#cloud strife is a cinnamon bun
iaintyourbro · 4 years
FFVII and Xenogears - Cloud and Fei
So FFVII and Xenogears were in development around the same time. FFVII was released in 1997 and Xenogears was released in 1998. 
A lot of the Xenogears story elements were “discarded” FFVII ideas. Mainly due to the fact they were seen as too dark for a FF game. Makes sense... have you played Xenogears? 
**Major Spoilers for Both Xenogears and the FFVII Compilation**
This post will be about Cloud and Fei. I plan on also talking about the similarities in Jenova and Miang, the Highwind Scene vs. the SexiTime scene, and anything else I may think of randomly. Xenogears is still one of my favorite games of all time, and I actually think people may understand some of the themes in FFVII more if they played it or at least watched a playthrough of it. 
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It is a T rated game, but it is definitely dark. 
Some major similarities for Cloud and Fei:
The main protagonist of each game has amnesia and severe mental health disorders. FFVII and Xenogears do take slightly different approaches. Fei has full blown Dis-associative Identity Disorder which manifests in a physical form. It’s very Freudian. The “bad” persona, is called “Id”. Cloud creates a persona based on experiences he’s had... except....
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Fei did that too, partially. His was due to extreme childhood trauma due to being experimented on... As we know, Cloud’s is due to Hojo being a total piece of shit....
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Yeah, they were both experimented on. Fei’s is a lot more disturbing because his mother had been possessed by the “first woman” from the skies... And was having him experimented on, forcibly, while awake. (Don’t worry, there’s gonna be a post about Jenova and Miang too.) Fei was around 3, I believe, when his mother was possessed by Miang and started doing this.
And his mother sacrificed herself in order to defend him... you know... Like Zack did for Cloud....
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Fei watched his mother die in front of him just like Cloud watched Zack die in front of him. There’s also a major change in their appearance after it happens. Cloud closes his eyes at the end, opens them again, and hello, SOLDIER!Cloud. Fei’s hair will go in front of his face when he’s going to “turn in to Id.” You don’t know this until after towards the end of the game, when you realize it in Fei’s subconscious... Oh yeah...
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You also have to go in to Fei’s subconscious and merge his multiple personalities he’s created... However, you do this on your own. Elly does not come with you, in fact she’s not even allowed to be in the party at this point, which will also be covered in another post.
Fei’s father is around, though, and he has attempted in the past to help Fei by building him up enough to be able to handle this and be able to see what Id needed to show him. 
Some of the differences, and areas where ideas “merged”: 
Fei’s Id persona is a mean kid. He says he wants to destroy everything, he does destroy a lot of stuff and he’s just mean. He even has lines similar to things Sephiroth would say to Cloud. 
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There’s also the happy persona inside of here - the one prior to the experiments and Miang possessing his mother, and he’s up there in the videos talking about his most treasured possession, which is a memory of him playing with his mother. He wouldn’t allow Id to see it. 
Cloud’s persona is not as extreme in the differences. Cloud’s was somewhat medically induced due to the mako poisoning, Jenova cells, and just a ton of trauma. Fei’s was mostly built the way DID can normally pop-up, which is just pure childhood trauma. However, the Wave Existence (this game has a ton of blatant religious references, by the way), explains it VERY similar to how Cloud describes it about himself:
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Fei and Elly reincarnate, so that’s a major difference here in terms of what they are talking about. Cloud’s is done to him directly, while Fei’s is due to some stuff that went on 10,000 years ago when everything happened on this world. The explanation during the entire scene in Xenogears is a lot to take in, but they do a very good job of explaining it. Yes, it’s still somewhat confusing, but I think because they used so much dialogue during this scene, you get a very good idea of what happened to the world, the Fei and Elly, and why things are they way they are.
Fei’s memories aren’t just from this life, but from ALL of his lives from 10,000 back to present. 
Fei has an interesting response to what the Wave Existence says... 
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Fei is determined to get through this on his own. 
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Hey Wave Existence, how come you didn’t go help Cloud out over in Advent Children? Would have been nice... Especially since Fei’s dad pretty much dies right after this is all over with. 
Personality wise, Cloud and Fei are pretty different, fake persona or not. Fei is mostly confident, somewhat social, and much more optimistic. The persona that you play as is a very normal guy. The persona that he turns in to that you don’t realize is trying to kill you randomly in the game... he’s just pure rage and evil.
Cloud, as we all know, under his persona tries to act cold and uncaring. His true personality is that of an awkward ham wrapped in a cinnamon bun. However, he is very caring and will save anyone - under either persona, it seems.
