tsivi · 9 months
Oliver Hampton DOMESTICATED that man.
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mutant-distraction · 11 months
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Photographer: Donna Colliver
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radnewsoficial · 2 years
Ministério Anunciay lança sua nova música "Refletirei Tua Glória"
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O grupo de louvor Ministério Anunciay disponibilizou nas plataformas de straming recentemente o seu novo single intitulado "Refletirei Tua Glória".     Trazendo uma forte mensagem sobre reconhecer o seu chamado e fazer a diferença aonde estiver, a canção foi composta pelo pastor Henrique Araújo e Messias Colliver, integrantes da banda. "A música “Refletirei Tua Glória” aborda a mensagem sobre o valor que o ser humano tem para Deus. Valor esse, que na maioria das vezes, não é observado pelas outras pessoas e em muitos momentos, por nós mesmos. Fala também do grande privilégio de sermos imagem e semelhança do Deus vivo e de sermos um projeto idealizado por Ele. Sabedor do valor que temos e de quem representamos, cabe a nós, refletirmos a glória daquele que nos escolheu, mesmo sem sabermos os motivos dessa escolha. Refletirei tua glória, Senhor"., disse o Pr. Henrique.
Fonte: News Gospel
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heplev · 7 months
Am Yisrael Chai - ultraorthodox
Entnommen aus ColLive, 17. Oktober 2023 Der “ultraorthoxe” Sänger Benny Friedman veröffentlichte im Oktober dieses Video, das die Soldaten motivieren und unterstützen soll – aber auch in der Zivilbevölkerung. Es geht nicht nur um eingängige Melodien und einnehmende Bilder, sondern auch die Botschaft der Unverwüstlichkeit des jüdischen/israelischen Volks. Die (“ultraorthodoxe”) Organisation…
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gabrielisscripta · 8 months
Séance # 5 - Eros et Venus utuntur Grindr
Il existe un travail d’articulation entre le hors-ligne et l’en ligne qui ne sont pas deux sphères distinctes. Tout comme les autres espaces d’interaction, les réseaux sociaux numériques (RSN) s’entrelacent très souvent dans les actions sociales hors-ligne (Beuscart, 2016, 84-85). À quoi ressemblent ces usages avec différents modes d’engagement et d'affiliation après la numérisation des RSN?
Historiquement, les relations homosexuelles doivent s’insérer dans le contexte social, dans les rôles de pouvoir et sont ultimement contre-normatifs (Javaid, 2018, 58-59). Les conséquences font en sorte que les relations homosexuelles sont plus à risque de victimisation ; l’homophobie augmente les risques liés aux rencontres hors-ligne. Avant l’introduction des RSN, les rencontres à caractère homoérotique pouvaient être dangereuses.
Il est possible de voir le même calque de circonstances sociales hors-ligne juxtaposées sur les RSN. L'arrivée d’Internet apporte la possibilité du pseudonymat. Cela donne de nouveaux usages pour la communauté homosexuelle dans les moyens possibles de faire rencontre. Les interactions sociales semblent plus sécuritaires en ligne puisque l’identité n’est divulguée qu’à un certain degré présélectionné, la localisation peut être privée, les utilisateurs filtrent les demandes de conversation et il est possible de faire connaissance avant la rencontre face-à-face.
Les médias sociaux numériques (MSN) se transforment et s’adaptent aux contextes culturels des utilisateurs. Grindr devient une des applications les plus populaires pour les rencontres LGBTQ2+ puisqu’elle offre des caractéristiques engageantes propres à ceux qui l'utilisent. Ainsi, la géolocalisation est une fonctionnalité clé et elle crée une couche complexe de lieux virtuels et physiques et nécessairement une confusion de leurs frontières (Blackwell, Birnholtz, Abbott, 2015, 1131). Le partage de position géographique est un facteur qui rend Grindr attrayant pour certains puisque c’est un espace dans lequel la sexualité et le désir sont au premier plan. L’effet de transcender les frontières habituelles des MSN apporte de nouvelles opportunités, mais aussi des répercussions éthiques et morales. Certaines ramifications sont prédictibles. Le fait de partager sa localisation suppose des risques à sa sécurité facilement imaginables. Les utilisateurs négocient leurs usages de Grindr et les risques identifiés qui découlent du sens de sécurité perçu par l’utilisateur (Colliver, 2023, 12-13). Il est intéressant de voir que malgré la numérisation des moyens de rencontre, il persiste des risques potentiels à la rencontre.
