arms wrapped themselves around your middle. Shortly after his head hovered next to yours, “Looks good, babe.”
“There is nothing to see yet,” you playfully nudged him, yet he pulled you closer against his body. “Wasn’t talking about the food,” Seungwoo then cheekily pressed his lips against the side of your face and proceeded to steal a few slices of carrots, running back before you could stop him.
Looking over your shoulder you saw that he was sharing the stolen goods with none other than Dongpyo, both a giggling mess. In your eyes the two were like a real father-son duo and you began to wonder what it would be like if you two were to start a family. A blush bloomed on your cheeks, yet you pushed the thought back to focus on cooking again.
As soon as you served the pasta, Dongpyo came rushing and very eager to dig in. You left the TV on and put on a children’s show to entertain Dohye while the rest of you enjoyed dinner.  
“I’m so fuuuuull! Thank you for the meal, Y/N,” Dongpyo said as he lazily rubbed his tummy and closed his eyes for moment. “Too full for the cake, though?” Seungwoo asked the boy across him, raising his eyebrow. At his words, Dongpyo’s eyes opened with a twinkle in them, “Never!”
While you put the dirty dishes into the dishwasher, Seungwoo was already taking out new plates and of course: the long-anticipated cake. “I hope you like cherries, Dongpyo,” your boyfriend presented three chunky pieces of cake covered in pink and white frosting with little cherries on top. “Voila, the cake is really delicious. I tried one piece with Seungsik today,” he winked at you and forked a bite-sized piece, raising it to your mouth.  
You welcomed the sweet taste as the frosting melted on your tongue, humming in agreement. Just when the three of you sat down on the couch again, the baby started crawling towards your boyfriend and grabbed his sturdy leg to pull herself up, her eyes set on the pink and white delicacy. Seungwoo quickly put his plate on the coffee table and picked the girl easily up.
“Aigoo, do you want some?” You two only laughed when she stretched her short arms towards your plate and almost lunged at it, only to be held back by your co-babysitter. You scooped a small amount of the frosting on your pinky and placed it against her plump limps which she gladly took.  
“Oh Y/N, be careful of her-”
Dongpyo’s warning came a little too late as you massaged your poor finger, while Dohye somehow managed to giggle innocently yet diabolically at the same time (in that moment she reminded you a lot of her brother).
“Do you want to see my new dance routine?”  
“Weren’t you too full to move just now?” You questioned the young boy.  
“It’s all good now. I don’t think I will throw up.”
“Well, that’s very reassuring.”
Soon your small living room turned into a stage as Dongpyo prepared several dance covers of girl groups. His little sister started to jump up and down on the couch, with Seungwoo holding her arms, to cheer him on. He even managed to persuade Seungwoo to join him who acted hesitant at first but matched the teenager’s energy once he got up.
You and Dohye clapped as soon as the little showcase ended. The two guys plumped down on the couch, slightly out of breath. Seungwoo wasted no time to strip himself off his purple hoodie, leaving him in his loose white tee. The tattoos adorning his milky skin caught the younger one’s attention, “Wow Seungwoo, you have tattoos? Y/N, your boyfriend is soooo cool!”
He then put his index finger under his chin, “I think I’m getting tattoos, too, when I’m older. They look so cool on you.” At this you two couldn’t stifle your laughter, earning a confused look from Dongpyo. But who could blame you? It was very hard to imagine such a sweet, baby-faced boy to get tattoos inked on his skin.  
“Sure thing, buddy,” Seungwoo ruffled the boy’s hair, unable to hold back his smile.
“Oh, but it hurts a lot, right? Maybe I won’t get any after all...” Dongpyo leaned back against the couch, hugging the cushion tighter.
You didn’t know how much time had passed when you took care of the mess in your kitchen but when you returned to your living room, you discovered a sleeping baby lying on top of your boyfriend’s chest. Your heart melted at this sight and the corners of your mouth immediately tugged upwards. Wanting to capture the sweet moment, you took your phone out and wasted no time to get a few shots of the two, careful not to disturb them.
Just when you crouched down next to the couch to get an up-close shot, your knee joints betrayed you. The pop seemingly woke up your boyfriend from his slumber as his eyes slowly opened and you were met with warm, brown orbs.  
Catching you red-handed, Seungwoo cracked a smile and whispered, “What are you doing, babe?”  
“You two look so adorable, I just couldn’t resist!” You smiled sheepishly and began to stroke his hair with your free hand, pushing a few strands away from his eyes.
“Mh, as much as I’m enjoying this, I think my back might kill me soon,” he softly spoke with his eyes closed again, welcoming your gentle touch. “C’mon, let’s put her in my bed.”
Seungwoo clutched the little girl closer to his chest and slowly got up without making any noise. He pushed her a little upwards so she could rest her head on his shoulder. You walked ahead, opening the two doors for him, and pulled the blanket aside to let him put Dohye down. Then you tucked her safely in and placing your stuffed bunny, which Seungwoo had won for on your first arcade date, next to her.  
The two of you sneaked out of your bedroom, leaving the door ajar just in case she woke up. Now standing in the small hallway, Seungwoo wrapped his arms around you from behind, putting just a little bit of his weight on you. “My back still hurts from your small couch; you should carry me like this,” you could basically hear his pout above your head.
“Shut up, my couch is not that small. It’s just because you are stupidly tall!” You hushed him as you wriggled in his arms to turn around and playfully pinched his cheeks. There was a shift in his eyes; usually he would retort that you were ‘stupidly small’ but this time he just gazed at you, eyes filled with adoration.
With your chests pressing against each other, you were not quite sure whether it was your heart that was racing or his. Maybe it was both of yours but it didn’t matter, anyways.  
“What are you thinking about?” You asked in a small voice, your index finger now tracing his dimple instead.
“I was just wondering, what it would be like if we had a baby,” Seungwoo confessed and smiled innocently at you. Heart skipping a beat, you were slightly flustered by his unexpected answer and felt your ears heat up.  
“You would be a great dad.” Before he could react, you got on your tiptoes and simultaneously pulled his face a little bit down to meet him with a brief, yet sweet peck on the lips.  
Once you released his face and let your hands slide down to the juncture between his shoulders and neck, you felt his arms tighten around your body and tugging you even closer to him. Being not satisfied with the peck, he leaned in for another kiss.
His warm lips melted against yours and you felt the butterflies erupt in your stomach like it was the very first time. As your lips moved against his, you could feel him smiling into the kiss. There was still a faint taste of cherries lingering on his lips adding to the sweet and addictive kiss. For a moment you forgot about everything because being in his arms just felt right.
“Wow, it’s like my parents never left,” a sudden voice exclaimed from behind you. The two of you shyly pulled away from each other and looked at the intruder. “Don’t mind me, I’m just going to use the bathroom.”
With that being said, Dongpyo quickly disappeared into your bathroom. You were slightly embarrassed by getting caught but to make you blush even more, Seungwoo then said, “I want to have a kid like him later, haha.”
Their parents came back around 9pm. Dohye was still fast asleep in your bedroom, by now cuddling with your stuffed bunny, while the three of you watched an episode of Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bokjoo.
“You guys came back early! How was your dinner?”, you asked them as you let the couple in. “Oh, it was wonderful and the food was really delicious. You two should check out the restaurant sometime,” Hyejin gushed. “Anyways, we called it a night early because I missed my babies too much.”
She wasted no time to pull her son into her side and ruffle his fluffy hair, eliciting a soft whine from him.  
“Ah, I almost forgot! We’ve got you a little gift,” the woman nudged her husband who pulled out a small white box from his paper bag. “It’s from our favorite chocolatier. But it’s only a small gift so whenever you have time, come over and we will make you a nice meal to thank you properly, yeah?”
“Alright, let’s go home now. I think we’ve bothered you enough for tonight,” your cousin chimed after putting his little girl in her carrier and giving the two of you a hug.
Once you closed the door behind them, Seungwoo pulled you into his arms again. Just before he could say anything, a yawn escaped his mouth.
“Are you tired?”
“Mhm, just a little bit.”
He rested his forehead against yours, eyes lovingly gazing into yours again like earlier.
“Do you wanna stay the night?”
“Sure, I’d love to.”
Seungwoo rummaged through your closet, looking for a comfortable shirt amidst all the t-shirts that you’ve either got or stole from him. Finally, his eyes set on a grey oversized tee which you actually could wear as a dress. Stripping off his slightly sweaty shirt, he welcomed the new soft fabric that no longer smelled like his cologne but by now had picked up your sweet scent.
When he joined you in the bathroom, you were already brushing your teeth whilst scrolling through your Instagram feed. He made his way behind you, smiling at your reflection in the mirror because the pink shirt that he’s been missing for the past week just happened to be engulfing you in that moment. But how could be upset when you looked like an angel to him?
