#cmc montreal
modelcars24 · 6 months
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thenetionalnews · 2 years
National Defence looking at potential ‘impacts’ after cyberattack on military contractor
National Defence looking at potential ‘impacts’ after cyberattack on military contractor
The Department of National Defence (DND) is probing for potential “impacts” after a military contractor notified them of a recent cyberattack, allegedly by a ransomware group with Russian ties. DND confirmed Tuesday that CMC Electronics, a Montreal-based aerospace company, recently alerted the Canadian government to a “cyber breach related incident” at their company in late May. Read…
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disparx · 7 years
6 hours post op
I’m fucking post op y'all!!!!!
I’m gonna try to recount my whole surgery experience as best I can.
I got up at 6:30 and had a shower (last one until August 30 rip). I got dressed in sweatpants, a big button down shirt and a binder. Then I went outside and waited for my taxi, which came at 8:30. I talked to the taxi driver in French for a bit until he realized I was from Ontario, then he switched to English. He was like: *french* “so you have a surgery today? You’re a girl and you’re turning yourself into a boy, is that right?” It was funny. We talked about trans stuff for a bit, which was weird but cool, things like what barriers trans people face to getting surgery and how bottom surgeries are different than top surgery.
I arrived at the clinic at around 8:45 and filled out some forms - basic medical and consent forms, and then one data collection form which, among other things, asked the gender identity and sexual orientation of my whole extended family.
I got a bed with a curtain in a room off to the side of the lobby. I changed into hospital gowns and a nurse took my blood pressure and stuff. She gave me a tiny amount of water for 3 pills (two Tylenol, one anti-inflammatory). I also had to pee in a cup. Then I had to wait until 10:30 to be summoned by my surgeon. I was very cold while I was waiting, and I asked for a blanket and curled into a ball on my bed.
At 10:30 I was led into another waiting room. After a bit I was greeted by Dr. Bensimon. He was very nice. He told me I would be getting double incision, and that he doesn’t use drains (BLESS). Then he drew on my chest with marker, showing where the incisions would be and where my nipples would go.
(Edit: forgot to mention, he literally used a LEVEL when he was drawing on me to try to ensure that my chest would end up symmetrical.)
After Dr. Bensimon I met my anesthesiologist. I gave oral consent to the anaesthesia and she determined that I should get my IV in my elbow. I started crying a bit here because I’m scared of needles AND drugs.
After the anesthesiologist, a nurse took me to the operating room. I cried a bit. They had me take off my outer gown and lie on the table. They asked me a few basic questions in English and tried to talk about me amongst themselves in French but jokes on them I know French too. They thought that was funny. They took my blood pressure again while the anesthesiologist started preparing my elbow for the IV. I started crying really hard at this point and they were concerned. They made sure I wanted the procedure and consented to it and was ready for it. Then they put the IV in and I cried more cuz I have a pathetic pain tolerance. They made sure I was ready again, told me to think about nice things so I wouldn’t cry again when I came round, and put me under.
The first time I was conscious after that was in the recovery room at 12:30. They told me they woke me up in the operating room before they moved me, and I did vaguely remember a “dream” involving nurses and surgery stuff, but just like a dream, I couldn’t remember what had actually happened. I woke up very gradually. The first thing I was fully conscious of was the pain in my incisions. It wasn’t unbearable, maybe a 4 or 5. My vision would swim when I tried to focus on things, and I felt a bit dizzy. I stayed in the recovery room for half an hour, and a machine took my blood pressure every 5 minutes. Belle got wheeled in beside me and I said hi. Our short, very slurred conversation consisted of her saying she couldn’t feel her vagina, me saying my incisions hurt, and us telling each other we were proud of each other, and then she fell asleep.
Then I got wheeled back to the room on the side of the lobby I was in earlier and they helped me kinda scooch onto the other bed. I laid there for a while and eventually they gave me some water, and then orange juice a bit later. They gave me oxycodone, anti-inflammatory pills, and laxatives as take-home medication. When some of the dizziness had gone away, they made me go pee, then they took my IV out and we (my mom and I) got on another taxi back.
I’ve been resting since then. I tried to sleep but the anaesthesia is making me itch in random places every two seconds, which makes it difficult. I ate dinner and then started writing this post.
My pain is currently around a 3 or 4, after having taken an oxycodone and an anti-inflammatory with dinner. It kinda feels like a big bruise, with occasional sharper pain. I can’t stand up straight and pretty much any amount of movement is somewhat painful. Adjusting my position is the most painful. But since I don’t have drains I’m p sure I can lie on my side, which is awesome.
Afaik my dressings consist of nipple graft dressings, a big white bandage taped on (itchy :/), and an ace bandage wrapped real tight. You’d think that would be painful but any pain from that is minimal compared to the pain from my incisions, and I can feel how the ace bandages are helping my incisions stay closed. All in all, my dressings come out almost as much as my boobs did lol. I’ll post a pic of them when I am able. They’re not going anywhere for a while.
