#fei x elly
driver270 · 2 years
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A chunk of my yesterday evening consisted of setting up the figures who came from games that had a personal impact to me. Elly was the biggest pain in the exhaust port to set up because her feet have NO grip.
Are any of these your favourites?
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frost-queen · 3 months
Hell-bound Squid (Reader x Ben Hargreeves)
Requested by: anon Forever tag:@missmelodramatic, @alex–awesome–22, @ellie-does-the-posts, @floatlosers, @merlieve , @queen-of-books , @glimmering-darling-dolly , @denkisclown , @wildieflower , @meyocoko , @justanothercoco, @subjecta13-thefangirl , @m-rae23 , 
@harleyquinnswifeyfrfr  , @swampything07, @melsunshine , @panhoeofmanyfandoms , @venomsvl , @the-uncoordinated-house-cat , @rosecentury , @imagines-by-her, @evilcr0ne , @vviolynn , @niktwazny303 , @avada-kedavra-bitch-187 , @markive-m
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The Sparrow academy was out. Freshly returning from a mission. Some of them still had blood splatters on their uniform. – “Urgh now I have to wash my uniform again.” – Alphonso said looking at his own shirt. Jayme rolled her eyes at him. Sloane walked up to him. – “No worries Alphonso mom will wash the blood out like she always does.” – she reassured him, holding a hand against his cheek. Alphonso chucked sweetly.
Fei clicked her tongue, looking away bothered. Christopher soaring around her. Annoyed she shooed him away from around her. Chistopher soared to Marcus who patted him gently on the block. – “Let’s report back to father.” – he said getting everyone’s attention. Everyone hummed as they started to go after Marcus. Ben’s eye fell on someone familiar as he was hesitant.
“Actually…” – he started making his siblings pause brief. – “I’ll meet you all at the academy.” – he said holding a finger up, without looking at his siblings. – “Be home save.” – Sloane shouted whilst Ben already walked off. Jayme rolled her eyes clearly at her. – “What? Can’t I say to be save?” – Sloane replied making Jayme groan loud. – “It’s the girl.” – Fei spoke making everyone look at her. Fei pointed with her finger forwards.
All their eyes following as across from the street, they saw Ben cross over to go over to a group of people. Amongst them you. – “Aww.” – Alphonso said with a hand on his heart. – “Yuk.” – Jayme called out spitting at the ground. The ground startled sizzling with acid. Marcus nudged Alphonso to keep up as they were heading back for the academy. Ben approached the group of people as you didn’t notice him at first.
“Ben!” – you called out happily. Ben gave you a sour smile in return. – “Yo wait isn’t he from the bird academy?” – a boy called out. – “Sparrow.” – Ben clarified with a glare. You moved around your friends going over to him. – “Ben… are you okay?” – you questioned seeing some specks of blood on his neck. Ben touched his neck, looking down at his glove, barely seeing anything on it. – “I am!” – he answered, grabbing you firm by your wrist. Pulling you away from your friends. – “What is the meaning of this?” – he asked.
You furrowed your brows, looking behind you. – “These are my friends.” – you told him as Ben started to laugh loud. Almost mockingly as he wouldn’t believe these were your friends. – “You’ve got no friends Y/n. Just me.” – he reminded you with a smirk. Bothered you pulled your hand away. – “Stop being mean!” – you told him. – “Oh I’m being mean?” – Ben shouted back. – “Yes.” – you made clear. – “I’ll show you being mean!” – he pushed you aside, glaring at your friends. – “You better run.” – he told them, tilting his head a bit. From out of his chest emerged his tentacles.
Your friends started screaming, taking a run for it. Ben shifted his posture a bit as he moved a tentacles at the boy insulting his academy. He laughed manically when the tentacles had wrapped around him. Up in the air, he was dangling to his pleasure. – “Ben stop!” – you called out, having enough. Seeming that he wouldn’t listen, you ran up to him. Grabbing him by his arm, to shake him out of this nightmare. Three of your friends dangling in the air as Ben laughed loudly.
Amusing yourself with them. – “Ben that’s enough!” – you made clear. Ben groaned loud, pushing you aside. You got flung against the wall. Groaning in pain. Ben dropped your friends as they started running for their lives. – “Freak!” – one of them called out. Ben was smiling, turning himself to you. He picked you up from the ground, holding you up against the wall by your shoulder. – “Like I said no friends.” – he said. – “Asshole!” – you cursed back at him. Ben’s gaze hardened as he tensed his jaw. He then let go of you, taking off.
Stunned and baffled you didn’t know what overcame him. Never had he acted out so bad towards you. Never has he taunt you so much to make your life miserable. You just knew they wouldn’t want to be your friends anymore. Probably telling around so that everyone would keep their distance from you. And so it was. Wherever you walked in the street, you heard the whispers. That you were associated with the Hargreeves freaks.
To many, a bunch of freaks manufactured in a lab filled with poisonous toxins. Afraid their toxins would rub off on them and make them sick. Preferring to stay as far as possible from them. Everyone looked at you, like you were a disease all because of Ben. All because Ben decided to toy with some of your friends. If he hadn’t scared them, your life wouldn’t be miserable now. People left the shops whenever you entered or they casted you out.
You sat on a bench in the park, throwing the last of your bread at the doves. – “Aww sad and alone Y/n.” – you heard from behind you. Without even looking up, you knew who it was. Ben Hargreeves. He came jumping over the bench to sit with you. – “What do you want?” – you asked him bitsy. – “Oh someone is snappy.” – he teased poking you in the cheek. It made you slap his hand away. – “Because of you I am practically cast out of society!” – you told him, wanting him to know the consequences of his actions.
“Boohoo.” – Ben said bored, leaning back against the bench. His reaction made you almost lose your mind. – “I thought we were friends!” – you nearly screamed at him. Ben looked at you, quirking an eyebrow up before bursting out in laughter. Annoyed you got up, not wanting to be near him. Ben got up with a tensed expression.
You gasped when a tentacle wrapped around you. Lifting you up from the ground as it made you twirl up till you were in front of Ben. Feeling the slimy tentacle swivel around you. Ben moved you closer, coming nose to nose. Your expression angry. – “Feeling real tough now?” – you mocked at the power he had over you. Ben moved you even closer that he was nearly breathing you. His gaze flashed down to your lips, taking them in for a second before flashing his gaze back up.
