#colorado avalache
slaykovsky · 2 years
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this is the photo that comes to mind when i read “f*ck it we ball”
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boqvistsbabe · 2 years
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Screaming at this
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toffoliravioli · 2 years
the "potentially fatal" fall by mikko....thank god he's still alive to tell the story :o
video cred: mikkegran on twitter
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ilyasorokinn · 2 years
would you be able to do 26 from dialogue and 32 from handholding with josty? I love him and he’s a winner in my heart 🥹
he's a winner in my heart too <3 also, you didn't say which trope you wanted so i went with general :)
26. "i'll see you when i get back." (from this prompt list) 32. "not really paying attention, both doing something else, but still holding hands" (from this prompt list)
you and tyson were very touchy. at any given moment, you were touching each other. It was either his hand on your hip or your arms around his shoulders.
at parties, you were almost even more touchy.
you were both engaged in separate conversations but standing next to each other, and of course, your hands were woven together.
"let's get out of here. i want some fries." one of the girls suggested, and the rest of the group agreed. they all began to stand up and gather their stuff.
tyson pouted at you, pulling you back into him as you stood up with the rest of the girls, "don't go."
"don't give me that look." you laughed, "i'll see you when i get back. i'll even get you a milkshake."
"vanilla?" he perked up.
"duh." you nodded.
"all right, see you later." he kissed your cheek and then gently pushed you in the direction of the door.
you laughed, making your way out to the car, "surprised you let you go." one of the girls joked.
"yeah, well, a little bribing never hurt anyone." you smiled.
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equallyshaw · 11 months
the medicated series feat, jamie drysdale. epilogue. (+ small social media post.)
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warnings: mentions adoption and divorce!
word Count: 2.1k +
- The Medicated Series: features OC’s with medical issues such as depression, anxiety, physical disabilities such as MS or Rheumatoid Arthritis as well as any other autoimmune disease such as Crohn’s, endometriosis, infertility, etc. (not an autoimmune but you get it).
Two time skips!
Shoutout to @fallinallincurls Thankyou for supporting this little story- it has meant the world🫶🏻
← part three - part one →
jamie looked down at his sleeping wife and rubbed his eyes, it had been another long night of talking this off season. the couple had recently turned 30 years. last time we saw them they were just getting married. 5 years ago. the couple for some time had been itching to begin a family, but sofia's health had gotten worse after getting much better. now after 2 years of chemo and some luck, she still had not been able to get back to her 'normal' self. whatever normal was. jamie through it all, was a god sent. never wavering. but she knew how much of a toll it took on him. especially, because she knew how much he wanted some kiddos running around. she had gotten very depressed the previous year, thinking that divorce would be the most viable option because atleast then jamie would get kids.though after a few sessions with their therapist, that had been thrown out the door because jamie declared, that he'd never sign the papers. yet as luck would have it, she and jamie had been discussing for the last year that if there was an oppurtunity for them to adopt they would, they wouldn't pass up that oppurtunity.
even a year later, sofia woke up during the night feeling helpless and lost. everybdoy on the team that was around their age had had a child already. trevor and jasmine had been going strong in their marriage for the last six years, and had 3 kids to show for it. sofia felt like she was missing out on life and all that it could posess. no matter how many times she was told that she was already doing enough and was doing amazing, by her family and friends. she had recently put the idea out into the universe that if they were meant to have kids, her health would allow for her at one point.
