#colston hall
twixnmix · 10 months
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Ike & Tina Turner performing at the Colston Hall in Bristol on February 14, 1971.
Photos by David Redfern
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richwall101 · 6 months
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The Colston Hall - Bristol
Top Picture The Original Colston Hall Facade in 1880 built in the Victorian (Bristol Byzantine Style)
Second Picture The Hall after the fire of 1898 which destroyed the main auditorium.
Third Picture - The Auditorium after the rebuild of 1928
Forth Picture - The Refurbished auditorium of 1942
Fifth & Sixth Pictures - Following yet another fire that once again destroyed the auditorium it was rebuilt in the "Festival Style" of the 1950's Closely linked in architectural style to the Royal Festival Hall in London (1951)
Seventh Picture - This shows the newly built gold coloured "Foyer" Performance and exhibition space, built next to the original building's facade which remains intact.
Eighth Picture - Shows the brand new auditorium which opened in November 2023, built at the enormous cost of £130 million.
Following the outcry concerning the Slave trader Edward Colston and the pulling down of his bronze statue in the centre of Bristol in 2020 (after which several Bristol buildings were named) the Colston Hall has been renamed The Beacon Hall....
Edward Colston (2 November 1636 – 11 October 1721) was an English merchant, slave trader, philanthropist, and Tory Member of Parliament. Colston followed his father in the family business becoming a sea merchant, initially trading in wine, fruits and textiles, mainly in Spain, Portugal and other European ports.
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Today, November 18th, 1975 - Queen Story!
Bristol, UK, Colston Hall (two night)
'A Night At The Opera Tour'
This article chronicles the second show in Bristol.
🔸Sounds, November 29, 1975
Queen triumphant
Report by Jonh Ingham, pictures by Kate Simon
QUEEN ARE the type of group that make a man want to abandon rock writing. They pose questions and never provide answers. They exist in their own space-time continuum, visible and audible but keeping their secrets to themselves.
On the surface they couldn't be a nicer bunch of people, but they carry English reticence to an epitome. It isn't, as Geoff Barton said two weeks ago, that they're boring, it's just that they're reserved. Or in writer parlance, they don't automatically provide colourful copy. All my instincts as a writer tell me that there is a great story in that band, but after two nights with them I'm hardly any the wiser.
Skin tight
That their insularity has a lot to do with them being one of the most amazing heavy-metal and/or rock bands in Britain - with all the signs that they'll end up monsters on the order of Zep - is fairly obvious, but just how much bearing it has on the matter is hard to say. The enigmas they might pose mightn't even have answers.
Is there any logical reason why they present an image and persona straight out of the Beatles school of interlocking chemistry?
John is reserved, almost nonchalant on stage, as if it's all in a small, personal joke. When asked how he saw himself within the framework of the band he replied, with a small smile, "I'm the bassist".
Roger is his opposite, the cheeky sidekick in a Clint Eastwood movie, and attracting a lot of cheesecake attention in America and Japan.
Freddie is an original - one of the most dynamic singers to tread the boards in quite a few years. His attraction is obvious.
Brian is perhaps the biggest enigma of all. What is this seemingly frail, gaunt astronomer doing on that stage, striding purposefully and blasting diamond-hard rock? They're all equally strong personalities - like the Beatles there's no one major focal point. Ask four fans who their dream Queen is and you'll get four different answers.
Queen have been busy lads these past few months. Having disassociated themselves from their former management and joined with John Reid, the fourth album was seen to. Reid decided that a tight schedule wouldn't cause them undue harm, and figured on two months to record before embarking on this current tour.
Only Queen are driven to better each previous album - which at this stage of the game is obviously producing some excellent results - and 'A Night At The Opera' turned into a saga - culminating in 36-hour mixing sessions in an effort to allow at least a few days for rehearsal. In the end they managed three and a half days at Elstree with four hours off to videotape the promotional film for 'Bohemian Rhapsody'.
Their first few dates had not been without errors and the quartet were still not feeling totally comfortable their second night in Bristol, fourth night of the tour. You'd never know it, though.
