commercialgodsrp · 7 years
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divinity’s member groups - preview 
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commercialgodsrp · 7 years
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commercialgodsrp · 7 years
come join our discord server!!
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commercialgodsrp · 7 years
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Everything that happens in this roleplay happens in the lovely city of Rojas Valley - a fictional metropolis nestled somewhere along the western coast of Canada-in the current year of 2017. It's a fairly large city, with a population of about three million people. Some people in this city choose to live in apartment complexes stacked high in the center of it all, while others choose more secluded residences on the outskirts of the city itself while commuting to work. There are four different neighborhoods of varying degrees of economic status for those residing here to choose from, and like every city, it offers the convenience of various methods of public transportation, internet cafes (and places that just offer free wi-fi in general), and a thriving night life.
Once upon a time the world was in utter chaos. Gods fighting amongst themselves, used their petty battles above to spur the mortals they created into equally petty wars below while their Favored Followers could only sit and watch and hope for the best. At first, it was tolerable. Even understandable. And it was easy to find hope in the bits of what was good about these gods who had once been loved by all and continued to bless certain humans. Eventually, though, things only grew worse and these lucky favored mortals grew disgusted. Something had to be done and since the rest of the mortals in this realm seemed to be no better than the gods they had been created by, they knew it was up to them.
The favored mortals gathered in the guise of a festival. A celebration of all of the nations coming together in hope of peace. That day the gods foolishly gave to them, lying quiet to let these followers enjoy the festivities. And while they were quiet, these men and women plotted and schemed and then acted. Combining the many gifts they had been given by the deities they had once worshiped and adored, they used them against those very same Beings. They bound the gods to the human realm, made them suffer as mortals were being made to suffer. And then cursed them so they could never leave.
These gods did not know what it was to die. To be sick. But now they did, and they wondered how they could have ever been selfish and greedy enough to not notice that the mortals they had created out of love dealt with these horrible things every day. They saw the hungry, the poor...they saw the wealthy and the strong crush the weak. They understood then, that what they had needed was a way to make the world run smoothly, not pit them against each other like pawns simply because one god despised another. They understood they were supposed to take care of them because these mortals were, in essence, their children.
They went to their Followers, pleaded for the curse to be reversed, but it was far too little and far too late. They did not find mercy. As such, these gods were made to live out their mortal days - dying as mortals often did. Of disease. Of violence. Of old age. They thought this was the end, but in truth it was just the beginning of a long cycle. Once one of the old gods died, they were reborn. Death and rebirth. And each time these gods were re-born, the less they recalled of their former lives. Of their former original selves. Eventually anything that even made them Gods in the first place seemed to disappear, rendering them not only mortal, but human - and the worst (or best) part was simply that they did not seem to have the ability to even dredge up the slightest recollection of what they once had held. Of the power that had once been theirs.
Over time, those who had once been gods fell dormant in their mortal shells and those who had followed them decided to let them rest. They gave up what they once were and allowed themselves to be free of what had become a burden, and for a while, though the world was never at peace, it seemed to get better. Without the gods and their spats to dictate how the mortals that followed them acted, people went off and did their own thing (including those that had once been gods as they had no recollection of being such a thing). They lived their lives and that was that. Things seemed to right themselves and some sense of balance was restored. It wasn't until recent times that things began to tip. No one really knows why or how, but gradually the gods that had been in a slumber are began to slowly wake, bringing magic back into the world with them...
To sum it all up, your character is of the old world stuck in a new world shell. They are mortal, as mortal as any human being, and may or may not actually know exactly what they once were. The reason why they are stuck is simply their own arrogance in the ancient past. This applies to those that were actual rulers of their realm, as well as to all those that were merely fathered or mothered by them - AKA Demi-Gods. It isn't really well known as to why these old world Beings are starting to become aware of what they once held again, but there are rumors. Stories really. Tales of those that had once been favored by the Gods gathering together and conspiring against them, using the very magic that they had been gifted with to not destroy but teach the Gods that were ruining the world they created a lesson. Some theorize that all the power had to go somewhere, so the Favored contained it the best they could and let the chips fall where they may - and that in recent years any bindings they put in place on it have began to loosen. Others theorize that it's the Gods' own will doing this. However or whyever it's happening is quite subjective though, as regardless of the whys, it simply is and the Gods are awakening. And they are angry.
