#colors: nelson ribeiro
2022 best of
best parts
Nick Matthews - Venture x Uprise / Nike x HUF
Mason Coletti - RIGHT HERE FOR PABLO . Deep Fried Pescado
Eddie Cernicky - Deep Fried Pescado . RIGHT HERE FOR PABLO
Tiago Lemos - Primitive DEFINE.
Gustav Tønnesen - SOUR SOLUTION III
Leonardo Bodelazzi - Leozinho
Juan Virues - Hotel Blue pro ‘penthouse suite’
Cyrus & Max - Limosine Promaster . “Toes Down” . i just took a bite of dirt
Diego Todd - Hockey X
Braden Hoban - emerica Emerge
Tristan Funkhouser - Baker 420 . Deep Fried x Baker
Nyjah Huston - Need That . Shine On . “DISRUPTION”
Tyshawn Jones - “Play Dead” . KINGDOM COME . ‘The General’
Carlos Ribeiro - Primitive DEFINE.
Gilbert Crockett - DENIM CAR
Grant Taylor - Fantastic Voyage
Will Marshall - Alltimers You Deserve It
Shaun Paul - DC ‘NorthUnda’
Noah Nayef - April
Elijah Odom - Alltimers You Deserve It . Andrew RASCAL
Brian Reid - Brian, Brandon & Will . DGK Zeitgeist
Shin Sanbongi - adidas
Jordan Trahan - Ace ‘Fais Low Low’
Bobby de Keyzer - Bobby
Brian Delatorre - Live & Direct
Vincent Milou - SOLO: You Changed
Jaakko Ojanen - Manana . E.S.P. vol. 2
Ryan Lay - DR in Color . Sci-Fi Fantasy
Myles Willard - Bones Bearings . ”Myles and The Machine”
Will Mazzari - Brian, Brandon & Will . DGK Zeitgeist
Marcello Campanello - Maxallure pro
Heitor da Silva - Vice Versa Love
Jake Wooten - Big Sky
Felipe Gustavo - CODE
Ishod Wair - REAL
Ish Cepeda - AD ASTRA
Louie Lopez - As You Wish . “Honor Roll” . FA, Again & Again
Danny Renaud - Brass Tacks
Silas Baxter-Neal - Portland Public Skating 3 . Burrow
Brian Delatorre - Habitat Live & Direct
Keiran Zimmerman - Jenny x Emerica
best full-lengths
Polar - Sounds Like You Guys Are Crushing It
Antihero - Fantastic Voyage
The Sour Solution III
Primitive - DEFINE.
Hockey X
Supreme - “Play Dead”
Alltimers - You Deserve It
Shake Junt - Shrimp Blunt
Bronze TV Channel 56
Element - E.S.P. vol. 2
Deep Fried - Pescado
Cafe - TENOR
Rassvet - “I Missed You”
Homies - Fun Raiser
DGK - Zeitgeist
Plan B - CODE
Emerica - EMPOWER
Bleach USA - “SPIKE”
Foundation - Splendor
best breakout parts
Vince Guzaldo - Bleach USA “SPIKE” . Immortality Research
Davide Holzknecht - Baglady. Pack Light . Hélas
Arthur Ribeiro - Vento Bravo
Blake Norris - FULLER HOUSE
Alan Bell - be honest
Johnny Cumaoglu - Mind How You Go
Joe Campos - Hockey X
Brian O’Dwyer - She’s Cheating
Shane Farber - CONS One-Star Pro x RIDING A HORSE NAKED
Jake Yanko - “MOSQUITO”
Christoph Friedmann - LOBBY DREAMS
Donovan Wildfong - Glue ‘wick & spit’
Marley Humphrey - “DIME BAG”
Jason Nam - carousel
Sam Fairweather - Indy Raw Ams
best women’s parts
Breana Geering - Spitifre
Nelly Morville - Limosine Promaster . “Toes Down” . i just took a bite of dirt
Mariah Duran - Thunder
Adrianne Sloboh - Krux
Mami Tezuka - Blood Wizard “Destiny”
Nicole Hause - REAL
Reese Nelson - Birdhouse welcome
best independents
Tim Savage - Brian, Brandon & Will
Fritte Söderström - Jante 5:33 x Jante 11:00
Tor Ström - Is This The Place?
Gray Area: Push Button to Destroy the World
Mettz Quest 2 (nyc)
Eryk Burton - THE TALE OF A TOXIC KING (nyc)
Harry Bergenfield - She’s Cheating (Philly)
Nicolas Marti - be honest (nyc)
Neema Joorabchi - limp x okay then (nyc)
Jeff Cecere - Mind How You Go (nyc)
Felix Soto - “ANGEL” (LA)
Calvin Millar - THE SQUAD (Austin)
Emilio Dufour - MAL CIUDADANO (Uruguay)
My Favorite Things - 31 (Helsinki)
Andrew Meyer - flinch (Philly VX)
Viktor Kretsis - Down Low (Manchester)
gang international - WITH ALL DUE (DC)
Chris Mulhern - [untitled] 006 (Philly)
Leando Chocho - HANDYCAPS_2
Tyler Bamdas - V3
Alex Doyle - CLUB BANGERS 3 (Vancouver)
Portland Public Skating 3
DUPLEX 3 (West Palm Beach FL)
HITTIT 3 (Kopenhagen)
Tristan Warren - MONEY TIME (LA)
Zach Fuller - FULLER HOUSE (SF)
Get Lesta - Darling (UK)
James Morley - GOD BLESS (Toronto)
andres garcia - MILO (LA)
James Cruikshank - SENSIBLES (Paris)
Brian Hunter - SLANG (Long Beach)
Daniel Dent - faith in bro (LA)
best promo / medium-length / squad
Limosine - Promaster . “Toes Down” . i just took a bite of dirt
Free x Vans - Full Circle
The Union Square Video
Game On - Mark Suciu SOTY Trip
Chocolate - Upper Cruster
Primitive x Independent
eS Terminal 002
Bronze x DC What If God Said
Pangea Jeans - POCKET DIAL
adidas - The Sky Ain’t Falling
Pass~Port Nike
Internet Birthday ep.1
Thunder: Pleather Jacket
Last Resort AB - Alv’s Angels
Thrasher Germany Vacation
RACKZ Gallery - Pandora
adidas Australia - Light Years
Sunday Hardware - LUV YA LOTS x x
Baglady - Pack Light
HUF x Thrasher Brazil
Sk8land Skateshop - Veinte
Am Scramble 2021
Girl - ‘Desesh Mode’ Euro Tour
Poolroom - RUNNER UP
Brick & Mortar - Autumn
Maxallure “INT CIRCLE” . “Beautiful Thoughts”
Dime comp vol 7 - Alexis Lacroix
Vans - Scandis
Kadence - DAIS
WKND - BOTTLE NECK SEWAGE . Street Fighters 2 . Alan Gelfand High
WORBLE III: Rough & Tough
Tree skateshop x Delivxry Buenos Aires - TREENIDAD
Stussy - Car Pool
Frog x Thunder
another massive year in skateboarding. hope things are good in your world. tell your friends you love em & let’s persevere to make 2023 even better
extended youtube playlist here
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soniccovers · 2 years
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Sonic the Hedgehog (Archie) #135
Pencils: Patrick Spaziante
Inks: Nelson Ribeiro
Colors: Jason Jensen
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mobius-prime · 4 years
166. Sonic the Hedgehog #98
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Sonic Adventure 2
Writer: Karl Bollers Pencils: Patrick "Spaz" Spaziante Colors: Patrick Spaziante and Nelson Ribeiro
Welcome to Sonic Adventure 2, everyone! Now, you would be excused for thinking that the comic would want to handle such a highly anticipated and ultimately successful game in the same manner as it did the first one, but you would be wrong! I'm going to spoil it for you right now - we only get part of the story in the comics. This one issue used to cover the entirety of the game, and as we'll see this presents some serious problems. But let's dive in, I'll save my rants for after we go over everything.
So our story doesn't actually begin where the previous issue left off. Instead, it begins three months ago, right on the tail end of the previous Sonic Adventure, in fact. The comics never really did address exactly what happened to Eggman in between being chased out of Station Square by Silver Sonic, and returning to Robotropolis. Well, as it turns out, he ended up being chased, somehow, all the way to one Prison Island, where Silver Sonic cornered him and blasted the ground out from under him, causing him to fall down a dark hole. Satisfied that it had killed him, Silver Sonic returned to Station Square to resume its defensive protocol there, but in actuality he had fallen into a secret lab with something very interesting hidden inside…
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Now fast forward to a mere week ago. In the dead of night within Station Square, a mysterious figure broke into a top-security vault to steal the city's last remaining Chaos Emerald. Silver Sonic tried to prevent the theft, but…
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News of the theft soon reached the desk of the city's president, who mistook the figure as the hero who had defended Station Square from Chaos mere months ago, because apparently in every Sonic canon, no one can ever tell Sonic and Shadow apart, not even Sonic's best goddamn friends. Seriously, at least in the anime it's explained as being a deliberate set-up by GUN to cover their own asses regarding the Project Shadow disaster years ago. I know I've joked before about Sonic being an extremely average-looking Mobian hedgehog which is why he's so easily mistaken for other people, but seriously, Shadow and Sonic's profiles and quill style don't even look alike, let alone their fur color.