Before you could grab your hair yourself, Seungwoo gently pushed them back and held them for you so they wouldn’t get in your way until you were finished with your routine. Once he started with his routine, you sat down on the edge of your bathtub. Waiting for him, you went through your gallery and took a look at the photos from earlier again.
“What’chu shmiling at?” He asked you with a mouth full of foam, watching through the mirror.
“Just the pics of you and Dohye sleeping together. They are really cute, I think I’m gonna post one of them!” You excitedly stood up and stayed by his side, holding your phone in front of him whilst swiping and showing him your favorite snapshots.  
After he was done with his own routine, the two of you wasted no time to snuggle up in the comfort of your bed. Like every other night you rested your head on his shoulder with his arms secured round your frame as if you could easily slip away anytime. A pleasant silence fell over you, only your shallow breaths were audible.
Your eyes were fixated on a sliver of light that shone through your blinds, unable to close your eyes and succumb to the sweet promise of sleep yet. The image of Seungwoo and the kids wouldn’t leave you alone. Sure, you’ve seen him plenty times playing with his own nephew already but today felt different.
“I was just wondering, what it would be like if we had a baby.”
His words kept repeating and repeating themselves in your head.
“What’s on your mind?” Seungwoo spoke so softly, it was barely a whisper. He started gently stroke your hair as he slightly turned his head towards you, his lips now almost brushing your temple.
“Just thinking about what you said earlier...” You tilted your head, meeting his eyes in the dark. “You know, what it’d be like if we had a baby, and I can’t stop thinking about it – but in a good way!”  
If you had looked a little bit closer, you would have seen that his gaze softened even more at you rambling about how he would spoil the baby to death or you two dressing up your child like a model, making it the most fashionable baby out there.
“The thought of a baby really doesn’t scare me anymore. Especially when I have you by my side,” you confessed. Instead of teasing you for corny confession, he pushed his body off the bed and hovered above you, his head already diving in to claim your lips.
Seungwoo didn’t say a word during your ramble but he put all his feelings into the kiss and you knew – he didn’t need to say it aloud because you knew he felt the same. His right hand caressed your face, thumb going over the apple of your cheek.
“I really like the sound of that,” his lips stretched into a smile before the landed right on your temple.  
Suddenly his smile turned smug, “We could try making one right now.”
“Oh, shut up!”
The next morning you checked your notifications only to find yourself chuckling at them.
ssunhwa: oh I didn’t know I was an aunt already
pyopyoson: huh is that black mob of hair mine? anyways, I want pics with him too
seungsmile_: just get married already
131 notes · View notes
saiilorstars · 4 years
Next Stop Everywhere
Chapter 17: A Goodbye Theory
Fandom: Doctor Who
Pairing: Female OC x 10th Doctor
(Minerva’s face claim: Victoria Camacho)
~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~
Chapter summary: Before Minerva is dropped off, the Doctor takes her to one more place in hopes of convincing her to stay aboard. At the same time, as a last resort, Martha urges Minerva to really think about her feelings for the Doctor, but Minerva is sure that there is NOTHING at all...
// Story Masterlist //
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"My, you two look lovely," Yue, our newest friend, admired Martha and I as she backed away from us, "China's best fabric! You're definitely ready for the Lantern Festival."
Martha and I looked at each other, both pleased with our outfits. Martha wore a lavender, short cheongasm with a flower pattern. It reached just above her knees and had a Yeshu Mandarin styled-collar. She wore simple, purple heels so her dress would not be overshadowed. Her hair was tied up with a bejeweled, dark, purple pin on top.
I on the other hand, was a bit more shy with these short dresses. I wore a bright red cheongasm that also reached mere inches above my knees. However, I wore black leggings underneath, thus adding comfort. The cheongasm was also in a Yeshu Mandarin styled-collar and had a black outlines running around the hemlines of the dress and sleeves. I wore comfortable black flats and left my hair down to its natural, long length with only a simple red clip building a little hair bump on top.
"Now, if you want to go outside to see some entertainment, you're more than welcome to," Yue said, leading us towards the doors, "But Mother said you could visit the other rooms of the house to see what you like."
"I heard there was a painting room," Martha said, glancing at me with a smile as we stepped out into the hallway of Yue's house, "I'm sure Minerva would want to visit that."
"I would," I admitted, shrugging, "But I also heard you have a practice room with swords..."
Yue laughed softly, nodding her head, "You heard right. You're more than welcome to check it out and have a practice."
"She's gonna poke someone's eye out," Martha shook her head, "It's best not to."
"I think I will," I strolled ahead of her, "I never handled one of them so it should be fun. Can we squeeze it in before we go outside?"
"I don't think the Doctor's gonna like that," she gave me a sharp look, coming beside me and swinging an arm around my shoulders, "Weapons and him don't exactly mix."
"Yeah well that's what I say about cats and me. Yet I've been summoned to be around them twice. Therefore, I have the right to grab a sword for fun."
"You two are quite strange," Yue chuckled as she caught up again, "But most fun!"
We laughed together as we continued to walk out, going for that practice room that I desperately wanted to see.
I stood in the center of the room, Martha and Yue to the sides as Yue's brother, Jing, was helping me keep a still grasp of the long, silver sword I held.
"Now, take a deep breath," Jing instructed, moving my arm slightly up, "And just remember, keep the pointy end away from you."
We laughed and I lowered the sword, "Thanks, I'll remember to keep that in mind."
"She's pretty clever," Martha started walking towards us, "I'm sure she can manage remembering that."
"I can too," I re-held the sword, aiming it at her as she approached, "Care for a match, Miss Jones?"
She raised her hands and shook her head, moving around us, "No thanks, Souza. I'm good."
"Alright, no one wants to go against me..." I sighed, pretending to pout, "I guess it's because I'm just that good."
Now that one made everyone laugh, and this time I really did pout. Martha set her hands on my shoulders and turned me for the doors, "The Doctor is outside and is probably wondering where we are. We should go."
I frowned as Jing took my sword, and I looked at Martha, "I'm sure he's found someone to entertain him..." I started frowning, "Yue's sister seemed to be the right entertainer."
She raised an eyebrow, "Is that...bothering you?"
"No, not at all," I muttered, "Why do you ask?"
"You have the look of murder on your face," she pointed, now smirking wide.
"Do not," I turned away from her and headed for the door.
"You're jealous!"
"Martha, I don't have time for this."
"Why is it so hard to admit it?" she crossed her arms, "Just say it, Minerva," she walked closer and spoke in a hushed tone, Yue and Jing putting away the other weapons we had used, "You like the alien, and you're jealous."
I looked at her with a good serious face that would convince her otherwise, "I do not," she sighed, "And I am not jealous. The Doctor can spend time with whatever woman he chooses, even if she's a prune and has nothing going for her except that clearly fake tan and chest."
Martha blinked and started laughing a moment later, "Honestly, if that doesn't spell jealous I don't know what does!"
I rolled my eyes and looked over to Yue and Jing, the pair finally finished and walking towards us, "Who is jealous?" Jing asked, curious.
"No one," I replied at the same time Martha said, "Minerva!"
"Martha!" I turned to her with exasperation.
"Who are you jealous of?" Yue questioned.
"No one," I tried to keep my mouth shut but it seemed like it had a mind of its own, "Certainly not your sister who's probably the biggest flirt I've ever seen! I mean seriously!? She just met the Doctor and she's all," and I started imitating the woman, "Oh Doctor, you're so kind, you're so funny, you're so unique, I've never met anyone like you! I love your clothes! And your hair, it's so...wow!' OH, and let's not forget the excess twirling of her hair and...why are you looking at me like that?" I stared at Jing who now wore that look of murder Martha had talked about earlier.
"Mei is about to be my wife!"
I blinked, "Oh...oops. Jing, I'm so sorry!"
Martha 'coughed' and out came, "Jealous!" I glared at her with real intentions of actually strangling the woman.
"Jing," Yue began, sensing the oncoming tension, "I'm sure Mei was just showing him around. They don't know much of this place...and plus, with the Lantern Festival happening today, there's a lot to show!"
Jing didn't seem so convinced and so he opened the door, nearly flinging it I should say, and rushed out. Martha and I looked back at Yue, she looking with a soft smile.
"Oh Mei, always getting men fighting over her," she shook her head and gestured for us to go out, "I tell you, I think she does it on purpose."
"You don't say? I hadn't noticed," I crossed my arms, rolling my eyes with irritation, "She was practically all over the Doctor..."
"Jealous!" Martha 'coughed' again.
"Do you have a cold or something!?" I demanded.