“Very.” – he responded moving the tentacle back. Gasping loud, you felt yourself being pulled back with force. Tentacle releasing from around you as it tossed you away. With a scream you fell into the pond, disturbing the ducks as they flew for safety. Ben started laughing loud, taking his phone out to take pictures. You couldn’t laugh at all. Resurfacing, spewing some water out.
Ben waved you mockingly goodbye. You swam to the edge, crawling out drenched. Laying in the grass out of breath. Taking out your phone, you went to Ben’s number. Blocking it immediately as frankly you had enough of his hell-bound attitude. Whatever he was dealing with, he needn’t act it out on you. His ‘perhaps’ only friend. Yet he had just lost that privilege as you didn’t want anything to do with him anymore. The more he staid away, the better.
No more tormenting you with words or toying with you like a puppet. You were neither of those things. Soaking wet, your cloths weighed down as you made your way out of the park to your house. Hoping you’d avoid Ben more than enough. Luckily it seemed to work as for over a week now you hadn’t heard anything from him. Till one night he came knocking on your door.
There was loud pounding on the door. It startled you, making you jump out of your skin. Slowly getting up from the sofa, you wondered who it would be at this Godly hour. Seeing the clock, you saw it was rounding up to twelve. Moving into the hallway, there were more pounding. Making you gasp loud, muscles pulling together from fright. Then there was silence. Waiting in the hallway, you hoped they would disappear. Clash!
The door broke down as it made you scream loud. – “You’ve been ignoring your phone Y/n.” – Ben said stepping over your door on the floor. Eyes widening, you started running towards the stairs. Ben released his tentacles as they reached out. One strapped around your ankle. Pulling with a hard snap at you. Falling flat on the ground forwards. – “Ben let go!” – you screamed as he started to pull you closer to him. – “I’m not done playing with you.” – he said angrily. Your hands grabbed a cabinet as you held onto it. – “Why are you ignoring me Y/n?” – he asked making his tentacles pull harder at you.
Wanting you to let go of the cabinet. – “Payback asshole!” – you shouted trying to kick at his tentacle. Ben called it out, whipping another tentacle at your hands. Screaming, you let go being hit on the hands. The tentacle dragged you over the floor to him. Ben set his foot down on your body. – “You shouldn’t have ignored me.” – he made clear, leaning down to pick you up from the ground.
Breathing frightened, you were at eye-level of him. – “Ben…” – you begged not sure what he would do. Ben stared with a hardened expression at you. Lured in by his gaze, you started to see another meaning behind them. Loneliness? Did he perhaps felt alone?  Was it a reason for him to lash out. Did he feel like he was losing your friendship? Or was he simply feeling all alone in this world? Ben’s gaze was with pity for a moment before his expression hardened once more.
“Ben…” – you whispered out feeling his tentacle slither up your leg to your stomach. Curling around you to keep you in place. – “What are you becoming?” – you asked with worry. – “Nothing!” – Ben shouted back as you felt the tentacle tighten around you. It made you yelp soft at the sudden tension. – “I don’t like this side of you.” – you told him clear off. – “Too bad Y/n!” – Ben answered. His tentacle slithering higher up. You felt it slither around your chest and over your shoulders.
Ben’s gaze still on you as they slowly drifted to your lips. You felt yourself get pushed closer to him. Inches away from him. Your eyes widened feeling the tentacle slither more up towards your neck. The muscles tightening around your throat. Ben didn’t seem to notice, his gaze fixated on your eyes. Your eyes widened a bit, yelping out a soft sound. The strength of his tentacles, slowly suffocating you. – “Ben…” – you shrieked out, choking. Your airpipe getting shut as you were breathless. Ben’s gaze went rapidly over your expression. Trying to scan and interpret it.
It took him a few seconds to understand. Shocked he jumped back. His tentacles releasing on you as you dropped to the ground. Having no idea his tentacles were doing this to you. Sure he was a bit angry at you for ignoring him, but he didn’t want to kill you. – “Y/n!” – he shouted in fear, retracting his tentacles. He sunk to his knees, pulling you onto his lap. – “Y/n breath! Come on Y/n. Don’t die on me now!” – he called out, pressing his hand against your cheek. Not sure what to do, he leaned down, pressing his lips onto yours.
Spreading your lips with his, he blew air into your lungs. Just one blow was enough for you to get a freakish feeling. Jumping up and pushing Ben away from you. Ben blinked stunned at you whilst you coughed loud. – “The hell Ben!” – you yelled at him, wanting to punch him. Ben caught you by surprise, wrapping his arms around you. – “Good you are still here.” – he whispered to you. – “Thought I was leaving you?” – you asked, giving him a punch against his back. You felt his head rub out a yes against your shoulder.
It made you wrap your arms tighter around him. – “I’m not going anywhere silly squid.” – you told him. – “You just didn’t need to make my life hell because of your fears.” – you accused him with a glare. – “Sorry.” – he let out ashamed. You gave him a playful shove against his head for being so annoying. – “Do you need some more CPR Y/n?” – he asked. – “What? No?” – you responded confused. Before you knew it, Ben had pushed his lips onto yours, cupping your cheeks. You happily kissed him back. Knowing it was all a charade to hide his true fears. Fear of ending up alone.
Read more of my fics on my Masterlists!
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thatfunkylilfey · 2 months
✦ A Guide to Mothlight ✦
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a guide to Mothlight by Florian A. Ellis ; book i. of The Serpent & The Fey trilogy (x)
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✦ Blurb
The day their sister disappeared without a trace, Aeramis’ world fell out from under them, leaving them to wander aimlessly, taking it day by day. That was until six months ago.
Since then, Aeramis—or Vanya as they go by these days—has been following a trail they refuse to stray from. A trail that will lead them to someone called the Spider, an individual with the ability to point Aeramis towards the man responsible for tearing their family apart. After all, Aeramis has one thing on their mind. Revenge. Something they are well-suited for being a shapeshifter, someone able to appear as anyone at any time.
As the trail for the Spider grows cold, Bastien—full-time mercenary captain, Aeramis’ part-time lover—appears in the same city searching for the Spider for reasons of his own. The Spider has hired him, promising not just gold but clues regarding a past Bastien cannot remember.
