#collegiate murdoch
murdochccm · 2 years
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scotianostra · 11 months
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On October 16th 1516, Alexander Home, 3rd Lord Home and his brother William were executed in Edinburgh.
It’s fair to say that those men who held the title Duke of Albany, have been involved in some of the most skulduggery in our long history, the first one, a ruthless politician, was brother of King Robert III and was widely regarded as having caused the murder of his nephew, the Duke of Rothesay, this in turn forced the King to send the future James I to France in 1406, but was captured by pirates and “sold” to the English and held for 18 years, his ambitious uncle ruled as King in all but name until his death in 1420, when the next his son Murdoch, took over as Duke and regent, James I was eventually released in 1425 and Murdoch inevitably lost his head after being found guilty of treason.
Jump forward about 90 years and just after James IV died at Flodden, John Stewart, the latest Duke of Albany took over as Regent to James V was another of the boy Kings, I mentioned in my post earlier about James II.
Lord Home led his horsemen were part of the Scottish force that fought at Flodden, and was one of the few successful charges of that day, his men defeated the right wing of the English army, it’s a pity other tactics went horribly wrong. As the battle progressed and the Scots were being slaughtered Lord Home fled the field, he did however stay on in Northumbria and attempted, unsuccessfully to to recapture the taken Scottish artillery some days later. This story seems to be more about two men who disliked each other than anything else.
Although accepting Albany as Regent things started to go sour when the two had a meeting at Dumbarton Castle, where legend has it, Albany joked about Lord Home’s small stature, quoting ‘minuit praesentia famam’ meaning 'the appearance doesn’t live up to report.’ Their relationship deteriorated and it seems Home tried to garner influence in England, possibly hoping to seek refuge there, sensing things were not going to end well with the new Regent.
In September 1515 Albany forcibly took Hume Castle, and ordered Home to meet him later that year at the Collegiate Church at Dunglass, where he was arrested and imprisoned at Edinburgh Castle. The keeper of the castle at the time was the Earl of Arran and Home’s Brother in Law. Home persuaded Arran to escape with him and take up arms against Albany, they joined another rebel, the Earl of Angus in the Borders.
Moving North they attacked Glasgow capturing ammunition and throwing it down a well, they then headed east and to Dunbar, attacking the castle there and heading south again captured the Chief Herald, the Lord Lyon King of Arms at Coldstream holding him ransom for his mother who was a prisoner of one of Albany’s lieutenants.
After offering a pardon, Albany invited Home and his brother William to Holyroodhouse, where he promptly arrested the pair, imprisoning then on the fortified island of Inchgarvie on The Firth of Forth.
Initially they were accused of the trumped charges of the murder of James IV at Flodden, then of failing to prevent English re-fortification at Norham Castle after the battle.
Finally he and William were charged with rebellion against Albany and beheaded, and their heads displayed on the gable of Edinburgh Tolbooth.
In the mid 1520’s Albany was overthrown from the Scottish regency, and lived mainly in France until his death in 1536.
If there were any paintingas of the brothers they have not survived, the pic is a model of of the Old Tolbooth where he met his end.
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zooterchet · 2 months
Mission Briefing From Agent Brown (Program Vicar-1)
Royal Irish Navy: Labor control forces, the label of "Irish" in the Hebrew Geneology listings; police labor.
Canadian Mounted Patrol: Influence and art media, through call centers and backtraced lines; sum data, held in computers, through felony invoices on recording sheets of prior imprinted felony against controlled substances acts, or support groups thereof.
B'nai B'rith: The sheriffs division, those hired at mercenary private detective to enforce law no longer in status or force or removed, through any politician, worldwide, to be enforced anywhere, worldwide.
Counter Terror: The Quaker Oats fund, to study factories and warehouses and grain silos, to export cereals productions overseas to train workforces to produce armored warfare and vehicles status produce.
Goldman-Sachs: A talent organization out of Broadway, specializing at the removal of negligent sectors of urban tract, through art movements, encouraging immigration by homosexuals, those practicing Lutheran logic; sterile men, by pituatary dysfunction, and barren women, through improper stance of lotus, scoliosis.
Saks Fifth Avenue: Sales of chemicals similar to Rohypnol, however herbal, and in terms of texture beneath nose, often used by CVS corporate executives out of Coens, Hitlers, and Murdochs.
Macy's: Hedge funds basis out of Rockefeller Center in Manhattan, New York City; used for the common coverage of any number of wars overseas with American involvement, to export illicit substance as common industrialized labor for pogrom of sectors of collegiate study; "genocide", actually, an anthropological study, in produce of queer labor, Protestants.
