bxoken-heartss · 4 years
Christopher Velez: Put a Little Love on Me
A/N: This is a little experiment I tried to do cause this song gave me some soft Chris feels? So I hope y’all like it and comment down your opinions. There are two parts to this.
Words: 6.4K +
Pairings: Christopher V. x Reader
Genre: Heartbreak and fluff
Triggers: Language...
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Honorable mentions: @papichriscnco​ @cnco-hoenesty​ @ellos-me-vuelven-loca​ @wwecncoroadtripwhydontwetrash​ @joelpimenteljs​ (For being my SPANGLISH Translator! Love ya Bubs! <3 )
(Y/N): Your name
(Y/N/N): Your nickname
(Y/L/N): Your Last Name
' ' ': Switch of scenes
~ ~ ~ :  Line by Line Lyrics scenario ending.
//We fight, We get high holding onto love
We came down cause there was nothing holding us.//
Y/n was Zabdiel's best friend. Ever since the day she had stood up for him and patched him up after that rough fight back in middle school.Ever since that day, the two have been inseparable. The both of them were blessed with beautiful voices, always spending their time practicing hard. So when Zabdiel turned 17, he decided to audition for La Banda. Having originally being from Britain, Y/N had decided to go back to her hometown, Manchester and audition for the X-Factor to prove her worth to the world wanting to pursue a solo career in pop music despite spending half of her childhood in Puerto Rica. But despite the conflicting and busy lives they've had, she was there..there when he needed her, him doing the same. She was absolutely overjoyed and practically launched onto him as she hugged him to pieces as she kept congratulating him. He was there for her last performance...stood beside her and consoled her when she got eliminated from the top 3 finalists.
He was downright disappointed but not for long..The night she lost the X-factor, she had won a couple millions of hearts. She continued to pursue her interest..creating music, covering songs of artists she hoped she'd sing along with one day. Her hard work and determination paid off when she got a call asking her if you was interested of being a part of the ISLAND RECORDS. She was thrilled, ecstatic and overjoyed. And within a span of months, she had made her mark, slowly but an unforgotten mark. Zabdiel was there, like always to support her throughout her important phase of her life. It was harder to be there for each other as they had their own careers to pursue.
But when they had been recording in Miami for their own albums, they could spent plenty of time together. Zabdiel had practically dragged her towards the boys  even though she opposed the idea fearing that she'd just fangirl on their faces (She was a huge fan of theirs..). But anyways after a few pleadings from Zabdiel she agreed..She had met them backstage after their final performance but it was pretty rushed and informal. So after she had formally (not that she needed it considering how much she knew about them)  been introduced to the three boys (Erick, Richard and Joel) apart from Zabdiel, she began talking to them. After a while she had felt thirsty and excused herself to get some water. She had gotten up from the couch and headed towards the small pantry room in their studio.
"Hermosa no está allí!" Erick yells as he stood up from the couch rushing towards her
But obviously before she could turn around and ask him what he meant she had stumbled on a a thin rope like thing, an icy cold bucket of water emptying onto her, as she fell over.
"Ayyy!! Ya deberías bañarse Zabdie!" A voice says as strings of laughter enters into the room.
Y/N growled as she sat down smoothing her hair, not even bothering to look up at the person. The rest of the boys looked (more like glared at the person who had just entered).
"Ayy...No sabie que tenias novia, Erick." The person speaks as he kneels down
"No es mi novia Papi.." Erick replies rolling his eyes.
Y/N cleared her hair away from her face as she saw an extended hand in front of her face..as she gratefully accepted it.
"Thank you..." She whispers as she looks at the boy straightening her posture.
Christopher Velez..her all time favorite member...
"Noo te precupes...and nena it's my fault..." The boy said as he looked at her.
'Shit...she was downright beautiful....' was all that crossed his mind as he gazed at her
Y/N's gaze shifted from his face to to his shirtless torso. Her face flushed into a shade of pink quickly diverting her gaze when she saw him cover his bare chest with his arms, feeling self conscious all of a sudden.
"Err...Okay! Hasta luego, tengo que ir! adiós Hermosa!" He says as he rushes off casually.
Christopher...Charming as always.