I’m post op guys!! I did it!
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bybgroup · 6 years
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#YourfavoriteConnectsConnect @broncobronks Www.connectmusicconference.com Connect Music Conference (CMC) held in #Montreal, Canada is for #industry #professionals, #producers, #promoters, #artists, #recordcompanies, #videographers and passionate film makers. There are various seminars, workshops and social networks to connect & learn more about the music industry. Conférence de music connect (CMC) tenue à Montréal, Canada s’adresse aux professionnels de l’industrie, producteurs, promoteurs, artistes, maisons de disques, vidéastes et cinéastes passionnés. Il y a de divers séminaires, ateliers et réseaux sociaux pour mieux connaître l’industrie de la musique. (at Le Centre Sheraton Montreal)
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thereviewsarein · 4 years
Canadian country star, Tim Hicks is back to heat up the cold winter with new music and the announcement of his 2020 Wreck This Town World Tour.
First, fans get to be excited and dig into three new songs from Hicks on the Wreck EP. Wreck This Town, No Truck Song, and Ride Or Die clock in at just under 10 minutes, making for a quick listen, but a fun triple-header. When talking about No Truck Song, Hicks said, “It’s so much fun… On every album I usually add one or two songs that are a little tongue-in-cheek, designed to give fans (and me!) a chuckle, but we’ve never released one as a single before. We smiled and laughed a lot while we wrote it, so I hope fans hear that, and it makes them do the same!”
As a single, it is a lot of fun, and like Hicks said, it’s different than the singles he’s released in the past. And guess what, that’s 100% okay and we’re here for it and artists changing things up and going for it.
Hit play on Wreck now to listen to all three new songs, and scroll down for Wreck This Town World Tour info!
Tim Hicks, Wreck EP Tracklist
1. Wreck This Town 2. No Truck Song 3. Ride Or Die

On the tour side of Tim Hicks 2020 plans, things are also really exciting!
The Wreck This Town World Tour includes stops in Germany, the Netherlands, the UK, and Australia before coming home to Canada for a series of weekend warrior dates that will take him from Ontario, west to British Columbia before the end of the year. In all, there are 16 Canadian tour dates on the calendar. So far…
In a Facebook post on Friday afternoon, Tim said, “Wreck This Town World Tour coming to a city near you! More dates being announced soon. Are you ready to kick it?” And it’s that middle sentence that really caught our eye because it means the number of Canadian stops on the Wreck This Town World Tour is going to grow, and maybe Tim will even make his way south of the border to give American country fans a little taste of Stronger Beer. We’ll see soon.
It’s also great to see Tim Hicks listed on the Cavendish Beach Music Festival, Havelock Country Jamboree lineups, putting him in front of Canadian country music fans who will get to see a lot of talent on those weekends.
Related: Cavendish Beach Music Festival Announces Full 2020 Lineup
This is going to be an exciting year for Tim Hicks. There’s new music, new tours, new fans to entertain, and big opportunities to do big things.
We’re looking forward to more announcements and information as we get closer to the tour – while we listen to Wreck!
Tickets for Hicks’ newly added Wreck This Town World Tour shows (marked with ** on the list below) are available for sale starting on March 2, 2020, at 10 AM local time. Check the list, find a city and venue or festival near you, and don’t miss your chance to see Tim Hicks in 2020.
Tim Hicks, 2020 Wreck This Town World Tour Dates
03/06/2020 – Berlin, Germany – C2C | Verti Music Hall 03/07/2020 – Amsterdam, Netherlands – C2C | AFAS Live 03/08/2020 – Berlin, Germany – C2C | Verti Music Hall 03/13/2020 – London, UK – C2C | O2 03/14/2020 – London, UK – C2C | O2 03/20/2020 – Brisbane, Australia – CMC Rocks Festival 03/21/2020 – Brisbane, Australia – CMC Rocks Festival 05/21/2020 – London, ON – Start.ca Performance Stage @ Budweiser Gardens ** 05/22/2020 – Hamilton, ON – FirstOntario Concert Hall ** 05/23/2020 – Rama, ON – Casino Rama ** 07/10/2020 – Cavendish, PEI – Cavendish Beach Music Festival 08/14/2020 – Havelock, ON – Havelock Country Jamboree 09/17/2020 – Regina, SK – Casino Regina ** 09/18/2020 – Winnipeg, MB – Club Regent Event Centre ** 09/19/2020 – Thunder Bay, ON – Thunder Bay Community Auditorium ** 10/01/2020 – Edmonton, AB – River Cree Entertainment Centre ** 10/02/2020 – Calgary, AB – The Palace Theatre ** 10/03/2020 – Saskatoon, S – Coors Event Centre ** 11/05/2020 – Montreal, Q – L’Astral ** 11/20/2020 – Ottawa, ON – Southam Hall – National Arts Centre ** 11/21/2020 – Kingston, ON – Leon’s Centre ** 11/26/2020 – Kelowna, BC – Kelowna Community Theatre ** 11/28/2020 – Victoria, BC – The Royal Theatre **
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Tim Hicks Releases New EP, Wreck & 2020 World Tour Dates Canadian country star, Tim Hicks is back to heat up the cold winter with new music and the announcement of his 2020 Wreck This Town World Tour.