Knowing they work better together, the two of them reconnect, and the trail to the Spider becomes clearer. But when their meeting with the Spider points Aeramis in the direction of both the man they’re searching for and their childhood home, the shapeshifter and the mercenary captain are left with more questions than answers.
Aeramis must enlist both new friends and old in order to seek the revenge they are so desperate to enact, no matter the cost, allowing for nothing to stand in their way.
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✦ Elements
Adult [Low] Science [High/Mythic Fantasy]
Dual POV
Unreliable Narrators
Shapeshifting as a Metaphor for Gender Identity/Expression
[Alchemical] Industrial Revolution-inspired setting
Revenge at Any Cost
Found Family
Established Couple
NB MC x Trans Man LI
They're Feral ; He's Enamored
Queer Disasters
Memory Loss
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✦ Playlist
Which Witch — Florence + The Machine Wolf at Your Door — Chloe x Halle Give — Sleep Token Eat Your Young — Hozier Whatever It Takes — Imagine Dragons Heaven, Iowa — Fall Out Boy
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art in the fourth image credited to the ever-lovely and ever-talented @emimillerart ✦
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gracehateseggnog · 1 year
gracehateseggnog's directory
༺☾🌿✧ ˖⁺ ☁⋆ ୭ 🕯
legolas and talwynn:
talwynn of the fey realm
the battle of helm's deep
a quiet rivendell wedding
will turner and minerva:
the alcott
not a lot, just forever
༺☾🌿✧ ˖⁺ ☁⋆ ୭ 🕯
archive fics
tom holland and cristina gomez: london boy bucky barnes and elizabeth walters: last kiss steve rogers and daisy stone: invisible string
the last of us:
joel miller and elva stone:
the archer
ellie williams and willow green: mad woman
star wars:
poe dameron and zoliana wican: new romantics
sam drake and zaire avery: that's when
lover - avengers one shots
reindeer games - avengers gif shots
detroit: become human:
connor and reader: hoax markus and reader: august
steve rogers and bucky barnes: two queens in a king-sized bed
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pheeperthemeeper · 1 year
~Why hello there traveler! Welcome to my blog. Whether you’re just passing by, or here to stay, i hope you have a fun time!~
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Pheeper TheMeeper here! Biromantic asexual minor. Gender constantly fluctuating, they/them pronouns always
I mostly reblog things but there are times that i’ll post my own things too from time to time
fandoms you'll see from me include:
the henry stickmin collection
gravity falls (uncommon, but still possible)
ace attorney
as well, i AM a ship bird, so the ships that i ship for each of these fandoms incluce:
for thsc: copperight (reginald x rhm), polythreat and all its sub categories (henry x ellie x charles), curtson (sven x burt), dr. rose (ellie x dr. vinschpinsilstien), panprice (rupurt x dave), rupurt x johnny panzer (idk their ship name :c), pan^2price (rupurt x johnny x dave), sirave i think that's their ship name (terrence x randy x wilford)
for undertale: kingdings (gaster x asgore), alphdyne (undyne x alphys), conditionally soriel (sans x toriel), sometimes charisk (frisk x chara), sometimes grilster (grilby x gaster), predivorce toriel x asgore
for gravity falls: fiddauthor (ford x fiddleford), mabifica (pacifca x mabel)
for ace attorney: narumitsu/wrightworth (phoenix wright x miles edgeworth), franmaya (maya fey x franziska von karma), gregbadd (gregory edgeworth x tyrell badd), whatever gumshoe and maggey's ship name is, whatever katherine and raymond's ship name is (gonna have to update that in september bc of the official translation probably or something)
for fnaf: wilry but specifically in a lovers to enemies way (henry x william), jeremike ft jeremy being freddy bully headcannon (micheal x jeremy), whatever william and mrs aftons ship name is
i also have a lot of ocs that i haven't posted about but want to SO DANG MUCH. I plan to make like, Reference image/profiles for each of them at some point though
me making an original post is rather rare, though if you want to see the ones there already are, they're tagged with #mine
though, if you want my art specifically, the tag you're looking for would be #doodle of meeps
I'm also open to art requests since there are times that i really want to draw but idk what to. So if you want me to draw something just send an ask <3
that's all from me!! Hope you have a nice stay!~
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goro-pancake-akechi · 2 years
I can now ask people to make my stupid wholesome Fei x Elly and Shulk x Fiora art in peace. And also Melia and Mythra and Nia and Lora and Eunie and Mio and Sena and Fiona because they are best(est) girls. WHY DOES THIS SERIES HAVE SO MANY BEST(EST) GIRLS.
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blossomgrovehqs · 10 months
mod, já pode lançar seu mwfc? 💙
Claro que posso!
Sieun (Stayc), Minnie, Miyeon, Yuqi (G-Idle), Chaehyun, Xiaoting, Mashiro (Kep1er), Hani, Elly, Solji (EXID), Siyeon, Gahyeon, Handong, Dami (Dreamcatcher), Chaewon, Kazuha (Le Sserafim), Hwasa, Solar, Moonbyul (Mamamoo), Lisa, Jisoo (Blackpink), Gain, Miryo (Brown Eyed Girls), Yuki, Dosie (Purple Kiss), Sohee (Alice), Seulgi, Joy, Irene (Red Velvet), Fei, Suzy (miss A), Seola, Exy, Luda (WJSN), Hayoung, Chorong (Apink), Ryujin, Chaeryeong (Itzy), Taeyeon, Tiffany Young, Sunny, Sooyoung (SNSD), Nayeon, Momo, Dahyun, Jihyo (Twice), Natty, Eunbi, Soojin, Sunmi, Chungha, Hyuna, Ha:tfelt, Hyolyn, Sejeong, Somi (solistas).
Jeonghan, Minghao (Seventeen), Minhyuk (BtoB), J.seph (KARD), Yuta, Ten, Xiaojun, Taeyong (NCT), Wonbin, Shotaro (RIIZE), Keeho, Theo (P1Harmony), Seonghwa, Yunho, Wooyoung (Ateez), Heeseung, Jake (Enhypen), Taehyun, Beomgyu, Yeojun (TXT), Hyungwon, Jooheon, Kihyun (Monsta X), Gunil, Jooyeon (Xdinary Heroes), Younghoon, Kevin, Eric (The Boyz), Zhang Hao, Ji Woong (ZB1), Hoseok (BTS), Woosung (The Rose), Kyungsoo, Suho, Xiumin, Chanyeol (EXO), Woodz, Yibo, todos os membros do ONEWE, Oneus e ex-Victon (rip).