"Mi Amol... Let's get you dried up.. Chris is always - -" Zabdiel begins as he hands her out a towel allowing her to dry herself up
"I know... He's always like that..It's okay Z..Pranks are meant to be taken in a positive manner."
"Okay...well let's get you changed into something comfortable." Zabdiel says as he holds her hand and head towards a room to get clothes for her.
' ' '
"Oh come on! Dry up alreadyy!" Y/N groans as she uses a hair dryer to dry off her hair
Before she can grumble about how much she hated drying her hair, she hears a knock on the door
"Come in..." She says as she keeps drying her almost dry hair
She turns around as she sees Christopher standing next to the door nervously as he looked at her
"Oh come on in...Why are you standing there?"
"Oh...Sorry...I..." He nervously trails off as he closes the door behind and walks towards her.
"Te ves fimilar nos conocemos? " He asks as he looks at her as he thinks about it
"Oh... I'm Zabdiel's friend..Y/N!" She says as she turns towards him extending her hand
"Ah! Zabdie's British best friend...Ah ha...Nice to meet you Mi Amol.." Christopher says as he shakes her hand "I'm Chr- -"
"Christopher Velez...Yes I know you Chris..We have met before...Like once But it was rushed up..Your final performance? You're no stranger to me.." She says as she looks at him
"Ah..I remember now! Well glad to know that.. You're a pop artist right? I've heard a good amount of your songs and you are absolutely beautiful. I mean THEY sound abSoLuTeLY amazing! Not that I'm saying you aren't pretty Hermosa...But I- - " Chris begins
"Thank you..Means a lot from you.." she replies as she looks down trying to hide her light blush
"Well of course! So you listen to Latin Pop?"
"I actually do..."
"Well, so umm..do you listen to our music?" He asks nervously
"I love your music..I love your band! I consider myself a CncOwner!" She states proudly
"Is it - - Is it because Zabdiel is a part of the band?"
"Started off that way...But your music's too good NOT to be heard..."
"Thanks...Appreciate the support!" Christopher says as he smiles at her
"Of course!" She states as she returns the gesture.
"I wanted to apologize..About earlier." He apologizes looking down
"Oh Chris! It happens! It's absolutely fine!" She reassure him
"I swear it wasn't meant for you.."
"It was for Zabdiel...I know..Not like you were expecting me..And for the record..He did need a bath.."
"I know right! I was just being a supportive caring respectful friend.."
"But next time...Keep a little bit warmer water..that was ABSOLUTELY freezing!" She says as she giggles a bit
"Yeah sure...and..one more thing.." He says
"Yes?" She questions
"How did you understand what I was speaking in Spanish?" He asks her
"My mother's from Puerto Rico and my dad's British..So Spanish is like my mother tongue...I'm just a bit more comfortable with English in comparison to Spanish." She states
"Oh..That's why you seemed to understand..." Chris says as he nods understandingly
"Yes..." She replies
"It was nice talking to you Y/N.." He says as he smiles at her
"You too Christopher.." She remarks
                                                      ' ' '
The chemistry between the two was spontaneous and exciting..almost inevitable..
She had loved how carefree he was, his smile and his overall personality.
But around her, Christopher Velez was another different person. Someone shy and reserved.
He would try to impress her by adding in a few more dramatic pushups and increased his speed on the treadmill whenever she came over and worked out with Zabdiel. He'd get her stuffs she'd casually mention in random conversations with him or the other boys.
He'd even write cliché poems and short one liner quotes inside a personal journal of his he started maintaining after they had formally became friends, but made sure no on ever found them.
                                                         ' ' '
"Okay..I understand..sure..whenever you are free...Bye.." (Y/N) speaks as she   hangs up the phone as she sighs and removes off her heels, as she lays frustrated on her couch.
She began lazily flopping around with her phone from app to app..She was disappointed...but not as disappointed as she expected to be...
She knew she didn't love him intensely..but she was willing to give a try. Her present boyfriend had some sort of feelings for her and vice versa so they dated. Well...at least that's one of the reasons she dated him...
The main reason she dated him was to get over her feelings for Christopher that were growing stronger day by day. She liked him..it was way too obvious. But he never showers any signs of interest in her..For she was one of his girl friend..nothing special.. Sure he had showered her with compliments and got her things she liked but he did that with every single girl friend of his...Or at least that's what she reckoned.
