#comic: smallville season eleven
luthwhore · 11 months
sometimes i think about the smallville season eleven comic series and i deeply wish it had spent more time focused on the actual main characters of the series and less time doing random stories establishing what other DC characters were doing in the smallville verse, both because i feel like it introduced too much too soon in a way that felt very strange for a comic that was supposed to be working with year one of superman being in metropolis and also because, if i’m being honest, i don’t think i could tell you a damn thing about what clark did in that comic outside of the ONE arc where he actually got to interact with lex.
i have some gripes with bqm’s characterization of lex, but for the most part, lex’s story was the most interesting part of the comic (which i guess is faithful to the experience of watching the show), and i did like the comic actually addressing lex’s shit mental health and self-destructive tendencies. probably the best thing about the comic was, god help me, lex’s relationship with otis, a character who in every other iteration of him appearing is always just treated as a joke.
frankly part of me always wants to recommend the s11 comic because i want to talk about lex’s relationship with otis, but i can’t in good conscience recommend them to most smallville fans bc 75% of the comic is dedicated to like, green lantern lore or batman or fucking booster gold, to the point where i really have to wonder who the smallville comics were even meant for, bc they certainly weren’t meant for smallville fans.
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shefancdotcom · 5 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: DC Comics Smallville Season Eleven - Speed Kills: Haunted Comic Book.
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robertodacosta · 7 years
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9/50 Color Palettes
Superman + What I Gain I Lose for @sokovia
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What are your ten "desert island" Superman stories?
Oooo that's a good question! Are you asking for individual issues or just stories/"runs" as a whole? I'll go with the whole since that makes answering this easier. In no particular order:
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sushi-pajamas · 5 years
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...and how could I forget to share this with you guys? We had a small but very fun comic convention in my city - I live a parallel universe away from the CCXP land - and had the privilege of meeting artist Daniel HDR (Smallville Season Eleven, The Shadow). I had never been to a convention before in 25 years of breathing comics, nor had met an actual comic book artist that has worked in major comic universe. I believed I would never. I think that was why seeing him doing this made me tear up, feeling like she was appearing in from of my eyes herself. What a dream come true. Buffy the Vampire Slayer is life.
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It’s kind of funny how much Buffy the Vampire Slayer has taken over my life. So much so, that I’m even reading the comics now and whatnot. I didn’t even do that for Smallville, and that used to be my show.
Though I tried to read the first Smallville season eleven comic, and it didn’t grab me--even if it wasn’t bad--but now I’m thinking of giving them another chance. Especially since I guess there are a few issues with super-powered Lana? Which I had always wished they would do, and it seems like they at least did a tiny bit.
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themattress · 6 years
7, 8, 9, 11, 17, 21, 22, 23, 25
Is there anything you used to like but can’t stand now?
It’s actually incredibly rare for me to like something and then just…not like it anymore. Or at the very least, there will be things about it that I will always like even if the rest of the product goes to shit. With that said, if there’s one thing I used to really enjoy that I just don’t anymore, it would have to be the Nostalgia Critic web series. While there have been some enjoyable episodes here and there, for the most part it’s felt like a big step down in quality ever since it was un-cancelled in 2013. Doug Walker himself has gotten more obnoxious and unlikable on a personal level. And that’s to say nothing of the absolute shitshow that was the abuse going on at Channel Awesome that Doug and his brother are culpable in (#ChangeTheChannel). The Nostalgia Critic used to be a really fun thing that I looked forward to. And now it’s not.
Have you received anon hate? What about?
Yes, about perceived “wrong opinions”. I usually just delete it and move on.
Most disliked character(s)? Why?
When you get down to it, there are two types of characters I hate: characters who do terrible things in canon and you are thus supposed to hate, and characters who the writers constantly and hamfistedly push for you to like and sympathize with regardless of whether or not they deserve it. I usually enjoy hating the former type, but am just frustrated with the latter type.
Examples of Type I: Peter Pan from OUAT, Frollo from The Hunchback of Notre Dame, Ghetsis from Pokemon, Gendo from Evangelion, Bill Cipher from Gravity Falls, Ragyo from Kill La Kill, Junko from Dangan Ronpa, The Joker from any given incarnation of Batman, etc.