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shortdevil-sans · 2 years
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I posted 746 times in 2022
That's 746 more posts than 2021!
117 posts created (16%)
629 posts reblogged (84%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 397 of my posts in 2022
Only 47% of my posts had no tags
#ace attorney - 24 posts
#miles edgeworth - 23 posts
#phoenix wright - 23 posts
#lol - 16 posts
#maya fey - 15 posts
#spotify - 12 posts
#franziska von karma - 11 posts
#youtube - 9 posts
#ellie rose - 8 posts
#charles calvin - 8 posts
Longest Tag: 137 characters
#‟prosecutor miles edgeworth chooses death‟ but it's ‟defense attorney phoenix wright chooses death‟ like 2 and 1/2 months later after 2-4
My Top Posts in 2022:
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I made this
13 notes - Posted November 15, 2022
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I was bored and made this (a simple joke about Edgeworth's height) original idea by @the-universe-has-a-new-fighter
14 notes - Posted April 4, 2022
15 notes - Posted November 22, 2022
This AU was inspired by The Owl House itself, and with some plot changes! The events of AA and TOH will be in this story but combined!
I ship any of these!
TrucPearl And... **drumroll**
Ships that are, for example, Phoenix x Maya and Edgeworth x Franziska (and a fuck ton more) will not be allowed in this AU! Anyone who ships them will be blocked (personally) by me!
Song that suits this AU the MOST:
Music that inspired me to do this:
See the full post
22 notes - Posted September 3, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
L O L (not mine once again) Have some NaruMitsu funny momements
42 notes - Posted October 24, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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iaintyourbro · 4 years
FFVII and Xenogears - Cloud and Fei
So FFVII and Xenogears were in development around the same time. FFVII was released in 1997 and Xenogears was released in 1998. 
A lot of the Xenogears story elements were “discarded” FFVII ideas. Mainly due to the fact they were seen as too dark for a FF game. Makes sense... have you played Xenogears? 
**Major Spoilers for Both Xenogears and the FFVII Compilation**
This post will be about Cloud and Fei. I plan on also talking about the similarities in Jenova and Miang, the Highwind Scene vs. the SexiTime scene, and anything else I may think of randomly. Xenogears is still one of my favorite games of all time, and I actually think people may understand some of the themes in FFVII more if they played it or at least watched a playthrough of it. 
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It is a T rated game, but it is definitely dark. 
Some major similarities for Cloud and Fei:
The main protagonist of each game has amnesia and severe mental health disorders. FFVII and Xenogears do take slightly different approaches. Fei has full blown Dis-associative Identity Disorder which manifests in a physical form. It’s very Freudian. The “bad” persona, is called “Id”. Cloud creates a persona based on experiences he’s had... except....
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Fei did that too, partially. His was due to extreme childhood trauma due to being experimented on... As we know, Cloud’s is due to Hojo being a total piece of shit....
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Yeah, they were both experimented on. Fei’s is a lot more disturbing because his mother had been possessed by the “first woman” from the skies... And was having him experimented on, forcibly, while awake. (Don’t worry, there’s gonna be a post about Jenova and Miang too.) Fei was around 3, I believe, when his mother was possessed by Miang and started doing this.
And his mother sacrificed herself in order to defend him... you know... Like Zack did for Cloud....
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Fei watched his mother die in front of him just like Cloud watched Zack die in front of him. There’s also a major change in their appearance after it happens. Cloud closes his eyes at the end, opens them again, and hello, SOLDIER!Cloud. Fei’s hair will go in front of his face when he’s going to “turn in to Id.” You don’t know this until after towards the end of the game, when you realize it in Fei’s subconscious... Oh yeah...
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You also have to go in to Fei’s subconscious and merge his multiple personalities he’s created... However, you do this on your own. Elly does not come with you, in fact she’s not even allowed to be in the party at this point, which will also be covered in another post.
Fei’s father is around, though, and he has attempted in the past to help Fei by building him up enough to be able to handle this and be able to see what Id needed to show him. 
Some of the differences, and areas where ideas “merged”: 
Fei’s Id persona is a mean kid. He says he wants to destroy everything, he does destroy a lot of stuff and he’s just mean. He even has lines similar to things Sephiroth would say to Cloud. 
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There’s also the happy persona inside of here - the one prior to the experiments and Miang possessing his mother, and he’s up there in the videos talking about his most treasured possession, which is a memory of him playing with his mother. He wouldn’t allow Id to see it. 
Cloud’s persona is not as extreme in the differences. Cloud’s was somewhat medically induced due to the mako poisoning, Jenova cells, and just a ton of trauma. Fei’s was mostly built the way DID can normally pop-up, which is just pure childhood trauma. However, the Wave Existence (this game has a ton of blatant religious references, by the way), explains it VERY similar to how Cloud describes it about himself:
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Fei and Elly reincarnate, so that’s a major difference here in terms of what they are talking about. Cloud’s is done to him directly, while Fei’s is due to some stuff that went on 10,000 years ago when everything happened on this world. The explanation during the entire scene in Xenogears is a lot to take in, but they do a very good job of explaining it. Yes, it’s still somewhat confusing, but I think because they used so much dialogue during this scene, you get a very good idea of what happened to the world, the Fei and Elly, and why things are they way they are.
Fei’s memories aren’t just from this life, but from ALL of his lives from 10,000 back to present. 
Fei has an interesting response to what the Wave Existence says... 
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Fei is determined to get through this on his own. 
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Hey Wave Existence, how come you didn’t go help Cloud out over in Advent Children? Would have been nice... Especially since Fei’s dad pretty much dies right after this is all over with. 
Personality wise, Cloud and Fei are pretty different, fake persona or not. Fei is mostly confident, somewhat social, and much more optimistic. The persona that you play as is a very normal guy. The persona that he turns in to that you don’t realize is trying to kill you randomly in the game... he’s just pure rage and evil.
