#closed my eyes and opened them n suddenly i can quote unquote Render
favoure · 2 years
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its 12:30am post the branzy sketch from 3 hours ago
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alt version with no colors YIPPEE
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scriptaed · 7 years
so i heard you like bad boys
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genre: fluff fluff and more fluff; uni!au; friends to lover!au; drabble
pairing: yoongi x reader
length: 4.7k
summary: while others see min yoongi as the resident heartthrob of the school - quiet, resilient, and mysterious - you can’t see him as anything other than your dorky best friend since childhood; but what you don’t know is his long desire to be anything but that, even if it means becoming the bad boy in town... or at least try to.
prompts: “my hobby is making fun of you when you talk.”
“Sorry, but… you know Yoongi, right? I mean, of course you know him, even if you weren’t friends with him, who wouldn’t know about the infamous bad boy on campus?”
There it is again… yet another gossip surrounding the rumored bad boy of the school, Min Yoongi; despite being his only best friend since the age of five, it strikes you as odd how seldom you find yourself refuting contradictory details of his reputation around town versus the only version of Yoongi you’ve come to know and love. In fact, most of the time girls would come squandering to you only to quote unquote “reassure” themselves that the two of you are merely platonic best friends—nothing more, nothing less.
But they’re wrong, or at least on your behalf, you’d like to say they’re wrong. Having been friends with Yoongi for over a decade now would make most passersby deem you two as friends whom got too close but could never cross over to becoming a couple—and it’s even worse when they describe your relationship with him akin to brothers and sisters—however, you have had never shared the same sentiments in regards to Yoongi.
You like him. You’ve always liked him. You’re so smitten for him that even through all these years, your body never seems to forget the tingles of your fingertips as blood trickles through your veins or the butterflies fluttering in your stomach when you enter within a room’s vicinity from him. Whether he feels the same way about you is a question you dread yet can’t help but ponder, for the fear of ruining a perfectly good friendship with a silly confession silenced you all these years.
...and yet, even through all of this inner conflict—holding an irrational grudge against girls who fawn over him, grumbling to yourself that they don’t know the true Yoongi and therefore only you had the right to date him, promising yourself you’d confess the day after tomorrow so you would no longer have to undergo this torture and would finally stop being so spiteful against the innocent—you still fail to tell them the truth.
“Yoongi?” your eyes widen and your ears perk at the remark of his name. Quickly masking your short moment of reverie, you put on a pressed smile and cross your arms over your chest. “Yeah, Yoongi’s my best friend! Of course I know him.”
“...best friends?” the girl standing a few inches shorter than you emphasizes with a smile hiding in the corner of her lips. “Just best friends, right?”
“Um…” you shift uncomfortably, affixed to your spot as your eyes wander to the ground and back up at the invasively peering gaze of hers. “What do you mean…?”
You know exactly what she means.
“I mean, do you like him? More than as a friend?” she takes a step closer and it takes everything in you not to scoot back. With her eyes wide like a deer caught in the headlights, you suddenly feel as if you’re more transparent than ever and she could read right through your facade of self denial.
You gulp, and after what seems like an eternity of silence, you mumble, “...no.”
“You don’t?” her eyes light up as she takes a step back and her entire mien is lifted. “O-Of course you don’t! I heard you guys have been friends for over ten years now. I guess after that long, it’s hard to see a brother figure in a more romantic sense.”
“...right,” you clear your throat and raise your voice when she quirks a brow at you, “we’re just really good friends. Like you said, his adolescent years have really tainted my view of him…”
You lightly chuckle along with her rather exaggerated laugh before her eyes dart straight back into yours and you jump slightly in place, “I totally understand, but I also don’t entirely get why… or how someone as close to him as you are could ever view him as just a friend? Even if I were you, I think I’d still develop feelings for him. I mean, it’s Yoongi we’re talking about.”
“Yeah… I wonder what’s wrong with me sometimes too.”