"Sorry, just a cold," she cleared her throat, smirking again, "Actually, it's more of a phobia, you see. I have a phobia where I can't stand people who can't admit what they're feeling," she shrugged casually, "Common phobia."
"Well get it under control because there's nothing to feel," I snapped and walked out into the hallways.
"Honestly, Minervaaa!" she drew out my name as she and Yue followed behind.
"Stop it!" I ordered, waving her off.
"I have theory a you know."
"Oh, and here we go again!"
"What is the theory?" Yue asked, confused yet still making an effort to catch up.
"There is no theory!" I quickly said but Martha covered my mouth.
"My theory is, Minerva does not wan to admit her feelings because she's scared."
I made a face and pushed her hand down, "I am not afraid!"
"Yeah you are," she scoffed, "Of what the Doctor could say."
"That's not it..." I mumbled, "...at least not all."
"You two are so odd," Yue remarked, "Where are you from, again?"
"I'm from London," Martha answered first, eyeing me with concern at my sudden quietness. Usually when we're on this topic, I'd shout and refuse everything. To answer with something besides 'no' or 'shush' was big,"And she's from America."
"And the Doctor?"
"London," I answered.
"And you two are..."
"NO," I gritted my teeth, glaring at Martha for getting the woman to believe that as well, "Just friends."
"Well then, why are you jealous?"
"Ah! I'm not jealous!" I cried.
"See, they're in that phase where neither wants to admit anything, though I haven't spoken to the Doctor about what he thinks," Martha paused as she considered it.
"Martha, don't you dare!" I warned, pointing a violent finger at her.
"What? I could get the real thoughts from him then tell you!"
"Why is so hard to just LET. THIS. GO?"
"Minerva," she stepped up, very calm and serious, "We're here. In China. That's my case."
And she and Yue walked off, Martha walking in triumph.
I was supposed to go back to London where I would remain indefinitely. But, the Doctor had surprised me with this location; China. It was the day of the Lantern Festival, the ending of the Chinese New Year celebration. I needed to go home, I needed to. But somehow, the Martian persuaded me to stay for this last trip, a goodbye to our permanent traveling trips. And as much as I needed to go back to Earth, I wanted to stay here, I wanted to stay with him and Martha.
Oh, and that was another thing: Martha was going home as well. I wanted to smack myself against the wall for provoking that one. I don't know for what reason, but the Doctor had decided to bring Martha back home as well. As much as I insisted before actually staying in China, he would not go back on his decision.
Martha was going home...and it was all my fault.
Now, we had found ourselves invited to Yue's family's home. The Doctor, Martha and myself were just walking down the streets when we heard a series of crashes coming from a vase shop. The Doctor had rushed inside to see what was going on when he saw Yue's little brother about to be hit with one of the vases. He managed to save the boy, with only a broken ankle as a result. The boy, Liang, then told us where he lived so we took him home, only to be thanked eternally for it and thus invited to spend the festival with them as a thank you.
This trip, just like always, was turning out to be wonderful...and that only made it harder to insist on leaving the TARDIS.
I entered the courtyard of the Zhao family, where everything was beautifully decorated. There were tables spread out in the center of the courtyard, the food being set around the center. Lanterns were placed on strings and then hung at each corner. They weren't lighted yet as the sun was just starting to set, but I knew they would look beautiful once it was dark.
"Minerva," Liling, Yue's mother, greeted me, my two companions not in sight for the moment, "You look wonderful."
"Thanks," I replied sheepishly, looking down at myself.
"The food is ready for whenever you and your friends would like to eat," she gestured back to the tables.
"Thank you, but...I'm sorry, but I heard there was a paint room..." I bit my lip, feeling even more shy than before.
"Ah yes, the Doctor informed me you draw," Liling nodded, "Says your wonderful."
"Did he now..." I smiled a little, then caught myself and shook my head, "...well, I was wondering if I could maybe take a look around?"
"Go right ahead. I think there's even a few empty canvases around and paper if you'd like to draw or paint something."
"Wow, really?"
"Of course!"
"Thank you," I hugged her.
She chuckled, "It's nothing."
I pulled back just as I heard Jing's voice nearing us. I looked back and saw him walking out, his hand on Mei's arm and practically pulling her out with him, "And from now on you are going to be staying with me!" he was angrily saying, "You are unbelievable!"
Liling blinked as the young couple passed by us, going after them, "Mei? What's wrong?"
I just smirked, watching after the woman with so much satisfaction...
"Careful there," Martha whispered behind, "Your jealousy is showing."
I turned around, mouth open to respond when we heard the Doctor's low mumbling as he walked out, his hand rubbing his neck.
"You alright, there?" Martha asked, moving beside me.
"Can someone just explain to me why a random man just punched my neck?" he looked past us, probably where Jing and Mei were.
"Maybe because the woman you were flirting with is engaged?" I crossed my arms, sounding cross but in reality I was more concerned with the red mark his neck bore.
"What? I was not flirting!"
"Uh, really? Because that's not what I saw!"
"We were having a good conversation, nothing more," he shrugged, making a face as he continued to rub his neck.
"You really know how to get yourself into trouble, don't you?" Martha shook her head.
"I didn't do anything! Mei came up and started talking to me so naturally, I did the same."
"And she flirted," I stepped up and pulled his hand down, "But you're so oblivious you didn't even notice it or you just liked it and flirted back," I yanked him down to check his neck.
"Ow, that hurt!" he pouted, "And I did not flirt back, honest."
"Jealousy," Martha coughed once more.
"Well, you have a knack for never noticing when woman like you," I ignored her.
Martha scoffed, "I'll say."
I rolled my eyes, "I believe you," I let go of him, "And you're going to be fine."
"Keep them away from me," he looked at the couple, "Don't you dare leave me alone anymore."
"That I can do," I nodded, smiling and receiving one back, "That is the point of this last trip, isn't it? To spend time together."
"Yes! And have you heard about the painting room? I thought we could check it out," he linked arms with me and moved us for the fruit nearby, Martha walking beside with one of her stupid smirks again.
"Yeah, I asked Liling if we could go and she said yes!" I picked up a couple grapes.
"Looks like the Doctor isn't the only one receiving attention tonight, Minerva," Martha declared, taking my grapes and dropping them into her mouth.
"Martha, let it-"
"No, over there, look," she nodded to her left.
We all looked over and saw a young man across us, smiling at me.
"Huh, that's new," I remarked, offering a small smile back,
But then his eyes started looking up and down and it just made me uncomfortable. I turned around, wanting to forget his trailing looks, and picked up some more grapes, "I only have to say that these grapes are delicious."
"Well, what do you have to say about that, Doctor?" she turned to the Martian.
"Me? What would I have to say?" he raised an eyebrow, clearly confused which only proved Martha was wrong about all these 'feelings' and whatnot.
"What if the guy's engaged and Minerva ends up punched by the fiancee?"
"She'd have to answer to me, then," he quickly replied, "No one hurts Minerva."
Martha winked at me, satisfied with the response.
"I told you Doctor, it's impossible never to be hurt," I reminded. He'd taken his job of never letting anyone or anything hurt me quite serious. Sometimes, I'd try to make him see that it was impossible because there would always be something that would emotionally and/or physically harm someone, but he wouldn't listen!
"I must say, I really do not care for the way he's looking at you," he nearly glared at the stranger across.
"Yeah, it's a bit uncomfortable," I admitted in a low mumble.
"Maybe you should go meet him!" Martha suddenly pushed me towards the direction of the man.
"Wha-HEY!" I frowned, looking at her as I pushed her hands down, "I'd rather not."
"It'll be fun!" she insisted, pushing me once more. Before I declined once more, she stepped back and linked arms with the Doctor, waving sweetly as she walked away with him.
What the hell was this plan? What was it supposed to accomplish!?
Well, my mind didn't have nearly a minute to think more when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around and saw the same young man from across standing before me, "Oh..."
Well, I had to admit he wasn't bad looking. He was pretty handsome...
He was tall, tanned, black hair that swiveled at its tips, and had chocolate brown eyes. He stood before me, his hand reaching out to shake mine without even saying a word, "Sorry if I'm a bit forwards..." he chuckled, sounding as if he was nervous, "My name is Zian."
He stopped shaking my hand and looked down, almost shameful. It didn't look that bad on him either...
"Minerva," I said quietly, still staring at him as I decided whether or not I'd be giving any further conversation with him.
"I know, you're...American," he took my hand and lifted it up to his lips where he placed a kiss, "My you are...mesmerizing," he whispered.
"Thank you..." for some reason, I just want to snatch my hand back and run off. It didn't feel right...
"Apologies," he lowered my hand but kept holding it to my misfortune, "I have never seen a more beautiful creature than yourself."
"Again, thank you," I gave a polite smile.
"Where are you from?"
