#companion DU drow
meanbossart · 19 days
OH OH DU DROW KISSES? Companion kisses?? How does he smooch when we all inevitably romance him???
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I believe all companions have two smooch animations as of patch 5 or 6 or something, so, NATURALLY, I had to give him two as well and I had to storyboard it. Anyhow, enjoy the twilight zone level weirdness that is seeing this guy kissing random tavs.
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gurlbesimpin · 1 month
Blood and Gold
<named DU x Gortash>
Chapter one: A sight for sore eyes
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Alaia Mar Garnan, once a fierce weapon of Bhaal, a deadly assassin and a former friend as well as an advocate to the infamous tyrant and chosen of bane <Enver Gortash>. 
She was young for her kind, only being 27. Yet she was one of the most deadly killers who ever served the lord of murder and bloodshed. She wasn't only known for her sharp blades however, her mind was sharp and schemes elaborate and effective. Her lastest being a heist to claim the crown of karsus and a mission to recruit the chosen of Mrykul <Ketheric Thorm>, Enver Gortash remained by her side for this. Though shortly after, her blood-kin Orin's intense jealously for their fathers favoritism towards Alaia, drove a wedge between their plans for Baldur's Gate. 
"Crawling back from her bloody disgrace, It's my favorite assassin! Gods you're a sight for sore eyes." 
His face seems so familiar to her, his dark eyes, the messy dark hair, the small scars on his chin and eyebrow. She can't quite pinpoint it, but she knows that he must have played quite an important role in her unknown past. Her eyes narrow in confusion, but before she can speak the to-be archduke speaks once more: 
"My, what happened to your eye?" 
His tone is laced with curiosity as he referres to one of her brown eyes being blinded, a deep nasty scar cutting through her left cheek.
She replies sharply, not further elaborating on this. She doesn't stand alone however, with her are two companions. A drow paladin and a vampire spawn, both eying Gortash curiously. The tyrant smirks as he glances at the two elves and Drow, his eyebrow raised in subtle amusement. 
"It seems the past is a mystery to you, Orin didn't lie. Let me clear up some mysteries then-"
He pauses, gauging her reaction. His dark eyes remain fixed on Alaia, only briefly flicking to the other two. His rough yet plump lips pursing slightly as he thinks for a moment. 
"You and I initiated this plot. First we obtained the crown, then we enslaved the brain. From there, it was but a small step to most successful religious hoax ever perpetrated."
Alaia's glare depens, her thin dark brows furrowing in confusion yet with a hint of recognition. She doesn't remember, but it's as if her senses confirm his story. The Drow paladin crosses her arms and huffs, glaring daggers as Gortash whilst Alaia motions for him to continue. 
"It was all going so well, until you vanished. Orin informed us that henceforth she will speak for the temple of Bhaal. But she, she made a mess of things. Unlike you, she cannot control herself." 
Alaia nods, her eyes glancing down at the ground for a moment before her voice echoes: 
"And you? When I vanished, what did you do?"
The pale vampire spawn behind her smirks, amusement etched on his features. Unlike him however, Gortash doesn't seem amused. He pauses, letting out a drawn out sigh as she shifts uncomfortably. 
"We wouldn't middle in each other's affairs... The plan had to continue." 
He says simply, but Alaia can sense a hint of regret in his eyes, his usually calculated and changing demeanor cracking ever so slightly. She nods, absentmindedly tapping her fingers against her thigh. 
"And you want to renew this 'alliance' we once had?" 
Gortash's eyes light up ever so slightly at the mention of renewing their alliance, his smirk broadening as he speaks confidently:
"Precisely, dear. You've brought Ketheric's Netherstone, it takes all three to control the brain-" 
He emphasizes his point by raising his gauntleted fist, the purple stone which is sorround by golden intricacies glows a faint blue, radiating power and authority from within. 
"If You were to obtain Orin's stone, claim it as your own, we could achieve all our dreams still! Together, we can rule as kings, no, not kings. Gods. We could rule as the absolute." 
Her eyes flash and mind races, fantasies of power, rule, ruin race through her mind. Though this isn't her will, it is her father's. Her father's whispers have haunted her ever since she awoke in the Nautiloid, though she wishes for those whispers to fall silent. Gortash studies her carefully, noting the slight dilation of her pupils and twitching of her jaw. The Drow smirks and turns to the vampire spawn, she seems fond of this idea. The grand hall filled with nobles, steel watches and guards falls silent. Undoubtedly they're all under Gortash's control, allowing him to speak freely about such matters. 
"What do you say? Shall we be allies?"
Alaia remains deep in thought, this alliance could be just what they need. The emperor confirms this as his voice briefly echoes within her mind: 
"i can detect no deceit. This alliance could serve us well. And if not, we need not honour it."
Her thoughts continue to race, the emperor, her father's demands, Gortash's attitude, the tadpole squirming in her brain... It's all too much for her tired mind to comprehend. With a slight derivated huff she clears her mind for a moment, regaining composure.
"Yes, we shall be allies, Enver Gortash." 
Her voice is quiet and uncertain, a complete turn from what he was used to regarding her personality. With a wicked grin he waves his hand theatrically and nods. 
"So be it. I lord Enver gortash, swear I will do you no harm. Furthermore you'll have nothing to fear if my Steel Watch whilst our pact stands. Together, we will rise over toril like a roaring sun." 
Alaia turns her head to the vampire spawn, her fluffy dark ponytailed hair swinging at the gesture. The vampire spawn <Astarion> glances at her questioningly, clearly not content with this new alliance he is a part of. The Drow on the other hand, her mind swarms with thoughts of power and control, all the things she could achieve with her by her side. But Alaia, Alaia's mind is occupied with thoughts of confusion and longing, desperately seeking resolve. She turns back to the chosen of bane, her facial expression neutral as her eyes rake over his being. 
"Do you know where I can locate Orin?"
Gortash thinks for a moment, his brows furrow in concentration whilst his hands remain clasped in front. 
"It is a mystery even to me. Though, you could start by investigating murders within the area, they will surely lead to her assassins, which will lead you directly to her." 
