#so iconic like where’s the rest of the boyband
indiaalphawhiskey · 2 years
Hi there. I was not a fan during LHH so I found your tags (agreeing with Gina's reply to an anon) interesting. I didn't realize that phase represented a rebellion for him. What else did he do to show his femme side during that period? Thanks!
Hey, love. I don’t have too much energy tonight, so I’m going to try and answer this as concisely as possible, but still give context.
Just to give a bit of personal background, I came into the 1D (not yet Larry, until about 4-5 months afterwards) fandom in 2015, right before Zayn left, so most of my observations are retrospective, vis-a-vis how I’m seeing the GP/hets react to LHH now.
So, at that point, Harry was already in his LHH era, but it had only gotten long enough that the GP were starting to notice it was purposeful and that he clearly was not planning to trim it/cut it back to Prince Hair. Since I was about 80-20 still in the GP, but was starting my 1D obsession, I had no one talk to about the boys except my IRL friends. And I remember distinctly that they were all convinced Harry was gay because of:
- the patterned, unbuttoned polos
- his pretty “loud” affinity for YSL
- painting one nail or leaving one nail half painted
And to the lucky few in the know, also because of:
- the rumors that he was begged to wipe off his lipstick before a live taping of GMA, or so a CDAN blind said
As I delved further into fandom, I saw a broad and shallow part of discourse around all these things, but the loudest voices at the time (because I was on Twitter) were hets who were either: i) vehemently insisting he was ABSOLUTELY NOT gay or feminine or ii) being very vocal about how they were no longer attracted to him because of one or all of the reasons above.
Now, I know looking at both Harry and the world at present, none of the things I’ve listed seems remotely “femme” or earth-shattering, but again, this is where context matters.
It was 2015, so discussions regarding gender nonconformity were, in my humble experience, largely still limited to the LGBTQI+ community and had not made it into everyday, mainstream conversation yet. On top of that, Harry’s image was only just inching its way past the hyper teenage heartthrob frat boy phase but was only allowed to veer far enough that his style still “fit” with the rest of the boys and was designed to look more like the groups’ style maturing all together.
No one saw him as a fashion icon yet, because his image had been so carefully curated. So, when he came out wearing that black and white floral suit, standing next to the other boys, the statement read like rebellion, as opposed to him pushing the fashion envelope the way it does now.
Coupled with the fact that he was still, very much, seen as a member of a boyband, the GP didn’t see him growing his hair as any kind of homage or nod to Jagger or Lennon or Slash, because Harry’s image wasn’t at all in the realm of rock; he wasn’t even seen as a proper musician.
So if you put all those things together, you begin to see that growing his hair and painting his nails and dressing the way he did (as conservative as it may seem, compared to him now) was a big, big risk, considering how he was marketed, whom to, and the conversations that image of him was inspiring in those circles.
And that’s why, to me, LHH is one of the loudest, banging-on-the-glass-closetest eras of Harry there is, so it makes it very, very odd to see LHH characterized in Tiktoks as “Dark Harry”/the new “Fratboyrry”/het Harrie fantasy era.
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alarrytale · 1 year
Hands down to the anon who hit the nail with H’s semi-manufactured success because I feel the same about it.
Look, I love him deeply, I find him one of the most attractive man on earth while I never had any need to project my sexual fantasies into him (and trust me, I have done it with literally every male crush while Harry/Louis are the only exceptions). I really really wish he can show us more from his personality, be more open to us and in what he is interested. I also think he’s a little weirdo sometimes and maybe a shy introvert when he’s not feeling 100% comfortable - as much as he can be arrogant with his confident, he’s awkward sometimes and I adore him for that.
But while as much as I love him I just don’t like those charts of his popularity and his achievements, awards or how much money he made with LOT etc etc etc. Because what does it actually mean? Does it make him a better person? Does it make him a God? Does it make him immortal? No, no, no, no. It’s unpopular opinion but icons/legends has been made in the past (80’s - 00’s) because those were the times when there were something to discover and something new to create but now everything is just recycling and update of something that has been already created.
To be honest, Harry is known for his “old soul” inspirations, he’s mix of Bowie//Mercury//Elton John and his image is the same as it was with Ricky Martin or George Michael. As much as I love him I doubt people will rememeber him as much as they remember those names I wrote above in like 10-20 years. And no numbers and how much money he made won’t be remembered in the future. Look, people barely remember Backstreet Boys and Nsync now - iconic boybands without who there won’t be any 1D - while first one is active simply because of nostalgia and second one just announced a reunion and I’m curious how it will go.
Also IMO one of the reasons why he is so extremely popular is that there basically isn’t any active singe who is making music without following any trends (read that his songs go against actual trends in music) and who is willing to tour the world while fitting the het fantasies. There was Justin Bieber but is he active? No. Shawn Mendes? He isn’t active as well and who knows if his career will be the same as it was pre-pandemic. Ed Sheeran never had an image of sex god for obvious reasons. Singers like Robbie Williams or Justin Timberlake are way too old for teens. So who else is there to compete with Harry? Rest of boys from 1D as media likes to make this artificial rivality between them claiming Harry is the best one? The most popular artists right now are all females starting with our popular TS or Beyonce, Doja Cat, Billie Eilish. And they won’t take away Harry’s popularity made by het harries.
And the last note - look how popular Harry was during Grammy’s. He won the most important award while people were yelling at him during his speech because they felt Beyone should win it. And then there was that hate after on every social media. And he clearly was very uncomfortable that night because he might thought he simply doesn’t really belong there but his management made him this popular and so he had to be there and face bigger singers and their fans.
Hi, anon!
Yes, kudos to that anon for hitting the nail on the head as you say!
I wish we got to see more of his personality as well. But he needs that blank canvas for everyone to project onto and get popular. At the same time, showing so little of yourself won't get you icon status. So it's tricky. He is doing exceptionally well because of lack of competition. There will be a day where competition will come, and that's why I think they are striking while the iron is hot. I'm still not sure if they are going for longevity here. Doesn’t seem like it right now.
And yeah, the grammy's. Not good. The grammy's are all politics and the azoffs are powerful people. Harry was awkward and unprepared for that speech. He put his foot in his mouth. I cringed. The heckling from the ones yelling for Beyoncé and the social media backlash was a bad combination. I think it put some people off him. I can see their point of view. Harry needs to wise up, and the azoffs needs to stop buying him his fame and start trusting his talent. Awards, achievements, numbers and records mean nothing in the grand scheme of things if it isn't well earned.
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zhouxiangs · 9 months
my top albums of 2023
(but i'm cheating, probably, because of course i am)
tagged by @theelast-straw <3
in no particular order except for roughly release date/order in which i got obsessed with each album, i present you: the albums i've had on loop for most of 2023
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i like to listen to albums from start to finish, i think for the same reason that i tend to rewatch the same movies when i can't sleep (the sense of familiarity) but i'm picking a favourite from each because all of them had that one (1) song i got obsessed with and/or made it into one of my very specific playlists... some even more than one, if i'm honest lol
my world, aespa (2023)
what can i say about my favourite gg except that i love them so much? their title tracks are always a 10/10 for me but so are most of the sides, and for my world we got some amazing track videos (my favourite was of course i'm unhappy). plus there's the added layer of collecting pcs and the friends i cry about pieces of cardboard with, and while i admit i went a bit overboard during my world and that may be one of the reasons i got overwhelmed and eventually bored so now i'm stepping back from collecting, i still had lots of fun and this was my soundtrack for most of it.
perfume, nct dojaejung (2023)
my sons and jungwoo, do i really need to say anything else... i was lowkey scared i wouldn't like the mini for some reason and yeah that wasn't a problem, i am still obsessed with perfume lol i think this came out right after i decided i wouldn't buy more physical albums except the ones that i really loved the design of, and then i loved the songs so much that i ended up getting doyoung's box... and eventually two pbs from ktwt because i wanted to make covers out of them, and then never did lol
golden age, nct (2023)
pado and baggy jeans are my most played songs of the year; wish i could say i've gotten over the brain worms baggy jeans caused but nope, it's still on loop in my mind months later and i fear it's not going anywhere 👖
nil, the gazette (2006)
so this one is not new... but for some reason in the first half of the year, i think? i got back into the gazette; i've been listening to nil now and then throughout the years but now i also listen to their whole discography regularly. it's like being 16 again but with back pain lol happy to announce nil is still my favourite album of all time, and that i somehow remember all the lyrics! for this one i'm picking cassis because it has been one of my favourite songs since it came out and then cemented its place forever in my heart when i saw them play it live, which is something i'll never forget.
fact check, nct 127 (2023)
ICONIC MOVE, MY MOTION. i adore fact check, 127 never miss with their title tracks and i always go through at least a few days where i need to play them on loop because they won't leave my mind otherwise... but this time, if i could only pick one song from the album, it'd have to be angel eyes. i don't know if it's the happy 90s boyband energy or what but it's so special to me, makes me happy every time i listen to it <3
ร็อก เล็ก เล็ก, micro (1986)
we all know when and where this came from, don't we? one thing i'll always be grateful to only friends for (other than sandray both as characters and as a ship) is the music; i discovered so many wonderful songs and artists by listening to the playlists, and of course my favourite was micro, particularly this album which i started to listen to because both อย่าดีกว่า and อยากจะบอกใครสักคน are in it, and while they're still my favourites i really like the rest of the album too.
the land is inhospitable and so are we, mitski (2023)
i think i discovered mitski back in 2018 when be the cowboy came out, but for some reason i never listened to her music a lot? i had a pearl in my playlists, but it wasn't until laurel hell came out in 2022 that i started to listen to more... and then this year we got this amazing album and she's now one of my most listened artists of all time. my favourite is my love all mine because, like for most of twitter, that was (one of) my sandray song(s).
something to give to each other, troye sivan (2023)
this album came out right when i was itching for new music and to make more playlists because i was bored of always listening to the same songs. it was kind of a break? not because it's super different from other things i listen to, i don't think, but idk it was exactly what i needed right when i needed it. there's something about can't go back, baby that has always made it stand out to me, but don't ask me what.
to. x, taeyeon (2023)
mother! taeyeon has been in my life continuously for the longest time; her voice is such a comfort, it doesn't matter if i stop listening to kpop for years (which i've done a couple times in my life because i am that dramatic) i don't think i could ever quit her. honestly the whole album is perfect, no notes, and we even got a live clip for all for nothing. best way to end the year!
not tagging anyone but if you see this and want to do it you can consider yourself tagged <3
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0613magazine · 1 year
230307 EFE
BTS leader isn’t thinking about future, but would like to work with Rosalía
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RM, the lead singer of K-pop supergroup BTS, would love to one day collaborate with Spanish star Rosalía – his favorite Spanish singer – but with his mandatory military service in South Korea approaching, he will not be taking on any projects in the near future.