"How old are you?"
"It's a bit direct, don't you think?" I frowned, "A woman never wants to admit her age."
"Sorry," he chuckled, "It's just you make kind of nervous and I tend to ask stupid questions when I get nervous."
"You're nervous...of me?" I blinked, that was a new one for me, "No one is ever nervous of me."
"I do not understand," his eyes trailed me over again, making me shift on my feet with discomfort, "I cannot seem to even form a decent sentence with you."
"Right, well, um, I have to go now..." I moved to walk off when I felt his hand grip mine, keeping me in place, "...um, something wrong?"
"Can we talk? Get to know each other?" he asked, smiling as if I hadn't just tried walking off.
"Well, I would but, I have some friends I came with and-"
"I'm sure they wouldn't mind sharing you with me for a couple of hours," he lifted my hand again to give it another kiss.
"Minerva, something wrong?" the Doctor strolled over, a drink in his hand.
"Um...I just wanted to go see that art room now," I looked at him, hoping he'd just take me away from this uncomfortable spot.
"Wonderful! Let's say goodbye to your...friend," he reached to where Zian's and my hand were together and practically pulled mine away from the man's, "And we can go together, how's that sound?"
"Good," I nodded fast, showing him I most definitely wanted to leave this spot now.
"Well, it was nice meeting you, what ever your name was," the Doctor handed Zian his drink, a fake grin plastered on his face, "We'll be going now, bye, bye," and he took my hand then walked us away.
"Oh thank goodness," I breathed a sigh of relief once we were a decent distance away, "Thank you so much for coming to get me."
"Was it me or is there something not right with the man?" he frowned.
"Well, the way his eyes seemed to keep looking over me every damn second could be a start," I shivered a bit.
"Tell me about it," he muttered.
"Can we go to the art room before the fireworks start?" I glanced at him, wanting to just forget the bad moment and spend time with the Martian, "Please?"
He smiled, "Of course. I sent Martha off with Yue."
"Because she sent you off with a stranger. I did not approve."
"Oh..." and I cursed myself for smiling at that, but I still kept doing it.
"Remind me again what we're doing?" the Doctor asked as he walked around the art room, picking up things here and there. The poor Martian seemed so bored but he clearly was making a struggle to not show it while I tried my hand at an art work in front of me.
"Well, I'm trying to create The Early Autumn and you're so bored out of your mind," I replied, watching him secretly.
"I'm not bored...bored out of mind..." he stopped, 'casually' looking around.
"Yes you are," I said, about to make another comment when I messed up and yelped, "Ah! Stupid butterfly!"
"What is with you humans and butterflies?" he walked over, standing beside me and tilting his head as he studied my attempt of recreation, "I don't see any mistake."
"Yes, right there!" I pointed to the black butterfly that had a slightly shorter wing on the left, "I can't get it right!"
"Minerva, it's not that hard, just brush it again."
"It's a bit more complicated than that. I can't do paintings," I shook my head and dropped the brush back to its place, "I quit."
"No you don't."
"Yes I do. I'm done."
"Why not draw another bird, instead?" he picked up the brush again and held it to me.
"Because I wanted to draw a butterfly."
"Then draw a butterfly."
"But I can't!"
"Yeah, you can, just try again," he took my hand and placed the brush on the canvas.
"Then try a dragonfly. It needs a new one."
"Doctor, I don't want-"
"Yes you do," he moved behind me and placed his hand over mine, lifting it to the artwork, "And you will."
"Is this really necessary?" I tried to sound as annoyed as I could, but the horseback rides started flashing in my head, making this position a tad more blush-worthy.
"This way you can't escape me," he teased, setting his chin on my shoulder, "Now draw, clever girl."
"It's pain, stupid," I mumbled, "And can you get off me?"
"Are you going to paint?"
"No! I said I was done!"
"Then no."
"You're such a child sometimes," I sighed, creating a new butterfly.
"Call me what you want but you're doing another butterfly..." he smirked," ...therefore I win."
"I hate you."
"Not really, you don't."
"Hey, I'm actually getting it!" I grinned up at the sight of an actual even-winged butterfly. All wings were coming out well!
"See, what I tell you? That you'd-"
"Shush!" I elbowed him, focusing on my work now.
"What exactly do you-"
'I said shush!"
"Doctor! For god's sake, be quiet!" I chuckled, ready to scold him more when I turned my head and found our closeness a bit beyond...nervousy. Yes, that wasn't a real word but the Doctor had made me put a 'y' after nearly everything! Which, now that I think of it, was also a strong point for Martha. She claimed the Doctor and I spent so much time together that at times I said stupid words like him.
"Are...you finish with your painting?" he asked, mumbling really if I had to describe.
"Y-yes...yes!" I blinked back to reality, looking back at the painting, "What do you think?"
He moved beside and studied the painting, meanwhile I recollected myself, "I think it looks wonderful, just like the rest of your work."
"Are you sure?" I cleared my throat, "Because I've never painted before. It's okay to admit there's flaws."
'But...there isn't!"
I rolled my eyes, "Why do you feel the need to do that?"
"Do what?"
"Act like all my drawings are perfect when I know for a fact that's there's visible flaws."
"I do not do that!"
"Yeah you do," I chuckled, "You lie and say it's perfect but I know you're lying because sometimes I purposely make it bad. You're not supposed to do that, you know. It's wrong!"
"Oh yeah?" he raised an eyebrow.
"Minerva," he stepped up, his hands behind his back and a fake, innocent look on his face.
"How's my dancing?"
"Um..." I was going to answer 'you're a horrible dancer' but found that rude, even if it was true, "...well...you're, um...you're this," I put a hand on my cheek as I thought of some nice words, "...wonderful...unique...dancer?" I don't know why it came out like a question in the end.
He smirked, "You are such a liar! I can't dance! I can't dance to save my life!"
"So then why did you ask?" I frowned.
"Because I know you'd lie to spare my feelings, and you did," he tapped my nose and wandered around the room.
I blinked, did he just...tap my nose? When did we ever start doing that?
"Face it Minerva," the Doctor turned around, "We're prone to compliment each other even if we're lying. And we'll do it because we like to see each other happy."
"I'm sorry I lied," I apologized quietly, faintly smiling, "But you really can't dance," I whispered, making him chuckle.
"I know, but I do it because it makes you happy. And besides, you can't make symmetrical wings except for this one," he looked at the current artwork beside us.
"But hey, we can always learn, right? That's how we're supposed to do it."
"Of course," he nodded.
"But seriously, Martha mimics you," I started chuckling, "Perhaps you should consider some lessons before you try to dance again. I know you do it for me, but I'm alright."
"Are you really?" he questioned, but it didn't have to do with the dancing anymore, "Are you okay?"
I sighed, "Well, right now I am...sort of."
I mean, it wasn't like apart from ridding myself of my guilt of Liv's death and my grandmother's disappointment of me I now had to deal with some developing feelings for a 903 year old Time Lord.
It wasn't like any of that was happening...
Not at all...
"It'll get better, I promise," the Doctor said, "I know I keep saying that and I know it's annoying but I mean it. One day, you'll look back and see how wrong your guilt. You'll see how much your grandmother loves you and only wanted to see you again. And you'll always smile, finally moving on with your life."
"Let me teach you how to dance," I said instead of a common answer like 'Maybe one day' and whatnot.
"What?" you could tell he was expecting one of those common answers.
I didn't feel like torturing myself with my usual guilt thoughts for today. I wanted to be happy, and I was going to do just that.
"I can't give back anything incredible like what you've done for me, but I can teach you how to dance. Just a little bit, anyways. I'm not grand myself but...let me try."
"Minerva, I don't...I don't understand," he admitted, poor thing looking confused.
"It's my lame attempt of thanking you," I reminded, stepping up, "Plus, I'm a bit guilty for making fun of you too," I said very quietly but still heard by the Martian.
"You made fun of me too!?"
"Sorry..." I bit my lip, "...but Martha did it too!"
"I don't care about Martha! She can't do math to save her life, and she's a doctor!"
"Now, let's not go insulting our companion, okay?" I pointed a warning finger at him, "And you better be nice to her when I leave."
"I told you Minerva, she's leaving. It's settled," he said, dead serious it quieted me for a moment as he moved to walk away.
"Hold on!" I grabbed his hand, stopping him, "I feel bad because you want to bring Martha back because I'm leaving. And it's not fair, Doctor. It's really not," I looked down, feeling another weight settling on my shoulders, "Martha is brilliant and...and you can't bring her back home because of me. I can't take more guilt, Doctor. Please don't take her home."
There was silence for a moment before he sighed and returned, keeping a firm hold on my hand, "Teach me how to dance, c'mon?"
I looked up at him, raising an eyebrow, "What?"
