#collectors miscellaneous LU aus
the-au-collector · 6 months
Found this as I was going through my drafts. Figured I'd post it since there's no way this is getting edited anymore so... *throws it toward the void*:
Okay so a LU Supernatural AU just instantly spawned in my head when I read the word “Winchester” (someone save me from the brain worms please). I haven’t even finished the series (I got to season 4 and just… stopped. As I do for many things) but uh. Random braindump time. No this AU is not very serious lol. I probably won’t be coming back to it but ~the worms~ deem me to write some dump about it so uh here
LU x Supernatural
Hylia is God. Is God good or bad in spn? Idk but she is God
First is probably John. He’s not as much of an asshole tho
Ganondorf is the devil. Obviously. Actually maybe Demise is. Idk, one of these two is the Devil
The other various Legend of Zelda enemies are supernatural creatures (so Bokoblins, Lizalfos, Lynels, etc. Lynels are probably among the most dangerous, next to all the boss type monsters)
The other various Legend of Zelda bad guys are higher demons and stuff. So Girahim, Yuga, Aghanim, etc. are all demons. Every single one of them.
Bobby is Time.
Time is retired and lives on Lon Lon Ranch. He's forced out of retirement, though.
Twi is their kid. He briefly teamed up with a vampire named Midna to take down Zhant (who is also a vampire) but Time didn’t really like that very much. They didn’t agree about that for a while
Midna and Zhant are both vampires. Twi was is in love with Midna, but Midna insisted they couldn't be together. He hasn’t seen her since.
Wild is Twi's hunter partner and is his protegee. Wild was hurt somehow in a freak accident that involved hunting, and got taken in by Time and Malon.
Legend and Hyrule are the closest stand-ins to the Winchesters I would say... meaning First is their dad. They have a strained relationship but obviously First dies and they carry on his legacy and stuff and hunt things.
Fuck I'm getting a plot abort abort
Uhhh Wind is… idk that kid Sam and Dean adopt in the later seasons
Wars is Castell
That just came to me
Legend definitely gives more Dean vibes but I’m giving him Sam because of the Koholint Trauma
Legend cannot escape the Koholint Trauma in any AU
Malon is a badass like always
Fuck I’m forgetting someone
SKY! Idk, he, Sun, and Groose can be a badass hunting group
Fuck I also also forgot Four
Uh Four’s cursed or haunted by 4 ghosts (the Colors) and/or a demon (Shadow). I for some reason can see Four and Shadow having some sort of forbidden romance or something
Can you tell I never finished Supernatural?
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the-au-collector · 5 months
Random AU idea that has consumed me:
Linked Universe x Lockwood and Co.
So for those of you who don’t know, Lockwood and Co is a book series by Jonathan Stroud. The first 2 books got turned into a Netflix show that got wrongfully cancelled but was very very good (I seriously recommend it.) And the basic jist of the books are ghosts are real, they kill people, and only kids can see them and can get rid of them. There’s also slow burn, government conspiracies, and fancy swords. I could ramble on and on about this series but I’ll just leave you this recommendation: Read them. They’re so good. If you don’t want to read them at least watch the Netflix show. It’s so good. Cannot recommend it enough.
Anyways the brain worms yelled at me that I should fuse it with LU.
Oh boy lets go:
So the idea is a fusion with the Lockwood and Co. world so it takes the basic concepts from it: ghosts are real, they kill people (called Ghost Touch), and kids/teenagers are employed in agencies to get rid of them. Most agencies have adult supervisors who do jack shit. There’s the top one or two agencies, the big corporate guys, but most are smaller. There’s multiple variants of ghosts falling into one of three categories: Type One (harmless, mild annoyances, don’t go out of their way to hurt people), Type Two (will attack you, angry things, very scary, usually have violent deaths), and Type Threes (legendary, only one is confirmed to exist but there could be more…). Also there are 3 main skills called Talents for detecting ghosts: Sight (you can see them), Listening (you can hear them) and Touch (by touching something important to them, you can feel what they felt. Can get very vivid, almost like hallucinations). You also have people who are agent material whose Talents are very strong, but you also have sensitives whose Talents aren’t very strong. Almost forgot those lol.