So she thought that her feelings for Christopher would disappear overnight as soon as she began dating her current boyfriend..but nothing worked..Soon eventually some sort of feelings grew and she felt a good amount of attachment and love towards him..
The first few weeks were great..she felt better with her boyfriend..but soon after he began cancelling out plans and barely managing time for her..
"(Y/N/N)?!? You're still here?" Asks a voice from her door
Her head darts towards the source and there she sees Christopher standing
"Chris?! What are you doing here?" She asks as she looks at him
"Well..Zabdie had left his jacket in here and I had left a few of my things in here... Aren't you supposed to be on a date today?" Chris asks although his tone is sour as he walks inside
"Andrew's caught up with a bit of work.." (Y/N) replies as she walks towards the kitchen where Chris begins raiding her fridge
"Of course he is.." Chris mumbles as he rolls his eyes
"What was that supposed to mean?" She asks, narrowing her eyes at Chris
"He always does this..He always stands you up almost every single time...Are you guys honestly dating?"
"Of course...We are..." (Y/N) trails off, her tone uncertain
"Well he absolutely isn't treating you the way you are supposed to..."
"Christopher Velèz..You have absolutely no rights to comment about my personal life.." She replies her tone stern
"I'm just stating facts! And I am your friend..I spoke what I felt!"
"Oh please Velèz..what do you know about being in a steady relationship?"
"I've been in more relationships..than you have ever been in. And besides, it's the third time this week he's postponed your plans (Y/N/N)..."
"I know Chris...I know I should do something but..I love him..and he said he was caught up with some work.. He said he'd make time later.. I understand that work is hectic for the both of us.." She explains
"He's hurt you numerous times..with his words and actions..And yet here you are getting hurt..and doing nothing about it..You deserve better (Y/N).." He says as he looks away
"How dare you? I absolutely love him! You've never been in love before! You don't even understand the feeling!" She snaps feeling slightly angry at him for saying that even though she knew he was partially right.
All he wanted to do was scream out that he did know how it feels..He knew the feeling of liking and pinning on someone who's boyfriend was nothing but a jerk who'd make her feel nothing but bad and terrible about her perfect self!
"He's not good enough for you!" Christopher yells back suppressing his thoughts
"What do you know? What do you mean? Why do you care?" She questions him angrily
Because he did care more than he could admit. He liked her more than he could ever admit.All he wanted to do was hug her and let her cry onto his shoulder until the pain fades away..whisper soothing words into her ears..and tell her how much he loves her,give her what she deserves and treat her the way she should have been treated...
But he couldn't...She was someone else's girl..he couldn't ruin their relationship for his petty jealous feelings..Despite how much of a jerk her boyfriend was...SHE loved HIM and not Christopher... So he couldn't change anything...
So he did what he could...he walked away.. because at the end of the day that was the only possible solution..
                                                      ' ' '
"If you're going just going to sit and stare at him...He'll end up dating someone else.." Joel remarks as he slowly begins drinking a pint
"De acuerdo, Hermosa, creo que deberías hablar con él y dile como te sientes" Erick comments as he follows her gaze
"Nope..He doesn't feel the same.." She remarks as she removes her glare from all the girls surrounding Christopher as she quickly gulps down a glass of shot
"You won't know until you tell him Mamita.." Richard remarks as he empties a few glasses of shots
"I do know how he feels..and he certainly doesn't feel anything out of the ordinary for me..." She remarks as she gulps down a few more shots a bit too quickly
"Mi Amol..I think you should relax on your dosage..You would end up with those terrible headaches.." Zabdiel says as he snatches the pint from her hands.
"Yeah Shawty...This ain't really healthy. Could wreck ya down ya know?" Richard comments as he gulps down a few more shots
"Is that a challenge Yashel?" She asks as she looks at the Dominican.
"Mamita...I was just kidd - -" Richard begins
"Now you're siding off Camacho? I thought you were a pretty up-to- challenges sorta lad.."
"I am that typa lad...But nope...Not regarding things like these.."
"So...I'm gonna assume that you're just a wet blanket...Essh..I expected better from you Camacho.."