Like all other aspects of the group, the stage is sophisticated. A black scrim provides a backdrop bounded by a proscenium of lights both front and rear. At each side the p.a. rises like a mutant marriage of Mammon and Robby the Robot. Amp power is readily evident but the most extraordinary is Brian May's subtle set up: nine Vox boxes stepping back in rows of three. The only packing crate visible is holding a tray of drinks, and you may rest assured that no roadie will rush, crawl or lurk across the stage while the show is in progress unless it's to rescue Freddie's mike from the clawing crowd.
As the auditorium darkens the sound of an orchestra tuning up is heard over the p.a. The conductor taps his baton on the music stand and a slightly effete voice welcomes the audience to A Night At The Opera. The Gilbert & Sullivan portion of 'Bohemian Rhapsody' follows, a brief glimpse of Freddie is allowed, and then in a blast of flares and white smoke the blitzkrieg begins.
Roger is barely visible behind his kit, just his eyes and tousled locks. John is wearing a white suit and playing the-man-who-must-stand-still-or-it-will-all-blow-away. Brian is slightly medieval in his green and white Zandra Rhodes top, while Freddie is...
Around his ankles his satin white pants flare like wings - fleet footed Hermes. Everything north of the knee is skin tight - tighter than skin tight - with a zip-up front open to AA rating. But further south, definitely in X territory, lurks a bulge not unlike the Sunday Telegraph.
There have been sex objects and sex bombs, superstar potency and the arrogant presentation of this all-important area, but never has a man's weaponry been so flagrantly showcased. Fred could jump up on the drum stand and shake his cute arse, leap about and perform all manner of amazing acrobatics, but there it was, this rope in repose, barely leashed tumescence, the Queen's sceptre. Oh to be that hot costume, writhing across the mighty Fred!
Freddie is not pretty in the conventional sense of the word; like Mick Jagger of '64, he is his own convention. Also like the Jagger of the time, his stage persona and action is unlike anything else. Although it borrows - like most of the group's plagiarisms - slightly from Zeppelin, in tandem with Freddie's supreme assurance and belief in himself - he always refers to himself as a star - it explodes into something that is a constant delight to watch.
He reacts to his audience almost like an over-emotional actress - Gloria Swanson, say, or perhaps Holly Woodlawn playing Bette Davis. At the climax of the second night in Bristol he paused at the top of the drum stand, looked back over the crowd and with complete, heartfelt emotion placed his delicate fingers to lips and blew a kiss. Any person who can consume themselves so completely in such a clichéd showbiz contrivance deserves to be called a star.
Freddie's real talent, though, is with his mike stand. No Rod Stewart mike stand callisthenics here, just a shortee stick that doubles as a cock, machine gun, ambiguous phallic symbol, and for a fleeting moment an imaginary guitar. He has a neat trick of standing quite still in particularly frantic moments and holding the stand vertically from his crotch up, draw a fragile finger along its length, ever closer to the taunting eyes that survey his audience.
Their show contains lots of bombs and smoke, lots of lights, lots of noise. They fulfil the function of supremely good heavy metal - i.e. you don't get a second to think about what's going on. When they do let up for a few minutes, it's only so you can focus in on the bright blue electric charge crackling between your ears.
Dominating the sound is Roger's drumming, a bulldozer echo that bounces like an elastic membrane, meshing with your solar plexus so that your body pulses in synch with the thunder. Tuned into that, everything else is just supremely nice icing.
For three days rehearsal, after eight months off the road Bristol was extremely impressive. In speculative mood I quizzed people on how long they thought it would take to headline Madison Square Garden. I was thought a radical at a year and a half. John Reid smilingly assured me it would take a year.
That Queen should end up with John Reid is an entirely logical proceeding. Everything about Queen demands that the world eventually kowtows at their feet in complete acquiescence - so big that bodyguards have to accompany them at every step. Well, no - they found that an annoyance in Japan, but, you know, huge.