"Teach me how to dance and I may consider keeping the human doctor."
But I stopped talking when he brought us to the center of the room, his arm winding around my waist till his hand rested on the small of my back, his other hand letting go of mine and moving my right hand up to his shoulder.
"Are you sure you don't know how to do this?" I asked curiously, seeing his hand return to my left and held.
"That's as far as I go," he shrugged, "Now teach me, clever girl!"
"Will you reconsider Martha's departure?"
It was not. He was just doing this to distract me, which he seemed pretty damn good at.
"Well..." I looked around, "...you just...step back," which he did, "Then, um...move here," and we did.
"Then we step to the front?"
Which he did...
"Ow!" I flinched.
"Sorry!" he let go of me.
He had stepped on my foot, "No, no, it's okay," I lifted my foot and rubbed it.
"You know what, on second thought we should just go back out. We'll miss the fireworks!"
"Oh no, Martian, get back here," I pulled him back to his place, reforming our position.
"I don't want to hurt you," he frowned with himself.
"It was just one small step, it doesn't even hurt anymore. C'mon," I started moving us again, feeling the tips of his shoes brush mine, the poor Martian being extra cautious.
"I don't want to step on you..."
"Hm, that didn't seem a problem when you asked me to dance in the 50's," I reminded, "And you didn't seem that bad of a dancer either."
"Well, I was kind of focusing on getting your forgiveness."
"Then focus on the learning now, spin!" I ordered, and he obeyed, "There we go," I smiled, lightening up the gloomy mood that was threatening to fall over us.
"And dip?"
But he dipped me down without asking again. I laughed when my hair actually touching the floor. He pulled me right up a few seconds later, leaving us closer than what he probably anticipated. Flashes of our dance in the 50's came rushing in my head when we ended face-to-face. How did he keep doing this to me!? I bet he didn't remember any of that!
"How was that?" the Doctor whispered.
"G-good," I awaited for him to move back since I was too frozen to move myself. But even then, if I had to admit it, I didn't really mind how close we were.
"You're a wonderful teacher," he smiled softly when he returned us to our normal positions.
"Yup, thanks," I cleared my throat, ending the so called lesson, "Now you can ask any pretty woman to dance with you."
"I'd probably step on them, again..."
"That's why it's called lessons, you learn them repeatedly until it sticks," I walked for my artwork, "So, I think we should get going, yeah? Martha's going to be wondering about us."
"Oh, um, yeah, let's go," he walked over, taking my hand and leading us out, "We'll pick up your work later."
"Mhm," I nodded, my racing heart not allowing a full answer with actual words. I hated him for making me feel these things that should not be. That won't be.
"Good, you're here! The fireworks are about to start," Martha gestured for the Doctor and I to take a seat, "How much fun is an art-room that you take an hour and a half in there?"
"I tried replicating an artwork," I shrugged.
"Well, I heard after the fireworks, we get to solve lantern riddles in the streets," she smiled, "I thought we could check them out. Apparently, if you win a riddle you get a prize."
"That does sound like fun," I considered it, "Intellectual fun. And hey, Doctor," I glanced at him, "I challenge you to see who can solve the most riddles. What do you say, Martian?" I crossed my arms and waited for his response, my grin turning into a playful smirk.
He looked at Martha who was just smiling, "You'll keep score? I don't trust Minerva. She can be a cheater," I gasped quietly and hit his arm, causing him to laugh, "Alright, alright, challenge accepted."
"Oh, so who's gonna win this new challenge? Riddle solving?" Martha chuckled, "Ridiculous, by the way."
"Oh, I will," the Doctor and I answered together, both scoffing afterwards. We then looked at each other with a frown, "Hey, stop it."
Martha simply laughed at our faces, neither the Doctor or I backing down from our stare down.
"Minerva, no offense, but I'm a bit more experienced than you..." the Doctor began, "I have lived much longer than you."
"Yeah, you've lived 903 years and in all that time you still can't tell when people flirt with you," I leaned forwards, "Or maybe it's just because you're a guy. Either way, one of those characteristics is gonna bring you down on this challenge."
That got under his skin, his face just looking at me with an irritated expression. I smiled sweetly and leaned back on my chair, glancing at Martha who was more than amused, "Miss Jones I assume you'll get the notepad and pen? Not that you'll need it because the Doctor will only have zero."
She laughed, shaking her head, "Are you two this competitive over riddles? That's incredible!"
"You think you're so clever..." the Doctor continued to glare at me.
"You always say I am why shouldn't I believe it?"
"She's got you there," Martha said, shrugging, "How about you get us something to drink to cool your selves down? Such heated competition."
"Hm," he frowned and stood up, walked around my chair and leaning beside me, "You're gonna lose, Souza."
I glanced at him with a smirk, "Don't be so sure, martian."
"You two are ridiculous I'm telling you that now," Martha shook her head and laughed once more.
I nodded at her, holding back my scolding until I did this...
"Ow!" she jerked back her arm after being smacked by me, "What was that for?"
"That was for leaving me with a stranger," I whispered, looking around to make sure I hadn't been heard, "What the hell is wrong with you!?"
She smirked again as she looked down, rubbing her arm, knowing what she had done, "Well it worked," she mumbled so low I had barely heard her, "The Doctor left me to go take you back. He was so upset you should've seen it! He was jealous!"
"Yeah right," I rolled my eyes, "We were supposed to be together, all three of us. I'd be upset too if a friend just ditched me to be with a stranger."
"Would you quit making this so hard!" she whispered-yelled, looking frantic at the demand, "God, you're both so hard to work with!"
"It's just...jealous? No one would believe that. Perhaps, a little annoyed, maybe...irritated? Sure. But jealous would imply things that are simply not true."
"What is so hard about accepting it? I don't get it! Remember my theory!"
"Your theory sucks!"
She blinked, snorting, "That's a comeback!"
"There is nothing to accept, now shush!"
"A person who who shares more than a friendship has a set of double standards between that person they like and a friend, examples are you and me," she gestured to us. I rolled my eyes but let her continue, "Biggest example I can think of is that Torchwood job you had."
I shifted on my feet, wishing I could truly forget that awful job. I told her the brief story of my experience that and how it ended in the meantime Yue had picked out our clothes.
"He hated that place, right?"
"Well, it's more-"
"Shush," she covered my mouth, "Did he or did he not hate it?" I nodded and she took her hand back, "Okay, now, is he still angry you worked there?"
"What? No!" I shook my head, making a face at the ridiculousness of that question.
"But I bet if another friend worked there he'd be very angry," she smirked.
"Look, I explained to him in great detail why I took the job in the first place, how I didn't even know what Torchwood actually was and why I stayed there after discovering what its real purposes were. Now it's bad enough what we did to Rose, I'm so grateful he didn't stay angry."
"What we did to Rose?" she frowned, forgetting her point for a second, "Why do you say that?"
"Because it was true, it was Torchwood that sent her mom and Mickey to another world. I worked at that institution so I sent them to another world. She was right."
I don't think I would ever forget Rose's look after she told me everything was my fault. I knew I reacted like I was crazy, but now that I was better and though about it, she was right. It was my fault. Perhaps if I had told the Doctor from the start about the job and the sphere, he could've prevented the battle.
"God I really hate Rose," Martha crinkled her face with distaste.
"No, don't say that," I shook my head, "It's not right to talk bad about someone when they aren't here to defend themselves."
"And how exactly would she defend herself, hm!?" she nearly shouted, still attracting several looks around the place.
"Martha, shush," I put a finger to my lips.
"I'm sorry but, she's awful! I bet if the Doctor knew half the things about the real Rose, he wouldn't dare speak about her anymore."
"Don't you dare," I immediately warned, knowing anger could drive to impulsion.
"For example the threat," she began counting on her fingers, "The yells she gave you after the Doctor regenerated, blaming you for her choice of worlds-"
"Please stop," I sighed.
"No! I will not! Because while you proceed to belittle yourself, the blonde is left as a goddess who wouldn't hurt a fly."
"She was never violent," I mumbled, the thought of actually speaking bad about a woman who was once my friend didn't quite go with me.
"That was the last thing she needed," she huffed, "I'm just saying, maybe a little revelation to the Doctor wouldn't hurt."
"And then what? Huh? How would that help me?"
"He could support you. He could make you see how different you are from her, and he himself would finally see the biggest differences between you and her."
"And for what?"
"What do you mean for what? So you two can finally be-"
"No, it's not gonna happen. It's never going to happen. You don't seem to remember Martha, he was in love with her."
"That's what you think," she cut me off, both filled with tension, "But after everything you've told me, and after what I've seen, I wouldn't agree."
"But you weren't there, alright?"