During an interview with Efe in Barcelona, the South Korean singer admits that he is going through a “hard time on a human level”, because after 10 years non-stop with BTS, the band members’ looming military service has forced the group into a temporary break.
But Kim Nam-joon, better known by the stage name RM, wants to stay positive, and insists that the situation “can be beneficial to him as an artist,” because “some great work is born in personally chaotic moments.”
“When you are famous, staying on top is very difficult,” he admits, “but I think BTS will make it. It will come together again when we finish our military service, and we will look for new synergies between us to enter a second phase. But, in any case, nothing lasts forever.”
On Rosalía, he says that all the members of BTS “like her very much and respect her a lot” as a very famous and influential star. Asked if he would like to collaborate with her, Kim Nam-joon does not hesitate: “If she wants to, I do too.”
Soon after releasing his most personal album ‘Indigo’ at the end of last year, and in search of inspiration for a second solo album, RM traveled to Spain for the first time this week.
The boy band has yet to perform in the country, as their 2020 world tour, on which they planned to reach the few remaining corners of the world they had not set foot in, was canceled due to the pandemic.
“I chose Spain to travel with my family because I have friends who are not artists who have told me it’s a great place,” he says.
“I wanted to see artworks by (painters) Goya, Velazquez and Picasso for inspiration and I’ve been to the Prado and other museums,” he adds during his visit to Barcelona, where he was impressed by the iconic Sagrada Familia basilica by Spanish architect Gaudi. Before that, he took in the capital Madrid and the northern city of Bilbao.
“I came to Spain because of my love of its art and, if someone learns about my country’s culture through my songs, it is an honor that makes me happy,” he says.
South Koreans are obligated to sign up for 18 months of military service before they turn 30 – the eldest member of BTS, Jin, has already enlisted, with the rest of the group soon to follow suit.
It has forced a temporary break on the boyband with the group at its peak that RM has taken advantage of to release his first solo album ‘Indigo’, in which he frees himself from the strict rules of combining being the main standard-bearer of K-pop and searching for his own identity.
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“After 10 years as a member of BTS, I didn’t know who I was and I wanted to know,” he says. “I started out as a teenage rapper, then BTS came along and it was all very intense. Now that the group is inactive, I’ve gone back to thinking about the beginnings and the real reasons why I joined BTS.”
It is a process of reflection that has led him to contemplate the meaning of a musical career that has been dictated by trends.
“K-pop and k-drama are in fashion,” he says, “so, ironically, I am at the center of the trend at a time when I feel the need to step away from that and have time to think and create with a more timeless outlook.”
The first result of this new approach is ‘Indigo’, an album full of stellar collaborations that combines elements of hip-hop, neo-soul, R&B, folk, electronic music and urban pop, a work which he insists presents a version of himself that is unrecognizable from the one that social media and worldwide fame have created.
But he has not turned his back on his time with BTS, which he is proud of for allowing millions of people around the world to discover Korean culture through his songs and for having paved the way for others to follow.
Source: EFE
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slaykovsky · 2 years
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this is the photo that comes to mind when i read “f*ck it we ball”
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mr-styles · 4 years
When Harry Met Phoebe: The Story Behind The Treat People With Kindness Music Video
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Directors Gabe and Ben Turner reveal how Harry Styles and Phoebe Waller-Bridge ended up collaborating on what's already the feelgood video of the year.
For Harry Styles and Phoebe Waller-Bridge fans, the new year couldn’t have started in a better fashion. Literally. On New Year’s Day, the world was gifted the Treat People With Kindness music video - which saw Phoebe and Harry dancing around the Troxy theatre in east London, dressed in show-stopping matching Gucci suits and argyle sweater vests. ‘You have no idea how heavy that jacket was!’ director Ben Turner tells Grazia. ‘It was like a suit of armour with all those crystals on it.’
The black-and-white video - which was filmed a few months before the first lockdown last year - was directed by brothers Ben and Gabe Turner of Fulwell73 Productions, who have worked with Harry since his days in One Direction, directing everything from perfume and car commercials to the videos for Drag Me Down and Steal My Girl. The pair were also behind the joyous video to previous Fine Line single Golden, where Harry ran around Italy's Amalfi Coast.
For many, the big TPWK questions are: how on Earth did the collaboration between Harry and Phoebe happen? And why were they dancing? Well, the answer is quite simple. Gabe and Harry had been watching videos of iconic old Hollywood dancers like ‘the Nicholas brothers, Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers’, but it was only after they both went to see Fleabag during its London West End run that the idea of Harry and Phoebe dancing together clicked into place.
‘One day, we were just talking about the videos we were watching. We thought the dance videos were really cool, so I said to Harry, "Well, what about you and Phoebe dancing together?"’ Gabe tells us. ‘And because we'd just been to the Fleabag show, he was like, "Yeah, absolutely."’ The rest is history. Harry then called the Fleabag actress, along with his choreographer Paul Roberts - and the pair were both keen to get involved. The directors say the process was very quick, and the shoot happened within one day.
Their working relationship was apparently ‘fantastic’, too. ‘The atmosphere on screen reflects the dynamic - it was just really good fun,’ Ben says. Gabe adds that he thinks Harry and Phoebe both had a mutual respect for each other. ‘From what I know, and I haven't really talked to either of them about it, I think they were both big fans of each other,’ he says. ‘I don't know how much Fleabag Harry had consumed prior to the day we went to see her, but I know that we both thought she was majestic.’
The song is all about kindness - and it seems Phoebe couldn’t have been a better fit with Harry’s ethos, as Gabe tells us the writer bought cake for those who worked on the video. ‘You know, you're not going to find two people in the industry as kind, thoughtful and welcoming as Harry and Phoebe,’ he says. ‘A lot of the time, as directors, you get a very privileged view of people - but you can see the people who really care about everyone. From Phoebe, buying cupcakes for the entire production crew, to Harry… On every single shoot I've ever been on, Harry has made every person, from the runners upwards, feel 10 foot tall and a part of the process.’
This obviously reflected well on the atmosphere on set. In fact, both directors, who usually don’t bring their children to work, decided to take their kids (at the time, all under the age of five) on set. ‘Everyone there felt like they were involved in something really special, and felt really privileged to be there - including Harry and Phoebe,’ Gabe adds.
As Harry has found a more ‘authentic voice’ since his time in One Direction, the process of working with the star has changed quite a bit. But the directors couldn’t be more positive about the boyband and its breakout star. ‘We started with Harry back in One Direction days,’ Ben says, ‘so that creative process has blossomed since then.’
‘Harry is on this great vein of form, and to be able to support that is great,’ Ben continues. ‘He's got brilliant tastes, and a sensibility that clearly not many people have. And so helping to [grow] that talent is phenomenal. As directors you tend to take a lot of credit for the creative direction, but a lot of your job is helping [the people you work with] be as brilliant as they can be. And when you're starting from that level, with him and Phoebe? It's gratifying.’
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stylesnews · 4 years
For Harry Styles and Phoebe Waller-Bridge fans, the new year couldn’t have started in a better fashion. Literally. On New Year’s Day, the world was gifted the Treat People With Kindness music video - which saw Phoebe and Harry dancing around the Troxy theatre in east London, dressed in show-stopping matching Gucci suits and argyle sweater vests. ‘You have no idea how heavy that jacket was!’ director Ben Turner tells Grazia. ‘It was like a suit of armour with all those crystals on it.’
The black-and-white video - which was filmed a few months before the first lockdown last year - was directed by brothers Ben and Gabe Turner of Fulwell73 Productions, who have worked with Harry since his days in One Direction, directing everything from perfume and car commercials to the videos for Drag Me Down and Steal My Girl. The pair were also behind the joyous video to previous Fine Line single Golden, where Harry ran around Italy's Amalfi Coast.
For many, the big TPWK questions are: how on Earth did the collaboration between Harry and Phoebe happen? And why were they dancing? Well, the answer is quite simple. Gabe and Harry had been watching videos of iconic old Hollywood dancers like ‘the Nicholas brothers, Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers’, but it was only after they both went to see Fleabag during its London West End run that the idea of Harry and Phoebe dancing together clicked into place.
‘One day, we were just talking about the videos we were watching. We thought the dance videos were really cool, so I said to Harry, "Well, what about you and Phoebe dancing together?"’ Gabe tells us. ‘And because we'd just been to the Fleabag show, he was like, "Yeah, absolutely."’ The rest is history. Harry then called the Fleabag actress, along with his choreographer Paul Roberts - and the pair were both keen to get involved. The directors say the process was very quick, and the shoot happened within one day.
Their working relationship was apparently ‘fantastic’, too. ‘The atmosphere on screen reflects the dynamic - it was just really good fun,’ Ben says. Gabe adds that he thinks Harry and Phoebe both had a mutual respect for each other. ‘From what I know, and I haven't really talked to either of them about it, I think they were both big fans of each other,’ he says. ‘I don't know how much Fleabag Harry had consumed prior to the day we went to see her, but I know that we both thought she was majestic.’
The song is all about kindness - and it seems Phoebe couldn’t have been a better fit with Harry’s ethos, as Gabe tells us the writer bought cake for those who worked on the video. ‘You know, you're not going to find two people in the industry as kind, thoughtful and welcoming as Harry and Phoebe,’ he says. ‘A lot of the time, as directors, you get a very privileged view of people - but you can see the people who really care about everyone. From Phoebe, buying cupcakes for the entire production crew, to Harry… On every single shoot I've ever been on, Harry has made every person, from the runners upwards, feel 10 foot tall and a part of the process.’