Examples of Type II: Regina Mills from OUAT, Lana Lang from Smallville, Mon-El from Supergirl, Lea and even kind of Riku from Kingdom Hearts, pre-Book 3 Mako from Legend of Korra, Paul from Pokemon, Meiko from Digimon, (Insert name) Uchiha from Naruto, etc.
Is there an unpopular character you like that the fandom doesn’t? Why?
Several, but the one who immediately springs to mind is Iris from the Pokemon anime. The fandom hates her because they’re by and large misogynistic pissants who can’t stand that she routinely emasculates their beloved surrogate Ash, but since I’m not one of them I can actually enjoy how cute, cool and amusing she is, and how well-written her character development is - especially in comparison to her successor, the fandom’s darling Serena. 
Instead of XYZ happening, I would have made ABC happen…
Right off the top of my head, I think of the exercise in shark-jumping that was Euphemia’s brainwashing and death in Code Geass, some of the worst writng in anything ever. Instead of that contrived bullshit happening, I would have made Schniezel hijack the SAZ plan for his own benefit, turning it into just another form of oppression for the Japanese people but wrapped in a benevolent appearance. The Black Rebellion could still happen, and Euphie could remain alive to receive more character development and become a smarter political player ala Lacus from Gundam SEED whom she already greatly resembles.  
What are your thoughts on crack ships?
They’re fine, I love plenty of crack ships! Just don’t take them too seriously.
Popular character you hate?
I recently talked about Steve from Stranger Things, and that called to mind a character who, while I don’t hate per se, I don’t particularly like as much as most people seem to: Chief Jim Hopper. I’m sorry, but this guy is a fucking asshole! He usually treats people like shit, he solves most problems by punching people in the face, he pursued the Will Byers case mostly for his own personal reasons rather than for the sake of the boy or even his mother, he sold the kids at the school out to Brenner in the Season 1 finale, and he entered nigh-unforgivably abusive territory with Eleven in Season 2. Also, I’m salty that it looks like Bob, a better guy in every way, got killed off partly in order to set up a Jim/Joyce ship. So yeah, not a fan.    
Unpopular character you love?
Kirsten Dunst’s Mary Jane Watson from the Sam Raimi Spider-Man trilogy is hated by most hardcore comic purists for not being faithful enough to the 616 version of MJ, and by other viewers who hate her being a damsel in distress all the time, for being “bitchy” and messing with the feelings of male characters around her, or for not being beautiful enough. I, however, understand that adaptations need to cut corners and do what works best for them and the medium they’re in, and think that they did just fine with Mary Jane and that Kirsten Dunst plays her wonderfully. I’m also not a misogynist in any way, so I understand that people without superpowers are usually vulnerable and I don’t victim-blame MJ for being kidnapped and commend her for handling herself better with each passing incident, I don’t begrudge her as a woman for having faults while excusing the male characters for the same, and I know that comic book beauty is an idealized, unreachable standard and that it’s asinine to hold real-life women to it. Kirsten Dunst’s Mary Jane Watson is a great character, period.
How would you end XXX/Would you change the ending of XXX?
You’re kidding me, right? There’s way too much examples here! How can I choose just one? Ugh, whatever, here’s this for Once Upon a Time.
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septembercrypt · 6 years
11 Questions
Tagged by @goneandbackagain, I hate you
✰ post the rules
✰ answer the questions given to you by the tagger
✰ write eleven questions of your own
✰ tag eleven people
1. What fandom are you currently obsessed with?
Smallville af
2. What got you into the fandom?
My nerd father
3. What’s your favorite movie/TV show/book?
It’s a tie between Sherlock (including the Sir Arthur Conan Doyle stories) and Smallville
4. If you could travel anywhere, where would you go?
5. Spring water or purified water?
Does it matter?
6+7. Do you have a favorite season? What do you like about it?
Winter. I get to stay inside all day and drink tea or go out and snowboard like a maniac.
8+9 If you had all he money in the world, what’s the fist thing you’d buy? Why?
I’d buy every comic book I’ve ever wanted, first editions.