"Oh it is so on (Y/L/N) Get ready to lose Mamita.." Richard comments, a competitive look on his face, followed with groans from the boys
"Mi Amol...I think you - -"
"Oh we'll see who'll lose..." She replies as she smirks at him.
                                                            ' ' '
Of course, she had won. (well..it ended in a tie.). But that night was one of the most drunk she had ever gotten..Her eyes were glossy as she stumbled around barely managing to stand still, Richard possessing minimal control over himself as he began ranting about something in Spanish whilst raw tears flooded his face..
"Richu...A- - Are you OooKaY?" She asks as she holds onto the wooden table.
"Just emotional...he'll be fine.." Joel reassures her as he replies to Richard's rant in Spanish.
Zabdiel held her arm as she leaned onto him for support, as her eyes darted around the place as if searching for someone.
"(Y/N/N)...who are you sea- -" He begins as she glares at something, Zabdiel's gaze follow hers
"(Y/N/N)...Are you..." Zabdiel trails off as she glares at the girl flirting with Chris.
"I don't- - I- - don't care!" She slurs as she shakes her head "Zab...Dance with me.." She comments as she grabs onto Zabdiel's arm
"No Mi Amol...I don't quite like the entire atmosphere..."
She knew he liked his quiet and peace a bit too much...So even in her drunk state she reluctantly agreed and walked towards the dance floor alone..avoiding unwanted older men and just having fun.
After a while she felt two arms wrapping around her waist. She immediately turned around and her gaze fixated on warm chocolate brown eyes.
"Mami no sabia que eras una borracha guapa.." speaks the voice
She could recognize that voice from anywhere..Chris...
"que tu quieres Velèz?" She asks as her eyes glare onto him
"Y por qué debo, Chris? Pensé que eras muy contento con tu novia?" She snaps, her tone jealous
"Novia? Mami ella no es mi??" Chris begins
"Solo ve Vèlez.." She remarks as she removes his arms around her waist
"Estoy preocupada por ti mamita.." He says
"Estas preocupada por mi? Por qué? Espérate, Zabdiel te pidió que vigilarme?" She asks annoyed
"No Hermosa...He di- -"
"Just leave Chris..." She insists as she removes her gaze from him
"But Ma- -" Chris begins but gets interrupted as someone comes up and stands Infront of Chris
"Papi..you said you'd be back in a minute..."  A redhead speaks as she presses her body against Chris's as she pouts sadly at him
"Emily..I - -" Chris begins
"Yeah go ahead Chris...she's waiting!" Y/N says, her tone annoyed and jealous
The girl just gives Y/N a disgusted look as she grabs onto Chris' arm leading him towards somewhere else as she mildly grinded onto him as she swayed her hips..
Under any other circumstances..she would have left the scene...not wanting to cause any drama. But the alcohol in her system was too high..  she obviously wasn't in her right senses but somewhere deep down inside...probably in her subconscious mind she knew what she was going to do was probably the only last option she had..Now or NEVER!
She walked upto Chris...whose gaze was already fixated on her as she stood in between Chris and the girl whatever her name was.
"What do YOU think you're doing!?" The girl asks as she glared at Y/N
"None of your business b*txh!" Y/N snaps harshly, raising her middle finger at the girl as she glared back as she held a grip on Chris' arm dragging him away from the redhead..
She dragged him to a partially covered area from the rest of the club.
"Y/N are you--"
"I'm sorry but if I don't I'll die in regret.." She interrupts him
"What do - -" Chris begins as she cuts him off halfway leaning forward
Chris' breath hitched as his eyes widened in shock and surprise when she leaned in and pressed her lips against his, her eyes shut. After a few split seconds he gave in and kissed back...
She pulled away slowly yet reluctantly her face flustered as her eyes remained glossy.
