cloudykyuu · 4 months
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☁️ meet the artist ☁️
I’m baaaack finally! I decided to take a break of social media without realizing lol. So I got a lot of drawings that I will be posting eventually
Hope that you haven’t forgotten (that much) about me ☁️😔😔😔🤚
Anyway, here is my meet the artist! Now showing officially my persona Kyuu! (Or cloudy) 💙🤍 an angel in form of a cloud that enjoys nerdy stuff and making art!
☁️💙check my other social media 💙☁️
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cloudykyuu · 24 days
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☁️[🇵🇷 artist you admire] ☁️
Second comic made in class, had to choose an artist to make a comic about and imitated their artstyle at some point so.. I choose my very good pal @/art_by_arsenal (instagram) ✨ because this dude is speed running artistic life I swear-
I admire his work very much both as a gamedev and artist!
In general he’s a very cool and talented person so make sure to checks his work 🫵‼️
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cloudykyuu · 3 months
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Marcus Cymag 🔧🧡🇵🇷
Another oc! This time with Marcus! A mechanic that loves alcohol, parties and robots!
☁️💙check my other social media 💙☁️
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cloudykyuu · 2 months
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Thought it was a good time to start uploading the comics I’ve done in class. (I’m so tight with finals aaaaa)
Intros are hard man. 🚬 I’m just an introverted little guy.
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cloudykyuu · 4 months
Hey there kyuu!
Idk if you heard this before but please protect your art!!! :(
Tumblr allowed selling your data which means it steals people's work for the sake of "AI training"
I'm so pissed off for what they have done.
Oh yeah. I know about that and it sucks a lot, anon
Apparently there’s is a way to prevent this by going to your blog setting > visibility and manually activating the last option (mine is in spanish) it basically say something like “Don’t share my content with third parties”
(I will also be rebbloging a post with this information, thanks for the reminder)
Idk how effective would be at the end but hey is better than nothing I guess.
Thanks for the concern 💙🤍
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