juliababcock · 24 days
“Inner peace begins the moment you choose not to allow another person or event to control your emotions.” – Barbara De Angelis.
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Mental well-being is extremely important in today’s fast-paced world with increasing stress levels. You may be struggling with relationship issues, anxiety, depression, or other mental health concerns impacting your daily life. In such situations, seeking help from the best psychologists in Houston can help you gain a fresh perspective and empower your mind.
This blog post discusses the top ways to empower your relationship with the highly trained best psychologists for relationship issues or couples counseling Houston, TX. This can help you take charge of your mental health. We will explore evidence-based therapy approaches, check how regular therapy sessions can change your mindset, understand relationship assessment tools, and more. By the end, you will have a clear idea of how working with expert mental health professionals near you can improve your well-being.
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loveaffection2 · 1 month
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isloveworthdyingfor · 2 months
The Hour I Miss Myself
(Esther Nicholette Sullivan) The uncomfortable silence stretched thick with the weight of unspoken truths and the shadow of a love that had grown threadbare. I could feel James's gaze drilling into me, desperate for some kind of understanding or perhaps a sign of the woman he thought he married.
My chest tightened, each breath a struggle as if the air in the room had turned viscous and heavy. The faint hum of the refrigerator in the background became oddly amplified, a mundane soundtrack to our marital impasse.
"Nic..." His voice trailed off, unsure, perhaps even afraid of what more I might say. He moved as if to reach out but then seemed to think better of it, letting his hand fall to his side.
I closed my eyes briefly, recalling the countless times Major S's hands had corrected my stance, his touch firm yet gentle. How different it felt from the touch I had at home. His belief in me was unwavering, unlike the doubt that clouded James's eyes.
Opening my eyes, I forced myself to meet James's stare. "I need that hour," I said, my voice steadier than I felt. "It's not just about fitness; it's not vanity. It's sanity, James. It's the one thing that's purely mine."
He blinked, taken aback by the raw honesty in my words. Something shifted behind his eyes—a flicker of recognition, perhaps? I didn't know if he could fully grasp the gravity of my need, but the vulnerability I felt at that moment was all too real.
"Can't you see?" My voice quivered now, the anger dissolving into a plea. "When I'm there, I'm more than just 'Mom' or 'wife' or whatever role I'm supposed to play here. I'm Nic—just Nic. And damn it, I miss her."
It was as if admitting it aloud had permitted the feeling to flood through me, leaving no room for the armor I'd built up over the years. This was me, not the superheroine facade, but the flesh and blood woman who craved acknowledgment, who hungered to be seen for her own merits and not just her roles in others' lives.
A long breath escaped me, a white flag in the silence. I waited for him to say something, anything, that might bridge the chasm between us. But all I heard was the quiet ticking of the kitchen clock, marking the seconds of our standoff, the heartbeat of a marriage hanging in the balance.
My hand trembled as I reached for the doorknob, the cold metal offering no comfort. My heart thundered, fury's hot pulse racing through my veins. With a force that startled even me, I yanked the door open and strode across the threshold.
"Nic—" James's voice cracked, a pathetic attempt to salvage the conversation.
I didn't turn back. The resolve in my every step was a shield against his half-hearted appeal. He coughed again, a guttural sound muffled by distance and our crumbling connection. That fleeting glimpse of regret on his face flickered in my mind. Still, it was quickly snuffed out by the familiar cloak of his indifference.
What was he regretting anyway? Our shared silence? His neglect? Or the fact that he had finally been confronted with the truth?
The bedroom loomed before me, a sanctuary turned prison. My hand slammed the door shut with finality, the bang reverberating off the walls, mirroring the chaos inside me. The room felt smaller somehow, the shadows clinging to the corners like specters of all the unspoken words between us.
I stumbled to the bed, legs suddenly weak. The mattress gave way beneath me, the springs creaking a lament in time with my ragged breaths. My eyes burned, hot tears spilling over, tracing paths down my cheeks. They were tears of anger, of resentment - my last bastion against the sorrow threatening to consume me.
Flashbacks flickered behind my closed eyelids, a rapid montage of laughter, passion, and promises - all reduced to this desolate moment. How had we gone from whispered dreams in the dark to echoes of doubt and despair?