D-Company: Extension of Silk Road and East Indies Company, the holding share in Dutch Country, Boer South Africa, and Uighur West China.  Used in calculation of media movements and script shares, for particular breeding of assassins, out of a single economic role, held by the main character's child; however, if matching proper byline, now hired into contract by necessary partnership organization out of military ally's accounts.
Delta Blue: British Airways overlay, into Thailand, out of Delhi and Amsterdam.  The traffic in sex commerce, through inmates held in Indochina; used as specialists in technical sciences, in any commercial social science entering the common media as a secondary function of commercial product.
Israeli Defense Forces: Neo-Nazi forces held in reserve by Lutheran Iranian alliance, out of Judea and Samaria; held as "Arabs", actually Americans, Hamas, hostage, to sport fight from World War 2 forces ruled as "Hebrum"; Jewish-Americans, as converted to Christian Arabianism, and slurred as "Muslims", homosexuals, without being aware of such attachment.
Paramilitary Reconnaissance: Mercenary forces out of Italy, "Mafiaso", dealing in a third party isosceles triangle for a foreign broker, for development of a market by shift of relationship in a simple thread and peg, on a pair of logical points out of fiction discussed by product imported; Kabuki theater in Japan, prior to Douglas MacArthur.
Israeli Air Force: Training programs and pilot programs as being the same, instead of the foreign model, of an Air Force program as intelligence forces, and an academy being for flight of civilian and military craft.  Used as munitions export, through mercenaries recruited out of the entertainment community.
0 notes
doctoru-au · 7 months
Private Billing LOCUM GP Job
Murdoch, Perth WA | Job ID #2167
Are you seeking a reputable practice in a sought-after suburb just south of Perth?
A unique opportunity awaits for a locum position within a highly rated practice that embodies the essence of quality healthcare, serving a diverse range of patients satisfactorily. With patients eagerly awaiting care and a doctor on vacation, the practice is in need of an additional doctor to serve as a short-term unrestricted VR locum. This position not only offers the chance to experience the practice dynamics but also serves as a trial period for those considering a permanent role and aiming to become an integral part of the community.
By joining as a full-time doctor, you will seamlessly integrate into the practice and quickly establish a busy schedule with a steady patient base. The potential for substantial earnings is evident, with an opportunity for a longer-term commitment that includes the possibility of buying into the practice. This arrangement provides a valuable chance to not only grow your career but also to contribute to the growth and success of the practice from within.
The practice is well-known in a thriving community with a strong economy. It is privately owned and the owner actively practices within the clinic. The team is highly collegial, placing a strong emphasis on culture, and staff are chosen with care. The practice includes 5 GPs, 2 nurses, and a skilled management team. Additionally, it offers onsite pathology, psychology, physiotherapy, and podiatry services. Situated near a bustling shopping center, including a pharmacy, the practice is in a convenient location for the community.
Private Billing Practice. We offer a full-time role with 65% billings and potential for future buy-in for suitable candidates.
FRACGP and Specialist Registration required. Not for doctors needing AMC part 1 and 2 or with General Registration.
I save you time by personally searching for the right job for you.
Andrew McNamara Call | Text | Whatsapp +61 0430001747 Get in touch with me 7 days | early to late.
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royalsfm · 2 years
*/ H O U S E S
AXFORD - music, drama, arts, creatives
the axford school of fine arts was named after aurelius axford, a founding member of cresswell university who had studied the cello and believed in the power of art above all else. axford house is home to the creatives of cresswell university — those with majors such as music, theater, and fine art. the hallways of axford house are always bustling and crowded with the artists that it houses; playing music, singing show tunes, rehearsing solos. the walls are covered in sign up posters: the spring musical, the orchestra, a new book club. there is never a dull moment in the walls of axford, and they are widely known around campus to be the most welcoming house.
notable alumni: elizabeth taylor, max richtor, oscar wilde
BANCROFT - Sports, leadership,
the bancroft school of health professions (?? ) was named after alistair bancroft, the lead founding member of cresswell university. bancroft house is largely home to the athletes of cresswell, which hail from all over the world to be a part of some of the best collegiate sports teams in europe. this house is by far the most competitive, full of students obsessed with winning, or being the best. and it's well known around campus that bancroft house throws the best parties — after all, they're determined to be the best house.
notable alumni: david beckham, steffi graf, ?
DALTON - smart people house
the dalton school of sciences was named after cordelia dalton, the only female founding member of cresswell university. everyone knows that the highest GPAs can be found in Dalton, despite most students also belonging to some of the hardest majors — applied mathematics, chemistry, engineering. but these students are no strangers to parties, as the saying goes: work hard, play hard. the dalton hallways may be quiet during the week days when the students are tucked away in their dorms studying, but you can bet that come the weekend, dalton students are amongst the biggest partiers on campus, so it's quietly known around cresswell that dalton house has the best party favors.
notable alumni:
WALFORD- for the elites
the walford school of business was named after percival walford, a wealthy business man who funded the majority of the creation of cresswell. walford house is less focused on the majors that students study but on the status of their members — the students that belong to walford house are the children of the 1%; celebrities, government officials, monarchs. the walford students have the two things that they believe make the world go round: money and power. because of this, walford is the most selective of houses, and an invite to a walford party may as well be a golden ticket.
notable alumni: prince harry, elizabeth murdoch, ?
