deviantartdramanow · 10 months
Gellygirl is Spreading Misinformation
Welp, since my hand has been forced, I think it’s time I shed a little light on your lies, Gellygirl:
1.) “They started attacking Club because he spreads disability awareness, proving them to be ablelist. “
First of all, Club is a well known spammer when it comes to his ‘role plays’. Before before people like you, Tam, and Resanagi came along and started to defend him, he would spam the same message over and over again in chat, notes, and the comments of people deviations, which is why many users (especially younger ones) felt pressured by him.
His ‘role plays’ are doing more harm than good. It is NOT Club’s job, nor is is he even qualified to teach other people, ESPECIALLY young minors about changing diapers of disabled people. Club does NOT have a degree in nursing or any medical field, and that much is apparent by his spamming of tips from online sources that are either outdated or applies to a small percentage of people with disabilities.
Not to mention that his Eduard character is 9 years old and uses baby talk. If you knew even the bit slightest thing about people with disabilities, many of them HATE baby talk, as it is seen as talking down to them, degrading them, and seeing them less than others. Honestly, would you want a grown adult 20+ asking/saying to you a young teenaged woman things such as “Would like a widdle cookie, sweetie pie?” or “Let’s go upsiy daisy, boo boo!” or “Do you have to go potty, honey bear?” ? No, you wouldn’t, because it’s weird and makes you uncomfortable.
So not only is NOT qualified to teach about sensitive subjects such as these, he seeks out minors, and uses baby-talk to degrade the very people he seeks to help. All of this clearly shows that he is grooming others into thinking that this is acceptable behavior, especially minors. If you knew anything, or even cared to do as much research as you do defending Club, you would know that not all grooming is sexual in nature!
Do you recall Tam drawing his teenaged persona KISSING Eduard who is age 9? It was deleted, but you can Tam and look back at his status posts for yourself, as it happened. THAT IS WHAT CLUB’S 'SPECIAL ROLE PLAYS’ HAS CREATED AND WHY HE WAS BANNED!
Club is NOT innocent and only seeks to get praise for wrong doings because people like you defend him and egg him on, when in reality, he’s USING YOU.
Plus, it he’s so innocent, why do comments, journals, and accounts of being victims from multiple users such these exist:
Honestly, you need to learn what the word ableist means before you go throwing it around, Gellygirl. You sound ignorant ass hell.
And to put the cherry on top, whenever problems arise for POC, black, and LGBTQ+ users and people, Club pushes them aside and then makes everything about him and his Educard character. Sounds like Club is more ableist than people here, and considering many of the people calling him out are either POC, black, part of LGBTQ+ or more, they have more than a right to call him out!
2.) “They called my friend Tam cringe bc they came out as non-binary, proving them to be transphobic.”
You can’t read, Gellygirl. Tam said it himself in is OWN WORDS that he he would ONLY BE COMING OUT as non-binary for PRIDE MONTH ONLY. Is that not an insult to ACTUAL non-binary people and those Pride Month celebrates, because now that it’s July, Tam is no long non-binary. Because you know, choosing a set pronouns like like choosing your outfit and hair style for the day, right?
Tam is being silly, because that’s what kids do, and as the older one between the two of you, YOU should be educating him, not supporting bad behavior. And people speaking out abut this is speaking out, NOT TRANSPHOBIA, DUMMY.
Since you’re too stupid to read, here’s a direct link to Tam’s status: https://www.deviantart.com/tamthelucario448/journal/I-Use-They-Them-Pronouns-For-Pride-Month-965259518
“They also called them cringe for speaking other languages other than English, proving them to be racist.”
Tam is half Vietmnease, right? Then he SHOULD BE  learning the language from his parents, grandparents, and family members, NOT USE GOOGLE TRANSLATE LIKE AN IGNORANT FOOL. This is an insult to his people, and AGAIN, YOU SHOULD BE EDUCATING TAM INSTEAD OF ENCOURAGING THIS BEHAVIOR!
Proof of him confirming this here on his very own status: https://www.deviantart.com/tamthelucario448/journal/Speaking-The-Mother-Tongue-965310906
“This ones pretty dumb: They purposefully misgender someone named Tri when she isn’t even trans, which makes you think how they treat actual trans people.”
Honestly speaking, you are only saying this because you are scared of Tri doxxing and harassing you like she did before. Tri is well known for doxxing, grooming, harassing others who disagree with her and Club, hacking accounts, defending Club’s grooming, and you know it.
Stop spreading lies, Gellygirl and fuck’s sake, LEARN TO FUCKING READ!
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primewagner · 10 months
I remember encountering this guy back in May 2021.
I never realized how much of a disgusting freak he was until now.
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deviantartdramanow · 1 year
when averygamin told club she was concerned by club adding teen-sized diapers on his rp, you know what he did? he didn't say "if you're uncomfortable we can stop", HE WANTED TO CONTINUE THE RP AFTER AVERY SAID SHE WAS UNCOMFORTABLE! I wouldn't be surprised if club gets some kind of sadistic pleasure from making others uncomfortable by him. we've already seen he is vindictive and holds grudges so club being a sadist is not too far off.