"James," I uttered into the void, tasting the bitterness of his name. Was I mourning the man I married or grieving the love that had once filled these walls?
The fabric of the pillowcase was rough against my skin as I buried my face in the cushion, muffling the sobs that wracked my body. It wasn't supposed to be like this. We weren't supposed to be like this.
In the gym, I was whole; amidst the clanking weights and encouraging shouts, I found pieces of myself I thought were lost. Major S's steady gaze and the warmth of his encouragement were like rays of sunlight piercing the gloom of my life. And now, here in the darkness, I yearned for that light.
"Fight for it, Nic," Major S's voice echoed in my memory, a mantra that had pushed me beyond limits at the gym. But could I muster the strength to fight for myself, for my own happiness, outside those walls?
With each shuddering breath, I made a silent vow. The anger and the resentment would not define me. I would find my way back to the woman who laughed freely and who lived fiercely. For my sons. For me.
And maybe I'd find a new path along the way—one where the roles I played didn't smother the person I was meant to be.
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gesslen · 3 months
Lost in translation
אני אולי לא 🎼👌💯 מושלם, אבל כשזה מגיע לטעות 🙈💥😬 ולהחליק בטעות עם גיל 🦕🦖☄️ ההכחדה מתדפקת על הדלת כמו ג'ו ביידן או דונלד טראמפ, אני בעצם ה- 🎨‍👨‍🎼 🎨👩‍🎨 פיקאסו של חוסר מושג.
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osintelligence · 6 months
https://tcrn.ch/3uBmorz - 🌐 Fidelity National Financial (FNF), a major real estate services company, faced a significant cyberattack last Tuesday. This ransomware attack has left homeowners and buyers in distress, unsure of their financial transactions' status. FNF, known for title insurance and escrow services, is grappling with system-wide disruptions. #CyberAttack #Ransomware 💻 Affected clients are experiencing communication challenges with FNF. One homeowner shared her difficulty in contacting IPX 1031, an FNF subsidiary, regarding her home sale proceeds. FNF's system outage has hindered email and system access, leading to widespread confusion among clients. #ClientConcerns #CommunicationBreakdown 🔒 FNF's response to the incident has been minimal. The company acknowledged the breach in a regulatory filing, noting significant disruptions to their business operations. However, detailed public information about the incident and its impact on customers remains sparse. #FNFResponse #DataBreach 🏠 LoanCare, another FNF-owned company, is also impacted. Customers, like Christine Youmans, are unable to process mortgage payments or reach customer service, adding to the distress. LoanCare's automated message addresses a 'recent catastrophe,' without specific details. #MortgageServices #LoanCare ⚠️ ALPHV, also known as BlackCat, claimed responsibility for the attack. This ransomware gang announced their involvement on their official dark web site, marking another high-profile target in their cybercriminal activities.
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needtricks-blog · 1 year
The Pros and Cons of Remote Work in the Tech Industry
The COVID-19 pandemic has drastically changed the way people work. With the rise of remote work, the tech industry has also been significantly affected. Remote work has become more prevalent in the tech industry, with many companies opting to let employees work from home permanently. (more…) “”
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anujkumar8266 · 2 months
A relationship cannot exist without communication
Communication is the cornerstone of every successful relationship. Whether it's a romantic partnership, a friendship, or a familial bond, the ability to express thoughts, feelings, and needs is essential for fostering trust, understanding, and intimacy. In this article, we'll explore why communication is vital in relationships and offer practical tips for improving communication skills to strengthen connections with others.
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Why Communication is Crucial in Relationships
Builds Trust and Understanding: Effective communication fosters trust and understanding between individuals. When partners are open and honest with each other, they feel more secure in the relationship and are better able to navigate challenges together.
Resolves Conflicts: Communication is essential for resolving conflicts and addressing misunderstandings. By openly discussing concerns and grievances, couples can work towards finding mutually beneficial solutions and strengthening their bond in the process.
Promotes Intimacy: Meaningful communication deepens emotional intimacy between partners. Sharing thoughts, feelings, and vulnerabilities creates a sense of closeness and connection that enhances the overall quality of the relationship.
