#comes with alcohol and his weird head tie and a drunk kitty figure like that would be so cute ...
bobosbillionsknives · 1 month
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Concept sketch for a Knives planet gunsmoke figure set because I'm completely fucking insane and I'm losing my mind
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coffeecomicsgalore · 4 years
Unveiled Love
Chapter 4 – Oral Sex
Marinette poked at her food as Adrien shifted the gears. He looked at his watch in between his downshifts, making sure he would bring her there in time. Every so often, he looked at her through his peripherals, never wanting to give her the hint that he was watching her. After the third of fourth poke of her sandwich without so much of a nibble, Adrien smirked.
“You know, that sandwich might come to life and poke you back. You should probably be careful.”
Marinette let out a breathy chuckle. “Yeah. I should be careful.”
He frowned. “Hey. What’s on your mind? You’re really distracted.”
Marinette looked out the window. She started to feel the heat rising up to her cheeks. She didn’t know what was worse: talking to her longtime crush about Chat or the fact that she would jump him right now if she could. His green eyes were bright and glossy and his hair was sculpted perfectly in sweeping waves. His designer grey suit looked amazing and fitted his body the way a suit should be, and the deep blue button down and grey tie only brought out his good features.
Yeah, jumping him sounded so much easier than the former idea.
“You know you can always talk to me. I’m always here to listen.”
Marinette didn’t turn her head, but let out a nervous hum. “Hypothetically, if a guy told you he could worship your body in ways that no one else could, would you jump at the chance for him to ravish you?”
Adrien turned his head completely towards her and looked her over with a worried eye before looking back to the street to continue driving. “Who... Marinette. Nobody is forcing you into anything, right?”
“What?” Adrien’s quick words confused Marinette until she realized what he meant. “Oh, no! No. This guy, Adrien, I trust him. A lot. I’ve known him for 10 years. He’s not a manipulator or a tomcat or anything like that. He’s a sweet guy. I’m just wondering if I’m in the wrong.”
“You’re never in the wrong for doing or not doing anything with anyone.” He stated rather tersely. If Marinette didn’t know any better, it sounded like Adrien was bothered with this conversation. “Is this something that your thinking about doing? With this guy, I mean.”
“What? Like oral sex or just having sex in general?” She laughed bitterly. “I’m surprised I don’t have cobwebs growing in my vag from the lack of it lately.” Marinette added, matter-of-factly. She looked up at Adrien and noticed the fierce blush on his cheeks, making hers turn red in return. She cleared her throat. “I-I don’t know.”
Adrien scratched his cheek. “Does he care about you? That is important.”
“He tells me he loves me all the time.”
Adrien swallowed rather hard. “Do you love him?” He hesitated.
Did she love him? Chat? All she had known was loving Adrien, but after all this time, Adrien was just a friend. He would never see her more than that and Marinette was willing to bet she would grow old and die before he uttered any of those words.
It didn’t make this conversation hurt any less.
But does she love Chat? “Maybe? I don’t know.” She wrapped her sandwich and tossed it into her school bag. “I mean, he’s one of my best friends. I don’t know what I would do if our relationship soured because of us moving forward like this.”
“Well...” He cleared his throat and turned in front of the school building, parking it to the side. He didn’t really want to look at her; he brought length of his index finger to his pursed lips, brushing the digit slowly as a way to distract himself from his thoughts.  
Marinette could feel this odd tension surrounding the two and she ducked her head and grabbed her things. She didn’t look at him, but she stared at her hands to see if he would finish his thought. When he didn’t, she sighed and opened her door.
“Thanks, Adrien.” She added, softly, then stood up and closed the door shut and headed to her class. When she turned back towards the street to say one last thing, Adrien had already made his way out of the parking lot.
“I don’t get it, Plagg.”
“Are you pining over her again?” The kwami whined from his spot on the top of Adrien’s desk. “Let me guess, your very good friend, Marinette, and her silly little love life is bothering the ever-living shit out of you. Right?”