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Blade Runner 2019, Pokemon & Textile Recycling
Welcome back to another exciting episode from those wacky Nerds you all love. This week we have actually made an episode that actually happens to be both Nerdy and entertaining somehow. It may actually even be able to be described as illuminating and educational, but that is up for debate. Now the ever important first topic, we have found out that there is a new series of graphic novels (or comics if you are as ancient as Buck) set in the Blade Runner universe at the time of 2019. Which, for those individuals that have been living in a cave or under a rock; and somehow have never read the book or seen the fabulously stupendous movie is the year it is set in. Not our perfunctorily boring reality, as we don’t have replicants and space colonies, sad to say. Oh humanity, the 60’s and 70’s were looking so bright, then you got caught up with hippies and drugs and look at you now, still stuck on earth with moronic politicians that are utterly boring.
Next up we look at the new Pokémon game and discuss some of the various aspects, highlights and what we believe may be oversights as well. We wonder about the cross over into Super Smash Bros. Is Nintendo looking at a massive reveal next year at e3 with the launch of the Switch2, will we see all the various Pokémon from all evolutions of all games included in a monster pack? Will this be the start of a new trend in gaming? Will that stain come out of my favourite black shirt? Who knows, what we do know is that this is looking like a fun game to play so keep your eyes open and catch it while you can.
Buck brings us news about the excessive waste of clothing going to landfill and polluting the planet. That’s right, all you strange people out there wearing lycra and spandex. The micro fibres from synthetic clothing are bad, nasty and downright toxic. Shame on anyone wearing synthetics, don’t you know they harm the environment. We, unlike some people have scientific evidence supporting this statement, so listen in and see what we are talking about. If you want to learn more please refer to the link provided. If you wish to read the article please go to page 61, if you wish to remain ignorantly oblivious please go to page 666. Hope you like the flash back to the choose your own adventure books, if you grew up reading these you are lucky.
As normal we have the various shout outs, remembrances, birthdays, and special events. We also talk about the games we are playing. As always please remember to take care of yourselves and look out for each other, stay safe and hydrated, got to catch them all…
Blade Runner 2019 Comics - https://comicbook.com/comics/2019/06/17/blade-runner-2019-trailer/
Pokemon Sword and Shield - https://www.usgamer.net/articles/pokemon-sword-and-shield-interview
Textile Recycling - https://www.abc.net.au/news/science/2019-06-15/textile-recycling-fashion-old-clothes-waste/11197904
Games current playing
– Crypt of the NecroDancer - https://store.steampowered.com/app/247080/Crypt_of_the_NecroDancer/
– Assassin’s Creed 2 - https://store.steampowered.com/app/33230/Assassins_Creed_2_Deluxe_Edition/
– Mortal Kombat 11 - https://www.playstation.com/en-us/games/mortal-kombat-11-ps4/
Other topics discussed
Blade Runner Lore
- Tyrell Corporation - https://bladerunner.fandom.com/wiki/Tyrell_Corporation
- Replicant - https://bladerunner.fandom.com/wiki/Replicant
- Rachel - https://bladerunner.fandom.com/wiki/Rachael
Westwood Studios (games company)
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Westwood_Studios
All the Pokémon present in Super Smash Bro. Ultimate
- https://allgamers.com/article/6811/all-pokemon-in-super-smash-bros-ultimate
Pokken Tournament (2015 videogame)
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pokkén_Tournament
Pokémon Stadium (2000 videogame)
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pokémon_Stadium
Pokémon Sword and Shield has a “Wild Area”
- https://www.nintendoenthusiast.com/2019/06/05/pokemon-sword-and-shield-have-an-open-world-called-the-wild-area/
- https://www.dexerto.com/pokemon/pokemon-sword-shield-wild-area-details-709721
War on Waste against fashion
- http://theconversation.com/for-a-true-war-on-waste-the-fashion-industry-must-spend-more-on-research-78673
Suncorp Ad with thrift shop theme song
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TX-5FdXbyoY
Macklemore & Ryan Lewis feat. Wanz - Thrift Shop
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QK8mJJJvaes
3D printing clothing
- https://www.nbcnews.com/mach/science/soon-you-may-be-able-3d-print-clothing-your-own-ncna848646
Solar panel replacing tarmac
- https://theconversation.com/solar-panels-replaced-tarmac-on-a-road-here-are-the-results-103568
Solar bike path at the Netherlands
- https://cleantechnica.com/2017/03/12/dutch-solar-bike-path-solaroad-successful-expanding/
Sweden adopting recycling
- https://sweden.se/nature/the-swedish-recycling-revolution/
Sweden giving tax breaks for repairs
- https://www.theguardian.com/world/2016/sep/19/waste-not-want-not-sweden-tax-breaks-repairs