sofia woke up the next morning to the bed empty, jamie had stirred an hour prior to take a phone call from his brother. who hadn't been able to sleep the whole night. sofia climbed out of bed, feeling her knees crack beneath her before she was able to stand up straight enough to go downstairs. sofia heard jamie on the phone with his brother, and she finally caught a glimpse of him as she took the last step. he was sitting at the kitchen counter, on his laptop looking at emails from his mother. sofia kissed the back of his head, and he turned to look at her. she smiled, walking over towards the nespresso machine and grab her phone. she pulled out her medicines from the cabinet and did her little ritual waiting for jamie to finish. "ok , ill talk to her. thanks, love you too." he said hanging up. sofia minded her buisness, pressed the coffee machine and heard the lovely sound of expresso brewing. she put her medicine container back up and turned around to jamie, as she swallowed them. he watched her as she did so, and she gave him a curious glance. "ah..yes?" she said resting her water cup on her chest. "that was charlie..." he began and she nodded for him to continue. "he uh had something to tell me..." he continued and she nodded, turning around and grabbing the brewed expresso shot. "you know how you and i talked about...adopting?" he asked and she froze. her thoughts running a mile a minute, and turned around slowly. she met his gaze, his ever hopeful gaze. "yes, i do jamie." she said non chalantly. "well uh...god i dont know how to explain it." he sighed, turning around his laptop for her to read. she glanced at jamie for a brief second before turning back to the computer.
she read a short snyospis about a 3 year old girl out of nova scotia, from her mother in law. apparently the girl, had been dropped off at a friend of charlies, and the friend had been reaching out to people if they knew anybody who would like to adopt her on behalf of the county she was in, as he and his wife were the current foster family. her blue eyes pierced sofia's and sofia smiled, before looking back up at jamie. he had those ever hopeful eyes, waiting for her to respond. she set down her coffee and walked over towards jamie, who let her into his embrace. she smiled and nodded, wrapping her arms around his neck. "yes, jamie. i'd like for us to meet her." she stated and he nodded pulling her in for a kiss.
a month later, around july 7th, jamie and sofia took the 2 hour flight up to nova scotia. nathan mackinnon had offered his summer house to them while he and his wife were overseas in london for the month. the couple graciously took up the offer, and settled in for the night. the couple tossed and turned all night, not be able to calm their nerves over the next morning. finally morning came and the two were taking a brief moment together before leaving. "what if she doesnt like us?" sofia said placing her hands on her hips and shutting her eyes as if she was going to cry. "hey hey hey, dont say that. shes going to love you." he said, and she cracked a smile. "shes going to love you too." sofia said reopenign her eyes and smiling. he brought her in for hug, quickly kissing her temple as he did so. he felt her decompress, once she wrapped his arms around him. they left a few minutes later and made the 15 minute drive to the downtown.
they saw charlies friend griffith standing with her as she walked through the mini splash pad they had in the center of downtown. sofia and jamie walked hand in hand together, griffith waved at the two and they smiled. griffith bent down to talk to the young girl, and as soon as she turned around to look at the couple, sofia felt a feeling deep within her stomach that this was meant to be happening. she clenched jamie's hand a bit tighter, and he looked down at her as they were nearing the two. she smiled up at him, before kneeling down to girl's height to introduce herself. jamie froze for a second taking in her kneeling and making sure she wasn't in serious discomfort. he shook griffiths hand before kneeling down as well.
"hi rosialie, its so nice to meet you! im sofia and this is my husband jamie." sofia began pointing at herself then at jamie. rosalie softly smiled before grabbing sofia's finger. so-fi-a ja-me." she repeated and sofia giggled, sitting down on her butt. "jam-ie." sofia enunciated, "jamie." rosalie repeated and sofia nodded. "hi." the little girl said smiling widely, and giggling. "can do something?" she asked broken up and the couple nodded. "ofcourse rosalie! what would you like to do?" jamie questioned, and the girl smiled. "paint?" and the two looked up at griffith who nodded excitedly.