Adrien ran his hand through his hair and paced the large office. He had arrived back only a few minutes earlier from an obnoxiously long meeting that murdered four hours of his life, and he gave his assistant strict orders that he was not to be disturbed for the next hour. He needed to wind down before he could even tackle the second half of the day.
“It shouldn’t bother me that Marinette wants to... fuck,” the words tasted bitter on his tongue, “some dude.”
“But Marinette didn’t say she wanted to do that gross motion with him. She only asked for advice. Which it seems that you didn’t even supply an answer to, by the way.”
Adrien stopped his pacing to realize that he didn’t actually give her an answer. He was so caught up on if she was in any danger with this guy, along with his own disastrous thoughts on the subject, that he never gave her an answer to her question.
Then the look she gave him when he never finished his thought. The feeling of her sadness was wrapping around him like a wet blanket and he started to feel suffocated under the weight. He started to hyperventilate and the confines of the office was only making him feel worse. Grabbing his phone, he hovered over her contact.  
“Marinette’s in class. I can’t call her.” He added rather bemused. “Maybe text her?”
“Are you sure you don’t think there’s nothing more? You seem pretty frazzled over Marinette having a boyfriend. Sounds like your jealous.”
“She doesn’t have a boyfriend.” He glared at him like that was the most heinous thing Plagg could have said. “Jealous, me? No. I’m just her friend. There’s nothing going on between us. Besides. It looks like Ladybug is finally taking onto my good charms, if those text messages have anything to say about it.”
Plagg rolled his eyes and floated over to his spot near the window. He was about to bite into his cheese when he noticed a certain bug zipping by.
“Well, looks like your other girlfriend is outside if you want to talk to her.”
Adrien frowned as he ran towards the window; all thoughts of the morning shattered like glass. Knowing that he caused a weird rift between him and Marinette bothered him more than he wanted to admit, but now seeing Ladybug at this time of day only made him stress out more. Ladybug was never seen out in the day – that was more of Chat’s doing – so the action only perplexed him.
He left the office quickly and made his way into a hidden alleyway a few meters away, transformed, and raced around the rooftops until he could see the flash of red. When he found her, he noticed that her swinging was slightly erratic and she was shouting as she hauled herself around.
What is she doing?
Chat Noir finally reached her and leaped from building to building with his baton. “Milady! Enjoying the sights this early in the day, I see.”
“Chattttt.............” She got out, her words warbled and slurred.
“Ladybug? Are you okay?”
“Pst. Fine. So fine. Never better!” She managed to squeal out between swings. “Just taking a stroll.” Ladybug let out a giggle.
Chat watched with confusion. What was going on? He managed to get her to stop on top of the Notre Dame and away from public eyes.
“Ladybug?” Chat asked carefully. Ladybug started to turn her head and the motion caused her to sway.
“Chat!” She yelled out, an octave louder than normal. Even the sharp noise caused her to shield her ears. “It’s not your patrol day, silly kitty.”
“Last time I checked, 13H isn’t your hour either. What’s wrong?”
Ladybug really looked at him and her eyes brightened. She smiled like she did when she figured out her lucky charm, and sauntered over to him. If she was trying to be sexy, she was slightly failing with sloppy steps.  
Chat watched as she made her way across the rooftops until she stood toe to toe with him. She gazed into his eyes through her long lashes and brought her hand to his clawed fingertips. She slowly slid her fingers up his arm until she reached his collarbone, sliding her finger into the clavicle until she reached his bell.
Chat swallowed as he watched her movements. He could smell the alcohol on her breath and it only made him wonder what the hell was going through her mind. For her to be tipsy like this, something terrible must have happened in her civilian life. He only remembered one other time she was like this, and it was during an akuma attack no less. She admitted to drinking at a party, but she didn’t say why she was so gone that time.
“Are you drunk?”
“Nope.” She said, popping the “p”. “Just had a drink or two for lunch. Nothing too bad. I know what I’m doing.”