Shang Tsung (Mortal Kombat 11 character)
- https://mortalkombat.fandom.com/wiki/Shang_Tsung
Cary-Hiroyuki Tagawa (American actor and voice of MK11 Shang Tsung)
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cary-Hiroyuki_Tagawa
Danny Baranowsky (electronic music composer for Crypt of the NecroDancer)
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Danny_Baranowsky
Lego running 100 percent on renewable energy
- https://www.good.is/articles/lego-renewable-energy
Fleet of UFOs sighted
- https://www.space.com/ufo-sightings-us-pilots.html
The senators response to the recent UFO sighting
- https://www.politico.com/story/2019/06/19/warner-classified-briefing-ufos-1544273
Cage the Elephant (American rock band)
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cage_the_Elephant
President Xi Jinping compared to Winnie the Pooh
- https://www.theguardian.com/world/2018/aug/07/china-bans-winnie-the-pooh-film-to-stop-comparisons-to-president-xi
Joe Cocker (English singer)
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joe_Cocker
The Humour Experiment (That’s Not Canon Podcast)
- https://thatsnotcanon.com/thehumourexperimentpodcast
24th Apr 2019 – Lego introduces Braille Bricks to help visually impaired kids. - https://people.com/parents/lego-introduces-braille-bricks/
14-15 Jun 1919 – British aviators John Alcock and Arthur Brown made the first non-stop transatlantic flight. They flew a modified First World War Vickers Vimy bomber from St. John's, Newfoundland, to Clifden,Connemara,County Galway, Ireland. The Secretary of State for Air, Winston Churchill, presented them with the Daily Mail prize of £10,000 for the first crossing of the Atlantic Ocean by aeroplane in "less than 72 consecutive hours". A small amount of mail was carried on the flight, making it the first transatlantic airmail flight. The two aviators were awarded the honour of Knight Commander of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire (KBE) a week later by King George V at Windsor Castle. - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transatlantic_flight_of_Alcock_and_Brown
18 Jun 1981 - F 117 Nighthawk Maiden flight made its first flight at Groom Lake, Nevada, with “Skunk Works” test pilot Harold C. (“Hal”) Farley, Jr. at the controls. The super-secret airplane was made of materials that absorbed radar waves and built with the surfaces angled so that radar signals are deflected away from the source. - https://www.thisdayinaviation.com/18-june-1981/
17 Jun 2019 - Gloria Vanderbilt, was an American artist, author, actress, fashion designer, heiress, and socialite. She was a member of the Vanderbilt family of New York and the mother of CNN television anchor Anderson Cooper. In the 1970s, Vanderbilt launched a line of fashions, perfumes, and household goods bearing her name. She was particularly noted as an early developer of designer blue jeans. In 1974, Paul McCartney released "Mrs. Vandebilt", a song inspired by and loosely based on the life of Gloria. She died of stomach cancer at 95 in New York City - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gloria_Vanderbilt
18 Jun 1673 - Jeanne Mance, was a French nurse and settler of New France. She arrived in New France two years after the Ursuline nuns came to Quebec. Among the founders of Montreal in 1642, she established its first hospital, the Hôtel-Dieu de Montréal, in 1645. She returned twice to France to seek financial support for the hospital. After providing most of the care directly for years, in 1657 she recruited three sisters of the Religieuses hospitalières de Saint-Joseph and continued to direct operations of the hospital. She died after a long illness at 66 in Montreal - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jeanne_Mance
18 Jun 1928 - Roald Amundsen was a Norwegian explorer of polar regions and a key figure of the Heroic Age of Antarctic Exploration. He led the first expedition to traverse the Northwest Passage in 1906 and the first expedition to the South Pole in 1911. He led the first expedition proven to have reached the North Pole in 1926. He disappeared while taking part in a rescue mission for the airship Italia at 55. - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roald_Amundsen
18 Jun 2018 – XXXTentacion, was an American rapper,singer and songwriter. A controversial figure within the hip hop industry, Onfroy has been regarded to have left behind "a huge musical footprint" due to his impact on his young fanbase and his popularity during his short career. His most notable appearance was his tattoos and his distinctive half-colored hair, which was inspired by the One Hundred and One Dalmatians antagonist Cruella de Vil. He was assassinated at 20 in Deerfield Beach, Florida - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/XXXTentacion
Famous Birthdays