"Chris...Oh god! I just -- I love you Chris! Why don't you understand?" Y/N says as she looks at him, her eyes gleaming with sadness
"It hurts me every time..EVERY.SINGLE.TIME! I keep wondering why.. just why couldn't it be me? Why someone else? What do they have that I don't? Why can't you like me the way I like you! Not as a friend..something more! I've always been attracted to you since forever yet all you do is look at those girls the way I want you to look at me! Why Chris? Just why?" She asks hopelessly as she harshly blinks away the tears that threatened to fall, her attempts unsuccessful
"Hermosa- -Please stop crying- -" Chris says as he wipes a tear from her cheek
"Sorry- -I'm sorry...Just forget any of this happened! I'm just acting..I'm not myself..Sorry..." She says as she tries to walk away, but Chris grabs her wrist pulling her towards him
"Chris what- -" She begins her words cut off as Chris crashed his lips onto hers.
The kiss was soft, quick yet passionate. She blushed, as she kissed back.. The feeling of his lips against hers felt so right. Like it was meant to be.
"I...I like you that way too Hermosa.." He says as he pulls away..his gaze elsewhere.
"Really Papi?" She asks innocently as her eyes gleamed with a new emotion
"Si..." Chris replies as he looks at her
"Let's get out of here and go somewhere comfortable and private.." She says as she grabs his arm as she drags him out.
As they both walked towards the exit,  The boys saw the two and stared at them in surprise.
"Wait...She confessed??" Zabdiel asks surprised
"My ship is sailing!!! Yayyyy!!!" Erick comments as he smiles brightly
"I don't want to be an UNCLE yet!! Richard slurs as he continues to sob about something
"Erick....You promised me popcorn! Where's my popcorn?" Joel asks pouting sadly, obviously drunk.
                                               ' ' '
Christopher opens the door of their place allowing her in. She gives him a lopsided smile as she walked (more like stumbled inside). He helped her towards Zabdiel's room as that's where she always slept.
"Now sit here okay? I'll be back." Chris assures her as he walks towards his room, cleaning himself up and changing into something comfortable.
He walked back into Zabdiel's room to check on (Y/N)..She walked out of the bathroom, in a bathrobe hanged messily onto her body...
"Oh my! (Y/N)!! Ahhh!! I'm sorry!" Chris stutters as his face turns red as he shielded his eyes with his hands.
He had seen countless amount of girls fully exposed in front of him..Yet here he was blushing like a tomato seeing her half exposed chest.
(Y/N) wrapped the bathrobe around her tighter as she looks at him equally embarrassed.
"I thought- - I-- I mean- - You'd wan- -t a- -sh- -ir- t..." Chris stutters, his eyes still shut
"Thanks..." She replies as she grabs the shirt and the shorts he'd handed her
                                                       ' ' '
Chris had made her bed for her, arranging everything she needed before she slept.
"Chris..." A voice speaks as Chris turns around
There she stood next to the bathroom door as she had messily changed into the clothes Chris had handed her. He walked over towards her as he helped her re adjust her clothes.
"Thanks..." She mumbles as she looks at him
Chris nodded as he helped her towards the bed..She stops him in between and he looks at her
"Hermosa..is there a problem?" He asks nervously
She speaks nothing but merely kisses him..He melts into the kiss and she interlocking her arms around his neck as soon as he bit her lower lip as she let out a soft whimper..He smoothly slid in his tongue as he savored every inch of her as her hands trailed into his hair, his arms wrapping around her waist.
They pulled away when air was a necessity..Christopher immediately feeling guilty..He knew she was too drunk to decipher what she was doing and was sure she didn't like him the way he did.She tugged onto his shirt as she slowly looked at Christopher..
"No! No absolutely not Hermosa.." He says as he slowly pushes her away from him
"Why? Don't you love me?" She asks as he sighs
"No hermosa, estas absolutamente borracha. No podía aprovecharme de ti." He replies as he looks at her
"I understand..But tomorrow we mustn't wake up thinking all of this was a huge joke..okay?" She says as pecks his lips one more time  
"We'll..we'll see..Just take some rest for now..." He says as she lays down on the bed
She hums in response as Christopher wraps the blanket around her. As he stood up to leave, she holds his arm
"no me dejas, duerme conmigo.." She says as she looks at him lovingly
"no, no puedo..." He says as he looks away
"Please...Don't leave..Just one night." She says
"No..I.." He begins
"I usually cuddle onto something.." She blurts out interrupting him
"I'll.. I'll get you something to.."
"Oh Chris..Siempre soñé con dias que puedo tenerte a mi lado y dormir contigo. "
"Hermosa... I'm not.."
