shihtzuman · 7 years
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So much to say but I'll let someone far more talented than me speak:
Dan Rather:
And then the dam broke.
A flood is coming that will shape the future of our Republic in ways no one can predict. Except that the speed with which this has all happened, just over a hundred days into President Donald Trump's dumpster fire of an administration, means it was all very predictable. And no one who played a role in normalizing this President should be allowed to forget it.
We have news that the Department of Justice, under Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, will appoint a Special Counsel to investigate the Russia interference scandal. Apparently the President was only given a 30 minute heads up, and it came while he was interviewing new heads for the FBI. The Special Counsel will be former FBI Director Robert Mueller. These types of investigations tend to stir up more dirt than anyone thought was there. We will see if that happens now.
The stock market plummets. The White House staff is in chaos. The chorus of Republicans suddenly eager to be on the right side of history gets louder. Most of the time Washington moves in slow motion - except when it doesn't. And this moment is one of those times. We are living in a news cycle that can be measured in nanoseconds.
And amidst the news, another blockbuster report by the Washington Post. House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy apparently said last June that he thought Putin pays Trump. At which point Speaker of the House Paul Ryan, who was also there, stopped the conversation and swore those who were present to secrecy. When the Post asked about the incident, spokesmen for both representatives denied the story on the record. When they were informed that the Post reporters had heard a tape of the exchange, they changed their tune - saying it was a joke.
What all this makes clear is that the concerns which now threaten the integrity of our government were well known and played for cynical theater. Well the curtain may be coming down on this act of this tragedy. New actors wait to take the stage for a drama for which the script is yet to be written.
#Trump #Russia #SpecialCounsel #ComeyFiring #FBI #RobertMueller
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bigunknownkingdom · 7 years
McCain is confused and rambling
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The ‘Get a F-in Grip on the Comey firing /Russia Investigation’ starter pack
U.S. is no stranger to interfering in elections in other countries http://www.latimes.com/nation/la-na-us-intervention-foreign-elections-20161213-story.html
Anti-Russia campaign diverts fight against Trump http://www.workers.org/2017/01/03/anti-russia-campaign/#.WRRmWFUrKUk
Diversions about Russia, lies about Korea http://www.workers.org/2017/03/22/diversions-about-russia-lies-about-korea/#.WRRnKlUrKUk
U.S. meddling in 1996 Russian elections in support of Boris Yeltsin http://www.globalresearch.ca/us-meddling-in-1996-russian-elections-in-support-of-boris-yeltsin/5568288
Russia's got a point: The U.S. broke a NATO promise http://www.latimes.com/opinion/op-ed/la-oe-shifrinson-russia-us-nato-deal--20160530-snap-story.html
FBI director claims Ferguson effect and Black Lives Matter are to blame for rise in violent crime http://atlantablackstar.com/2016/05/13/fbi-director-claims-the-ferguson-effect-and-black-lives-matter-are-to-blame-for-the-rise-in-violent-crimes-again/
FBI targets Black Lives Matter protesters ... again https://rightsanddissent.org/news/fbi-targets-black-lives-matter-activists/
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your-allie-bye · 7 years
I'm sorry but what the fuck is John McCain even talking about this bullshit makes no sense he's just fucking babbling and I don't understand like 95% of what he's saying
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Day 118. Letter 118.
May 17, 2017
Dear Mr. Trump,
This is my 118th letter to you. I will be writing you a letter every day of your presidency. The purpose of this letter is to remind you that your words, actions, and decisions impact millions of Americans such as myself.
Today I want to talk to you about influencing the Justice Department. There is a clear separation of power between the Executive Branch and the Justice Department. Your request to Comey to drop the whole Flynn thing is a reflection on an apparent lack of regard for the cherished independence of the Justice Department, which is responsible for conducting investigations without the influence or opinion of the White House.
Long-standing protocol dictates that the FBI and Justice Department operate free of political influence or meddling from the White House. That's one reason that the FBI director serves a 10-year term and does not turn over the reins as presidential administrations come and go. It also means that presidents are not supposed to supervise, initiate or stop law enforcement investigations.
Justice Department officials have long considered it imperative that their investigations not be politicized or tainted by suspicions of interference by the White House or other elected leaders.
Any hint of political meddling could undermine public faith in the legitimacy of an investigation. It could raise the prospect that a person is being investigated, or is being spared from investigation, on the whims of political considerations rather than evidence of guilt or innocence.
Past episodes that have blurred the line between politics and the administration of justice have been fairly disastrous for the government. Think Watergate.
The key legal statute is 18 US Code Section 1512, which contains a broad definition allowing charges to be brought against someone who "obstructs, influences, or impedes any official proceeding, or attempts to do so".
You have the ability to make the world and America a better place. Do not throw away your shot. 
Your actions touch millions of lives. Every day, I will share a topic that deserves your attention -- and your respect.
A concerned citizen,
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thisiscsdx · 7 years
Why it’s okay to be scared and still resist.
With everything Trump has been doing, is it normal to be scared of it?
Of course it is!! It's human nature!! After all, we have a man that possibly committed treason with Russia, and even if there's no evidence to it as people claim, he sure as shit acts like he's guilty given his constant denial of it, the various executive orders he signs to distract from it, his tweeting that is also an attempt to distract from it, and the fact that he fired 3 people investigating him.
The guy is a thinskinned menace to society who is a tortoise on a fence post. We don't know how he got up there, he doesn't belong there, and someone should fucking get him down from there.