"What makes you so sure we're capable of dealing with her?" 
Astarion chimes in, a faint smirk playing on his lips as one of his fangs is exposed. 
"You dealt with Ketheric, an undying man. Unlike him, Orin is mortal, comparatively easier to slay. Though also a formidable foe, Bhaalspawn are deadly and efficient killers, so best tread carefully." 
Alaia hums, nodding as she takes a mental note of his words. 
"Consider it done, Orin will fall and together we will rule." 
She says simply, earning a soft chuckle from Gortash. 
"Before you go, come make witness as I become the first Archduke of Baldur's Gate" 
Gortash says, his eyes gleaming with confidence and pride. Alaia glances at the Drow <Minthara> and  Astarion, as if silently asking for their input. Astarion rolls his eyes whilst Minthara motions with her hands, stepping back. Alaia turns back to Gortash just in time for him to step forward with a wicked smirk. His hand gently rests on her shoulder as he guides her aside and begins:
"Dearest patriars, dearest Ravenguard... I'm so very glad-"
His voice fades within Alaia's mind, she's barely paying attention to anything occuring around her. All she hears is her father's voice, his demands to conquer, rule, kill, ruin. Images of bodies, dragons, bloodshed, fear, agony and despair fill her mind. Her father demands to rule with Gortash, then ruin and cast Baldur's Gate into a state of Bloodshed. Her conscious mind returns when Gortash rises up from one knee, smirking as he turns to her. 
"Thank you dearest patriars, and you my dear Alaia, will find me in my office above when you return with the Netherstone. Do not return empty handed." 
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humanransome-note · 1 month
Cause @meanbossart has been getting a bunch of asks about DU Drow as a companion, it made me think about the world building of DND.
Specifically the Drow.
Cause meanboss’s interpretation is that in the Underdark, male Drow being fucking STACKED is weird and unattractive…. Which I get, Menzoberranzan and Lolth sworn Drow are a matriarchal theocracy, any “masculine” traits would be seen as undesirable. But then why is there a shredded Drow option then? (I know why, logistically, but story telling wise these thoughts don’t vibe and I know it’s meanboss’s headcanon but that headcanon makes sense—!)
And in game Minthara says that families are allowed two sons, with anything after that being culled.
But… that seems… wasteful? I don’t know how else to say it.
Menzoberranzan is a very isolated place, there’s like no real interaction with the surface and any interaction with people from the surface is a big no no… so while the two sons mitigates the genetic diversity issue, it’s not a long term sustainable thing. Then again, Elves live 700+ years on average, so it’s not as immediate an issue as if it were humans doing the practice.
But I still think it would be weird to kill every son after the first two.
Something that makes more sense to me, is that after the first two sons, every subsequent son is taken by the church. Where they are raised until physically capable, where they are then assessed. You’ve got a few possibilities:
Sold into slavery, there are references to a slave market in the Underdark.
Breeding stock, they already have regulations regarding the amount of male children, there being state sanctioned eugenics doesn’t sound so far off.
Church property/attendants, why waste a woman’s potential by having her clean? She has more important things to do.
Immediately killed.
This keeps body numbers higher for things like manual labor, and it helps scramble up the genetic diversity a bit, because class isn’t (as much of) a consideration. Then, for the boys who do stay with their families, the happiest/most content men they see are the ones who belong to the church. So it reinforces that devotion to Lolth is a good thing.
So stacked Drow existing makes sense, like you wouldn’t want your firstborn boy to be 100% underground beef, because he’s undesirable/more likely to have been sired by a stud and not your actual partner(s) (are male harems a thing in the underdark? I feel like they would be) but they exist.
And then once the men are no longer useful, they’re killed, either immediately or, more horrifyingly, strung up in the temple rafters to be eaten by the spiders.
Being strung up is seen as the more respectable death, even if you can no longer perform duties for Lolth, your flesh is still useful in this. This is mostly what happens to those who belonged to the church, their bodies paralyzed so they don’t feel anything or struggle, even in death they find peace in Lolth’s embrace.
BUT!!! It is also used as a punishment. Because if you can’t provide for Lolth in life, you will in death. And those who are punished this way don’t get paralyzed. So they struggle and feel the pain as their insides are liquified and their skin torn open.
People outside the church don’t know about the paralyzation, so they believe that it is Lolth’s judgement causing the different reactions. Even further reinforcing how important it is to be devoted to Lolth.
PLUS!!! This adds another layer of political intrigue and plays if that’s more your speed. Families bribing the assessors to have their sons given to the church, “Lolth may not have blessed us with another daughter, but we are thankful we can provide to her another servant just the same.” Have this other one sent to the mines, keep this family out of the breeding pool, we want them wiped out entirely.
Great- great- great- Grandma made a deal with a devil for power, the agreement was one of her descendants would inherit it, the first third son in generations is the (un)lucky sorcerer, having him killed would undermine all of that work, but he can’t stay with the family either. He couldn’t be bought back if he’s sent into slavery, having him be a stud would mean that power leaves the family line and is basically just given to some random other, manual labor could kill him, and most church attendants are celibate if not full on eunuchs.
Do you see the possibilities Charlie? Do you?
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bardic-vengeance · 4 months
Get to Know: Phyrris the Dark Urge
Finally getting around to doing this! Thank you @sporeservant for the prompt!
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General Questions:
What is their preferred combat style? Dueling or Dual Wielding
What is their favorite weapon? Phalar Aluve
What (or who) would they do anything to save? There isn't a single thing that would keep her from protecting Gale or trying to save Enver, even if it meant fighting the gods themselves.
What (or who) would they do anything to destroy? Orin, though they were raised sisters and she did use to care for her greatly, she's come to see her as a target and a threat.
What keeps them up at night? The sins of their past and what her adopted mother would think of her now.
What brings them peace? Practicing magic with Gale, training with Wyll, drinking with Astarion (and going for a hunt.)
What is their greatest asset? Her quick wit and silver tongue.
What is their achilles heel? Her temper.
What does their voice sound like? Voice 4 (but I've always imagined it a step lower and a bit raspy.)