15 Jun 1953 - Xi Jinping, is a Chinese politician serving asgeneral secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC), President of the People's Republic of China (PRC), and chairman of the Central Military Commission (CMC). Often described as China's "paramount leader" since 2012, he officially received the title of "core leader" from the CPC in 2016. Considered the central figure of the fifth generation of leadership of the People's Republic, Xi has significantly centralised institutional power by taking on a wide range of leadership positions, including chairing the newly formed National Security Commission, as well as new steering committees on economic and social reforms, military restructuring and modernization, and the Internet. He was born in Beijing - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xi_Jinping
18 Jun 1942 - Paul McCartney, is an English singer-songwriter, multi-instrumentalist, and composer. He gained worldwide fame as the bass guitarist and singer for the rock band the Beatles, widely considered the most popular and influential group in the history of popular music. McCartney is one of the most successful composers and performers of all time. He has written, or co-written, 32 songs that have reached number one on the Billboard Hot 100, and as of 2009 he had 25.5 million RIAA-certified units in the United States. His songwriting partnership with John Lennon remains the most successful in history. A two-time inductee into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and an 18-time Grammy Award winner, McCartney, Lennon, George Harrison and Ringo Starr all received appointment as Members of the Order of the British Empire in 1965 and, in 1997, McCartney was knighted for services to music. He has taken part in projects to promote international charities related to such subjects as animal rights,seal hunting,land mines, vegetarianism, poverty, and music education. He has married three times and is the father of five children. McCartney is also one of the wealthiest musicians in the world, with an estimated net worth of US$1.2 billion. He was born in Liverpool - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul_McCartney
18 Jun 1973 - Julie Depardieu, is a French actress who has appeared in several successful films. She is the daughter of Gérard Depardieu and Élisabeth Depardieu and the sister of the late Guillaume Depardieu – all of whom have worked as film actors. She won two César Awards (Best Supporting Actress and Best Young Actress) for La petite Lili and won another (Best Supporting Actress) for Un secret in 2008. She was born in Paris - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Julie_Depardieu
Events of interest
18 Jun 1928 – Aviator Amelia Earhart becomes the first woman to fly in an aircraft across the Atlantic Ocean (she is a passenger; Wilmer Stultz is the pilot and Lou Gordon the mechanic). - https://www.nasa.gov/multimedia/imagegallery/image_feature_1112.html
18 Jun 1940 - "This was their finest hour" was a speech delivered by Winston Churchill to the House of Commons of the United Kingdom. It was given just over a month after he took over as Prime Minister at the head of an all-party coalition government. It was also made after France had sought an armistice on the evening of 16 June. - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/This_was_their_finest_hour
18 Jun 1983 – Space Shuttle program: STS-7, Astronaut Sally Ride becomes the first American woman in space. - https://www.nasa.gov/feature/sally-ride-first-american-woman-in-space
18 Jun 2009 – The Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO), a NASA robotic spacecraft is launched. This was launched in conjunction with the Lunar Crater Observation and Sensing Satellite (LCROSS), as the vanguard of NASA's Lunar Precursor Robotic Program, LRO was the first United States mission to the Moon in over ten years. LRO and LCROSS were launched as part of the United States's Vision for Space Exploration program. - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lunar_Reconnaissance_Orbiter
Artist – Goblins from Mars
Song Title – Super Mario - Overworld Theme (GFM Trap Remix)
Song Link - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-GNMe6kF0j0&index=4&list=PLHmTsVREU3Ar1AJWkimkl6Pux3R5PB-QJ
Follow us on Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/NerdsAmalgamated/
Twitter - https://twitter.com/NAmalgamated
Spotify - https://open.spotify.com/show/6Nux69rftdBeeEXwD8GXrS
iTunes - https://itunes.apple.com/au/podcast/top-shelf-nerds/id1347661094
RSS - http://www.thatsnotcanonproductions.com/topshelfnerdspodcast?format=rss
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frankhorvat · 6 years
Sound Reaction to Violence Against Women
This week, I’m guest blogging for the Canadian Music Centre. It’s my fourth and final blog post in a series where I explore compositions by my colleagues that are on social justice themes or impactful contemporary events.
This month, I’m exploring Hildegard Westerkamp’s École Polytechnique, a riveting and emotionally jarring composition that takes us back to December 6, 1989 – the Montreal Massacre.
Click here to read my post on the CMC site.
As this is my final post in my Library Residency, I would like to thank the CMC for providing me with this opportunity to explore the amazing works of my colleagues. Special thanks to Matthew Fava for providing his editorial talents and facilitation to my posts.