Références bibliographiques
Beuscart, J.-S. et al. (2016). « Ch. 3 - Sociabilités et réseaux sociaux ». In Beuscart, Dagiral & Parasie, Sociologie d’internet, Paris : Armand Colin, 71-92. 
Blackwell, C., Birnholtz, J. and Abbott, C. (2015), « Seeing and Being Seen: Co-Situation and Impression Formation Using Grindr, a Location-Aware Gay Dating App », New Media and Society, 17: 1117–36.
Colliver, B. (2023). Understanding perceptions of victimization: a critical analysis of gay and bisexual male grindr users negotiations of safety and risk. The British Journal of Criminology, (20230823). https://doi.org/10.1093/bjc/azad043.
Javaid, A. (2018). Masculinities, Sexualities and Love (1st ed.). Routledge. https://doi-org.acces.bibl.ulaval.ca/10.4324/9781351212717.
Siebler, K. (2016). Learning queer identity in the digital age. Palgrave Macmillan. 
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zoewilkinson · 9 months
Blog Post 7 - Embracing Diversity In Video Games
In the last decade, the game industry has been working to be a more diverse and inclusive community. While there is a clear improvement, there is still a lot of work to do to create a fully inclusive environment, as shown in the article “Diversity in video games: the best (and worst) examples of representation” (Webb, 2023). Webb states “in the 100 top-selling and major games released between 2017 and 2021, nearly 80 per cent of all main characters are men, while nearly 55 per cent are white.” (Webb, 2023). We are beginning to see representation of other races, genders, and sexualities through new character designs, but the white male representation still remains the biggest category. Looking specifically at LGBTQ+ and racial representations, I want to discuss positive and negative representations and how developers can move forward with avoiding harmful stereotypes.
LGBTQ+ Representation
Several recent games have included LGBTQ+ characters and narratives and have created an overall more inclusive environment. My favourite example of positive LGBTQ+ representation is Apex Legends (2019), including characters like Catalyst who is transgender, Bloodhound who is non-binary, and Valkyrie who is a lesbian, as well as many more (Call, 2023). By including characters that represent different areas of the LGBTQ+ community, the game has created a safe space for LGBTQ+ members to be welcomed and feel authentically represented. Similarly, in The Last of Us Part II (2020), the main protagonist Ellie is portrayed as a lesbian, and includes a same sex relationship. The game explores themes of love and identity even in a post-apocalyptic world, demonstrating that LGBTQ+ characters can be included in any narrative, while also creating an authentic representation.
However, there are still games that haven’t made a positive representation of the included LGBTQ+ characters. Most notably, the way GTA V (2013) represents gay and transgender characters. GTA V (2013) is now a bit dated when it comes to inclusivity and representation, but it still deserves to be talked about. Gay male characters are portrayed and feminine or “camp”, having both a more feminine voice and traditionally female portrayal through the way they walk or the way they dress (Colliver, 2020). There is also an area in the game where the player can interact with a group of sex workers, who are clearly portrayed as being transgender. The characters are voiced by male actors and designed to have what would typically be perceived as a more masculine body (Colliver, 2020). This is a very negative portrayal of the transgender community and is used to make fun of and insult the community as a whole. As I previously said, GTA V (2013) is now a more dated representation of how the games industry choose to include LGBTQ+ characters, but it’s still important to keep in mind to avoid making mistakes like that again in future games to create a more diverse and inclusive space.
Racial Representation
In recent years I’ve also seen a positive increase in racial representation and diversity from all races. A game that immediately comes to mind for being praised for its inclusivity Overwatch (2016). The game includes a range of diverse characters from many different backgrounds, including Asian countries, African countries, Mexico, and Brazil, on top of having almost half of the hero characters as female (Mercante, 2021). The majority of the voice actors hired for each character matched the ethnicity of the character they voiced, which makes the game feel even more inclusive. The characters each have their own unique design and abilities and creates an overall positive and authentic representation of a diverse range of races.
