#top surgery
boytransmission · 8 hours
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Daily i go from butch to blatantly pathetic bottom 🙇‍♂️
Please help me afford top surgery!
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ecstasydemon · 2 days
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i was kinda based when i came up with heart top scars
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edandstede · 1 day
had my consultation and i’m looking at a september/october 2024 date for my top surgery :•)
if you’d like to share and/or donate to my ko-fi to help me with surgery funds that would be lovely 🏳️‍⚧️
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bookslutskye · 6 months
so i recently got top surgery and this was on my discharge papers after a mild complication
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keegbee · 1 month
celebrating my 5 year top surgery anniversary today, so I wanted to draw something that reflects the bliss of feeling your chest for the first time. happy pride 🏳️‍⚧️⚧️💙🩷🤍
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silkentine · 4 months
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In honor of my original meme hitting over 99k notes on tumblr dot com, I’ve made a sequel nearly 4 years later!
(original below)
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elierlick · 3 months
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You shouldn’t have to be trans to get any sex characteristic-related surgery. It’s not a limited resource. Plenty of cis men get implants and cis women get breast reductions. From Colby Gordon today and Leslie Feinberg in Transgender Warriors (1996).
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gardenstatetait · 1 year
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government wants trans people to detransition so here’s them chasing me to hot glue my bazoinkers back on
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sparklemaia · 1 year
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yes I'm now on the other side of top surgery and I'm allowed to lift things again 💪 You might have already seen this one on my substack -- did u know you can subscribe to my substack for early access to comics like this?! Sent directly to your email inbox??? FOR FREE????? (there is also an optional paid tier for exclusive bonus content for five bucks a month but like 80% of my posts will be free and publicly available) ty ily♥
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scramratz · 10 months
Missouri is hell
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myths-and-girls · 10 months
Getting top surgery next week and ngl, I think its gonna be a huge weight off my chest
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boobexplosion · 6 months
i dont have to wear a binder. i have a flat chest i can inhale as deeply as i want and i never look like i have breasts. im not aware of my chest when i go down steps, im not aware of my chest when i put in a seatbelt. when someone hugs me it's like a flat board for them. i can wear a towel around my waist around my house and go shirtless to the beach. i was subconsciously avoiding half of my closet for years until one day i realized; i DO love these shirts, and they look *so good* now that i dont have a chest. im not paranoid at my job that my coworkers will find out the truth if i reach too high or tuck in my shirt. i dont stare at my chest every time i put on an outfit any more. i dont catch myself in a mirror at a department store and hunch my back. i stand up tall. i lie shirtless in bed every night and nothing stares back at me.
these are my experiences with top surgery if anyone is debating whether or not they want it. for me, every day i lie shirtless in peace. greatest decision ive ever made
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honeysucklebuttons · 1 year
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The tweet: https://twitter.com/Lionhearted_ben/status/1629919975203848192?t=HfF1j3BVqZMgZEIHgVnz3w&s=19
And in case Twitter is being a fool, here's the PDF itself: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1PiO5JAc2_erXL9rEPU-Gj4DXQ3N0dTbe/view
Shout-out to a friend for showing me this!!
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minkytaro · 3 months
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nonbinary cat!?
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One day in 2019, I had pain so bad I went to the ER.
My gut felt like there were red hot needles and knifes being stabbed into it. I felt nauseous. I felt faint. I very nearly threw up.
It was not the first time I felt this way but it was the worst I’d ever felt. I’d been getting increasingly bad pain for over a year and I had gone to countless doctors trying to determine what it was.
The doctors at the ER — thankfully — took me seriously. They determined I had a severely infected gallbladder and the only way to save my life was to have surgery to remove it.
I still had to give consent before the surgery.
I remember being terrified. I was alone. There was no one to help me. And somehow, even though the only course of action I could take was to consent to the surgery the fact that I had to before they could take action made it all the more terrifying. The consequences of the surgery would mean I would live, but I’d never quite be the same. I felt cheated by my own body. Why was it this way? Why couldn’t I be healthy? Functional? Why wasn’t my body working with me?
The nurses, doctors, and surgeons there were all incredibly kind to me.
One surgeon in particular — the one who ended up operating on me — said something that will stick with me for the rest of my life. “Your body is there to help you. Sometimes, when part of the body is no longer helping you, the best thing to do is cut it away. You’ll be so much happier after the surgery. You won’t be in pain anymore.”
I think about that a lot.
I think about it a lot when I see trans men begging for help to get top surgery and are met with resistance or well meaning but ignorant messages begging back to not “mutilate” their body.
I think about my surgeon, who was so kind to me and knew what to say when I was scared and crying and alone in my hospital bed.
Your body is there to help you.
Sometimes, when part of the body is no longer helping you, the best thing to do is cut it away.
You’ll be so much happier after the surgery.
You won’t be in pain anymore.
I hope you get your top surgery.
I hope you will be so much happier.
And I hope the pain will end.
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ambulatoryhoodie · 4 months
When asked why I got top surgery:
I have an extensive graphic tee collection and boobs really fuck up the design
I wanted to be a more aerodynamic swimmer
The anime style ‘boing’ sound effect from my tits kept alerting the guards and it was really cutting into my revenue as a jewel thief
Lost them in the war
Pat down my chest then franticly check my pockets and bag. ‘I most have left them at home’
They would bounce at a speed of 379 mph and the sound was getting noise complaints
Commitment to cosplay
Rehomed them for a small fee, just couldn’t take care of them anymore
Wym I never had tits?????
They turned evil and I had to cut them off like Ash (from the evil dead) had to cut his hand off
They just refused to pay rent so I had to have the city evict them
Sold them for computer parts
The vibe was off with them
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