This obviously reflected well on the atmosphere on set. In fact, both directors, who usually don’t bring their children to work, decided to take their kids (at the time, all under the age of five) on set. ‘Everyone there felt like they were involved in something really special, and felt really privileged to be there - including Harry and Phoebe,’ Gabe adds.
As Harry has found a more ‘authentic voice’ since his time in One Direction, the process of working with the star has changed quite a bit. But the directors couldn’t be more positive about the boyband and its breakout star. ‘We started with Harry back in One Direction days,’ Ben says, ‘so that creative process has blossomed since then.’
‘Harry is on this great vein of form, and to be able to support that is great,’ Ben continues. ‘He's got brilliant tastes, and a sensibility that clearly not many people have. And so helping to [grow] that talent is phenomenal. As directors you tend to take a lot of credit for the creative direction, but a lot of your job is helping [the people you work with] be as brilliant as they can be. And when you're starting from that level, with him and Phoebe? It's gratifying.’
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hldailyupdate · 4 years
When Harry Met Phoebe: The Story Behind The Treat People With Kindness Music Video
For Harry Styles and Phoebe Waller-Bridge fans, the new year couldn’t have started in a better fashion. Literally. On New Year’s Day, the world was gifted the Treat People With Kindness music video - which saw Phoebe and Harry dancing around the Troxy theatre in east London, dressed in show-stopping matching Gucci suits and argyle sweater vests. ‘You have no idea how heavy that jacket was!’ director Ben Turner tells Grazia. ‘It was like a suit of armour with all those crystals on it.’
The black-and-white video - which was filmed a few months before the first lockdown last year - was directed by brothers Ben and Gabe Turner of Fulwell73 Productions, who have worked with Harry since his days in One Direction, directing everything from perfume and car commercials to the videos for Drag Me Down and Steal My Girl. The pair were also behind the joyous video to previous Fine Line single Golden, where Harry ran around Italy's Amalfi Coast.
For many, the big TPWK questions are: how on Earth did the collaboration between Harry and Phoebe happen? And why were they dancing? Well, the answer is quite simple. Gabe and Harry had been watching videos of iconic old Hollywood dancers like ‘the Nicholas brothers, Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers’, but it was only after they both went to see Fleabag during its London West End run that the idea of Harry and Phoebe dancing together clicked into place.
‘One day, we were just talking about the videos we were watching. We thought the dance videos were really cool, so I said to Harry, "Well, what about you and Phoebe dancing together?"’ Gabe tells us. ‘And because we'd just been to the Fleabag show, he was like, "Yeah, absolutely."’ The rest is history. Harry then called the Fleabag actress, along with his choreographer Paul Roberts - and the pair were both keen to get involved. The directors say the process was very quick, and the shoot happened within one day.
Their working relationship was apparently ‘fantastic’, too. ‘The atmosphere on screen reflects the dynamic - it was just really good fun,’ Ben says. Gabe adds that he thinks Harry and Phoebe both had a mutual respect for each other. ‘From what I know, and I haven't really talked to either of them about it, I think they were both big fans of each other,’ he says. ‘I don't know how much Fleabag Harry had consumed prior to the day we went to see her, but I know that we both thought she was majestic.’
The song is all about kindness - and it seems Phoebe couldn’t have been a better fit with Harry’s ethos, as Gabe tells us the writer bought cake for those who worked on the video. ‘You know, you're not going to find two people in the industry as kind, thoughtful and welcoming as Harry and Phoebe,’ he says. ‘A lot of the time, as directors, you get a very privileged view of people - but you can see the people who really care about everyone. From Phoebe, buying cupcakes for the entire production crew, to Harry… On every single shoot I've ever been on, Harry has made every person, from the runners upwards, feel 10 foot tall and a part of the process.’
This obviously reflected well on the atmosphere on set. In fact, both directors, who usually don’t bring their children to work, decided to take their kids (at the time, all under the age of five) on set. ‘Everyone there felt like they were involved in something really special, and felt really privileged to be there - including Harry and Phoebe,’ Gabe adds.
As Harry has found a more ‘authentic voice’ since his time in One Direction, the process of working with the star has changed quite a bit. But the directors couldn’t be more positive about the boyband and it’s breakout star. ‘We started with Harry back in One Direction days,’ Ben says, ‘so that creative process has blossomed since then.’
‘Harry is on this great vein of form, and to be able to support that is great,’ Ben continues. ‘He's got brilliant tastes, and a sensibility that clearly not many people have. And so helping to [grow] that talent is phenomenal. As directors you tend to take a lot of credit for the creative direction, but a lot of your job is helping [the people you work with] be as brilliant as they can be. And when you're starting from that level, with him and Phoebe? It's gratifying.’
(7 January 2021)
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kingstylesdaily · 4 years
When Harry Met Phoebe: The Story Behind The Treat People With Kindness Music Video
Directors Gabe and Ben Turner reveal how Harry Styles and Phoebe Waller-Bridge ended up collaborating on what's already the feelgood video of the year.
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For Harry Styles and Phoebe Waller-Bridge fans, the new year couldn’t have started in a better fashion. Literally. On New Year’s Day, the world was gifted the Treat People With Kindness music video - which saw Phoebe and Harry dancing around the Troxy theatre in east London, dressed in show-stopping matching Gucci suits and argyle sweater vests. ‘You have no idea how heavy that jacket was!’ director Ben Turner tells Grazia. ‘It was like a suit of armour with all those crystals on it.’
The black-and-white video - which was filmed a few months before the first lockdown last year - was directed by brothers Ben and Gabe Turner of Fulwell73 Productions, who have worked with Harry since his days in One Direction, directing everything from perfume and car commercials to the videos for Drag Me Down and Steal My Girl. The pair were also behind the joyous video to previous Fine Line single Golden, where Harry ran around Italy's Amalfi Coast.
For many, the big TPWK questions are: how on Earth did the collaboration between Harry and Phoebe happen? And why were they dancing? Well, the answer is quite simple. Gabe and Harry had been watching videos of iconic old Hollywood dancers like ‘the Nicholas brothers, Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers’, but it was only after they both went to see Fleabag during its London West End run that the idea of Harry and Phoebe dancing together clicked into place.
‘One day, we were just talking about the videos we were watching. We thought the dance videos were really cool, so I said to Harry, "Well, what about you and Phoebe dancing together?"’ Gabe tells us. ‘And because we'd just been to the Fleabag show, he was like, "Yeah, absolutely."’ The rest is history. Harry then called the Fleabag actress, along with his choreographer Paul Roberts - and the pair were both keen to get involved. The directors say the process was very quick, and the shoot happened within one day.
Their working relationship was apparently ‘fantastic’, too. ‘The atmosphere on screen reflects the dynamic - it was just really good fun,’ Ben says. Gabe adds that he thinks Harry and Phoebe both had a mutual respect for each other. ‘From what I know, and I haven't really talked to either of them about it, I think they were both big fans of each other,’ he says. ‘I don't know how much Fleabag Harry had consumed prior to the day we went to see her, but I know that we both thought she was majestic.’
The song is all about kindness - and it seems Phoebe couldn’t have been a better fit with Harry’s ethos, as Gabe tells us the writer bought cake for those who worked on the video. ‘You know, you're not going to find two people in the industry as kind, thoughtful and welcoming as Harry and Phoebe,’ he says. ‘A lot of the time, as directors, you get a very privileged view of people - but you can see the people who really care about everyone. From Phoebe, buying cupcakes for the entire production crew, to Harry… On every single shoot I've ever been on, Harry has made every person, from the runners upwards, feel 10 foot tall and a part of the process.’
This obviously reflected well on the atmosphere on set. In fact, both directors, who usually don’t bring their children to work, decided to take their kids (at the time, all under the age of five) on set. ‘Everyone there felt like they were involved in something really special, and felt really privileged to be there - including Harry and Phoebe,’ Gabe adds.
As Harry has found a more ‘authentic voice’ since his time in One Direction, the process of working with the star has changed quite a bit. But the directors couldn’t be more positive about the boyband and its breakout star. ‘We started with Harry back in One Direction days,’ Ben says, ‘so that creative process has blossomed since then.’
‘Harry is on this great vein of form, and to be able to support that is great,’ Ben continues. ‘He's got brilliant tastes, and a sensibility that clearly not many people have. And so helping to [grow] that talent is phenomenal. As directors you tend to take a lot of credit for the creative direction, but a lot of your job is helping [the people you work with] be as brilliant as they can be. And when you're starting from that level, with him and Phoebe? It's gratifying.’
Via graziadaily.co.uk
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Good morning/afternoon/evening/night, Ralph. (I think I covered all my time zone bases there). I have been thinking lot lately about all the rhetoric in the fandom about Harry’s health and well-being, and how loud it has felt this year. To be clear, I am not asking for you to weigh in with your own speculations about how Harry is doing, unless you feel comfortable doing so. (I’m not telling you what to do either way, obviously, seeing as I am only a little grey icon in your inbox and have no right or way to demand anything of you.) I’m more looking for guidance or even just your rambling thoughts about what is respectful and appropriate when we’re wondering about a celebrity’s well being, and how you handle your own thoughts and assumptions about this. I feel like over the course of the last year we’ve just been inundated with all this panic and speculation about how Harry is unhappy or unhealthy or otherwise not himself, going all the way back to the Jingle Bell Ball Golden performance. Every time we get any new content there’s a wave of people saying he looks too thin and overworked like he’s not getting enough food or rest, or overweight and out of shape (pick a lane, people), he looks stressed, he looks sad, he looks angry, his eyes have lost their sparkle, his smile is dim, he’s addicted to drugs, he’d addicted to drugs because Jeff is doping him up to keep him going, he’s going to quit music, he’s going to hurt himself, blah blah blah. And the people making these “observations” hide behind the assertion that they’re just worried for his health when they’re faced with any sort of criticism.
