#cold and dry season until the warm and wet season comes and the new paracites hatch and dig downwards to find hosts
chisatowo ยท 1 year
I love thinking abt the wasteland staliens sm it pains me so that they have quite literally no reason nor possibility in the slightest to be so much as implied to exist in eternal gales like they are so fucking out of the way of the main cast not a single fucker in their society has any damn reason to know they exist nor that any other stalien society exists cause these mother fuckers have isolated themselves so hard and all of this is my fault cause I made the damn worldbuilding dydjgdkdhd
#rat rambles#eternal gales#oc posting#theyre just so fun to think abt to me cause of how their society is also kind of split between the surface and the underground but in very#different ways since for them a lot of it is out of necesity thanks to their harsh climate that swings to a different harsh climate also#rly tho the biggest issues for them all camping out in one place is the area's paracites that pose a constant threat to everyone#basically theres two dry seasons and two wet seasons with the dry seasons being very long and the wet seasons much shorter#we got our hot dry season our cold and rainy season our cold and dry season and our warm and wet season#cold and rainy is usually when most of the most threatening paracite species come to the surface to mate and then mostly die off for the#cold and dry season until the warm and wet season comes and the new paracites hatch and dig downwards to find hosts#this leads to periods where its unsafe to be on the surface and periods where its unsafe to be underground leading to many having homes in#both and traveling between the two as needed througout the year#these guys also have much more of a concept of years in terms of planatary rotation around the sun than the main cast's society due to this#now of course they cant just leave their cities and such completely unoccupied and uncared for for a variety of reasons#so theres a good chunk of staliens who permanently take residence in the surface or underground#mostly ppl specifically trained to maintain buildings and other structures and ppl trained to take care of those ppl#but theres also just some folk who commit to one local for some reason or another (typically cause of issues with moving their belongings)#oh and also it used to be more common for only eyed staliens to exlusively live underground but in the present day theres a lot of methods#for them to get the energy they need through other means other than just finding energy deposits underground#so nowadays they tend to live wherever as long as theres not like a shortage or smth#also fun fact! you can usually guess which egg cycle of the year a stalien from this society was born in pretty easily due to the wildy#different climates over the year#staliens born during the cold season tend to be larger and have a higher chance for fur mutations while those born in the hot season tend#to be a lot smaller by like a significant degree#obviously this isnt perfectly consistant and otherwise they share all the same traits but on average theres a pretty big split in height#the taller ones average at like 8-10 ft while the smaller ones average from like 4-6 ft#the main stalien cast's climate leaves their average between the 7-8 ft range for reference#anyways I need to fucking sleep and stop rambling abt worldbuilding shit dhndgdkdy
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