What do they smell like? plum, iron and iris
What do they take pride in? Her singing voice and swordsmanship
How would they spend the last night of their life? Eating Enver's heart and having Gale read to her.
How does someone get on their good side? Be kind, don't harm children, be funny.
How does someone get on their bad side? Being obnoxious, abusive, or vile.
What is the best and worst memory they’ve formed since they escaped the Illithid ship?
> Best Memory: Sharing the weave with Gale for the first time after thinking he hated her because she killed Alfira. It's not the last time he looks at her with such awe, and she chases that feeling afterward.
> Worst Memory: Seeing the betrayal in her companion's eyes, especially from Gale and Shadowheart, once Enver reveals her role in the original plan to them. It's a difficult moment where she's forced to confront that they wouldn't love her if she was (she is) a monster. It's also the beginning of her plan to face Orin alone.
If they could change their ancestry and choose to live another life, would they? What path would they take? Phyr would choose Bhaal if it meant she met her adopted parents, Enver, Gale, and everyone again. She can't imagine a different life than the one she has, even with her memory loss.
If they had the option to restore their lost memories, would they? SO - In my headcanon I fully believe the DU starts to get their memories back slowly and steadily as they confront different triggers, and for Phyrris especially, she chooses not to say anything because she's terrified of what her newfound family will say. 
Which companion was the first to learn of their dark urges? How did this individual find out? Astarion! She confides in him early on after he notices her trembling and shaking, and the two of them share their secrets and hunt together at night to blow off steam.
Are they secretive, or open about their dark urges? Why? Phyr is a funny mix of both, she's a bard so she jokes about them but in such a way that she's not taken seriously. (Until she is lol)
In the words of our resident bag o' bones (Withers), there are two paths the Dark Urge must choose from: "the heart of a savior," or "the mind of a murderer." Which path does your character take?
The Heart of a Savior: 
What is the cost of resisting their dark urges? How does resistance impact them over time? Phyr has constant migraines and unbeatable insomnia, thankfully as a Drow she doesn't require sleep in the traditional sense, but her migraines impact her on a daily basis. Over time, her resistance escalates to a point of chronic pain in her joints, requiring her to push herself to the edge in every battle.
How do they find the strength to resist their dark urge? She finds her strength through her companions, but especially through Astarion and Gale.
What are their motivations for resistance? It isn't so much that she's motivated to resist for "good" reasons, she's motivated because the only memory she had at the very start was her and Enver's promise that one day neither of them would be controlled.
To their memory, have they ever succumbed to their urges? Outside of killing Alfira, she succumbs to her urges when she slaughters the Goblin Camp leaders (to the point of terrifying Gale), and when she kills Orin.
To their memory, have they always taken the path of resistance, or did something change their mind? I fully believe she's tried to resist in the past (the beggar memory/conversation with Scleritas comes to mind). Bhaal's cruelest choice was putting her with a Dancer of Elistraee and an Archfey Warlock in her youth, she's always felt shame for killing them.
Is there anything else you'd like to share? Feel free to include art or a screenshot of your Dark Urge if available!
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carrion-whispers · 7 months
Hey! Hi! Hello!
This is a side blog for diggingforkuponuts. I made it as a sounding board for my dumb ideas and as a way to remember ideas and happenings in my BG3 plays to offset my poor memory. And a place to collect amazing stuff from other wonderful people.
If you happen to think one of my dumb ideas is smart or like one of my silly lil ocs and then it’s not dumb! And you’re smart! I just self depreciate a lot as a humor tactic. I don’t actually believe any of the self-depreciation I do so it’s fine!
Anyway, I’m on mobile so comments, follows, and likes will come from my main.
I have a few Tavs and Durges with fully fleshed backstories and relationships and lore and stuff but I’m bad at cultivating and recording and in general not being overly anxious about oversharing and using the wrong tags so most of the stuff I come up with stay in my head, drafts box and my screenshots. If you have any questions just ask I guess.
Thanks for stopping in!
Character info in Read More
I’m avoiding burnout on this game by having about 8 concurrent characters running. I have posted intros/infos the important ones (linked at the end.) I have a lot of teiflings gods abound
Carrion - DU/Tav - Barbarian - Teifling - Astarion/Karlach
Whisper - Tav - Draconic Sorc - Teifling - Astarion
Sorrow - DU - Ancients Paladin of Selune - Half Drow - Astarion
Lilliput Kindsong - Tav - Bard - Forest Gnome - Wyll
Tippet Piper - Tav - Bardlock - Deep Gnome - Astarion
My posted characters:
tags: bg3 Carrion | bg3 Whisper | Selunite Sorrow
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painpro · 7 years
the frozen king episodes 19-21 summaries
to keep everyone up to date w our lil ol dnd game
Episode 19: Blood
The KC continues their quest to attempt to rescue Maedis- first stopping in Hardersfield to ask around. There they meet up with Kristoff and Kiera, two folks that were involved in their very first job together. Kristoff says he recalls some figures on horseback riding north, and the KC books it in that direction. However, they are stopped-surrounded, in fact, by an orc tribe, lead by Mobad Iron-Tusk. He connects with Cezall, thinking that the rest of the KC are his quarry. He forcibly escorts them all back to the orc camp, where Cezall and Mobad have a meeting- where Mobad tells Cezall of the paladins that have been slaughtering orc tribes (most likely the fate of Cezall's own family), and that he plans to take revenge by occupying Hardersfield. He also plans a sacrifice of elven blood to gain favor with his god, Gruumsh. The rest of the KC is shoved in a tent, where they do find Maedis- battered, beaten and bloody with a broken arm. There is a panicked, mostly failed escape attempt that ends in the surrender of most of them- except Orna and Maedis, who get away by use of Orna's invisibility spell. In the aftermath and through some deception, Selxi convinces the orcs she is Cezall's right hand gnome, and that she is his personal servant. They buy it, allowing Selxi to be free-ish. They then convince Mobad that they wish to go and find the elves and bring them back- escaping to go to warn Hardersfield. Orna and Maedis are on their way over to- the four meet up, and Hardersfield takes up arms in the best way they can, preparing their defenses. In the meantime, the orcs gear up for war and mostly vacate the camp, leaving only a few behind to guard Keen, Cik, and Bell. They take this opportunity to escape, slaughtering the orcs left and gathering the rest of their things. They then haul ass towards Hardersfield, making it in time before the orcs arrive to try and prepare. Maedis's arm is healed by Bell, and Cezall and some townsfolk worked to dig trenches to try and fortify somewhat. As they all took positions, only about 20 townsfolk in their makeshift army, Karlina Du Fois, Bell's eldest sister, arrived on the horizon, responding to Bell's use of the Sending spell the day before. She had been on her way to King's Watch anyway, and apparently veered away, potentially against their father's wishes, to help Bell and the KC defend Hardersfield. And as we left off, everyone in their positions, they began to see dark shapes approaching...