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deviantartdramanow · 1 year
https://www.deviantart.com/club-dreamiverse/journal/A-Reason-to-Point-Out-Something-957809309 - motherfucker we have LEGITIMATE proof of you going after minors and fetish accounts. Stop trying to make yourself a victim. You roleplay as a minor and and have other minors touch his ass. It’s disgusting. It is NOT a minor’s responsibility to change a 9 year old’s diaper and clean it. It does NOT matter if it is SFW or not. It is still very creepy and weird. And start advocating for OTHER DISABILITIES LIKE CYSTIC FIBROSIS OR SCHIZOPHRENIA! You can NOT limit it to JUST autism and incontinence. If you really are a disability rights activist, then you would expand it beyond those two. But you just seem obsessed with only those so you don’t actually care about other disabilities.
btw club no one doxxed you here lmfao. try again
- Mod S
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deviantartdramanow · 1 year
Club should NOT be venting or trauma-dumping to a 15 year old. He’s a grown man and it is NOT a teen’s responsibility to take care of an adult. He should be seeking therapy. Jesus Christ club do you know how FUCKING TRAUMATIZING it is for minors to be bombarded with an adult’s issues? I was manipulated and trauma dumped on by grown adults when I was like 14 and had to try and talk an ADULT out of almost committing suicide. TEENAGERS ARE NOT THERAPISTS. SEEK ACTUAL FUCKING COUNSELING.
had the same issue happen to me and not only did it make me weasel out of wanting to help people and be a therapist, it also left an emotional wound on me. and i was a freshman at the time 🙃
teens are still kids, who are not therapists.
- Mod S
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deviantartdramanow · 9 months
SuperMarioFan65 has done a rant on Club-Dreamiverse, few weeks after his deactivation.
So I heard Club-Dreamiverse has by SuperMarioFan65 on DeviantArt https://www.deviantart.com/supermariofan65/status-update/So-I-heard-Club-Dreamiverse-has-973205167
"that guy's a pedophile AF" i'm dead
-Mod S
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deviantartdramanow · 1 year
alanathedragoness (one of the persons club raged against in that reddit post) found out that club has a secret tumblr that he uses to defend himself, the name of the account is nevi1999 "I've never had a account on Tumblr" MY FUCKING ASS
uh ooooh!!! found yah!
-Mod S
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deviantartdramanow · 1 year
Just putting this out there but does that diaper freak ever sleep? Monitoring his posts, he's pretty much up at all hours nearly with 14 hr intervals sometimes. Mommy needs to take his computer away, he's way too chronically online. Dude your fucking fetish diaper rps can wait, the ones you do with ADULTS that is. The ones you force minors to do can fucking stop right there before we get DA to step in and ban your ass for breaking their rules. :3 Also Clubby, even mentally disabled people can get jobs. There are worse disabled people than you who work very good jobs and have a life outside of sitting their asses infront of their computers unlike your SPOILED ass does. Admit it dude, you dont want a job, you wanna be a lazy parasite sucking off mommy's wallet as she gives you everything. What the fuck you gonna do when she passes away from old age and you cant leech off her anymore dude? You going to need to get a job sooner or later and stop your diaper rps altogether. x3 Stop being a fucking lazy asshole, and CHORES DO NOT COUNT AS A JOB! Come back and talk when you've done your fucking taxes, BY YOURSELF. Not mommy holding your hand helping you. xD
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deviantartdramanow · 11 months
"one of them spams a comment that's doxxed a role-play I tend to do" CLUB YOU CANNOT DOXX A ROLEPLAY OMFG YOU'RE SO STUPID IT HURTS.
doxxing =/= showing ur rps, stop throwing the word around, clubby 💀
- Mod S
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deviantartdramanow · 1 year
Jesus Christ why is Club-Dreamiverse mean to that Tam guy?! First, he freaks out over a Pokemon fanfic involving his precious Eduard now getting mad over photos. No fucking wonder people want to cut ties with Club-Dreamiverse if he's acting like such a massive cunt.
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deviantartdramanow · 11 months
deviantart(.)com/club-dreamiverse/journal/Something-to-Address-969875811 another tl;dr "woe is me" bawwwjournal from club.
we already know ur autistic, club. you say it nearly all the time
no one doxxed you but yourself, and we have links that show it lol
you're literally becoming the next Chrischan as we speak
-Mod S
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deviantartdramanow · 11 months
ngl it's fun to see that almost every time Club makes those dumbass polls (WOULD IT BE COOL IF MICKEY MOUSE SWITCHED PLACES WITH HOMER SIMPSON? YES/NO/MAYBE), he gets 0 comments. zero. even most of his followers think that shit is uninteresting and childish.
i answer no on all of them, deadass
-Mod S
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deviantartdramanow · 11 months
Bet if you told club you were a man eating unicorn he’d believe you he’s that gullible. That and go “Oh my.”
Seriously sarcasm/satire is like Vietnamese to him. I’d suggest tam translate but he lies and uses GOOGLE TRANSLATE of all places. Congrats Tam, you insult your heritage, you prob cussed out some ppls unknowingly using that translator lmfao.
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deviantartdramanow · 1 year
oh I’m sure you’re so proud of yourself for finding an ABDL fetish account club /s : https://www.deviantart.com/pamperdsaiyan233
proof is in their faves
- Mod S
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deviantartdramanow · 1 year
deviantart(.)com/comments/4/32649824/5056432280 club throwing a hissy fit because tomboyjessie realised she was being used by him the whole time archive(.)vn/uTQ9p "I respect people's wishes if they don't want to do the RP with me" when averygamin told you she was uncomfortable with your roleplay you said "sorry but im going to continue it".
linking archive since thread is hidden
- Mod S
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deviantartdramanow · 1 year
Tumblr media
Clubby caught in 4k saying "EVEN THO I DO NOT KID FRIENDLY RPS WITH HIM HE'S FAKE SO IDC!" So you admit you dont care you are depicting molesting a fucking kid and your defense is 'he's not real so it's ok?' CAUGHT YA! Spread this around gang.
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