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That is a very bizarre-looking Rouge. For whatever reason, they decided to draw her a lot in this era with like… claw hands, and I don't even understand where they got that from. In the game itself one of her upgrades is called "Pick Nails" and I guess you could extrapolate that to mean razor-sharp nails under her gloves that don't show up on her low-poly 3D model or something, but all her 2D art depicts her with normal-looking rounded fingertips, so I don't even know. Anyway, the comic goes on about how the president put together an elite task force to track Sonic down and arrest him for his supposed crimes, and now they've finally found him just outside Knothole. Man, if some randos from Station Square could find where Knothole was, how the hell has Eggman not figured it out yet? They pull out actual, deadly rifles and start firing wildly at him, and he dances around cheekily, stealing their guns and taunting them. This ends when they shoot an electrified net onto him, and soon he's handcuffed in the back of their helicopter, being taken to the hidden city. Of course, we know how this goes from here - he breaks free inside the 'copter and bursts out its side, peeling off a strip of metal to use as his makeshift skateboard, because even though this isn't the 90s anymore, it's still the 90s.
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We're then treated to a short montage of Spaz's interpretation of City Escape - landing on the streets, surfing down sloped roads, soaping on walkway rails and leaping over any obstacles in his way. Honestly, the action is a bit hard to follow - Spaz is certainly a talented artist in many respects, but I think his decision here to move on from his somewhat simpler designs from before hurts rather than helps, as the action and lines become so chaotic that you have to really concentrate to follow what's going on. There's just a bit too much happening, so that your eyes are drawn all over the place without really focusing on a specific focal point of each image. But anyway, we all know how City Escape ends - with the iconic GUN truck chase!
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And that's… it! No, seriously, that's all we get for the actual story of SA2. The final text box invites us to play the game itself to see how it all ends, but there's a number of problems with that, the foremost being that the game takes place in an entirely different canon. We've got completely different circumstances that led up to these events. We've got characters missing - Tails still hasn't been returned to Knothole yet, Knuckles is off somewhere else struggling with his newfound powers, and humans aren't even the dominant species on the planet like they are in the game. This would leave any comic fan with a bitter taste in their mouth, as there's no actual resolution provided and no explanation for how the story will play out with so many of the original players out of commission. Many issues from now, Ian Flynn actually addressed this exact problem and gave a condensed version of events to explain exactly what we're missing, so at least we have that to look forward to in the future. There is one more story after this, and I have additional problems with that one, but let's cover the rest of the issue before I give my final opinions.
As the Shadow Awakes!
Writer: Ken Penders Pencils: Ron Lim Colors: Frank Gagliardo
So this story actually jumps us back fifty years to see Shadow's beginnings. Professor Gerald, Eggman's grandfather on his mother's side, has been working for a long time on his latest project, which he hopes will see the end of disease and untimely death and even be able to cure his granddaughter Maria's unspecified terminal illness. This project is, of course, Shadow the Hedgehog, who, as an excited and astonished Gerald watches, begins to move inside his pod. The inexplicably-brunette Maria suddenly calls him at his lab, telling him that she can see a military spaceship flying toward the ARK, their space station, and Gerald, in a panic, orders her to come to him. He knows that the military is here to take possession of his project, and believing them to be too simple-minded to understand his intentions for the project, wants to evacuate immediately. He's immediately proven right, as the military men who board the station scoff at the idea that an "old scientist and his crippled granddaughter" could pose any trouble to them as they intend to take the professor's project by force. Gerald sends Maria and Shadow, the latter now out of his pod, to evacuate in an escape pod, but of course, we know how this ends…
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I think this is the only Sonic media I can think of that actually directly shows Maria dying. In both the game and the anime, the shot happens offscreen, and Shadow is ejected before Maria actually takes her last breath. I do have a problem with how the scene is portrayed here, however, as a big conflict that Shadow goes through during SA2 is his vast misinterpretation of her last request to him, whereas here she seems to just die immediately without saying another word. The military takes Gerald into custody, and shortly thereafter recovers Shadow from the escape pod, taking them both to Prison Island where they force Gerald to continue his work under their supervision. Gerald, however, is devastated at Maria's death, and thus plans out his revenge in secret under the guise of continuing his work as demanded.
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The military eventually caught on to his nefarious plans, and had Gerald executed and Shadow sealed away in suspended animation on Prison Island, where it remained undisturbed and forgotten for the next fifty years. Of course, this is what Eggman found on the island, and now he's poised to use his grandfather's own work to conquer the world. My biggest problem with this story, ultimately, is that it essentially acts as one huge spoiler for the game. Everyone now, almost twenty years on, probably knows the general gist of the story, but this comic was published when it was still very new, and this entire story basically spoils the biggest twist in the game right off the bat. Furthermore, in this story, Shadow literally wakes up, goes straight to the pod, watches Maria - who he knows nothing about - die, and then gets sealed away in his stasis pod for fifty years. There's literally no time for him to even develop a personality, let alone a relationship with Maria, which is the single most important thing in his backstory. I believe this was later retconned, but this is still a huge thing to overlook in an adaption of this game.
But anyway, yeah, that's it. That's all we get for the time being. A few brief glimpses of Shadow, and one whole cameo from Rouge. It will be a while yet before Shadow gets to make his reappearance, since like in the game, at the end of their adventure he falls from space and is subsequently believed to be dead. Honestly, the entire thing kind of gives off the impression that they felt like they had to make some kind of comic tie-in to the game, but didn't feel like interrupting what they already had going with the whole "Sonic goes to high school" thing, which is clearly far more interesting of a story. So they basically went "yeah, something like this happened, but now let's just get back to the real story." It's honestly very weird, so weird that, again, they needed a later fix-it issue to explain everything, but for now, we'll just have to move on.
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architectnews · 4 years
Neutral Pallete Apartment, SP
Neutral Pallete Apartment, Perdizes Residential Interior, São Paulo Home, Brazilian Architecture Images
Neutral Pallete Apartment in São Paulo
30 Sep 2020
Apê Tangará
Design: Studio Canto Arquitetura
Location: Perdizes, São Paulo, Brazil
When the client came to Studio Canto Arquitetura (Brazil) to ask for the Neutral Pallete Apartment project, they was looking for more comfort. Purchased by a couple to live close to work and have a better quality of life during the week with their daughter, Studio Canto made few structural interventions in the apartment, but creating solutions that reflected the essence of the client. A neutral palette with plenty of wood, burnt cement and lead ash makes the mood of the project.  
Into the apartament those who arrive are faced with the kitchen, living room and balcony integrated. In the living room, a woodwork was created that becomes a rack, a chest or a bench serving as a seat for the dining table and a conversation. In the living room, the koord carpet brings a touch of color with its green tones. On the veranda, the bench continues with the woodwork designed by the Studio Canto´s architects to hide the air conditioning, also serving as a garden and the bar.
On the floor, the architects chosen a porcelain with gray texture and on the ceiling a texture of burnt cimente from Suvinil was applied. The lighting was also made to create a cozy atmosphere – the architects designed a linear profile in metalwork to reflect the light on the ceiling and create indirect lighting, making the atmosphere more welcoming at night. The bathroom become minimalist with a new design of woodwork.  
In Laurinha’s room, the parents asked for a world map wallpaper to give a adventurous mood to the space. The couple wanted to inspire their daughter since she was a little girl. To give autonomy to her, they´ve opted for a low furniture: a bed on the floor and the joinery with a small desk with adjustable size to accompany her growth and give wings to her creativity.
In the couple’s bedroom, the neutral palette is also present. And to take advantage of all the space on one side of the bed, a closet serves as a side table on the other side, that could serve as a small home office, since sometimes the couple needs to send some e-mails from job. Result that left a light and very cozy room.
Neutral Pallete Apartment in São Paulo, Brazil – Building Information
Project: APÊ TANGARÁ Architecture: Studio Canto Arquitetura (Claudia Lopes, Amélia Ribeiro and Tiago Oliveira) Year: 2020 Area: 60 sqm Location: Perdizes, São Paulo, Brazil   Providers Construction: Schizzo Reformas e Gerenciamento Carpentry: A Caixa Movelaria Floors and coverings: Portobello and Portinari Decoration: Dpot Objeto, Cosi Home, Casa Madalena, Coisas da Doris Pillows: Tricô Decor and Cosi Home Carpet: Koord
Photos: Cris Farhat Fotografia @studio.canto
Neutral Pallete Apartment, SP images / information received 300920
Location: Perdizes,São Paulo, SP, Brasil
Architecture in São Paulo
São Paulo Architecture Designs – chronological list
São Paulo Architecture Walking Tours by e-architect
São Paulo Houses – selection:
Piracaia Residence Architects: Nitsche Arquitetos photograph : Nelson Kon Piracaia Residence
DMG Residence, Bragança Paulista, SP, Brazil Architects: Reinach Mendonça Arquitetos Associados photograph : Nelson Kon DMG Residence in Bragança Paulista, SP
PK Residence Annex – SP Waterfront Residence Architecture: Reinach Mendonça Architects photograph : Nelson Kon PK Residence Annex
Cidade Jardim Residence Architects: Perkins+Will photograph : Daniel Ducci Cidade Jardim Residence in São Paulo
Brazilian Architect Studios
São Paulo Architecture
Brazilian Building
Perkins and Will Architects
Comments / photos for the Neutral Pallete Apartment, SP page welcome
Website: Visit São Paulo
The post Neutral Pallete Apartment, SP appeared first on e-architect.