Fei will too. It’s just more “obvious” with Fei, since he’s out going. Id will not save you, he will kill you. He will even try to kill Elly. Id doesn’t give a shit, he’s a honey badger. 
If you’d like to watch the scenes where Fei explores what’s going on, you can watch them here:
Fei’s Mind Part 1
Fei’s Mind Part 2
I would absolutely recommend you wait to watch these if you haven’t played the game and want to, but if you want some more context on how things work with Xenogears, these would be interesting. Some of it may also be confusing unless you know some of the other stuff about the game, but they honestly do a pretty damn good job of giving you a breakdown.
Fun fact: The song that plays in Xenogears while you’re in Fei’s subconscious is called “The One Who is Torn Apart”. During Cloud’s subconscious journey, “Who Am I?” plays. You could ultimately put either song over either scene and it would get the same point across. Cloud’s is a bit more upbeat, but I’m going to see about doing that and how it impacts the emotion of the scene.
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bellatrixobsessed1 · 7 years
I’ll Meet You At The Bottom (Part 8)
It was quite a nice day, ordinary, but nice enough. The sun was positioning itself for the afternoon, surrounding itself with puffs of clouds here and there. The air bore a comfortable temperature, ideal for the picnic Sokka was preparing for. A fine Earth Kingdom day indeed. He spread his picnic blanket—a fine water tribe make with a fur-trimmed border—under the shade of an oak. He watched the meadow grass and honeysuckle roll in the wind, unparted save for Suki wadding through it. His smile brightened. He couldn’t tell what she was holding yet—perhaps a cluster of cinnamon rolls or a cluster of wheat buns, whatever it was, it was a bread of some sort. He wondered if she’d made it herself. He hustled to smooth out the blanket better and set it with the food he’d brought. He arranged and re-arranged it several times before finally setting on a place for everything. Sokka plucked two thick strands of grass and plastered them upon his upper lip. He dipped into his Wang Fire voice and spoke, “a croissant for the lady?” Suki chuckled as she took the croissant and set her own snacks down.
 “You said you had news?” Sokka asked.
 “Great news!” She confirmed cheerfully.
 Sokka propped himself up against the tree as Suki lowered herself down next to him and watched the clouds roll by for a good while. Perfectly content to just sit quietly in Sokka’s arms and listen to various bird calls and the rustle of leaves as the breeze sneezed past. Suki yawned, only to have Sokka cover her mouth. “Careful you might swallow a leaf.” He cautioned as one broke away from a branch above. It fluttered down until it landed in Sokka’s soup.
 “Maybe you need to cover your food instead of my mouth.” Suki quirked an eyebrow. She plucked a dandelion and twirled it between her fingers. From somewhere in the distance an ostrich-horse squawked.  
 With the mood effectively ruined, Sokka asked, “So what’s the news?”
 “Well…” She started, taking a spoonful of soup.
 “Are you ready to be a dad?” She asked.
 “N-no!” Sokka answered much too abruptly. He hadn’t meant to sound rude, but Suki’s crinkled expression told him that he absolutely had been. It wasn’t that he didn’t want to have a child. It wasn’t that at all. He was simply afraid; Suki would make a splendid mother. But him? A father? He couldn’t even halt his own childish antics. He tried to play it off as a joke. “Those things are squishy and weird, ya know.”
 “You know what? You’re squishy and weird!” She accused, reminding him again that she was still the same old Suki he’d known for so long. The same Suki who couldn’t come up with any nickname for Ozai upon his defeat. But what the insult lacked in quality it packed a punch in the tone in which it was delivered. He knew that she wasn’t trying to be goofy when she made that sweeping windmill motion with her arms. It was the same one Katara gave Aang when he did something dumb.
 Sokka tried to play it off again, “is that sweeping motion a woman thing?” He should know by now that humor doesn’t ease any tension with Suki. It usually ended up making it worse, and he had chosen the wrong kind of joke. He knew it as soon as it left his mouth and he wanted to slap himself.
 "You know what Sokka, you're an ass!" She threw his croissant at him. "If you can't treat a lady with respect than you deserve to be alone. I don't even know why I tried, you made a horrible first impression."
 “Suki!” He called. But she was already storming down the hillside. “Suki, wait! I was just screwing around. It was a bad time, I know but…”
 She wasn’t listening.
 “Suki.” He scurried to catch up.
 “Sokka, I have a boat to catch.”