Episode 20: For Whom the Bell Tolls
The battle of Hardersfield begins- and after an intense struggle, Mobad Iron-Tusk falls under Selxi and Cezall's blade. Hardersfield was partially burned and many of the townsfolk died, but the survivors were thankful for the KC and all they did. They make their way back to King's Watch with their companions Maedis and Karlina. Maedis and Cik have a talk and Karlina tells Bell that their father is not going to be happy with them. The gang returns to King's Watch and finds a goodbye letter from their druid companion Seraphina: bittersweet but full of determination. After shedding some tears, they retire to bed for the night- all except Cik. Cik stays up contemplating the rocks he picked up from the ritual Rathys was doing. He tries to swallow one like he saw the drow do so long ago- with no success. He wakes up Bell to try and get some help and is refused. So then he turns to someone he knows will always help with weird shit: Orna. Orna helps him out by giving Cik some goo to coat the rock with. (Unbeknownst to Cik, it is the gooey remains of Rathys themself.) Cik then manages to swallow and keep it down, with no immediate effects. The next morning, they are greeted by a loud banging on the door that turns out to be General Kasto. He wants to speak with Cik. Cik is very reluctant, to say the least, and attempts an escape before persuaded by Bell to just talk with him. They talk in private, and some...unsavory parts of Cik's past are brought up. No one leaves the conversation happy, but Cik was told the records of his past can be erased. They then spend the rest of the day shopping. Bell shows Karlina around the city and they spend some much needed time together. Cik tries to find Sylvaren, and eventually does, but not before scaring the hell out of the elven apprentice and causing him to drop everything he was carrying, which was 200 gold worth of alchemy items for the Lyceum Wizards. The gang then finished up their shopping, and prepared themselves to go meet with the Queen, General Kasto, and Bell's father...
Episode 21: Shifting Sands
After a meeting with the Queen, the General, and Bell's father, the KC spends some time collecting staff for their keep, and then takes another contract from Barnabas. This one leads them to Kilead, through a long desert journey. There they are told to look for 'Ember'- and as it turns out, Ember is a very old acquaintance of theirs. She is the half-elf, Rhiannon, one they met in Doveport months ago and one that had some kind of relationship with Selxi. She tells them the original contract was a ruse, and that she actually wants them to help her kill some assassins called the Whisperers that are after her. She then also gives Keen and Cik some drugs in secret, called Glorin. Reluctantly, and not totally trusting her, the KC follows Rhiannon into the  sewers, which is apparently the secret entrance into the Whisperer's headquarters. Along the way they fight some trash-made Shambling Mounds, which is a bit tough. But they make it, then break into the headquarters and Keen makes the first strike. Along the way, the KC starts to get clues that the Whisperers have no idea what this is about- and eventually find out they did not have a hit on Rhiannon like she said. Furious at her that she lied, several spells are cast: charm, enlarge/reduce, sleep. After a lot of back and forth, Cik finally knocks Rhiannon out and they get to interogatting Zaren, the apparent leader of the Whisperers. He tells them he buys Glorin from her, and the pieces begin to fall into place. Coming to consciousness, after a slap from Selxi, the first thing Rhiannon does is yell at Zaren about owing her money. Its revealed Zaren owed her a couple thousand gold he has yet to pay. The KC decides that neither of them are worth their time, and end up taking all the gold for themselves as their reward. They exit, spend some time exploring Kilead the next day after a night spent in a luxury inn, and then head home. On the way back, it's discovered Orna has a gift for the lute.
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deadgodsdnd · 7 years
session three
A travelling cleric of Illderris comes to Arisetr Village after hearing rumors of a group of cultists being slain along the shore, and a series of unfortunate events befalling the village afterwards like a plague. He waits at the bar of the inn while the rest of the group files down, aside from Kebe who finds his alchemical reagent bag missing. Along with Klindal, the drow cleric, they track the perpetrators back up the road along with their cleric companion who’s interested in joining them in investigating the Barony.
The cursed daggers proc, and each person who killed with their daggers in the encounter with the bandits immediately feels the effects of the curse settle on them. Rhorix is hit with the urge to eat sand, endlessly. He’s also inflicted with great clumsiness. Kebe is swarmed by bees and ladybugs, and Du must sing everything he wants to say. Kebe’s solution lies in setting himself on file over and over again in an attempt to immolate the bugs (it doesn’t work). He’s bald and tries to recreate his hair growth serum but ends up turning blue. Kindal prays over several of the cursed daggers, and they purify and shatter.
They capture and torture one of the bandits, only to find out the bandits tied their leader up to a tree after he disagreed with their methods. His name is Gaernin, and he leads them to the buried treasure chest where Kebe’s things and a bunch of coin await. They take the gold and silver, and tell the bandit leader all will be forgiven if he gives the copper back to the townspeople.
They continue east to the Baron’s manor when they spot a bear running out of the woods. It’s pursued by an enraged dire boar and then impaled by it. Another boar is chasing bear cubs up a tree and the group spurs into action by killing the boars, and healing the dying mother bear and making sure the babies are alright.
When they arrive at the manor later in the day, they distract the “guards” posted at the doors by slipping into the moat. Kepesk goes through a tunnel into the well of the garden of the manor, and the rest of the group uses magic to pass without a trace into the unlocked main doors.