Looking at negative racial representations, I remember there being a lot of controversy around Far Cry 3 (2012). Similarly to GTA V (2013), this was a time where developers hadn’t worked out the best way to authentically represent characters of different races in a positive way, but that doesn’t mean we can’t continue to reflect and learn from it. Far Cry 3 (2012) uses negative stereotypes of indigenous people, labelling them as primitive and dangerous, further pushing the outdated and inaccurate stereotype that indigenous cultures are “weird” or separate to the rest of the world. It also pushes the white saviour trope, where the main protagonist Jason comes in and takes on a leadership role in the indigenous community, which completely lacks cultural sensitivity. It totally missed the mark for what could’ve been an exploration of the indigenous cultures and connecting cultures together.
The controversy around these games show the importance of researching cultural and racial stereotypes to avoid and ways to create authentic representation. To help ensure I’m creating authentic representations of different communities in the future, I will be making sure to heavily research any ideas to avoid any possibilities of creating a negative portrayal. Developers have been working hard to create more authentic and recognisable representations of different communities in games, especially in the last few years. I’m looking forward to seeing how games continue to represent a more diverse gaming audience as we continue to learn and grow.
BLIZZARD ENTERTAINMENT. (2016) Overwatch. [DISC] XBOX ONE. Irvine: Blizzard Entertainment
Call, A., 2023. Apex Legends Talk Authentic Representation In Developing LGBTQIA+ Characters. [Online] Available at: https://gamerant.com/apex-legends-lgbtqia-character-development-interview/#:~:text=Easily%2C%20the%20list%20of%20LGBTQIA%2B,pansexual%2C%20and%20Valkyrie%20is%20lesbian. [Accessed 4 January 2024].
Colliver, B., 2020. Representation of LGBTQ Communities in the Grand Theft Auto Series. [Online] Available at: https://www.emerald.com/insight/content/doi/10.1108/978-1-83867-447-220201008/full/html#:~:text=The%20most%20visible%20transgender%20people,these%20sex%20workers%20are%20transgender. [Accessed 4 January 2024].
Mercante, A., 2021. 7 Reasons Overwatch Is Good For Humanity. [Online] Available at: https://www.ceros.com/inspire/originals/overwatch-inclusivity-diversity-league-dj-khaled/#:~:text=Overwatch%20director%20and%20Blizzard%20Entertainment,are%20from%20Africa%2C%20one%20is [Accessed 4 January 2024].
NAUGHTY DOG. (2020) The Last of Us Part II. [DISC] PlayStation 4. Santa Monica: Sony Interactive Entertainment.
RESPASWN ENTERTAINMENT. (2019) Apex Legends. [DISC] PlayStation 4. Redwood City: Electronic Arts Inc.
ROCKSTAR NORTH. (2013) GTA V. [DISC] XBOX 360. New York: Rockstar Games.
UBISOFT MONTREAL. (2012) Far Cry 3. [DISC] PlayStation 3. Saint-Mandé: Ubisoft.
Webb, J., 2023. Diversity in video games: the best (and worst) examples of representation. [Online] Available at: https://www.standard.co.uk/culture/gaming/video-game-diversity-representation-a4461266.html#:~:text=Not%20great%2C%20but%20certainly%20better,55%20per%20cent%20are%20white. [Accessed 2 January 2024].
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marrakeshfirst · 1 year
JewishU Students Experience Culture and Heritage in Morocco - COLlive
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thejewishlink · 1 year
100-Year-Old Chabad Shul Restored in Vitebsk, Belarus
(COLlive) – Hundreds of people gathered to celebrate the inauguration of the Chabad Synagogue in the heart of Vitebsk, Belarus. The event, which took place from Shabbos Nachamu until Monday, marked the long-awaited completion of the grand building restored in honor of 100 years since the synagogue’s original establishment. The original building was destroyed by the Communist regime when Belarus…
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Divorce and other family issues can be straightforward or complicated, amicable or downright shady. At Aronov NYC Divorce Law Group, we think you should have access to a family law attorney who thoroughly assesses your requirements, determines the most effective course of action to address those needs, and does it with professionalism. For years, New York’s fathers, mothers, and husbands have come to us for help with their most difficult family law cases. We are skilled at identifying the source of problems and finding effective, and frequently amicable, solutions.