 “You’re not really going to Kyoshi Island? I thought you said you were going to skip this trip.” He replied.
 “I thought that you were going to be a good father.” She replied, and repeated for him the statement about treating women with respect. The way she rolled her shoulders and straightened her back indicated that the conversation was well and done.
If for no other reason than to show her that he respected her opinion and decision he backed down. “Well, I’ll be here when you get back.”
 When she looked back at him he became sure it was just the hormones. Of course she wasn’t going to shy away from her promise, but she would be back.
It was going to be a long two weeks, but when she got back from Kyoshi Island, he was going to have the knowledge of a good father—even if that meant an awkward conversation with is own. Not only was he going to be prepared for fatherhood, but he was going have a small surprise baby shower ready for her!
 News came that night, news of the dismal sort, that there had been an accident. The boat departing from Full Moon Bay to Kyoshi Island had gone down. A very simple logistics error had the ship colliding full force with a ship on the same path. The boat at fault was a hefty Fire Nation vessel transporting its own set of passengers. Details were lacking but among Suki’s ship only five survived, she was not one.
In Sokka’s mind, Suki was just another thing claimed by the Fire Nation. Sokka raged at Zuko until the man retreated back to the Fire Nation. Too late, Katara finally made him see that the Fire Lord wasn’t at fault. Zuko was no sailor and only served to grant passenger ships and cargo ships passage into Fire Nation waters. It took much longer for his sister to get him to see that the Fire Nation in general hadn’t meant any strife, after all, their ship had a much hire death toll.
But his fiancé. His angry fiancé and their unborn babe.
He wondered how many mothers were aboard the sunken Fire Nation ship.
 That night was the beginning of an end for him. He had no more sarcastic quips to give, his sense of humor died with Suki. In fact, his jokes were what caused her death, if he hadn’t made them in the first place, she wouldn’t have gone onto that ship. He vowed to never make another, lest it get someone else killed.
And so Sokka dropped the ‘sarcasm’ and became ‘the meat guy’. He lost his appetite soon after and became just, ‘the guy’.
 The guy who sat by himself staring at his palms, thinking about the family he could have had. Sometimes he’d drift away at the dinner table, sometimes it was in his room, other times it would be when he was outside by the pond. It was bad enough losing Yue; he thought that, that had been the end of the world. That was only a childhood crush—heavy and sorrowful all the same. But this time around he lost pure and true love. He lost a future. Not just one but three of them.
  Soon he ceased going out with the rest of the gang altogether. More often than not, he would spy a charming little family; a happy dad tossing is tiny son into the air and catching him again while the mother giggled, a mother burping her little girl as the father held the bottle, a mother holding a baby boy while the father held the girl twin, and even two fathers and baby girl. Forgetting the situation at hand, Katara would gush at each one and tell Aang of how that would be them one day. Surprisingly enough Toph was the one to take him to the side and find him something to distract him as the worst of it passed.
 He belonged in his room where reminders were sparse. And he was more than happy to go back to the Water Tribe with Katara where there were even less people. He seldom left his hut because the little people that did dwell in the Southern Tribe were much closer knit than families of any of the other nations. He only left his house when night fell, and only to wander and think and come back feel lower than when he’d left.
 Having enough sulking, Hakoda sent he and Katara off for a change of scenery. And so they came to be at the palace.
 He didn’t know if Azula had heard the ending. If he were being honest, he wasn’t sure if she was truly listening at all or if she was completely lost in her drunk stupor. No matter when her focus abated, by the time he had finished the princess seemed to be well and passed out. He carefully set her head—injured side up—on her pillows and pulled the covers up to her neck.
 Azula woke with a pounding in her head, harsher than she’d endured the day prior, and made worse by the rays of light streaming through the parted curtains. The bought was worse than she’d endured, perhaps, ever. Her belly uncomfortably bloated from how heavily she’d drank the other day—even she knew that she’d over done it that time. She was going to be sick. Maybe not right then, but eventually. The amount of empty bottles scattered about the room, was a new record for her. She wouldn’t be surprised at all to find that she’d downed the last of it. Everything ached from her eyes, to her neck, to her legs. But it was that searing pain beating against her brain, that was the worst of it. With her head pounding at such an intensity, the princess could very nearly ignore every other dull agony her body was experiencing. She ought to be used to it by now. Azula rolled onto her side with a soft groan.
