#comment slip. also makeup and cosmetic surgeries are illegal. idk if i’ve ever posted it)
fionacle · 8 months
I ended up writing something else, but this is a WIP from an English project I had in 2020 (we had to write a sci-fi)
    “Wait a second sweetie, let me get my purse.”  My mom jogs back into the living room to grab it and I lean my back against the front door.  Today is the day we get our chips upgraded, a monthly procedure where doctors and technicians take it out and upload more information.  My mom walks back over with her arm holding out the door key so I step out of the way.  She unlocks it and I step outside to let her lock up, taking in the chill autumn air.     We walk over to the car and I pull the driver’s side open, stepping into the seat.  She gets in the passenger side and I pull my door shut and take the key out of my pocket.  It slides into place and turns with a satisfying click, starting the engine and making the vehicle vibrate to life.  The car in front of me has already left so I just turn away from the sidewalk and drive forward, finally starting our journey to Input Inc.’s public building.     I have the route memorized by now, so much so that I don’t even need to think about which direction I’m turning the wheel.  Memorizing and automation are easy nowadays since our chips just pick up and store whatever we learn or experience.  All of my memories since I turned five are stored there, it’s like a hard drive for my brain with an astronomical amount of space.  It lets you know more, and thanks to this technology we now get to plug in whatever information we want to our heads.     Ah, would ya look at that, we’ve arrived.  The white paint and countless windows on the tall structure are a bright contrast to the dark terrain around it.  The only other bright thing in the area is the morning sky, it almost feels deliberate.  I pull into the parking lot and find a spot maybe twenty-or-so feet from the entrance.  I pull the key out and push my door open, slamming it shut and waiting for my mom to do the same.  Once she does I press lock and we walk to the door.     I hold it open for her and then step inside as well to approach the receptionist on our right.   -get chip removed -forget everything and looses mental development since before got chip -get chip back -remembers everything -accidentally given knowledge of what current lifestyle lacks -tells friends -friends admit they’ve been skeptical -doesn’t tell mom -drives to library on outskirts of town -reads up on history -finds out that head of input company is choosing what to let people know and learning the old way is important -calls friends -develop plan -goes home to find mom sitting next to dad on couch -dad confronts about info he wasn’t supposed to get -pretends to not know what he’s talking about and that he thinks chips are good -dad suspiciously and reluctantly leaves -mom questions -boy gives excuse -boy boy calls friends to tell about what happened -plan to shut down company and reveal evil of father -next day in trouble because call was recorded -taken to private Input Inc. building and given procedures to remove memory of truth -something goes wrong and entire memory on chip gets wiped -friends have to help Marlo who now acts like he’s 5 -friends pretend they didn’t believe him and get away with it -spread truth around -people don’t want to listen since chips make things easier and no school means more time for gaming -take Marlo around to try and regain personality, memories, intelligence, etc. but barely works -next month upgrade malfunctions so everyone goes back to how they were before they got chips -people that got chipped late in life take dad down -society continues similar to how it does now but with everyone acting younger -generations later society is back to normal but problems with school system are fixed and parents have a new thing to use to convince their kids to work -someone related to Marlo learns of this dark time of the past in school and is convinced he can do better than Marlo’s dad, taking biology and computer science (Yea, I’m removing the girlfriend character)
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