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meanbossart · 1 month
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I put (some) clothes on the man.
How you'd encounter him vs at camp. He just found that shirt somewhere, don't worry about it!
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meanbossart · 1 month
ooh here’s a question. so companions can leave your party forever if their approval drops too low; you get two warnings and then they leave. the leaving dialogue is also different based on if you romanced them or not. (it’s pretty hard to get this in normal gameplay unless you attack and kill them over and over again lol)
so my question is what would DU drow’s low approval leaving dialogue be? and if you haven’t said this before, are there any other conditions under which he’d leave the party forever?
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[Companion] first warning: "I'd like to heed you a quick word of warning - Not a threat, just a warning. You are starting to get on my nerves. Shape up. And do it quickly. Or I might just do something about it." [Lover] first warning: "You've had a penchant for pushing my boundaries lately, haven't you? I admire the gall, but I don't appreciate it. Shape up. Quickly. Or I might just do something about it."
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[Companion & Lover] second warning: "Do you forget our little talk from last time, or do you just wish to see what happens? Well, I'll have you know that you are well on your way to finding out. Please, don't make me do something I might regret."
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[Companion] attack dialogue: "You've made yourself clear in your intentions - You don't plan on seeing this through with me, do you? I'll be taking that prism now, as well as your life. It didn't have to come to this, you know?" [Lover] attack dialogue: "I am so sick of this. It's not worth it. Not worth it at all - and that's fine! I've never cared much for you, anyway, and it will make what comes next much easier to carry out. I'll be taking that prism now, as well as your life. It didn't have to come to this, you know?"
Listen, it's The Dark Urge. He ain't leaving just to die as soon as he's outside the mile radius of the artifact LOL
Likewise, I can't think of a single event that would prompt him to leave. I think it's more than appropriate that the only way you can get rid of this guy is by killing him.
However, if you kill Orin without him (leaving him at camp), basically dooming him to succumb to his urges without ever knowing if he could have been rid of them (or, alternatively, robbing him from the opportunity of proving himself as Bhaal's chosen) he will betray you at the end of the game and take over the brain (he just appears even if you leave him at camp too so there's no getting away from it).
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meanbossart · 1 month
Because I love the idea of DU drow as a companion... how would you recruit him? Where do you find him, and what's his intro cutscene?
Hi, I've been thinking about this since I got this message :V
There's this nautiloid pod somewhere nearby the Owlbear cave right? So those things were just crashing all over the place, not just near the beach where the actual ship fell. I believe his pod could have had a similar fate and fallen somewhere off the beaten path.
Mind you that, In this scenario, waking up from the pod and onto the forest map would have been DU Drow's first-ever conscious minutes ever since having his mind wiped, so he truly has no fucking idea of what just happened - he just knows his head is in shambles and that he needs to survive for long enough for his memories to return, assuming they ever will. So, his immediate instinct would be to retreat away from where the people are.
I think underneath the bridge, where there's running water and some fauna/flora would be a good spot to find him. Players might take a day or two until they stumble across this weirdo companion and so they are more in the loop than he would be. You'd find a little blood-trail leading you down there, and eventually spot a fist's corpse with no shoes near the river - DU drow would be crouched down by the water washing blood off himself:
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While the rest of the party may have been picked off random places as they went about their days, this guy was busy being dissected and put back together over and over again - and there's no way Kressa bothered to dress him back up fully before he was taken away from her (me allowing the man to have pants on at all is a mercy onto you all) so he begins with no armor, but to make up for that fact he's the only companion who begins with a great-sword, which he would have stolen from the fist.
When you approach he is perfectly calm, In fact, he doesn't seem all that there. He stands up and appears half-ready for a fight, but lets you speak first. You can either ask what he's doing here, or about the corpse. You get more or less the same answer to both:
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If you successfully persuade him, he tells you with no particular tone of shame or remorse that you got him, he did kill him, however he claims he was attacked first. Whether you pry into his mind with the worm, or have a scroll of read-thoughts, you get the same narration:
"Behind the aloof facade, you find the drow's mind to be in a concerning state of disarray: dozens of thoughts racing, jumbled, all at once, each trailing into the next before you can catch a hint of substance. You don't find the answers you were looking for, just red goo."
You CAN however use speak to the dead on the corpse. If you do that, it's revealed that he is actually telling the truth; The fist found him and assumed him to be with the drow who raided Wakeen's rest. Otherwise, you have to either take his word for it, attack him, or leave him.
He will refuse your offers to join you/go to your camp until you reveal to him that you have been tadpoled - either through using the Illithid-worm option, or telling him upfront through normal dialogue. If you didn't peer into his head earlier, you will now, confirming to yourself and him that he's also been infected. Then, you can tell him you're looking for a cure, and he will agree to travel along. This gets you approval from Shadowheart, Karlach, and Astarion, and disapproval from Lae'zel, Wyll, and Gale.
If you attack, he's as easy a fight as any companion would be at that point. If you choose to leave him be/not tell him about your worm so he refuses to join, he will appear at your camp after two long rests, basically forcing himself to into your party unless you kill him. You find him hanging out around Withers and he tells you he's decided to travel with you from now on, and that he will make himself comfortable.
If you ask for his name, he tells you to just call him whatever you want to (cue like 5 joke dialogue answers - he responds to all of them with a snort and you get approval if you pick any flattering ones). Whatever you ask about him gets you a very blunt, vague response. If you have Shadowheart in your party/are playing as her, she implies he may be suffering from memory loss, finally prompting him to admit to it. Otherwise he only reveals this after a couple more long-rests.
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meanbossart · 1 month
You know how the companions have descriptions for their personal things like their base armor, camp clothes, underwear? What would DU drow's be?
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I only drew these out so the underwear joke could have more impact, it's true.
EDIT: My god, the typos.
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meanbossart · 1 month
regarding the drow as a companion, do any of the others have little quips when he's recruited? something along the lines of shadowheart's little remark about karlach throwing her over her shoulder.