0 notes
Know More About The Types of Universities in Australia
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As an academic destination, Australia is globally recognized for its quality education system as well as providing extensive knowledge to both domestic and international students. Learning in the nation is not only limited to passing examinations but understanding the very basics of contexts and applying practical knowledge to respective fields in a relevant and coherent manner. In the past few decades, Australia has developed some of the most powerful and effective infrastructural changes in terms of world class facilities and technology at its university campuses. Combined with its already advanced educational infrastructure, it has become a global powerhouse in the fields of business, education, healthcare and numerous others. The purpose of this blog is to allow its reader to better understand the types of Australian universities so students can make a more informed choice about choosing the right institute for their future education.
Australian institutes are effectively divided into the following categories:
I) Group of Eight
The Group of Eight (Go8) is at the apex of academic associations in Australia and is essentially a group of universities with the most research income. The group traces its roots back to 1994 and was formally incorporated in 1999 in order to appeal to the Commonwealth and Australia to further concentrate resources towards the development of its member universities. In terms of quality of education and prestige, these institutes are the best in Australia with one university located in each Australian mainland capital city and two additional ones in Australia’s biggest cities:
● University of Sydney (1850)
● University of Melbourne (1852)
● University of Adelaide (1874)
● University of Queensland (1909)
● University of Western Australia (1913)
● Australian National University (1946)
● University of New South Wales (1949)
● Monash University (1958)
Besides being some of the highest ranked universities in Australia and the world, what sets these universities apart is their accumulation of academic and socio-economic capital. Studying at these institutes is a matter of great pride and our expertise at Silver Fern Education Consultants will greatly assist you if you are interested in studying at the Group of Eight. .
II) 1960s & 1970s Universities
The decade-long period between the 1960s and 70s saw the establishment of a number of State Government funded universities supported by the Commonwealth in response to the rising demands of better higher education institutes. This demand was due to the expansion of enrollments in the mainland capitals as the baby boom generation born right after World War 2 reached university age. Their locations ranged from proximity to central business districts of capitals cities to comfortable suburbs and their founders wanted to redefine traditional definitions of a classical university. These newer universities would thus inherent novel values of collegial governance, modern architecture and interdisciplinarity.These universities today include:
● Deakin University (1976)
● Flinders University (1966)
● Griffith University (1971)
● La Trobe University (1967)
● Macquarie University (1964)
● Murdoch University (1964)
● Newcastle University (1965)
● University of Wollongong (1975)
III) New Generation Universities
Due to the increasing enrollments of high school students into colleges and universities, different countries began to establish new types of academic institutions whether those were polytechnics in the United Kingdom, community colleges in the US and Canada or in Australia’s case, a new generation of advanced education colleges or institutes. These newer institutes bargained for university status and the distinction between university and non university statuses was dissolved in 1988. 2002 saw the emergence of a network of new generation of universities comprising of the following institutions:
● Australian Catholic University (1991)
● Bond University (1987)
● Canberra University (1967)
● Edith Cowan University (1991)
● University of Notre Dame (1989)
● Western Sydney University (1989)
● Victoria University (1990)
Research at these universities is constantly developing and have most of their student numbers in cities of more than 250,000 people.
IV) Regional Universities
A number of universities in Australia have sought to distinguish themselves from national universities but their classification was always ambiguous due to the difficulty in coming to an agreement of what ‘regional’ meant as a number of national universities had their campuses in multiple regions in Australia. Finally, in 2011, a group of 6 universities formed the Regional Universities Network with their major focus being on providing quality education to regional populations and driving forward community development. Regional Universities ultimately served regions with a population of less than 250,000 people. These included:
● Southern Cross University (1994)
● University of Ballarat (1976)
● University of the Sunshine Coast (1994)
● Central Queensland University (1967)
● Charles Darwin University (2003)
● Charles Sturt University (1989)
● James Cook University (1961)
● University of Southern Queensland (1967)
● University of New England (1953)
● University of Tasmania (1890)
From battling for their regional status to, today, becoming some of the finest institutes in Australia with high enrollment numbers every year, regional universities today form the heartbeat of Australian education.