Oh and it’s all centered around one country. In L&C, it’s England. In this it’ll be Hyrule. The same ideas of keeping ghosts at bay will remain: lavender, running water, etc. and you still fight them with swords, iron chains, salt, and explosives :)
(Can you tell Lockwood and Co is my favorite book series?)
So the stuff that comes from LU/Legend of Zelda would be the country (Hyrule) and the ghost variants, which are taken from the monsters that appear in the game (so Bokoblins, Lizalfos, etc.). And of course the characters and I’ll try to pull the agency names from them as well. The OG books are centered in London, but occasionally do travel around England, so the other cities can come from other existing LoZ place names.
This already got really long but I did some character sketches earlier that I'm going to link with info about these versions of the characters here:
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the-au-collector · 6 months
I'm the AU Collector! Call me Collector. My pronouns are she/her and I'm in my twenties. On this blog you can find a lot of Linked Universe, Kingdom Hearts, Tales of the Abyss, and an assortment of other fandoms I might step into for a quick second. As my name suggests, I love AUs! I love making them, talking about them, reading them! I also love OCs!
My ask box is open! I just ask that you don’t send me political asks, please. Other than that, ask away!
Also a little bit of navigation for all of you:
I use your typical fandom tags for fandom things but anything that isn't fandom but also isn't politics will be under #reblogs. Anything that has a poll will be tagged #poll. Anything that is political will always be tagged all 3 of these: #us politics #tw politics #not fandom.
My thoughts/rambles tags are: #collectors thoughts and #collectors madness and #collectors rambles. i also have #collector plays [insert game title here] for thoughts I have when playing video games as well as #collector watches disney movies for any thoughts I have while watching disney movies.
My masterposts are all tagged #collectors aus and are linked below. I also have a tag called #collectors worldbuilding rambles for any rambles about fictional worldbuilding.
As for my AUs and fics you can find links to their masterposts and their tags under the cut (will update as I post more AUs):
Linked Universe:
Relinked AU (#relinked AU) : 23 years after Linked Universe, the Links' kids are forced on a journey of their own. The Links are quick to try to find them though. Hopefully this will be a comic, but don't be surprised if it ends up as a fic.
Reconnect the Chain AU (#reconnect the chain AU) : AU of Relinked. 10 years after LU, the Chain reconnects themselves. Good vibes and slice-of-life. Most pre-reunion things will be tagged as both this AU and Relinked depending on everyone's ages in the artwork/writing.
LU College Radio AU (#college radio AU): A mostly slice-of-life AU where the Links are all somehow involved with the radio station at Kakariko University.
Cupcakes for Harmony (#cupcakes for harmony): Legend and Marin had a daughter on Koholint. Currently has 2 parts posted on AO3, aiming for 3 - 4 parts total.
Cost of Courage AU (#cost of courage au #epic AU): A crossover between Epic the Musical and Linked Universe that is yet another LU Links Reunite AU. Each song from the musical inspires a scenario in my head. I won't be doing much with it, though, until the entire musical is released so I can see what I'm working with.
Ultimate Chain AU (#ultimate chain AU): I feel like my AO3 description describes it best: I add way too many Links into Linked Universe because these characters are my dolls and this is my dollhouse. AKA, I decide to add more Links into LU because I can and because I want to see how the Links would interact with heroes like the Hero of the Kingdom, the Ancient Hero, the Hero of Spirits, and Shadow.
Lockwood and Co Fusion: (#lockwood and co fusion): I put the characters of LU into the world of the books and netflix show by Jonathan Stroud, Lockwood and Co. Sketches and fics. As of right now, I'm mostly going to be rewriting scenes from the books but with the LU Links
Time is Batman AU (#time is batman AU): Time is not batman, but he is a vigilante like Batman called The Mask. He protects Termina City and fights crime. Oh, and he somehow ends up the father of 7 boys who all share the same name as him.