Chris sighed as he takes a spot next to her in the bed..(Y/N) scoots closer towards Chris as she wraps her arms around his clothed torso..
Christopher felt the entire scenario was wrong.. He's going to wake up into reality and the girl he liked would probably not even feel the same about her..
"Te amo Chris..." She murmurs as she softly closes her eyes, smiling softly
Christopher felt his heart swell up with an emotion he didn't know he was capable of possessing..
Oh how he wished how all of her words were true..He wished the kiss was true and honest..not just a drunk mistake..and despite how wrong it was to sleep next to her..he knew he'd never be capable of telling her how he felt face to face..So one night of all this wasn't going to hurt anyone..
                                                     ' ' '
(Y/N) woke up, her hands wrapped onto something...rather someone. The feeling was absolutely beautiful..It wasn't Zabdiel for sure because she wouldn't be able to feel his chest completely considering how tall he was..she liked the warmth the person possessed..Her eyes opened slowly as her gaze fell upon on a perfect mess of brown shabby hair...
Her eyes widened as she say a full clothed sleeping Christopher Velez in front of her. She sat up quickly in surprise as she merely blinked at him.
"Oh my god!" (Y/N) shouts a bit too loud causing Christopher to wake up
He looks at her, his eyes widened as he sat up on the bed quickly away from her..
She spoke nothing but merely stood up from the bed and walked into the bathroom..allowing herself to fully freak out peacefully whilst the tap water ran loudly.
What was she doing sleeping with Christopher? What had happened last night? Did she do something stupid?
Probably Chris was extremely tired and found a empty spot next to her and laid down and slept. Nothing was awkward right? Big deal!
She came outside with a terrible headache...Of course..She had been terribly drunk last night..She groaned and sat on the bed in pain..
"Here...take these.." Chris says as he hands her over a glass of water and a tablet of Aspirin.
(Y/N) looked at Christopher as she shoots him a grateful smile as she takes the tablet and gulps it down with the glass of water, Christopher leaving the room.
                                                    ' ' '
(Y/N) walked downstairs, heading off to the kitchen to grab some breakfast. Her headache had worn off quickly. She grabbed a bowl and tried to reach for the cereal box in the cabinet from above her, successfully being unsuccessful. Zabdiel walked over, opened the cabinet and took down the cereal box handing it over to her.
"I almost had it Z..." She says as her cheeks puff up in annoyance
"That's why you were jumping up and down for five minutes straight.."
"Zab...You could have let me try at least.."
"Mi Amol..Come on.. Let's eat already.." Zabdiel says as he grabs a carton of milk from the fridge
They sat down together and began eating as they begin talking about random stuffs.
Erick entered the room with a wide smile on his face..as he sent a knowing smirk to (Y/N). Joel followed suite, Christopher trailing behind him as they came and sat on their table.
(Y/N) raised an eyebrow at a now smirking Erick and a widely smiling Joel..Christopher had taken his breakfast and settled on the couch, to avoid conversations.
Richard walked in as he grabbed his breakfast and settled next to Christopher, after sending her a smirk.
Why was everyone smirking at her? Did something happen last night?
After breakfast, Zabdiel told her he wanted to talk to her. They both walked into Zabdiel's room as he locked the door..
"Why is everyone acting so strange Zab? Did something happen last night?" She asks genuinely confused
"I'm supposed to be asking you that mi Amol..." He replies
"I don't remember..Could you tell me how drunk was I last night?"
"Probably the most drunk I've seen you..." He states
"Why do I have a feeling that I've done something stupid?" Y/N asks to no one in particular
"You tell me mi Amol..." Zabdiel says as he stretches a bit
"I need time Zab...Give me a minute.."
Y/N tries to remember whatever had happened last night..and within a few minutes..Every single memory hits her like a wave...
"Go and talk to him (Y/N/N)...stop panicking and tell him how you really feel.."
"Okay...Live in regret that you never told him how you felt because you were a scared chicken.." Zabdiel says interrupting her
"I'm giving you advice and you are literally not accepting them...I am trying to help you but you are just panicking.." Zabdiel says as he rolls his eyes
"It did seem pretty practical last night huh (y/n/n)?" He asks
"OH MY GOD!! I'M GOING TO- -" She begins
"Stop panicking mi amol...Just tell him how you truly feel..things will eventually turn out good.." He says interrupting her
"But what if he doesn't like me...?"