V) Australian Technology Network (ATN)
ATN was an initial group of 5 institutes, now 6, in Australia that prided themselves on their technical innovation and delivering the highest quality of education outside of the Go8. They formally came together for more support from the Australian government and recognition as senior institutions for vocational higher education in 1975, disbanded in 1982, and re- emerged in 1999 in their current version of the ATN. These institutes include the following institutes:
● Deakin University (1974)
● Curtin University (1986)
● University of Technology Sydney (1988)
● University of South Australia (1991)
● Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (1887)
● The University of Newcastle (1965)
*Queensland University of Technology (QUT) was an initial member but ceased its membership in 2019 due to a new strategic plan. However, the institute continues to be a leader in technological education in Australia. Perhaps the strongest aspect of ATN universities is their focus on real world learning and making students ready for professional life as soon as their programs are complete. Graduates from these institutes are known to undertake world class research and require the least induction training in professional spheres.
Finally, we at Silver Fern specialize in admission processes in each of these five university categories in Australia and hope that this classification will provide a precursor into a more informed choice for potential students aspiring to study in Australia.
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evoldir · 6 years
Postdoc: MurdochU_Perth.MacroecologicalModelling
Postdoctoral Research Fellow - Landscape Genetics and Macro-ecological Modelling Murdoch University (Perth Australia) - Environmental & Conservation Sciences Fixed-term, full time position until 20 June 2021 Associate Lecturer | $65k-$88k plus 9.5% employer superannuation contributions Ref: 1968A01/202117 The ARC Linkage Project "Building resilience to change for mammals in a multi-use landscape" is working to identify critical habitat and dispersal corridors for mammals by applying a novel, interdisciplinary landscape genetics approach to genetic and spatial data. It generates new knowledge on the evolutionary significance of landscapes in the Pilbara that have facilitated species persistence. The Role The Post-Doctoral Research Fellow will contribute to outcomes of the ARC-funded project through the application of necessary methods and protocols as well as the production of reports, conference presentations and scientific publications. It is expected that the ideal candidate will develop a scholarly research profile and professional expertise relevant to the discipline. The Fellow will join a collaborative team involving researchers based at Australian National University, CSIRO, Western Australian Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions and WA Museum as well as interacting with project partners Roy Hill Mining, Biologic and WA Biodiversity Science Institute. Skills and Experience The preferred candidate will have: A PhD in a relevant discipline; Demonstrated knowledge and experience in the application of theory, statistics, and sampling methodologies, preferably in the context of spatial analysis of genetic and/or species distributional data; Well-developed interpersonal skills and demonstrated ability to work collegially and effectively as a member of a research team. Applicants should refer to the Position Description (see below) for further detail on the duties, skills and experience required for this role. To Apply Please submit the following documents via the Apply Online button below: A cover letter Your most recent resume (CV) A statement addressing the selection criteria (found in the Position Description) Applications sent by post or email will not be accepted. Please note visa sponsorship is not available for this position. Please visit http://bit.ly/2P1LzxM to view the Guide for Applicants and Position Description (these are attached). Here you will also find the online form to submit your application. Please note that emailed applications will not be accepted. Please note visa sponsorship is not available for this position. Murdoch University values workplace diversity, promotes inclusion, and strongly encourages applications from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders, women, and individuals with disability. Applicants who have support or access requirements, are encouraged to advise this at the time of their application, to ensure appropriate assistance is provided throughout the recruitment process. Position contact: Associate Professor Peter Spencer on +61 8 9360 2489 or at [email protected] or Dr Kym Ottewell on +61 8 9219 9086 or at [email protected] Closing date: 21 November, 2018 (11:59pm) Information and online application can be found at http://bit.ly/2CSwTtH [email protected] via Gmail
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xtradonaire1 · 4 years
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Bob Woodward’s new book, Rage, is an unprecedented and intimate tour de force of new reporting on the Trump presidency facing a global pandemic, economic disaster and racial unrest.
Woodward, the #1 international bestselling author of Fear: Trump in the White House, has uncovered the precise moment the president was warned that the Covid-19 epidemic would be the biggest national security threat to his presidency. In dramatic detail, Woodward takes readers into the Oval Office as Trump’s head pops up when he is told in January 2020 that the pandemic could reach the scale of the 1918 Spanish Flu that killed 675,000 Americans.
In 17 on-the-record interviews with Woodward over seven volatile months—an utterly vivid window into Trump’s mind—the president provides a self-portrait that is part denial and part combative interchange mixed with surprising moments of doubt as he glimpses the perils in the presidency and what he calls the “dynamite behind every door.”
At key decision points, Rage shows how Trump’s responses to the crises of 2020 were rooted in the instincts, habits and style he developed during his first three years as president.
Revisiting the earliest days of the Trump presidency, Rage reveals how Secretary of Defense James Mattis, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats struggled to keep the country safe as the president dismantled any semblance of collegial national security decision making.