I can imagine Gale saying something, like "OH! Really? He's coming with us? Well... Erm, sure, better with us then loose in the wilds, I guess" while glancing around nervously LOL
You did get me thinking of something else though, camp reactions!
Shadowheart: "I'm aware that drow aren't known for their integrity, but theirs is a perseverant kind. I think having one at our side in our present predicament could serve us well." (TAV: "Have you had any experiences with drow before?") Shadowheart: "I might have. I might haven't. All kinds gravitate towards my Mistress's calling… And the spider queen hardly leaves them a choice."
Gale: "Our new friend is surprisingly shy for a man of his stature, couldn't get as much as a "good morning" out of him yet… Well, with a little time, I'm sure he'll warm up to us. Maybe a nice pot-roast will help! He does have ah... Hungry look in his eyes."
Lae'zel: "A blade is only as effective as the one wielding it, and I'm not sure who - or what - is handling the drow you've dragged into camp as of recently." (TAV: "I'm wielding him.") Lae'zel: "Tchk! Have it your way. But I won't come to your rescue if you fall on your own sword."
Astarion: "You have quite the flair for rescuing rabid strangers off the side of roads, don't you? Not that I'm complaining, the more the merrier! Just make sure to put this one back in his cage when we go to bed at night."
Wyll: "A drow on the surface is strange enough a sight… But this one seems… Especially peculiar. I hate to be the one making hasty judgments, but I hope you've made the right choice in allowing him to shelter at our camp."
Karlach: "New guy's a little closed-off, but hey - I sure as hell don't mind just looking, for now. Speaking of looking, Can't wait to see the big lad in a fight, I bet he can mince a fucker to bits in an instant."
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meanbossart · 25 days
Hi! Do you have any ideas of what questions the dryad would have (either for Tav or Astarion) about your DU Drow in the circus?
I don't think I quite nailed the Dryad's dialogue, she talks weird, but not weird enough? Quite frustrating. Anyway, my unnecessary frilling aside here's what I got:
Zethino: The tall, brooding stranger infected by a dark passenger. No name, no memory, no past… But what of his future? When one's mind is so full of holes, they must pick something, or someone, to be. Who - or what - will he choose?
Some kind of gore-fiend, no doubt. (Disapproval)
RESPONSE: (grunted out, as he's looking off to one side.) I knew this was a stupid idea.
2. He can be anyone he wants, as long as he's mine. (Approval)
RESPONSE: (After a brief, light chuckle.) And there's little else I'd like to be.
3. He is someone, thank you very much. Brain-holes and all. (Approval)
RESPONSE: (In slight surprise.) Huh. Good answer.
4. His father. He takes after him quite a bit. (Disapproval. Available only if you go to Gortash's coronation first)
RESPONSE: (Unemotionally) Hysterical, as you can see from me doubling over.
Zethino: A restless, stormy mind, but even it can find respite. What brings your companion true peace?
Booze. He's quite the drinker. (Disapproval)
RESPONSE: (Irritated) I have to drink, specially with you nibbling at my ankles day and night.
2. A quiet sky, the rustling grass, decent company. It's not that hard. (Approval)
Response: (pleased) Indeed. That's all it takes.
3. Being bound and tied until sunrise. He'll only take peace if you thrust it upon him. (Approval)
RESPONSE: (With a loud, but sharp belly-laugh) Ah, you Twit. But fair enough.
4. I fear only death ever will. (Disapproval)
RESPONSE: (He smirks, tight lipped, it lingers in silence for a moment before he speaks) Careful. That sounded awfully like a threat.
Zethino: There is more to this gloom than limp, dead-corpse-weight. A catalytic tumour, wriggling inside. What is this, that burdens him the most?
The man is moved by carnage, It doesn't get much worse than that, does it? (Disapproval)
RESPONSE: Am I that one-noted to you? (He hums, indifferently, then shrugs.)
2. All that brawn must make for quite the heavy load. (Approval)
RESPONSE: (With a close-mouthed chuckle) Not the heaviest I can take.
3. No idea, but he's always sulry about something. (Disapproval)
Response: (Sardonically) How curious. I wonder if there's a common denominator.
4. Love, I think. (Approval)
RESPONSE: (With a tilt of his head and the furrowing of his brow, which smooths out) That's... Huh. Perhaps. At times.
NEGATIVE: (While visibly irritated) "What a bloody uproar that was. Can we go now?" NEUTRAL: "I guess you picked up on one thing or another - Despite my efforts to the contrary. Nice job."
POSITIVE: "You have a keen eye for - well, for me. It's... A surprisingly warm feeling. Thank you."
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meanbossart · 1 month
Love Drow's camp greetings, but now I've got to know-- what would his romance path look like?
(This was a REALLY FUN thought experiment, thanks for asking about it!)
You'd get approval points by: -Picking the joke dialogue options, especially if they're dark or crass. -Succeeding intimidation checks. -Starting fights no-questions-asked with characters that don't immediately show you respect. -Defying authority. -Antagonizing drows, githyanki, mindflayers and goblins. -Being friendly towards animals. -Showing willingness to do what the dream visitor suggests. -Notable boost if you let him take on the Loviatar priest in your stead.
You get disapproval by: -Disclosing to people that you're infected with the tadpole. -Agreeing to help NPCs who aren't offering to get rid of your parasites. -Some deception checks (he doesn't always realize you're lying). -Being distrustful/pushy with Shadowheart. -Siding with the absolute. -Trusting or empathizing with the Emperor at all after he reveals himself (Yes, he will leave you if you bang the squid). -Massive point loss if you don't let him take on Orin on his own.
[More elaboration underneath the cut, CW for terrible relationship dynamics and implications of sexual coercion, especially within the context of BDSM.]
He can be persuaded to allow you to have a one-night-stand with Halsin, but will not agree to a three-way relationship or long-term arrangement.
He will stay with you if you sleep with Mizora without the need to roll for anything, but you will lose a lot of approval.
He will agree to a four-way with the twins at Sharess Caress if you ask him about it, but only after you complete his quest. If he has lost to Orin he will kill the twins during the act. If he has accepted Bhaal, he will ask if you want to kill them with him, but you can refuse/dissuade him from doing so.