"No, but I'm here now. And this time, you have a friend who actually cares about you and is not going to let you push away possibly the biggest piece of happiness you have. Nope," she crossed her arms and shook her head.
I sighed, sometimes I loved Martha but at other times I really wanted to strangle her.
Her eyes wandered past me suddenly, "Um, I think your new friend is pretty jealous too."
"That guy I pushed you to," her look turned of one of discomfort as she continued looking, "In fact, he looks pretty mad."
She gestured with her head and I looked behind, finding Zian speaking to another man, almost angrily, "So?"
"I don't like him anymore..." she said just as Zian happened to look at us, his face pretty scary, "In fact, I forbid you to speak to him again."
I quickly looked away from him and back to her, "Thanks Martha, I think I just made a new enemy."
"Sorry, he didn't look like a creep earlier."
"Who didn't look like a creep?" the Doctor returned, struggling to hold three glasses.
"No one," I quickly took a glass, "Don't worry."
"I think I'm gonna go ask for that notepad," Martha started getting up, her eyes seeming to be fixated on what I assumed was Zian behind me, "Don't separate."
"What?" the Doctor asked, confused.
She had caught herself and shook her head, putting a smile, "I'll be right back."
"What's wrong with her?"
"She's just a bit irritated with our competitiveness," I shrugged, taking a drink and hoping he'd forget about it.
"Yeah why are you so competitive?"
I looked at him, raising an eyebrow, "You're serious?"
He chuckled, "Sorry, sorry."
I shook my head, disapproving but laughing anyways, "You know, when I'm not in the TARDIS, you're gonna need someone to be competitive with..." his chuckle faded as he realized where I was headed. I did feel a little nervous as I continued to speak but I just had to make an argument against her departure, "...Martha could be a good match. She's fun, eh?"
"If I'm not gonna have my friend, then I'm sure as hell not gonna have a companion."
I blinked at his seriousness, the way he had said it...it was just...kind of cold and harsh. It was as if Martha was no where near a friend to him, like she was just a stray that we had picked up and sometimes remembered she was with us.
And Martha was most certainly not that. Ever.
"How can you say that after everything she's done for us? She saved our lives in New York. She killed the pigmen before they killed us. And apart from that, she supported me when I needed friends the most. She had no obligation to do any of that stuff and yet she did. How can you degrade her like that?"
"I'm not belittling her, I just don't see her as a close friend to me, alright? I understand the bond you two have but I don't share that bond, okay? I have that with you, not her."
"We have a bond..." I whispered, smiling to myself.
"Yes, and I respect Martha, I know she's done a lot but...you can't ask me to see her the way I see you."
"And...how do you see me?" I dared to ask, my cheeks flushing red.
"As the most incredible woman that's ever traveled with me."
"Really?" I blinked.
He nodded, "Martha is wonderful. She's okay..."
"No Doctor, she's brilliant. She is fantastic, she is good. And she is exactly who you need to be around when I'm not there. She's yet to see what I've seen and I know she'll keep a good reign on you like me. But most importantly, she's a good friend to you. She helps, she fights, she listens," I started to chuckle lightly, "And we both know that with your mouth, it's a good quality to have," that made him smile a little, as he knew it was true and there was no denying it, "So c'mon, why don't you let her stay?"
He set his drink on the table and looked me in the eyes this time, a new expression on his face that I had only seen once.
The day he had lost Rose.
It was of pain, but also of sadness. When he's around with other people, he would show his pain of the loss of Rose, but only to a certain extent. Even when we first traveled together, he believed he could trick me and make me believe he wasn't as badly affected as he actually was. But then we started getting closer, and gaining each other's trust, and slowly he started letting me see just how hurt he was. I hated that look, feelings or not, I simply hated it. Ever since we took Martha on, the look seemed to falter...and now I made it return.
"Well, Doctor? Why won't you let her stay?" I repeated, a little more nervous now.
"Because if I let her stay, and you go, I'm afraid that you'll never come back and I'll have the reminder of you in Martha."
I swallowed hard, "Just like I was reminder of Rose, huh?"
"It's not like that!" he quickly said, shaking his head.
"I know," I said quietly, taking a deep breath, "It's not..."
"You're not a ghost of her, Minerva. I don't know how I'm gonna make you see it. Look, whenever you react to something I say, whether to scold me for being daft, or laugh at something funny I said," he sighed, "Or simply shine those big eyes both of you had when you see something new for the first time...I can't help but remember Rose. You two seemed to get along really...good."
I shifted on my seat, sure I'd let him believe that...
"I imagine her standing right beside you, reacting similarly to you...and I don't want to see that happen with you. You're not a ghost of Rose, you're two completely different people and I need you to understand that. Now, I don't want to see you beside Martha when you're not there. I don't want another reminder. If I can't have you, in the TARDIS, in person, then I don't want anyone else," I looked down, scolding myself for having a little ray of hope that his last sentence might have had a double meaning, "Hey," he called softly, making me look up, although silent because I had no idea how to respond anymore, "I don't have anything against Martha, I simply don't want another set of reminders."
He tried smiling but I knew it was just fake. He remembered Rose and now he was hurting again.
"I got it!" Martha's voice called from a distance, causing both to glance back, seeing her walking for us, waving a small notepad and a pen in her hands, "And just so you know, I'm not gonna have a soft spot for either of you," she pointed at us with the pen, giving a stern look. She noticed our quietness and became concerned, "What's wrong?"
"Nothing," I answered first, looking around for a good excuse, the sky being the last thing I saw and the perfect excuse, "C'mon, take a seat. The fireworks are gonna start."
"Alright," she reached for her drink and eyed the both of us, "Fireworks it is."
In the short time that we had before the fireworks actually began, there was just silence. I couldn't shake off the Doctor's words, as friend-zoned as it was, it was still concerning. And another thing, I was a little on guard with the looks I continued to receive from Zian. Martha was right, he did seem angry. I didn't care what it was for, I just needed him to stop.
"Oh, look!" Martha suddenly pointed above. We followed her gaze, and heard the beginning of mini-explosions, to the sky.
The fireworks had begun and had started in a lazy manner, I should add, with simple colored sparkles. However, as the seconds passed, the colors began to merge into twists and shapes. There came the shape of a lantern, a brilliant shade of red and a radiant yellow. Other figures arose into the sky afterwards, one of a large dragon shooting the familiar flames from its nostrils.
"That one! That one's my favorite!" Martha laughed as a figure of a man on stilts was formed.
I laughed along with her, watching another form appear beside it, one of a little girl, dressed in the traditional attire, "I like that one!"
A good hour passed by and the fireworks were not even close to finishing. Knowing they'd last all night, we agreed to go ahead and do he lantern riddles.
We stood up from our tables, bid our thank you's to Yue's family and then headed for the exit. I was left behind when a hand grabbed my arm and pulled me back. It was Zian, and looking slightly less angry. He came around and faced me, a small smile on his face.
"Uh, Zian, hello..." I looked past him to see Martha and the Doctor still walking away; they hadn't noticed I wasn't there yet.
"Minerva, I wanted to say something to you," Zian began, and I immediately looked at him with the little bravery I had gathered in the last two seconds.
"So do I. Listen, I don't know if I did anything to make you angry but the looks you were giving me are kinda scaring me so if you could stop, that'd be great."
"Oh...sorry, I didn't mean to. I was simply a bit...taken aback, by your, um...friend?"
"I really gotta go, we're going to solve riddles and...we have a challenge," I rushed off, catching up quickly with my friends.
"Everything alright?" the Doctor asked, looking past to Zian.
I nodded, "Yeah, but, can we get out of here? I just want to solve riddles," he nodded and put his arm around my shoulders, leading us off.
We headed for the parks, to where millions of lanterns were hung around, the business around doing the same thing. Lanterns were everywhere...and ready to be riddle-solved!
"Alright, so now that I've had a go and we won prizes," Martha wiggled her finger that now bore a fake, gold ring, "We can start your competition."
The Doctor and I smiled, looking at our own hands that also wore the fake, gold rings thanks to Martha. She'd wanted a go at a lantern herself, and actually solved it and won a prize of rings. We offered to let her into the competition, making it three against each other, but she declined.
The deal with the lanterns was that every single on of them bore a riddle and a hint, called tips, for anyone to solve. If the person thought they got the answer right, then they'd take the lantern to its owners. The owners, either shops or stands or anything else, would hear the answer the person had to say and told them whether or not they were right or not. If they were correct, the person earned a prize from the owner's. In Martha's case, the owner of the lantern she solved the riddle from was a jewelry store keeper.
"Here's one," Martha left us and walked towards a lantern that was hanging from a window's top layer of a flower shop, "Are you ready?" the Doctor and I nodded and awaited for her to read the riddle, "The riddle is 'What building has the most stories? Tip: Things.'"