It takes everything in you not to roll your eyes at how these girls seem to idolize your best friend. They don’t even know Yoongi. This false image they’ve crafted of him as some sort of bad boy who tramples on girl’s hearts without a care, a boy so utterly attractive yet destructive, just because he’s quiet, curt, and honest? It’s the exact opposite of Yoongi’s true self—when he’s all alone with you and can finally let go because he’s comfortable around you and you only; no one makes him laugh as hard as you do.
It’s not only unfair to Yoongi’s reputation, but it’s also detrimental to these girls who just aren’t able nor ready to see the truth. Why do girls always go after such toxic boys anyways? Why are they so eager to hurt themselves? If it were you, you’d pick Yoongi over every bad boy, or just any boy in general, in a heartbeat.
You like the sweet kind of boys, sweet like sugar, sweet like Yoongi.
“Not into bad boys?” the girl suddenly asks, cocking her head with a smile plastered all over her face.
“Huh?” you frown at her question. You barely know this girl—in fact, she only came jogging over to you a few minutes ago, interrupting you as you were making your way towards the cafe on campus and inquiring you about Yoongi—and now she’s asking you absurd questions like this. “No, I guess not. I like guys who are pretty calm, quiet but talkative when they’re in the mood, insightful, and just guys who would treat me the right way I should be treated.”
Kind of like your best friend… you just decide to leave that part out.
“Ah, then it’s no duh you wouldn’t like Yoongi,” the girl shrugs and nods her head as if enlightened by your words.
Yet again, the way she talks as if she knows this false persona of his inside and out irks you nearly to the state of oblivion. That’s it, you’ve had enough. You’re going to sort out this “bad boy” image of Yoongi once and for all, and he better thank you for this with a cup of coffee or two afterwards.
“Okay, I’m sorry, but Yoongi isn’t what you or any other girl on campus thinks he is,” you blurt out, and you nearly choke with a heart attack when she cluelessly raises a brow at you. “What I mean is… he’s actually really, really sweet. He seems really quiet at first… well, usually he’s pretty quiet around strangers, but once you get him to open up, he can actually be pretty goofy. He’s more of a listener, a realist, someone you can always rely on to give you good advice, and—”
The girl watches you with a blank stare, you can tell your words are just flowing in one ear and out the other, but nothing seems to be stopping the silly flush in your cheeks that arises from simply talking about your best friend.
“—and he kind of acts like a grumpy grandpa, he’s always asking to take naps when we hang out, and his smile is so gummy and sincere… nothing like that dumb smirk boys try to do when they fuck around with you… he’s just not a bad boy. I know it’s hard to believe, but I hope you understand—”
“—hey!” an arm swings over your shoulder and the weight nearly collapses you to the floor as you look over to your left to find your roommate, Somi, grinning at the two of you.  “What’s going on here?”
“Nothing!” the girl immediately answers before waving at you and taking a few steps back in the direction she came from. “Thank you so much for answering my questions about Yoongi. I’m sorry if I bothered you!”
And without another word, she skips off down the other end of the hall.
“Yoongi?” your friend chimes after a few seconds of silence. “Ooh, did you finally admit your feelings for him? Although I can’t believe you’d confess to some random girl first before me, Y/N!”
“No,” you quickly refute, shaking your head. “I did not and will not ever do that, because for the last time, I don’t have feelings for him!”
“Uhuh…” Somi retracts her arm from you to cross them over her chest. “So what were you guys talking about then?”
“...I don’t know,” you mumble, eyes shifting from her peering ones as you rummage through your scrambled mind for a switch of topics, “bad boys and whatnot…”
“Bad boys?” she nearly yells. “You’re into bad boys?! But you’ve always been saying that Yoongi’s nothing like that!”
“That’s why I don’t like him!” you interject, shutting your eyes in frustration when you realize the implications of your statement. “Wait, no, that’s not why I don’t like him, but I don’t like him still—you know what? Don’t you have class in five minutes?”