In regards to his personal interactions, you would usually get choices between antagonizing him, expressing fear, not taking him seriously at all, or making flirtatious advances.
He's neutral/disapproving towards flirtation prior to triggering a romance (though he still reacts flattered). He's neutral/approving of not being taken seriously and/or being feared, as long as the PC is being somewhat facetious and not expressing outright distrust or doubt toward his capabilities. Basically, as long as what you're saying implies that he's formidable, or makes him laugh, he will like it.
After the romance is initiated, he will enjoy flirtatious dialogue options that put him in the role of the desired, compliment his looks/abilities, or express general affection. You would also get options that paint him in a kind of "sexually predatory" light - he doesn't like those.
You could encourage him to embrace his Urge at the start of the campaign for approval, then he flips to wanting you to discourage it after it grows outside his control. If he accepts Bhaal, this switches it back to where he approves of it being encouraged. If he loses to Orin, he will just agree with you whether you tell him to give into his Urges or keep fighting them.
You can break up with him at any point unless he has accepted Bhaal; In that case, he won't agree to it and say that when he takes over the brain you won't have a choice on the matter. The only way to keep him from betraying you during the ending is to either kill him or staying in the relationship with him and dominating the brain together.
As for the actual romance scenes, it'd be similar to Astarion's route where you get to sleep with him right away, then the following interactions are more focused on other forms of intimacy and developing the emotional side of the relationship. You would get the option to push for more sex every time, which he would turn down out of fear of what the Urge might do if he goes along with it - if you keep pushing even after that, it gets you disapproval.
During the scene that locks the romance path (prior to arriving at Baldur's gate) you can persuade him to have sex, and if you succeed he will lose control and try to murder you during the act. The only way to survive it is to kill him instead. You can be resurrected if you lose (he cannot) but he then breaks up with you.
The "themes" of his romance are supposed to allude to the different dynamics of a maso-sado/dom-sub relationship. If you push him to pursue Bhaal you are setting yourself up for a 24/7, lifelong arrangement. the relationship is reduced entirely to your sexual desire for each other, the pushing of boundaries with no limits, and constant one-upmanship. You are no longer allowed (and outwardly mocked) for displaying any tenderness that isn't sexually charged, and he will become angry with you if during your night together following the finalization of the quest you don't pick the aggressive/violent options during intimacy.
If he loses to Orin, he becomes entirely emotionally dependent on the player character, willing to bend to your every will and latch onto the PC as his new master whether or not they agree to it. He is terrified of his fate and desperately wants to please you so you don't abandon him before he loses himself. You can either take advantage of this and revel in the power you have over him, become frustrated, or demonstrate patience and try to encourage him to hold onto some individuality. You can also just kill him, which he will allow you to do through dialogue options at any point. During the romance scene that follows this path, you can only have sex if you restrain him completely first.
If he refuses Bhaal, you get yourself a quiet, cocky, but loving weirdo who enjoys play-dynamics a healthy amount but is ultimately in it because he likes you as a person. He's willing to compromise on the maso-thing as long as you don't put him down for it, and it is implied that while things may not be perfect, you are both willing to work on it through mutual understanding and patience because the relationship is based on more than just burning desire or co-dependency.
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meanbossart · 1 month
I've been loving the DU Drow as a companio asks, so I've got my own. I was wondering what kind of interactions he would have with the other companions.
More specifically, we know Astarion flirts with almost anyone (for his own reasons) and even sleeps with Bae'zel at the tiefling party if you turn him down as a player. So, since the Drow is in the group now, what would his interaction with Astarion be? Would Astarion assume him to be the strongest and best chance of survival if manipulated? Would Astarion try to sleep with the Drow the same way he would with Lae'zel?
(Regarding the companions in general) Oh I can easily see him and Shadowheart having some cute party banter, they'd poke light fun at each other and have a similarly "darkly dramatic" reaction to things. He'd easily be the most talkative with her, often initiating mundane conversations about stuff you find. I can see some dialogue between them triggering upon finding one of the many drink-stashes you come across where they discuss what they like best when it comes to wine - or what they think they like, at least, considering the state of their memories.
Gale would be eager to inquire him about drow and the underdark, and where he got his fighting prowess from, which would visibly annoy DU drow since he can't fucking remember anything LOL he'd comment about how he always thought male drow were supposed to be a little… Flimsier, prompting a response along the lines of "I suppose my mother must have fed me well. I do have quite the appetite for loud-mouths."
Gale's like :U my goodness. Point taken.
He might talk to Karlach about Avernus, being fond of the savage nature of it. He'd also ask her if "something's bothering her" and when she asks why he's asking, he comments on how she can never seem to be still for long LOL
If Jaheira joins the party later she takes an interest in him (I WONDER WHY) and they could also share a little friendly banter. DU drow ends up asking her things about Baldur's Gate and herself to fill the gaps in his memory, as well as her children. He expresses how, if he thought himself more fit for a father, he'd have some of his own. Jaheira tells him it's probably better this way.
The banter with Astarion would be pretty par for the course - a mix between being flirtatious in nature and a little passive-aggressive all at once. At some point he says he can't keep quiet about how he stinks of carrion - DU calmly tells him that it can't be helped, due to their circunstances, and that he has a pretty cadaveric perfume himself. Astarion gets offended and tells him he knows for a fact that he smells lovely - DU drow tells him those statements need not be mutually exclusive.
He'd also ask Wyll about Mizora and what it's like to be in her servitute, claiming that he "wouldn't mind doing her a few favors himself" and Wyll tries his darn best to brush that off.
Lae'zel picks on him about his, erm, unreliable state of mind and accuses DU drow of basically being a ticking-time-bomb. DU responds that he feels less like a bomb and more like a vent releasing a steady flow of noxious fumes - if that helps her sleep better at night.
He also snorts at Minthara's "jokes".
(Onto the second part of this already far-too-long reply:)
And I THINK SO, I think Astarion would take him for being more easily manipulated than Lae'zel and try his luck there instead.
