k1ll3r-k4rg0 · 2 years
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Elliot emo, Derek whatever the fuck he is, so here’s Cody he’s good at math so he’s good with computers. I’ve always wanted a gold who’s stupid good with computers and Cody fits the bill. Guy who just wants to be left the fuck alone and not deal with anyone. Guy who likes computers and machines because they don’t rot and decay. Guy who prefers the company of the mechanical over the company of the living.
But also.... a guy who likes to have a family... and likes to cook for them.
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1973listener-blog · 1 year
"AB Sees You" Alexis Baum, Chris Arnold & Bil Cody https://audioboom.com/posts/8370896-ab-sees-you-alexis-baum-chris-arnold-bil-cody
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k1ll3r-k4rg0 · 2 years
To any troll who is currently in the imperial military: What was your job back when you were on planet?
that’s everyoneee hehe all of my trolls r fleet trolls. i’ll do my mains for now. these r kinda ooc.
Ryf: “The government assigned me barista at troll!starbucks because that’s just what lowbloods do lol. it was absolutely shit. If I’d been higher caste, they might’ve given me something cool like library but nooo.”
Warren: “i killed people n that was alright but it coulda’ been nice to have done some jobs or somethin’ to get some more shit n money n stuff but i wasn’t in the system until like the last year or so but coz there’s so many trolls in those archives n shit they done completely fuckin’ overlooked how i just popped up out of nowhere of conscription age like one year after my account was made n shit but it’s wahtever. jay said he’d get me a purple chip n i did that for a while but it weren’t under my name n shit n i wanted my own account so we got one of ryfraf’s friends to log me properly into the system n that did the trick jus’ nicely. previous purple had a job doin’ architectural plannin’ with a firm which i showed up to half the time but they didn’t really fuckin’ miss me n it was mostly just free money. coz it was like. i was expected to oversee the midbloods drawin’ up the drafts n shit. which i did. but i also had some guy workin’ with me n’ he knew i’d killed his partner n that scared the shit out of him so he didn’t say anythin’ to the firm we were workin’ for or anything. he was kinda’ hot. i fucked him sometimes. that also got him to shut up.”
Jay: “I was a police officer. : )”
Mars: “That was so many fucking sweeps ago. I’ve mostly been in the court doing court things. Lots of accounting. I miss accounting. Then after that, well... I suppose it wouldn’t be on planet anymore would it? Because I went directly to being an admiral. Conquered a lot of territory. They think I’m too much for that now, though. Whatever. I’ll get back to doing it eventually, that’s for sure.”
Cody: “I was in school. With Elliot and Derek. I did a few odd jobs here and there for anyone who wanted to hire me for shit. Did some fucking tutoring for idiots. Half the time they couldn’t understand what I was telling them but whatever. They fucking payed me. Midbloods and highbloods are so shit with math sometimes it’s unbelievable.”
Elliot: “We worked in a fucking pizza shop. It sucked. I wanted to kill everyone who came in through that fucking door.”
Derek: “I found the pizza shop alright! Elliot’s just easy to anger. However, I did do some tutoring as well. That was a real pain. Cody’s right. People are fucking stupid.”
Zyrehn: “I’m too rich for that shit. I’ve never had a job in my life.”
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k1ll3r-k4rg0 · 2 years
38 for cody, elliot, ryf and jay
what’s the least successful thing you’ve ever done? every troll has a bad day.
Cody: “Tried to kill myself LOL. It still hasn’t fucking happened yet. I’m a fucking coward, that’s why. But whatever. You make fucking do.”
Elliot: “I succeed in everything I fucking do. Why the FUCK would you think I have “bad days????” Huh??? Something fucking wrong with you??? Do you THINK I look like a guy who fails??? Jesus fucking christ.”
Ryf: “Bad day? Try bad LIFE. Well. Used to be. It’s okay now. But also it’s not. You know how it goes, you win some you lose most, etc. Anyways. Least successful. Uh. Do I have to talk about it? I’m not gonna’ talk about it. Bad memories and shit hahah... why would you ask me this? There’s so many nicer things to think about, man.”
Jay: “I don’t have bad days.”
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k1ll3r-k4rg0 · 2 years
You doing anything with your crew for Christmas, Cody? How about Elliot and Derek?
Cody: "Fuck that's a good question. I've just been fucking sitting here. I didn't even realize Christmas came up hahah. Maybe we'll do a little dinner with the crew. Give each other some gifts and shit I guess. Secret Santa, maybe one of those things.... Maybe I'll hassle Elliot about it. Get him some lingerie and force Zyrehn to make him wear it. That would be funny as shit."
Elliot: "I am not fucking wearing any goddamned fucking lingerie. That's gay shit, jeez." He crosses his arms and rolls his eyes. "I was thinking we'd have a big fucking party and everyone get fucking blackout drunk. That would be fun as hell. Blast those annoying ass Christmas tunes and fucking get sick off eggnog or whatever."
Derek: "If that's how it's going to be I am Not going. I like Cody's version of things. Quiet and familial."
Cody: "We can do both. Family time now... big party for New Years... getting drunk sounds fun as hell."
Derek: "I didn't get you guys anything btw."
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