Other assorted AUs that are not serious (#collectors miscellaneous LU aus) or which have not been posted yet
Kingdom Hearts
I have 2 main fic series for Kingdom Hearts that I hope to share... eventually. Nothing is posted right now though.
Other assorted AUs that are not serious (#collectors miscellaneous KH aus) or which have not been posted yet
Tales of the Abyss
I have 1 main work that I'm brainstorming through at the moment. It's a sequel to Tales of the Abyss. Nothing is posted right now though.
I don't do AUs for Tales of the Abyss.
Original World
OG-verse: I also have an original world I worldbuild for in my spare time. I'll post stuff about it here occasionally. You can find anything about it under #og-verse
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the-au-collector · 8 months
I’m The AU Collector, call me Collector. You can find me under the same name on AO3. Here you’ll find my own AUs, my original world, and lots of reblogs. I’m mainly in the Linked Universe and Kingdom Hearts fandoms, but you’ll also see me stray into others like Tales of the Abyss, Lockwood & Co, Batfam, etc. I call pretty much all of my works AUs, so even if it’s a fic, I’ll call it AU for simplicity’s sake.
I have a lot of AUs so I thought I would break them down below for people wondering what they are. Also feel free to ask me about any of them. I’d love to ramble about them!
Linked Universe
Relinked AU: 23 years after Linked Universe, the Links’ kids are kidnapped, forcing the Links on another time-traveling adventure to save them. Meanwhile, the kids go on their own adventure to get home.
Reconnect the Chain AU: AU of Relinked. Taking place 10 years after Linked Universe, the Chain reconnects themselves. It’s my happy, slice-of-lifey version of Relinked. Most drawings or writing I do with the Relinked kids as kids will be tagged as both RtC and Relinked if it’s pre-reunion.
Radio AU: Modern College AU. The Chain are all somehow affiliated with the college radio station at Kakariko University. Hyrule’s a new student who gets dragged into their chaos, and learns a little bit about himself in the process.
Cupcakes for Harmony: Inspired by Their Melody. I looked at Their Melody and said “what if I made it sadder?”
Adventures of Uncle Alfon: Legend’s Uncle has some things to say. A non-linear, slice-of-life fic focusing on Uncle Alfon and his relationship with Legend.
Epic AU: Ongoing brainstorming. Epic: The Musical has inspired a plot in my head but idk what’s happening with it yet. All I really know is it’s another LU Links Reunite fic, plus some.
Second Chain/Ultimate Chain AU: Alternate versions of the same AU. I add some more heroes into the mix! Features The Hero of the Kingdom (TOTK), The Hero of Ages (Age of Calamity), The First Hero (Skyward Sword Manga), The Shadow of the Hero (Four Swords Adventures), The (younger) Hero of Legend (A Link To The Past), and The Hero of the Minish (Minish Cap). Potentially, I may even add the Ancient Hero (Tears of the Kingdom).
Kingdom Hearts
Those Who Have Been Wronged Series: A multi-book series currently in the works. It’s canon-compliant up until the secret ending of KH3. Follows the Foretellers’ arc with Kairi as the main protagonist as she searches for Sora and works to defeat the Master of Masters alongside Ven, Namine, Vanitas, and Lauriam. It does include all the KH characters, and almost everyone gets their own time to shine, but Kairi and co. (The Reflection Crew) is the main group.
Together AU: KH3 onwards AU where everything is wrapped up during KH3. The Union Leaders are here. Eraqus is back. Everyone is (mostly) happy. A soft, slice-of-life series I write when the Wronged Series is getting to overwhelming.
Miscellaneous AUs: Occassionally a KH AU will pop into my head. These aren’t very serious works, just fun ideas.
Tales of the Abyss:
Fire Rises: Mostly vibes at this point, Fire Rises will focus on a cast of 6-7 Unscored (people born outside of the Score) trying to make their lives in a world that still holds onto their hatred for them. Takes place 5-ish years after Tales of the Abyss.
The OG-verse is my original world called Auran which shares a good portion of worldbuilding as the Wronged Series and Together AU. It’s where all my KH OCs have gone to live. I have a lot of worldbuilding for this but not a lot of story at the moment.
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