Related Posts: I Harp. You Harp. We (All Should) Harp…to Fight Climate Change
Turmoil in the Homeland Inspires Beautiful Music
Reliving 9/11 Through Melissa Hui’s Reaction
Sound Reaction to Violence Against Women was originally published on Frank Horvat
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vivirasturias · 7 years
BMW R 1200 RS ConnectedRide
Un anticipo de los futuros sistemas de seguridad para motocicletas en la Conferencia del CMC 2017
BMW Motorrad ha sido considerada líder en seguridad asociada al motociclismo durante décadas. El carácter pionero de BMW Motorrad se ha consolidado, por ejemplo, con el ABS, el control de tracción, el control dinámico de tracción o el equipamiento para motoristas. BMW Motorrad se esfuerza continuamente por mejorar la seguridad de las motocicletas y hacer que el desplazamiento sobre dos ruedas resulte aún más seguro y atractivo.
Con el prototipo R 1200 RS ConnectedRide, BMW Motorrad desveló una motocicleta que proporcionó a los visitantes de la Conferencia del CMC 2017, celebrada el 12 de octubre en BMW Welt en Múnich, un anticipo del futuro de los sistemas de seguridad para motocicletas. Además de un asistente para giros a la izquierda y cruces, cuenta con un gran número de sistemas diseñados para evitar accidentes entre motocicletas y turismos. También se alerta a otros usuarios de la vía pública, así como al propio motorista, si están a punto de hacer caso omiso de la preferencia de paso.
Se encarga de detectar esta peligrosa situación y de iniciar las medidas de advertencia correspondientes la tecnología de comunicación entre vehículos V2V (Vehicle to Vehicle Communication), basada en una norma de comunicación entre fabricantes y una localización extremadamente precisa a través del sistema DGNSS (Sistema Global de Navegación por Satélite).
En 2016, el CMC (Connected Motorcycle Consortium http://www.cmc-info.net) fue fundado por BMW Motorrad, Honda y Yamaha con el objetivo de promover los C-ITS (Sistemas Cooperativos Inteligentes de Transporte) para motocicletas con tantas normas entre fabricantes como fuera posible. El único consorcio internacional de este tipo para la seguridad de las motocicletas está adquiriendo cada vez más importancia.
El CMC considera especialmente los requisitos específicos para el motociclismo ante el desarrollo altamente dinámico de los sistemas de seguridad para automoción. Esto incluye sobre todo la tecnología V2V, que no ha tenido suficientemente en cuenta los aspectos de seguridad para motocicletas.
La Conferencia del CMC 2017 se centró en las intervenciones y el intercambio de información de Pedro Barradas, de la Dirección General de Movilidad y Transporte (DG MOVE) de la Comisión Europea, el Dr. Ulrich Veh, Director de Seguridad de la Asociación Europea de Fabricantes de Automóviles (ACEA), y Antonio Perlot, Secretario General de la Asociación Europea de Fabricantes de Motocicletas (ACEM).
El anfitrión y nuevo presidente del CMC, el Prof. Dr. Karl Viktor Schaller, Responsable de Desarrollo de BMW Motorrad, afirmó: «Nuestro objetivo es fomentar el uso integral de los sistemas de seguridad cooperativos para motocicletas en una fase inicial para aprovechar su potencial de aumento de la seguridad y del placer de conducir. Esa es la razón de invitar a otras empresas a unirse.»
Además de brindar una oportunidad de intenso diálogo, el CMC promoverá apariciones conjuntas en Salones del Automóvil y otros eventos en 2018 con el fin de ilustrar activamente los últimos desarrollos en materia de sistemas de seguridad para vehículos de dos ruedas. En la Conferencia del CMC 2017 se vislumbró el futuro con el prototipo BMW R 1200 RS ConnectedRide y dos prototipos basados en la Honda CRF 1000 L Africa Twin y la Yamaha MT-09 Tracer, con una arquitectura común.
La siguiente fecha importante en el calendario del CMC es el Congreso Mundial de ITS, que se celebrará entre el 29 de octubre y el 2 de noviembre de 2017 en Montreal, Canadá. Este será el mayor evento del mundo sobre servicios y sistemas de transporte inteligentes. En la mesa redonda del 1 de noviembre, el CMC dirigirá un profundo debate en torno a las redes conectadas y la comunicación V2V con expertos de Estados Unidos, Europa y Taiwán.