Cloud, as we all know, under his persona tries to act cold and uncaring. His true personality is that of an awkward ham wrapped in a cinnamon bun. However, he is very caring and will save anyone - under either persona, it seems.
Fei will too. It’s just more “obvious” with Fei, since he’s out going. Id will not save you, he will kill you. He will even try to kill Elly. Id doesn’t give a shit, he’s a honey badger. 
If you’d like to watch the scenes where Fei explores what’s going on, you can watch them here:
Fei’s Mind Part 1
Fei’s Mind Part 2
I would absolutely recommend you wait to watch these if you haven’t played the game and want to, but if you want some more context on how things work with Xenogears, these would be interesting. Some of it may also be confusing unless you know some of the other stuff about the game, but they honestly do a pretty damn good job of giving you a breakdown.
Fun fact: The song that plays in Xenogears while you’re in Fei’s subconscious is called “The One Who is Torn Apart”. During Cloud’s subconscious journey, “Who Am I?” plays. You could ultimately put either song over either scene and it would get the same point across. Cloud’s is a bit more upbeat, but I’m going to see about doing that and how it impacts the emotion of the scene.
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tinamy15months · 2 years
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Sisters (2015)
Tina Fey and Amy Poehler Dancing
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anniemay-af · 7 years
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#LetItHappen Kimmy x Jacqueline 
Part 2
(Check out part 1 on my blog :D)
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omegacrystalmaiden · 2 years
Celebrating the end of this year's unbearable summer heat, I decided to draw Xenogears x Gelato featuring:
Fei 🍫
Elly 🍊
Krelian 🍯
Citan 🍵
Billy 🍬
Bart 🍍
Miang 🍇
Id 🌶️
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nctcreations · 3 years
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NCTCreations: Batch 9-12 Members🌱
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21 notes · View notes
hiheyimhuy · 4 years
Movies/TV Shows
1 Roman Empire -Season 1 -Theme Funny -Golden Age
-Birthdays -Jayden Kouli Spring -Ian Spear Summer -Rex Woodbury Fall -Taylor Phillips Winter
-Jennie Mayer “Type 1” Insults -Arlene Williams “Type 2” Conversation -Tina Fey “Type 3” It’s Not Funny, But It Is Funny -Alison Kang “Type 4” Fighting
-Annie Bucher -Bayley Lichtenberg -Brenna Harrington -Briana Jackson -Carley Wood -Christine Baker -Ellie Hoekman -Emily Dugan -Emily Ross -Heather Bateman -Heather Stams -Jessie Torlai -Kailyn Pennock -Katie Fischbeck -Katie Theisen -Kirsten Brewer -Kristen Kemper -Kylie Barrett -Kyra Pennington -Lexi n Abby Klinkenberg -Meg Mullen -Meressa Mamon -Mia Torlai -Nicole Silver -Rebecca Nixon -Samantha Holler -Tahlia Carchedi 1/2 -Taylor Green 1/2 -Tessa Acay -Zoey Golden 1/2
-Austin From Gardenscapes -Kevin Hill
-Season 2 -Theme Suffering -50 Years After The Golden Age With New Complicated Rulers/King And Government Officials -Nice People -People Who Likes To Play Games -Hard Living -Ancient Technological Society -Consequences -Crimes -Passion of the Christ Roman Guards -Green River Teachers -Guys from Han Tinh Phan Kim Lien -Rating 100% -Jessica Clarke -Kelley Flanagan -Hannah Ann -Lindsey Allemeier -Julia Newell -Annika Brauer -Catherine Berner -Olivia Carlson -Louisa Dunwiddie -Emma Linde -Savannah Billedo -Danielle Brady -Jackie Robinson -Rachel Keyser -Angela Zhang -Megan Williams -Maia Lee -McKay Njos -Tylar Philpott -Vanessa Chukri -Dan Mitchell -Brett Goldstein -Brendan Welzien -Jackson Zariski -Adam Newton -Toro -Richard Ferguson -Jared -Royals Friends -Josh Brueckner -Katie Betzing -Matt Howard -Abby Howard -Charli D’amelio -Addison Rae -“Too Hot To Handle” IGTV video guys -Jacqueline Miller -Eileen Bruns -Johannes Huebl 2/3 -Matty Carrington -Franky Cammarata -Ben K Bowers -Colton Underwood -RJ King 2/3 -Graham Davis -Willem De Koch -Brian Pruett -Gigi Meyer  -Henry
-Hailey Napier -Blake Napier -Alex Knutson 2/3 -Elle Petschl -Sam Petschl -Anna Lynch -Ana Rae Miller -Brenna Hudson -Madeline Huletz -Claire Kennedy -Connell O’Brien -Max Tychsen -Dylan Inman -Austin Budke -Cameron Sackett -Elliot Knapp -John Mark Lambert -Colby Franklin -Season 3 -Theme Conquering -Depicts The Fall Of The Roman Empire -Combat Tactics -Strategies -In Places That Trigger Fear -“X Ambassadors - Renegades” Feel -Austin Olson -Chris Torlai -Kevin Hall -Matt Mead -Max Liebl -Nathan Lantz -Nathan Rodland -Oak Griffith -Sean Redmond -Stefan Andonian -Tanner Patnode -Travis McGuire -Wes Concepcion -Ben Affleck -Christian Bale -Tom Cruise -Cavill -Simon Pegg -Sam Quinby -Garrett Yrigoyen -Ben Higgins -Peter Weber -Jack Weber -Chris Harrison -Arie Luyendyk -Jason -Blake -Jared Haibon -Chris Soules -Jordan -David -Joe Sessa -Josh Canova -Graham Bennett -Kevin Park -Aaron Park -Julien Isnardon -Armie Hammer -Maurice Laab -Keegan Selby -Tyler Pichette -Season 4 -In Heaven With Henry And Malcolm