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uneminuteparseconde · 7 years
Des concerts à Paris et autour
Juin 12. Slip : cinéconcert sur "Corps à corps" (fest. Côté court) – Ciné 104 (Pantin) 14. King Dude + Suzie Stapleton – La plage de Glazart (gratuit) 14. Charlemagne Palestine – musée d'Art et d'Histoire du judaïsme 14. Qonicho-B + Fiasco – Petit Balcon 14. Futurs morts + La Fiole + Hinterheim – La Comedia (Montreuil) 15. Frida Zhenaya Lorca + Bruno Ribeiro & Robin Kobrynski + Krikor + Kasper Toeplitz + Unglee Izi + Alcooliques anonymes – Ourcq blanc (gratuit) 15. PAL + Blason – Zorba 15. Tinfoil + Head Front Panel + Emmanuel + Parfait – Nuits fauves 15. Arnovah (fest. Pavillon sonore) – Château FMR (Carrières-s/s-Poissy) (gratuit) 15. Arlt + Bégayer (fest. TaParole) – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 16. Brandt + Tonnerre + Besoin Dead – Supersonic (gratuit) 16. Warum Joe + Asphalt + Last Night + Police Control + Colombey – La Station 16. Abdulla Rashim + Untold + Clara 3000 + Renaat – Rex Club 16. Abstrakt Keal Agram + Mont Analog + Bornor (Mowno 20 ans) – Petit Bain 16. Xosar + Paulie Jan + UVB 76 + Crabe – Petit Bain 16. Telemark + Kurt – Le Jardin d'Alice (Montreuil) 17. Isaac Delusion + L'impératrice + Pépite + Faire – jardin Villemin (gratuit) 17. Electric Electric + It It Anita + La Jungle (Mowno 20 ans) – Petit Bain 17. Zaltan b2b Raphaël Top-Secret b2b Nico Motte + DK + Alek Lee + Geena + Epsilove + Toulouse Low Track b2b Iueke – La Station 17. Winter Family + Chris Imler + Maulwürfe + Infecticide + dj El Xuxulero (Cheveu)... – Théâtre Nanterre-Amandiers (gratuit) 17. Miossec (fest. TaParole) – La Parole errante (Montreuil) 17. Kode9 + Mad Rey + Mezigue + Neue Grafik – Concrete 17/18. Art & Technique + Cachette & branlette + Bad News from Cosmos + Divag + Eat Rabbit + Computer Truck + Constanec Chlore + tAsMo + Raymond D. Barre (fest. Merguez électroniques) – Murs à pêches (Montreuil) 20. Stranded Horse + Halo Maud + Buvette + Rubin Steiner + Yeti Lane + Petit Prince (36 H Saint-Eustache) – église Saint-Eustache (gratuit) 20. DJ Shadow – Elysée Montmartre 21. Cheveu & Groupe Doueh – parvis de l'Institut du monde arabe (gratuit) 21. Palatine + JP Nataf & friends (36 H Saint-Eustache) – église Saint-Eustache (gratuit) 21. Bitpart + Trotski nautique – Le Super coin (gratuit) 21. Polar + Powrtoch – jardin des îles|Parc de La Villette (gratuit) 21. Coralie Maurin + Nuances d'engrais + Unglee Izi + The Ready-Mades (fest. Pavillon sonore) – Château FMR (Carrières-s/s-Poissy) (gratuit) 21. A lot of V + Andcl + Scenes from Salad + Auxland – Lazer Quest|Carbone 17 (Aubervilliers) 22. Joëlle Léandre & Mike Ladd – Galerie Hus (sur résa) 22. MCMLXXXV + Volcan + Zaltan + Andy Bradin + Leopolda – La Station 22. Pfirter + Lewis Fautzi + Pearl + Krÿst – Nuits fauves 22. Miley Serious b2b Qoso – La Java 23. Damien Dubrovnik + Internazionale + Ligovskoï + Dasein – Gaîté lyrique 23. Jardin + Hystérie + Savon Tranchand – La Mécanique ondulatoire 23. Drache + Upfall ?! + Salsa + Thharm + Geste & Machines (6 ans d'En veux-tu ? En vl'à !) – Cirque électrique 23. Jad Wio – Grand Bouillon (Aubervilliers) (gratuit) 23. Jesse Osborne-Lanthier + Fawkes + Moyo – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 23. Murcof & Vanessa Wagner – La Marbrerie (Montreuil) 23. Ludwig von 88 + Stylnox + Julie Colère (festival CNT) – La Parole errante (Montreuil) 24. No Balls + Darfour + Saurien – La Mécanique ondulatoire 24. Pali Meursault + Tomoko Sauvage + Moshe O'Grady + Pauline Drand + Jonathan Walsh... – La Générale 24. Burning Heads + René Binamé + Mr Bidon + El Comunero (festival CNT) – La Parole errante (Montreuil) 24. Alessandro Adriani + Jasss + December + Maoupa Mazzocchetti – Batofar 24. Louisahhh + Dusty Kid + Arnaud Rebotini – La Clairière 24. Miss Kitttin + Raven + Pussylicious + Dechargeurs + Reno + Crame – À la folie 25. Matt Elliott (fest. BD6Né) – médiathèque Marguerite-Duras (gratuit) 26. The KVB + Mototrama + Lea Porcelain – Le Garage 26. Street Eaters + Bitpart + Belmont Witch + Stalled Minds – La Comedia  (Montreuil) 26>28. Zëro : concert littéraire "Pasolini" avec Virginie Despentes & Béatrice Dalle – Maison de la poésie 28. Blondie – Olympia 29. Sam Fleisch + Percolator – Olympic café 29. Sathönay + :such: + Casio judiciaire – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 29 > 02.07. Belmont Witch + Mariachi + Ella a. Thaun + Nana Benamer + Sleep Loan Sharks + Big Meufs  + Miaux + Méryll Ampe + Félon + Las Kellies... (fest. Comme nous brûlons) – La Station 30. Tropical Horses + Marietta – Petit Bain (gratuit) 30. Geoff Leigh & Makoto Kawabata – Chair de poule (gratuit) 30. Geneviève Pasquier + Position parallèle + Black Light Ascension – Le Zèbre de Belleville 30. Objekt + Rrose + Paula Temple (Macki music fest.) – La Machine 30. Jean-Luc Guionnet & Eric La Casa : "Home" – Théâtre studio|La Muse en circuit (Alfortville) 30>10.07. Air + Metronomy + Jarvis Cocker & Chilly Gonzales + Savages + Devendra Banhart + Michael Kiwanuka + Tindesticks présentent "Minute Bodies" + James Vincent McMorrow + Lady Sir (Rachida Brakni & Gaëtan Roussel) + Kate Tempest + Calypso Valois + The Color Bars Experience joue Nick Drake (fest. Days Off) – Philharmonie
Juillet 01. Ke/Hil + Kommando + Tunnels of Āh + AntiVallium – Le Zèbre de Belleville 01/02. Soichi Terada + Antal b2b Hunee + San Proper + Margie + Renart + Mézigue + Rendez-vous... (Macki Music fest.) – parc de la mairie (Carrières/Seine) 02. The Color Bars Experience joue Nick Drake (Days Off) – Salle de répétition|Philharmonie 02. Tindersticks : cineconcert sur "Minute Bodies" de Suart Staples (Days Off) – Cité de la musique 03. Plattenbau + Badbad – La Pointe Lafayette 03. The Warlocks + The Orwells + Marietta – Le Garage 03. Metronomy + Denai Moore (Days Off) – Salle Boulez|Philharmonie 04. Savages + Kate Tempest (Days Off) – Cité de la musique 05. Group Doueh & Cheveu – Institut des Cultures d'Islam 06. Devandra Banhart + Lisa Hannigan (Days Off) – Salle Boulez|Philharmonie 06. Mikky Blanco + Rebekka Warrior + Moor Mother + Easter + Smerz (Loud & Proud) – Gaîté lyrique 06>09. Asia Argento + The Penelopes + The Charlatans + The Legendary Tigerman + Andy Votel + Nathan Fake + Yolk + Kid Chocolat + Lydia Lunch... – Salo 07. Duchess Says + Mountain Bike – La Station 07. The Queer Icons + Deena Abdelwahed (Loud & Proud) – Gaîté lyrique 07. Ancient Methods + Marie Davidson + Voiski + Varg + Exal + BLNDR + Carl Craig + Marcel Dettmann + Nina Kraviz + The Martinez Brothers + Jackmaster + Levon Vincent + Konstantin + Peggy Gou + Hugo LX + Codex Empire (Peacock Society) – Parc floral (Vincennes) 07. Bryan's Magic Tears + Guili Guili Goulag + Tritha Electric + Stratocastors + Gloria +  Tomaga  + Le Villejuif Underground + Last Night + Hey Colossus + Cocaine Piss + Nova Materia (La Ferme électrique) – La Ferme du Plateau (Tournan-en-Brie) 08. Do the Dirt + En attendant Ana + Delacave + Daikiri + Housewives + Mendelson + The Limiñanas + Fai Baba + Sister Iodine + Snapped Ankles + Pogo Car Crash Control (La Ferme électrique) – La Ferme du Plateau (Tournan-en-Brie) 08. Sourdure + Piu Piu (dj) + N.M.O. + Danny L. Harle (dj) (Siestes électroniques) – musée du Quai Branly (gratuit sur résa) 08. Yves Tumor + Chino Amobi + Tami T + Big Dipper + Kiddy Smile + Jennifer Cardini + Honey Sound System + Venus Xgg (Loud & Proud) – Gaîté lyrique 08. Air (Days Off) – Salle Boulez|Philharmonie 08. Dixon + Kaytranada + Apollonia + The Black Madonna + Moodymann + DVS1 + Midland + Romare + Tommy Genesis + Avalon Emerson + Jlin + AZF + Raheem Experience + Fils de Vénus +  Bamao Yende + TGAF (Peacock Society) – Parc floral (Vincennes) 09. Carl Stone (dj) + Manu le Malin (dj) (Siestes électroniques) – musée du Quai Branly (gratuit sur résa) 09. Jarvis Cocker & Chilly Gonzales (Days Off) – Cité de la musique 10. Bombino + Canalon De Timbiqui + Bania – Le Garage 10. RY X + C Duncan (Days Off) – Cité de la musique 10. Sufjan Stevens, Bryce Dessner, Nico Muhly & James McAlister (Days Off) – Salle Boulez|Philharmonie 13. Ellen Allien + Dimitri Rivière + Maxime Iko + Solange... – Badaboum 15. Blawan – Rex Club 19. Molecule – Safari Boat 21. Hocico + Shaârghot – Petit Bain 21. Couteau latex + PUFF + Stratocastors – La Mécanique ondulatoire 22. Kumisolo + Karaocake – Point FMR 25. Sheer Mag + Holy Gray + Police Control + PCP Manor – Olympic café 27. Adult. – Point FMR