Rage draws from hundreds of hours of interviews with firsthand witnesses as well as participants’ notes, emails, diaries, calendars and confidential documents.
Woodward obtained 25 never-seen personal letters exchanged between Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, who describes the bond between the two leaders as out of a “fantasy film.”
Trump insists to Woodward he will triumph over Covid-19 and the economic calamity. “Don’t worry about it, Bob. Okay?” Trump told the author in July. “Don’t worry about it. We’ll get to do another book. You’ll find I was right.”
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I don’t know Melania well enough to write having a front row seat to the transformation of Donald Trump’s then girlfriend from a rough-cut gem to a precious diamond. As their friendship deepened over lunches at Manhattan hot spots, black-tie parties, and giggle sessions in the penthouse at Trump Tower, Wolkoff watched the newest Mrs. Trump raise her son, Barron, and manage her highly scrutinized marriage.
After Trump won the 2016 election, Wolkoff was recruited to help produce the 58th Presidential Inaugu­ration and to become the First Lady’s trusted advisor. Melania put Wolkoff in charge of hiring her staff, organizing her events, helping her write speeches, and creating her debut initiatives. Then it all fell apart when she was made the scapegoat for inauguration finance irregularities. Melania could have defended her innocent friend and confidant, but she stood by her man, knowing full well who was really to blame. The betrayal nearly destroyed Wolkoff.
In this candid and emotional memoir, Stephanie Winston Wolkoff takes you into Trump Tower and the White House to tell the funny, thrilling, and heartbreaking story of her intimate friendship with one of the most famous women in the world, a woman few people truly understand.
How did Melania react to the Access Hollywood tape and her husband’s affair with Stormy Daniels? Does she get along well with Ivanka? Why did she wear that jacket with “I really don’t care, do u?” printed on the back? Is Melania happy being First Lady? And what really happened with the inauguration’s funding of $107 million? Wolkoff has some ideas…A Truly MUST READ, “Melania and Me”
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Michael Cohen (Trump’s former Attorney), gives you The Inside Story of the Real President Trump, The Man Who Helped Get Him Into the Oval Office. DISLOYAL
“A thorough and damning exploration of the incestuous relationship between Trump and his favorite channel.” —The New York Times
“A Rosetta Stone for stuff about this presidency that doesn’t otherwise make sense to normal humans.” —Rachel Maddow, MSNBC
“Stelter’s critique goes beyond salacious tidbits about extramarital affairs (though there are plenty of those) to expose a collusion that threatens the pillars of our democracy.” —The Washington Post
The urgent and untold story of the collusion between Fox News and Donald Trump from the New York Times bestselling author of Top of the Morning.
While other leaders were marshaling resources to combat the greatest pandemic in modern history, President Donald Trump was watching TV. Trump watches over six hours of Fox News a day, a habit his staff refers to as “executive time.” In January 2020, when Fox News began to downplay COVID-19, the President was quick to agree. In March, as the deadly virus spiraled out of control, Sean Hannity mocked “coronavirus hysteria” as a “new hoax” from the left. Millions of Americans took Hannity and Trump’s words as truth—until some of them started to get sick.
In Hoax, CNN anchor and chief media correspondent Brian Stelter tells the twisted story of the relationship between Donald Trump and Fox News. From the moment Trump glided down the golden escalator to announce his candidacy in the 2016 presidential election to his acquittal on two articles of impeachment in early 2020, Fox hosts spread his lies and smeared his enemies. Over the course of two years, Stelter spoke with over 250 current and former Fox insiders in an effort to understand the inner workings of Rupert Murdoch’s multibillion-dollar media empire. Some of the confessions are alarming. “We don’t really believe all this stuff,” a producer says. “We just tell other people to believe it.”
At the center of the story lies Sean Hannity, a college dropout who, following the death of Fox News mastermind Roger Ailes, reigns supreme at the network that pays him $30 million a year. Stelter describes the raging tensions inside Fox between the Trump loyalists and the few remaining journalists. He reveals why former chief news anchor Shep Smith resigned in disgust in 2019; why a former anchor said “if I stay here I’ll get cancer;” and how Trump has exploited the leadership vacuum at the top to effectively seize control of the network.
Including never before reported details, Hoax exposes the media personalities who, though morally bankrupt, profit outrageously by promoting the President’s propaganda and radicalizing the American right. It is a book for anyone who reads the news and wonders: How did this happen?
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source https://xtradonaire.wordpress.com/2020/09/13/books-about-donald-trump/
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scotianostra · 2 years
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On October 16th 1516, Alexander Home, 3rd Lord Home and his brother William were executed in Edinburgh.