-Season 5 -Reunion Live “Maplestory - Ergoth’s Throne” “Maplestory - Orbis Tower” “Maplestory - Ludi PQ” -“Imagine Dragons - To Exist” 2 -“Imagine Dragons - Darkness Lies Above” 3 -“Imagine Dragons - Fear Is In Your Eyes” 3 -“Imagine Dragons - Only Way Across Is Cold Water” 3 -“Alesso - To Live Without Music” 1 -“Alesso - Watery Feels” 1/2 -“Bastille - What Keeps You Awake At Night” 2 -“Bastille - Every Time You Close Your Eyes” 2 -“Benny Blanco - The 4 Amigos” 1 -“The Chainsmokers - Wishing You Can Untouch” 2 -Might Change Title When I Have Time -“Charlie Puth - Day And Night Changes” 2 -“Coldplay - To Make You Wish You Don’t Have A Soul” 2 -“DNCE - The First To Arrive And Last To Leave” 1 -“Linkin Park - Rather Fall Than Surrender” 3 -“Kaskade - Your Voice Is All I Need” 1 -“Lana Del Rey - The “H” Word” 2 -“The Lumineers - A Cold Winter Morning” 2 -“Major Lazer - Gets You Off The Ground” 1 -“Major Lazer - Hard Bed, Soft Together” 1 -“OneRepublic - Rather Whisper Than Say” 1/2 -“Selena Gomez - Hope You Can Make It Back To Me” 3 -“Selena Gomez - I Need To Give You” 3 -“Shawn Mendes - If I Was Your First Lover” 1/2 -“Shawn Mendes - Fulfill Your Wishes” 1/2 -“Taylor Swift - February Missing You” 3 -“Taylor Swift - Waking Up And You’re Not Here” 3 -“Tove Lo - Roses In Water” 1 -“X Ambassadors - Repentance” 2/3 -“X Ambassadors - Remorses” 2/3 -“X Ambassadors - Regrets” 2/3 -“X Ambassadors - In The Woods” 3 -“X Ambassadors - No One To Be Found” 3 -“X Ambassadors - Only Nature Exists Now” 3 -“X Ambassadors - When You’re Lost” 3 -“2AM Club - I Still Remember You” 1
2 Killer -Henry Farm Childhood -Tom Cruise -Henry Cavill -Simon Pegg -Kelly Hu -Mila Kunis -Chiaki Kuriyama -Amy Johnston -Connell O’Brien -Yugioh Main Characters -Yugi -Joey -Bakura -Pegasus -Marik -Mai Valentine -Weevil -Rafael -Dartz -Charli D’amelio -Matt Howard -Alessandro Dellisola -Johannes Huebl -Sean O’Pry -Taylor Swift -Shawn Mendes -Girls Non-Killers -“Soft, Tender, Delicate” IGTV video -“Finger 11 - Paralyzer” IGTV video -Excluding Claire Miller -Abby Howard -Armie Hammer -Chace Crawford
3 Witches History on Earth -Malcolm in Heaven -Hocus Pocus -Vietnamese Girls -Trang Nguyen -Nguyen Ha My -Yen Nguyen -Written By Henry And Malcolm
4 Paris by Night in Modern Time -Presidents -Ben Affleck -Leonardo DiCaprio -1/4 Europeans -Brody Jenner -1/4 Asians -Japanese -Chiaki Kuriyama -Substitute -Cheyenne Stacey Powell -Administration -Nia Nguyen -Stephanie Che -The Bachelor Girls -The Bachelorette Girls -Clothes -Elementary And Middle School -Less Normal -High School -Fashion -College -Travel After College -Love
5 Ancient Forests -Josh Brueckner -Katie Betzing -“131 Tall Tree Guys” IGTV video -“Soft, Tender, Delicate” IGTV video -The Bachelor -The Bachelorette
6 Toys
7 Song Dynasty (960-1279 AD) -Inventions -Movable Type Printing (1041-1048 AD) -Gunpowder (1000 AD) -Compass (1100 AD) -Paper Money (11th century) -Arts -Music -Literature -Philosophy -Theme Romance -Marco Polo -Born in Venice -Silk Road -Visited China (1275-1292 AD) -Father and Uncle -Lingchi Torture -TVB Actors/Actresses -Kenneth Lam -Kacie Lo -Chloe Tsang -Clarissa Chan -Jessica Yi -Danny Shin -Joyce Lin -Shin -Alex Landi
8 Ancient Egypt -Theme Revenge, Ruling, Warfare -Pharaoh -Pyramids -Sphinx -Nile River -Farming -Hieroglyphics -New Kingdom (1570-1069 BCE) -Kings Are Called Pharaohs -Golden Age -Wealth -Prosperity -Power -Wars -Burned alive -Thrown into river with crocodiles -Charli/Dixie D’amelio -Addison Rae -“Roosevelt High School” IGTV video -Andrew Mead -Austin Perlatti -Bret Johnson -Carter Rey Johnson -Casey Manso -Christopher Wilson -Clay Barton -Colby Foss -Connor Bennett -Dalton Bond -Derek Pedersen -Hayden Njos -Jake Zylstra -Jared McAboy -Jeff Seid -Jett DiPalma -Jordan Kirkland -Ken Williams -Kevin Brown -Kevin Hall -Kevin Kennedy -Kramer Fairclough -Leo Trotz -Marco Amalfitano -Max Liebl -Michael Leverenz -Mike Suguro -Mitchell Booth -Nathan Lantz -Nathan Rodland -Matt Fisher -Nick Fisher -Nick Watson -Oak Griffith -Ozamataz Buckshank -Pabi Dhaliwal -Pat McGuire -Pierre Groenewald -Roddy Hanson -Ryan Johnson -Scott Andrew -Seth Gunning -Seth Shields -Sheldon Stober -Stephen Bishopp -Tanner Patnode -Taylor Tinney -Wes Concepcion -Zane McCanless -“Soft, Tender, Delicate” IGTV video -“INNA - Amazing” IGTV video -Elizabeth Rodland -Armie Hammer -Chace Crawford -Franky Cammarata -Johannes Huebl -Sean O’Pry -Blake Horstmann -Jan -Joe Sessa and his friends -Matt/Abby Howard -Taylor Dean -Kelley Flanagan -Jessica Clarke -Madison Prewett -Lindsey Allemeier -Katie Betzing -Ben Higgins -Hannah Ann -Ian Spear -Laguna Beach -Lauren -Kristin -Stephen -Talan -Jessica -Taylor -Adam Newton -Sean Lowe -Catherine Giudici -Brianne Schmidt -Connell O’Brien -Tyler Pichette -Hannah Brown -Max Tychsen -Dylan Inman -Tyler Cameron -Taylor Phillips
9 Mesopotamia -Daily Life -Learning To Be A Scribe -Ziggurat -One Of The Seven Wonders -Hanging Gardens -The Fertile Crescent -Invented The Plow -People Of The City-States -Nobles -Priests -Merchants -Scribes -Craftworkers -Free Farmers -Enslaved People -Farmers Who Did Not Own Their Land -Cut One Hand Off -Women’s Legal Status