2 months later.
it was halloween when sofia and rosalie arrived in newport beach. she had taken the almost three months to stay in toronto with jamie's family and vist her mom in minnesota and then erik in denver, who retired there once his playing career was over. though, he liked to pop over to dana point every so often. their very first meeting was enough for them to adopt rosalie and were incredibly grateful for how smooth and quickly the process was. the duo arrived just in time as jamie finished some of the last touches on the halloween party decor and food. erik and his wife, jackie were there to the girl's surprise. "who's that rosalie?" sofia said, pointing towards the old manchild dressed in a buzz lightyear costume. jamie was woody, sofia was jessie, and jackie was bo peep. "if it isn't my favorite niece!!" he said nad rosalie giggled as he walked up with 'spide fingers' ready to tickle. she thrashed in sofia's arms giggling up a storm as erik finally took ahold of is only niece. jackie came up behind him and greeted the young girl. sofia walked into the kitchen to find jamie focusing on the food being in the perfect spot. "hi." she mused as he looked up, and his eyes widened. "your costume!" he said freaking out. "its okay, i have it right here in my bag." she said kissing his cheek as she reached over for some pretzels, smirking before walking off towards the powder room to change quickly. jamie knocked on the door a few minutes later with her cowgirl boots, ones that had seen better days. and by better days, one's that didn't include stagecoach.
she walked back out and threw her bag into the garage and would deal with it later. she heard the front door open and some greetings as erik walked into the kitchen with rosalie. "i thought it'd get overwhelming for her." erik explained and sofia nodded, thanking him. "hey sweetie, were gonna meet some people. is that ok?" she said and rosalie nodded. "if it isn't miss rosalie!" she heard jasmine cheer, as she walked into the kitchen. "can you say hi, rosalie?" sofia asked and rosalie said hi. "im your auntie, auntie vicky." victoria said introducing herself. 8 year twins christian and angelie ran up to sofia begging to gain rosalie's attention. "guys, back off duudes." victoria said slightly pulling the twins back. rosalie watched them with inquisiitve eyes. trevor then walked in with callie the two year old, in his arms. "yeah duudes." trevor said grinning and the twins laughed. "hi rosalie!" callie screamed, causing rosalie to smile widely. "this is callie." sofia explained, and rosalie blushed. "hi cal." she said and the three parents smiled. "do you want to play?" sofia asked and rosalie nodded. "how about the playroom?" sofia asked and callie nodded. "you have a playroom auntie?" christian asked and she nodded, "yes its brand new though." sofia said setting rosalie down to follow them. "oh cool!!! new toys!!!!" angelie said and sofia and victoria followed the three kids into the playroom to make sure they settled in ok. the two mom's watched in awe, as the four got along rather well. sofia looked to her best friend and smiled, "thankyou for being there every step of the way. you have no idea how much ive appreciated the help and support." sofia said and victoria smiled, pulling her best friend into a hug. "now you just need some mummy juice." victoria grinned, and sofia said amen to that.
2 months later.
it was christmas in newport as erik and jackie came over from dana point, her mom flew in as well as his parents and brother plus his brothers family. rosalie had settled in nicely to the family and newport, becoming friends with the neighbors and recently the two had begun 'mommy and me' classes at their local gymnastics gym and dance studio. it was currently christmas eve, and after a long day of festivities. jamie and sofia were finally able to wrangle their little one to bed.
after a brief warm bath and some sleepytime tea, the two were now laying down with the young blonde to read, "going on a bear hunt." a staple of sofia's childhood. rosalie was softly snoring at the end of the story and the two's heart just melted looking down at their daugher. just at the two were slowly trying to untangle themselves from the young one, she said the two words they had yet to hear from the little girl. jamie whipped his head towards sofia who was nodding, and on the verge of tears. "mama..." the little girl spoke, and sofia cuddled up to the young one. sofia took ahold of the girl's hand and held it softly. jamie smiled down at his two girls and smiled, "daddy..." the little girl spoke. jamie followed sofia's thinking and cuddled into the little girl as well. he took ahold of rosalie's hand softly, and connected his other hand with sofia's. the two slept the night with their daughter, waiting for santa's arrival.
rosalie awoke a few hours later and saw jamie and sofia nestled in next to her. she softly smiled, before yawning and falling back to sleep. ozzie their 9 year old terrier mix, ran in and jumped on the bed and quickly found a comfortable spot - at the edge of roaslie's feet. they awoke the next morning to the smell of cinnamon french toast and coffee. jamie tickled the little girl causing her to giggle loudly, waking up sofia. she smiled taking in the sight. their little trio were meant to be, after all these years.