 She ran a hand over her arm, feeling naked skin beneath her finger. She very faintly recalled that someone had been in the room with her. Her stomach dropped. She pulled the covers away and found that she was, in fact, wearing a shirt. It simply had shorter sleeves than the one she had put on. She couldn’t recall swapping her clothes. She didn’t remember much of the night before, and what she did recollect of it was extremely vague and out of order. She knew she had tried bending at some point—probably earlier on the day before—which would account for her sore legs. What else? What else had she done, she wracked her brain trying to recall. Sokka had been there, she remembered something about Sokka. But what? She ran a hand through her hair, somehow, she was still shocked to find it so short. She was deviating from the point. She strained herself thinking about it, but a few more pieces finally came back and she wished that they hadn’t. She had went and flashed him. Her cheeks, still a faint shade of pink from the cactus juice, flushed a deeper shade. But what then? Nothing more would come back to her.
 Paranoia didn’t have a chance to set in when another spell of nausea hit her. This time she did double over, with just enough time to grab the trash can under her nightstand. Each retch seemed to deepen the pain in behind her eyes. They grew watery at the new burning sensation. Sokka appeared in the door way, just in time to see her hunched unflatteringly over the trash can, sitting on her legs as she tried to catch her breath.
 He knelt down next to her.
 “Get away from me.” She growled, taking extra care not to let him see the look of pure humiliation on her face. She arched over again. This time he held what little length she had left of her hair back. The firebender supposed it couldn’t hurt to let him do that much. He left the room again and came back with a cloth. Again, she decided that the gesture could do no harm and accepted the offer. Collecting the shattered fragments of her dignity, she wiped her face and turned to look at him, leaning heavily and limply against her nightstand. While he was there she supposed she would make the most of it. “The curtains.” Azula spoke hoarsely. “Close them.” She wondered if that was the state of her voice now, she couldn’t remember the last time she spoke with a silky softness.
 “I thought I’d bring you something to eat.” Sokka noted as he drew the curtains shut. A merciful dimness befell the room.
 Azula let her hand fall to her stomach, reminded again of how uncomfortably full it felt. “I’m not hungry.”
 “Trust me, it’ll help.” Sokka insisting, adding quickly that he’d had his share of cactus juice. “Back in the Ba Sing Se, I was at this party. Suki and I got pretty into it, had a little too much. We both felt really queasy.  Haru told me to have a bite to eat, he recommended boring, unbuttered bread.”
 “So?” Azula asked.
 “It worked.” He held out a small slice. Reluctantly the firebender took the bread, nibbling on it when she found the energy to do so. “So, are we going to talk about what happened last night?”
 Azula waved him off. “I don’t remember.” She lied.
 “Allow me to fill you in.”
 She didn’t want to hear it, but was, all the same, very curious. Especially regarding the events after she had loosened her robe. It brought another queasy sensation to her belly to even begin considering the possibilities. Azula knew that Sokka had a bit of a reputation for being a ladies’ man and at once she didn’t want to know. “It doesn’t matter.” She said flatly, “I don’t care.”
 Sokka blinked in disbelief.
 Changing her mind again she asked, “what did you do to me?” At his lack of response she clarified, “after I…” She wouldn’t dance around the subject, not this time anyhow. “After I took my robe off.”
 “I put it back on.” He replied. “Twice.” Based on the deep red of his face, she assessed that he was telling the truth. “Well, technically the second time I dressed you in something harder for you to slip out of again.” He sputtered. At the mention of it a few more mental images filtered in her mind. She let out a soft sigh, deciding that she had been very lucky that Sokka was, if nothing else, a morally sound individual.
 “That’s all we need to talk about.” She stated.
 “Is it?” He asked. “you could have hurt yourself…”
 “Then you should have let me.”
 He held her hand up to her head. Feeling a bandage beneath her pointer, she knew what he was going to tell her. “You already did. In more ways then one, I think.” He paused, waiting for the response she declined to give. “You need to stop doing this.” He motioned to the bottles on the ground.
 “Don’t tell me what I have to do.” Azula grumbled. “I should be telling you what to do.” She noted.
 Apparently, he was willing to be flexible with the subject of their discussion. Instead of pushing that, he tried something new. “Alright, how about this? I want you to tell me what has you so upset, just one thing.”
 “Nothing is wrong, I’m fine.” The response was second-nature.
 From the look in his eyes she could tell that he was going to refuse to let her brush it off again. “You had a collection of them to share last night.”
 She turned her head away from him, in no mood to do this right now. Her head was pounding more ferociously. She Brought her hands to her head. “You’re being too loud.” She snarled, “Shut your mouth for one spirit forsaken minute.”