It’s fair to say that those men who held the title Duke of Albany, have been involved in some of the most skulduggery  in our long history, the first one, a ruthless politician, was brother of King Robert III and was widely regarded as having caused the murder of his nephew, the Duke of Rothesay, this in turn forced the King to send the future James I to France in 1406, but was captured by pirates and “sold” to the English and held for 18 years, his ambitious uncle ruled as King in all but name until his death in 1420, when the next his son Murdoch, took over as Duke and regent, James I was eventually released in 1425 and Murdoch inevitably lost his head after being found guilty of treason.
Jump forward about 90 years and just after James IV died at Flodden, John Stewart, the latest Duke of Albany took over as Regent to James V was another of the boy Kings, I mentioned in my post earlier about James II.
Lord Home led his horsemen were part of the Scottish force that fought at Flodden, and was one of the few successful charges of that day, his men defeated the right wing of the English army, it’s a pity other tactics went horribly wrong. As the battle progressed and the Scots were being slaughtered Lord Home fled the field, he did however stay on in Northumbria and attempted, unsuccessfully to to recapture the taken Scottish artillery some days later. This story seems to be more about two men who disliked each other than anything else.
Although accepting Albany as Regent things started to go sour when the two had a meeting at Dumbarton Castle, where legend has it, Albany joked about Lord Home’s small stature, quoting ‘minuit praesentia famam’ meaning 'the appearance doesn’t live up to report.’ Their relationship deteriorated and it seems Home tried to garner influence in England, possibly hoping to seek refuge there, sensing things were not going to end well with the new Regent. In September 1515 Albany forcibly took Hume Castle, and ordered Home to meet him later that year at the Collegiate Church at Dunglass, where he was arrested and imprisoned at Edinburgh Castle. The keeper of the castle at the time was the Earl of Arran and Home’s Brother in Law. Home persuaded Arran to escape with him and take up arms against Albany, they joined another rebel, the Earl of Angus in the Borders.
Moving North they attacked Glasgow capturing ammunition and throwing it down a well, they then headed east and to Dunbar, attacking the castle there and heading south again captured the Chief Herald, the Lord Lyon King of Arms at Coldstream holding him ransom for his mother who was a prisoner of one of Albany’s lieutenants.
After offering a pardon, Albany invited Home and his brother William to Holyroodhouse, where he promptly arrested the pair, imprisoning then on the fortified island of Inchgarvie on The Firth of Forth.
Initially they were accused of the trumped charges of the murder of James IV at Flodden, then of failing to prevent English re-fortification at Norham Castle after the battle.
Finally he and William were charged with rebellion against Albany and beheaded, and their heads displayed on the gable of Edinburgh Tolbooth. In the mid 1520’s Albany was overthrown from the Scottish regency, and lived mainly in France until his death in 1536.
The pics are a model of Lord Home and the family standard, from Stuartsworkbench on Blogspot, the second pic is the Old Tolbooth where he met his end.
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zooterchet · 2 years
“Lincoln Stinks” (UMass-Amherst #5487, Burbank, “Dave Champlain”)
Economic Hitman Movements:
EON: Under control of Britain.
Marvel: Under control of Disney.
Lucas Arts: George Lucas’ pimp contract broken.
DC Comics: Lodge family permanently given broker status to Time Warner Cable.
Ubisoft: Removed from Comcast care.
Nintendo: Given suit from Sega, over stolen work, by Sega, from Nintendo (private agreement, between spouses).
Fox: Removed from leadership of Murdochs, given to Irish-Fenian founders (Canadian Aces).
Lobster: Given Nova Scotian prisoner’s status (giant shark removed, means unknown).
UPenn: Gifted clearesy strategy, Arizona Catholic destroyed forever (SuperMax, shut down, by IDF).
Dylan Klebold: Founder of ISIS, liquor rights for Africans and Arabs.  “The American”, Red Dawn theme, the Prom Song.
Cyberpunk 2077: The Chinese Revolution, “M”, taken from study of Josh Moen, fellow Bruce; mutual Lorre line.
Halal: Marlboro Blacks to return Somalia to peace, black pepper bacon for gymnasts and wrestlers, ketchup ham for collegiates.
Counter-Teamster Hits:
Russian Forces Defeated (Reason: Likud Muskau, Wares on Refusal to Own, Fraud Trials):
Napster/RIAA: Armenian-Mob, Suspect Carlin Sarkesian. Died of pork hot dog burning on frying pan, couldn't pass bowels. Meneitsch al-Shetvietz. Found with an overdose of ibutephrine, craving for cigarettes or overdose on heroin, in the left cerebrum. Parents used it to invent Narcodan, treatment for heroin users, with nicotine substrate, later lithium pipe cigarettes, the "vape".