Strengthens Connection: Regular communication helps partners stay connected and engaged with each other's lives. Whether it's sharing daily experiences or discussing long-term goals, open dialogue cultivates a sense of partnership and shared purpose.
Practical Tips for Improving Communication in Relationships
Practice Active Listening: Truly listening to your partner is key to effective communication. Practice active listening by giving your full attention, maintaining eye contact, and validating your partner's feelings without judgment.
Express Yourself Honestly: Be open and honest about your thoughts, feelings, and needs. Avoid bottling up emotions or resorting to passive-aggressive behavior. Instead, communicate assertively and respectfully to ensure your message is heard.
Use "I" Statements: When discussing sensitive topics or expressing concerns, use "I" statements to convey your feelings without placing blame. For example, instead of saying, "You never listen to me," try saying, "I feel unheard when my opinions are dismissed."
Practice Empathy: Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of others. Put yourself in your partner's shoes and strive to see things from their perspective. This fosters compassion and strengthens emotional connection.
Set Aside Quality Time: Make time for meaningful conversations and bonding activities. Set aside distractions such as phones or television and focus on each other's company. Quality time together strengthens the foundation of your relationship.
Seek Professional Help if Needed: If communication issues persist despite your efforts, don't hesitate to seek professional help from a couples therapist or counselor. A trained professional can provide guidance and support to improve communication patterns and resolve underlying issues.
In conclusion, a relationship cannot exist without communication. Effective communication is the lifeblood of healthy connections, fostering trust, understanding, and intimacy between partners. By practicing active listening, expressing oneself honestly, and prioritizing quality time together, couples can strengthen their bond and navigate challenges with greater ease. Remember, communication is a skill that can be cultivated and refined over time, so don't be afraid to put in the effort to improve your communication skills and nurture your relationship.
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#SilentWordsSpeakVolumes #LostInTranslation #UnspokenDesires #WordsLeftUnsaid #WhispersInvisible #EchoesOfSilence #MuteEmotions #CommunicationBreakdown #SoundlessConnections #UnheardFeelings
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mentalriseuk · 4 months
Relationship counseling, also known as couples therapy, is a supportive process aimed at enhancing and resolving issues within romantic partnerships. This form of counseling provides a safe and neutral space for couples to openly communicate, explore their feelings, and work through challenges. A skilled relationship counselor helps couples identify patterns of interaction, improve communication skills, and develop effective conflict resolution strategies. Through guided discussions and exercises, couples can gain insights into their dynamics, strengthen emotional bonds, and rebuild trust. Relationship counseling empowers partners to address issues such as communication breakdowns, intimacy concerns, and differences in values or expectations. By fostering understanding, empathy, and mutual respect, relationship counseling facilitates healthier relationships and equips couples with tools to navigate the complexities of their connection, ultimately nurturing a stronger and more fulfilling partnership.
For More Information:
#CouplesTherapy#SupportiveProcess# #RomanticPartnerships# #SafeSpace# #NeutralEnvironment# #ConflictResolution# #CommunicationSkills# #StrengthenBonds# #HealthyRelationships#couplestherapy #supportiveprocess #enhancingrelationships #resolvingissues #opencommunication #exploringfeelings #workingthroughchallenges #relationshipcounselor #improvingcommunicationskills #conflictresolutionstrategies #guideddiscussions #strengtheningemotionalbonds #rebuildingtrust #communicationbreakdowns #intimacyconcerns #differencesinvalues #expectations #understanding #empathy #mutualrespect #healthierrelationships #nurturingpartnership #relationshipcounseling #relationshipissues #relationshipproblems #communication #intimacy #conflictresolution #love #relationshipgoals #relationshipadvice #couples #marriage #dating #breakup #divorce #family #friends #support #healing #growth #selfcare#relationshipgoals #relationship #relationships #relationshipquotes #relationshipadvice #RelationshipGoal #relationshipproblems #relationshipmemes #relationshipcoach #relationshipquote #relationshipsbelike #relationshipsgoals #relationships101 #relationshipmarketing #relationshipstatus #relationshiprules #relationshiptips #relationship101 #relationshipexpert #RelationshipCoaching #relationshipqoutes #Relationshipposts #relationshipissues #relationshiprp #relationshipbuilding #relationshipblogger #RelationshipTalk #relationshipsmatter #relationshiphelp