10 Ancient Greece -Philosophers -Socrates -Plato -Aristotle -Mathematics/Science -Euclid -Archimedes -Eratosthenes -Hippocrates
11 Greek Gods/Goddesses -Athena, Goddess of Wisdom -Parthenon Temple
12 Alexander the Great
13 Medieval Europe (500-1500 AD) -Theme Suffering -Boiling -Baking -Burning -Brazen Bull -Cooking -Stretching Bones -Sleep Deprivation -Quartering -Children’s Crusades -Castles
14 Islam -Muhammad -Arabia -Persia -Pillars -Architecture -Learning -Astronomy -Algebra -Medicine -Mapmakers -1001 Nights Book
15 India In The Middle Centuries -Taj Mahal
16 Central/South America -Theme Coming of Age -Maya -Toltec -Aztec -Tenochtitlan -Teotihuacan -Olmec -Inca -Cotton -Maya Calendar -Maize Corn -Metal -Writing -Soccer -Rituals -Religious Ceremonies
17 Europe (1400-1750 AD) -Peasant Revolts -Wars -Renaissance -Coldplay -Exploration -North/South America -Slavery -Imperialism
18 Industrial Revolution (Late 1700s AD) -England
19 Nations in Conflict (1775-1921 AD) -Revolutions -Independence -Nationalism -Ending Ancient China
20 1900s Conflict -Hitler -Russia -Japan -Westernization -Communism -World War I -World War II -Cold War -Berlin Wall -Technology -Advancements -Independence -Space Race
21 1900s Fun -China -Shanghai -David Kangmeng -South Korea -Fashion -Music -Recreation -France -Coffee -Restaurants -Sex -Hugh Jackman -Germany -Hugh Jackman -Spain -Hugh Jackman -Great Britain -Hugh Jackman
22 United States 1970-1990 -Fraternity -Fun -Matt Damon
23 Adulthood in the United States -The Bachelor -The Bachelorette -City -Country -Jobs -Relationships -Financial Problems -Making It In Hollywood
24 Masculinity -Male To Male Friendships And Siblings -Domination -Dealing With Girls
25 Comedy PBN Part 2 “Spin Off” -Continues After “Paris By Night In Modern Time” -Age Around 30+ -Van Son Cast -Similar To “Adulthood in the United States” And “Virtues of Harmony II” But Different
26 Countryside “Que” In VN -Theme Suffering -Financial Problems -Hard Living -Making It As Singers -Dating Singers -Accidents -Human To Human Crimes -How To Get To The United States
27 Physical Buildings And Transportation -Thailand, Malaysia, And Singapore -Hotels -Motels -Apartments -Bars -Clubs -Supermalls -Supermarkets -Companies -Motorcycles -Taxis -Trains -Airports -Gambling
28 Companies And Corporations -India And The Middle East -Work Time -Play Time
29 Modeling -Brazil, Portugal, And Spain -Amazon Rainforest -Rio De Janeiro -Marcello Alvarez -Jobs -Pay Less -Require Effort -Tired -Time Consuming -High School Drop Out -Saving Money -Criminal Offenses -Competition
30 Hierarchy In Society -Mexico -Poor -Rich -Cartels -Illegal Immigration To The United States -MTV Reality And Game Shows -Cabo San Lucas -Travel To The Caribbean
31 Route To Antarctica -Theme Living With Air Pollution 1990s -Chile -Santiago -San Antonio -Argentina -Buenos Aires -Andes Mountains -Lake Titicaca -Atacama Desert -Tierra Del Fuego -Tip Of South America -Cape Horn -Herding Farm Animals -Biking
32 High School In Vietnam -Movie Length Duration -Fun During School -Hard Times Outside Of School
33 United States Road Trip -Washington -Oregon -California to East Coast -Variety Of Climates -Route 66
34 Girl Pornstars -Hot Girls -Hard Past -Family -Friendships -Relationships -School -Money -On The Street -Need Food -Need House -Need Home -Models -Real -Instagram -Victoria’s Secrets -Pornstars -Feelings -Resentful -Fearful -Anxious -Apprehensive -Insecure -Suspicious -Trust -Travel -Making It In The Porn Industry
35 Guy Pornstars -Straight Guys -Gay/Bi Guys -Henry Pheet -Malcolm -Random Grindr Hookups -Travel -Making It In The Porn Industry Leonardo DiCaprio Robert De Nero John Travolta Tom Cruise Henry Cavill Simon Pegg Christian Bale Hugh Jackman Keanu Reeves Edward Norton Sean Connery Matt Damon Mel Gibson George Clooney Tom Hardy Orlando Bloom Guy Pearce Heath Ledger Robert Redford Paul Newman Scarlett Johansson Rachel McAdams Amanda Bynes Japan -1900s WWI/II -Westernization South Korea -1990s K-POP China -Song Dynasty -Ending Ancient China -1900s Beijing Vietnam -School In United States -Travel -Love -Comedy -Countryside “Que” Thailand, Malaysia, And Singapore -Physical Buildings And Transportation Drama India -The Middle Centuries Taj Mahal -Companies And Corporations The Middle East -Companies And Corporations Europe -Medieval -Renaissance -Exploration -Imperialism Italy -Roman Empire France -1900s Great Britain -Industrial Revolution Mexico -“Hierarchy In Society” Brazil -Modeling Portugal -Modeling Spain -Modeling
18 notes · View notes
beautifulsq · 7 years
Why do I ship kimmy with every woman she bonds with? I love how women-women relationships are written on this show. 🤗
199 notes · View notes
ask-the-layers · 4 years
Master post for like, rules and characters!
(It's quite long)
- i do not accept nsfw questions for the tiny gang under any circumstances
- Rp is allowed and even encouraged ! But please if it doesn't go your way dont get mad and lets work it out in dms !