Insane Clown Posse/American Bounty Hunter Guild: Detroit-IDF, Suspect Phil Enfield. Died of prison beating, screaming that Spider-Man was a pedophile. Borf al-Shadan. Samurai shamed, after Prince William's response, outing royal families of Europe as being under Japanese control, of Uma Thurman's line. Insane Clown Posse shut down, militarized outside of MI-6. 
Pirate Bay/INTERPOL: Amsterdam NOMRL hunt team, Pirate Bay. Suspect Keith Valesquez Died of Raid spray, produced from Amsterdam Labs, sprayed on marijuana, "mids grades", taken from a local tobacco rice farm. Sprays discovered as reason for toxic weed. Menschen Menschen Al-Menescheitvz. Marijuana legalized, for safety. 
Canadian Forces Defeated (Reason: Conscription considered law through rumor of Fenian Brotherhood, Fox News Cable; Conscription illegal, since 1776, establishment of US Congress and US Executive Office):
Nick Maynard is in a fugue state. 
Josh Moen is an inebriate from cocaine and crack usage. 
Ryan Cunningham has a rape tattoo across his shoulders. 
Brian Monaghan is on medication for Down's Syndrome. 
Ivan Tomasic has the phantom illusion of a gun to his head as a Damocles.
Christopher Sweeney has a learning inability to understand others he manages. 
Justin Walsh is a heroin addict that reports sobriety as using heroin. 
Stephanie Tomasic is an FRU inside Planned Parenthood.
Travis Long lost his liver function.
Bernice Lamb is a Roxycodone victim.
 ritish Forces Defeated (Reason: Psychiatric panels used on children in families forced homosexual, homosexual considered inappropriate touching or hugging or gripping between families and to children, child molestation and pederasty, however still married heterosexual, without striking or arrest for homosexual displays of dominance):
Weinstein’s on Nolan TV.
Soros is on Ubisoft Crosshair.
 Bonosorno has Army Reserve casualties (Obey Oberto).
Barack Obama is on a flying buttress (Gotham is Shoulders, Ace Comics).
Dogg the Bounty Hunter can’t find the Patracas (him).
Hillary has a Jethro Tull Flowchart from Marilyn Manson.
Netanyahu (Batman?) killed the other Whitey (that’s bug eyes).
Israeli Forces Defeated  (Reason: Assumption of fealty for pederast overture towards child or adult, through marker of possession or sight of witness, violation of chattel slavery laws, Union, Civil War):
Great Uncle Anatole: Proven to be a spy posing as a gangster for INTERPOL, revealed to Georgette Charlebois and executed by priests.
Guitarist Timothy: Informed to his mother that he had mooned me with greasy orange shit in his ass crack, placed in juvenile incarceration for the mentally deficient.
Scholar Rory: Tricked into creating the term pillow biter, regarding a boy pillow fighting, framed self of pedophilia and placed in juvenile incarceration, film Batman Forever made for him with him as Batman, shown in corrections, revealed to be Riddler because he did not smoke cigarettes; Batman invented the cotton tobacco filter, my family's pedigree (as well as the neutron bomb hood, my creation, 6th grade, held by the Canadian Defense Industry).
UMass-Amherst Hillel House: Placed in charge of Student Union Internationale for Hillel House, biotropic foods department, vegan and dairy from whole fat calf of dog's rind (sheep hound).
African Forces Defeated (Reason: Assumption of sexual relationship, for viewing the buttocks or breasts, promiscuous conduct disorder, female rapist, protected by ignorance of negro community):
Christine Warren: Back chiseled out of lower ligament, caused by snake charmer’s gene, listening to Guns’n’Roses, “You Could be Mine”.
Cassie Leigh Stock: Violent overdose on Wild Turkey, masturbating to ass worship porn for 8-9 hours.
Jenna Williamson: Hot air balloon into power lines, revealed that You’ve Got Mail and Sleepless In Seattle, was her arch-nemesis, House of Montague; Capulets lose, Jenna has a peg leg.  Pirates win, Tom Brady goes to the Buccaneers.
General Havoc:
OJ Simpson goes to prison.
George Lucas takes over LucasArts, sells it, free from dominatrix contract.
Pornographic film shot, with mature dominatrix, tens of thousands granded.
Agent John Connoly cleared, reunited with long-lost daughter.
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scotianostra · 3 years
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William Gordon Burn Murdoch was born on January 22nd 1862 in Edinburgh  the son of William Burn-Murdoch and his wife Jessie, née Mack.
He was educated at Oliphants Collegiate School and the University of Edinburgh, going on to study art at the Academy of Antwerp under Charles Duran and then at Florence, Naples and Madrid. He was nearly 30 and already an active painter by the time he met the explorer WS BRUCE. He came from a reasonably wealthy background and when Bruce met him was living 'in state' at Riddle Court in Edinburgh. Their friendship appears to have been instantaneous and when Bruce asked him to join him on the Dundee whaling expedition of 1892 he only gave Burn-Murdoch two days' notice of sailing (luckily they were both bachelors).