Août 04. Molly Nelson + The Beat Escape – Point FMR 04. Truss + Subjected + BLNDR + Hemka + KVD + Scry b2b Aspect + Théophiluss b2b Charlie Oohlala + Kairos – La plage de Glazart 05. Kobosil + UVB + VSK + Remco Beekwilder + Casual Treatment + Keikari – La plage de Glazart 25. Converge + Havok + Gorguts + Revocation – Trabendo 25>27. PJ Harvey + The XX + At the Drive In + Franz Ferdinand + Cypress Hill + Ty Segall + Rone + The Kills... (Rock en Seine) – Parc de Saint-Cloud 29. The Psychedelic Furs – Elysée Montmartre
Septembre 21. Ennio Morricone – Bercy Arena 22. She Past Away + Qual – Petit Bain 27. Sigur Ros – Grand Rex ||COMPLET|| 28/29. Sigur Ros – Grand Rex 29. Tim Hecker + Gas + Midori Takada + Prurient + Pan Daijing (Red Bull fest.) – Palais de Tokyo 30. Zombie Zombie + Marie Davidson + Not Waving + Soft War (December b2b AZF) + Simon Cell b2b The Pilotwings + Voisky présente "Disconnections, music for Clouds" (Red Bull fest.) – La Marbrerie (Montreuil) 30. Nova Materia & Latetitia Sadier : "Du point de vue des pierres", d'après Tristan Garcia (Red Bull fest.) – Nouveau Théâtre de Montreuil
Octobre 03. Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds – Zénith ||COMPLET|| 04. Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds – Zénith 04. Ben Frost (Biennale Nemo) – Le Trianon 13. Zëro + Heliogabale – Batofar 14. Wardruna – La Cigale 19. Nosfell – Café de la danse 20. Gary Numan – Trabendo 23. Mogwai – Grand Rex 24. The Dream Syndicate – Centre Barbara FGO 26. King Dude + The Ruins of Beverast + Dolch – Petit Bain 28. Peter Hook & The Light – Le Trianon
Novembre 02>04. The National + Run The Jewels + Ride + Talaboman + Badbadnotgood + The Blaze + Polo & Pan + Jungle + Feel my Bicep + Isaac Delusion + Sylvan Esso + Cigarettes after Sex + This is the Kit + Sigrid... (Pitchfork fest.) – Grande Halle de La Villette 07. Godspeed you! Black Emperor – Elysée Montmartre 15. Igorrr – La Maroquinerie 17. Trisomie 21 – La Machine 19. Agnostic Front + Bishops Green – Gibus 21. Sun Kil Moon – Gaîté lyrique 21>24. Pierre-Yves Macé & Joris Lacoste (festival d'Automne) – Espace Pierre-Cardin 27. Marilyn Manson – Bercy|Arena
Janvier 30/31. Pierre-Yves Macé & Joris Lacoste (festival d'Automne) – L'Apostrophe (Cergy-Pontoise)
en gras : les derniers ajouts / in bold: the last news
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cleanforgot · 7 years
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my radio show from last week on The Lot Radio is posted to mixcloud now! here’s the tracklist, enjoy! everything but the girl - slice of life rainy day - sloop john b john paul sartre experience - loving grapevine unrest - i do believe you are blushing laurie anderson - sharkey's day durutti column - without mercy 2 arthur - valentine grey herbie mann & joao gilberto - one note samba isabelle antena - seaside week-end al stewart - year of the cat chris stamey - instant karma slapp happy - heading for kyoto robert lester folsom - my stove's on fire vic goddard - stop that girl bill nelson - do you dream in color omd - of all the things we've made the chills - this is the way air - dead bodies the scene is now - pinwheel the wild poppies - walkabout the mighty lemon drops - one by one the clean - the blue yaz - nobody's diary flowers - confessions tuxedomoon - 59 to 1 saada bonaire - little sister jona lewie - vous et moi the rumour - frozen years look blue go purple - hiawatha family fodder - warm kevin coyne - hello judas felt - dark red birds catherine ribeiro + alpes - dingue
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downandnerdypodcast · 7 years
Blood Bowl #1
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Publisher:  Titan Comics Written By: Nick Kyme Art By: Jack Jadson, Nelson Pereira (Inks), Sandro Ribeiro (Inks),  Fabricio Guerra (Colors), Simon Bowland (Letters)     Blood Bowl is a series that suffers from a major pacing issue.  In it former star player Dreng Sturnblud finds himself out of the league, and at the bottom of the bottle.  But instead of drawing out his problem with alcohol abuse,…
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dynamitecomics · 4 years
Warlord of Mars #27 by @DynamiteComics Published in 2013 Savages of Mars part 2 of 6 Writer - Arvid Nelson Art - Leandro Oliveira Colors - Thiago Ribeiro Letters - Marshall Dillon Pictured cover is Cover A (50%) by Joe Jusko pic.twitter.com/0iOxQiyAEj
— CM Mike 🇨🇦 (@WTFisHalonCon) June 1, 2020
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bedlamfoundry · 5 years
Alok, Zeeba and IRO - Ocean (Official Music Video)
Alok, master of the Brazilian Bass sound, is back with his new single 'Ocean'. Together with Zeeba and IRO. Alok, Zeeba and IRO - Ocean is OUT NOW! Like this track? Download on Beatport or add it to your favourite Spotify/Apple Music playlist by clicking HERE: https://spinninrecords.release.link/ocean!YT Make sure to subscribe to Spinnin' Records: http://bit.do/spinnintv ..and turn on notifications to stay updated with all new uploads!🔔 Join our Spinnin' Records Top 100 Playlist ► https://spinninrecords.lnk.to/top100!YT Follow Alok https://www.facebook.com/livealok/ https://www.instagram.com/alok/ https://twitter.com/alokoficial https://soundcloud.com/livealok Follow Zeeba http://marcoszeeba.com http://facebook.com/macoszeeba http://instagram.com/marcoszeeba http://twitter.com/marcoszeeba Follow IRO https://www.instagram.com/iro_music/ https://twitter.com/iamiromusic?lang=en https://www.facebook.com/iromusicofficial/ Video Credits: Direction Thiago Eva Script And Creation Alok Guga Gessullo Thiago Eva Wilame Morais Production Producer Bossa Nova Films Cast Rodrigo Santoro Maria Manoella Marina Ruy Barbosa Genésio De Barros Gabriel Jacome Kauan Ceglio Hugo Torrens Executive Production Eduardo Tibiriça Sandra Othon Thiago Eva Attendance Kiska Peres Production Director José Roberto Rosa (Fiapo) Producer Rafaela Pellegrini Correia Production Ass. Lorran Oliveira Elissa Schpallir Adelita Cabaleiro Set Assistant João Batista (Jb) Andre Luiz Teodoro Dos Santos Leandro Silva Edson Nunes(Tesouro) Direction Scene Director Thiago Eva 1º Ad Roberta Cunha 2º Ad Karina De Simone Photography Diretor Fotografia João Carneiro Cam Operator Eduardo Figueiredo Biro Steadycam Tulio Drone Junior 1º Ac Alexandre Escanfella 2º Ac Giovanni De Mattos Cardillo Logger Lucas Theodoro Making Of Camila Othon Pedro Lins Still Photography Marcos Alonso Eletrical Eletrician Marcelo Brasil 1º Ass. Eletric | C & D Vagner (Careca) 2º Ass. Elétrica Nelson (Guará) Maquinária Maquinista Carlinhos 1º Ass. Maquinária Thiago Barbosa Batista 2º Ass. Maquinária | C & D Marcio Fernando Moura Arte Diretor De Arte Frank Deuzeuix Ass. Arte Vinicius Possal Prod. De Objetos Thiego Ribeiro Ass. Objetos / Aj. Objetos Rafael Felipe Fransão Aj. Objetos João Paulo Ribeiro Pós Producão Montador Rodrigo Sobrero Ass De Montagem Felipe Cecchi Zé Eduardo Finalizador Mauro Amar Finalização Tribbo Post Editor De Composição Rodrigo Pina Binho Carvalho Jorge Pereira Rogério Merlino Bruno Tsuda Thominha Color Grading Psycho N’look Colorista Marcinho Pasqualino Motion Graphics Pedro Gebara Pesquisa André Inacio Marie Paula Dalga Coordenação De Pós-Produção Valquíria Pacheco Bárbara Russiano Andreza Oliveira Tato Carvalho Jéssica Rodrigues