The Doctor and I scoffed simultaneously, "That's easy, a library."
And then we both glared at each other, turning to face one another.
"I said it first," I said.
"No, I said it first."
"No you didn't. I did."
"Martha, tell her I said it first," he glanced at her, not backing down.
"No Martha, you tell him I said it first."
She smiled as she looked between us, "This is gonna be fun."
We turned to her, our anger gone and replaced by a whining session.
"Martha, I said it first," I pointed at myself.
"No she didn't," the Doctor shook his head, "I did."
"Okay!" she exclaimed, startling us, "It's a point for both of you."
"No!" the Doctor frowned.
"Damn it!" I turned for another lantern to solve. I pointed at one hanging on a branch of a tree, "That one!" and I ran for it, leaving the other two to follow.
"You can't read it first!" the Doctor shouted as I stopped before it. Once he had caught up he pulled me back beside him as Martha walked up to the lantern.
"Okay, second riddle."
"I am so ready this time," I shot a look at the Doctor, "And I'm gonna take this one."
"You sure?" he asked, just as smug as I was.
"Yes," I crossed my arms and looked back at Martha who was just staring at both of us again, a smirk on her face, "Martha, go ahead."
"Okay," she nodded and turned back to the lantern, "The riddle is actually for English speakers so this should be fun."
I glanced at the Doctor, "Well considering you're an alien, I already have this one."
"English speaker," I pointed at myself, grinning widely.
"And what do I speak?"
"Hey, how do I know the TARDIS isn't translating your language right now?" I raised an eyebrow, resuming my smirk, understanding perfectly well he purposely spoke English, but it just ticked him off even more so I went with it, "You could be speaking gibberish for all I know."
"You know damn well what my language is!"
I gasped happily, "He's angry now," I looked at Martha quickly, "Quick, do the riddle! He can't think right when he's angry!"
Martha let out a laugh as she looked at the lantern once more, "'What is the longest word in English? Tip: Being happy."
"Easy, the word 'smiles'," I replied before she even looked back at us.
"Yes but do you know why?" the Doctor raised an eyebrow, a severe doubt on his eyes.
"Yes, actually, I do," I turned to him, "Because the word 'smiles' has the word 'mile' in-between two S's."
He was surprised nonetheless, but he still wasn't giving this one up, "Alright, but the actual longest English word-"
"Is 'Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis'," I finished for him, leaving his him wide-eyed and a mouth half open in shock, "And the meaning of the word is a lung disease in which the inhalation of very fine silica particles cause the inflammation of the lungs. Anymore questions?" I asked sweetly, walking around him with another smirk.
I scanned for a new lantern and when I found one I looked back at the other two, seeing only Martha had moved and the Doctor remained where I had left them, his back to me, "Doctor, are you coming?"
Almost like he was in a trance, he shook himself and turned, making his way to join us again, "I am ready."
Martha smirked as she walked past me, "I think you just made him snap," she whispered, "And he liked it."
I blushed, turning away from both of them, "Okay, let's try another one. Doctor?"
"Oh I'm ready," he declared, coming back to reality and fixing his coat.
"Which is the word in English that has nine letters, and remains a word at each step even when you remove one letter from it, right up to a single letter remaining."
"'Startling'," the Doctor answered in a mere second, my eyes snapping to him as his met mine, "What? You didn't think to remove the 'L', therefore making it 'starting' and then taking away the 'T', making it 'staring', then remove 'A' for 'string', take off 'R' for 'sting', 'T' for 'sing', 'G' for 'sin', 'S' for 'in' and finally 'N' for good old 'I'," he grinned with a devilish smile.
I blinked, taking in his speedful explanation that went at light speed. And now with a proud smirk, he turned on his heel and headed for a new lantern.
Martha stepped to my side, peering at my face, "Wow, that's the same face the Doctor had when you beat him."
"I think he just got hotter," I exhaled a shaky breath, not even realizing my words until I heard Martha's laughter.
"Admittance! Finally!" she linked arms with me, "It's about time!"
"It's not admittance to anything," I pushed her arm down, my eyes still on the not-so-stupid-alien, "It's just...I've never been outmatched before...it feels amazing..."
"Attraction between geeks is so weird," she shook her head, getting an elbow on the stomach but no look as I was too preoccupied staring after the Doctor, "But if figures you'd like it too, ugh," Martha crinkled her face in distaste, "This isn't going to be a riddle match. It's gonna be a flirting competition," she faked a shiver before laughing again. I was partially ignoring her, truthfully, and as she laughed, I started walking for the alien.
Oh, it was so on now.
"Until I am measured,
I am not known.
Yet how you miss me,
When I have flown!
What am I?"
"Time!" The Doctor exclaimed, throwing me a simpering look.
I scowled and crossed my arms, "Well obviously you're at an advantage!"
"You're a time traveler!"
He mock-glared while Martha laughed, writing down his newest point on the notepad, "That has nothing to do with this. So quit making that face," he wagged a finger at me.
"What face?"
"The one of 'Wow I'm losing to such a genius'."
"You're not a genius and this is my face."
"It is," his smirk played on his lips as he moved around me, "And it looks well on you."
Martha's mouth opened in surprise and happiness, "He just flirted," she moved right beside me, nudging me, "Alert, he just flirted!"
"No he didn't, shut up," I gently pushed her away, "Read that one, Martha," I pointed to the lantern across us.
"The person who makes it has no need for it. The person who purchases it does not use it. The person who does use it does not know he or she is. What is it?"
"A coffin..." I uttered in a hushed tone, my gaze slowly falling to the ground.
Suddenly winning wasn't so much fun anymore...
"Minerva?" Martha called, her smile fading as I looked up, "What's wrong?"
I looked at her then the Doctor, "Nothing. Point for me..."
"And no snide remark against my slowness?" the Doctor raised an eyebrow, "No, that's wrong. C'mon, where's my snide remark?"
I sighed, looking at him sadly, "Olivia."
With that, I walked away from the two. And, as if I was being teased, a few children, specifically a brunette and a blonde that seemed to fit in the age gap Olivia and I used to, passed by. I watched after them, seeing the smaller brunette excitedly point at a lantern while the blonde simply smiled and took the lantern off its place.
"I'd ask what you were thinking but I think the answer has pretty much been given, huh?" the Doctor strolled over to my side.
I sighed, nodding my head as I watched the brunette and blonde go, "I can't help it. Anytime I get a memory of Liv, I get all sad and...this," I gestured to myself, and he chuckled.
"Imagine me when I remember my whole planet?"
I know he said that to light up the mood, but I looked at him with such sadness. Suddenly, I felt like I had no right to feel like this over one person when he had a whole family, whole planet to mourn.
He must have caught my thoughts because he smiled and shook his head, "No, this is part of the process. Learn to remember the memories you had with good intentions. Don't be sad they're over..."
"Be glad they happened," I finished, knowing the words too well, "But it's just hard..."
"Hey, I get it, don't worry."
"I'm sorry," I shook my head. Here we were trying to have a good time and I come and ruin as usual.
"It's okay, would you like to continue the riddle challenge or do you want to call it a night? Whatever you choose is fine."
I bit my lip, looking back at Martha who was scribbling something on the notepad, "I think...we should continue. That's what we came for, right?" I looked back at him, "To have fun?"
"Definitely," he took my hand and started walking us to our friend.
I stopped walking and looked back, finding Zian across us, "Oh..."
"Can we talk for a moment?"
"Minerva, don't," the Doctor mumbled, "Something's not right with the guy."
"I'm sure no harm can come from a little talk," I replied, though the nervous feeling returning to me.
"I assure you it'll only take a moment," Zian said, unable to hear us from his spot.
"Uh, sure..." I moved to approach him but the Doctor gripped my hand. I looked back, sighing, "...just stay close with Martha."
"I don't like him," he muttered, "Something's wrong."
"You don't like a lot of people," I reminded, taking my hand away and following Zian to a distant spot.
I happened to see Yue not too far away from us, she saw us and gave us a wave then returned to chatting with her friends. Zian walked us towards a stand where an elderly man stood behind.
"Zian, I have to be honest-" I began but he put a finger to my lips, leaving me wide-eyed. I was going to tell him his actions from earlier made me nervous but now I suppose it'd be more difficult with his finger on my mouth.
"Can I offer you a cup of tea?"
He didn't await my answer and simply turned us for the stand, "Two cups please."
The man nodded and handed us two prepared cups to each of us. I smiled awkwardly and moved to sip some. The man reached out and stopped me from drinking it, "You need these," he held out two red-flowered bracelets for us, "You must wear it."
"Why?" I asked, confused as Zian took them and placed it around my wrist before doing his.