This whole ongoing rhetoric feels really…icky? I suppose? to me. I do kind of think he has looked more drawn and intense (“stressed” and “sad”) in the content we’ve gotten this year, but I also think (1) the content we’ve gotten has largely been pap shots and stunt stuff, (2) this year he had to postpone his tour, and we know he loves performing so that must have really sucked, and (3) this year has just been rather shit for all of us, we’re all stressed and sad and scared and frustrated by the larger political and social goings on, and by the ways our own lives are impacted. In the past, the content we’ve gotten where Harry looks the happiest and most at ease has been performance footage or him with his family and loved ones. We haven’t gotten any of that this year. It makes sense that the pictures we do get would feature him looking less than completely relaxed and jubilant. And then there are all the assumptions that he’s lost weight or gained weight and is therefore unhealthy or on drugs or drinking a lot and that just honestly pisses me off. You cannot tell jack shit about a person’s health from their weight, and especially not in random pictures taken at random intervals in random settings. To pretend you can is harmful, and Harry probably won’t see you making these assumptions about his mental and physical health based on the prominence of his cheekbones in a set of pap pics, but friends and strangers who are already struggling with their weight will. And the assertion that someone is dealing with an addiction of any kind (or, god forbid, and I hate even typing this, being subjected to drug use at the hands of someone with power over them) is an allegation that a) you can’t make from one picture and b) has really deep, life altering, tragic and painful and hard consequences for that person and all their loved ones, and deserves more respect and deference than to be treated as something you can just throw out into the great wild beyond and then forget about.
But beyond the fact that people are making hurtful and invasive allegations and assumptions about a real person’s private life based entirely on a very very limited and posed and edited set of content that was hand chosen to be given to us, I think the thing that bothers me the most is it feels like the people who are driving these conversations are doing so because they want something from Harry. It’s never (or rarely, I suppose) “man Harry looks tired in the pictures we’ve gotten lately, I really hope he’s taking care of himself, things have been so hard for us all.” It’s always “Harry has been so withdrawn and sad and angry he’s not communicative with fans and he’s not willing to engage with them when he sees them in public and I miss him. I miss my Harry. I miss happy Harry. I want him back. Give me Harry back.” Which tells me the concern isn’t Harry or Harry’s health, but rather the feeling that Harry owes us something that he hasn’t been giving, and now he must pay up or give us a valid excuse.
Then I do, occasionally though, find myself thinking “am I doing exactly what I’m complaining about? Am I assuming the worst of people based on a limited set of insights into their lives?” And in the wake of the Britney legal battle that has been unfolding recently, I sometimes wonder if maybe as fans we do have kind of a duty to call out celebrities when they seem to be struggling or acting incredibly out of character. Most of the time I follow this up immediately with the thought that I’m not responsible for anyone else’s health and safety, much less that of a 27 year old man I’ve never met and have no connection to beyond liking his music and his face, and I do truly believe that, but there is some part of me that feels uneasy just turning off all my concern, because I am a person who tends to be greatly concerned about everyone, who just wants everyone to be happy and healthy and safe and loved, and who wants to help people feel that way, where and when I can. So I guess what I’m asking, in the incredibly long winded and winding way I ask anyone anything (my poor husband, he gets a novel from me every time I ask what he thinks we should do for dinner) is do you have any of these same feelings and concerns? How do your navigate them? Where do you draw a line? Do you just withdraw completely from this type of speculation? How do you balance being a kind, engaged, empathetic fan with being a respectful, responsible fan who knows their limits? (And man, isn’t that the ultimate question?). Your blog is one I end up on whenever something big happens or a particular conversation pops up, because I’ve found that I really value the way you break things down and are willing to consider them from many perspectives, so I appreciate you even taking the time to read this.
Thanks for your interesting thoughts about Harry anon. I feel like there's a lot to respond to here and I'm going to start by answering the questions your questions - and then I'm going to get distracted and talk about a post I really hated.
I'm always a little bit worried about Harry, and all 1D members. He might be really struggling, that's always a possibility. Harry has lived a very intensely scheduled high workload life since he was 16. He might have had all sorts of responses to the fact that that schedule was removed, or anything else that is happening in his life. But I feel like I'm generally pretty boundaried about those concerns.
I think part of it is because my base line assumption is that boyband members are pretty fucked up. You don't need to know a lot about the history of touring musicians to know that. I think I've said before that if 1D members are eating every day and not doing needle drugs then they're doing better than we have any right to expect (and if they're not eating and are doing needle drugs, then those are coping mechanisms for intense stress and there's no shame in either of them).
I do think it helps with boundaries to be starting from a point that acknowledges how hard it is to be a popstar. I'm all about fantasies of omnipotence and in my day to day life I think I can fix all sorts of things, but I don't think I can make any difference to any 1D member's life.
In addition, I am profoundly affected by having been a fan throughout 2016. We know what it looks like when Louis was going through a horrendous, devastating, trauma - and it looks pretty normal.
None of this means I don't have opinions, or worries, but I am aware that my opinions or worries aren't facts. It's rare that I think that my worries should matter even to people reading my tumblr, let alone other fans in general, and certainly not Harry. You say 'am I doing the same thing as other people assuming the worst about people...', but I'd argue that that's actually not the problem. There's nothing wrong with assuming the worst of people. What is wrong is when fans think their assumptions about a celebrity should matter to anyone else. You don't have to turn off your concern to think that it's not a priority.
I definitely think it would be a very bad thing if people took the moral as the 'free Britney' movement as 'fans should call out celebrities when they think they're struggling'. That sort of surveillance isn't effective or useful. What has been useful for Britney is solidarity in a well documented power struggle, which is a very different thing.
And I can't emphasise enough how important the 'well documented' aspect of this is. What most fan worrying about Harry amounts to is: 'I don't like what he's doing, and there's no way he'd do things I didn't like and therefore there must be something wrong with him'. That's a really controlling way of thinking about people. I really think it's important not to reproduce that abusers logic.
I am pretty well insulated from that sort of discourse from a very well weeded dash. But I saw a post that was mostly about other fandom stuff, that treated assumptions like: "Harry must hate being with Olivia and he's suffering and it's clear he's not happy with his image and his team" as building blocks that you don't even have to argue for (this is the post - and I'm going to come back to one of the things someone said that was even worse in a second).
Lets stop for a minute and imagine that Harry hasn't got a problem pretending to date Olivia, and his main concerns are about the messiness of life and his career at this point in time. It is really fucked up and agressive, and pretty hateful towards Harry, to say 'oh he couldn't possibly want this. It's clear that he hates it.' etc. (I feel like I've been making this argument for years about people who object to Louis doing such things as smoking and not performing middle-class culture for them). When fans trash talk what Harry is doing at the moment, and suggest that believing he could be choosing what he's doing is some how an act of huge disrespect to him, there is every chance they are trash talking him and the choices he's making.
The final thing I want to draw attention to is how often this sort of fan storytelling is combined with a profound lack of interest in what 1D members are actually going through. The tags screen shotted and added on to the post I reblogged actually described Holivia as Douis 2.0. Apparently assuming that there was absolutely no connection between Douis, and Louis and his family's ultimately successful efforts to privacy as Jay was dying. What the fuck is wrong with people that they ignore that, and erase that? There's far more interest in making up 1D members suffering so that fans can continue to tell the stories they want to tell, than actual acknowledgement of what we know that they went through.
Sorry I got distracted. What I'm trying to say is that there's nothing wrong with having feelings about celebrities or telling stories about them. But it's so important to acknoweldge the limits of your knowledge and power, even when fandom discourse encourages the opposite.
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hlupdate · 4 years
For Harry Styles and Phoebe Waller-Bridge fans, the new year couldn’t have started in a better fashion. Literally. On New Year’s Day, the world was gifted the Treat People With Kindness music video - which saw Phoebe and Harry dancing around the Troxy theatre in east London, dressed in show-stopping matching Gucci suits and argyle sweater vests. ‘You have no idea how heavy that jacket was!’ director Ben Turner tells Grazia. ‘It was like a suit of armour with all those crystals on it.’
The black-and-white video - which was filmed a few months before the first lockdown last year - was directed by brothers Ben and Gabe Turner of Fulwell73 Productions, who have worked with Harry since his days in One Direction, directing everything from perfume and car commercials to the videos for Drag Me Down and Steal My Girl. The pair were also behind the joyous video to previous Fine Line single Golden, where Harry ran around Italy's Amalfi Coast.
For many, the big TPWK questions are: how on Earth did the collaboration between Harry and Phoebe happen? And why were they dancing? Well, the answer is quite simple. Gabe and Harry had been watching videos of iconic old Hollywood dancers like ‘the Nicholas brothers, Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers’, but it was only after they both went to see Fleabag during its London West End run that the idea of Harry and Phoebe dancing together clicked into place.
‘One day, we were just talking about the videos we were watching. We thought the dance videos were really cool, so I said to Harry, "Well, what about you and Phoebe dancing together?"’ Gabe tells us. ‘And because we'd just been to the Fleabag show, he was like, "Yeah, absolutely."’ The rest is history. Harry then called the Fleabag actress, along with his choreographer Paul Roberts - and the pair were both keen to get involved. The directors say the process was very quick, and the shoot happened within one day.
Their working relationship was apparently ‘fantastic’, too. ‘The atmosphere on screen reflects the dynamic - it was just really good fun,’ Ben says. Gabe adds that he thinks Harry and Phoebe both had a mutual respect for each other. ‘From what I know, and I haven't really talked to either of them about it, I think they were both big fans of each other,’ he says. ‘I don't know how much Fleabag Harry had consumed prior to the day we went to see her, but I know that we both thought she was majestic.’
The song is all about kindness - and it seems Phoebe couldn’t have been a better fit with Harry’s ethos, as Gabe tells us the writer bought cake for those who worked on the video. ‘You know, you're not going to find two people in the industry as kind, thoughtful and welcoming as Harry and Phoebe,’ he says. ‘A lot of the time, as directors, you get a very privileged view of people - but you can see the people who really care about everyone. From Phoebe, buying cupcakes for the entire production crew, to Harry… On every single shoot I've ever been on, Harry has made every person, from the runners upwards, feel 10 foot tall and a part of the process.’
This obviously reflected well on the atmosphere on set. In fact, both directors, who usually don’t bring their children to work, decided to take their kids (at the time, all under the age of five) on set. ‘Everyone there felt like they were involved in something really special, and felt really privileged to be there - including Harry and Phoebe,’ Gabe adds.