Small detour: you know, I always thought it'd be neat if some of the companions formed relationships with each other if you didn't pursue them. We see friendships form but romances would be fun too - like Karlach and Shadowheart could get together if you didn't pair with either of them, and Ascended Astarion and Minthara if you happened to have that party configuration in act 3. I don't really see many of the others having that kind of chemistry, but I wouldn't want the whole camp to be in love with each other anyway lol just 1 or 2 other couples would make the party feel more autonomous.
So, in a world where that's a part of the game, I obviously would say they get together if you don't romance either (from a mechanic standpoint player still gets first dibs LOL) and that unlocks unique party banter and dialogue where you can ask them about it once per act and reveal the "status" of the relationship. In act 2 you get to comment about how they seem to "steal away" together often. Astarion implies they're obviously having sex, and that he's always wanted to "try a little drow - but a big one is even better". If you ask DU drow about it he keeps details and motivations to himself, but acknowledges that they have something going on. You can then tell him that you believe he's being used, and DU drow very nonchalantly says that "he's well aware", but that he isn't worried about it.
In Act 3, when you ask again, Astarion somewhat bashfully reveals that the drow grew on him, and if you press on about the topic he reveals that they haven't even had sex since act 1, they just do a lot of talking, as he sheepishly puts it. If you ask DU drow about it he's much more upfront in saying that they've become an item, and that he's very happy in Astarion's company.
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meanbossart · 2 months
How did your DU drow react when he got told he had to kill his spouse? and then when he went to wake up Astarion and get tied up? I think I just wanna know how your DU drow mentally/emotionally is doing during and after that part, and when talking to Astarion afterward, I'm a sucker for hearing about those deep kinds of moments (hopefully that makes sense?) Also, how did your DU react when you met Kressa Bonedaughter and learned all about what was done to him (again, I know none of the companions really comment on literally something horrible being told such a shame, honestly) but how would you say or think that Astarion and Shadowheart might have reacted hearing that info? Again, thank you for all your art and for answering these questions! PS: (I really don't care if your answer is super long; I WILL EAT IT UP)
Sooo for the first question, I wanna preface by saying that I personally don't think their relationship was that in depth yet, at that point. Yes, DU drow enjoyed Astarion's company and relied on him in a similar way which he relied on Shadowheart. And also yes, Astarion saw DU drow as the first person who ever took him and his agency seriously - but I think feelings were still in their infancy. DU drow's mind was a mess through and through; he drank constantly to keep his urge at bay, he kept his distance from everyone most of the time, and when he did seek out comfort in either Shadowheart or Astarion (the non-sexual kind, they didn't really fuck at all), it was a kind of primal instinct and desperate longing for companionship - if you asked him if he was in love with anyone, however, he would have said no.
Similarly, while I think Astarion's act 2 confession is sincere, I also think that he's being sincere when he says that he doesn't know what you are yet. You're not really a lover, but you aren't a victim, either; what you are is a person who he would rather not have to murder eventually, and as someone who has had their empathy squeezed out throughout the course of two centuries, that's meaningful enough. He may fantasize about the best case scenario for you two - but he has no expectations that whatever this is will last. But it is nice, for the time being.
So the "murder your darling" scene, rather than a proof of love and trust, is to me the turning point where:
A) DU drow has to come to terms with the fact that he doesn't have as much control over the Urge as he thought, and B) When Astarion snaps out of his care-free, just-go-with-the-flow nature around his plan and this relationship. They both realize they bit off more than they could chew and are now caught in each other's crossfire.
Which is to say that I don't read Astarion's words of comfort to him as entirely honest - specially when you compare it to certain dialogue deliveries later in the game. I think he's still, to a degree, telling you what you need to hear so that you hold out for just a bit longer and kill Cazador. You probably can't be together forever as he idly fantasized about once or twice, when he let his mind wander - but god damn it, he needs to at least be free, and it seems like you have bloodlust to spare to make that happen.
Meanwhile, DU drow finally comes to confront the fact that he is not in control. Doesn't matter how hard he tries or how much he drinks, the urge will do to him as it will, and when it wishes. It stops being fun and it gets scary, from that moment on.
But here's who did stop it: Astarion. Where alcohol fell short and his willpower failed, Astarion stepped in.
So, more interesting than the scene itself to me, is how from that point on DU drow would have no choice but put his trust entirely on the vampire to control him. He ties him up, he keeps an eye on him, he has full spoken-word permission to kill him if necessary - he is forced to be as vulnerable at humanly possible under his hand, every night. Regardless of whether or not DU drow realizes that Astarion is doing it for his own reasons, he doesnt care, because Astarion has now become his rock and his bondage - hell, if Astarion does have a reason to keep him alive that's all the better; someone else might just slit DU drow's throat and be done with the concern altogether.
And so, it's only from that point on that DU drow truly starts to see Astarion as an equal, and even a partner. He's thinking that, if his whole life has to be like this, at least he has someone who can handle it.
Astarion, meanwhile, I believe only comes to truly consider (and wish for) DU drow's freedom after he's free from Cazador - and after he bestows that freedom upon his siblings and the other spawn. That's when he finally understands the length of DU drow's devotion to him and the value of freewill as a concept- and how he wants it for both of them, instead of being content with his own.
Not to mention... I think in Astarion's mind he was 100% not going to survive Cazador LOL so when he succeeds he's like "oh shit I guess anything is fucking possible huh. Yeah fuck it lets go fight your dad, also I've decided I want you for realsies, now."
Anyways, can you believe I thought this was gonna be a short ask. Here have a doodle I made while thinking about all this bullshit:
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As for Kressa, I got an ask about that before but I can't find it now LOL to summarize; he was pissed, angered, and in a far more personal level embarrassed to have had his dirty laundry aired (AKA, victimized) in that way in front of the others - but this isn't something he would have expressed outwardly, and I think both Shadowheart and Astarion would have known better than to inquire him about it. It's not really something he would have sought out comfort for in anyone, so, I think the subject died as soon as Kressa did. In this case, their lack of commentary was completely appropriate - If they had reached out in any way (which would have been, in my opinion, completely out of character) DU drow would have shut them out with a quickness.
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