Somi purses her lips and watches you with wary eyes before giving in. “Yeah, I just saw you on my way to class so I decided to drop by and grace you with my presence.”
“Why thank you, consider me blessed,” you laugh and roll your eyes. “Now go to class already.”
“Okay, Ms. I Like Bad Boys And Not Min Yoongi,” she teases, skipping away before you could slap her arm. “Want me to relay any messages to Yoongi?”
Right, she’s in the same literature class as Yoongi; as much as you hate to admit it, you’ve always been tremendously jealous of Somi for that very fact.
“What do you mean?” you furrow your brows before recalling your meetup with Yoongi in an hour from now. “Oh right, can you remind Yoongi to meet me at the library’s cafe after class? He tends to forget until he's half an hour late already.”
She laughs, “alright, I’ll remind him of your cute little date. See you later!”
Her remark renders a groan from you, but she runs off before you can even catch up to her and teach her a lesson. Defeated by constant misunderstandings and teasing, you trudge your way to the cafe.
God, if everyone thinks you're so close to Yoongi, then why don't they just assume so? It would make life so much easier, especially if Yoongi himself similarly presumed such relations; but alas, neither of you know how the other truly feels.
“Hey, didn't Somi remind you to come on time?”
You watch him as he drops his backpack to the floor next to the table and settles down into the black metallic seat across from you. Yoongi prims his lips as he nods his head and lowers his gaze to the set of fries and can of coke laid out before you.
“She did,” he says, but his eyes fail to meet yours, for they are blank and deep in thought; you can tell his mind is elsewhere.
Taking a deep breath, you figure it must be the pressure of finals stressing him out and lean in to place your hand over his out of reassurance. “I usually wouldn't complain, but I just want to help you decompress since you always coop yourself in your room to stutdy and you’re always so stressed around this time of the semester. You understand, don't you, Yoongi?”
“...yeah,” he finally mutters after a few seconds of silence, reclining in his seat but maintaining his hand under the warmth of yours, “thanks.”
“Yoongi? Are you okay?” you knit your brows and turn his hands to cup them in yours.
Cold, soft, slender, and surprisingly nimble, his hands are exactly how you remember them, but the touch of your bare skin grazing against his manages to pull him out from his reverie. His eyes dart between your hands laced with his and the concerned look plastered over your face before he suddenly retracts his hands back to fold themselves under the table and in his lap—motions choppy and hesitant, as if regretting having moved in the first place.
Huh. Well that's odd. Yoongi has never seemed to mind skinship before—well, at least not from you.
“Yeah, it's fine. I'm fine,” he mumbles.
Obviously something isn't fine
“Your hand. It's cold.”
He glimpses down at his hands, “oh. Yeah, it always is. Um… what about it?”
You can't help but notice how distant he's acting.
“I can warm it up for you… if you want. Or you can borrow my gloves,” you hesitantly say, carefully observing his reaction.
His eyes widen for a split second before he clears his throat and shifts in his seat, avoiding your peering gaze by looking out the window. “Oh, uh… no thanks—I mean, no. It's fine. You should…” he stares at the tabletop and lowers his voice until you can barely hear him, “...mind your own business.”
What? What did he just say? You can't even believe your own ears at this point. Sure, Yoongi is quite the honest one, but to be rude? You know your best friend is better than that. Something must be up.
“Yoongi…” you carefully say, “if you don't have time or even if you don't want to be here, I'm okay with that—”
“—oh no, I didn't mean it like that,” he blurts out, eyes popping and head lifting at the repercussions of his words. He presses a smile, just one corner of his lips curved, and glances up at you for what seems like the first time and tonight, “I wouldn't have come here in the first place if either of those things were true.”
It's odd to think that now of all times is when you're missing his gummy old smile. You wish you could tell him. Usually you wouldn't even hesitate to speak your mind, but with the way he's acting—something familiar yet you can't quite put a finger on it—you refrain from doing so.