 “I’m sorry.” Sokka apologized. “You’re right, this is a bad time. I’m not good at this kind of stuff.”
 At current, his voice was touching her brain in all of the wrong ways. “Leave.”
 “I’m not—”
 “Leave.” She repeated with more firmness. At that point any sensible man or woman would have tucked tail and squirmed away. But Sokka. Sokka was a thing of his own.
 “You know what, no.” He held his ground. “I shouldn’t have left you alone the first time.”
 Azula’s narrowed her eyes, in doing so she caused them to burn more. A few tears prickled behind her eyes, she hoped that he wouldn’t take it the wrong way. She took another resentful bite of bread. For as deeply as she detested to admit it, the Water Tribesman was right, the nauseous feeling was easing up. “Then don’t leave. But don’t expect a sappy conversation about feelings.” She told herself that she would have blasted him with a round of fire if she wasn’t feeling so fatigued, knowing very well that she didn’t want to hurt him—not at that moment anyhow. And even if she wanted to she knew that she probably hadn’t the skill for it anymore. The hurt must have shown on her face, for he opened his mouth to inquire but thought better of it.
 Instead he replied. “If you need anymore bread, let me know. I made too much of it.”
 “Just throw it at the turtle ducks.” Azula said off-handedly. Despite saying so, she reached for another slice. She wanted to lay down again, but didn’t want to pull herself up to get there. She was sleepy, so terribly exhausted. Exhausted, and embarrassed, and ashamed. She lowered herself onto the floor, with her hands tucked under her head. As she did so, it truly set in; how could she have let him see her as she was last night? How could she let him see her in her present state? Even without a vivid image of the night before she was well aware of her situation. She had been and was still sloppy and pitiful and dishonorable. She was truly a mess and she had no idea how to clean up. And somehow she still felt that it was beneath her to look up at the man next to her—a man who was being so patient and so willing to offer a hand—and ask for help.
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iaintyourbro · 4 years
Hey, I have 200 followers now. So here’s a post of faces of Cloud being soft with Barret.
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When he sees Barret falling in Chapter 15. PSPSPSPSPS
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When Barret tells Cloud he feels better after talking to him.
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Telling Barret about Jessie and Biggs.
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Seeing Sephiroth stab Barret
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Seeing that Barret is okay. Also processing the question he just asked him.
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iaintyourbro · 4 years
Cloud Visits the Honeybee Inn
Watch this scene in slo-mo, get fed some hilarious Cloud Strife reactions... the innocence is astounding with this cinnamon bun.
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We enter. He’s suspicious, yet confident. I can deal with this place.
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Hey girl.
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They’ve got girls EVERYWHERE! And guys!
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What’s over there? (Aerith is also excited, but much more experienced with wooing the ladies)
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Oh boy... wait... why is her hair silver? Is that Sephiroth!!?
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I’m scared.
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iaintyourbro · 4 years
Cloud Doesn’t Like Giving Bad News
Scenes where Cloud has to give bad news and has a hard time with it.
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We’re putting this picture here because it’s awesome. 
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Trying to make it seem like everything is okay.
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But when she looks at him... he can’t look at her... because I think he knows deep down they’re going to do it.
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And it’s confirmed a bit later that they’re flying around because of that reason...
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Having to tell Barret about Biggs and Jessie.
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So I’m not sure if the thing near his nose is a defect or a tear... Tifa seems to be getting choked up over there too.
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I think Tifa senses Cloud is struggling here, so she steps in to finish up. The cat is trying to comfort her. PSPSPSPSPS
Also - Cloud cares about all his friends so... stop with that other bs. Thx.
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iaintyourbro · 4 years
“Uh, you don’t need a break?”
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“Yay!! Cloud and I are going to dress up and celebrate!”
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Cloud, internally: “Hold up, wait... where you going? I thought we were taking a breather. You said we were taking a breather. And I can breath better I think, so let’s hang here and see what happens.” 
Tifa looks smug as shit here. I swear half the time she’s low key teasing him. In this case, though, I think she’s legit just excited she gets to go on something that’s totally not a date or anything and they totally aren’t wearing matching outfits.
You also should watch this video that somebody created that’s absolutely hilarious about this scene.
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He’s building up to the pouty puppy eyes. 
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Pouty puppy eyes activated.
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I don’t wanna leave yet. 
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Oh... oh no he has a look too... I thought only I had magic eyes to woo him in to everything. Be strong, Tifa! You can do this.