10. If you were trapped on an island and could only have three things with you, what would they be?
A first aid kit, a swiss army knife, and a book.
11. Do you have any pets?
I have a snake and a cat
New questions
1. What’s your all-time favorite song?
2. What do you like most about your fandom/s?
3/4. Have you ever seen a naked relative? Do they know?
5. What’s the last dream you remember?
6. If there was only thirty minutes left before the world ended, what would you do?
7. Anyone you love?
8. Weirdest relationship you’ve been in?
9. Would you be willing to eat strange, exotic foods?
10. How much time do you actually spend on this hell-site?
11. Any awkward childhood memories?
@gothlexluthor, @band-obsessed-in-love,
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angelfireeast · 6 years
This is going to sound weird but you know the way Eleven screams in season one and the sound is amplified particularly when screams over the pond. Yeah, that’s sort what I always pictured the Canary Cry in my head when I read the comics so Arrow/Smallville/others have always been disappointing in a way.
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techmaestro · 7 years
Eleven Facts
I was tagged by: @themysticalbalance  @tj-dragonblade @katesgotabow 
Rules: tell your followers eleven facts about yourself and then tag eleven more people to do it.
I have a vast collection of Naruto Chibis with very few character repeats. I even managed to find a Deidara. Now THAT was devotion.
I love the storylines of W Juliet, Usotsuki Lily, Strawberry Eggs, and Otome wa Boku ni Koishiteru. SPOT THE SIMILARITY. GO ON, DO IT. 
I liked both Lois and Clark AND Smallville and I don’t care if people judge me, I have some seasons of each on my shelf. On that note, I’ve never been able to find Season 2 of Lois and Clark. Is that like, the only good one or something that it’s never in used places?
I have a whole subset of favorite movies that tell about the power of story. Movies in this category are Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Willie Wonka and the Chocolate Factory (FIGHT ME I GREW UP ON ONE AND LOVE THE OTHER), Big Fish, Kubo and the Two Strings, and Pleasantville. Clearly some are newer than others. There are more, these are just the ones that come to mind.
I love fairy tales. I’ve seen pretty much every version of every fairy tale movie as it comes out. I don’t care how weird it gets. I love them. I read stories based around mixing and remixing them. I have collections of others. It’s important to me to know these things.
I’m what you would call an Elementalist Pagan. Or rather, what I would. I’m not Wiccan, as that’s a subset of the Pagan Umbrella, but something a bit... broader in scope. My beliefs are in the elements, and in the beings that are forged or create such. I don’t expect others to believe. I’m happy to explain if people have questions though, always.
I collect Kingdom Hearts games. Now, please keep in mind the only ones I’ve ever finished are KHII, BBS, and Days. But I HAVE them all. Even the old gameboy game that was remade into a PS3 game. Also? Days is way better to play on a DS. You miss a lot of minor plot details if you only watch the cut scenes.
I’ve never been any kind of purist in my fandoms. I am just too damn good at finding redeeming things in the book/movie/manga/comic/anime/tv show to just discount things out of hand. Mind, this doesn’t mean I don’t selectively ignore canon, but that doesn’t mean I don’t admit that things might BE canon. I just... don’t use them. Simple. I do wish more people worked like that, as it would cut down on fandom wars by SO VERY MUCH.
I collect frog stuff. I don’t know why. I mean, frogs were never my favorite animal, and while they’re interesting and all, I never cared much about them one way or another. But somehow, I have a half dozen frog plushes, frog figures, and it’s made its way into my vocabulary. I just... don’t understand.
I think more shows aimed at girls have solid plots and give good lessons than things aimed at boys. Not to say that things aimed at boys are bad. Hell no, I enjoy the hell out of some of those, but they don’t come under fire like girl things tend to, so a lot less in the way of valuable lessons make it in. After all, remember kids, Teen Titans (Original) was cancelled because it was aimed at boys and girls liked it better. No, seriously, it was.
I have a plant collection. Fight me. I love my green friends. The oldest is named Tree. Then I have Spidey, and Spidet, and Not-Aloe and Shadey. As you can see, I don’t get inventive with naming schemes for my plants. Oh, and then there are Antonio’s plants (my Betta fish, he’s black gold and red) who have no names because they’re underwater and can’t hear me talking to them anyway, though I hope to rescue the one I’m pretty sure his fish-light burned.