Such status demands a Reid or a Peter Grant, and whatever the causes for their leaving Jack Nelson and Trident, an elegant group like Queen is going to look for a man with class. Reid found the idea of managing a group interesting, and having to deal with four strong personalities a challenge. He only concerns himself with their business and ensuring that the year ahead is mapped out. In January they begin a jaunt through the Orient, Australia and America, by which time it's March and they begin preparations for the next album.
Reid's prediction of a year was proven highly credible the next evening in Cardiff. The band had still not paused from the rush up to the tour and spent most of the day relaxing and sleeping - no doubt a factor in their near recumbent profile. Also, unlike most groups, they were keeping their dissatisfaction with the show to themselves.
They stopped off at Harlech TV on the way to see a cassette of the video for 'Bohemian Rhapsody'. The general consensus was quite good for four hours, with much laughter during the operetta. Brian finds film of the group educational - the first time he saw himself was a Mike Mansfield opus for 'Keep Yourself Alive' - "It was 'All right fellows, give it everything you've got but don't move off that spot.' It was terrible." You don't like Mansfield, eh? "Oh, I hate him - we all do... I was horrified when I saw it - I couldn't believe we looked that bad. I looked very static - seeing myself has taught me a lot about stage movement. Some of the things I do are planned for effect, but it's mostly just feeling the audience and communicating that back to them."
Arriving at the motel - several miles out of town - Freddie immediately fell asleep, John held court of a sort, joined later by Brian, while Roger went jogging, a daily event when touring. Tuning in to rock via Bill Haley and Tommy Steele, he became a drummer because he was better at it than guitar. All through school he was in bands; he only went to dental school out of "middle class conditioning, and it was a good way to stay in London without having to work". His mother thought it a bit strange when he opted for a career as a rock star, but she doesn't worry too much now.
The concert starts in much the same manner as the previous night, but there are signs that tonight is work, with posing an afterthought. The endings to most of their songs are magnificent and majestic, especially 'Flick Of The Wrist' and the rapid harmonies of 'Bad Boy Leroy Brown'
➡️ keep reading on http://jonh-ingham.blogspot.com/2007/02/queen-riot-at-opera.html?m=1
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70s80sandbeyond · 9 months
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Tina Turner performing at the Colston Hall in Bristol on February 14, 1971
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debdarkpetal · 1 year
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Freddie, Brian and Roger back stage at the Colston Hall in Bristol, England on the 'Invite You To A Night At The Opera' tour in November 1975.
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vintagerocker69 · 1 month
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Rolling Stones Live At Bristol Colston Hall
English guitarist Keith Richards of The Rolling Stones performs live on stage playing a Gibson Les Paul Custom guitar at Colston Hall in Bristol, England during the band's Tour of the United Kingdom 1971, on 9th March 1971. (Photo by David Redfern/Redferns)
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punkrockhistory · 2 years
Belfast findest 💯💥
Stiff Little Fingers at Bristol’s home of music, Colston Hall. Photo by Virginia Turbett
#punk #punks #punkrock #stifflittlefingers #history #punkrockhistory
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jazzplusplus · 2 years
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1963 - Gerry Mulligan Quartet with Bob Brookmeyer - Colston Hall - Bristol
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musicblogwales · 28 days
7ebra return with new single 'Normal Song' via PNKSLM
MAY 8 - Malmö twin duo 7ebra - AKA Inez and Ella Johansson - release new single ‘Normal Song’ via cult Stockholm label PNKSLM (Shitkid, Miss World, Holy).    It’s the first new music since the release of their critically acclaimed debut album Bird Hour in May 2023. ‘Normal Song’ is a natural continuation thematically from Bird Hour, with the new single finding  the duo not only embracing their melancholy, but celebrating it.  
"I see the song being about trying to please everyone but failing, having a lot of things that need to get done, but all you want to do is close yourself off and cry in the corner" explains singer Inez. "But then you think about it and say no, actually, I shouldn't have to suppress this despair I'm feeling - I wanna cry in an open field. It's normal to feel these things and you don't have to hide it, if you don't want to." 