This expedition comprised three whalers - the Active, the Diana and the Balaena - on which Bruce and Burn-Murdoch were quartered.
He brought to this adventure the eyes of an artist and also a lively wit when describing events and scenery. There is an early description of Bruce performing his first operation after the Balaena had been hove to for 20 days in bad weather. Again, the first Christmas on the ice he described as 'a cold, dreamy, white Christmas morning, beautiful beyond description'.
The expedition visited the Falkland Islands from 8 to 18 December 1892 and again from 28 February to 5 March 1893.
Burn-Murdoch had some very descriptive passages: 'The appearance of a coast was to us very homely.' He went on to say that Darwin must have written his bleak account of the Falklands when suffering from one of his frequent attacks of seasickness. In fact he thoroughly enjoyed the short visit, both for the wildfowling, the hospitality and his ability to play the tune The Perthshire Highlander on his pipes when walking through a potato patch.
It is interesting to note that the expedition was not able to catch the fin whale as their harpoons and equipment were not sufficiently robust. He wrote: 'To try our harpoon on this finner, one might as well have tried a dry fly for the Scottish Express.'
Burn-Murdoch never went back to the Antarctic after his return home but he helped Bruce financially on more than one occasion, and when Bruce was unemployed he arranged for him to be manager of a whaling company based in the Seychelles.
Burn-Murdoch did not appear to exhibit widely because of his wealth and it is a pity that his drawings and pictures are not better known since his talents were considerable. His paintings and sketches in his book From Edinburgh to the Antarctic make it one of the best illustrated Antarctic books.
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scotianostra · 4 years
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On October 16th 1516, Alexander Home, 3rd Lord Home and his brother William were executed in Edinburgh.
It's fair to say that those men who held the title Duke of Albany, have been involved in some of the most troublesome intrigue in our long history, the first one, a ruthless politician, was brother of King Robert III and was widely regarded as having caused the murder of his nephew, the Duke of Rothesay, this in turn forced the King to send the future James I to France in 1406, but was captured by pirates and "sold" to the English and held for 18 years, his ambitious uncle ruled as King in all but name until his death in 1420, when the next his son Murdoch, took over as Duke and regent, James I was eventually released in 1425 and Murdoch inevitably lost his head after being found guilty of treason.
Jump forward about 90 years and just after James IV died at Flodden, John Stewart, the latest Duke of Albany took over as Regent to James V was another of the boy Kings, I mentioned in my post earlier about James II.
Lord Home led his horsemen were part of the Scottish force that fought at Flodden, and was one of the few successful charges of that day, his men defeated the right wing of the English army, it's a pity other tactics went horribly wrong. As the battle progressed and the Scots were being slaughtered Lord Home fled the field, he did however stay on in Northumbria and attempted, unsuccessfully to to recapture the taken Scottish artillery some days later. This story seems to be more about two men who disliked each other than anything else. 
Although accepting Albany as Regent things started to go sour when the two had a meeting at Dumbarton Castle, where legend has it, Albany joked about Lord Home's small stature, quoting 'minuit praesentia famam' meaning 'the appearance doesn't live up to report.' Their relationship deteriorated and it seems Home tried to garner influence in England, possibly hoping to seek refuge there, sensing things were not going to end well with the new Regent. In September 1515 Albany forcibly took Hume Castle, and ordered Home to meet him later that year at the Collegiate Church at Dunglass, where he was arrested and imprisoned at Edinburgh Castle. The keeper of the castle at the time was the Earl of Arran and Home's Brother in Law. Home persuaded Arran to escape with him and take up arms against Albany, they joined another rebel, the Earl of Angus in the Borders.
Moving North they attacked Glasgow capturing ammunition and throwing it down a well, they then headed east and to Dunbar, attacking the castle there and heading south again captured the Chief Herald, the Lord Lyon King of Arms at Coldstream holding him ransom for his mother who was a prisoner of one of Albany's lieutenants.
After offering a pardon, Albany invited Home and his brother William to Holyroodhouse, where he promptly arrested the pair, imprisoning then on the fortified island of Inchgarvie on The Firth of Forth. 
Initially they were accused of the trumped charges of the murder of James IV at Flodden, then of failing to prevent English re-fortification at Norham Castle after the battle. 
Finally he and William were charged with rebellion against Albany and beheaded, and their heads displayed on the gable of Edinburgh Tolbooth. In the mid 1520's Albany was overthrown from the Scottish regency, and lived mainly in France until his death in 1536.
The pic is model of the Old Tolbooth exhibited in Edinburgh's Huntly House Museum. The execution platform can be seen projecting from the building.
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