You also go "Oh, but Hillary mishandled classified emails", well, Mike Pence, the current VP, did the exact same damn thing, with the only difference being that his actual email account was hacked, rather than a fucking private server. Regardless of whatever, it still isn't a National Tragedy like you make it out to be.
You elected a fascist because of emails. That sentence alone should make you realize the Hell you put your country through, but it isn't, because you're as thickheaded as Jabba the Hut is fat and grotesque.
You clearly don't know how to judge a man by his actions without being told to, because, otherwise, you'd look at everything Trump has done, tweeted about, etc., and you'd go, "Ya know, maybe that Trump guy isn't so smart and caring" THE GUY SAID HE WANTED TO FUCK HIS DAUGHTER ON THE FUCKING HOWARD STREN SHOW!!
Hell, despite all of that, none of it, and I mean NONE of it, pales in comparison to you people selling out and going along with ALL of that, going against true Conservative values, because it meant a win for your political party. Oh, you know how Kasich and McCain are speaking out against Trump? You know why, to you, it sounds like a Liberal agenda? Because they're being goddamn patriots, which is more than I can say about you shitheads.
Despite everything, you guys ended up okay with it, because it didn't conflict with your little bubble of your political ideologies and beliefs, and that is the worst crime one could commit. Selling yourself out so you can try to be on the winning side of history. Except you're not. If you've been paying attention to reality, you'd see the Trump Train has been derailing into a train wreck months ago.
And you'll probably go, "Oh well if he ran as Liberal you'd blindly support him" well first off, you're admitting that I'm right with that, and second, newsflash, people, I'd sooner chop off my own leg, break the bones in it so it's basically a noodle, and then attempt to skip rope with it in the middle of a 5 star motel than ever vote for him, regardless of political affiliation.
That's the issue with this. The moment Trump was nominated as the Republican nominee, it stopped being about political sides and bacame about being a patriot and a person that actually gives a damn about his people. Not to mention, you bitch when celebrities get involved in this, but did you know? You voted for a braindead reality TV star!!
So, yeah, I am scared. And you know what? You should be, too, for letting your political beliefs, ideologies, and worldview cloud your judgement to the point that you thought a guy openly admitting to sexually assaulting women ON TAPE MIGHT I ADD, who thinks building a wall will magically fix this country's problems when immigrants are the backbone of our society(btw, how'd that work out for China?), called Mexicans druggies and rapists, defended a sexual predator during SEXUAL ASSAULT AWARENESS MONTH, and outright said he could kill a man and still get votes due to your stupidity, is SOMEHOW A BETTER DEAL than a woman who accidentally mishandled emails.
I may be scared of what's to come, but goddamn it I'm gonna fight and resist all I can to make sure people will know this country isn't a safe haven for white supremacists and nationalist dummies. I know this probably won't convince you much, but I implore you to not dismiss differing views as fake news, and not support hate speech because freedom of speech and political alignment. Because this is how dictatorships start, and this is how true freedom dies in a fire.
Oh, and firing the FBI director while he's investigating a possible crime you committed is obstruction of justice, an impeachable offense, and is literally admitting you're as guilty of a crime as M. Night Shyamalan is of fucking up The Last Airbender movie!!
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secondaryartifacts · 7 years
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The darkest timeline: 45 rumored to announce new FBI Director on Friday
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62lankyloon · 7 years
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femestella · 7 years
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shihtzuman · 7 years
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So much to say but I'll let someone far more talented than me speak:
Dan Rather:
And then the dam broke.
A flood is coming that will shape the future of our Republic in ways no one can predict. Except that the speed with which this has all happened, just over a hundred days into President Donald Trump's dumpster fire of an administration, means it was all very predictable. And no one who played a role in normalizing this President should be allowed to forget it.
We have news that the Department of Justice, under Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, will appoint a Special Counsel to investigate the Russia interference scandal. Apparently the President was only given a 30 minute heads up, and it came while he was interviewing new heads for the FBI. The Special Counsel will be former FBI Director Robert Mueller. These types of investigations tend to stir up more dirt than anyone thought was there. We will see if that happens now.
The stock market plummets. The White House staff is in chaos. The chorus of Republicans suddenly eager to be on the right side of history gets louder. Most of the time Washington moves in slow motion - except when it doesn't. And this moment is one of those times. We are living in a news cycle that can be measured in nanoseconds.
And amidst the news, another blockbuster report by the Washington Post. House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy apparently said last June that he thought Putin pays Trump. At which point Speaker of the House Paul Ryan, who was also there, stopped the conversation and swore those who were present to secrecy. When the Post asked about the incident, spokesmen for both representatives denied the story on the record. When they were informed that the Post reporters had heard a tape of the exchange, they changed their tune - saying it was a joke.
What all this makes clear is that the concerns which now threaten the integrity of our government were well known and played for cynical theater. Well the curtain may be coming down on this act of this tragedy. New actors wait to take the stage for a drama for which the script is yet to be written.
#Trump #Russia #SpecialCounsel #ComeyFiring #FBI #RobertMueller
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http://straightouttatshirt.com/straight-outta-columbia-heights-awesome-team-shirt Straight Outta Columbia Heights – Awesome Team Shirt ! – STRAIGHT OUTTA T-SHIRTS HOODIES
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whyireadsomuch · 7 years
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itsme-tina · 7 years
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*grabs popcorn* ohhhhhhh this is getting good! You literally can't write this shit. #dumptrump #comeyfiring
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ianimrich · 7 years
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(via This Is The New New Yorker Cover And It Is...Something)
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shwell11 · 7 years
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Here's my recommendation #johnwick #pointbreak #comeyfired #stopnfa
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secondaryartifacts · 7 years
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Confluence of events
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