BMW Motorrad presenta la R 1200 RS ConnectedRide BMW R 1200 RS ConnectedRide Un anticipo de los futuros sistemas de seguridad para motocicletas en la Conferencia del CMC 2017…
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megajobsdbca · 7 years
Employment as an CMC Chemist II at the enGene Montréal
Employment as an CMC Chemist II at the enGene Montréal
Name Company: enGeneLocation: Montréal – QC – CA SummaryChemist II (Montreal) The Chemist will be responsible for developing analytical assays and performing quality control testing at enGene. Responsibilities Control and testing of raw and reference materials Develop analytical assays to support manufacturing development and characterization of in-­‐ process and final products Perform routine…
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cubaverdad · 7 years
Una empresa inglesa comercializará café con el Gobierno cubano
Una empresa inglesa comercializará café con el Gobierno cubano DDC | Montreal | 18 de Enero de 2017 - 13:52 CET. La empresa LGC Capital Ltd. (LGC) anunció este martes que la inglesa The Cuba Mountain Coffee Company Ltd. (CMC) ha acordado los términos de un contrato con el Gobierno cubano y con la procesadora de café Asdrúbal López, la principal en Guantánamo, para comercializar y vender el mejor café producido en la región, según informó NewsWire. El proyecto está programado para comenzar este año con el primer café exportado al final de 2017. LGC Capital Ltd. es una empresa especializada en oportunidades de "crecimiento" en Cuba. CMC tiene una fuerte relación con Nespresso. Ambos firmaron un memorando de entendimiento el año pasado, y Nespresso espera comprar una gran parte del café cubano resultante de este proyecto aunque todavía está sujeto a un acuerdo final. El CEO de Nespresso, acompañado por parte de su equipo, ha visitado la Isla para inspeccionar la última cosecha y recorrer varias plantas de descascarado de café en las montañas. El proyecto incluye la instalación de una planta de torrefacción de café en la procesadora Asdrúbal López, que producirá una marca de café tostado para el mercado nacional y regional. Según LGC, también se está discutiendo con una compañía cubana para distribuir el café a través de tiendas minoristas, y que esperan que termine con la creación de la primera cadena de cafeterías cubanas. En febrero se prevé que CMC se reúna con autoridades del Gobierno de la Isla, entre ellos directivos del MINAGRI (Ministerio de Agricultura) para finalizar las revisiones y términos comerciales antes de que el proyecto vaya a la aprobación final con los ministerios interesados: el de Agricultura e Inversión Extranjera. El contrato propuesto permitirá a CMC administrar conjuntamente con la procesadora Asdrúbal López las 17 microrregiones más altas y mejores de la provincia de Guantánamo, la principal región cafetalera de la Isla. David Lenigas, copresidente y CEO de LGC, comentó: "Este es un emocionante desarrollo para LGC Capital y su inversión en The Cuban Mountain Coffee Company. Cuba es mundialmente famosa por sus cafés arábicos de alto crecimiento. Su maduración es ralentizada por las brisas del Caribe que permite desarrollar sabores complejos. El proyecto de CMC tiene como objetivo ayudar a restaurar los mercados de exportación y la reputación de los cafés finos de la Isla". Nespresso, de Nestlé S.A., a mediados de 2016 anunció que se convertirá en la primera empresa que importará café de Cuba hacia Estados Unidos en más de 50 años, según informó Reuters. En abril, el Departamento de Estado estadounidense sumó el café y otros productos a su lista de importaciones elegibles, producidas por empresarios cubanos "independientes". CMC, que tiene un memorando de entendimiento con Nespresso, firmará su acuerdo con entidades estatales. Las medidas económicas propugnadas por la Administración de Barack Obama como la importación de algunos productos cubanos, siempre y cuando se demuestre que provienen del sector privado, parte de una estrategia para "empoderar" a los emprendedores. Hasta ahora, algunos proyectos que se han trazado en este sentido no han beneficiado a este sector. A principios de 2016, Obama aprobó la apertura de la primera fábrica estadounidense en Cuba en más de medio siglo, al autorizar a una empresa de Alabama la construcción de una planta para ensamblar tractores pequeños en Mariel. Finalmente, el proyecto no se llevó a cabo y los tractores comenzaron a construirse en suelo estadounidense. Recientemente, se señaló el inicio de la exportación de carbón de marabú por cooperativas que el Gobierno no identificó y una empacadora que no mencionaron. Lo único claro sobre este negocio es que el carbón será enviado por la estatal CubaExport. Source: Una empresa inglesa comercializará café con el Gobierno cubano | Diario de Cuba - http://ift.tt/2iI6AbD via Blogger http://ift.tt/2jnMaGY
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disparx · 7 years
2 days til surgery
writing this down before i forget. i just got off the phone with a nurse. she said a bunch of stuff
i may or may not have drains (probably will), which i will have to empty myself and get removed by my doctor 6 days post op, along with my nipple dressings
i can’t shower until 24 hours after my drains come out (rip)
i will have dressings which i will remove myself when i get home
i will have sutures that will dissolve on their own, i can’t fuck with them
it can take up to 3 months for the incisions to close completely
i will have to wear an ace bandage 24 hours a day for a month (holy shit)
i can’t lift anything over 10 pounds for a month
i can’t swim or do exercise for 6 weeks
i will get a chance to talk to my surgeon the morning of surgery, and he will decide which procedure i will have based on how big my boobs are, how much muscle i have, etc
the nurse assured me my surgeon is as good as the other surgeons, but was not able to show me results pictures
i have to get to the clinic at 8am for my surgery at 9am
they will make sure i get where i need to go at the right times, all i have to do is show up
i was supposed to have received a post op guide email, but i didn’t - i guess that’s coming
they will tell me everything i need to know for recovery as well as give it to me in writing
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disparx · 7 years
i can’t even imagine what a flat chest would look like on me. like i try and picture it and it just does not compute with my brain.
