nishabringeroflaws · 6 years
“This stuff’s for babies.”
“Halloween Sentence Starters”|| accepting(At a haunted house, Rhys muse)Nisha snorted.  “Hey, you’ll get no argument from me.”  When you’d been on Pandora, fought bullymongs and rakk, battled against bizarre Eridian monsters and penetrated to the furthest depths of a Vault, it was rather hard to scare you.“This was Jack’s idea, not mine.  ‘Said you needed some ‘toughening up’.  I’d have taken ya huntin’ in Three Horns, but he thinks this is ‘bout the limit of what you can handle.”In truth Jack was probably not wrong.  She knew very little about Rhys.  He was some upjumped corporate toady who had somehow drawn Jack’s favor, but why or how was not known to her.  Probably through copious amounts of ass-kissing - Jack never could get enough of that.
“So c’mon,” she said, walking through the entrance to the haunted house.  “Let’s see how brave you are.”
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Rhys couldn’t exactly say he could know what she meant, but gave a short nod anyways. “I’m guessing a lot of leaves” he says leaning back with his hands now by his sides. “Can’t say I’ve done much field work on Pandora” he admitted looking her over once more. “What’s your name?”
“S-Sometimes.” She replied. “And well, it’s a place you really sh-should only go to if you’re prepared for gun fire and violence.” She smiled a bit, holding out her hand for him to shake. “Amiee Diaz of Research and Development. And you?” 
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♕ [Rhys] || because cute and yes ||
Send me ♕ to bump into my muse at a masquerade ball || accepting
A grand masquerade ball on Helios. This was, so far, the coolest thing she had been invited to. Back on Earth she could only dream to go to a masquerade. But somehow, on this totally different planted and gallaxy, it was happening. With a little help from her magic abilities, she had created a dark blue dress and the thing she was most proud of, a golden mask with a huge butterfly wing on one side. 
Was it over the top ? Maybe. But is there was one thing she had learned, it was the fact that everyone on this space station tried to out do the other. So here Elisa was looking around at all the other people, looking all dressed up. This was nice. Who knows, maybe the other employees would be a lot nicer now that they didn’t have to work and stress. While lost in thought the young woman bumbed into another person.
“Oh ! I’m sorry. My bad !” She quickly said, not knowing it was the person she met recently. “I wasn’t paying attention.”
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monmuses · 6 years
Send ‘SPIT IT OUT!’ and I’ll randomly generate a number. Whatever number it is, my muse will blur it out to you!
It’s gonna be a mixed bag. Go with caution!
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“ Oranges are delicious and good for you. “ Juno spoke triumphantly. “ And how do I know this? W-Well... they’re just that good. “
She then proceeded to open up an orange in her hand and quietly nibble at it.
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percurrere · 6 years
Audrey frankly has too many secrets, time to spill ‘em: Accepting
🍻- For something bad/mischievous you did as a child or teen that your parents don’t know about
[I don’t really have parents. At least, ones that give a shit about me. Though, Sometimes I would switch all of the guard’s ID badges and watch them fight over who fucked up.] 
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[Then it would get really funny when they try to unlock things and the system in the labs thinks it’s someone trying to steal classified stuff and zap them. No one died and it was entertaining to watch.... Okay a few of them died, but no one found out so I’m in the clear.] 
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cowgirl-illusions · 6 years
🎼 ~ :D
Send 🎼 for a song that reminds me of our muses. || Accepting!
I’m going to do this for Rhys and Nisha, since I haven’t interacted with your Fiona... Yet ;)
Song: Asking for It by ShinedownReason: It’s more Nisha speaking to Rhys, than about them. With her saying how he kinda asked for what he got on Pandora, via being not prepared for it and such. 
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📰 || I guess about Rhys even though they haven’t seen much of each other but by first meetings?||
Send “📰” And my muse will answer these questions about your muse! || accepting
(( THE MEME WILL STILL BE ANSWERED ! Because I like their first interaction C: ))
What is their name? 
“Rhys !”
Relationship with them? 
“So far. Things seem to be going well ! He’s seems very nice.”
What do you view them as? (family,friend,other) 
“I hope we can be friends ! He seems like a fun person to hang around. Way better then the other Hyperion workers.”
Do you feel attracted to them in any way? 
“U-Uhm…W-Wel…I don’t know…Ehehe…Next question…”
What’s one thing you’d like to do with them? 
“I would love to hang out with him at my place on Helios. We could order some pizza and have a fun movie night ! Maybe complain about the other weird empolyees on Helios.”
Tell us one memory you have with them. 
“He gave me a book which I should really start to read right now.”
Anything you’d like to ask them or state to them? If so, say it now, please! 
“Please don’t freak out about my powers…And why I’m on Helios Spacestation.”
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nishabringeroflaws · 6 years
⚖ ☠️
“Munday Meme Extraordinaire” || accepting
⚔ - NOTP with your muse?
I will not ship Moxxi and Nisha.  Moxxi’s betrayal and attempted killing of her on Elpis ranks as one of the most traumatic events of the muse’s life, and years later she’s still dealing with the scars of that.  Even seeing Moxxi will send Nisha into a fury as the betrayal and hurt rises to the surface all over again.
⚖ - Opinions on the fandom your muse blong to?
I think it’s pretty awesome..  I may have problems with individual people, but I can’t say I’ve had any problems that are indicative of a problem with the overall fandom.
☠ - Do you think you’d survive a zombie apocalypse? Hopefully my sword skills will have advanced to a point where I can sort of muddle through it.  Whether it would be any kind of life worth living is another question. XD
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nishabringeroflaws · 6 years
“Getting to Know the Character meme” || accepting
📬 - A mysterious letter has just been found in their mailbox.  How does your character react?  Who would it be from?
Her first reaction would be suspicion.  Her line of work has conditioned her to be rather paranoid, so her impulsive thinking would be that it’s some sort of attempt to get at her (like a bomb or disease).  Once she’d convinced herself it was otherwise, she’d gingerly open it expecting some sort of horrible bad news, like a bill or some sort of legal thing.  Then when she saw it was friendly she’d be like “omg people actually care about me,” though she’d still be suspicious it was someone trying to just yank her chain.It’d be from Tim.  
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percurrere · 6 years
@companyxandxcon from {X}
Audrey does remember vaguely a ball-shaped bot passing by. Though, she wasn’t one to get involved in their business. If Hyperion was looking for it, she’d doubt it was for a good reason. 
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[Haven’t seen it. You know us bandits, just got some bad memory, right?] She’s used to the underestimation. It can become an advantage. No one really expects her to be a fighter, or much of anything other than a scrounging, bandit. It’s not hard to play off her look of vague disgust and annoyance for the company man as just Pandoran tradition of hating Hyperion. Even with her own personal vendetta. 
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