"Trust me...you won't be disappointed.."  Zabdiel reassures her
                                           ' ' '
"Christopher...Could I talk to you for a second?"  Y/N asks as she enters the music room in their place, Christopher and Joel sitting and discussing something "I mean..that's if you're not too busy.." She adds on nervously as she looks at Joel and Christopher
Christopher looks at Joel as he nods quickly letting Christopher off..
The both of them walk towards the pool side of the lads' place. The both of them awkwardly stood there staring at the now interesting pool.
"You-- -you said you wanted to talk.." Chris says as he breaks the silence
"Yes...Look...I owe you a huge apology.. what I did yesterday night was absolutely stupid.. I'm sorry..I shouldn't have forced you into anything.." she says nervously, sighing softly
"It's okay Y/N...You were drunk..Hope things aren't going to change between us.." Chris says as he forces a small smile despite the fact that his heart was aching in pain as he turns around walking away
"Chris WAIT!" She says a bit too loud
"Huh? Everything fine?" He asks turning around
"I have..I have something..to tell you!" She says as she looks at him
"What?" He asks her
"This...This..Whatever I said yesterday...they weren't completely wrong..well at least most of it..I really do like you more than a friend..I always have..You were always my favorite member..not Erick. I've liked every single little thing about you and..I don't know.."
"If you did like me why did you date Andrew?"
"The reason I dated Andrew wasn't because I knew you wouldn't feel the same about me..And I had to get over my petty feelings...But Christopher listen..I absolutely understand if you don't feel the same about me! It's absolutely okay! I just had to tell you this...I hope we can still stay friends.." Y/N rambles as she tries to walk away.
"So I don't get to speak?" Chris asks her
"Christopher...I really don't want to hear you let me down..I spoke what I felt honestly.." She replies
"Who said I was going to let you down? Besides I like you that way too Hermosa.."
"It's fine Chris..You don't need to convince me..I can handle rejection you know? Don't force yourself to feel that way.."
"But I do... You're the only girl I honestly feel something for..All those things had special meanings attached to it when I did them to you..and last night I just wished..the kisses and everything you said about liking me were true.."
"So does that mean..." Y/N begins as Christopher shuts her up with a quick kiss.
"You're my girlfriend!" Chris winks at her as she rolls her eyes and kisses him...
                                           ~ ~ ~
She was overjoyed and was satisfied with her relationship with Chris.
His flirty self always caught her blushing..his cringy pickup lines..his overall charm all captivated her and she enjoyed her time with him..
But somewhere deep down inside she knew that Christopher wasn't a settle-on-a-girl sorta guy..He was more of a on-the-go sorta guy..So she was scared..Scared that she wasn't good enough to make him stay..So somewhere deep down inside she knew it wasn't practical to expect or rather wish for such a sort of relationship with Chris...
Chris had come home at midnight as he walked into her place..He was tipsy but yet somehow managed to control himself..
Y/N let him in angrily as she closed the door behind him.
"We need to talk Chris.." She begins
"Talk... I'll listen.." Chris says
"A conversation is two sided...I need your involvement in here too.."
"Okay...What's the matter?" He asks as he rolls his eyes
"Why do you have a lipstick stain on your cheek?!?" She asks, her eyes widening
"Some girl kissed me..."
"And you kissed her back?!"
"It was just a kiss...nothing more.. You're acting like I hooked up with someone or something..."
"Everything isn't a joke VELÈZ! Try to be a bit serious at times! You walk in at midnight, have a lipstick stain on your cheek and you ask me what's my problem?!? You practically glare of ANY guy that approaches me and get jealous in an unhealthy manner!"
"You're just being dramatic right now (Y/N)..." Chris remarks as he rolls his eyes "They're just random strangers.."
"So it's fine if you can go around kissing random strangers but you have a problem if I approach a guy.."
"There's a difference..in that... It's not like that!"
"Then tell me what's it like?!?"
"Stop acting like the annoying bXtch you are!"
"HOW DARE- - YOU know what... Let's end this right here right now!"