Estudio De Som Jamute Produtor Executivo James Pinto Sound Design E Mixagem Fernanda Galetti Coordenação Juliana Zuppo Atendimento Sabrina Geraissate Maquiagem Fx Maquiador Westerley Dornellas Ass. De Maquiagem Micaela Ishii De Carvalho Figurino Figurinista Sara Teitelbaum Ass. Figurino Dani Tocci Estagiária Tamara Muszkat Camareira Vanessa Cardoso Casting Produtor De Casting Taty Horta Ass. Casting Renata Rezende Giulia Horta Locação Prod. Locação Jeff Fleck Equipe Rodrigo S. Maquiador Carlos Carrasco Figurinista Marianna Baffa Equipe Marina R. B Figurinista Rodrigo Ximenes Camareira Conceição Maquiadora Elenco Adriana Dos Anjos Som Direto Marcos Ribeiro (Marquinho) Pablo Aranda Equipe Efeitos Vagner Aparecido Martao Claudinei Marcelino Pablo Dias Jefferson Klimke Editor Wagner Profeta 1º Ad Roberta Assis --- The Spinnin’ Records YouTube channel is the home for all music videos of the world’s leading dance record label! We feature the latest music videos by Spinnin’ artists like Oliver Heldens, Sam Feldt, KSHMR, Ummet Ozcan, Blasterjaxx, Merk & Kremont, Timmy Trumpet, Tujamo, Alok, Curbi, Mike Williams, Lucas & Steve and many, many more! Expect daily uploads of official music videos, lyric videos and official audio across genres like dance, house, electro house, future house, deep house, big room and trap. Follow Spinnin’ Records: https://open.spotify.com/user/spinninrecordsofficial https://soundcloud.com/spinninrecords https://facebook.com/SpinninRecords https://instagram.com/spinninrecords https://twitter.com/SpinninRecords https://spinninrecords.com #Alok #Spinnin #SpinninRecords #BeFree #BeBeautiful #BeYOU #BeLOVE #BedlamFoundry #IAmBedlam #EDM #Spinnin #Spinnin'Records #SpinninRecords #SpinninTV #spinning #spinninofficial #Alok #ZeebaandIRO - Ocean (Official Music Video) #Zeeba #IRO #Ocean #alokocean #alokzeebaand iro #oceanalok #alokoceanofficial video #alokofficialvideo #oceanofficialvideo #alokzeebaand iro ocean #officialmusicvideo #dance
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bohemiogus · 6 years
2010......biografía 11 de febrero de 2010 Gustavo Vázquez King Gustavo Vázquez King, mediante  esta entrevista nos explica su evolución artística tanto en Sudamérica como en España. Desarrolla sus obras dentro de las tendencias del impresionismo, fauvismo y surrealismo. Es impresionante ver como un artista puede llegar y transmitir tanto al público a través de sus obras como a través de sus palabras. 1. Gustavo, lleva muchos años en España concretamente en Carboneras ( Almería ), ¿nos puede hablar de sus inicios en la difusión de su arte por tierras Sudamericanas?, ¿se encontró con muchas dificultades para exponer su obra? Ingresé en la Escuela de Artes Aplicadas de mi Montevideo natal, donde me cultivé con los maestros , Jonio Montiel, Anhelo Hernández, Hugo Mazza, Luis Arbondo, Eduardo Larrarte,Alceu Ribeiro,  Nelson Ramos, Sergio Curtto, algunos de ellos de la cantera de Joaquín Torres García, maestro del constructivismo uruguayo, con ellos aprendí técnicas de pintura, grabado, escultura, escenografía y mas adelante me vinculé al taller de mi amigo y maestro, Hugo Nantes en su taller del Prado, Manolo Lima, en los Pinares de Punta del Este, también discípulos de Torres García.,Ya con algunos años de experiencia comencé mis andaduras en solitario por el continente., mi  primera exposición la realicé en el museo Génaro Pérez de la ciudad de Córdoba, Argentina ( 1975 ). Ya regresado de mi deambular me instalé en mi taller propio en el Prado, sin perder vínculos con la Escuela de Artes Aplicadas, donde siendo discípulo de Sergio Curtto tomé la alternativa de dirigir el grupo de pintura como alumno-maestro por baja de enfermedad del maestro titular, experiencia que me llevó a ejercer como maestro titular de expresión plástica en el Lycée Francais de Montevideo, alternando con mis alumnos de mi taller en el Prado. Aunque difícil lo tenía para exponer me buscaba la vida, rastro de Montevideo ( Villa Biarritz ), alguna plaza desordenada ( Gomensoro ) o Fortaleza de Santa Rosa, me buscaba sitios frecuentados por algunos burgueses en su intimidad, ganándome a sus doncellas de turno para venderle al patrón. Comienzo a aventurarme en Brasil, ( Sao Paulo, Manaus, Campo Grande, Puerto Santos). En Bolivia, Santa cruz de la Sierra. En EE.UU. (Washington d.C.) OEA. Y mi salto al continente europeo, Gran Canarias, Italia, Francia, España. 2. Su pintura oscila entre el impresionismo y el fauvismo. ¿En alguna de sus obras se ha visto influenciado por el surrealismo? El surrealismo surgió al explorar nuevas tecnologías en mi ordenador y a experimentar con el photoshop y las alternativas que el programa da, allí comienza mi nueva aventura, aunque sus logros son importantes, me sabe a vacío y frio, su técnica no muy explorada me distrae y me disculpa ante la clásica pintura de caballete. Comienzan a surgir imágenes surrealistas, quizás muy de agencia de publicidad y de fácil comercialización, económica. Gustavo Vázquez King 3. En sus pinturas hemos visto diferentes temáticas, obras paisajistas, figurativas, abstractas, ¿con cuál de ellas se siente más cómodo al pintar? En mi pintura a habido influencia de los sitios donde he vivido, como bocetos de postales coloridas, pero la temática más influyente fue el marinismo de cuando vivía en Valleseco, Gran Canarias, ya cuando me tenía que desplazar a la capital me deleitaba mirando el mar y su deporte autóctono la vela latina, ya en Canarias, mi paleta se llena de luz y empaste al óleo y técnica de espátula, mis exposiciones en el Real Club Náutico de Gran Canarias y las críticas recibidas, han hecho de mi pintura un reconocimiento e interesante crítica por una académica de San Fernando, perteneciente a la crítica española e internacional, eso me lleva a reafirmarme en la libertad de expresión, liberando mi creatividad a la mancha de color. Allí comienza mi etapa fauvista expresionista (1985), la cual me sustenta en halagos y no menos crítica que hacen de ella mi paleta actual, reconocida por varias galerías y de las mas importantes de España ( Galería Durán, Madrid ), entre otras, ya en mi estudio / taller de Águilas y mucho antes e experimentado nuevas técnicas matéricas y creando con ellas nuevas formas informales, abstracciones y algunas figurativa, una alternativa nueva a base de café, oligisto, cemento, con ellas expongo en el Colegio de Arquitectos de Almería ( 1992 ). Focus Abengoa, Sevilla. Alternando con mi fauvismo marinista 4. Hay momentos o temporadas que un artista pierde la inspiración, ¿qué hace el señor Vázquez King para recuperarla? Inspiración…………nunca la he perdido, me encuentro creando continuamente, ensayo o cocina de taller, experimento y busco alternativas en materiales de reciclado, o elaboro mis materiales, o modelo una escultura con los materiales que el hombre deshecha, me encuentro fascinado con los materiales y su plasticidad abstrayendo su forma para crear de ella la belleza y así continuar o ubicarme dentro de algún movimiento, que refleje mi estado y su creatividad. Así recupero mi lapsus, me siento frente al caballete y contemplo mi obra inerte, hasta que su forma se mezcla con los colores y comienza a surgir una nueva aventura colorista. 5. En su última colección la temática de sus obras es el desnudo femenino en diferentes situaciones; ¿por qué ha escogido este tema? La figura femenina, es su sensualidad y calidez, sus curvas y redondeces, forma su desnudez a la imagen de la tierra, la que nos cobija y de sus frutos, el alimento. Señora de hombres, industriales, sugestivas ………………la temática femenina da para infinitas creaciones, tierra femenina, luna femenina, la belleza es femenina, cálida, tierna, dulce, es madre de creadores, ……. Gustavo Vázquez King 6.  ¿Se ha visto influenciado por algún artista lo largo de su carrera? Si, claro, todos somos influenciados por directrices ya sea por maestros o tutores en el ambiente que nos recrea ( Torres García, Dalí, Kandiski, Van Gooh, Matisse, Hugo Nantes, Tapies, LeParc, Turnner, y alguno mas que se me escapa. 7.  ¿En qué lugar de España le gustaría exponer y no lo ha hecho todavía?, ¿y del extranjero? Bueno………..en la Villa de Madrid, me gustaría llevar mi obra, ya que gran parte de mis aduladores clientes, son de allí, algunos ya se fanatizan pasándose por mi estudio en verano y llevándose alguna cosita, después donde me inviten a portes pagados ( ya que es uno de mis grandes problemas, el transporte de mi obra ), y en el extranjero mi gran clientela es de Holanda y saben mucho de la corriente vangoriana, ven en mi obra el resurgir del gran maestro. No descarto a los ingleses que también ven en mi paleta fauvista a Turnner y el marinismo. 8.  ¿Cree que las Nuevas Tecnologías están ayudando a difundir la obra de los artistas? Las nuevas tecnologías son muy importantes, el hombre es tecnológico en el sistema, no se puede apartar de las avanzadillas y la técnica, en la medida que el hombre se tecnifica, avanza y se reproduce en formas abstractas pero de funcionalidad al resto de sus comunes es la forma mas clara de llegar a la globalización de su obra. Dentro de las nuevas tecnologías, ha surgido de las entrañas de mi taller,( Prado, Montevideo, Uruguay), un discípulo ya destacado en la Bienal de Venecia  ( Juan Pedro Fabra ) y en Suecia, la superación del alumno al maestro, en nuevas corrientes tecnológicas. 9. ¿Cómo ve la aplicación de las Nuevas Tecnologías al arte actual como por ejemplo el videoarte? De momento no he experimentado nada, falta de recursos, o quizás es un campo poco explorado por mi, pero ya veo obra de mi discípulo que es de vanguardia y me enorgullece saber que está experimentando nuevas tecnologías, no es que me quede en la cuneta de la vanguardia tecnológica, pero lo mío es mas de tacto y materia, lienzo, bastidor, óleo / espátula, oligisto y café. Beatriz Casalod
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lunchboxrecords · 6 years
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Yes, we are open and will be so unless things get crazy or the power goes out. out today - 9/14/18: LOW CD/TAPE/LP (clear vinyl), LEMON TWIGS CD/LP (limited version with bonus 7"), BLACK BELT EAGLE SCOUT CD/LP, GUERILLA TOSS CD/LP, ORIONS BELTE CD/LP, SANDRO PERRI LP, SLOTHRUST CD/LP (orange vinyl), SLEAFORD MODS LP, DILLY DALLY LP (colored vinyl), NIGHT SHOP LP THRICE CD/LP (red/black vinyl), CAPITAL PUNISHMENT LP reissue (red vinyl- Ben Stiller's punk band when he was much younger), CLUTCH Impetus LP reissue, PUTRIDITY CD/LP, CRIPPLED BLACK PHOENIX LP/TAPE, UNCLE ACID LP reissue (colored vinyl), INFERNAL COIL CD/LP, CONAN CD/LP, BLIND GUARDIAN LP reissues (colored vinyl) FIRST AID KIT 10", GOOD CHARLOTTE CD/LP, DREAMS CD/LP (members of Empire of The Sun & Silverchair), HONEY HAHS LP, ANN WILSON LP (of Heart), PAUL WELLER CD/LP CARRIE UNDERWOOD LP (pink vinyl), WILLIE NELSON CD/LP (of sinatra tunes), ASLEEP AT THE WHEEL CD/LP, ALI WING LP, BATMAN FOREVER soundtrack LP, Harmony Rockets LP (with Nels Cline & Steve Shelley) WEEKND Kissland LP reissue, Numero Group "Girl Group Underground" CD/LP, BETTY LAVETTE LP - 1972 sessions, PEABO BRYSON LP, JUNGLE CD/LP, SPENCER ZAHN LP, ANDREW BAYER LP reissues of MOGWAI cd/LPs of Mr. Beast, Hawk Is Howling, Rock Action and Happy Songs; SIOUXSIE & THE BANSHEES LP reissues of Superstition, Kiss in the Dreamhouse, the Scream; FLAMING LIPS S/TLP and b-sides LP, TOM WAITS - Heartattack & Vine LP (colored vinyl) MEDESKI MARTIN & WOOD LP, DOROTHY ASHBY LP reissue, DIANA KRALL & TONY BENNETT CD/LP, PHAROAH SANDERS Thembi LP reissue, three CATHERINE RIBEIRO LP reissues, FAUST LP reissue, CEDRIC BURNSIDE CD/LP (son of RL Burnside and it's great!), 1939 ENSEMBLE LP BRANDON COLEMAN CD/LP (keyboardist for Kamasi Washington), RICHARD THOMPSON CD/LP (colored vinyl), EMMA RUTH RUNDLE CD/LP, DJRUM LP, ALEJANDRO ESCOVEDO LP (at Lunchbox Records) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bnt4YSzHxZD/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1oghm397z9113
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O Meu Avô from Tony Costa aip on Vimeo.
Curta-Metragem Duração: 22.35' Francisco (11 anos) é obrigado, contra a sua vontade a passar as férias de verão no campo com os avós. Francisco tem dificuldade em adaptar-se e de se libertar dos seus hábitos da cidade. Um dia o avô perde a carteira com o dinheiro da sua pensão e Francisco toma uma decisão radical.
CRÉDITOS ELENCO Martim Barbeiro António Rama Carmen Santos Adriano Carvalho Pedro Efe Augusto Portela Joana Gomes Fernando Tavares Marques com a participação especial de Inês de Medeiros
Martim Barbeiro - Francisco António Rama - Avô Carmen Santos - Avó Adriano Carvalho - Pai Pedro Efe - Sr. Esteves Augusto Portela - Sr. Da Loja Joana Gomes - Funcionária CTT Fernando Tavares Marques - Conterrâneo Inês de Medeiros - mãe
elenco adicional Joana Freitas Silvina Lagarto
Figuração especial Rui Jorge Casimiro Lagarto Joana Quitério Joana Valadas José Campos Gonçalves
Escrito e realizado por Tony Costa
Música Original Bruno Lírio
Director de Produção Inês Varela Chefe de Produção Fábio Gonçalves Secretária de Prod. Eva Costa Ass. Produção Pedro Figueirinha Ass. Produção André Santos Totil Produtor Associado Paulo Grade 1º Asssistente de Realização Ricardo Lisboa Direcção de atores Rafael Antunes Casting/2ºAssistente realização João Ribeiro Anotação Jorge Cramez Assistente anotação Jorge Pereira Dir.Fotografia Tony Costa aip Operador / Steadicam Miguel Malheiros 1º asssistente de Imagem Marcel Encarnação 1º asssistente de Imagem André Mendes 2º asssistente de Imagem Bruno Lopes video-assist Mariana Neto Chefe electricista Gabriel Oliveira Chefe Maquinista Rui Jorge Ass. Maquinista Fábio Alas Director de Som Quintino Bastos Perchista Leonardo Mascarenhas Chefe de decoração Raquel Laranjo Assistente Decoração Adriana Ventura Guarda-Roupa Claudia Pinheiro Cabeleireiro/Maquilhagem Olga José Making of João Freire Pelica fotógrafo de cena Nuno Félix fotógrafo de cena Tomás Costa Montagem Filipe Roque do Vale Assistente de Montagem André Mendes Técnico de gravação Cyril Santos Grafismo / SFX Filipe Luz Color Grading Light Film Colorista Paulo Inês Poster e cartazes Rute Muchacho Pós-Produção Som Foley Tiago Galvão Luís Matos Elvis Veiguinha
Agradecimentos ARMAZÉM AGRICHAMBEL João Chambel ASSOCIAÇÃO DE FESTAS DE PALMELA Jorge Emídio CÂMARA MUNICIPAL DE PALMELA CÂMARA MUNICIPAL DE SETÚBAL CASA ERMELINDA FREITAS Joana Freitas CHURRASQUEIRA DO MARQUÊS CINEMATE CINEPITECUS CTT - Correios de Portugal Palmela Ângela Nobre e equipa dos CTT Palmela DROGARIA CENTRAL PALMELA Fernando Gomes GRIPMAN KODAK LAGOFILIA LIGHT FILM MARIA GONZAGA GUARDA-ROUPA Bárbara Magalhães PLANAR VIMEIRO Maria Fialho WOKFILMS Algodão Doce - Joana Quitério Família Cibarrinha  Homenagem a Nelson Moreno Cibarrinha Carla Pinto JMC MECÂNICA AUTOMÓVEL Rui Miguel Correia Rute Correia Casimiro Lagarto Silvina Lagarto Rodrigo Pêgas Ema Lucas Margarida Lucas Mário Oliveira Tiago Caiado João Gomes
Filmado com película Kodak 16mm
cofac 2013
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soniccovers · 2 years
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Sonic the Hedgehog (Archie) #136
Pencils: Patrick Spaziante
Inks: Nelson Ribeiro
Colors: Jason Jensen
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mobius-prime · 4 years
216. Sonic the Hedgehog #148
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Hey, nice cover art! For those who aren't familiar, it's drawn using the same style as the art from the little-appreciated Gameboy Advance game Sonic Battle. It's always interesting when the comics imitate the art style of one of the games for a little while as a kind of lowkey advertisement.