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commercialgodsrp · 7 years
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hey there! welcome to divinity’s first reserve opportunity. here’s a chance to claim one reserve. also, first come first serve thing! also, if you haven’t already, come join our discord server!
1 reserve = 1 face reserve + 1 deity reserve.
click here click here click here click here
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commercialgodsrp · 7 years
so so ready for this omg guys, srsly. any contests or reserve stuff planned before opening?
okay so ANON DAMMIT YOU DON’T KNOW HAPPY THIS MADE ME OKAY like omg i asddfjkhsdfjhf i’m so excited to and i can’t– and yes! we do have some stuff planned, and were definitely thinking of doing a little reserve contest! as well as opening our tag up to everyone so you all can start posting edits and moodboards and all things! i was going to open up member intros tonight/ tomorrow (not that tonight and tomorrow are the same thing but you know), so that’s definitely something to keep an eye out for! as for a little expansion on the reserve contest part, that’s coming up real soon, like really, really, really soon (like tomorrow/ monday kind of deal). also, i’m going to updating the staff reserves, so no hearts are broken. uh what else, what else– i think i’ve covered everything in my rambling (i’m trying not to expose too much while exposing as much as i can LMAO). if you have any more questions or love, please don’t hesitate to come hit us up! thank you for your hype, anon!
(also we’re opening up the discord hopefully tonight, so if you’d like you can totally come visit us there, anon! and this goes out to everyone! we’d love for you all to join us omg)
- abel 💖💖
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commercialgodsrp · 7 years
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our staff search ends on sunday, july 2nd 2017. 
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commercialgodsrp · 7 years
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commercialgodsrp · 7 years
do you guys have any sort of timeline for when you'll start releasing more site info? this all looks really cool so far and i can't wait to learn more!!
hi anon!
omg yes, but sort-of. our timeline is more guided towards our site. like, for example, by which date we will have our member groups done by, by which date the shipper application is decided on officially, etc. 
however, the good news is that we ARE ahead of schedule! i shouldn’t be giving out too much information (aubrey will kick me) but i will assure you that we are… mostly done. it’s just the parts where we have to officially write out things. for example, as soon as the member groups are written out, i will definitely be posting an update here featuring all of them as well as maybe little aesthetics to go along with it. 
we are also looking towards opening up our discord chat for everyone soon, once the premise is posted. site previews will follow immediately, along with the opening date– which i’m totally not going to keep hidden– we are planning on opening late july/ early august!
which ALSO MEANS, there’s a lot of updates coming in the next few weeks LMAO. 
i went on an entire rant omg, but i hope this helped (and i totally tried to give out as many spoilers as i could LOL)! 
- abel
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commercialgodsrp · 7 years
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commercialgodsrp · 7 years
hi! what kind of rp is this going to be exactly? i'm really into the general aesthetic/vibe!
Hi there. We’re still working out the plot in a more solid form but basically right now the concept is gods and demigods laying dormant for years inside human forms just suddenly starting to wake up again. It’ll take place in a fictional city somewhere in Canada (I think we’re still going with Canada), and all pantheons are welcome! I hope this answers your question and we look forward to having you (hopefully) join us in RPland! 
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commercialgodsrp · 7 years
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Come on in, the doors are open (early)!
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commercialgodsrp · 7 years
Application Release
Above you will find a link to scratchpad. The code in this link is none other than our FULL application. Seeing as we’re opening in six days, we thought we’d give those interested in getting to RP as soon as possible a chance to get a head start filling out the application. 
For those of you unfamiliar with scratchpad, it is a real time html and css editor. On the left you’ll see the coding for it, and on the right you’ll see the app itself. You will not be able to work on the scratchpad itself, but you will be able to click through the tabs and see the general layout while you work off site! Please do not take this code and use it anywhere else as it does not belong to the admin of Divinity but rather the coder who created it on Shine. 
Other than that, please feel free to start really apping those characters. We want to see the incomplete section full on Friday! 
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