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I’m not gonna pick up on this extremely obvious technique of him trying to get me to stay here in my room. Cuz he didn’t say nothing about leaving. He’s gonna stay, but I don’t think it’s cuz of that tee hee
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Activate my cute shy face too, my couter to puppy pouty sexiboi look.
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Oh, let me show my bottom lip one more time to him... 
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Annndddd he’s done. Tifa’s bottom lip.
And thigh highs.
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iaintyourbro · 4 years
The way Cloud can’t say no to Tifa in Remake 😩💗 He’s so whipped and he isn’t even fully himself yet LMAO
Hey anon.
He is, and its glorious!
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Cloud gets yelled at for being mean to Marle lololol
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He doesn’t want to do the water filters, but he’s gonna do them anyway, cuz she asked.
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Hey I know you just asked for money, but come outside with me.
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She told me to leave. :(
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He even has a hard time giving her bad news.
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She doesn’t have enough money, but that’s okay. We’ll get the rest of the money tomorrow - no biggie. No extra charge. 
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iaintyourbro · 4 years
Cloud saves Tifa.
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Okay, first of all, let’s appreciate how adorable he looks in this picture, I don’t know why... But this is the moment he realizes the big mofo is heading towards the girls - which you then see his big ass move over that way.
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Oh shit, is this the end? I’M DEFINITELY IN A PINCH.
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Here we get to see Cloud’s flat ass for a moment as he swoops in. This looks really gruesome, actually, but he’s fine, as we know.
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Phewwww, just in time. At least he wasn’t late this time.
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Tifa legit looks like she’s gonna cry.
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Cry and hug him. 
Cloud is like stay away from my woman.
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Aerith is like, “Da fuck you been?”
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Okay, time for the 30 second check in to see if Tifa is okay.
**Stare stare stare**
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iaintyourbro · 4 years
Cloud looks at Tifa after this. Like for a while.
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Girl “flirts” with Cloud.
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Tifa.... help.
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She waved at me. 
What’s he doing?
Making sure she saw that - gauging her jealous meter
Asking for help
Making sure she knows he doesn’t care
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iaintyourbro · 4 years
Due to the amount of asks I’m getting regarding certain subjects, there will be certain ones I will no longer answer and will simply delete. I’m listing those topics first with links to where you can find more information. You can further find more information below. Please know that this is due to the fact that people need to look through and see what’s already been answered instead of blindly asking questions.
I’m more than happy to answer anything for clarification purposes or new questions that aren’t shown here, but please go through these before sending in an ask regarding: Tifa Deserving better, Cloud Pining for Aerith/Loving Aerith, Cloud Choosing Aerith over Tifa, anything regarding shipping in Advent Children. Thank you!
Tifa Deserves Better than Cloud/Cloud is a Jerk/Cloud is Selfish
The TL;DR: These are usually related to how Cloud acts in Advent Children. Cloud is suffering from severe depression in AC. They’ve explained multiple times this is over guilt and due to him getting Geostigma. Here’s the answers I’ve provided:
Tifa Deserves Better/Cloud Pines for Aerith
Tifa is too good for Cloud
Cloud is in love with Aerith in AC/Any Advent Children Shipping Related Asks
Tifa is Jealous/Cloud Pines for Aerith
Why is Cloud Unhappy?
One of the Saltiest Posts I’ve Done Regarding This
Would Cloud choose Aerith Over Tifa/Does Cloud Love Aerith more than Tifa?
Tifa is Important to Cloud
More About Why Tifa is Important to Cloud
Lies about Canon Pairings
I need to make one of these because things are getting out of hand and it takes me forever to find things...
Welcome to my blog thing. This is mostly a FFVII blog with a sexy focus on Cloti. I also love me some good Zerith and Aerti. 
I’m on Twitter.
I love all of the characters. Don’t come here with anti-bullshit. However, you can absolutely talk as much shit on Hojo as you want to.
I will answer almost any ask. Keep it respectful. I try to explain as best I can, sometimes I can get excited and my answers may get a bit long. 
I try to find the humor in everything. I’ll start a post trying to be serious and somehow find something funny in it. For example, during the Ghoul battle, Cloud saves Tifa and Aerith and they get hit by some blue jizz fire. I thought it was funny that Cloud’s flat ass is on display. I will point out stupid shit.
I will respect you and your ships if you respect me and my ships. I think different ships can live in harmony. A difference in opinion on something doesn’t mean you can begin to berate and bully someone. No matter what “side” you’re on, there is a person behind the screen. Remember that.