"Are you fXckin serious??"
"Yes! This isn't going anywhere!"
"This entire thing was a mistake...It was something petty! A petty fling! You aren't capable of loving someone apart from yourself Christopher! You are just so damn selfish!"
"Don't give me that tone!" He yells
"You know that it's true...You can't survive without your usual hookups and your one night stands now can you?" She taunts him
"No...I can't! Happy? Satisfied? You know what...I don't even like you..All of it was just a stupid joke..You are just an unwanted prick and a clingy little thing...I could never commit to you..I never felt anything romantic for you and the worst thing is that I felt something stronger to my previous hookups than I've ever felt for you.." Chris shouts as he glared at her
She paused for a second before she regained her posture
"Well since we both don't feel anything towards each other it would be better if we stopped this...thing between us..whatever you'd like to call it..." She says as she looks at him sternly
"Glad that you realized it this soon.." he says as he heads towards the door
"Glad we're in an agreement Velèz.." She says as she slams the door shut, her eyes gleaming with grief and pain.
                                                   ~ ~ ~
Is it wrong that I still wonder where you are?
Is it wrong that I still don't know my heart.
Christopher didn't cry...no absolutely not..He was used to this..He was used to having girlfriends for a week.. a month..or maybe two. But after (Y/N) had left him...He felt lost in a way..He felt a sort of emptiness
He tried sleeping with other girls..trying to ease off this unexplained pain he was undergoing..but nothing could ease the pain...
He found his thoughts drifting off..all of them all over and over about her...
From simple baking to anything she liked..very little thing reminded him about her..
She obviously would have moved on.. Why wouldn't she? She's got the looks. Why does he care? The both of you had broken off..And like he said you meant nothing to him...
Everything around him seemed less brighter with her by his side..What was he even feeling? Was this normal? Normal to feel like this?
He was definitely not himself.The liveliness in him was still alive..but it was evidently missing something..at least that's what his heart told him..
                                           ~ ~ ~
Are you all dressed up but with no where to go?
Are your tears falling down when the lights are low?
Another Friday night tryna put on a show
Do you hate the weekend cause nobody's calling?
Christopher sat on his bed as he checked his phone for the 27th time at the same minute. He scrolled through their chats again and again..as if it provided him an odd source of relief.
He looked at it anxiously..as if somehow expecting her to miraculously text him when he was the one who messed the entire relationship up...
He put down the facade when he was alone...mostly when the guys were sound asleep or had gone out for any occasion...He'd cry as hard as he wanted..the pain returning and striking harder every time a tear slipped down his cheek...
The space and loneliness was evident..almost suffocating.
                                                  ~ ~ ~
I've still got so much love hidden beneath this skin
So darling put a little love on me
Put a little love on me
He felt something..something weird for her...Something he hadn't felt with any girl he had met. Whatever he felt hadn't died...It was still there. He realized a sort of unpleasant, stinging pain every time he thought about letting her go.
He was hurt...More than he could admit..But somehow only more love and attachment filled his shattered heart..The love in his heart was never put outside...It was hidden. Even when he was with her, it was hidden.
He didn't want himself to get hurt..he knew he'd be taken advantage of.. that's why he never tried to love anyone romantically..He was scared..Scared that if he showed them how vulnerable he was... they'd use it against him.. That's why he stayed passive and inexpressive..He was scared she'd leave him for someone better.
                                                      ~ ~ ~
When the lights come up and there's no shadows dancing
I look around as my heart is collapsing
You're the only one I need
So put a little love on me
Everyone around him was happy.. Everyone at the pubs, concerts, parks, restaurants and streets had their special someone...everyone apart from him..Instead of being angry.. he felt lonely..upset...
He could have been there..enjoying the same..if he wouldn't have let the only one girl he felt something for...not for his fame or how great he was at bed..but just because of what he was inside out.. Overlooking his flaws and loving him for who he was not what other people and the media said he was..
The heaviness in his heart increased, when he realized she was gone...He felt as if his heart was almost collapsing slowly shattering into small tiny yet irreparable pieces...
They pretended to move..at least he did.but deep down inside..somewhere he knew she was the only one he needed right now...
                                                    X- X- X
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