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viajeenmoto · 1 year
Una moto en el Bellas Artes : Pío Collivadino y la Buenos Aires moderna
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Marcelo Hidalgo Sola estaciona la moto en el Museo de Bellas Artes para contemplar las postales de una Buenos Aires en los albores de la modernidad . De la mano de Pío Collivadino, un destacado artista que retrató con inusitada poesía los cambios de la ciudad en los principios del siglo XX, desandaremos un particular y atractivo itinerario.
El Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes puede ser también una especie de túnel del tiempo urbano. Poder estacionar la moto para viajar a una Buenos Aires en los albores del siglo XX y contemplar las postales de sus grandes transformaciones es una odisea posible , sencilla y muy poética si se realiza de la mano del pintor argentino Pío Collivadino.
La obra de este artista ocupa un lugar destacado dentro del Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes, en donde pueden apreciarse varias de sus obras. Para comprenderlas, sólo hay que llevar la mirada cien años atrás para entender el contexto en el que Collivadino pintó las transformaciones que ocurrían en una Buenos Aires que ,de una pobre aldea de barro, se iba transformando en una ciudad elegante.
La cualidad más destacada de Collivadino fue la poesía sutil que logró que emanara de sus cuadros . En su obra se despliegan matices y juegos de luz, al estilo de como lo hicieran los impresionistas franceses pero, en cambio, todo su foco está puesto en retratar minuciosamente las transformaciones se daban en una Buenos Aires que le daba la bienvenida a la modernidad en los primeros años del siglo XX.
Una esquina de corte financiero ,francés y moderno
Una esquina muy conocida para los que transitan el microcentro porteño es la del Banco de Boston. Ese clásico portón de hierro o puerta de entrada principal del Banco, no ha cambiado nada desde que Collivadino lo reflejara tal cual en su obra El Banco de Boston . En ella, el artista- explica Marcelo Hidalgo Sola- capta los cambios en la fisonomía de la Diagonal Sur o Roque Sáenz Peña y va registrando con su pincel, como la modernidad, cuya institución emblemática más representativa es el Banco, lejos de plantearse como un elemento disruptivo de la atmósfera ciudadana, se integra al paisaje urbano con gran elegancia y belleza .
Sus pinceladas parecen celebrar al colosal edificio que está en plena construcción y del cual , se vislumbra una fachada con arquitectura de corte francés , que le daría a la Buenos Aires de aquellos días , un aire de metrópolis europea , con la que podría lucirse frente al mundo a la par de las atractivas ciudades de París, Roma, o Nueva York.
La modernidad y sus elementos urbanos
Pío Collivadino trató de modo poético todos los elementos clave que iban haciendo de la Buenos Aires aldea, una incipiente urbe. El artista celebró los puentes, las farolas, la arquitectura francesa que hacía que la ciudad luciera con ese especial toque parisino y elegante.
Las estructuras de hierro, características de la modernidad, fueron un tema repetido a lo largo de su obra. Por ejemplo en su cuadro El Riachuelo de 1916, Collivadino cautiva con una escena plena de luz, en donde se puede apreciar un viejo Riachuelo de aguas claras con pequeñas barcas de madera apostadas en la orilla. La postal refleja la quietud de una ciudad que poco a poco iba transformándose , incorporando los medios de transporte para las nuevas masas de trabajadores que iban llegando al país desde el otro lado del Atlántico, para forjarse un nuevo destino en la Argentina. Por ello,en el fondo del cuadro se ve la silueta de hierro del primer puente que uniera las orillas de la Capital Federal con la ciudad de Avellaneda, en la Provincia de Buenos Aires: el puente transbordador Nicolás Avellaneda.
Este puente hoy en desuso, es el que le daría al barrio de La Boca una impronta de postal y haría famosa a Buenos Aires alrededor del mundo, celebrando en ella un costado atractivo , de arrabal, lleno de color y encanto. El tradicional transbordador además, refleja de la mano de Collivadino,el papel trascendente que la ciudad estaba adquiriendo a nivel económico , un indicador del rol de ‘ciudad puerto’ que abierta al comercio con el mundo, se desarrollaba y crecía como potencia en Latinoamérica.
De Museos y postales urbanas
Contemplar las obras de Pío Collivadino en el Bellas Artes es como pasear en moto para reconocer en la vieja ciudad de sus cuadros , a la Buenos Aires de hoy. Un recorrido imperdible en dónde el ojo entrenado podrá reconocer muchos paisajes de una Buenos Aires que, a pesar de haber cambiado su fisonomía, guarda la huellas de la ciudad de aquellos primeros tiempos.