The Good, the Bad & the Unknown (Part Three): Genesis
Writer: Ken Penders Pencils: Steven Butler Colors: Jason Jensen
We open not in the underground facility where all the action is taking place, but in Knothole, as Dylan delivers a message to Sally about how the Freedom Fighters haven't been answering any communications for the past hour. Oh, hey, Dylan, long time no see! We haven't seen the members of the Substitute Freedom Fighters in a while, now that I think about it. Shame, I always liked them. Anyway, Sally is highly concerned upon hearing of the loss of contact, and orders Dylan to bring Sonic's father Jules to the court immediately. Back in the facility, Tommy rushes off to find a way to help Rotor, Bunnie, and Fiona while leaving Tails behind to man the monitor room. Tails finds Sonic on the monitors, who is currently lying winded on the ground where he fell after the floor dropped. He hears a loud rumbling, and hops up in time to dodge an incoming train car, since it turns out he landed on some tracks for an underground rail system. Shadow isn't far behind, approaching Sonic rapidly, but Sonic decides he's going to turn the tables and fight on his own terms, hopping onto one of the passing cars (which is really more like a high-tech mine cart than anything). Shadow stops, catching up to Metal Sonic and Isaac and wondering why Sonic would use the train car to travel if he can run faster than it at his highest speeds, and neither of the two robots have an explanation.
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I think that's literally the first time anyone in the entirety of the comic so far has actually acknowledged out loud that Robotnik is just Kintobor backwards. I mean, it's kind of obvious if you look at the name for more than two seconds, but no one's ever actually said it. While this is going on, Tommy arrives at the corridor where the other three teammates are being electrocuted, and searches around frantically for a way to save them without getting caught in the electricity himself. After finding a random leather glove, he hits a circuit box, hoping it will help.
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This is where things get a little jumbled. Tails finds Sonic on the monitors, as well as the two pursuing robots close behind him, and becomes fascinated by the conversation that Metal Sonic and Isaac get into. Their conversation continues in the background of the next several pages, so instead of trying to describe it interspersed with the rest of the action I'll just summarize it here. Isaac explains that he was created by one Dr. Ivan Kintobor, who was born in 2006 - yes, our 2006, only a few decades before the Xorda dropped the gene bombs on Earth. Ivan anticipated the Xorda's genocidal response to the capture and dissection of one of their own by the humans, so he designed Isaac to be able to function in a post-apocalyptic environment before sealing himself away in a stasis pod. Isaac bore firsthand witness to the results of the gene bombs, which, contrary to their intention to kill all humans without disturbing the planet's ecosystems, threw tons of volcanic ash and dust into the atmosphere, transforming the planet's surface forever. As mentioned before, this was the first "Day of Fury" recorded by the echidnas, and over the next thousand years, humans devolved into the Overlanders we know today (though how losing one finger and nothing else counts as "devolving" I have no clue), while their residual DNA mixed with that of various ordinary animals, who consequently had their own evolution accelerated into Mobiankind. When Ivan, from his pod, learned that societies were emerging from the newly-created Mobian species, he ordered Isaac to chronicle important historical events of the planet in addition to scientific data. Not long after the sun finally burned through the rest of the ash and dust in the air, the energy from the gene bombs, having finally absorbed deep into the planet's crust, reacted with beryl deposits to create… the Chaos Emeralds! Yes, interestingly enough, this is the backstory of the Chaos Emeralds in the comics. But wait, remember how Sonic encountered red Chaos Emeralds on another planet during Tossed in Space? All I can imagine from that is that Earth must not have been the first planet the Xorda used their gene bombs on - it makes sense, as the other species of the galaxy are clearly terrified of them for some reason - and thus, there are slightly different versions of Chaos Emeralds on other planets that the Xorda have targeted before.
Anyway, Isaac explains all this to Metal Sonic as Sonic continues to ride his train car to get away from Shadow and the two robots. He tries to contact Tails for help, but Tails is caught up in listening to the impromptu history lesson over the monitors, and thus Sonic is attacked from behind by Shadow. He manages to throw him off by abruptly stopping his car, and abandons the vehicle while Shadow is still stunned from the impact to run down another side corridor, shutting the door behind him. Rotor, also listening to the audio feed as he, Bunnie and Fiona race to meet up, asks Tails if he's recording this, but Tails doesn't have time to figure out if he can download a recording form the computers' systems, as Shadow is quickly approaching Sonic's hiding place.
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The three finally meet up, and Shadow directs them to the door Sonic has taken refuge behind, trying to deadlift it open. Isaac says frankly that if Sonic has gone in that particular room, he's dead, but Shadow replies that Sonic tends not to die even in the face of otherwise-mortal danger, lifting the door and calling in that he just wants to talk. Wait, what? Shadow, this entire time you've been beating on Sonic for no good reason, and now you want to try to talk things out? Sonic is clearly as skeptical as I am, immediately darting out to hit Shadow in the face once his hiding place is discovered, but at that moment everyone is distracted by an ominous new sight - the room Sonic was hiding in is in fact a gigantic launch base for a missile, whose thrusters have just fired… Wait, now I'm even more confused! How the hell did Sonic hide in that room for a good minute without somehow noticing the huge flaming missile behind him?! Ah, whatever, this is Penders, we already know his stories don't make much sense.
Playing Around
Writer/Pencils: Nelson Ribeiro Colors: Jason Jensen
Time for some more silly stuff! Apparently, the Freedom Fighters (along with a few other of their allies) have decided to put on a play for some of the younger children of Knothole, about one of their missions against Eggman. Sally isn't in the play, leading Rosie to question who will be playing her if not, well, her, but Sally just giggles and tells her to wait and see as Sonic and Tails come out to welcome the kids to their play. Before Sonic can even get his final words out a spiked mitt emerges from behind the curtain to drag him backstage, and we see none other than Knuckles in an auburn wig and blue vest and boots, furiously reminding Sonic that the only reason he's doing this is for the kids, and otherwise he would be clobbering Sonic into the ground right now for even suggesting this crazy scheme. Oh, boy, this should be good…
So, who exactly is playing who in this production? It opens with Knuckles-Sally in "her" room in Knothole, when Geoffrey, played by Bunnie, arrives to warn of an impending attack on the castle. Knuckles-Sally, barely able to contain his disdain for this whole affair, uses Nicole, played by Archimedes, to call Uncle Chuck for help, but just then, Eggman, played by Big the Cat, and Snively, played by Tails, burst in and capture the two to roboticize them. Wait, if Tails is playing Snively, then who is playing Tails? Why, Rotor of course, being laboriously held aloft by ropes controlled by Jules, Mighty, and Espio from the rafters. He and Sonic (played by, well, Sonic - guess we know who got the most preferential treatment during casting) are relaxing in Knothole when Uncle Chuck, also played by himself but sporting various kitchenware all over his body to suggest a roboticized form, rushes in to warn them of Knuckles-Sally's capture. Rotor-Tails flies Sonic to Robotropolis, where the two prepare to attack Eggman, Snively, and a shadow-bot played by Vector. Also, we get some convenient sound effects, courtesy of Amy Rose!
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With Knuckles-Sally rescued, Sonic embraces "her" and goes in for a kiss, and well, let's just say he's really in the spirit of the role, with Knuckles having to warn him away from actually kissing him through clenched teeth, that is unless he's ready to redeem that promise of a clobbering. Oh, come on Knuckles, we all remember how you said quite a few issues ago how you didn't want to have to deal with girls and would rather only hang around boys - accept your gay side, my dude! Smooch that 'hog!
Destiny's Child
Writer: Ken Penders Pencils: Tim Smith 3 Colors: Jason Jensen
Tim Smith… 3? I'm so confused by this name. Do they perhaps mean Tim Smith III, as in, he's the third person in his family named Tim Smith? Or is there just a hidden cloning facility in the back of the Archie Comics headquarters that occasionally churns out extra Tim Smiths to draw for random issues of their comics?
Tails is hanging out alone by a pond at the outskirts of Knothole Village one afternoon, and it turns out that though he's kept quiet about it, he's extremely frustrated at the knowledge that even though his parents are alive somewhere on the other side of the galaxy, no one seems to be rushing to actually go and rescue them. Suddenly, Athair's disembodied head appears floating in front of him, speaking cryptically about how the hour of the Chosen One draws near or whatever. Tails isn't impressed, and confronts him about the whole Chosen One thing, that by now multiple different people have talked to him about it and he was even kidnapped and held hostage for months by Mammoth Mogul over it, yet no one will actually tell him what this supposed prophecy even refers to. He asks if everyone knows about this but him, and honestly, I don't blame him one bit for being upset - not even us readers know what the hell the prophecy is all about, and we're normally given behind the scenes info like, all the time!
