#cncf ooc
[[ hey chat ]]
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localaceken · 5 years
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@cainsnocreaturefeature spoilers lmao
im joking its not a spoiler dont kill me
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kg2hub · 5 years
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hey ryu your rat ran all over my tablet you can have him back :/
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eggphcbe · 4 years
((kg discord was going feral over it a bit ago so. 2020 is,,,,, year of the rat,,,,,,,,,,, you know what that means ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ))
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This au helped me through a pretty shitty time of my life, I didn't use Tumblr back then so I would find images from this au and try to piece them together and had the time of my life doing it, now that I am actually able to read it makes me incredibly happy, I love the designs, the story, the concept and overall this au is amazing and it also gave me a lot of motivation with my own art, so I can't express how glad I am for this au to exist. Thank you.
[[ oh wow...
i'm really glad that this blog made such a positive impact on you, even back then! ]]
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super neat to see that the blog is viewable again! i remember following this au and this blog while it was still going, and i wanted to revisit it a little while back, so i was rly surprised to come back to it again after being recommended a video on youtube about kindergarten and remembering it again! hope you're doing well!
[[ lovely to see you again, anon, and thank you very much!
i'm doing convention crunch right now so i'm a little frazzled, but otherwise i'm doing alright, thank you for the well wishes! i hope you enjoy revisiting the au! ]]
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Man I loved your au back in the day. Probably one of a few aus I actually got pretty majorly invested in.
Your art was is beautiful your writing was beautiful the story was beautiful, everything!
It's cool you're back.
[[ aw geez, thanks, anon.
i can do art a little better now than how i used to five years ago if you want to check it out on my main @ryukogo, even if it's not kindergarten ]]
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OH MY GOD IT’S BACK!!! This blog helped me get through a really tough time in my life, and so while I respect your previous session to have made it private, I’m so glad it’s back!! I missed it so much bsjaishdjskwjsjz.
[[ it always like, amazes me to hear when somebody tells me that anything i've made has made that kind of impact on them, so i'm glad cncf was able to do so for you, anon.
i hope you have a good time rereading it~ ]]
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Holy shit I am so happy to see this blog back up. I missed it so much!
[[ pleading emoji ]]
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but exactly, how will your story end?
[[ i know the answer of how i want it to end, but getting there...
... i’m not exactly in the fandom as i used to be, anymore. ]]
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Just curious. I saw a sketch you made of ozzy, madison and jerome. Madison kissed jerome. Are they in a love triangle?
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[[ when you share the same name and the same boy you’re in love with
according to some reliable articles on parrots (and a friend), hand-raised parrots will think that their owners are their mates
happy april fools, thanks for the prompt @arquablysalty ]]
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Your art is amazing! But I can't navigate to find the first comic so that I can read it and not be lost... is there a way where you can try and make some sort of masterpost? (Sorry if it's too much trouble, I really want to read this blog, but I'm lost when I do because everything is out of order and I can't navigate through this blog)
[[ oh man a masterpost... that’s going to take a while, i think, and i haven’t looked at this in ages
honestly your best bet is to just do what i said in this post, which is to look at the chrono tag for kindergarten since im sure i tagged everything with that
https://cainsnocreaturefeature.tumblr.com/post/617204984557240320/wait-i-dont-know-if-this-has-been-asked-before ]]
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Why does rat boi wear like 13 shirts
[[ because 13 is a lucky number ]]
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Is this blog on a hiatus?
[[ mmmhm. 
well, it doesn’t really have to be, i just keep forgetting to ask, but what do you followers think of just text/fic updates in the future? i feel like... it’d get the story done faster... i don’t really have much motivation to draw for this au like i used to because of the current situation and events that had transpired some time before...
i’d draw like 1-3 images tops for each update as i see fit to accompany any text updates... but it wouldn’t really be the same. i don’t know... i’d like to know what everyone thinks. ]]
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Happy birthday to the kurosawa twins!
[[ i see we glossed over alice's birthday ]]
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