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@sofiajdrysdale: 1 year with our little girl Rosalie😇🫶🏻
Tag: jamiedrysdale
12.7k likes, 300 comments.
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@erikjohnson: our little munchkin 🤍
@jamiedrysdale: my girls🫶🏻
@trevorzegras: the cats out of the bag🥹
@jasminezegras: my favorite family !
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@jamiedrysdale: my favorite memories from the past year🤍
Tag: sofiajdrysdale
134.7k likes, 23.6k comments.
@sofiadrysdale: I love our little family🤍
@6erikjohnson: rosalie is my favorite drysdale
@trevorzegras: she’s got you wrapped around your finger
And my story is now finished ! Thankyou for the ones that have continued to read this story, it has meant the world 🤍
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laurenairay · 1 year
Waking up to the news that The Avs are out of the playoffs is devastating 😭😭😭
Especially since it’s probably EJ’s last year - and that breaks my heart even more 😭😭😭
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fallinallincurls · 2 years
not to be dramatic but yesterday while listening to heat waves aka the avs’ win song this season, the line that says “you look so broken when you cry, one more and then i say goodbye” got me thinking about the whole ej might retire now that they’ve won narrative. LIKE HE HATED SEEING THE TEAM LOSE LAST SEASON BECAUSE IT WAS DEVASTATING, CAME BACK ONE LAST TIME EVEN WHEN HE THOUGHT IT MIGHT NOT BE POSSIBLE & NOW SAYS GOODBYE AFTER THEY’VE WON. STOP ME
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eightmakar · 2 years
Let’s celebrate the Avalanche with another blurb weekend! Requests open from Thursday, June 30th to Monday, July 4th! I really loved writing all of the past blurbs and I cant wait to see what y’all request!!
Current Avalanche players only (I wanna celebrate them!)
I’ve included a bunch of friend prompts this time for guys like Gabe who are married w/kids!
Smut is okay! Please be 18+ and please no smut requests for the married guys/guys w kiddos
Here are some prompts that I thought were cool and original, but feel free to send in your own that aren’t on this list!
sensual biting & licking
conversational starters
and since the cup is on all our minds, of course cup celebration prompts are Great!!!
more blurbs: scf weekend | cale | nate | mikko | ej
send your requests in here!
cant wait to get to them!!
tagging folks:
@fallinallincurls @harlowhockeystick @flashyfucker @hockeylvr59 @hockstuff @catboygretzky @hookingminor @matbaerzal @mikkorantanev @holy-pucks @jostyriggslover96 @jostystyles @bitchinbarzal @burkymakar
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This is the one.
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oreomcfleury · 2 years
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slaykovsky · 2 years
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erik looks so good …..
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boqvistsbabe · 2 years
Okay controversial statement coming up but I’m not wrong but also it makes no grammatical sense:
EJ is the most bestie avalanche player
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toffoliravioli · 2 years
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a visual representation of my username
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myhockeyworld87 · 2 years
All the little girls have crushes on Burakovsky. I remember Lyla Oshie following him around on the ice after the Caps won the Cup. Now there’s cute videos of Kadri’s daughter getting excited over attention from him during warmups during the playoffs and the hug during the parade. He’s going to be a good dad one day. Someone needs to write a story or blurb for him about how cute he is with kids.
This is an old ask. Sorry for answering it so late.
But you are absolutely right, Burky is going to be an amazing dad, and an amazing Girl Dad!!! He’s so incredibly adorable with them. You just need to see that man with a child ASAP!!! If the writing bug ever hits me, I would love to do something cute for him. Maybe like 3 little kids just piling into bed and waking him up on a off day or in the summer. 💕🤗💕🤗
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equallyshaw · 1 year
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kidlnthedark · 2 years
I'm heartbroken to see Darcy go but excited to see what Georgiev will bring
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