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luthwhore · 11 months
bqm making barbara gordon “nightwing” in the smallville: season eleven comics is still dumb and babs saying in the comic that she wanted to be called nightwing rather than batgirl seemed to imply that bqm thought the problem with babsgirl in the mainline comics is that it’s derivative of batman and/or has “-girl” in the name and not that it was regressing her from a disabled woman running her own team back to batman’s sidekick.
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flickdirect · 7 years
With its thirteenth season debuting in a couple of weeks Supernatural continues to be the longest running CW network show. But how did it get to this point? What makes this show so popular? Well to answer these and other questions you may want to catch up with season Twelve before Lucky number thirteen starts this October.
The Road So Far…..In the first eleven seasons, we met the brothers, Sam (Jared Padalecki; Friday the 13th) and Dean (Jensen Akles; Smallville) Winchester, learned about their complicated past, and watched as they saved the world from multiple apocalypses. The most recent one, which happened at the end of Season Eleven, included God's sister, Amara (Emily Shallow; The Mentalist) ending all creation. Luckily Dean convinced her to change her mind at the last minute giving us Season 12. As a thank you for bringing Amara and God back together she gave Dean what he wanted most…His Mother, Mary Winchester (Samantha Smith; Transformers).
With Mom's return, the theme of Season 12 is "Family". Besides the Winchesters getting reunited, The devil (Mark Pellegrino; National Treasure) is having a baby, Crowely (Mark Sheppard; Battlestar Galactica) and Rowena (Ruth Connell; For the Love of George) are back and she finally meets her grandson and some of the " Monster of the Week" episodes were family themed as well. They managed to fit all of these storylines in with the British Men of letters as well as the return of the King of all Vampires, Bobby Singer (Jim Beaver; Deadwood), and Sherriff Jody Mills (Kim Rhodes; The Suite Life of Zach and Cody).
Creator Eric Kripke (Timeless) had a vision for this show that ended with Season 5. The latter seasons seemed to have veered in a different direction but I'm happy to say Season 12 seems to go back to that earlier feel making it very enjoyable. Smith adds a great, new dynamic to the show that rival's Jeffery Dean Morgan's (Watchmen) portrayal of Sam and Dean's Dad and interestingly, this is the first season in which the "Big Bad' is not a supernatural being.
Supernatural Season 12 is presented in 1080p AVC. Warner Bros. usually goes all out on its video quality and Supernatural is no exception. Blacks are true, colors are vivid, and there are no signs of artificating present through the season's 23 episodes. While the season would definitely benefit from a 4K UHD transfer this presentation is miles better than its Digital HD counterparts. The DTS-HD Master Audio 5.1 lossless soundtrack provides a powerful punch to the box set. The audio contains a wide dynamic field with crisp and clear dialog as well as allowing the listeners to hear the even the tiniest special effect sound such as the wind rustling through the trees. It is this attention to every detail that makes this set a standout in today's home theater market.
Aside from the Blu-rays themselves, the set contains a Digital HD copy of all the episodes of the show, and as with most television shows, Supernatural spreads out its audio commentary and deleted scenes over multiple discs. However, all the featurettes are contained on disc four including The Winchester Mythology: Mary Winchester, The Winchester Mythology: A Hunter's Life, The Winchester Mythology: Clash of the British Men of Letters, The Supernatural: 2016 Comic-Con Panel. and a hysterical gag reel.
With The CW agreeing to fund Supernatural as long as Jared and Jensen want to do it there seems to be no end in site for the Winchester brothers and things that go bump in the night. However, it is a comforting thought that the show appears to be back on the right track and is fun and enjoyable watch. Carry on my wayward son. Carry on.
About Nathan M Rose Nathan Rose is chief executive officer and is in charge of overseeing day-to-day operations. In addition to overseeing operations of FlickDirect, Nathan has also appeared in various online productions and films.
Read more reviews and content by Nathan M Rose.
via FlickDirect Entertainment News and Film Reviews
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