As Harry has found a more ‘authentic voice’ since his time in One Direction, the process of working with the star has changed quite a bit. But the directors couldn’t be more positive about the boyband and its breakout star. ‘We started with Harry back in One Direction days,’ Ben says, ‘so that creative process has blossomed since then.’
‘Harry is on this great vein of form, and to be able to support that is great,’ Ben continues. ‘He's got brilliant tastes, and a sensibility that clearly not many people have. And so helping to [grow] that talent is phenomenal. As directors you tend to take a lot of credit for the creative direction, but a lot of your job is helping [the people you work with] be as brilliant as they can be. And when you're starting from that level, with him and Phoebe? It's gratifying.’
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Finished my first KFAM relisten last night and I’m still reeling from the heartbreak of ep 100 so here’s a short list of some of my favorite things:
The Pomchi Palace jingle
Just the whole first Mission: Apparition episode. “Four score and a cap in your ass” is iconic. Also very good Bemily content
Also re: Bemily when she visits them at the first Best Small Town in America celebration and Ben just gets so cute and flustered and Emily almost says she loves him and aaahhhhhh
The little post-credits bit at the end of ep 61 where Herschel and Cecil sing Shake It Off
Any time Sammy laughs post-ep 75 (but esp in 79, it just hits particularly hard the first time)
Just Herschel and Cecil in general. This show endeared me to two very old men and I would die for both of them FUCK
MARY JENSEN. She’s incredible and I love her and she’s amazing
The Tim 1 vs. Tim 2 fight happening in the background of J Fink reading from the fucky list during the telethon at channel 3
Troy roasting the FUCK out of Gundersen at the debate
The whole bit Emily and Sammy have when they tease Ben for his “Ben-isms”
“Snap, crackle, pop, diabetes!”
Honestly? Calvin. What a wild concept. Chaotic evil at its peak
Also Gwendolyn. She sucks but she’s so funny and I get so excited every time she shows up.
The fact that they actually adopt “Jack-in-the-Box Jesus” as an expletive for the rest of the show
When Ben hears the recording of Can You Hear Me for the first time and hypes up his own vocal performance
“Let’s make this fuckin’ mean somethin’” is such an excellent line and moment
“It’s been locked up for far too long” also makes me cry every time without fail
Ben not knowing what nonbinary means when Sammy brings it up but immediately becoming a very excited ally
The first time Mr. X calls and Ben puts him on hold and they both say at the same time “I don’t like this”. It was early on in the show and they were so in sync it makes me so happy
Whenever Herschel says “my/our boys” 🥺 it has big Grunkle Stan and Mabel energy
(Or “my Cecil”)
Also whenever Sammy says “my Jack”
Agent Reagan Spears. I know I already made a little separate post about her but I just wanted to reiterate that I adore Reagan, she is the light of my life and she is so weird
Every time Ben and Dan get into a 90s boyband fight. It’s so dumb and so fun to listen to
Fuckign,, I know it’s incredibly awkward and strange but when Jacob and Pearl sing Satisfied in Troy’s car I just laugh until I cry they’re so WEIRD
The whole back half of ep 44. The music. The sound design. The acting. I just,,
Ben losing his shit at Gundersen in ep 73. That moment is painful and it sucks but I love me some quality acting and patented Ben Arnold rage
Every time they date themselves with cultural references that were topical at the time but are kinda outdated (ex. various Trump jokes, baby shark, Hotline Bling)
Sammy “Sassy Dad Friend” Stevens. Just whenever he does the dad voice and especially when he gets called out for it
Every Sammy “mmhmm!”
The Beauregard announcement at the Best Small Town in America celebration in ep 78!!!! The suspense and the shock are just very good
Ron just,,,, loves Kingsie so much
“What the f*** are you saying that for, Sammy?!” “I’m sorry, did you just say fuck?!”
Chet clearly caring a lot about the boys. He’s a shithead but everyone has just kind of adopted each other into their weird family over time and I live for it
The first time Ben says “bad times are tough, but not tougher than you” and Sammy is like “wtf did you listen to the tape??”
When #OperationKingFallsKringle showed up and Sammy got all excited like a little kid like “wait he’s here?? Oh my god he’s here!!! Look at what I’m wearing!”
Darlin I’m Gone is such an earworm I get it stuck in my head every time I hear it
Any episode where we get content that’s not from the show. Town hall debate? Channel 13 news report? Wright On? Gimme it all
Sammy being all big-brother protective of Lily when she and Katie start… hanging out and denying it when Ben gets on him about it
Sofa King Beer. Such a stupid pun
CECIL motherfucking SHEFFIELD!!!!!!! AAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And that��s just off the top of my head! I know there’s not a lot of Emily or Lily content here but I just wanna make sure I don’t spoil too much
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ORIGIN STORIES IN THE FINER DETAILS. four sisters and a wedding is one of those classic star cinema movies that is so grand it has a life of its own, a life that is growing exponentially larger in time, through quotable quotes, memes, and the place it occupies in pinoy pop culture. i’d watched this movie in the cinemas just as i had almost all star cinema movies for as long as i can remember. i may have written about it too, i cannot remember. i do not remember writing, not because it was forgettable, but because the movie is self-explanatory, the movie stands on its own two feet that words were unnecessary.
the news of a prequel to the 2013 hit was curious. a movie as iconic in its grandeur, comedy, and what seemed, on the surface, like a caricature of the filipino family, surely did not need a prequel. it was too risky. because of this curious choice, the casting of the four younger salazar sisters was met with nonchalance from my end, as much as it is a foregone conclusion that i would watch the movie, even if that means having to teach myself online payment and viewing schemes. anything to help abs-cbn, star cinema. anything by and for miss van and direk mae. they know that. 
the junket was a reminder of how much joy i find in stripping down stories to its heart, dismantling stories only to build it up again, with better understanding while doing so. starting points, beginnings, and histories sold this film to me. that the whys, the reasons for being of the four adult salazars will be answered by this prequel is compelling to me. i have, at least that. especially when the riot of the trailer challenged that belief. that is precisely the genius of star cinema, in reeling you in with all the fun and games and then, unknowingly speaking to your heart so clearly.
do not be fooled by very valid comedic errors and the riot of a spy caper. beyond the laughs is a story of a filipino family built on trust, coexistence, and the individuality to be found within the family unit. it’s a story about the hearts that mold us, the histories that shape us, the choices that separate us, our sense of home and the ties that bind.
a narrative isn’t a narrative without a problem to be solved. there would be no problem to be solved without a conflict. the strength of a story lies in how the different characters each respond to, and process the conflict. i have so much appreciation for how the core conflict, and the processing of said conflict were sustained and varied according to need and character. the beauty, found in how seamlessly these many unique components align. when the alignment is quiet and subtle, the story is told with so much grace. this story has so much grace.
for an ensemble, this movie isn’t a casting coup. it isn’t about the stars it lacked (i watch enough of rise, and frankly, enough of the network that i recognize the girls and everyone in the cast), it’s more that the girls, the rest of the cast, worked quietly. the filming seemed calmer...blame the pandemic for this.
while the girls aren’t unknowns, a measure of trust in the casting gods, in the production, in miss van and direk mae was necessary. i did not see it. or the adult salazars are such iconic queens that even when there was something to see i was unconsciously blind to it? i had to see them in character to realize i was right to trust.
stars were born.
this is a prequel that could stand alone. there was no time to watch the first movie before this one, and so, i was scared the experience would be incomplete. those fears were unwarranted. instead of digesting the salazar saga in chronological order, i love that this provides lightbulb moment after lightbulb moment for the first film. those eureka moments were only possible because the cast, headed by those four girls were perfect for the big shoes they filled in.
charlie dizon as teddie (previously played by toni gonzaga) - my introduction and journey with charlie is an interesting one. i have watched the girl since ‘bagani,’ ‘seven sundays,’ and á soldier’s heart.’ the first two saw her trying to find her footing, pitted against more experienced actors. as such, it should be understandable that her beginnings in the industry showed her as a greenhorn. i stand by my feedback back then when i say, ‘she isn’t bad, she’s just a beginner and the contrast with the veteran actors clearly shows.’ i do not know what i was expecting of her back then, but by ‘a soldier’s heart’ i was surprised that she had moments, and those moments were impressive. i now understand that her charm and her skill stems from being as natural as possible, from not even trying. speech and diction, i am told, could improve, but for now, i feel like that speech and diction is helping her define herself (in ‘fangirl’ especially, which i am extremely excited about). back to being teddie, the girl aced toni’s outlandish character, and comedic beats, as well as her no nonsense, at times reckless bluntness. if the viewer did not know any better, one would think it was charlie who provided the blueprint for toni instead of the other way around. as the eldest burdened by the expectations of being the eldest, eventually crushed by the inability to meet them, i believed charlie. i felt for charlie. i feel like this girl was waiting for that role that would flatter her, fit her like a glove, and it’s safe to say that this is it. it took being a salazar to finally see her. all the rest could be learned. charlie’s chemistry with jameson who plays the highschool love is as strong as it is surprising. it proves two things: charlie and jameson are reliable actors, and direk mae does romance so well it is stupefying. through direk mae’s lens, they were both glowing. beyond kilig, teddie and jeremy’s love story is convincing. jameson was sturdy enough as jeremy to be at the receiving end of teddie’s ate and daddy issues. we all know what happened with this love story, but for a moment there i was convinced they were endgame. 
alexa ilacad as bobbie (previously played by bea alonzo) - filling in bea alonzo’s shoes alone is a tall order, and while alexa has been a reliable young actress from that pantheon of going bulilit kids, to my mind, bea alonzo’s shoes were still too big even for someone as experienced. and even if she could pull it off, i didn’t know how that would look, what alexa’s interpretation would be. and that not knowing, not being able to foresee makes me nervous. this bobbie is quieter than i expected, comparing it to where bea’s bobbie ended up, steadier with a bit of restlessness. this is one of the few times returning to bea’s portrayal was helpful. alexa’s portrayal fueled the fire of bea’s adult bobbie. does that even make sense? basically, it was clear in the characterization and portrayals of both bobbies that both actresses played one person. alexa’s bobbie was quieter. she bore the brunt of her mother’s micro-agressions. she made herself smaller to accommodate the elder sister. what i initially found to be calmer meltdowns was bobbie trying to balance her selfless nature with the demands of her heart. bobbie’’s major meltdown is bea’s in the first movie not alexa’s. i do not know who is responsible for that choice but it’s one of those lightbulb moments that came to me days after watching the movie and it was so smart!