“It's just that you're…” you blurt out before you can think it through. Gulping, you take a deep breath and exhale, “you're acting a bit… strange. Distant. Cold. I don't know, it scares me that you're acting like... like how everyone perceives you.”
Yoongi cocks a brow as if you had just said the most profound, conflicting statement of the century. Suddenly, he leans in and you nearly jump back out of reflex, “wait, is that a good or bad thing?”
“What do you mean…?” you frown at his unusual behavior.
“The only reason I’m acting so dumb is because,” he pauses, scratching the back of his head as he timidly stares at the tabletop, “I know this sounds foolish, but I heard from—”
A familiar playful voice followed by the clicks of high heels against the ground approaches you when you find your friend, Hyuna, standing before you with her red heels, red dress, and of course, red lipstick.
“Oh, hey!” you greet her with a wide grin. Yoongi glimpses between you and Hyuna in lack of amusement, perhaps because he had just been interrupted, whereas Hyuna stares at Yoongi with ogled eyes, as if she had just met a celebrity.
“Oh my gosh, is this Min Yoongi? The bad boy everyone has been swooning over?” Hyuna gasps.
There it is, yet again. The overused rumor incites a sigh from your lips, but the lack of a response from Yoongi catches your utmost attention. Instead of chuckling and shaking his head at the rumors like he always does, his eyes remain glued on you, observing your reaction instead of refuting the nonsense.
“Uh, yes, this is Yoongi. Yoongi, this is Hyuna,” you manage to say in the midst of confusion. “But… he’s nothing like a player. Trust me, he’s my best friend—”
The high pitched screeching of metal scraping against hardwood floor sends shivers down your spine as both you and Hyuna turn to stare at Yoongi wide eyed. There, you see Yoongi’s foot lying next to a chair pushed and strayed from its table, his legs wider apart than ever, and the gulp in his throat along with the stillness of his entire body telling you even he is surprised by his own actions.
Did Yoongi just kick a chair? For absolutely no reason?
“...what’re you doing?” you quirk a brow after a few seconds of awkward silence.
“What?” Yoongi looks up at you with popped eyes before clearing his throat, kicking his foot out over the other, and slumping back into his chair with a tough front to replace the initial shock on his face. “It’s not a big deal. Does something so small bother you?”
“Ooh, Y/N,” Hyuna giggles, “are you sure he’s not a bad boy?”
“No, I’m pretty sure—”
“—yeah,” Yoongi interjects with a shrug and pressed lips. “I’m a bad boy.”
“What?” you nearly choke on a gulp of air. “What’re you even saying, Yoongi?”
Yoongi raises a brow at you, rolling his head to the side and nonchalantly kicking the chair once again. He returns his gaze to you with his chin slightly cocked and his jawline more prominent than ever. “See? Bad boy.”
The absurdity in his behavior nearly makes you snort and wince in second hand embarrassment, but God, you just can’t seem to wipe that smirk of his off your mind. Yoongi actually doesn’t look half bad as a bad boy. Hell, you might as well join the rest of the girls parading about this new persona of his.
Snapping yourself out of your trance, you lean in to grab another fry to keep you distracted from his intense gaze;  but the second you take a bite, you’re barely able to relish in the heat and salt satisfying your watering taste buds when his cold hands suddenly grabs your left hand and pulls it—along with the rest of your body—closer until you’re left just a few inches from him as he guides you into feeding him.
Your jaw slacks wide open, his actions rendering your silent, but there’s nothing you can do to stop you from staring at him in complete awe. It’s as if time has been paused, resumed, and slowed, for all your mind can seem to register is the smug smirk on his face as he watches you watching him take a bite out of your half-eaten fry. The extended period of intense eye contact brings heat to your cheeks when the squeeze of his chilled hands over yours pulls you out of your daze and you instinctively yank your hands along with the rest of your body back.