"When we originally had the idea for the song, it was sort of a lighthearted joke actually" continues Ella. "But it quite quickly resonated with us, and we realized that this could maybe turn into a proper song. We recorded it with Jens Lindgård at Gula Studion here in Malmö, and I think his production matches the story and juxtaposition of the song perfectly. On first listen it maybe sounds like a lighthearted festival banger, especially with the big pumping chorus, but then you realise it's actually quite sad." 
Built around their telepathic harmonies, close-up guitar and droning mellotron washes, it's a spartan indie sound. The style is equally inflected by dark folk elements, austere post-punk and woozy slacker, with earworms choruses. 
‘Normal Song’ is out now digitally and is also set to be released on limited edition 7" vinyl on July 5th alongside the another new track ‘Daybreak’ via PNKSLM Recordings. 7ebra are also heading out on tour in May supporting Arab Strap as well as visiting Denmark together with Kindsight (details below), with more tour dates to follow soon. 
Beautiful but punk, minimalist but epic, the duo had previously made their mark on the Swedish music scene, with support slots for Future Islands, Bob Hund and The Dandy Warhols already under their belts. They also played shows at End of the Road, Bluedot and SXSW festivals last year, as well as for an extensive UK tour with Teleman. 
7ebra Online  Instagram / Twitter / Bandcamp / Spotify 
Live Dates  May 11 - Köpenhamn, Denmark - Ideal Bar (w/ Kindsight)  May 16 - Hillerød, Denmark - Klaverfabrikken (w/ Kindsight)  May 18 - Århus, Denmark - Voxhall (w/ Kindsight)  May 20 - Carlisle, UK - The Brickyard (w/ Arab Strap)  May 21 - Sunderland, UK - The Fire Station (w/ Arab Strap)  May 22 - Birmingham, UK - The Castle & Falcon (w/ Arab Strap)  May 23 - Bristol, UK - Colston Hall Lantern Theatre (w/ Arab Strap)  May 24 - London, UK - Koko (w/ Arab Strap)  May 25 - Manchester, UK - Gorilla (w/ Arab Strap)  May 26 - Leeds, UK - Brudenell Social Club (w/ Arab Strap) 
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richwall101 · 6 months
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The Bristol Beacon (Formerly The Colston Hall) Bristol's Main Concert Performing & Arts Centre
Top Picture - The Original Victorian Facade of 1887 Cleaned and refurbished.
The Second & Third Pictures - The newly built Beacon Foyer sits adjacent to the main performance hall and provides performance and arts space, Cafe, Bars, Ticket Office, Restaurants, and customer facilities. (This image shows it with the name Colston Hall this has now been removed and replaced with its new name Beacon Hall)
The Forth Picture - Shows part of the rebuilt and refurbished main entrance of the original Victorian Building with new stairs leading down to a large basement area with bars and other customer services.
The Fifth Picture - This shows the main performance auditorium under construction and almost complete. This new design has been built to provide an almost perfect state of the art variable acoustic environment..
The Hall openes for its first performance on 30th November 2023
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November 17 and 18, 1975 - Queen Story!
Live at Bristol, UK, Colston Hall
'A Night At The Opera Tour'
Freddie Mercury backstage
📸 Photographer Watal Asanuma
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themotherlove · 2 months
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debdarkpetal · 1 year
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Queen back stage at the Colston Hall in Bristol, England on the 'Invite You To A Night At The Opera' tour in November 1975.
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vintagerocker69 · 1 year
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Mick Jagger performing with the Rolling Stones On the Sticky Fingers Tour at Bristol Colston Hall 1971.