“I don’t think you do.”
“I know I do. If I didn’t know what I was doing, I wouldn’t be doing this.”
“That doesn’t make any sens-
“Shhhhhh, Chaton.” She hushed him with a fingertip to his lips. “This doesn’t have to make any sense.”
Ladybug slowly brought him down to face level by the slight pull of his bell. He gave little resistance as she did so; the action shooting a wave of arousal down to his cock. She looked at his lips as she licked hers, then clicked her tongue against her teeth. She brought his face closer to hers and allowed their breaths to mingle in the air.
Chat swallowed at the implications. It was clearly easy to see, but was it right to allow it to happen? She wasn’t completely there at the moment.
Any thoughts he had, came crashing to a halt when her lips crashed against his. They were soft and warm and full of want and desire. At first, Chat wanted to pull back, he really did, but her quick movements of her mouth only caused him to cave.  
She wrapped her arms around his neck to keep him in place, and he in turn wrapped his arms around her waist. He straightened his back and she brought her hand into his hair, teasing the locks at the nape of his neck.  
Chat began to roam her body, never wandering further past her arms and waist. She ran her tongue against his bottom lip and he shivered at the feeling. He opened his mouth and her tongue wandered in, teasing the tip of his until he responded in kind. She hummed at his movements and Chat could feel himself hardening with the desire to ravish her completely.
“Ladybug...” He finally called to her, pulling his lips away from hers. “We shouldn’t- it’s not right.”
“I know what I’m doing, Chaton.” She purred against his lips. “I just needed some encouragement and a way to pull you out of the shadows.”
Chat swallowed and searched her eyes for anything that could show she was not truly there. But when she closed her eyes, her lips brushing against his in a tantalizing way that caused his knees to weaken every second, he couldn’t help but press her against him.
“Are you sure?” He finally said in between kisses.
“Surer than ever.” She added, placing another pleading kiss to his lips. “Please, Chaton. I thought you wanted to worship me like the goddess that I am.”
“I- I do, milady, but-”
“But nothing.” Ladybug caressed his hand that had been situated on her hip. She slowly dragged it up her stomach until it reached the underside of her breast, coaxing him to rub the pad of his gloved thumb against the bud of her peaked nipple.
He moaned against her mouth at the feeling of finally being together like this, but the lingering thoughts of her regret weighed heavily in his mind.
“Chaton. You’re thinking too much. I can hear you.”
Chat pulled away and pressed his forehead against hers. He looked down, afraid to look at her; his breath heavy. “I want this, more than you can possibly know. But I’m afraid you’ll wake up and hate me for taking advantage of you. I could never do that to you. I love you too much to lose you on a whim.”
Any amount of alcohol that was still in her system quickly evaporated. She looked at him with sad eyes and pressed her palms to his cheeks, caressing the line between his mask and his skin.
“Chaton. I realized today that I care more about you than I thought I did. I’ve been so caught up in my civilian life, keeping myself unhappy, because I’m foolish enough to not see the goodness in front of me.” She lifted his chin ever so slightly until his eyes caught hers. “You're the goodness for me. The only man who knows and understands my secrets. The man who loves me unconditionally. How could I not love someone like that?”
“Y- You love me?”
She nodded as she let out a breathy chuckle. “I realized today that I do. I may have drunk myself to a stupor, but midway through drinking, it... just... hit me.” She wrapped her hands up around his head, bringing the tips of her fingers to the base of his kitty ears. Chat started to buckle under the soothing feeling of her pets, and he couldn’t help but close his eyes as she continued. “The man I've been pining after will never love me the way you do, and keeping myself pretending to not love you is only killing me inside.”
Chat looked into her eyes to ensure that everything she was saying was told in truth. He didn’t want this to end in disaster, to end in a broken partnership with his heart shattered into unsalvageable pieces, but seeing the genuine adoration in her eyes he knew that her words were truthful and full of desire.
And the soft tingles from her kisses only sealed the warmth of her words into his heart forever.
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