Muchos artistas se han deleitado pintando postales de diferentes rincones de la ciudad , pero la obra de Collivadino reflejó como ningún otro, la poesía de una Buenos Aires que se iba transformando con elementos nuevos que le aportaban belleza, categoría y dinamismo. Sólo los verdaderos maestros del pincel,como Pío Collivadino han podido capturar la magia de la ciudad y guardarla como recuerdo para las futuras generaciones de artistas o de simples admiradores o paseadores urbanos que en la Ciudad de Buenos Aires encontrarían fuente de inspiración y de belleza.
Originally published at on https://viajeenmoto.com.ar April 19, 2023.
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curious-07 · 1 year
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Ingin terlihat sempurna saat sedang berbicara didepan banyak orang merupakan clear goals, terutama untuk para pelajar ketika melaksanakan presentasi. Namun tahukah kalian mindset 'kesempurnaan/perfectionism' dapat menjerumuskan kita kedalam kegagalan (lingkup public speaking.) Kali ini aku akan mereview mindset ATM. Sumbernya aku dapat dari video pada sekmen AEE bersama Don Colliver seorang konsultan komunikasi.
Tujuan mindset ini untuk menciptakan gravitasi baru yakni keindahan saat presentasi tanpa banyak tekanan pikiran.
Step yang pertama adalah mengakui (Acknowledge). Don memberikan contoh dengan personal storynya. Saat ia harus memberikan pidato dihari memori ibunya. Ia bingung, apakah harus berpidato dengan elegan (mengingat ia adalah ahli komunikasi)? padahal ini hari kematian yang seyogyanya memberikan sentuhan emosi untuk mengenang beliau (ibunya.) Lalu apa yang dilakukan Don? iapun berpidato selayaknya sehingga 'authenticity/keaslian' dan 'vulnerability/kena' sampai kpd audiens. Jika diimplementasikan, kalian mempresentasikan materi sebagaimana jauhnya pemahaan kalian dan bahasa kalian. Sehingga tidak terpaku slide.
Step kedua sekaligus yang ketiga adalah bertanggungjawab dan lanjutkan (Take a responsibility and Move) Ini bisa dilakukan jikalau ada masalah teknis yang terjadi, contoh jika slide mati secara tiba-tiba, akui bahwa ada kesalahan teknis dan buat audiens mengerti bahwa 'kamu bisa mengatasinya dan semuanya ada dibawah kendalimu' Setelah itu kalian bisa lanjutkan presentasimu (move.) dan buat keyakinan dalam dirimu 'mereka (audiens) akan melupakannya'.
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izafoodie · 2 years
South Africa Shluchim Speak in South Florida and Panama - COLlive
South Africa Shluchim Speak in South Florida and Panama  COLlive http://dlvr.it/SjjrXg
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technsavi · 2 years
The New COLlive Magazine For Chanukah 5783
The New COLlive Magazine For Chanukah 5783
Read the Chanukah issue of COLlive Magazine: Devorah Halberstam‘s activism, Yitzchok Moully‘s art, Lois Yampolsky‘s dedication, Gadi Blizinsky‘s creations, Rochi Pinson‘s sufganiyot fries, Nina Safar‘s latkes collection, and more. Full Story, Download Another issue of the COLlive Magazine was published in honor of Chanukah 5783 with original and interesting features ranging from public policy to…
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dreams-of-mutiny · 2 years
You are woken in the night by something that cannot speak
Outside is the shallow well of a sleeping town; electric lights peek faintly into black space, and the lithe ghost of the dark
slips into the only house that bids it welcome
Know this: what arrives here cannot be other than itself, and has no care for you
It has no words, and no respect for yours, so finds your body, colonises your spine, feeds you up into the sea of stars
You may think you are changing, or hope; but you are simply failing to forget, allowing stillness to be recognised
You are momentarily disappearing, to enter your own voice, see with your own eyes, become the body you gave birth to;
you have returned to your own faithfulness, your own unimaginable emptiness
— Andrew Colliver
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artparks-sculpture · 3 years
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A sculpture titled 'Devoted II' by sculptor Toby Colliver. In a medium of Bronze Resin.
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Oliver telling his mom he's safe when we haven't seen him in the flash-forwards yet got me like
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