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nityarawal · 5 months
Led Zeppelin - Communication Breakdown (Official Audio)
#SongOfTheDay1 #SOTD1 #LedZeppelin #CommunicationBreakdown
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juliababcock · 25 days
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mymetric360 · 5 months
Is my fiance's dog a good fit for our family? #FianceIssues #DogProblems #CommunicationBreakdown #FamilyStruggles #IncontinentPets --- Is Stella Really a Good Fit for Our Family? 🐾 If you're feeling overwhelmed and at your wits' end with the care of your fiance's dog, you're not alone. Many families struggle with introducing a new pet into their dynamic, especially when it comes with unexpected challenges like incontinence. Read on for some... Read more: https://mymetric360.com/question/is-my-fiances-dog-a-good-fit-for-our-family/?feed_id=50703
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1000katz · 5 years
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“The dry food is dry .. over and out” #communicationbreakdown #groundcontrol #cat https://www.instagram.com/p/BsLNiYOlUuN/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1ryrtubor2wuh
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Episodio 19 T1 Modern Times Rock N Roll
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blendergallery · 6 years
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🔥October 9th 2018 will see the official release of 'the most anticipated book of the year' - Led Zeppelin by Led Zeppelin 🔥 Blender Gallery is excited to announce that we have a limited number of copies available for purchase. The first 10 orders will also receive a special limited edition poster with the book - second photo along ☝️(19.7x27.8") - RRP $99.00 Call 0293807080 or email [email protected] to reserve your copy! DON'T MISS OUT! ⚡️⚡️ Led Zeppelin by Led Zeppelin is the first and only official illustrated book by the band. Produced by Led Zeppelin and Reel Art Press to celebrate 50 years since their formation, this definitive 400-page volume charts the group’s unparalleled musical career from the very first performance in a tiny club, to their reunion at London’s O2 Arena, which broke the world record for ticket demand for a single concert with 20 million applications. The book features over 350 photographs – many seen here for the first time – of Jimmy Page, Robert Plant, John Paul Jones and John Bonham from photographers around the world, and photographs from the band members’ personal collections. The band are seen on and off stage, in candid moments and in the recording studio. Also included are rare and unseen artwork from the Led Zeppelin archives, and fascinating documents and images from the Atlantic Records vaults. The accompanying text by Jimmy Page, Robert Plant and John Paul Jones was written exclusively for the book. 🙌 Big love to @ledzeppelin @reelartpress @peribobooks for creating such a masterpiece ✌️❤️🎵 #ledzeppelin #ledzeppelinbook #jimmypage #robertplant #johnpauljones #johnbonham #zeppelin #rockandroll #rambleon #musicphotography #musichistory #style #icon #muse #rockroyalty #legendsneverdie #stairwaytoheaven #communicationbreakdown #kashmir #wholelottalove #immigrantsong #seventies #reelartpress #visitpaddington #rocknroll #blendergallery (at Blender Gallery) https://www.instagram.com/p/Boit0-wAdMX/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=175u9nt679zdm
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aegis-illustration · 6 years
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"Sometimes" (remastered 2018). Communication breakdown. Did this a few years ago thinking on #MajorTom... #Bowie died a couple of days later 😕 #art #digitalart #illustration #davidbowie #photomanipulation #photoshop #astronaut #communicationbreakdown #artofig #artistofig #freelanceartist This #artwork is available for #cdcover! 🎶 https://www.instagram.com/p/Bo63xW6j7Io/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=qr3mvajqy52b
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bewaterbebreath · 6 years
Communication Breakdown
Feed her with quarters And her back will jolt up, Her hips will speed ninety degrees, Her arms and neck still stiff with frost, As her eyes will blankly wander through you
They rattle in her stomach They rattle in her stomach while, As you watch her nervously, just like Your first time sifting through all those Magazines, the ones you burned at twenty,
She dances on hot coals. Saint Sebastian couldn’t have danced more Joyfully if they launched twice the shafts, Or melted glaring eyes over his naked body Like you do to her now, like you did to her then.
It is a beautiful dance, not fit For Broadway, though, nor any Club. She dances for you, whispering In a language that only you and her share. But you see only hips and chest.
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