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beansonbread2 · 5 months
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2022 > Kendrick Lamar @ Glastonbury Festival - 26/6/22 (see full list HERE)
2021 > Self Esteem @ Green Man Festival - 22/8/21 (see full list HERE)
2020 > Hannah Diamond @ The Exchange, Bristol - 4/3/20 (see full list HERE)
2019 > Black Midi @ Fiddlers, Bristol - 20/6/19 (see full list HERE)
2018 > Kero Kero Bonito @ The Village Underground, London - 11/9/18 (see full list HERE)
2017 > Richard Dawson @ Fiddlers, Bristol 23/6/17 & Richard Dawson @ Green Man Festival, Wales 17-20/8/17 (see full list HERE)
2016 > Death Grips @ Simple Things Festival, Colston Hall, Bristol - 22/10/16 (see full list HERE)
2015 >Super Furry Animals @ Green Man Festival - Wales 21-23/8/15 (see full list HERE)
2014 > FKA Twigs @ Trinity, Bristol - 9/10/14 (see full list HERE)
2013 > These New Puritans @ Simple Things Festival, Bristol - 12/10/13 (see full list HERE)
2010 > Francois & The Atlas Mountains @ Fence Homegame, Scotland - 11/3/10 (see full list HERE)
2009 > Wild Beasts @ The Thekla, Bristol - 3/10/09 (see full list HERE)
2008 > Animal Collective & Atlas Sound @ Koko, London - 22/5/08 (see full list HERE)
2007 > King Creosote & Fence Collective @ Glastonbury Festival - June 07 (see full list HERE)
THE RUNNERS UP (in no order)
Jockstrap @ Heaven, London (15/2/23)
Mun Sing @ Strange Brew, Bristol (2/6/23)
Weird Wave @ Green Man Festival, Brecon Beacon, Wales (17>20/8/23)
Dry Cleaning @ O2 Academy, Bristol (26/2/23) 
Devo @ Green Man Festival, Brecon Beacon, Wales (17>20/8/23)
Panda Bear & Sonic Boom @ The Fleece, Bristol (25/4/23)
Tim Heidecker @ Trinity, Bristol (26/3/23) 
Rozi Plain @ Green Man Festival, Brecon Beacon, Wales (17>20/8/23)
Richard Dawson @ Bristol Beacon (13/12/23)
Scalping @ Forwards Festival, Bristol (2/9/23)
Trust Fund @ The Cube, Bristol (12/4/23)
Amy May Ellis @ Prince Albert, Stroud (22/10/23)
Tara Clerkin Trio @ Strange Brew, Bristol (5/11/23)
Katy J Pearson @ Forwards Festival, Bristol (2/9/23)
Django Django @ SWX, Bristol (10/11/23)
The Lemon Twigs @ SWX, Bristol (28/5/23)
Pozi @ Lost Horizons, Bristol (15/6/23)
Self Esteem @ Canons Marsh Amphitheatre, Bristol (25/6/23)
Self Esteem @ Wembley Stadium, London (8/7/23)
The Delgados @ Green Man Festival, Brecon Beacon, Wales (17>20/8/23)
Steve Mason @ Thekla, Bristol (13/12/23)
Squid @ Green Man Festival, Brecon Beacon, Wales (17>20/8/23)
Das Koolies @ Rough Trade, Bristol (2/10/23)
Jockstrap @ Forwards Festival, Bristol (2/9/23)
10. Oneohtrix Point Never @ Wide Awake Festival, London (27/5/23)
9. Caroline Polachek @ Wide Awake Festival, London (27/5/23)
8. Weyes Blood @ SWX, Bristol (9/2/23)
7. Jockstrap @ Green Man Festival, Brecon Beacon, Wales (18/8/23)
6. Tim Heidecker @ Hackney Earth, London (24/3/23) 
5. Richard Dawson @ St.George’s, Bristol (4/5/23)
4. Aphex Twin @ Forwards Festival, Bristol (2/9/23)
3. Self Esteem @ Eventim Apollo, London (25/2/23 & 11/3/23 & 17/3/23)
2. Blur @ Wembley Stadium, London (8/7/23)
1. Self Esteem @ Green Man Festival, Brecon Beacon, Wales (19/8/23) - VIDEO HIGHLIGHTS
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qudachuk · 6 months
Bristol's historic Colston Hall has been renamed and its renovation is way over schedule and budget.
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