"Um, okay..." I said slowly, watching Zian smile as he reached for his cup again.
"Here, take this," the man handed me a strip of paper, "Read it. It is for good fortune."
"Although in the beginning it is never sure what will happen with me and you, forever I will always say 'I do'...?" I looked up after reading, more than confused, "What does that mean?"
Zian took the paper and looked at it, "Although in the beginning it is never sure what will happen with me and you, forever I will always say 'I do'."
"What does that mean?" I looked back at the man who had disappeared all of a sudden, "Hey, where'd he go?"
Zian shrugged and took a sip of tea, "Probably off to get more of the coffee. It sells out fast. You should try it."
Slowly, I raised the cup to my lips and sipped a little, "It tastes just like regular tea."
"Really? I think it's delicious!"
"Um, I think I'm gonna go back over there..." I looked back at Martha and the Doctor who weren't that far off anymore.
He grabbed my arm suddenly, "No you're not."
I shot him a look, confused and a beginning of anger, "Yes I am," I took back my arm, setting my tea on the stand and removing my bracelet, "Thank you but I'm gonna go now."
He frowned and snatched my arm again, "I said you're not."
"I said I am!"
At his sudden yell I flinched, and looked around before I figured what to do next, what I always did next, "Doctor! Doctor!"
"What are you doing?" Zian demanded as he started tugging me towards him, "We're going home!"
"Let go!" I cried, trying to pry his hand off my arm, "You're hurting me!"
"Hey, hey, hey! What the hell do you think you're doing?" the Doctor ran beside us, Martha right behind him.
"Doctor, he doesn't wanna let me go," I gestured to Zian's hand on my arm, "I don't want to go with him!"
"Listen, if she says she doesn't want to go with you, she's not," he said, placing his hand over Zian's and forcefully detaching it from me, "And now, we're off," he brought me to his side and turned us away, walking Martha and I from Zian.
"You're not going anywhere with my wife!" Zian snapped, freezing all three of us in our tracks.
I looked back at him, raising an eyebrow, "What do you mean 'wife'?"
"What you heard, lovely," he sweetly smiled, "You're my wife now."
"I never agreed to that."
"You did. You took the cups of tea, the bracelet and most importantly, you said 'I do'."
"No I-" I stopped at the reminder of the strip of paper, "The fortune..."
"Minerva, what is he talking about?" the Doctor asked, looking between us in confusion.
I shot my eyes up at Zian, angrier than ever, "You tricked me!"
But the man only bitterly smiled, "And I said 'I do' as well, making us husband and wife."
"Why would you do that?" Martha questioned.
"Because I like her," he gestured to me, "Look at her."
I wanted to hide myself from his scanning eyes that were looking me up and down. I hated the way he did that.
"You listen to me and stop it," the Doctor snapped, moving in front of me, "I see your eyes trail again and I'll personally dump you in a black hole."
"Not to mention the big punch he's gonna get from me!" Martha added, glaring daggers at the man, "It's obvious he doesn't like her. He just wants what every man wants!"
"Oi," the Doctor frowned, giving her a quick look.
"Sorry, what every human man wants."
I swallowed hard, my nervousness turned to terror at what they were talking about. I've never been in a situation like this and it horrified to me to think of what could happen if Martha and the Doctor don't succeed in helping me.
"You tricked her and therefore your marriage is invalid," the Doctor said.
"No, see because she read it out of her own will. She's my wife and by tradition and law you are not allowed to take my wife anywhere," Zian took a step forwards.
The Doctor took my hand, gripping it tightly, "Over my dead body."
"I don't have problems with that."
Yue was making her way over to us at the sounds of our snaps and yells, "What's going on?"
"Your friend tricked Minerva into marrying him!" Martha exclaimed.
"Is that legal?" the Doctor asked her, "She was tricked and didn't know anything about it."
Yue looked at Zian who then gestured for the stand that held the cups, bracelet and paper. She sighed, "I'm afraid so. It's a custom for the festival, only."
"But I was tricked!" I cried, the water in my eyes threatening to spill, "How can that be legal?"
"Isn't there somewhere around it?" Martha asked, "Like a loophole or something? C'mon, marriages aren't sealed off!"
"Doctor, don't leave me here," I turned him to me, "Please help me. Please..."
"N-n-n-no, don't worry," he took my hand in his and lifted it to his lips, giving it a kiss on the back, "You are not staying here."
"Let go of my wife!" Zian ordered.
"I'm gonna need you to shut up!" the Doctor yelled, quieting down the man for a moment, "You tricked her. Her place is home, with me and Martha."
"Are you married?" Yue suddenly asked, looking at our interlocked hands, and upon seeing her perked up eyes, I took the opportunity.
"Yes," I quickly answered.
"In that case," she looked at Zian, tilting her head with a smirk, "Your marriage, Zian, is invalidated."
"Impossible," he shook his head, "They're not married."
"Yes they are," Martha stepped up, having caught on, putting her hands behind her back and removing her ring, "I was a witness. Bridesmaid. And look, they're wearing rings."
"Those are fake gold," Zian spat, "You give a fake gold ring to that kind of girl?" he gestured to me, only making me hide once more behind the Doctor.
"Haven't you ever heard it's the thought that counts?" Martha countered, "Unlike you, he," she gestured to the Doctor, "Doesn't care about appearances and actually likes what's within."
"Zian, let it go, this was a foul trick you played on the poor girl," Yue shook her head, "She's married."
"I don't believe it," he insisted, staring me down, "And in any case, you know this Yue, if they are truly married then they need to provide evidence."
"What kind?" I asked, my heart beating faster with each second we remained here.
"Something to prove you are actually married," Yue informed, sighing with defeat on that point, "Could range from the rings to the certificate. Something that proves it."
"Like a kiss!" Martha suddenly exclaimed.
"What?" the Doctor and I looked over at her.
The woman had finally lost it.
"Anyone can fake a kiss," Zian crossed his arms.
"Not these two," she pointed at us, "Believe me. They flirt, they do the sweet gestures for one another and they can snog the hell out of each other!"
I rubbed my neck, feeling my face warm up as they looked at us. If I got to leave from this place, I was so gonna kill her for this.
"How long have they been married?" Yue asked, casting a look at Zian who was simply not backing down.
"One year," Martha answered, "Minerva is only eighteen, naturally it'd only be a year of marriage."
"But you said you were seventeen..." Yue said slowly, glancing at me.
"...I feel like I still am," I said, coming around to this crazy idea, "You know, in the eyes of my parents. Still a child and all."
"Child or not, you're my wife!" Zian exclaimed.
"No I'm not!" I yelled, "I already have a husband and that is not you! So leave me alone!"
"I don't believe it!" he yelled back, growing angrier.
"Well that's not my problem! What do you want from us? A damn kiss? Because I'll give you a real, damn kiss," I spun to the Doctor, silently pleading him to help me get out of this, "You want a kiss...I'll give you a kiss," I stepped up, my hands going up to cup his face.
Everything that Martha had said to me about my feelings started rushing through my head. And now that I was here, so close to getting another kiss from the man I refused to say I liked, I felt my heart racing yet still willing me to go ahead and prove myself wrong. The question was, did I really want to find out whether or not I had actual feelings for the Doctor? Did I?
The Doctor was looking down with such shock that I was actually gonna do this. I expected him to push my hands down at any second...but he never did. I took a silent breath in, not waiting for this small act of boldness to slip away, and pulled him down for a kiss.
I felt his surprise but didn't feel any sort of rejection. In fact, in mere seconds I felt his hands placing themselves on either side of my face. We moved our lips together once more, reminding me of the last time this had happened. It was slightly weird suddenly, just like the last time, but...a different weird. I liked the feeling, I admitted. One could even say it felt familiar in a sense, like we'd already done this and we knew exactly how to best please each other. That mere act made my entire body feel the rush.
This might have been to prove something utterly fake but it felt so real to me. But I didn't know what was worse, the fact that I had taken advantage of the moment to prove a theory, or the results that I got. When we finally pulled back, neither of us let go of each other. We simply looked at each other and I dare say we were both dazed.
"See," Martha stepped in front of us, her back to us as she directed herself to Zian, "And if you're wondering, the marriage has been finalized if you know what I mean. So if I were you, I'd get to looking for another bride because this one's taken."
"Get out of here, Zian," Yue then ordered.
"Good job guys," Martha turned to us, hands on hips and a relief sigh coming from her, "I think we should head home, right?" but neither of us answered her, "Guys? Hey guys? Let's go...guys?"
My theory had been proven. There was no denying anymore. If I had the chance to kiss the Doctor again, I would do it. Martha had been right this whole time, it wouldn't matter what I had to say because my heart had the final word. I accepted it now.
I had fallen for the Doctor.
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