gillian vicencio as alex (previously played by angel locsin) - this part of the post should come with a disclaimer: gillian is a favorite. gillian is a standout. gillian is a breakout star. and gillian still surprised. there was not a single moment with her. i do not think i’ve even watched any of her movies before this. i alternated between not understanding why she was part of rise, and just not caring. do not get me wrong, i trust star cinema and rise, i knew there was a reason why she was chosen. i just did not see it at first. there was no single moment, no single decision. it was a series of quarantine interviews, on that online rise show especially. it was gradual. the girl demands and commands your attention, in the way she fearlessly engages people like she’s genuinely interested. hers is a courage that i cannot look away from. because i did not watch the first movie before this, i’ve forgotten how edgy alex is, so imagine believing in a girl so much going into my first of experience of her acting, but not knowing what to expect at all to be blown away? it was an internal celebration for me - of the validation of my instincts, and her breakthrough. gillian, as alex manages to fill every moment she is onscreen, that even when it is not her moment, i still feel her, and when she’s not around, her internal tension lingers.
joao as chad is worth a paragraph. this is a moment of bluntness, but i am not the target demographic for boybands and so i tend to be indifferent. joao also came on too strong, which intimidates, so when the boy was cast in that joshlia series a couple of years back, i was one of those who questioned the choice, until i ended up watching him. i was impressed. i was surprised that i was impressed. it was no longer a question of his ability to act when he was included on this major star cinema film, but a question of his chemistry with whoever he ends up working with. in this case, the boy is working with two different girls, two different characters. there’s only one of him so i can only imagine how demanding it was to figure in a triangle with two strong actresses who play characters who manifest strength and presence differently. and surprise, surprise! the boy adjusts. and it works. i am just realizing this as i am writing, but i love that he mellowed when he was with the chill teddie, and he was all edgy and strong around alex. and even when alex was vulnerable, he returned that vulnerability and sincerity differently. the boy met and matched the girls in such unique ways. say hello to my goosebumps as i am writing this. teddie and chad is the steady fire that warms the heart, while alex and chad together are like loud and blinding fireworks that cannot be chased and do not last very long.
belle mariano as gabbie (previously played by shaina magdayao) - belle is another one of those ever reliable former child actors, my favorite child actress to watch play young versions of our queen actresses in teleseryes and such. it’s not like i got to watch her grow up though, so i did not know the kind of actress she was when she was chosen by rise, or even handpicked  for ‘he’s into her,’ a story i had heard, but know nothing of. this is the first time i am seeing her in character as a grown up. gabbie, even in the first movie, has always been the steadiest, most grounded of them all. i do not remember gabbie having larger than life meme-ble moments so going into this i did not have anything to latch onto where her character is concerned. i did not know if belle had anything to latch onto for herself. that’s not to say, belle and shaina aren’t amazing actresses or that gabbie is the least of the sisters. i find that to discover her quirks, gabbie requires the most attention. in the trailers, gabbie appeared to be the quietest of the sisters, so quiet, she risks being invisible. as much as i personally understand it, i wondered what her function in the family was. it is a lightbulb moment then, to realize that it is her quiet that magnifies her sisters, her parents’ individual personalities. it is her quiet that allows everyone around her to just be who they are. her quiet means she is okay, and whole on her own that she can afford to be everyone else’s reference point. and that is beautiful. belle played gabbie beautifully. so beautifully, i am actually in tears right now?! wow. gabbie doesn’t need so much herself, that her bonds are singular. that she can choose the people who see her. her essence shines the brightest when she relates and bonds individually, with each of her parents, with each of her sisters, and with jp.
can we please talk about a certain sakristan and the actor who plays him? jeremiah lisbo, to me, is one of the casualties of ‘the pandemic pre-empted ‘make it with you.’ i already had my eye on anthony jennings, (as i should, that boy’s amazing) and honestly, not quite understanding how miah’s character on the show serves the story when that happened to ‘miwy.’ as i was sulking and mourning on the show’s behalf, one of the things i was told was, how it was unfortunate that miah’s arc wasn’t developed and how it was too bad that i wasn’t able to see what the boy can do. i see it now. i fully understand. he doesn’t make things more complicated than it should be. he doesn’t even need too many lines to emotionally communicate. he only needs to look at you with intent. that’s what miah and belle share - an effortlessness, the ability to slip into a character and a required emotion with ease. now, i don’t know what plans rise, star cinema and the network have for miah and belle, but on account of this movie, i would love to see them work together again, never mind the shipping, these two work well together. i also want to see a different ending (not happier, just different). i actually do not mind these two working without a permanent partner, for the freedom to work with anyone who suits a particular character at a particular time. . they can handle themselves well.
back to gabbie, it should be pointed out that on this movie there are two incredibly different kinds of silences - bobbie’s, which is driven by ‘perfection,’ by propriety, and her ‘smallness’ in relation to the rest of her family. it is a quiet that is born out of a need for harmony, whereas gabbie is quiet, still, and steady by nature. that is interesting to see play out, especially in the first movie. one more small thing: i hope this isn’t spoiler-ish, but seeing where shaina was at the start of this movie, for a while there, i thought she could be a nun? that being a nun is a very valid option? that’s just me. 
cj, toti marie, lovely mae tete and bette the spy. what do you say to the cast of characters who provide levity to a movie? you thank them. i’ll be the first to tell you that this isn’t my kind of comedy. for a time, it actually felt like an alternate storyline, a movie within the movie. come to think of it, it is reminiscent of those classic 90′s comedies i grew up with. it was entertaining enough though, it made me smile. this subplot was spread enough throughout the entire movie that it made a case for the central conflict of the movie which was the trust issues of all the girls. it was sustained while it was necessary but did not abuse its welcome to the point of tackiness. totie marie is a favorite. the character also managed to make a point for representation which is cool. lovely mae was surprising, scratch your head surprising, but amusing nonetheless. if not for this subplot, this movie would’ve been a heavy filipino family telenovela-ish saga. which isn’t  bad per se, but this is the first time in months that ‘we went to the movies’ it wouldn’t hurt to distinguish itself. as it did.
as a lola’s girl, it is imperative that i write about lola ibyang. also, as a lola’s girl, i am generally opposed to villainizing the grandma, never mind that i have watched enough pinoy seryes to be used to it. it is no longer a surprise. in fact, in this case, i expected it. the real, bigger surprise is the fact that grace comes from a well-off, comfortable family. the real surprise to me, is lola ibyang’s heart, how, when. and for what reason that heart of hers was worn on her sleeve. what surprised, is that her one liners that can be misconstrued as veiled threats we’d hear from villains are actually pragmatic, sound advice, that both pulls the family’s patriarch down to earth, and a necessary perspective of what the girls deserve. this reminds me of when my own lola would give me money for no reason at all - ‘reserve,’ just in case i would need it. this also reminds me of how my own mama would get mad at me, because she thought i wasn’t eating in school, because of how much i had saved up, how she would get mad at me for not buying what i want because i was too ‘kuripot.’what will you do with your money if you do not spend it for yourself?’ she used to ask. this is me realizing grace’s reaction towards her mother...while we root for the salazars and cheer for caloy and grace’s love, something must also be said about the mother/daughter dynamic between grace and ibyang. interesting enough. to have irma adlawan play ibyang makes the interesting fascinating. i would say hers is one of my favorites - in terms of how the character was written. i am sorry, i am going through it as i am writing this, realizing just how intricately this is written. see, for some reason, this movie seemed simpler than the other star cinema movies, simpler compared to how i know this team writes. it’s not. it’s such a trademark of this team, and i might be freaking out.
the parental unit, carmina villaroel as grace (played by coney reyes) and dominic ochoa who we meet for the first time on this movie - carmina played grace as any mother should be played, being the primary caregiver, and speaking to grace’s dynamic with her own mother. i was about to say grace is the steady one out of the two parents, but steady doesn’t mean not influential. i would say her constant presence affects the kids more in ways that are stronger and sometimes unflattering. it doesn’t help that she has her own issues to deal with, one of which is that of her and her husband’s issues. i wonder if her unintentional micro-aggressions are also reflective of her relationship with her own mother? or is it just a generational thing?
dominic ochoa as caloy, the previously absent dad. the junket saw dominic ochoa being praised  for being a dad, for the different ways he found, a father could be played. i thought that was such generous praise for a character that was previously absent. the fact that this is a story about four daughters, it did occur to me that individual relationships with the father might be important, but without reference from the first movie there was no clue how dominic would play the patriarch. in this movie carmina as grace felt ever present, and dominic as caloy was quiet and subdued, that the praise seemed unwarranted. that is until caloy had moments with each of the girls, most memorable of which is gabbie’s and alex’s. for a singular patriarch he was two different dads to the two girls, depending on who they were and what they needed at that moment. when he faced the all the girls, the youngest boy with grace by his side, and even when he faced his mother in law, you saw a face of strength which manifested itself in the courage of a dependable patriarch, and the walls of a man who has a complex relationship with the mother of his wife. there was nothing in his performance that was loud, obnoxious, or even asserted being a man of the house. but it was never once drowned out by the overwhelming female energy. it was effortless and oddly comforting to watch.
favorite moments:
the original cast
the chaos of the salazar house, overlapping conversations and all
pop culture references of the time. i just smile to myself.
teddie real talking bobbie, because while i know that only sisters can speak to each other that way, and teddie is teddie i also do not know how i feel about her bluntness
bobbie and chad’s music talk. i believed the connection
chad loving how bobbie loves her sisters, alex, in particular. (is this spoiler territory?) but that line.
jp looking at gabbie. because miah surprised, there’s something in how he and belle connected, and...just me and my fascination with an actor’s eyes.