Don’t be a shitty racist, homophobe, or other nasty type of person. Oh, and #BLM.
When Vincent Valentine finally wakes the fuck up, you will see him take over this blog, but don’t worry, it will still be full of Cloti goodness, too. 
Here is my list of things I’ve covered. Take a look and if there’s something I haven’t covered or you want more info on, ask away!
General Posts - Random Stuff
My List of Cloti Fanfiction Favorites Will be updated as much as I can remember to update it. I’m making this post so I can find this list easier... 
Tifa Asks Cloud About Aerith It’s not LTD related
Cloud Falls a Lot
Aerith’s Street Cred
That Wholesome Marlene Reunion
Xenogears and FFVII - Cloud and Fei
HAVE FUN - OG Affection Points System with Remake Story Points
Do I believe in Love at First Sight? (No)
Why Not to Compare FFVII and FFVIII
The New Red Herrings: Biggs and Zack and How Avalanche Tells Us the LTD is Dead
Musings to New Fans Regarding Canon Information and The Shipping Insanity with @silver-wield, @holysmotez, and @otp-oasis-heavenxearth
Totally Canon Chats
Third Wheel Monologue - Barret Wallace
Glad I Didn’t Miss This Opportunity
Costa Del Sol
Vincent the Fortune Cookie
Cloti Specific
Cloud and Chocobo Sam
Case of Tifa and The Kids are Alright
Case of Barret - First Page
How Cloud Looks at Tifa Part 1
Suspicious Scenes
...We’re Already Friends
Cloud Adds to His Life Lessons from Tifa
She Remembered that Comment
Chocobo Cart: Cloud in Screenshots
Cloud Looking Back at Tifa - Chapter 18
Cloud Saves Tifa
Tifa is Important to Cloud
More About Why Tifa is Important to Cloud
Hopes, Dreams, and Curiosities Series - My “Wishlists” for Future Parts of Remake
Part 2 Hopes, Dreams, and Curiosities
Part 3.1 Hopes, Dreams, and Curiosities
My Thoughts on The Lifestream and Highwind Scenes
Nojima on Characters in Remake
Cloud is a Cinnamon Bun
Cloud Doesn’t Like Giving Bad News
Soft for Barret
Marlene is Afraid of Cloud
More Cloud Soft for Barret
Cloud’s Depression During Advent Children
Why Zack is Important to Cloud
Zerith Specific
Why Zack is Important to Aerith
Train Graveyard Series
Train Graveyard Part 1 Falling in the cargo container Triple Arm Grab
Train Graveyard Part 2   Triple Arm Grab
Train Graveyard Part 3  Part 1 of the RUN scene
Train Graveyard Part 3.5 Part 2 of the RUN scene
Train Graveyard Part 4 Cloud suspects a poltergeist
Train Graveyard Part 5 Cloud and Tifa nope the fuck out
My Thoughts on the LTD (Long Term Debate) of FFVII
OG vs Remake Affection Point System Part 1
OG vs Remake Affection Point System Part 2
Shipping Makes Me Question My Sanity
The Future of the LTD Includes links to other blogs as well for further LTD Death analysis and discussion
Why is the LTD Back? Maybe?
“Is Tifa like... your girlfriend?”
Under the Highwind - High vs Low Affection - OG
How I Became a Cloti Fan (Maybe) Discussions on memory and why I probably think I remember something I don’t or feelings I may have never had 20 years ago.
Jessie Asks Cloud About Tifa
So Your Ship (or Theory) Isn’t Canon
WTF Were Biggs and Wedge Thinking?
A Collection of Cloud... Looking at Something...
Back Dat Ass Up.. In to Cloud
“Ghosts Aren’t My Thing”
Drunk History of the FFVII Compilation
Other Interesting Discussions
Rufus Shinra Read the comments through on this one, LOT of great back and forth discussion. Ultimately my thoughts changed from the original post, because it’s okay to do that when you’re presented with new information.
Vincent and Tifa - Are They Related?
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iaintyourbro · 4 years
Random thought...
The leaked Famitsu article says they wanted to take the Madam M scene further but couldn’t due to ratings...
I feel like.. it would have been a bit much. It just would have felt wrong on so many levels if they legit had her give Cloud a handjob. I get the joke, but... I dunno. I’m not sure if I feel it would be out of character for Cloud to be okay with it or if it just didn’t fit with Aerith being right outside there and the fact they were trying to save Tifa. 
And if they were gonna do that, why didn’t they just leave the hot tub scene in? Or the King’s BDSM thing? 