“Ooh, boy’s got moves,” your friend squeals and shakes you back and forth.
“No no,” you reach out to gulp down your coke along with your growing nerves, “My friend’s just being weird today. He’s usually not like this, okay? He’s usually pretty sweet. I know because he’s my best—”
—but before you can finish, Yoongi swiftly leans in to snatch the can out of your hands right when you’re about to take another drink. You figure this must have been something he’s never done before, because a few droplets of coke splash out of the can and into his lap at the force of the exchange, but what he does next is what prevents you from snickering at his blunder. You scoff, completely appalled when he raises the can as if to offer you a toast, his own eyes still wide at his own actions; but instead of reflecting, he clears his throat.
“I’ll be as sweet as you want me to be,” he says, but the low, raw register of his voice makes it sound all that much more enticing.
You think you’ve seen it all by now, however, nothing has prepared you enough for what comes next, for you think your eyes have failed you when he gives you the most subtle of winks. 
Did Min Yoongi just... wink?
You can barely even decipher between whether it’s a blink or a wink, but his tactic seems to work on you. Butterflies flutter in your stomach, even as the pit of fiery anger burns inside of you.
The death glare mixed with captivation you were shooting at him must have confused him, as he stops with the can in mid air just before he takes a sip. “What?” he questions, quirking a brow. “Do you feel uncomfortable with me drinking from the same can? You always let me back then. I am your best friend, right?”
“...sure, go ahead,” you scoff, sitting back in your seat with your arms crossed. Gritting your teeth, you barely let out a mumble, “best friend my ass.”
His eyes pop and his ears perk at your remark, completely appalled and taken aback, but he quickly covers his tracks with the scrunch of his nose. “Best friend my ass,” he mimics you but in a higher, nasally pitch.
Now he’s even teasing you? He’s starting to act more like Jungkook than anything!
“What the hell are you up to now?” you scoff in disbelief.
“What the hell are you up to now?”
“Oh my God, Yoongi! Why’re you doing this?”
Yoongi grits his teeth, jutting his jaw ever so slightly and slumping back into his chair with one leg kicked over the other. “My hobby is making fun of you when you talk.”
“Alright, you’re starting to really piss me off now,” your cry for war initiates the glaring contest. “Yoongi, we need to talk.”
“Ooh, you guys talk it out and I’ll be heading back to my dorm first then,” Hyuna giggles, squeezing your right shoulder before you can protest and striding towards the entrance of the cafe—but of course, not without one more call out, “have fun with your little date! You two are just too cute!”
“Ugh, now look at what you did!” you exasperate as soon as the door closes behind Hyuna and the bell rings throughout the empty cafe. “Now she thinks we’re together because of your little act, and everyone’s going to think we’re dating!”
“And is that a bad thing…?” Yoongi mumbles, looking down at his lap. “Cause I don’t see how it is. Who cares what they think?”
Are your ears failing you now, too? Is his ridiculous attitude finally getting the best of you? Or did he really just imply that he wouldn’t mind being mistaken as a couple with you? Surely he must mean it isn’t much different from how it is already, right?
“Well... well anyways,” you brush it off with a gulp, “mind explaining what that was all about? Because you seem like you’re back to your old self now.”
“It’s…” he hesitates before shaking his head, keeping his eyes glued to his lap, “it’s nothing.”
It obviously isn’t nothing, because he always kept acting out each and every time you came close to mentioning the word “friend.”
“Yoongi… you’ve been acting odd today ever since lit class,” you prim your lips. “Is it because I kept calling you my best friend? Do you not like it? Are you tired of people mistaking us as more than that?”
“No… no. It’s not that at all. I could care less about what they think,” Yoongi mutters, brows knitting as he folds his hands in the space between his legs.
“Then… what do you care about? Because I can tell something’s bothering you,” you tilt your head to the side in an attempt to gain a better view of his lowered head. “I really do care about you… unless you keep the act up.”
