eirasterin · 3 years
Fall for actions not words
- unknown
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eirasterin · 3 years
Maybe you are not born to rule the world, but you are born to rule your world
- unknown
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eirasterin · 3 years
Some people write not because no one listens but because no one understands the weight the words hold...
- unknown
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eirasterin · 3 years
You are the hero that I want in each of my chapter
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eirasterin · 3 years
Love myself huh ? I used to, until someone who weren't supposed to come in my life showed the bad me
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eirasterin · 3 years
If you wanna cry don't hold it back just let it out but make sure you are not crying for something useless
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eirasterin · 3 years
Eventhough you lose every valuable things in your life don't lose your smile
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eirasterin · 3 years
You stumble upon a person who you'll have no chance with, you feel like 'yes! He is my man' but as you go on having great time storms comes to destroy you.... But if you are strong in your relationship the statement 'you have no chance with' changes to 'who is yours'. But if you tremble when you see the storm and taking away all the happy memories.... You could have put effort. But remember you can only clap with two hands... So when you are in relationship treasure your partner and relation.
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eirasterin · 3 years
Sometimes it's better to give up than holding on
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eirasterin · 3 years
I told you my pain and showed you my wounds but the only thing you did was preventing me from healing
- unknown
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eirasterin · 3 years
Her eyes spoke more to him but he couldn't hear...
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eirasterin · 3 years
“There’s a Japanese phrase that I like: koi no yokan. It doesn’t mean love at first sight. It’s closer to love at second sight. It’s the feeling when you meet someone that you’re going to fall in love with them. Maybe you don’t love them right away, but it’s inevitable that you will.”
— Nicola Yoon, The Sun Is Also a Star
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eirasterin · 3 years
When you feel like you wanna talk to someone like you have to dumb something out... But a long conversation starts in your head and really messes up..... And you don't wanna talk... Feels stressed and then..... Uhhh nothing just tired.....
Who else feels like that?
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eirasterin · 3 years
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“You ask me why I dwell amidst these jade-green hills? I smile. No words can tell the stillness in my heart. Peach blossoms drift streamwater away deep in mystery. I live in the other world one that lies beyond the human.” - Li Bhai
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eirasterin · 3 years
I saw stars in your eyes but you only saw reasons to leave me.....
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eirasterin · 3 years
'some people doesn't get affected by covid 19 because they are DEADLY than covid..'
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