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I mean... he seemed uncomfortable for most of it... 
Maybe I’m just being weird. 
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iaintyourbro · 4 years
Hey, I was going through your blog cause I love it and OMG: "On top of it: ZACK WAS CLOUD’S BEST FRIEND.... I cannot in a million years think that once he remembers Zack and Aerith finds out he knew Zack that they’d be okay with getting together. I just don’t." - THIS THIS THIS so much!! I can't comprehend how this isn't a more popular argument cause it ends it all! Whatever happens, whoever lives, there's NO WAY Aerith and Cloud-guilt-carrier-Strife get together after finding out about Zack.
Hey anon!
I’m actually surprised it isn’t either. It was something I thought about when I wrote about how important Zack is to Cloud. It hit me like, “There’s no way... How come people don’t see this? Cloud isn’t trying to bone his dead best friend’s girl... no way.”
I don’t think Aerith would either - it’s a little strange if you think about it. I know it does happen, and I don’t judge people who do it - I’m sure they have their reasons. Knowing how Cloud “guilt-carrier” Strife is, yeah, he wouldn’t. 
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iaintyourbro · 4 years
Back Dat Ass Up in to Cloud
There is an obvious hump. Go watch it. I don’t know how to do anything cool. Somebody make a slow-mo gif of it.
In my head canon, Aerith purposely pushed her further so this would happen, too. Or Aerith wanted to get as much contact with her new girlfriend as possible.
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“Did we just have sex?!”
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iaintyourbro · 4 years
The date scenes in the Ultimania are all shown under their respective characters. Cloud does not have a date scene featured on his memorable scenes page.
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Barret's date is probably one of the harder ones to get because you have to pretty much ignore both Tifa and Aerith and avoid having them in your party. His date scene is also more bizarre because he accuses Cloud of liking Marlene. It doesn't specified who asked who in this one.
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I've never gotten Yuffie's date myself. I usually didn't get her until later, especially back when I first played. Her's is comical. Also doesn't say who asked who. (There's a reason I'm saying this, and I do know Cloud was always the one being asked, but you'll see).
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Aerith's date is the most well known and also the one that foreshadows the most plot wise. What's interesting is that it says Aerith asks Cloud out. At the end of the date, Aerith thinks you must not have enjoyed yourself, because she asks you. You have a choice to say whether or not you like spending time with her. I vaguely remember getting this date and being weirded out by what she was saying. This was a long time ago.
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Okay, the wording on this one is interesting, because it says Cloud asked Tifa on a date. Now, we all played the game. All four of these guys go to Cloud's room to ask him, not the other way around. I think it's interesting they let this one slip. Also fun to note, at the end of their date, Cloud asks what Tifa wanted to say, but she gets too nervous.
Also some bonus shots because I thought they were good Cloti material.
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I love the hair thing, and he does do this. I bought the villa in my last playthrough, and if you rest at Villa Cloud, he always gets up and does his hair.
One of my favorite Cloud moments is when he goes in to complete rage and kills Sephiroth. The reveal here when you aren't expecting it is incredible, and even when you know, you still get chills. It was and is such a powerful moment in the game, and by far one of my favorites.
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And here is the one that's always shared, but I figured I'd put it here too. This is under CLOUD'S memorable scenes. "True Desire Made Clear" MADE CLEAR. I guess not for everyone...
They also use the forbidden "L" word to describe it.
In my opinion, the Tifa date has to be mistranslated, even though I think it's cute for Cloti, the game just doesn't show that Cloud asked her. Tifa comes to his room and nervously asks him like everyone else does. I would say her date isn't as awkward as the others, because Cloud isn't accused of liking a four year old, isn't forcibly kissed and then slapped (lol), and isn't asked if he liked spending time with the person.
If you want your own copy, you can get it on Amazon.
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iaintyourbro · 4 years
“Nice to meet you again!”
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iaintyourbro · 4 years
Two Selves?
When Tifa catches Cloud, the first time we see his face again, his eyes are closed. He opens them and looks shocked, smiles, closes them again, opens them, and smiles again. A hint that the two sides agree? To me they look very similar, but it’s strange he smiles once, closes his eyes, and then makes sure to reaffirm the smile.
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He finally looks at his savior.
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Shock and Awe, guys, Shock and Awe
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Tifa says her line about him being better if he wants to be the hero.
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Smile 1
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Closes eyes
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Either way, he made sure to put on his best sexiboi!Cloud faces for this one.
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