boots4youth-blog · 8 years
One Signature away
I’ve seen that meme going around, the one where President Trump is showing some newly signed executive orders, but the content has been edited to something silly, like a hand drawn picture of a cat. They’re honestly funny, but a document that President Trumps signs can have huge impact.
Another person who can have a huge impact with her signature is the Wing Commander of Hill Air Force Base, Colonel Hammerstedt. A Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) has been requested and delivered, asking for the allowance of Club Beyond at Hill AFB. With a stroke of her pen, the dream of reaching military teens for Christ can become a reality. I’ve been waiting for this moment for about a decade. 
Please pray that the Wing Commander sees the benefit of Club Beyond and signs the MOU. Pray that God inspires people to give so that we have the money to do His work. Mostly pray for the military teens and their unique struggles. 
I want to leave you with this excerpt from the MOU: “MCYM is an ecumenical Christian based youth ministry. The primary purpose of MCYM is to provide Club Beyond® services to U.S. Military Families to meet the needs of their teen-aged children. Military teens have been well-researched and well- documented to be at higher-risk of negative and suicidal behaviors than their civilian peers, based on findings of recent studies such as those of the Universities of Southern California (USC) and Iowa (UI).”...”In addition to the well-documented high-risk nature of military teens, MCYM’s effectiveness in meeting the needs and having a positive impact on military teens and their families is also well-documented in MCYM’s 2014 Global Qualitative Metrics Summary (reference (c)), which documents survey results from 2,000 random anonymous military teen and parent participants in Club Beyond.”
Love you all and God Bless,
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boots4youth-blog · 8 years
Going through the process
The process has started!! The chaplains at Hill AFB are looking over the proposal and so far they are positive about having Club Beyond come to Hill!  I’m going to get on a conference call, hopefully this week between MCYM/Club Beyond and the Parish Chaplain at Hill to discuss some details and iron out any issues.  From there it goes to the Wing Chaplain for support and onto the Wing Commander. Once the Wing Commander gives her approval we begin to hard road of fundraising so we can officially start this fall. Please pray for God’s favor, guidance and patience as we near the end of this road and the beginning of a new one!
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boots4youth-blog · 6 years
Message from Club Beyond
There are lots of things you can catch. Catch a cold, catch a ball, catch a break.  You can also catch cheese balls with your face, properly equipped with shaving cream and the gentle partner who will toss them to you.  What else can you catch?  Well at Club Beyond, middle school students catch the excitement of doing the crazy, fun skits that bring laughter and teamwork.  They catch on that friends make life bearable in the midst of the hard.  They catch that Jesus is not a God watching us from a far,  but a friend who is all about life and living it abundately.   Laughter is an intergral part of club.  It breaks down walls, provides a levity to a sometimes hard topic and builds memories.  It also models Jesus.  We may not think about laugher and God very much but perhaps we could.  I’m pretty sure Jesus would laugh at club amidst kids learning about his love, and who knows, maybe he would even catch a cheese ball or two! Thank you for continuing to pray for military teens and the opportunity for them to hear about Jesus’ love in an environment designed with kids in mind. May you find yourself laughing this week with a deep joy that comes from the deep knowledge of God’s love for you.
In gratitude,
Marty McCarty
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boots4youth-blog · 8 years
MCYM/Club Beyond - Sustaining the Future of Military Teens
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boots4youth-blog · 9 years
Moving Forward
For those of you who know me well, you know that I have a strong passion for ministry, specifically to military youth.  Rose and I have decided to move forward with fundraising in an effort to move overseas to Germany and reach military teens for Christ.  This is a risky, but exciting move.  I will continue to update this blog so you can follow the progression of God’s blessing and so you can see how I’m already ministering to military youth now.
So I’m asking for prayer, encouragement, and financial support so I can get my boots on the ground for military youth!
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gollyoli · 10 years
Super awesome time on the Power Pole at Carolina Point! @odd_child_ and my jump! So fun!! #carolinapoint #youthforchrist #yfc #loveher #powerpole #clubbeyond #greatestweek
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