chad and alex’s heartbreak scene, how gillian took that, ran with it, and joao caught up
the parking lot scene. it was a lot but it was clear and precise and i loved it
https://starcinema.abs-cbn.com/2020/12/15/news/easter-eggs-you-probably-missed-from-four-sisters-66365 - this list of easter eggs, i just finished reading, and i fell in love with a movie even more. this list proves that this movie has this team’s stamp all over it. i am not surprised, but i am still in awe and very, very kilig.
the end of the movie says that those who love forgive and are forgiven, accept, to be accepted. in order to forgive and to accept, i always feel like pain and resistance must be embraced with abandon. in this simultaneously loud and quiet, vibrant and beautiful mess of a movie was permission to embrace what needs embracing with abandon, even the not so flattering, not so proper, the hesitations and the insecurities. it allowed me to cry, for that i am grateful.
not that you ever left, but my dear star cinema, it is incredibly comforting to have you back. if content is king, you are royalty, it is not the titles, though that make the stories you tell special. they are special because for all the glitz, glamour, and grandeur of your films, it’s still personal. when i say you know how to tell me a story, you know what that means. every story is a conversation between you and me. you and your audience. they just happen to be blockbusters. thank you for finding ways, leading the way to get to us. much, much power and love. please don’t ever leave us alone again. 
see you in the actual cinemas next time, perhaps?! ✨🥰
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popmusicu · 4 years
Most important Boybands in history for me
Boy bands have been an important part of pop culture for several decades, each generation has had its Boyband, these vocal groups formed by teenage boys, who sing and dance (there are exceptions), wear matching clothes and drive the girls crazy.
That's why I present some of the most important Boybands in history (some of my favorites and others that even though I'm not a fan I know several songs):
The jackson 5: Considered by many the first Boyband in history, this band formed by the African-American brothers from Gary,Indiana: Jackie, Tito, Jermaine, Marlon and Michael (from oldest to youngest) started in the mid 60s, driven by their father Joseph Jackson, playing in small bars and events in their town, until they were discovered by Motown Records where they began a successful career with Berry Gordy (owner of Motown) and Diana Ross, reaching the top of the U.S. charts with singles like "I Want You Back", "ABC", "The Love You Save" and "I'll Be There", without a doubt they were one of the most influential groups of the time, years later when they went to Epic Records they changed their name to "The Jacksons".
Well, last but not least, in the late 70's Michael Jackson started his solo career, which would lead him to become the most important artist in history and be known as the King of Pop.
Without a doubt, the Jackson Five are one of my favorites and I think most people know at least one of their songs.
J5 medley: https://youtu.be/-4QWtflqqoU
New Kids on the block: This group formed in 1984 by the brothers Jonathan Knight and Jordan Knight, Joey McIntyre, Donnie Wahlberg and Danny Wood from Boston, were a symbol for the boy bands that later in the 90s would succeed them.
They released their first album in 1986, but they jumped to the fame in 1988 with their album "Hangin' Tough" and even more with the release of "Step by step" in 1990 with which they became number 1 in the United States, but it didn't pass much time until in 1994 with the exit of Jonathan Knight, the group ended up separating.
After years in 2008 they announced that the group reunited, which made new tours and later between 2010 and 2012 with the Backstreet Boy made the NKOTBSB tour where they shared the stage singing the hits of both Boy bands, today they continue making music.
The NKOTBSB tour with 2 or more generations!
The Right Stuff: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tbIEwIwYz-c
Backstreet boys: It is the most successful Boyband of all time (we must admit that everyone knows at least a couple of their songs), composed of AJ McLean, Howie Dorough, Brian Littrell, Nick Carter and Kevin Richardson, since 1993 when it was formed and after releasing its first album of the same name in 1996, has been a symbol of pop and one of the groups with more record sales in the history of music.
Regarding their music, they obtained their first success in Europe with "We've Got It Goin' On", and from there their popularity began to grow , until with "Quit Playing Games (With My Heart)" they managed to conquer the United States. By the end of the decade of the 90s they release what was their most successful album "Millenium" which debuted in the position n° 1 of Billboard 200 that includes their most successful song "I want it that way" (we all know it's song), then they continue with their album "Black and Blue", which they promoted by traveling the 5 continents in 100 hours, with which they obtained a Guinness record.
After several agitated years, the band decides to take a rest in 2002, although after 3 years they return with a new sound and new tour, but in 2006 Kevin decides to leave the band, reason why Nick, AJ, Brian and Howie decide to continue them 4 with BSB, after several years and new albums, the project NKOTBSB arises where they unite to the New Kids ON The Block to make a tour, in which they announce the return of Kevin to the quintet. Currently, they are still very active after releasing their album "DNA" , whose world tour was interrupted by the covid-19.
My favorite boyband by far, their way of being, their messages in their songs, their iconic choreographies and the power to deal with difficult situations that have been presented to them make me admire them and love each of their songs.
All I have to give: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pj6FCKm8dhM
N´ Sync: Considered in the 90s the rivals of the Backstreet Boys, this band composed by Chris Kirkpatrick, Joey Fatone, Lance Bass, JC Chasez and Justin Timberlake who until today continues with his successful solo career; it was created in 1995 by Lou Pearlman, had great success at the end of the 90s until his separation in 2002.
In addition to their great successes with songs like "Bye bye bye", "I want you back" or "Pop", they had the opportunity to work with important music celebrities like MJ, Aerosmith, Celine Dion, Elthon John among others, there is even a chapter of The Simpsons dedicated to them. One of the strongest features of N' Sync was the dance and its complex choreography.
For me, Justin was always the most outstanding of the group, that's why he continues to be an important artist to this day.
Bye bye bye: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Eo-KmOd3i7s
One Direction: British Boyband was born in 2010 after Harry Styles, Liam Payne, Zayn Malik, Niall Horan and Louis Tomlinson, participated in Factor X, where Simon Cowell joined them and created one of the most successful bands of the decade of 2010, debuted with "What Makes You Beautiful" and since then were a phenomenon, filled stadiums, world tours, etc.  In 2013 they released "Midnight Memories", which was the best selling album of that year, which contained songs like "Best Song Ever", "Story of My Life" which are some of the most heard songs of the band.
until 2015 when Zayn announced that he was leaving the band, so 1D was left with only 4 members, who in 2016 each began their solo projects, leaving the group on pause until today.
What this band was missing to call my attention, I think was that they didn't dance!
Best Song Ever: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o_v9MY_FMcw
BTS: Although this band was formed in 2010 in South Korea and their debut was in 2013 is not until 2017 with the rise of K-pop that have become the most important group of this genre worldwide, formed by Jin, Suga, J-Hope, RM, Jimin, V and Jungkook have remained within the Billboard 200 for a long time with different songs like "DNA" or his EP "Love Yourself: Her", in addition to receiving several awards.
Even Time magazine recognized them as "Next Generation Leaders ", and they were included in the list of the most influential people in the world in 2019.
While this genre of pop is not my favorite, one of my favorite songs is Dynamite at first I was struck by its rhythm, but when I saw the video and all the references to MJ I loved a more.
Dynamite: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gdZLi9oWNZg
Michelle Silva H.
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ssaic-jareau · 4 years
what's your most iconic lines in cm ?
I've got way too many. Do you want them chronologically or alphabetically? (I'll pick one or two from each season.) 😂 (I'm sorry for how long this is.)
One that always pops up in my head is the first interaction between Morgan and Garcia.
"I thought I was calling the Office of Supreme Genius."
"Well, gorgeous, you've been rerouted to the Office of Too Friggin' Bad."
Undoubtedly, Hotch on the reservation in 1x16.
"Just so you know, you sound like a fortune cookie."
Season 2
"Okay, good. I'm all of these things. But none of you said that I ever put myself above the team, because I don't, ever."
"I stand by my actions and I stand by my team. And if you think that you can find a better person for the job, good luck.
Season 3
"You. Kids. I can see it." (For the softness)
And another one..
"You do what it takes to protect your family."
Season 4
"My life matters to me, and I always have and will entrust you with it. Would you do the same for me?"
For @agenthotchner
"How am I a whore?"
Season 5
Let's do that little sin-to-win bit:
"And my non-refundable Sin-To-Win weekend in Atlantic City."
"Yup. And I always win big." (smirks)
Also, the TG adlib.
"What? Did you join a boyband?"
Season 6
"Hotch. I belong here." (DAMN RIGHT, YOU DO!)
I'm in love with Lauren (6x18), so:
"... But you're not alone, okay? You are not alone. We are in that dark place with you, we are waving flashlights and calling your name. So if you can see us, come home. But if you can't, then, then you stay alive, because we're coming."
Season 7
The most iconic line of S7
"This is calm. And it's Doctor."
And then the quote in my bio, because I think it's something to believe when you enter a dangerous career:
"The rest of it, that's not up to us. That's the job."
And because S7 is my favourite, let's add one of the best lines JJ has ever said.
"Shh, the adults are talking. When it's your turn to speak, I'll give you permission, okay?"
Season 8
"You two should guest lecture together... Oh wait."
Rossi's SASS at it's PEAK:
"Hey, what's with you? You need a hug or something?"
Season 9
The scene from the Karaoke Bar... Hotch's little smile when he says this,
"Next up is David Rossi."
And there's the one where Spencer is me.
"You work out? That's cool. I don't."
Season 10
I enjoy this season, but I don't have any iconic lines from this one, that I can think of right now 😂
Season 11
The best Spencer/Derek moment:
"Yeah. Hank is for my pops. But Spencer is for the best little brother anybody could ever ask for."
And let's give it up for Emily's impersonation of Derek
"Yo, baby girl, what you think you doing in my office? You know better than to mess with my stuff. I don't mess with your stuff."
Season 12
In which Luke described me to a T:
"More like the queen of ice"
"Luke Alvez. Behavioural Analyst."
Season 13
"Took me 60 minutes to deduce what should have taken me 60 seconds. And if Emily dies, because I was too slow... I'll be throwing a lot more than books."
Protective Emily:
"Then let me tell you something Peter. I've died before protecting a child. That was a child I barely knew. But Jack, I love Jack. I've watched Jack grow up. I will not betray him or his father."
And of course:
"Wheels up, Matt."