i know i’ll look even skinnier, because right now my chest kinda defines how bulky my torso looks, even in a binder, and especially under a vest.
i know i will love it. however it looks under a t shirt, i’m sure it’ll be great.
i’m getting anxious now. the thoughts of “oh no what if i get disfigured, what if i die” have arrived. cuz my surgeon is so fucking obscure?? i’ve heard of TWO people on the internet who’ve had surgery by him. one quebecois dude who made a youtube video immediately post op and never did a follow up so who knows how his results turned out, and one dude on reddit who seemed really happy but he never posted pictures and now he’s inactive. so yeah i have NOTHING to go off of. no results, no testimonies. 
AND i don’t even know what type of surgery i’m getting!!! what the shit!! i want double incision, not keyhole. is that weird? i want the scars. i want something i can point to and say “look at that. i went through that. i am trans enough.” i don’t know if i’m small enough for keyhole, but i know they’re getting better at doing it for large chests. i just think that unless my surgeon is really against it i should get double incision. i think it’s supposed to be harder to fuck up too, cuz it’s an older procedure and you have more room to work with when things are cut right open.
in summary, kinda scared i’m gonna die, kinda scared my surgeon is gonna fuck shit up cuz he’s a goddamn cryptid, very confused about what fucking surgery i’m getting.
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disparx · 7 years
4 days til surgery
most of the time i just go about my life as normal. 4 is just a number. numbers don’t mean anything unless you interpret them. 
but when i stop and think about it.
4 days.
it’s saturday night. on tuesday morning i’m going to drive to montreal.
i just cry when i think about it. too many emotions. 
i’m scared as shit. the specificity of my previous anxieties has been replaced with a simple generalized fear. 
when i think about being post op, like just going about my life being post op, i get really happy and excited. 
this is huge. this is something that i never thought would happen, for real. like... i knew it would happen and i always strove toward it, but i never knew it would happen, y’know? like it’s happening. in 4 DAYS. i’ve never done something this permanently life-changing.
i wish one of my friends could come to montreal with me. i think that would calm me somewhat.
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disparx · 7 years
3 days til surgery
i just shaved everything from my armpits down to my belly button. my boobs are now so smooth, it’s ridiculous. who knew a tiny bit of hair can make that much of a difference. 
waiting is boring af since i have no friends in my hometown. i’ve watched the last 5 harry potter movies, read a book, and spent hours on tumblr in the past few days. i’m saving my tv show binging for recovery though. at least right now i can choose to go outside or play music or whatever.
tomorrow i finally get to hear back from the clinic. looking forward to it.
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disparx · 7 years
Another Top Surgery Recovery Blog
Hi, my name is Jack and my pronouns are they/them. I’m a non-aligned nonbinary 19-year-old from Ontario. In 10 days (August 23, 2017), I’m having top surgery with Dr. Bensimon at the Centre Metropolitain De Chirurgie in Montreal (aka CMC Montreal or GRS Montreal). If I can remember to keep it up, I’m going to use this blog to track my top surgery recovery. 
Unfortunately I’m not actually sure what kind of surgery I’m getting... probably DI? I don’t think I’m small enough for keyhole, but you never know.
I hope this blog is helpful to someone - especially others who are scheduled with Dr. Bensimon, because I have not been able to find any information about him and his results anywhere.
Feel free to ask me any questions you want, I will be happy to tell you about my experiences. (Also follow me if you’re post-op, cuz I’m definitely gonna have questions for you too lol.)
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disparx · 7 years
5 days til surgery
i went to la senza and got myself sized lmao. last opportunity to do it ever, so might as well. i am officially a 32D. people are always shocked when i tell them i’m a D. they think i’m an A, it’s funny.
wearing a real bra for the first time ever was an interesting experience. i understand what the word “support” means now. never got that before. i also understand why people are so shocked. in a real bra, my boobs are big! if i was a girl i’d be very well off. what a shame.
after that experience, i think no way am i getting keyhole. so that’s good i guess cuz i didn’t want it?
on monday i’ll hear back from the clinic. i asked them for Dr Bensimon’s results pictures, what kind of surgery i’m getting, and whether i’ll be able to talk to Dr Bensimon before the actual surgery. y’know, things i should definitely have asked weeks ago.
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