- If you are less than 18 it's fine, I'll tag everything apropriately, the rest is at your charge
- This blog is LGBTQ+ friendly, assume every character is bisexual to start with and are all asexual to a certain degree
-All these characters are self insert, so I'm sorry for the lack of inclusivity when it comes to impaired people, poc, or body types. I just think it'd be weird as a white guy to make a self insert that's not my skin color or suffer from smthg i know nothing about
The characters you can interact with ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️
Tiny gang (under 18) 35/89
Carillon (layer #0 any world)
Clover/ Myrrh Zogratis (layer #6 Black Clover)
Far/Marie Seed (layer #8 Fc5)
Shynnie/ Margot Lumin (layer #10 Radiant)
Dolly/Kira (layer #12 Dolly Kill Kill)
Stud/Julia (layer #14 Assassination Classroom)
Sni/Evelyn Barrow (layer #15 Hogwarts Mysteries)
Blue/Kamilia Light (layer #20 Blue Exorcist)*
Alch/Dalia Mustang (layer #23 FMAB)
Wat/Amy (layer #24 Overwatch)
Tah/Lallys (layer #31 Witch Hat Atelier)
Ùll (layer #34 Helsing Ultimate)
Ava (layer #37 ATLA)
Isch (layer #42 God Of Highschool)
Myr (layer #46 La passe miroir)
Bas Soma (layer #48 Fruit Basket)
Ise Heisenberg (layer #50bis RE8)
Iruko Romm (layer #52 Mieruko chan)
Elzy/Nemuri Kanzaki (layer #53 Beelzebub)
Tem (layer #56 Team Fortress)
Ress (layer #56 bis)
Pako Mcgraw (layer #61 Oksa Polock)
Dee (layer #64 The walking dead)*
Aby Soma (layer #66 Gakuen Babysitter)
Sham (layer #69 Shaman King)
Bale (layer #70 Bleach)
Lif (layer #71 Fantasy Life)
Pine (layer #73 Perfect Crime)
Oden Agriche (layer #74 The way to save the female lead's older brother)
Nina (layer #78 Saint Seiya)*
Theva (layer #80 Ever Oasis)
Dan (layer #81 Danganronpa)
Sonia Allen (layer #82 Professor Layton)
Lou (layer #83 Tokyo Ghoul)
Tear (Layer #84 Kingdom Hearts)
Tanya Archangelo (layer #86 Gangsta)
Ellie/Eli (layers #87 Pokemon)
Amber (layer #88 Ember Knight)
Misty (layer #90 The Misterious cities of gold)
Fanny (layer #91 Spy x Family)
----- layer #94 The Owl House----
Petra Jung (layer #98 Omniscient Reader Viewpoint)
The adults/young adults 54/89
Léanne Lenoir (layer #99 ATSV)
Cob Volaju (layer #102 Cowboy Bebop)
Ollie (layer #103 Percy Jackson)
Zain (layer #104 Hazbin Hotel)
Hugo (layer #105 Dungeon Meshi)
First/Alice Meyer (layer #1)
Sass/Kelly Miles (layer #2 assassin's creed)
Helpy/Dilthen Lòth Greenleaf (layer #3 TLOTR/The hobbit)*
Pandora Baskerville (layer #4 Pandora Hearts)
Rain/Lilia Barnes (layer #4 MCU)*
Cry/Camille (layer #7 Fc5)
Ghost (layer 8bis)
Detroit/Clarice Anderson(layer #9 D:BH)
Wanda Grindewald (layer #11 Harry Potter)*
Rim (layer #13 Skyrim)
Blay Kavar (layer #13 bis Oblivion)*
Games/Lyssia Stark (layer #16 GoT)*
Seas/Galia (layer #17 Story Of Season)
Hero/Kiho Aizawa (layer #18 BNHA)
Shin/Axel (layer #19 Black Butler)
Icy/Torvi (layer #21 God of War)
Mons (layer #22 Undertale)
Vic (layer #25 VampYr)
//Layilus layer #26 undertale au//
Dun (layer #27 D&D)
Red/Læticia Mildred Sinclair (layer #28 Red dead Redemption)*
Odd/Aude (layer #29 American Gods)
West (layer #30 WestWorld)
Nat (layer #32 Supernatural)*
Nev (layer #33 The Promised Neverland)
Cas (layer #35 Castlevania the show)
Lev (layer #36 Solo Leveling)
Serk (layer #38 Berserk)
Ven (layer #39 Seven Deadly Sins)
Ary (layer #40 Marie's Grave)
Etho (layer #41 Sweet Home)
Pwetty/Célemence Monaghan (layer #43 Death Stranding)
Erf (layer #44 The Witcher)
Orwho (layer #45 Doctor Who)
Hunter (layer #47 HxH)
Edi/Lacie Afton (layer #49 FNaF)*
Evi/Fey (layer #50 Resident Evil)
Cana Morgasdotir (layer #51 The Arcana visual novel)
Eym Marian ( layer #54 D-Grey Man)
Rea (Layer #55 Great Priest Imophtept)
Mag (layer #57 The Magnus Archives)
Easter (Layer #58 I'm The Grim Reaper)
Deam (Layer #59 Ava's Demons)
Cath (Layer #60 Call of Cthlhu)
Noce (Layer#62 The second coming of Gluttony)
Neo Dracule (Layer#63 One Piece)*
Ace Armando (layer #65 Ace Attorney)
Juju Sukuna (layer #67 Jujutsu Kaisen)*
Van Em Moire (layer #68 The case study of Vanitas)
Tai (layer #69 bis, worldless)
Sai (layer #72 Doctor Stone)
Echo (layer #75 Records of Ragnarock)
Marcie Lombardie (layer #76 I'll be the matriatch in this life)
Dia (layer #77 Tomb Raider King)
Tally (layer #79 Fairy Tail)
Taka (layer #85 SNK)
Durian of the Sand (layer #89 Naruto)
Fuka (layer #92 Wakfu)
Amaris (layer #93 Candy Love)
Syllas (layer #95 Style Boutique)
Mashi (layer #96 Chainsaw Man)
Mother, the creator
Azurre (layer #97 Star Wars)*
Caïn (layer #101 Winx Club)
Even More !!
Slayer, the annoying 'uncle'
Helg Odinson (God of War oc)
Mun - Me !
* these layers have alternates. If not specified, i'll assume you're talking to the main one
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