Yoongi remains silent for a few seconds before turning his head to the other side in order to avoid your gaze. “...I don’t get you.”
“No, I don’t get you,” you retort.
After a dozen or so seconds of silence pass, you ultimately decide to give him the benefit of the doubt; after all, this is the first time he’s acted so odd and it’s not like he did anything to you. Plus, you even got to see a rather alluring side of him today—one that you never thought Yoongi could pull off. 
“Alright, you win,” you sigh, “I’ll just assume you’re having a bad day, but if you ever need me, you know you can count on me. Even if you continue acting like this, I wouldn’t mind. You’re my best friend, you’ll always be.”
Yoongi nods in agreement, lips pressed, eyes averted, and body shifted away from you. But him being him, only a few seconds pass before he attempts to make a discreet inquiry about the very topic you both had just agreed to avoid. “So… I heard you like bad boys.”
“What?” you nearly choke and spit the remaining of coke in your mouth. “Who told you that?”
“Somi,” he quirks a brow at your shock, locking eyes with you for the first time since he dropped his tough demeanor.
The lack of hesitation in his statement relieves you because this is the Yoongi you know and love. Boy really doesn’t waste any time nor care in exposing his partner in crime; but fortunately that works to your advantage. It all makes sense now. After your conversation with her earlier today, you figure Somi must have told him you’re into bad boys… but how does that have anything to do with Yoongi’s behavior? 
Unless… he was trying to fit into what he had heard was your ideal type? That’s impossible though, right?
“...does that have something to do with that act of yours…?” you hesitate, narrowing your eyes at his still ones. “But how does that… why would you… unless you’re trying…?”
Yoongi scoffs, turning his head to avert his gaze out the window, “maybe. I don’t know. Think whatever flatters you the most.”
You think your heart nearly stops, yet all at the same time, you swear it’s about to implode in your chest judging by how hard it’s hammering against its already constricted space. Time suddenly becomes an unknown concept, and your mind completely zones out as you blankly blink at him in utter shock.
After a good minute of silence, Yoongi finally turns his head to check on you only to frown—as if experiencing second hand embarrassment for being best friends with someone with such a silly look plastered over their face—before wrinkling his nose, shifting in his seat uncomfortably, and lowering his head to stare at the mess in his lap. Grabbing a napkin on the tabletop to wipe the mess of crumbs and spilled drink on his white tee, he mumbles to himself, “God, that was embarrassing. This is definitely going to leave a stain…”
The sudden 180 degree change of behaviors incites a snort from you as you force yourself out of your daze and scoot your chair closer to him, grabbing a few more napkins to help him dry his shirt. “Well, to answer your previous remark, no. I’m not into bad boys. But if you’re going to try to be one, you should at least practice beforehand… because you just acted like an asshole still stuck in middle school.”
“Oh. Really?” Yoongi mutters, evidently dismayed at your evaluation. “I really was no good, huh?”
“Well,” you chuckle, peering up at him as he timidly glimpses at you. “The voice imitation wasn't great, but I guess that Yoongi I just saw now had pretty good winks and food play isn’t too bad every once in awhile—dare I even say, thrilling.”
A wink of yours is enough to catch him off guard, for he presses his lips into a half-frown, half-giddy-smile—something he always does when he’s trying to hide his satisfaction in order to “keep it cool”—and looks away with a chortle.
“...you think you would go on a date with him?” Yoongi asks with a smirk, eyes flickering back on you as he waits for an answer.
Heart racing from the possibility of something more than you could ever dream of, there’s nothing that can stop the cheeky grin of yours, “maybe.”
“One bad boy Yoongi coming up, then,” he says as the corner of his lips lift into a soft smile.
“Ah,” you interject, placing a forefinger against his even softer lips. “But I prefer my best friend Yoongi. Bad boy or not, I just want my Yoongi.”
That’s all it takes for him to flash his endearing, gummy old grin.
“Correction; one Yoongi coming up.”
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