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Oh, about time someone informs Tails that he has other family still left on the planet! Seriously, this kid has believed he was an orphan all his life, and yet Merlin never thought to, you know, contact him and reassure him he still had an uncle? Athair recounts the exact hostage situation with Mogul from before, how it occurred when Tails was in transit to help Knuckles back then, and Tails waves him off, saying that Sonic already told him everything that happened while he was captured. He demands an explanation, but Athair simply fades from view, leaving him frustrated and alone by the water once more. However, Athair's voice echoes back to him after a moment, urging him to be patient, as soon he'll finally know what all this is about… and about time, too, this has been going on since literally the first era of the comic with no resolution in sight.
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Home Exterior Shades – eleven Modern Whitened Houses Through Around The World
Home Exterior Shades – eleven Modern Whitened Houses Through Around The World
House Outside Colors — 11 Contemporary White Homes From All over the world | CONTEMPORIST
Couple of things appear cleaner than the usual brilliant sharp white. Although it may appear bold, homes with an every white outdoor are the best way to create a statement that a super contemporary looking house.
Here are eleven examples of homes with whitened exteriors that will look thoroughly clean, modern, plus stand out from the particular crowd.
1 . This particular house appears to be it’s happened by putting white obstructs on top of one another to create a contemporary, open living area.
See a lot more photos of the home, right here. Designed by He Gibson Structures + Style.
second . The bent lines plus pops associated with black from this large whitened house provide a thoroughly clean, futuristic appearance.
Designed by M. Mayer They would. Architects.
3. Walls of windows split up the every white outdoor of this contemporary family home.
Created by monovolume structures + style.
4. The white exterior of the angular house gives this a thoroughly clean look and models it in addition to the other homes around this.
Designed by Espaces Mateus. Picture taking by Fernando Guerra | FG+SG.
5. Dark window frames plus balconies build a striking comparison against the whitened panels within the exteriors of the row associated with houses.
Created by Bogdan & Van Broeck. Photography simply by Frederik Vercruysse.
6. Large home windows on this white house make sure that the inside is simply as bright since the outside.
Created by Joao Mendes Ribeiro. Digital photography by Jose Campos.
7. The particular clean outlines of this white-colored house plus it’s place on a cobbled street ensure it is look remarkably modern.
Created by AZO Sequeira Arquitectos Associados. Photography simply by Nelson Garrido.
almost 7 Large white-colored walls appear to slice through this particular large contemporary home separating it in to a number of white-colored rectangles.
Find more pictures of this home, here. Created by A-cero – Joaquin Torres & Rafael Llamazares.
9. This particular white home features a distinctive glass cutout surrounding front side door region to break in the otherwise most of white outdoor and lighten up the inside of the house.
Designed by Hiroyuki Shinozaki Designers. Photography simply by Fumihiko Ikemoto.
8. This big, white, rectangle-shaped house seems to be emerging correct out of the stones from the hill behind this.
See a lot more photos of the home, right here. Designed by Fran Silvestre Arquitectos. Photography simply by Fernando Alda.
eleven. Other than a couple of black window and doorways, the outside of the family home is totally white.
Created by M2. sensos. Photography simply by Ivo Tavares Studio.
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mobius-prime · 4 years
165. Sonic the Hedgehog #97
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My Secret Identity
Writer: Karl Bollers Pencils: Nelson Ribeiro and Harvey Mercadoocasio Colors: Frank Gagliardo
So Sonic has his latest plan in place. He's dressed himself up entirely in black clothing, covering everything but his eyes to disguise his identity. In true "cartoon hero disguise" fashion, it's obvious that it's him if you look at him for more than two seconds so that he'll be recognizable to us the audience, but somehow no one who sees him within the comic itself recognizes him. As he gets himself ready for his mission, Geoffrey and his team prepare for theirs as well. Due to the damage the shadow-bot sustained when Geoffrey needlessly fired his crossbow bolts into it, Uncle Chuck's message comes through garbled, leading the Secret Service to believe that Eggman still has the sword instead of Uma. As they discuss their plan of action, Sally approaches to give her own opinion on things.
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What I don't get here is that Geoffrey fully acknowledged just a couple issues ago that Sally is a far more capable leader than Elias, and yet he immediately jumps in to argue with her when she gives her own opinion on how the proceedings should go. I guess he really does just hate Sonic that freaking much, huh? Sonic, meanwhile, has snuck out of the village, but while he makes his way through the forest intending to search for Uma, he encounters the Secret Service trudging through the forest as well. Overhearing that they intend to head for Robotropolis to follow their inaccurate lead, he reluctantly follows them there instead… with the goal of protecting them. So Geoffrey does everything he can to sabotage Sonic's status as a hero and his relationship with Sally, and yet the moment Sonic realizes Geoffrey may be in trouble, he immediately goes out of his way to help him - in secret, no less, with no thought to his own ego. Here we have the obvious difference between a true hero, and a self-serving jackass.
In Eggman's HQ, Colin has brought one Professor Cheddermund to share some data he and his people found while traveling space. Eggman acts grateful and escorts Colin out so he, Snively and Cheddermund can "discuss" the data, but instead, strange symbols begin to scroll across the professor's eyeglasses, hypnotizing him… As the two evil geniuses sedate him, Sonic secretly tails the Secret Service, looking out for them as they traverse the dank alleyways of the city - but unfortunately they're not stealthy enough, and some cameras catch them in the act, alerting Eggman. However, barely a moment after the images transmit to him in his HQ, the screens go blank.
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Despite his attempts to literally cover up for Geoffrey and his team, they're all captured, and Sonic, in trying to get to them, ends up captured as well. This leads into one of the most unintentionally hilarious pages in the entirety of the Archie Sonic comic series.
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Everyone is placed in a cell together, where Geoffrey acts understandably suspicious of Sonic, though he doesn't recognize him. Sonic tells him that he's called "The Sneak," and is an operative from Sand-Blast City here on reconnaissance for his people. Eggman shows up, gloating over their capture, and takes Geoffrey away for an "interrogation," which strangely just means being transferred to another cell alone for a little while. When Geoffrey is returned, Hershey is taken away next, followed by Wombat Stu. When the shadow-bots bring him back and take Heavy and Bomb away, Sonic says that they need to get out immediately, and suggests leaving Heavy and Bomb for now, as since they're robots they can't be roboticized. Geoffrey gets angry at the suggestion that he leave some of his team behind, a sentiment that I actually agree with him on for once, but before they can really get an argument going, a loud explosion drowns them out.
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Well, it appears Eggman forgot that one of his prisoners was a literal bomb, eh? They make their quick escape through the hole blown in their cell wall, and when Geoffrey turns around to check on "The Sneak's" status, he's mysteriously gone. However, perhaps their escape was not all it seemed, as Snively and Eggman watch from afar, snickering to each other about how the others didn't even guess that they'd secretly reprogrammed both Heavy and Bomb to orchestrate a fake escape, and now that they're free, the two robots will be able to do a lot more from the inside…
Meanwhile Sonic has, of course, raced away at top speed to get back to Knothole before the Secret Service does, stashing his disguise in a hollow log near the village's entrance. However, before he can reenter Knothole, someone from offscreen yells for him to freeze and surrender… and a notice at the bottom of the page informs us that Sonic Adventure 2 has begun! That's right - next issue we cover the story of Sonic Adventure 2, but like I mentioned before, it's a bit different from the adaption of the first game…
To the Brink
Writer: Ken Penders Pencils: Ron Lim Colors: Frank Gagliardo
Green Knuckles and Turbo Tails are currently locked in a fierce battle with each other. Knuckles is mostly lashing out due to pain and confusion, wanting to be left alone, and Tails is fighting back just because, well, that's what you do when a superpowered green echidna starts punching you in the face. He continues to insist that he doesn't want to fight, and repeatedly tries to get Knuckles to stop lashing out so they can talk.
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Knuckles, of course, responds to Tails' pleas for him to stop fighting by hitting Tails in the face with lasers from his eyes, because yeah, sure, okay I guess. Tails retaliates by grabbing onto Knuckles' ankles with his namesakes, which are apparently totally prehensile, and dangling him upside down. This pisses Knuckles off even more, and he flips Tails over and begins violently beating him into the pavement, which is of course a totally reasonably and proportionate response to such an act. Merlin and Athair actually consider stepping in at this point, but Knuckles suddenly stops dead, having heard a ghostly echo of Julie-Su's voice calling for him. He immediately disappears in a flash of light, and a distraught Merlin rushes to the unconscious Tails' side, asking Athair how things could have gone so wrong. Athair is confused as well, since apparently according to the both of them, Turbo Tails is even more power than Super Sonic. Athair decides to probe Tails' mind, and what he finds there shocks him - he realizes that this isn't even Tails at all! Somehow, it's a mere copy of Tails - not a robot, but some kind of organic duplicate which thinks and acts exactly like him, and even believes himself to be him.
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I mean, I guess discretion could be helpful in this situation, but is it really a good idea to just plop this imposter Tails back into Knothole without telling anyone? This means the real Tails is out there somewhere, somehow having been kidnapped when no one was paying attention. But who could have taken him, and how, and why…? Well, we'll have to wait for answers on that one, as now we move into the preboot's take on Sonic Adventure 2!
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