"Wheels up, Emily."
That scene between Luke & Tara in the S13 Finale:
"Yes. It's been proven."
"By who?"
"Your Mom."
Season 14
"...I've never said how much I love all of you."
"That's the beauty of family. We already know."
Another one of Tara's liners:
"That's not what your daddy said last night."
Season 15
Saturday (15x04) is one of my favourite episodes.
And i love Kristy, so we've got this one:
"I checked the colour on the website, it's called "Daddy Issues Red."
And the scene that gives us this Matt Simmons smile:
"How many kids do you think we have?"
"I don't know. Fifteen?"
Tumblr media
Disclaimer: I'd like to apologize for taking so long to answer this, also, this is probably longer than you expected and I'm sorry. Maybe I should make a post of all my favourite quotes or one liners from the show.
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hshouse · 5 years
are you done with your essay?
YES!! Harry essay is here and I love her.
It’s under the
Harry Styles: the gay icon gay women deserve.
If you walk into an arena to watch a Harry Styles concert, you might think you came to a pride parade instead of a concert. His fans bring pride flags (all kinds of them: the gay, the lesbian, the bisexual, the transgender and the asexual have all been spotted) and wait excitedly for the moment when Harry snatches the flags for himself and runs around on stage with them. To understand the Harry Styles that his LGBT fanbase knows and love, it is crucial to know both his path to a successful solo artist and how he is perceived by the general public. Before his solo career, he was a member of the boyband One Direction. Boybands (and their members) have historically occupied in a curious position in popular culture. These groups, mostly composed of early twenties men, have been openly marketed towards a young female audience (who is presumed to be straight). The magazines write about the perfect date for each member and which actress the cute one is dating - all in a clear effort to sell them as romantic/sex icons for teenage girls. However, despite all of these efforts, these boybands are also adored by the LGBTQ community. While the appeal to gay men is more understandable, the bulk of the LGBTQ fans, at least in Harry Styles’ case, is composed of lesbian and bisexual women. Through analyzing four of his songs, I will shed a light on why this appeal exist and how he has become one of the iconic gay icons of the 21st century.
The first two songs that have become an important gay anthem for his LGBT fans were written by Harry Styles during his time in One Direction. The song “Happily” is featured in the third album of the band and “If I Could Fly ” is part of the fifth album. To understand the importance of these songs, some context is needed. A significant part of the One Direction fandom (the word used to describe the collective of fans) believes that Harry Styles was/is on a long term relationship with another bandmember, Louis Tomlinson. This belief is held mostly by the LGBT fans and it has shaped the fandom from the very beginning (this video - which has been watched over five million times - provides a good introduction on the topic). Many LGBT fans were introduced to the band by hearing about this belief. In different, and often controversial and unconvincing ways, both Harry and Louis have denied this relationship. However, the fans, including myself, even after four years of the band break, still believe in the existence of their relationship (the dynamics of this group are extremely interesting but are unfortunately outside of the scope of this essay).
In both “Happily” and “If I Could Fly” Harry writes/sings directly to his lover without (or with few) pronouns. Both songs invoke a common theme of certitude about their relationship while facing outside struggles to maintain this relationship. In “Happily”, Harry directly addresses how their relationship is viewed: “I don’t care what people say when we’re together/You know I wanna be the one to hold you when you sleep/I just want it to be you and I forever”. For straight listeners, this verse may not seem like more than a common love declaration in a pop song. However, for LGBT fans this verse is understood as a clear and loud representation of the queer struggle with acceptance for their relationships. Moreover, Harry is sending a strong optimistic message about queer love: “I don’t care what people say when we’re together”. In a pop culture that still often portrays queer love stories as tragedies or unattainable desires, hearing a song showcases a fairly happy queer love story is important for young LGBT people. Later in the song, Harry also plays (as he does in many songs as we will see) with the common listener’s assumptions about his sexuality: “It’s four a.m. and I know that you’re with him/I wonder if he knows that I touched your skin/And if he feels my traces in your hair”. A straight listened will likely assume he is jealous of another man who is with his female lover. However, the lover Harry is talking to is not specified as a woman so these sexually charged lyrics are understood by his fans to be within the context of a gay relationship.
In a distinctively sadder tone, “If I Could Fly” showcases another side of queer love: the understanding that that relationship is often the only social space where LGBT people get to truly be themselves. While many are lucky to have LGBT spaces and friends, it is still not the case for everyone - especially those in the closet. When performed live, this song seems to be personal and even perhaps painful to him. He sings: “For your eyes only, I’ll show you my heart/For when you’re lonely and forget who you are/I’m missing half of me when we’re apart/Now you know me, for your eyes only/For your eyes only.” These verses seem to say that he is himself only when he is with his lover or that only his lover truly knows him. Again, for his LGBT fans this song is undeniably about feelings and experiences that are unique to queer love within the context of our society. During his first tour as a solo artist, Harry performed this One Direction song in a separate B stage alongside one of his own love songs (the small stage was quickly nicknamed “the Boyfriend stage” by fans). During one of his London shows (linked above) the fans used their phones to form a pride flag across the arena. As he sang “I can feel your heart inside of mine”, his fans held a pride flag and sang back to him “I feel it/I feel it.” An incredibly powerful moment to us and to him (as you can see in the video).
In 2017, Harry started his solo career post One Direction. His first album cycle (including album release and tour) lasted until 2018 and it included over a million albums sold and 69 sold out concerts across the world. His career has been marked by his refusal to share anything substantial about his personal life outside of what is said in his songs. Harry talks through his actions and lyrics more than through any interview. Further, his solo career has also been marked by his fashion choices. He is the face of several Gucci fashion campaigns and the first gender neutral perfume. On tour, he was usually on a two piece suit with an extravagant pattern or in a creative variation of it like this prince outfit. But by far the most unique part of any Harry Styles concert is pride flags that flood the audience everywhere he goes. During every concert of his tour he grabbed some of the flags and ran around the stage. This movement to bring pride flags is a culmination of four years of efforts from his LGBT fans. During the One Direction tours a few brave fans brought pride flags, in a movement named Rainbow Direction, and were often met with hostility from other fans. It wasn’t until Harry started grabbing the flags and, in his fashion “saying without saying” that he supported and liked this trend, that the pride flags became accepted by the larger fandom.
Two of his solo songs deserve special attention for their importance for the queer fans. The first one is “Two Ghosts”. This song, like the ones mentioned before, is believed to be about Louis Tomlinson. The song was released as part of his 2017 album but was written in 2013. During that time, the Louis/Harry belief was first partially addressed when Harry and Louis, who were self declared best friends who lived together, completely stopped interacting with each other. This arrangement was in place until the last day of the band almost 3 years later. In a five person group, it was painfully obvious. “Two Ghosts” is believed to address this new public arrangement: “Sounds like something that I used to feel/But I can’t touch what I see/We’re not who we used to be/We’re not who we used to be/We’re just two ghosts standing in the place of you and me.” Styles then goes on to repeat “We’re not who we used to be” multiple times. Regardless of one’s belief on that relationship, when the song was released, Harry’s queer fans were stunned with how raw the song was. While being a celebrity in that situation is a mostly unrelatable problem, the feeling of not being able to express queer love freely is shared by many. In particular the lyric “I can’t touch what I see” shows a sadness and struggle that is known to many, if not all, queer people.
The second song is “Medicine”. This is Harry’s most openly queer song and also his most sexually charged. The second verse of the song boldly states that he is gonna treat his lover like a gentleman - a line that is hard to be interpreted in any other way but that his lover is a man. The song goes on to describe, by using the metaphor of taking medicine, the singer’s sexual desires with this person: “Here to take my medicine, take my medicine/Rest it on your fingertips/Up to your mouth, feeling it out/Feeling it out.” These lyrics are more explicitly sexual than any of his other songs. In a fan loved moment, Harry sings “I had a few, got drunk on you and now I’m wasted/And when I sleep I’m gonna dream of how you -” and the fans complete the (supposed) lyrics by screaming “tasted”. The song then comes to its most talked about verses: “The boys and the girls are in/I mess around with him/And I’m OK with it”. These verses exemplify what queer women love on Harry: in an unprecedented hint on his sexuality Harry is said in the same breath that he says is okay with it. Again, the reassurance that it is okay to feel this way. It is crucial to highlight an unsurprising detail about this song: it was never released as a track, he only performs it live. These lyrics, therefore, are not in the canon of what non fans know about him. Harry constantly seems to want to share his experiences in some contexts but not others - a feeling entirely too familiar to his queer fans.
During his concerts, Harry talks to the fans close to him from the stage and he seems to have talent (perhaps a radar) for choosing gay fans. This video contain most of the moments mentioned here. He helped multiple fans come out during the concert, he helped a girl find a girlfriend and even said that “everyone is a little bit gay”. His connection with his lesbian and bisexual fans is evident to anyone who follows him. In a very tangible way, this connection was not supposed to exist. Harry was, and still partially is, marketed as a sex symbol who girls are supposed to want to sleep with. His fanbase is supposed to be straight women that daydream about having a chance to date him. Of course, this is an incredibly sexist and condescending way to treat women and Harry has never been okay with this framework. Considering his silence on most topics, he has been loud and clear about his respect towards women and his love for his mostly young female fanbase: “Who’s to say that young girls who like pop music – short for popular, right? – have worse musical taste than a 30-year-old hipster guy? That’s not up to you to say. Music is something that’s always changing. There’s no goal posts. Young girls like the Beatles. You gonna tell me they’re not serious? How can you say young girls don’t get it? They’re our future. Our future doctors, lawyers, mothers, presidents, they kind of keep the world going. Teenage-girl fans – they don’t lie. If they like you, they’re there. They don’t act ‘too cool.’ They like you, and they tell you. Which is sick.“ And this sentiment, if his on stage interactions are anything to go by, seem to be even more clear about his gay fans. It is not to say that every straight fan wants to sleep with him or that he loves them any less. But there is a clear understanding by him that there is something special about the LGBT fans that, despite a marketing that was not meant to appeal to gay women, stood by him for now almost a decade. Show after show he has made it abundantly clear that this relationship is just as important and sacred to him as it is to us.
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